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Validating our GEOS port

Fine-grain numerical validation: Translate test

Using Serialbox to output test data and the translate test infrastructure of ndsl we can make numerical regression test, known as Translate test.

This documentation is based on the work done at AI2 to do the original port FV3 dycore, which is still available:

Example FillQZero from moist physics

We are going to port the following simple subroutine.

  subroutine FILLQ2ZERO1( Q, MASS, FILLQ  )
    real, dimension(:,:,:),   intent(inout)  :: Q
    real, dimension(:,:,:),   intent(in)     :: MASS
    real, dimension(:,:),     intent(  out)  :: FILLQ
    integer                                  :: IM,JM,LM
    integer                                  :: I,J,K,L
    real                                     :: TPW, NEGTPW
    ! Fills in negative q values in a mass conserving way.
    ! Conservation of TPW was checked.
    IM = SIZE( Q, 1 )
    JM = SIZE( Q, 2 )
    LM = SIZE( Q, 3 )
    do j=1,JM
       do i=1,IM
          TPW = SUM( Q(i,j,:)*MASS(i,j,:) )
          NEGTPW = 0.
          do l=1,LM
             if ( Q(i,j,l) < 0.0 ) then
                NEGTPW   = NEGTPW + ( Q(i,j,l)*MASS( i,j,l ) )
                Q(i,j,l) = 0.0
          do l=1,LM
             if ( Q(i,j,l) >= 0.0 ) then
                Q(i,j,l) = Q(i,j,l)*( 1.0+NEGTPW/(TPW-NEGTPW) )
          FILLQ(i,j) = -NEGTPW
       end do
    end do
  end subroutine FILLQ2ZERO1

Generate data using serialbox

  1. First we need to annotate the Fortran on a relevant call with serialbox.

⚠️ Some serializer code has been omitted for simplification ⚠️

!$ser savepoint FILLQ2ZERO-In
!$ser data q=RAD_QV
!$ser data mass=MASS
!$ser data fillq=TMP2D
!$ser savepoint FILLQ2ZERO-Out

It's easier to keep a *.F90.ser version of the file with serialization, because the system will generate the F90 that needs to be compiled.

Turn the annotated code to proper fortran using

python /PATH_TO_SERIALBOX/src/serialbox-python/pp_ser/ ./microphysics.F90.ser >| ./microphysics.F90

This will dump two netcdf when running a simulation:

  • FILLQZERO-In.nc4
  • FILLQZERO-Out.nc4

For the translate test the naming convention is that the -In and -Out exists, and the string before will be the name of the test.

  1. Turn the raw Fortran to NETCDF

A script existing in the original fv3gfs-fortran source used for the original port.

Testing the ported code

In ndsl we structure the code using classes that wraps all relevant stencils and in-between code from a scientific standpoint. FillQZero would be part of the microphysics code, for simplicity we will write it as a standalone class.


In ndsl, because we code generate and optimize across code, your code structure does not impact the performance and should be as readable as possible.

⚠️ Some ndsl code has been omitted for simplification ⚠️

Ported code looks as follows

from ndsl import StencilFactory, QuantityFactory
from ndsl.dsl.typing import Float, FloatField, FloatFieldIJ, IntFieldIJ

def fill_q_zero_stencil(q:FloatField, mass: FloatField, fillq: FloatFieldIJ, tpw:FloatFieldIJ)
    with computation(PARALLEL), interval(...):
        neg_tpw = 0.
        if q < 0:
            neg_tpw = neg_tpw + q*mass
            q = 0
        if q >= 0
            q = q * (1+neg_tpw/(tpw_negtpw))
        fillq = -neg_tpw

class FillQZero:
    def __init__(stencil_factory: StencilFactory, quantity_factory: QuantityFactory):
        self._tpw = quantity_factory.zeros(
            [X_DIM, Y_DIM],
        self._fillq = quantity_factory.zeros(
            [X_DIM, Y_DIM],
        self._fill_q_zero = stencil_factory.from_dims_halo(
            compute_dims=[X_DIM, Y_DIM, Z_DIM],

    def __call__(
        q: FloatField,
        mass: FloatField,
        # This is not a stencil code, so we do it outside
        self._tpw = np.sum(q, 3) 
        # Call stencil code
  1. Make a Translate test

Write a

from ndsl import Namelist, StencilFactory
from fill_q_zero import FillQZero
from ndsl.testing.translate import TranslateFortranData2Py

class TranslateFillQZero(TranslateFortranData2Py):
    def __init__(
        namelist: Namelist,
        stencil_factory: StencilFactory,
        super().__init__(grid, namelist, stencil_factory)
        self.compute_func = FillQZero(

    def compute_from_storage(self, inputs):
        return inputs
  1. Run

The above uses the pytest system under the hood, therefore the command is using pytest.

pytest \
    -v -s --data_path=/PATH/TO/DATA_DIR \
    --backend=numpy --which_modules=FillQZero \
    --threshold_overrides_file=/PATH/TO/threshold.yaml \

Scientific Validation: plotting

The diagnostics output of GEOS is driven by the HISTORY.rc files. The output is a well formed Netcdf4 file with relevant comments and units. Those are the basis for the large GEOS products.

tcn package


Automatic plotting system with default to match GEOS needs. See tcn-plots command.

Discover Jupyter and tcn package

In order to quickly check results we have developed a tcn.plots and made it available as part of a Jupyter notebook on Discover. That way, plotting results can be done on the HPC directly, removing the need for downloading the data.

Basic howto

  • Get IT access (talk to Florian)
  • On the Hub use the smt-tcn conda kernel
  • Code:
import as pio
pio.renderers.default = 'iframe' #required for display

from tcn.plots.geos.plot_via_plotly import plot
import xarray as xr

d = xr.open_mfdataset("/path/to/dump.nc4")
var = "U"

f = plot(dataset=d, variable=var, write=False)

As of 24.01 the tcn package version is the unreleased develop version of fdeconinck