subroutine write_data(this, rc)
class (RegridSupport), target, intent(inout) :: this
integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc
type (StringVariableMapIterator) :: var_iter
type (StringVariableMap), pointer :: variables
real(kind=REAL32), target, allocatable :: cs_scalar_patch(:,:)
real(kind=REAL32), target, allocatable :: cs_vector_patch(:,:,:)
real(kind=REAL32), target, allocatable :: cs_uvw(:,:,:)
real(kind=REAL32), target, allocatable :: ll_uvw(:,:,:)
real(kind=REAL32), target, allocatable :: ll_scalar_patch(:,:)
real(kind=REAL32), target, allocatable :: ll_vector_patch(:,:,:)
character(len=:), pointer :: var_name
type (ESMF_Field) :: cs_scalar_field
type (ESMF_Field) :: ll_scalar_field
type (ESMF_Field) :: cs_uvw_field(3)
type (ESMF_Field) :: ll_uvw_field(3)
integer :: level
integer :: num_levels
integer :: status
integer :: time
type (StringVector), pointer :: dims
type (Variable), pointer :: var
integer, allocatable :: cs_start(:), cs_count(:)
integer, allocatable :: ll_start(:), ll_count(:)
real(kind=REAL64), pointer :: lat(:,:)
real(kind=REAL64), pointer :: lon(:,:)
type (Attribute), pointer :: missing_attr
class(*), pointer :: missing_ptr(:)
real(kind=REAL32), pointer :: missing
integer :: d
logical :: is_scalar
logical :: is_east_vector_component
integer :: idx
character(len=:), allocatable :: north_component
integer(kind=INT64) :: c0, c1,crate
associate (cs_fmtr => this%formatter_cubed_sphere, ll_fmtr => this%formatter_lat_lon)
call cs_fmtr%open(this%in_file, mode=pFIO_READ, rc=status)
if (status /= pFIO_SUCCESS) then
if (local_pet == 0) then
print*, 'Unable to open input file: ',this%in_file
end if
end if
call ll_fmtr%open(this%out_file, mode=pFIO_WRITE, rc=status)
if (status /= pFIO_SUCCESS) then
if (local_pet == 0) then
print*, 'Unable to open new output file: ',this%out_file
print*, 'Possibly it already exists?'
end if
end if
call ll_fmtr%put_var('lat', this%latitudes)
call ll_fmtr%put_var('lon', this%longitudes)
real(kind=REAL64) :: lev(this%LM)
if (associated(this%cfio_cubed_sphere%get_variable('lev'))) then
call cs_fmtr%get_var('lev', lev)
call ll_fmtr%put_var('lev', lev)
end if
end block
integer :: time(this%NT)
call cs_fmtr%get_var('time', time)
call ll_fmtr%put_var('time', time)
end block
allocate(ll_scalar_patch(this%i_1:this%i_n, this%j_1:this%j_n))
allocate(ll_vector_patch(this%i_1:this%i_n, this%j_1:this%j_n,2))
allocate(ll_uvw(this%i_1:this%i_n, this%j_1:this%j_n,3))
! Create fields
ll_scalar_field = ESMF_FieldCreate(this%grid_lat_lon, ll_scalar_patch(:,:), ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, &
& datacopyflag=ESMF_DATACOPY_REFERENCE, rc=status)
cs_scalar_field = ESMF_FieldCreate(this%grid_cubed_sphere, cs_scalar_patch(:,:), ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, &
& datacopyflag=ESMF_DATACOPY_REFERENCE, rc=status)
do d = 1, 3
ll_uvw_field(d) = ESMF_FieldCreate(this%grid_lat_lon, ll_uvw(:,:,d), ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, &
& datacopyflag=ESMF_DATACOPY_REFERENCE, rc=status)
cs_uvw_field(d) = ESMF_FieldCreate(this%grid_cubed_sphere, cs_uvw(:,:,d), ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, &
& datacopyflag=ESMF_DATACOPY_REFERENCE, rc=status)
end do
! Create regrid
srcTerm = 1
call system_clock(c0,crate)
call ESMF_FieldRegridStore(cs_scalar_field, ll_scalar_field, &
& srcTermProcessing=srcTerm, &
& routehandle=default_route_handle, rc=status)
call system_clock(c1,crate)
if (local_pet == 0) then
print*,'regrid store: ', real(c1-c0)/crate
end if
type (ESMF_VM) :: global
call ESMF_VMGetGlobal(global, rc=status)
call ESMF_VMBarrier(global, rc=status)
end block
variables => this%cfio_cubed_sphere%get_variables()
var_iter = variables%ftn_begin()
do while (var_iter /= variables%ftn_end())
call var_iter%next()
var_name => var_iter%first()
select case (var_name)
case ('nf', 'ncontact', 'cubed_sphere', &
& 'Xdim', 'Ydim', 'lons', 'lats', &
& 'contacts', 'orientation', 'anchor', &
& 'lev','time')
! skip
case default
if ( local_pet == 0 .and. this%debug) then
print*, 'var = ', var_name
end if
var => var_iter%second()
missing_attr => var%get_attribute('missing_value')
missing_ptr => missing_attr%get_values()
select type (missing_ptr)
type is (real(kind=REAL64))
allocate(missing) ! memory leak!
