#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" #include "unused_dummy.H" module pFIO_AbstractServerMod use MAPL_Profiler use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use pFIO_ConstantsMod use pFIO_AbstractDataReferenceMod use pFIO_AbstractDataReferenceVectorMod use pFIO_ShmemReferenceMod use gFTL_StringInteger64Map use pFIO_AbstractMessageMod use pFIO_CollectiveStageDataMessageMod use pFIO_RDMAReferenceMod use pFIO_DummyMessageMod use pFIO_MessageVectorMod use mpi implicit none private public :: AbstractServer public :: ioserver_profiler type (DistributedProfiler), pointer :: ioserver_profiler=>null() integer,parameter,public :: MAX_SERVER_NODES_NUM = 100000 integer,parameter,public :: MSIZE_ID = - MAX_SERVER_NODES_NUM integer,parameter,public :: UNALLOCATED = -100 integer,parameter,public :: PENDING = -200 type,abstract :: AbstractServer integer :: comm ! of all server processes integer :: rank ! rank in all server processes integer :: npes ! number of processes of the server integer :: status ! counter, UNALLOCATED, PENDING logical :: all_backlog_is_empty = .true. integer :: num_clients = 0 logical :: terminate integer :: InNode_Comm ! communicator in a node integer :: InNode_npes ! number of processes in a node, it may differ across server nodes integer :: InNode_Rank ! rank in a node integer :: NodeRoot_Comm! communicator of server nodes' roots integer :: Node_Num ! number of server nodes integer :: Node_Rank ! rank of server nodes ! save info about which process belongs to which node ! all processes keep this info integer,allocatable :: Node_Ranks(:) type(StringInteger64Map) :: prefetch_offset type(StringInteger64Map) :: stage_offset logical , allocatable :: serverthread_done_msgs(:) type(AbstractDataReferenceVector) :: dataRefPtrs contains procedure :: init procedure(start),deferred :: start procedure(get_dmessage), deferred :: get_dmessage procedure(clear_RequestHandle), deferred :: clear_RequestHandle procedure(set_collective_request), deferred :: set_collective_request procedure(create_remote_win), deferred :: create_remote_win procedure :: get_status procedure :: set_status procedure :: update_status procedure :: clean_up procedure :: set_AllBacklogIsEmpty procedure :: get_AllBacklogIsEmpty procedure :: get_DataReference procedure :: add_DataReference procedure :: clear_DataReference procedure :: I_am_NodeRoot procedure :: I_am_ServerRoot procedure :: receive_output_data procedure :: put_DataToFile procedure :: get_DataFromMem procedure :: am_I_reading_PE procedure :: get_writing_PE procedure :: distribute_task procedure :: get_communicator procedure :: report_profile end type AbstractServer abstract interface subroutine start(this, rc) use pFIO_AbstractSocketVectorMod import AbstractServer class(AbstractServer),target,intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc end subroutine start subroutine clear_RequestHandle(this, rc) import AbstractServer class(AbstractServer),target,intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc end subroutine clear_RequestHandle subroutine set_collective_request(this, request, have_done) import AbstractServer class(AbstractServer),target,intent(inout) :: this logical, intent(in) :: request, have_done end subroutine set_collective_request function get_dmessage(this, rc) result(dmessage) import AbstractServer import AbstractMessage class (AbstractServer), target, intent(in) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc class(AbstractMessage), pointer :: dmessage end function subroutine create_remote_win(this,rc) import AbstractServer class(AbstractServer),target,intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc end subroutine create_remote_win end interface contains subroutine init(this,comm, port_name, profiler_name, with_profiler, rc) class (AbstractServer),intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: comm character(*), intent(in) :: port_name character(*), optional, intent(in) :: profiler_name logical, optional, intent(in) :: with_profiler integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: ierror, MyColor character(len=:), allocatable :: p_name this%comm = comm call MPI_Comm_rank(this%comm, this%rank, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) call MPI_Comm_size(this%comm, this%npes, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) this%num_clients = 0 this%all_backlog_is_empty = .true. this%status = UNALLOCATED call MPI_Comm_split_type(this%comm, MPI_COMM_TYPE_SHARED, 0, MPI_INFO_NULL, this%InNode_Comm,ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) call MPI_Comm_size(this%InNode_Comm, this%InNode_npes,ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) call MPI_Comm_rank(this%InNode_Comm, this%InNode_Rank,ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) MyColor = 0 if (this%InNode_Rank == 0) MyColor = 1 call MPI_COMM_SPLIT( comm, MyColor, this%rank, this%NodeRoot_Comm, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) if (MyColor==0) then this%NodeRoot_Comm=MPI_COMM_NULL else call MPI_COMM_SIZE(this%NodeRoot_Comm, this%Node_Num, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) call MPI_COMM_RANK(this%NodeRoot_Comm, this%Node_Rank, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) endif call Mpi_Bcast(this%Node_Rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, this%InNode_Comm, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) call Mpi_Bcast(this%Node_Num, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, this%InNode_Comm, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) allocate(This%Node_Ranks(0:this%npes-1)) call Mpi_AllGather(this%Node_Rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & this%Node_Ranks, 1, MPI_INTEGER, comm,ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) if (present(profiler_name)) then p_name = profiler_name else p_name = port_name endif if (present(with_profiler)) then if (with_profiler) then if (.not. associated(ioserver_profiler)) then allocate(ioserver_profiler, source = DistributedProfiler(p_name, MpiTimerGauge(), comm)) call ioserver_profiler%start() endif endif endif call MPI_Barrier(comm, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine init function get_status(this) result(status) class(AbstractServer),intent(in) :: this integer :: status !$omp critical (counter_status) status = this%status !$omp end critical (counter_status) end function get_status subroutine set_status(this,status) class(AbstractServer),intent(inout) :: this integer,intent(in) :: status !$omp critical (counter_status) this%status = status ! llvm-flang has an issue with omp flush of complex data structures #if !defined(__flang__) !$omp flush (this) #endif !$omp end critical (counter_status) end subroutine set_status subroutine update_status(this, rc) class(AbstractServer),intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status type(StringInteger64MapIterator) :: iter !$omp critical (counter_status) this%status = this%status -1 status = this%status ! llvm-flang has an issue with omp flush of complex data structures #if !defined(__flang__) !$omp flush (this) #endif !$omp end critical (counter_status) if (status /= 0) then _RETURN(_SUCCESS) endif ! status ==0, means the last server thread in the backlog call this%clear_DataReference() call this%clear_RequestHandle(_RC) call this%set_status(UNALLOCATED) call this%set_AllBacklogIsEmpty(.true.) iter = this%prefetch_offset%begin() do while (iter /= this%prefetch_offset%end()) call this%prefetch_offset%erase(iter) iter = this%prefetch_offset%begin() enddo iter = this%stage_offset%begin() do while (iter /= this%stage_offset%end()) call this%stage_offset%erase(iter) iter = this%stage_offset%begin() enddo this%serverthread_done_msgs(:) = .false. _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine update_status subroutine clean_up(this, rc) class(AbstractServer), target, intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc type(StringInteger64MapIterator) :: iter integer :: status if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%start("clean_up") call this%clear_DataReference() Call this%clear_RequestHandle(_RC) call this%set_AllBacklogIsEmpty(.true.) this%serverthread_done_msgs(:) = .false. iter = this%prefetch_offset%begin() do while (iter /= this%prefetch_offset%end()) call this%prefetch_offset%erase(iter) iter = this%prefetch_offset%begin() enddo iter = this%stage_offset%begin() do while (iter /= this%stage_offset%end()) call this%stage_offset%erase(iter) iter = this%stage_offset%begin() enddo if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%stop("clean_up") _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine clean_up function get_AllBacklogIsEmpty(this) result(status) class(AbstractServer),intent(in) :: this logical :: status !$omp critical (backlog_status) status = this%all_backlog_is_empty !$omp end critical (backlog_status) end function get_AllBacklogIsEmpty subroutine set_AllBacklogIsEmpty(this,status) class(AbstractServer),intent(inout) :: this logical :: status !$omp critical (backlog_status) this%all_backlog_is_empty = status ! llvm-flang has an issue with omp flush of complex data structures #if !defined(__flang__) !$omp flush (this) #endif !