ESMF_CFIOEosMod.F90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~esmf_cfioeosmod.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~esmf_cfioeosmod.f90 ESMF_CFIOEosMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90 ESMF_CFIOFileMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfioeosmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90 ESMF_CFIOGridMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfioeosmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90 ESMF_CFIOUtilMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfioeosmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90 ESMF_CFIOVarInfoMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfioeosmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90

Source Code

!               Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)                !
!                    Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS)                    !
!                                 MAPL Component                              !
! Author: GMAO SI-Team
! `ESMF_CFIOEosMod` - Source file for CFIO
! The module `ESMF_CFIOEosMod` provides data type definitions and interface
! specifications. It provides all the necessary subroutines for users to
! write/read HDF format output using CF convention.
!#### History
!- Jan2004  Baoyu Yin  Initial design and prototyping.
!- Apr2004  Baoyu Yin  Implementation
!- Sep2004  Baoyu Yin  Modified return codes to make it more specific.
!- Sep2004  Baoyu Yin  Moved some utility routines to ESMF_CFIOUtil.F90.
!- Sep2004  Baoyu Yin  Modified station grid metadata.
!- Sep2004  Baoyu Yin  Added ptopUnit to ptop for eta and sigma coordinates.
!- Oct2004  Baoyu Yin  Migrated to Halem and fixed some bugs.
!- Oct2004  Baoyu Yin  Added timeString to ESMF_CFIOSet and ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite.
!   Rearranged the argument order in ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite.
!- Jan2005  Baoyu Yin  Fixed some memory problems. Fixed scaleFactor and offset
!   problem. Fixed standard_name problem in reading CFIO files.
!- Mar2005  Baoyu Yin  Moved some utility routines into ESMF_CFIOUtil.F90
!   Modified error return codes.

       module ESMF_CFIOEosMod
! !USES:
      use ESMF_CFIOUtilMod
      use ESMF_CFIOGridMod
      use ESMF_CFIOVarInfoMod
      use ESMF_CFIOFileMod
      use ESMF_CFIOwGrADSMod, only : CFIO_wGrADS
      use ESMF_CFIOrGrADSMod, only : CFIO_rGrADS
      implicit none
      public :: ESMF_CFIOEosFileCreate      ! Create a CFIO file for writing
      public :: ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite        ! Write a variable to a file
      public :: ESMF_CFIOEosFileClose       ! Close an existing CFIO file.

      interface ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite; module procedure   &
        ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite3D_,  &
        ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite2D_,  &
      end interface


! `ESMF_CFIOEosFileCreate` -- Create a CFIO output file with meta data
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOEosFileCreate (cfio, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio       !! a CFIO object
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                      !! 0   all is well
                      !! -1 Time increment is 0
                      !! -2  allocate memory error
                      !! -3  Num of int/char/real elements and Cnt don't match
                      !! -12  error determining default precision
                      !! -18 incorrect time increment
                      !! -30 can't open file
                      !! -31 error from NF90_DEF_DIM
                      !! -32 error from NF90_DEF_VAR (dimension variable)
                      !! -33 error from NF90_PUT_ATT (dimension attribute)
                      !! -34 error from NF90_DEF_VAR (variable)
                      !! -35  error from NF90_PUT_ATT (variable attribute)
                      !! -36  error from NF90_PUT_ATT (global attribute)
                      !! -37  error from NF90_ENDDEF
                      !! -38  error from NF90_PUT_VAR (dimension variable)
                      !! -39 Num of real var elements and Cnt differ
                      !! -55  error from NF90_REDEF (enter define mode)
                      !! -56  error from NF90_ENDDEF (exit define mode)
       integer :: i, n, maxLen, rtcode
       character (len=MVARLEN), pointer :: vname(:), vtitle(:), vunits(:)
       integer, pointer :: kmvar(:)
       real, pointer :: valid_range(:,:), packing_range(:,:)

       allocate(vname(cfio%mVars), vtitle(cfio%mVars), vunits(cfio%mVars), &
                kmvar(cfio%mVars), valid_range(2,cfio%mVars), packing_range(2,cfio%mVars))

       do i = 1, cfio%mVars
          vname(i) = trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName)
          vtitle(i) = trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vTitle)
          vunits(i) = trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vUnits)
          kmvar(i) = cfio%grids(1)%km
          if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%twoDimVar ) kmvar(i) = 0
          valid_range(1,i) = cfio%varObjs(i)%validRange(1)
          valid_range(2,i) = cfio%varObjs(i)%validRange(2)
          packing_range(1,i) = cfio%varObjs(i)%packingRange(1)
          packing_range(2,i) = cfio%varObjs(i)%packingRange(2)

       call EOS_Create_ (cfio, trim(cfio%fName), trim(cfio%title), trim(cfio%source),   &
               trim(cfio%contact), cfio%varObjs(1)%amiss,                         &
               cfio%grids(1)%im, cfio%grids(1)%jm, cfio%grids(1)%km, cfio%grids(1)%lon,  &
               cfio%grids(1)%lat, cfio%grids(1)%lev, trim(cfio%grids(1)%levUnits),       &
               cfio%date, cfio%begTime,  cfio%timeInc, cfio%mVars, vname, vtitle,        &
               vunits, kmvar, valid_range, packing_range, cfio%prec, cfio%fid, rtcode )

