!usage !mpirun -np 84 ./pfio_performace.x -nc 54 -nso 1 -ncol 4 -v T,U,V -s mpi ! 54 + 1*28 < 84 . The left over if for i-server !The variable should be 4d with lavel>=20 #include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" #include "unused_dummy.H" module performace_CLI use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use pFIO use gFTL_StringVector use gFTL_StringIntegerMap implicit none private public :: CommandLineOptions public :: process_command_line public :: DirectoryServicePointer type CommandLineOptions character(len=:), allocatable :: file_1, file_2 type (StringVector) :: requested_variables integer :: npes_client integer :: nodes_oserver integer :: num_collection logical :: debug character(len=:),allocatable :: server_type ! 'mpi' or 'openmp' end type CommandLineOptions type DirectoryServicePointer class(AbstractDirectoryService),pointer :: dsPtr=>null() end type integer, public :: c1,c2,c3,c4,c0 contains ! The following procedure parses the command line to find various ! arguments for file names, target grid resolution, etc. subroutine process_command_line(options, rc) type (CommandLineOptions), intent(inout) :: options integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: n_args integer :: i_arg character(len=:), allocatable :: argument character(len=:), allocatable :: buffer n_args = command_argument_count() i_arg = 0 do if (i_arg > n_args) exit argument = get_next_argument() select case (argument) case ('-nc', '--npes_client') buffer = get_next_argument() _ASSERT(buffer /= '-', "too many -") read(buffer,*) options%npes_client case ('-nso', '--nodes_oserver') buffer = get_next_argument() _ASSERT(buffer /= '-',"too many -") read(buffer,*) options%nodes_oserver case ('-ncol', '--num_collection') buffer = get_next_argument() _ASSERT(buffer /= '-',"too many -") read(buffer,*) options%num_collection case ('-f1', '--file_1') options%file_1 = get_next_argument() _ASSERT(options%file_1(1:1) /= '-',"too many -") case ('-f2', '--file_2') options%file_2 = get_next_argument() _ASSERT(options%file_2(1:1) /= '-',"too many -") case ('-v', '--var') buffer = get_next_argument() _ASSERT(buffer(1:1) /= '-',"too many -") options%requested_variables = parse_vars(buffer) case ('-s', '--server_type') options%server_type = get_next_argument() _ASSERT(options%server_type /= '-',"too many -") case ('-d', '--debug') options%debug = .true. case default ! ignore end select end do contains function get_next_argument() result(argument) character(len=:), allocatable :: argument integer :: length i_arg = i_arg + 1 call get_command_argument(i_arg, length=length) allocate(character(len=length) :: argument) call get_command_argument(i_arg, value=argument) end function get_next_argument function parse_vars(buffer) result(vars) type (StringVector) :: vars character(len=*), intent(in) :: buffer integer :: idx character(len=1), parameter :: COMMA = ',' character(len=:), allocatable :: string string = buffer // COMMA do if (len(string) == 0) exit idx = index(string,COMMA) call vars%push_back(string(1:idx-1)) string = string(idx+1:) end do end function parse_vars end subroutine process_command_line end module performace_CLI module FakeHistDataMod use performace_CLI use pFIO use gFTL_StringVector use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_f_pointer, c_loc use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: REAL32, REAL64 use mpi implicit none private public :: FakeHistData type FakeBundle real(kind=REAL32), allocatable :: x(:,:,:,:,:) integer :: request_id end type FakeBundle type FakeHistData type (ClientThread) :: i_c type (ClientThread) :: o_c type (ClientThreadVector) :: ic_vec type (ClientThreadVector) :: oc_vec integer, allocatable :: hist_collection_ids(:) character(len=:), allocatable :: file_1 character(len=:), allocatable :: file_2 type (StringVector) :: vars type (FakeBundle), allocatable :: bundle(:) integer :: num_collection integer :: comm integer :: rank integer :: npes integer :: Xdim integer :: Ydim integer :: nf integer :: lev integer :: time contains procedure :: init procedure :: run procedure :: finalize end type