missing = missing_ptr(1)
type is (real(kind=REAL32))
missing => missing_ptr(1)
class default
! no missing value?
end select
num_levels = 1
dims => var%get_dimensions()
if (dims%get_index('lev') /= 0) then
num_levels = this%LM
num_levels = 1
end if
is_scalar = .false.
is_east_vector_component = .false.
do idx = 1, this%scalar_variables%size()
if (this%scalar_variables%at(idx) == var_name) then
is_scalar = .true.
end if
end do
if (.not. is_scalar) then
do idx = 1, this%vector_variables(1)%size()
if (this%vector_variables(1)%at(idx) == var_name) then
is_east_vector_component = .true.
north_component = this%vector_variables(2)%at(idx)
end if
end do
end if
if (.not. (is_scalar .or. is_east_vector_component)) then
end if
do time = 1, this%nt
do level = 1, num_levels
if (num_levels == 1) then
cs_start = [this%x_1,this%y_1,this%my_tile,time]
ll_start = [this%i_1,this%j_1,time]
cs_count = [this%nx_loc,this%ny_loc,1,1]
ll_count = [this%i_n-this%i_1+1, this%j_n-this%j_1+1,1]
cs_start = [this%x_1,this%y_1,this%my_tile,level,time]
ll_start = [this%i_1,this%j_1,level,time]
cs_count = [this%nx_loc,this%ny_loc,1,1,1]
ll_count = [this%i_n-this%i_1+1, this%j_n-this%j_1+1,1,1]
end if
if (is_east_vector_component) then ! vector
call cs_fmtr%get_var(var_name, cs_vector_patch(:,:,1), start=cs_start,count=cs_count, rc=status)
call cs_fmtr%get_var(north_component, cs_vector_patch(:,:,2), start=cs_start,count=cs_count, rc=status)
call ESMF_GridGetCoord(this%grid_cubed_sphere, coordDim=1, localDE=0, &
& staggerLoc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, farrayPtr=lon,rc=status)
call ESMF_GridGetCoord(this%grid_cubed_sphere, coordDim=2, localDE=0, &
& staggerLoc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, farrayPtr=lat,rc=status)
associate (u => cs_vector_patch(:,:,1), v => cs_vector_patch(:,:,2))
where (u == missing)
cs_uvw(:,:,1) = missing
cs_uvw(:,:,2) = missing
cs_uvw(:,:,3) = missing
cs_uvw(:,:,1) = - u * sind(lon) - v * sind(lat)*cosd(lon)
cs_uvw(:,:,2) = + u * cosd(lon) - v * sind(lat)*sind(lon)
cs_uvw(:,:,3) = + v * cosd(lat)
end where
end associate
do d = 1, 3
if (associated(missing)) then
call regrid(srcField=cs_uvw_field(d), dstField=ll_uvw_field(d), missing=missing, rc=status)
call regrid(srcField=cs_uvw_field(d), dstField=ll_uvw_field(d), rc=status)
end if
end do
call ESMF_GridGetCoord(this%grid_lat_lon, coordDim=1, localDE=0, &
& staggerLoc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, farrayPtr=lon,rc=status)
call ESMF_GridGetCoord(this%grid_lat_lon, coordDim=2, localDE=0, &
& staggerLoc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, farrayPtr=lat,rc=status)
associate (u => ll_vector_patch(:,:,1), v => ll_vector_patch(:,:,2))
where (ll_uvw(:,:,1) == missing)
u = missing
v = missing
u = -ll_uvw(:,:,1) * sind(lon) + ll_uvw(:,:,2) * cosd(lon)
v = -ll_uvw(:,:,1) * sind(lat)*cosd(lon) - ll_uvw(:,:,2) * sind(lat)*sind(lon) + ll_uvw(:,:,3)*cosd(lat)
end where
end associate
call ll_fmtr%put_var(var_name, ll_vector_patch(:,:,1), start=ll_start, count=ll_count, rc=status)
call ll_fmtr%put_var(north_component, ll_vector_patch(:,:,2), start=ll_start, count=ll_count, rc=status)
else ! scalar
call cs_fmtr%get_var(var_name, cs_scalar_patch, start=cs_start,count=cs_count, rc=status)
if (associated(missing)) then
call regrid(srcField=cs_scalar_field, dstField=ll_scalar_field, missing=missing, rc=status)
call regrid(srcField=cs_scalar_field, dstField=ll_scalar_field, rc=status)
end if
call ll_fmtr%put_var(var_name, ll_scalar_patch, start=ll_start, count=ll_count, rc=status)
end if
end do
end do
end select
end do
call ll_fmtr%close()
call cs_fmtr%close()
end associate
end subroutine write_data