!      put global attributes
       call EOS_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid,'Conventions',len(trim(cfio%convention))&
                             ,cfio%convention, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write Conventions",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call EOS_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid, 'title', len(trim(cfio%title)),        &
                             cfio%title, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write title",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call EOS_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid, 'history', len(trim(cfio%history)),    &
                             cfio%history, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write history",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call EOS_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid,'institution',                          &
                            len(trim(cfio%institution)),                     &
                            cfio%institution, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write institution",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call EOS_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid, 'source', len(trim(cfio%source)),      &
                             cfio%source, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write source",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call EOS_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid,'references',len(trim(cfio%references)),&
                             cfio%references, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write references",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call EOS_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid,'comment',len(trim(cfio%comment)),      &
                             cfio%comment, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write comment",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call EOS_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid, 'contact', len(trim(cfio%contact)),    &
                             cfio%contact, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write contact",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

!      get integer attributes from iList
       if ( associated(cfio%iList) ) then
          call getMaxLenCnt(maxLen, cfio%nAttInt, iList=cfio%iList)
          allocate(cfio%attIntNames(cfio%nAttInt),                           &
                   cfio%attIntCnts(cfio%nAttInt),                            &
                   cfio%attInts(cfio%nAttInt,maxLen), stat=rtcode)
          if (err("can't allocate mem: attIntCnts",rtcode,-2) .lt. 0) then
             if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
          end if

          call getList(iList=cfio%iList, intAttNames=cfio%attIntNames,       &
                       intAttCnts=cfio%attIntCnts, intAtts=cfio%attInts )
       end if

!      write user defined integer attributes
       if ( cfio%nAttInt .gt. 0 ) then
          do i = 1, cfio%nAttInt
             if ( cfio%attIntCnts(i) .gt. size(cfio%attInts(i,:)) )  then
                rtcode=err("EosFileCreate: Num of int elements and Cnt differ"  &
                if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
             end if

             call EOS_PutIntAtt(cfio%fid, cfio%attIntNames(i),              &
                                 cfio%attIntCnts(i), cfio%attInts(i,:),      &
                                 cfio%prec, rtcode )
             if (err("error in EOS_PutIntAtt",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
                if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
             end if

          end do
       end if

!      get real attributes from rList
       if ( associated(cfio%rList) ) then
          call getMaxLenCnt(maxLen, cfio%nAttReal, rList=cfio%rList)
          allocate(cfio%attRealNames(cfio%nAttReal),                       &
                   cfio%attRealCnts(cfio%nAttReal),                        &
                   cfio%attReals(cfio%nAttReal,maxLen), stat=rtcode)
          if (err("can't allocate mem: attRealNames",rtcode,-2) .lt. 0) then
             if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
          end if

          call getList(rList=cfio%rList, realAttNames=cfio%attRealNames,   &
                       realAttCnts=cfio%attRealCnts, realAtts=cfio%attReals )
          do i = 1, cfio%nAttReal
          end do
       end if

!      write user defined real attributes
       if ( cfio%nAttReal .gt. 0 ) then
          do i = 1, cfio%nAttReal
             if ( cfio%attRealCnts(i) .gt. size(cfio%attReals(i,:)) )  then
                rtcode=err("EosFileCreate: Num of real elements and Cnt differ" &
                if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
             end if
             call EOS_PutRealAtt(cfio%fid, cfio%attRealNames(i),            &
                                 cfio%attRealCnts(i),                        &
                                 cfio%attReals(i,1:cfio%attRealCnts(i)),     &
                                 cfio%prec, rtcode )
             if (err("error in EOS_PutRealAtt",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
                if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
             end if
          end do
       end if

!      get char attributes from cList
       if ( associated(cfio%cList) ) then
          call getMaxLenCnt(maxLen, cfio%nAttChar, cList=cfio%cList)
          allocate(cfio%attCharNames(cfio%nAttChar),                      &
                   cfio%attCharCnts(cfio%nAttChar),                       &
                   cfio%attChars(cfio%nAttChar), stat=rtcode)
          if (err("can't allocate mem: attCharNames",rtcode,-2) .lt. 0) then
             if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
          end if
          call getList(cList=cfio%cList, charAttNames=cfio%attCharNames,  &
                       charAttCnts=cfio%attCharCnts, charAtts=cfio%attChars )
       end if

