Backend overview
Backend work is split into multiple repositories, each having their quirks to work with. In particular,
- NDSL - Pulls everything together and exposes "the DSL". In particular, orchestration code lives in this repository.
- GT4Py - The component that defines the frontend, has all the intermediate representations (IR) and dispatches to multiple backends.
- DaCe - Data-driven optimization framework used in GT4Py as performance backend. Full program optimizer driving orchestration.
Backend workflows
There's two main workflows for the backend depending on which part model code is targeted for transpiling. The backend can either work
- on a stencil level, known as GridTools or
stencil workflow
- or on the full program, known as
orchestration workflow
The orchestration workflow
wraps the stencil workflow
and extends transpiling to the python code in-between the stencils. This allows for more analysis (e.g. in the DaCe backends) and lowers that launch overhead for (small) stencils.
Stencil workflow diagram
Orchestration workflow diagram
GT4Py / DaCe bridge
DaCe provides two high-performance backends in the GT4Py backend; one for CPU, and one for GPU. The code that "converts" GT4Py's "Optimization IR" (OIR) to DaCe SDFGs is commonly know as "the bridge", see GT4Py/Dace bridge.