FakeHistData contains subroutine init(this, options, comm,app_ds) use gFTL_StringIntegerMap class (FakeHistData),target, intent(inout) :: this type (CommandLineOptions), intent(in) :: options integer, intent(in) :: comm class(AbstractDirectoryService), target,intent(inout) :: app_ds integer :: ierror class(ClientThread), pointer :: threadPtr=>null() this%ic_vec = ClientThreadVector() this%oc_vec = ClientThreadVector() allocate(threadPtr, source = ClientThread()) call app_ds%connect_to_server('iserver',threadPtr, comm) call this%ic_vec%push_back(threadPtr) nullify(threadPtr) allocate(threadPtr, source = ClientThread()) call app_ds%connect_to_server('oserver',threadPtr, comm) call this%oc_vec%push_back(threadPtr) nullify(threadPtr) this%file_1 = options%file_1 this%vars = options%requested_variables this%num_collection = options%num_collection this%comm = comm call MPI_Comm_rank(this%comm,this%rank,ierror) call MPI_Comm_size(this%comm,this%npes,ierror) allocate(this%bundle(this%vars%size())) allocate(this%hist_collection_ids(10)) !call formatter%open(this%file_1, pFIO_READ) !file_metadata = formatter%read() !call formatter%close() !dims = file_metadata%get_dimensions() this%Xdim = 24 !720!dims%at('Xdim') this%Ydim = 24 !720!dims%at('Ydim') this%nf = 6 !dims%at('nf') this%lev = 72 !dims%at('lev') this%time = 1 end subroutine init subroutine run(this, step) class (FakeHistData), target, intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: step type(ArrayReference) :: ref type(FileMetadata) :: fmd Type(Variable) :: T, v, const_v integer :: i_var,i integer :: collection_id, file_md_id integer,allocatable :: prefetch_ids(:) integer,allocatable :: stage_ids(:,:) integer,allocatable :: nondistributed_ids(:,:) integer :: nx, nf, width, k, ith, jth, Xdim0, Xdim1, Ydim0, Ydim1 integer :: ierr, status real(kind=REAL64) :: t0, t1 type (StringVariableMap) :: var_map real(kind=REAL64), allocatable :: lons(:,:,:),lats(:,:,:) class(ClientThread), pointer :: icPtr=>null() class(ClientThread), pointer :: ocPtr=>null() i = mod(this%npes, 6) if(i /=0 ) then; print*, " make sure the number of reading cores is multiple of 6"; stop 1;endif nx = nint(sqrt(this%npes/6.)) if( nx*nx*6 /= this%npes ) then; print*, " make sure 6*M^2 cores to read"; stop 1; endif width = this%Xdim/nx nf = this%rank/(nx*nx) + 1 ! nf th face k = this%rank - (nf-1)*nx*nx ! rank within the face ith = k/nx jth = mod(k,nx) Xdim0 = 1 + ith*width Xdim1 = (ith+1)*width Ydim0 = 1 + jth*width Ydim1 = (jth+1)*width select case (step) case (1) ! read the file icPtr => this%ic_vec%at(1) collection_id = icPtr%add_ext_collection('collection-i') allocate(prefetch_ids(this%vars%size())) call MPI_barrier(this%comm,ierr) t0 = MPI_wtime() do i_var = 1, this%vars%size() allocate(this%bundle(i_var)%x(Xdim0:Xdim1,Ydim0:Ydim1,nf:nf,this%lev,1)) ref = ArrayReference(this%bundle(i_var)%x) prefetch_ids(i_var) = & & icPtr%collective_prefetch_data(collection_id,this%file_1, this%vars%at(i_var), ref,& !& this%i_c%collective_prefetch_data(collection_id, this%file_1, this%vars%at(i_var), ref,& & start=[Xdim0,Ydim0,nf,1,1], & & global_start=[1,1,1,1,1],global_count=[this%Xdim,this%Ydim,this%nf, this%lev,1]) end do call icPtr%done_collective_prefetch() call MPI_barrier(this%comm,ierr) t1 = MPI_wtime() if( this%rank == 0) then print*, "seconds issuing prefech: ", t1-t0 print* endif call MPI_barrier(this%comm,ierr) t0 = MPI_wtime() do i_var = 1, this%vars%size() call icPtr%wait(prefetch_ids(i_var)) end do call MPI_barrier(this%comm,ierr) t1 = MPI_wtime() if( this%rank == 0) then print*, "seconds fetching the data: ",t1-t0 endif case (2) ! history out allocate(stage_ids(this%vars%size(),this%num_collection)) fmd = FileMetadata() call fmd%add_dimension('Xdim',this%Xdim) call fmd%add_dimension('Ydim',this%Ydim) call fmd%add_dimension('lev',this%lev) call fmd%add_dimension('nf',this%nf) call fmd%add_dimension('time',1) call fmd%add_dimension('ncontact', 4, rc=status) call fmd%add_dimension('orientationStrLen', 5, rc=status) v = Variable(type=PFIO_REAL32, dimensions='Xdim') call v%add_attribute('long_name', 'Fake Longitude for GrADS