TextColumn.F90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~textcolumn.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~textcolumn.f90 TextColumn.F90 sourcefile~abstractmeternode.f90 AbstractMeterNode.F90 sourcefile~textcolumn.f90->sourcefile~abstractmeternode.f90 sourcefile~abstractmeter.f90 AbstractMeter.F90 sourcefile~abstractmeternode.f90->sourcefile~abstractmeter.f90 sourcefile~mapl_errorhandling.f90 MAPL_ErrorHandling.F90 sourcefile~abstractmeter.f90->sourcefile~mapl_errorhandling.f90 sourcefile~mapl_throw.f90 MAPL_Throw.F90 sourcefile~mapl_errorhandling.f90->sourcefile~mapl_throw.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~textcolumn.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~textcolumn.f90 TextColumn.F90 sourcefile~formattedtextcolumn.f90 FormattedTextColumn.F90 sourcefile~formattedtextcolumn.f90->sourcefile~textcolumn.f90 sourcefile~mapl_profiler.f90 MAPL_Profiler.F90 sourcefile~mapl_profiler.f90->sourcefile~textcolumn.f90 sourcefile~memorytextcolumn.f90 MemoryTextColumn.F90 sourcefile~memorytextcolumn.f90->sourcefile~textcolumn.f90 sourcefile~multicolumn.f90 MultiColumn.F90 sourcefile~multicolumn.f90->sourcefile~textcolumn.f90 sourcefile~profilereporter.f90 ProfileReporter.F90 sourcefile~profilereporter.f90->sourcefile~textcolumn.f90 sourcefile~simpletextcolumn.f90 SimpleTextColumn.F90 sourcefile~simpletextcolumn.f90->sourcefile~textcolumn.f90 sourcefile~textcolumnvector.f90 TextColumnVector.F90 sourcefile~textcolumnvector.f90->sourcefile~textcolumn.f90

Source Code

module MAPL_TextColumn
   use MAPL_AbstractMeterNode
   implicit none

   public :: TextColumn

   type, abstract :: TextColumn
      integer :: column_width = 0
      character(:), allocatable :: separator
      procedure :: set_width
      procedure :: get_width
      procedure(i_get_header), deferred :: get_header
      procedure(i_get_num_rows_header), deferred :: get_num_rows_header
      procedure(i_get_rows), deferred :: get_rows
      procedure :: center

      procedure :: set_separator
      procedure :: get_separator
      procedure :: get_num_rows_separator
   end type TextColumn

   abstract interface

      subroutine i_get_header(this, header)
         import TextColumn
         class (TextColumn), intent(in) :: this
         character(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: header(:)
      end subroutine i_get_header

      subroutine i_get_rows(this, node, rows)
         use MAPL_AbstractMeterNode
         import TextColumn
         class (TextColumn), intent(in) :: this
         class (AbstractMeterNode), target, intent(in) :: node
         character(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: rows(:)
      end subroutine i_get_rows
      integer function i_get_num_rows_header(this) result(num_rows)
         import TextColumn
         class (TextColumn), intent(in) :: this
      end function i_get_num_rows_header

   end interface


   subroutine set_width(this, column_width)
      class (TextColumn), intent(inout) :: this
      integer, intent(in) :: column_width

      this%column_width = column_width

   end subroutine set_width

   integer function get_width(this) result(column_width)
      class (TextColumn), intent(in) :: this
      column_width = this%column_width
   end function get_width

   subroutine center(this, rows, space)
      class (TextColumn), intent(in) :: this
      character(*), intent(inout) :: rows(:)
      character(1), optional, intent(in) :: space

      integer :: w, i
      integer :: n, n_0, n_1
      character(:), allocatable :: tmp
      character(1) :: space_

      if (present(space)) then
         space_ = space
         space_ = ' '
      end if

      w = this%get_width()
      do i = 1, size(rows)
         tmp = trim(adjustl(rows(i)))
         n = len(tmp)
         n_0 = (w - n)/2
         n_1 = w - (n + n_0)
         rows(i)(:) = repeat(space_,n_0) // tmp // repeat(space_, n_1)
      end do
   end subroutine center

   subroutine set_separator(this, separator)
      class(TextColumn), intent(inout) :: this
      character(1), intent(in) :: separator
      this%separator = separator
   end subroutine set_separator

   ! Would be a function, but this is a workaround for gfortran 8.2
   ! issue with allocatable arrays of deferred length strings.
   subroutine get_separator(this, separator, k)
      class(TextColumn), intent(in) :: this
      integer, intent(in) :: k
      character(*), intent(inout) :: separator(k)

      integer :: w
      character(1) :: c

      w = this%get_width()
      if (allocated(this%separator)) then
         c = this%separator
         separator(1) = repeat(c, w)
      end if

   end subroutine get_separator

   integer function get_num_rows_separator(this) result(num_rows)
      class (TextColumn), intent(in) :: this
      if (allocated(this%separator)) then
         num_rows = 1
         num_rows = 0
      end if

   end function get_num_rows_separator

end module MAPL_TextColumn