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General coding guidelines

This page documents very general coding guidelines as emerged from team discussions.


In case you are contributing to downstream repositories such as GT4Py or DaCe, be sure to comply with their coding guidelines.

string concatenation

Prefer f-strings over any other method of concatenation strings.

String concatenation with f-strings
my_world = "world"
greeting = "Hello"
concatenated_string = "f{greeting} {my_world}"

Rationale: Florian likes this way and nobody else had a strong opinion.

pytest: raises vs. xfail vs. skip

In short:

  • use pytest.raises to check that we raise an exception if the user makes a mistake, e.g. to check that for a program with syntax error we raise an exception.
  • use xfail to indicate that a test fails, but should be supported, e.g. because we are missing a feature (or missing a feature for a certain backend).
  • use skip to indicate that under a certain condition the test doesn't make sense.

That means: skip and pytest.raises are used in bugfree cases, xfails are the ones that should be fixed. Further reading in the pytest docs.

Rationale: Established standard in the ecosystem and actively promoted by the pytest documentation.