Science targets
In collaboration with the GMAO we have identified two scenarios to cover weather and climate simulations pragmatically and one moonshot to push the envelop given adequate previous success and resources.
Forward Processing Weather (GEOS-FP)
- Configuration
- 8.5 km horizontal resolution (C1120)
- 191 atmospheric levels
- No Data Assimilation (DA)
- All physics
All tracers
- Fortran/Python hybrid
Dynamics and moist physics under NDSL
Expected performance
- GPU: 2 – 2.5x speed up
- CPU: within 15%
CO2 Climate
- Configuration
- 3 km horizontal resolution (C3072)
- 191 atmospheric levels
- No Data Assimilation (DA)
- All physics minus Grell-Freitas Convection
All tracers
- Fortran/Python hybrid
Dynamics, moist physics and gases chemistry (GOCART) under NDSL
- Currently 15-20 SDPD on 200 nodes of NCCS’s Discover, we want to reach 30 SDPD
Moonshot: CO2 Climate at 1 SYPD
Same configuration as the CO2 Climate
scenario but we scale up to reach 1 Simulated Year per Day or 365 SDPD.
This will most likely require a large allocation of GPUs at best, more code porting at worst (which in the later case will probably make it our of reach of our timeline).