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2024 - 2026: Proving NDSL for GEOS

The Software Modernization team proposes a two-year plan to prove the NDSL technology at scale on NASA's GEOS flagship model. The timeline of the project goes as follows:

        title 24-26 Project
        section Milestone 1 (M1) <br> 
           August 24 : Project kickoff : M1 tasklist frozen
           November 24: [16-22 November] <br> All team attends SC24
           December 24: [9-13 December] <br> Two team members attends AGU24
           January 25 : M1 Review : Dynamical core FP-ready : Moist physics validating : CPU performance progress : Target metrics refined and documented
        section Milestone 2 (M2) <br> 
          February 25 : M2 tasklist frozen
          July 25 : M2 Review : Integrated and accelerated moist physics : CPU Performance : TBD...
        section Milestone 3 (M3) <br> 
          August 25 : M3 tasklist frozen
          January 26 : M3 Review : TBD...
        section Milestone 4 (M4) <br> 
          January 26 : M4 tasklist frozen
          August 26 : M4 Review: Full project post-mortem : TBD...

Kanban board and full project breakdown available on Github project.

Any questions please email:

The work is divided in 4 6-months milestone. As part of Milestone 1 (M1) the team as defined science targets and HPC metrics that'll be reviewed for each benchmark.

Publicly presented results

Relevant previous and surrounding work

  • Validation and benchmark of the Pace model, leading to the 24-26 project at NASA.