subroutine run(rc)
integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
type(FargparseCLI_Type) :: cli
type(MAPL_CapOptions) :: cap_options
integer :: status
character(len=:), allocatable :: input_file
call MPI_Init(status)
! Read and parse the command line, and set parameters
! If you have extra options, you need to make two procedures as seen below:
! 1. a procedure to declare the options
! 2. a procedure to cast the options
cap_options = FargparseCLI(extra_options=extra_options, cast_extras=cast_extras)
write(*,*) "done with MAPL_FargparseCLI"
write(*,*) " cap_options%with_esmf_moab = ", cap_options%with_esmf_moab
write(*,*) " cap_options%npes_input_server = ", cap_options%npes_input_server
write(*,*) " cap_options%nodes_input_server = ", cap_options%nodes_input_server
write(*,*) " cap_options%npes_output_server = ", cap_options%npes_output_server
write(*,*) " cap_options%nodes_output_server = ", cap_options%nodes_output_server
write(*,*) " cap_options%egress_file = ", cap_options%egress_file
write(*,*) ""
write(*,*) "Extra arguments"
write(*,*) " input file = ", input_file
subroutine extra_options(parser, rc)
type (ArgParser), intent(inout) :: parser
integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
call parser%add_argument('-f', '--file', &
help='A file to read', &
type='string', &
default='default.config', &
if (present(rc)) rc = 0
end subroutine extra_options
subroutine cast_extras(cli, rc)
type(FargparseCLI_Type), intent(inout) :: cli
integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
class(*), pointer :: option
option => cli%options%at('file')
if (associated(option)) then
call cast(option, input_file, _RC)
end if
if (present(rc)) rc = 0
end subroutine cast_extras
end subroutine run