test_TimeProfiler.pf Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~test_timeprofiler.pf~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~test_timeprofiler.pf test_TimeProfiler.pf sourcefile~mapl_profiler.f90 MAPL_Profiler.F90 sourcefile~test_timeprofiler.pf->sourcefile~mapl_profiler.f90

Source Code

 module test_TimeProfiler
   use funit
   use MAPL_Profiler
   implicit none


   subroutine test_start_one()
      type (TimeProfiler), target :: prof
      prof = TimeProfiler('top')
      call Prof%start()

      call prof%start('timer_1')
      call prof%stop('timer_1')

      call prof%finalize()
      @assertEqual(2, prof%get_num_meters())
   end subroutine test_start_one

   subroutine test_stop_wrong_meter()
      type (TimeProfiler), target :: prof
      integer :: status
      prof = TimeProfiler('top')
      call prof%start()

      call prof%start('timer_1')
      call prof%start('timer_2')
      @assertEqual(0, prof%get_status())
      call prof%stop('timer_1', rc=status) ! not the current timer

!C$      @assertEqual(INCORRECTLY_NESTED_METERS, prof%get_status())
      @assertExceptionRaised('Timer <timer_1> does not match start timer <timer_2>')
      call prof%finalize()
   end subroutine test_stop_wrong_meter

   subroutine test_accumulate_sub()
      type(TimeProfiler), target :: main, lap
      class(AbstractMeterNode), pointer :: main_node

      main = TimeProfiler('main')
      call main%start()
      lap = TimeProfiler('lap')
      call lap%start()
      call lap%finalize()
      call main%accumulate(lap)

      ! should now have 'lap' as a subtimer of 'main'
      @assertEqual(2, main%get_num_meters())

      main_node => main%get_root_node()
   end subroutine test_accumulate_sub

   subroutine test_accumulate_nested()
      type(TimeProfiler), target :: main, lap
      class(AbstractMeterNode), pointer :: main_node
      class(AbstractMeterNode), pointer :: child
      class(AbstractMeter), pointer :: t

      main = TimeProfiler('main')
      call main%start()
      lap = TimeProfiler('lap')
      call lap%start()
      call lap%start('A')
      call lap%stop('A')
      call lap%finalize()
      call main%accumulate(lap)

      ! should now have 'lap' as a subtimer of 'main'
      @assertEqual(3, main%get_num_meters())

      main_node => main%get_root_node()

      child => main_node%get_child('lap')
      t => child%get_meter()
      select type (t)
      class is (AdvancedMeter)
         @assertEqual(1, t%get_num_cycles())
      end select

      child => child%get_child('A')
      t => child%get_meter()
      select type (t)
      class is (AdvancedMeter)
         @assertEqual(1, t%get_num_cycles())
      end select

   end subroutine test_accumulate_nested

   subroutine test_accumulate_multi()
      type(TimeProfiler), target :: main, lap

      main = TimeProfiler('main')
      call main%start()
      lap = TimeProfiler('lap')
      call lap%start()
      call lap%start('A')
      call lap%stop('A')
      call lap%finalize()
      call main%accumulate(lap)

      call lap%reset()
      call lap%start('A')
      call lap%stop('A')
      call lap%finalize()
      call main%accumulate(lap)
   end subroutine test_accumulate_multi

end module test_TimeProfiler