subroutine FieldPow(field_out,field_in,expo,rc)
type(ESMF_Field), intent(inout) :: field_out
type(ESMF_Field), intent(inout) :: field_in
real, intent(in) :: expo
integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
real(kind = ESMF_Kind_R4), allocatable :: undef_r4(:)
real(kind = ESMF_Kind_R8), allocatable :: undef_r8(:)
type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag) :: tk_in, tk_out
real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer :: ptr_r4_in(:),ptr_r4_out(:)
real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer :: ptr_r8_in(:),ptr_r8_out(:)
integer :: status
logical :: has_undef,conformable
type(ESMF_Field) :: fields(2)
conformable = FieldsAreConformable(field_in,field_out,_RC)
_ASSERT(conformable,"Fields passed power function are not conformable")
fields(1) = field_in
fields(2) = field_out
has_undef = FieldsHaveUndef(fields,_RC)
call ESMF_FieldGet(field_in,typekind=tk_in,_RC)
call ESMF_FieldGet(field_out,typekind=tk_out,_RC)
_ASSERT(tk_in == tk_out, "For now input and output field must be of same type for a field function")
if (tk_in == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then
call assign_fptr(field_in,ptr_r4_in,_RC)
call assign_fptr(field_out,ptr_r4_out,_RC)
if (has_undef) then
call GetFieldsUndef(fields,undef_r4,_RC)
where(ptr_r4_in /= undef_r4(1))
ptr_r4_out = ptr_r4_in**expo
ptr_r4_out = undef_r4(2)
end where
ptr_r4_out = ptr_r4_in**expo
end if
else if (tk_in == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8) then
call assign_fptr(field_in,ptr_r8_in,_RC)
call assign_fptr(field_out,ptr_r8_out,_RC)
if (has_undef) then
call GetFieldsUndef(fields,undef_r8,_RC)
where(ptr_r8_in /= undef_r8(1))
ptr_r8_out = ptr_r8_in**expo
ptr_r8_out = undef_r8(2)
end where
ptr_r8_out = ptr_r8_in**expo
end if
_FAIL('unsupported typekind')
end if
end subroutine FieldPow