Compatibility') call v%add_attribute('units', 'degrees_east') call fmd%add_variable('Xdim', v) const_v = Variable(type=PFIO_REAL64, dimensions='Xdim,Ydim,nf') call const_v%add_attribute('long_name', 'longitude with 6 faces') call const_v%add_attribute('units', 'degrees_east') allocate(lats(this%Xdim,this%Ydim, this%nf)) lats = 1.0_real64 call const_v%add_const_value(UnlimitedEntity(lats)) call fmd%add_variable('lats', const_v) v = Variable(type=PFIO_REAL64, dimensions='Xdim,Ydim,nf') call const_v%add_attribute('long_name', 'longitude with 6 faces') call const_v%add_attribute('units', 'degrees_east') call fmd%add_variable('lons', v) v = Variable(type=PFIO_REAL64, dimensions='Ydim') call v%add_attribute('long_name', 'Fake Latitude for GrADS Compatibility') call v%add_attribute('units', 'degrees_north') call fmd%add_variable('Ydim', v) v = Variable(type=PFIO_REAL32, dimensions='time') call v%add_attribute('long_name', 'time sine') call v%add_attribute('units', 'time since 0000000') call fmd%add_variable('time', v) T = Variable(type=pFIO_REAL32, dimensions='Xdim,Ydim,nf,lev,time') do i_var = 1, this%vars%size() call fmd%add_variable( this%vars%at(i_var),T) if (.not. allocated(this%bundle(i_var)%x)) allocate(this%bundle(i_var)%x(Xdim0:Xdim1,Ydim0:Ydim1,nf:nf,this%lev,1)) enddo ocPtr=> this%oc_vec%at(1) do i = 1, this%num_collection this%hist_collection_ids(i) = ocPtr%add_hist_collection(fmd) enddo ! create file and put changes into var_map v = Variable(type=PFIO_REAL32, dimensions='time') call v%add_attribute('long_name', 'time sine') call v%add_attribute('units', 'time since 1111111') call var_map%insert('time',v) do i = 1, this%num_collection file_md_id = this%hist_collection_ids(i) call ocPtr%modify_metadata(file_md_id, var_map = var_map) end do ! send non-distributed-data allocate(nondistributed_ids(1,this%num_collection)) allocate(lons(this%Xdim,this%Ydim, this%nf)) lons = 10.0_real64 do i = 1, this%num_collection file_md_id = this%hist_collection_ids(i) ref = ArrayReference(lons) nondistributed_ids(1,i) = ocPtr%stage_nondistributed_data(file_md_id, 'test_out'//i_to_string(i)//'.nc4', 'lons', ref) end do t0 = MPI_wtime() do i = 1, this%num_collection file_md_id = this%hist_collection_ids(i) do i_var = 1, this%vars%size() this%bundle(i_var)%x = 1.0*i*i*i_var*i_var ref = ArrayReference(this%bundle(i_var)%x) stage_ids(i_var,i) = & & ocPtr%collective_stage_data(file_md_id, 'test_out'//i_to_string(i)//'.nc4', this%vars%at(i_var), ref,& & start=[Xdim0,Ydim0,nf,1, 1], & & global_start=[1,1,1,1,1],global_count=[this%Xdim,this%Ydim, this%nf, this%lev,1]) enddo end do call ocPtr%done_collective_stage() call MPI_barrier(this%comm,ierr) t1 = MPI_wtime() if( this%rank == 0) then print*, "seconds issuing staging data: ", t1-t0 endif call MPI_barrier(this%comm,ierr) t0 = MPI_wtime() do i = 1, this%num_collection call ocPtr%wait(nondistributed_ids(1,i)) end do do i = 1, this%num_collection do i_var = 1, this%vars%size() call ocPtr%wait(stage_ids(i_var,i)) enddo end do call MPI_barrier(this%comm,ierr) t1 = MPI_wtime() if( this%rank == 0) then print*, "seconds offloading data ", t1-t0 endif deallocate(stage_ids) do i_var = 1, this%vars%size() if (allocated(this%bundle(i_var)%x)) deallocate(this%bundle(i_var)%x) enddo end select end subroutine run subroutine finalize(this) class (FakeHistData), intent(inout) :: this class(ClientThread), pointer :: icPtr=>null() class(ClientThread), pointer :: ocPtr=>null() deallocate(this%bundle) icPtr=>this%ic_vec%at(1) call icPtr%terminate() ocPtr=>this%oc_vec%at(1) call ocPtr%terminate() end subroutine finalize end module FakeHistDataMod program main use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: REAL32, REAL64 use mpi use pFIO use performace_CLI use FakeHistDataMod use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use pFlogger, only: pflogger_init => initialize implicit none integer :: rank, npes, ierror integer :: status, key class(BaseServer),allocatable :: iserver,oserver class(AbstractDirectoryService), allocatable, target :: directory_service type (CommandLineOptions) :: options type (FakeHistData), target :: HistData