$omp end critical (backlog_status) end subroutine set_AllBacklogIsEmpty function I_am_NodeRoot(this) result (yes) class (AbstractServer), intent(in) :: this logical :: yes yes = (this%NodeRoot_Comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) end function function I_am_ServerRoot(this) result (yes) class (AbstractServer), intent(in) :: this logical :: yes yes = (this%rank == 0) end function I_am_ServerRoot subroutine receive_output_data(this, rc) class (AbstractServer),target, intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc _FAIL(" no action of receive_output_data") _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) end subroutine receive_output_data subroutine put_DataToFile(this, rc) class (AbstractServer),target, intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc _FAIL(" no action of server_put_DataToFile") _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) end subroutine put_DataToFile subroutine get_DataFromMem(this,multi, rc) class (AbstractServer),target, intent(inout) :: this logical, intent(in) :: multi integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc _FAIL(" no action of server_get_DataFromMem") _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) _UNUSED_DUMMY(multi) end subroutine get_DataFromMem function am_I_reading_PE(this,id) result (yes) class(AbstractServer),intent(in) :: this integer, intent(in) :: id integer :: node_rank,innode_rank logical :: yes call this%distribute_task(id, node_rank,innode_rank) yes = (node_rank == this%Node_Rank) .and. & (innode_rank == this%InNode_Rank) end function am_I_reading_PE ! distribute the task (id) to a specific process (node_rank, innode_rank) subroutine distribute_task(this,id, node_rank, innode_rank) class(AbstractServer),intent(in) :: this integer, intent(in) :: id integer,intent(out) :: node_rank,innode_rank integer :: rank innode_rank = mod(id, this%InNode_npes) rank = mod(id, this%npes) node_rank = this%Node_Ranks(rank) _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) end subroutine distribute_task function get_writing_PE(this,id) result (rank) class(AbstractServer),intent(in) :: this integer, intent(in) :: id integer :: rank integer :: rank_tmp, ierror, rc integer :: node_rank,innode_rank logical :: yes node_rank = mod(id-1,this%node_num) innode_rank = mod(id-1,this%innode_npes) yes = (node_rank == this%Node_Rank) .and. & (innode_rank == this%InNode_Rank) rank_tmp = 0 rank = 0 if (yes) rank_tmp = this%rank call Mpi_Allreduce(rank_tmp,rank,1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, this%comm, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) end function get_writing_PE function get_DataReference(this, ith) result(DataRef) class (AbstractServer),target, intent(in) :: this integer,optional, intent(in) :: ith class(AbstractDataReference),pointer :: DataRef integer :: i i=1 if(present(ith)) i = ith DataRef => this%dataRefPtrs%at(i) end function get_DataReference subroutine add_DataReference(this,DataRef) class (AbstractServer), intent(inout) :: this class(AbstractDataReference),target,intent(in) :: DataRef call this%dataRefPtrs%push_back(DataRef) call this%set_status(this%num_clients) end subroutine add_DataReference subroutine clear_DataReference(this) class (AbstractServer), target, intent(inout) :: this class (AbstractDataReference), pointer :: datarefPtr integer :: n, i n = this%dataRefPtrs%size() do i = 1, n dataRefPtr => this%dataRefPtrs%at(i) call dataRefPtr%deallocate() enddo call this%dataRefPtrs%erase(this%dataRefPtrs%begin(), this%dataRefPtrs%end()) end subroutine clear_DataReference integer function get_communicator(this) result(communicator) class (AbstractServer), intent(in) :: this communicator = this%comm end function get_communicator subroutine report_profile(this, rc ) class (AbstractServer), intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent( out) :: RC ! Error code: character(:), allocatable :: report_lines(:) type (ProfileReporter) :: reporter character(1) :: empty(0) integer :: i, status if ( .not. associated(ioserver_profiler)) then _RETURN(_SUCCESS) endif call ioserver_profiler%stop(_RC) call ioserver_profiler%reduce() reporter = ProfileReporter(empty) call reporter%add_column(NameColumn(20)) call reporter%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('Inclusive','(f10.2)', 10, InclusiveColumn('MEAN'))) call reporter%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('% Incl','(f6.2)', 6, PercentageColumn(InclusiveColumn('MEAN'),'MAX'))) call reporter%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('Exclusive','(f10.2)', 10, ExclusiveColumn('MEAN'))) call reporter%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('% Excl','(f6.2)', 6, PercentageColumn(ExclusiveColumn('MEAN')))) call reporter%add_column(FormattedTextColumn(' Max Excl)','(f10.2)', 10, ExclusiveColumn('MAX'))) call reporter%add_column(FormattedTextColumn(' Min Excl)','(f10.2)', 10, ExclusiveColumn('MIN'))) call reporter%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('Max PE)','(1x,i4.4,1x)', 6, ExclusiveColumn('MAX_PE'))) call reporter%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('Min PE)','(1x,i4.4,1x)', 6, ExclusiveColumn('MIN_PE'))) report_lines = reporter%generate_report(ioserver_profiler) if (this%rank == 0) then write(*,'(a)')'Final io_server profile' write(*,'(a)')'=============' do i = 1, size(report_lines) write(*,'(a)') report_lines(i) end do write(*,'(a)') '' end if deallocate(ioserver_profiler) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine report_profile end module pFIO_AbstractServerMod