– Perfom the domain decomposition
subroutine perform_domain_deposition() integer, allocatable :: proc_sizes(:) !------------------------------------------------ ! ---> Perform domain decomposition for the model !------------------------------------------------ ! determine the number of processors in each direction ALLOCATE(proc_sizes(1:num_dims)) call decompose_proc(npes, proc_sizes) NX = proc_sizes(1) NY = proc_sizes(2) DEALLOCATE(proc_sizes) ! determine the number of grid points each processor will have along the x-direction allocate(points_per_procX(0:NX-1)) call decompose_dim(IM_WORLD, points_per_procX, NX) ! determine the number of grid points each processor will have along the y-direction allocate(points_per_procY(0:NY-1)) call decompose_dim(JM_WORLD, points_per_procY, NY) allocate(map_proc(0:NX-1, 0:NY-1)) allocate(map_domainX(0:NX-1, 0:NY-1, 2)) allocate(map_domainY(0:NX-1, 0:NY-1, 2)) ! determime the grid local domain corners with respect to the global domain call mapping_domain(map_proc, map_domainX, map_domainY, & points_per_procX, points_per_procY, NX, NY, & pe_id, global_indexX, global_indexY) i1 = global_indexX(1) i2 = global_indexX(2) j1 = global_indexY(1) j2 = global_indexY(2) k1 = 1 k2 = KM_WORLD print '(a7,i5,a5,4i5)', 'pe_id: ', pe_id, '-->', i1, i2, j1, j2 end subroutine perform_domain_deposition