ESMF_CFIOVarRead Interface

public interface ESMF_CFIOVarRead

Called by

interface~~esmf_cfiovarread~~CalledByGraph interface~esmf_cfiovarread ESMF_CFIOVarRead program~test test program~test->interface~esmf_cfiovarread program~test~3 test program~test~3->interface~esmf_cfiovarread program~test~4 test program~test~4->interface~esmf_cfiovarread program~test~8 test program~test~8->interface~esmf_cfiovarread

Module Procedures

private subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarRead3D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, kbeg, kount, xBeg, xCount, yBeg, yCount, timeString, rc)

ESMF_CFIOVarRead3D_ – Read a variable from an existing file


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio

a CFIO obj

character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName

variable name

real, pointer :: field(:,:,:)

array contains data

integer, intent(in), optional :: date


integer, intent(in), optional :: curTime


integer, intent(in), optional :: kbeg

first level to write

integer, intent(in), optional :: kount

number of levels to write

integer, intent(in), optional :: xBeg

first point for lon

integer, intent(in), optional :: xCount

number of points to read

integer, intent(in), optional :: yBeg

first point for lat

integer, intent(in), optional :: yCount

number of points to read

character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: timeString

string expression for date and time

integer, intent(out), optional :: rc

Error return code: 0 all is well

private subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarRead2D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, kbeg, kount, xBeg, xCount, yBeg, yCount, timeString, rc)

ESMF_CFIOVarRead2D_ – Read a variable from an existing file


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio

a CFIO obj

character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName

variable name

real, pointer :: field(:,:)

array contains data

integer, intent(in), optional :: date


integer, intent(in), optional :: curTime


integer, intent(in), optional :: kbeg

first level to write

integer, intent(in), optional :: kount

number of levels to write

integer, intent(in), optional :: xBeg

first point for lon

integer, intent(in), optional :: xCount

number of points to read

integer, intent(in), optional :: yBeg

first point for lat

integer, intent(in), optional :: yCount

number of points to read

character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: timeString

string expression for date and time

integer, intent(out), optional :: rc

Error return code: 0 all is well

private subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarRead1D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, xBeg, xCount, timeString, rc)

ESMF_CFIOVarRead1D_ – Read a variable from an existing file


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio

a CFIO obj

character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName

variable name

real, pointer :: field(:)

array contains data

integer, intent(in), optional :: date


integer, intent(in), optional :: curTime


integer, intent(in), optional :: xBeg

first point for lon

integer, intent(in), optional :: xCount

number of points to read

character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: timeString

string expression for date and time

integer, intent(out), optional :: rc

Error return code: 0 all is well