Nodes of different colours represent the following:
Solid arrows point from a procedure to one which it calls. Dashed
arrows point from an interface to procedures which implement that interface.
This could include the module procedures in a generic interface or the
implementation in a submodule of an interface in a parent module.
Where possible, edges connecting nodes are
given different colours to make them easier to distinguish in
large graphs.
Nodes of different colours represent the following:
Solid arrows point from a procedure to one which it calls. Dashed
arrows point from an interface to procedures which implement that interface.
This could include the module procedures in a generic interface or the
implementation in a submodule of an interface in a parent module.
Where possible, edges connecting nodes are
given different colours to make them easier to distinguish in
large graphs.
Source Code
function GridCase_local(nx,ny,im_world,jm_world,lon_range,lat_range,default_decomposition,ims,jms,lons,lats)result(param)integer,intent(in)::nx,nyinteger,intent(in)::im_world,jm_worldtype(RealMinMax),intent(in)::lon_range,lat_rangelogical,intent(in)::default_decompositioninteger,intent(in)::ims(:),jms(:)real,intent(in)::lons(:),lats(:)! in degreestype(GridCase)::paramparam%nx=nxparam%ny=nyparam%im_world=im_worldparam%jm_world=jm_worldparam%dateline='XY'param%lon_range=lon_rangeparam%pole='XY'param%lat_range=lat_rangeparam%default_decomposition=default_decompositionparam%ims=imsparam%jms=jmsparam%lons=lonsparam%lats=latscall param%setNumPETsRequested(nx*ny)end function GridCase_local