Nodes of different colours represent the following:
Solid arrows point from a procedure to one which it calls. Dashed
arrows point from an interface to procedures which implement that interface.
This could include the module procedures in a generic interface or the
implementation in a submodule of an interface in a parent module.
Where possible, edges connecting nodes are
given different colours to make them easier to distinguish in
large graphs.
Nodes of different colours represent the following:
Solid arrows point from a procedure to one which it calls. Dashed
arrows point from an interface to procedures which implement that interface.
This could include the module procedures in a generic interface or the
implementation in a submodule of an interface in a parent module.
Where possible, edges connecting nodes are
given different colours to make them easier to distinguish in
large graphs.
Source Code
subroutine parse_item_common(item,item_name,expression,rc)type(ESMF_HConfigIter),intent(in)::itemcharacter(len=:),allocatable,intent(out)::item_namecharacter(len=:),allocatable,intent(out)::expressioninteger,optional,intent(out)::rccharacter(len=*),parameter::EXPRESSION_KEY='expr'integer::statuslogical::asOK,isScalar,isMaptype(ESMF_HConfig)::valueisScalar=ESMF_HConfigIsScalarMapKey(item,_RC)_ASSERT(isScalar,'Variable list item does not have a scalar name.')isMap=ESMF_HConfigIsMapMapVal(item,_RC)_ASSERT(isMap,'Variable list item does not have a map value.')item_name=ESMF_HConfigAsStringMapKey(item,asOkay=asOK,_RC)_ASSERT(asOK,'Item name could not be processed as a String.')value=ESMF_HConfigCreateAtMapVal(item,_RC)expression=ESMF_HConfigAsString(value,keyString=EXPRESSION_KEY,_RC)_RETURN(_SUCCESS)end subroutine parse_item_common