
ProgramSource FileDescription
CapDriver_Main CapDriver.F90
checkpoint_tester restart_simulator.F90
checkpoint_tester checkpoint_simulator.F90
comp_testing_driver Comp_Testing_Driver.F90
ExtData_Driver ExtDataDriver.F90
geos GEOS.F90
main pfio_server_demo.F90
main pfio_collective_demo.F90

sanity check

main support_for_mpi_ierror_keyword.F90
main cub2latlon_regridder.F90
main gc_run.F90
main support_for_assumed_type.F90
main MAPL_demo_fargparse.F90
main pfio_read_write_1d_string_example.F90
main support_for_c_loc_assumed_size.F90
main support_for_mpi_alloc_mem_cptr.F90
main pfio_open_close.F90
main driver.F90
main driver.F90
main demo.F90
main pfio_performance.F90
main pfio_ctest_io.F90
main pfio_writer.F90
main pfio_MAPL_demo.F90

Program to write out several records of 2D & 3D geolocated variables in a netCDF file. It mimics the prgramming steps of MAPL_Cap and can be used as reference to implement PFIO in a non-GEOS model.

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main driver.F90
main driver.F90
main mpi_demo.F90
Regrid_Util Regrid_Util.F90
test testr_gd.f90
test benchmark_bin.F90
test testr_st.f90
test testr_gd_wr.f90
test testw_ex2.f90
test testw2.f90
test testw_st.f90
test testr.f90
test testw_ex1.f90
test testw3.f90
test testw_ex5.f90
test benchmark_sdf.F90
test testw_ex4.f90
test testw_ex3.f90
testbin testbin.F90
testhorz testhorz.F90
time_ave time_ave_util.F90
tstqsat tstqsat.F90
ut_ExtData ut_ExtData.F90
ut_ReGridding mapl_bundleio_test.F90
utCFIO utCFIO_Array.F90
utCFIO utCFIO_Bundle.F90
utCFIO utCFIO_Nbits.F90
utDistIO utDistIO.F90
utDownBit utDownBit.F90