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Schedule tree - DaCe version

In the context of schedule trees, facing time pressure and spill-over from Milestone 1, we decided to write the back transformation from schedule trees to SDFGs against the v1/maintenance branch of DaCe to minify up-front cost and deliver CPU performance as part of Milestone 2. We considered updating to the mainline version of DaCe and accept follow-up cost to rewrite part of the transformation once DaCe v2 releases.


Milestone 1 didn't exactly turn out as we hoped and we were left we a bunch of tasks spilling over into Milestone 2. At the end of this milestone, we'd like to have comparable performance numbers on CPU runs.

We blame much of the slowness of the current CPU version on macro-level optimizations that were hard-coded into the FORTRAN codebase, e.g. pushing the k-loop all the way out to the border of D_SW. To solve these performance challenges, we rely on the schedule tree representation to do that work automatically as part of a transformation in DaCe-land. This requires building the transformation back from schedule tress to SDFGs. DaCe is moving fast with breaking changes on main compared to the released v1.x versions. We thus had to answer the question if we should update to mainline DaCe first or build a first version against v1.x.


We chose to build a first version of the schedule tree to SDFG back-transformation against the v1.x version of DaCe.


  • We'll be able to code against a familiar API (same as the gt4py/dace bridge) and thus hope to get results faster.
  • We won't be able to merge into v1.x.

Alternatives considered

Update to DaCe mainline first

  • Good because mainline DaCe is accepting new features while v1.x is closed for new feature development.
  • Bad because it incurs an up-front cost (we'd need to update the gt4py/dace bridge) and we are trying to minimize up-front cost to get results fast.
  • Bad because we aren't trained to use the new control flow graphs (CFG).
  • Bad because we heard that DaCe mainline isn't stable at the moment.