integer :: my_icomm, my_ocomm, my_appcomm, o_comm, i_comm integer :: InNode_Comm,innode_rank, node_rank, node_num, NodeRoot_Comm integer :: root_color,o_color,i_color, app_color integer :: tmp_rank, i_size, i_rank, o_size, o_rank, app_size, app_rank integer :: i real(kind=REAL64) :: t0, t1 call MPI_init(ierror) call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, ierror) call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, npes, ierror) call process_command_line(options, rc=status) call pflogger_init() directory_service = DirectoryService(MPI_COMM_WORLD) my_icomm = MPI_COMM_NULL my_appcomm = MPI_COMM_NULL my_ocomm = MPI_COMM_NULL ! split into node call MPI_Comm_split_type(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_COMM_TYPE_SHARED, 0, MPI_INFO_NULL, InNode_Comm,ierror) call MPI_Comm_rank(InNode_Comm, InNode_Rank, ierror) root_color = 0 key = 0 if ( InNode_rank ==0) root_color = 1 call MPI_COMM_SPLIT( MPI_COMM_WORLD, root_color, key, NodeRoot_Comm, ierror) if (root_color == 1) then ! they are all roots of nodes call MPI_COMM_SIZE(NodeRoot_Comm, Node_Num, ierror) call MPI_COMM_RANK(NodeRoot_Comm, Node_Rank, ierror) endif ! now each process knows its node_rank call Mpi_Bcast(Node_Rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, InNode_Comm, ierror) call Mpi_Bcast(Node_Num, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, InNode_Comm, ierror) if (rank ==0) print*, "total node number: ", node_num if (rank ==0) call execute_command_line('rm -f test_out1.nc4') o_color = 0 i_color = 0 app_color = 0 my_icomm = MPI_COMM_NULL my_appcomm= MPI_COMM_NULL my_ocomm = MPI_COMM_NULL ! o-sever if (Node_rank < options%nodes_oserver) o_color = 1 call MPI_COMM_SPLIT( MPI_COMM_WORLD, o_color, key, o_Comm, ierror) if (o_color == 1) my_ocomm = o_comm if (o_color == 0) then call MPI_COMM_RANK(o_comm, tmp_Rank, ierror) if (tmp_rank >= options%npes_client) then i_color = 1 else app_color = 1 endif call MPI_COMM_SPLIT( o_comm, i_color, key, i_Comm, ierror) if(i_color == 1) my_icomm = i_comm if(app_color ==1) my_appcomm = i_comm endif call Mpi_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) t0 = MPI_wtime() if (my_icomm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then call MPI_Comm_rank(my_icomm, i_rank, ierror) call MPI_Comm_size(my_icomm, i_size, ierror) if(i_rank ==0) print*, "i_server size:", i_size allocate(iserver, source = MpiServer(my_icomm, 'iserver')) call directory_service%publish(PortInfo('iserver',iserver), iserver) if( my_appcomm == MPI_COMM_NULL) then ! mpi server call directory_service%connect_to_client('iserver', iserver) call iserver%start() endif endif if( my_ocomm /= MPI_COMM_NULl) then call MPI_Comm_rank(my_ocomm, o_rank, ierror) call MPI_Comm_size(my_ocomm, o_size, ierror) if(o_rank ==0) print*, "o_server size:", o_size allocate(oserver, source = MpiServer(my_ocomm, 'oserver')) call directory_service%publish(PortInfo('oserver',oserver), oserver) if (my_appcomm == MPI_COMM_NULL) then call directory_service%connect_to_client('oserver', oserver) call oserver%start() endif endif if ( my_appcomm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then call MPI_Comm_rank(my_appcomm, app_rank, ierror) call MPI_Comm_size(my_appcomm, app_size, ierror) if(app_rank ==0) print*, "app client size:", app_size call histData%init(options,my_appcomm,directory_service) !call histData%run(step=1) call histData%run(step=2) call histData%finalize() end if call Mpi_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) t1 = MPI_wtime() if( rank == 0) then print*, "seconds wall time : ", t1-t0 endif if ( rank == 0) then ! call execute_command_line('diff test_out_TUV.nc4 test_out.nc4', exitstat = status ) ! if (status == 0) then ! print*, 'test_out.nc4 and test_out_TUV.nc4 are the same and thus removed' ! call execute_command_line('rm -f test_out.nc4') ! else ! print*, 'test_out.nc4 and test_out_TUV.nc4 differ' ! stop 1 ! endif do i = 1, options%num_collection ! call execute_command_line('rm -f test_out'//i_to_string(i)//'.nc4') enddo endif call directory_service%free_directory_resources() call MPI_finalize(ierror) end program main