#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" module MAPL_DataCollectionMod use pFIO use MAPL_FileMetadataUtilsVectorMod use MAPL_FileMetadataUtilsMod use MAPL_GridManagerMod use MAPL_AbstractGridFactoryMod use gFTL2_StringIntegerMap use esmf use mapl_ErrorHandlingMod implicit none private public :: MAPLDataCollection public :: new_MAPLDataCollection type :: MAPLDataCollection character(len=:), allocatable :: template logical :: use_file_coords type (FileMetadataUtilsVector) :: metadatas type (StringIntegerMap) :: file_ids type(ESMF_Grid), allocatable :: src_grid contains procedure :: find => find_ end type MAPLDataCollection interface MAPLDataCollection module procedure new_MAPLDataCollection end interface MAPLDataCollection integer, parameter :: MAX_FORMATTERS = 2 contains function new_MAPLDataCollection(template,use_file_coords) result(collection) type (MAPLDataCollection) :: collection character(len=*), intent(in) :: template logical, optional, intent(in) :: use_file_coords collection%template = template if (present(use_file_coords)) then collection%use_file_coords=use_file_coords else collection%use_file_coords=.false. end if end function new_MAPLDataCollection function find_(this, file_name, rc) result(metadata) type (FileMetadataUtils), pointer :: metadata class (MAPLDataCollection), target, intent(inout) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc type (NetCDF4_FileFormatter) :: formatter type (FileMetadata) :: basic_metadata integer, pointer :: file_id type (StringIntegerMapIterator) :: iter class (AbstractGridFactory), allocatable :: factory integer :: status type(StringIntegerMap), pointer :: dimensions integer, pointer :: tile_size logical :: skip_grid file_id => this%file_ids%at(file_name) if (associated(file_id)) then metadata => this%metadatas%at(file_id) else if (this%metadatas%size() >= MAX_FORMATTERS) then metadata => this%metadatas%front() call this%metadatas%erase(this%metadatas%begin()) nullify(metadata) iter = this%file_ids%begin() do while (iter /= this%file_ids%end()) file_id => iter%second() if (file_id == 1) then iter = this%file_ids%erase(iter) exit end if call iter%next() end do ! Fix the old file_id's accordingly iter = this%file_ids%begin() do while (iter /= this%file_ids%end()) file_id => iter%second() file_id = file_id -1 call iter%next() end do end if allocate(metadata) call formatter%open(file_name, pFIO_READ,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) basic_metadata = formatter%read(_RC) call formatter%close(rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call metadata%create(basic_metadata,file_name) call this%metadatas%push_back(metadata) deallocate(metadata) metadata => this%metadatas%back() dimensions => metadata%get_dimensions() tile_size => dimensions%at("tile_index") skip_grid = associated(tile_size) if ( (.not. allocated(this%src_grid)) .and. (.not. skip_grid)) then allocate(factory, source=grid_manager%make_factory(trim(file_name),force_file_coordinates=this%use_file_coords)) this%src_grid = grid_manager%make_grid(factory) end if ! size() returns 64-bit integer; cast to 32 bit for this usage. call this%file_ids%insert(file_name, int(this%metadatas%size())) end if _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end function find_ end module MAPL_DataCollectionMod module MAPL_CollectionVectorMod use pFIO use MAPL_DataCollectionMod ! Create a map (associative array) between names and pFIO_Attributes. #define _type type (MAPLDataCollection) #define _vector MAPLCollectionVector #define _iterator MAPLCollectionVectorIterator #define _FTL_THROW pFIO_throw_exception #include "templates/vector.inc" end module MAPL_CollectionVectorMod