!      write user defined char attributes
       if ( cfio%nAttChar .gt. 0 ) then
          do i = 1, cfio%nAttChar
             call EOS_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid, cfio%attCharNames(i),       &
                                 cfio%attCharCnts(i), cfio%attChars(i), &
                                 rtcode )
             if (err("error in EOS_PutCharAtt",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
                if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
             end if
          end do
       end if

       cfio%isOpen = .true.

       rtcode = 0

       if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOEosFileCreate

! `ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite3D_` -- Write a variable to a output file.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite3D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, kbeg, &
                                      kount, timeString, doComp, doChunk, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(in) :: cfio         !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! Variable name
      real, intent(in) :: field(:,:,:)            !! array contains data
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg       !! first level to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount      !! number of levels to write
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString
      logical, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: doComp     !! do szip compression
      logical, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: doChunk    !! do szip compression
                                  !! string expression for date and time

      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -15  data outside of valid range
                         !!  rc = -16  data outside of packing range
                         !!  rc = -17  data outside of pack and valid range
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_PUT_VAR (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -45  error from NF90_PUT_VAR
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE
                         !!  rc = -53  error from NF90_GET_ATT

      integer :: i, rtcode
      integer :: myKbeg, myKount
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      logical :: do_comp, do_chunk

      do_comp = .false.
      do_chunk = .false.

      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)
      if ( present(doComp) ) do_comp = doComp
      if ( present(doChunk) ) do_chunk = doChunk

!     make sure user provides the right variable name
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do

!     write 2D variable
      if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%twoDimVar ) then
         call EOS_PutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,             &
                        cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,  &
                        0, 1, field, do_comp, do_chunk, rtcode )
         if (err("EOS_PutVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
!     write 3D variable
         myKbeg = 1
         myKount = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%km

         if ( present(kbeg) ) myKbeg = kbeg
         if ( present(kount) ) myKount = kount

         call EOS_PutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,             &
                        cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,  &
                        myKbeg, myKount, field,  do_comp, do_chunk, rtcode )
         if (err("EOS_PutVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
      end if

      if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%timAve ) then
         call writeBnds(cfio, vName, myDate, myCurTime, rtcode)
      end if

      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite3D_

! `ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite1D_` -- Write a variable to a output file.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite1D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime,  &
                                      timeString, doComp, doChunk, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(in) :: cfio         !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! Variable name
      real, intent(in) :: field(:)            !! array contains data
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString
      logical, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: doComp     !! do szip compression
      logical, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: doChunk    !! do szip compression
                                  !! string expression for date and time

      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
      integer :: i, rtcode
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      logical :: do_comp, do_chunk

      do_comp = .false.
      do_chunk = .false.

      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)
      if ( present(doComp) ) do_comp = doComp
      if ( present(doChunk) ) do_chunk = doChunk
!     make sure user provides the right variable name
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do

      if (index(cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%gName,'station') .gt. 0) then
!         call CFIO_SPutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,      &
         call EOS_PutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,      &
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,  &
                  0, 1, field,  do_comp, do_chunk, rtcode )
         if (err("CFIO_SPutVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
         if (err("It isn't 1D station grid",rtcode,-1) .lt. 0 ) return
      end if

      if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%timAve ) then
         call writeBnds(cfio, vName, myDate, myCurTime, rtcode)
      end if

      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite1D_

! `ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite2D_` -- Write a variable to a output file.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite2D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, kbeg, &
                                      kount, timeString, doComp, doChunk, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(in) :: cfio         !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! Variable name
      real, intent(in) :: field(:,:)            !! array contains data
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date     !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime  !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg     !! first level to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount    !! number of levels to write
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString
      logical, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: doComp     !! do szip compression
      logical, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: doChunk    !! do szip compression
                                  !! string expression for date and time

      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
      integer :: i, rtcode
      integer :: myKbeg, myKount
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      logical :: do_comp, do_chunk

      do_comp = .false.
      do_chunk = .false.

      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)
      if ( present(doComp) ) do_comp = doComp
      if ( present(doChunk) ) do_chunk = doChunk
!     make sure user provides the right variable name
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do

!     write 2D variable
      if (index(cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%gName,'station') .gt. 0) then
         if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%twoDimVar ) then
!            call CFIO_SPutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,      &
            call EOS_PutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,      &
                     cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,  &
                     0, 1, field,  do_comp, do_chunk, rtcode )
            if (err("CFIO_SPutVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
               if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
            end if
            myKbeg = 1
            myKount = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%km
            if ( present(kbeg) ) myKbeg = kbeg
            if ( present(kount) ) myKount = kount

!            call CFIO_SPutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,          &
            call EOS_PutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,          &
                     cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,  &
                     myKbeg, myKount, field,  do_comp, do_chunk, rtcode )
            if (err("CFIO_SPutVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
               if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
            end if
         end if
         call EOS_PutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,              &
                     cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,  &
                     0, 1, field,  do_comp, do_chunk, rtcode )
         if (err("EOS_PutVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if

      end if

      if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%timAve ) then
         call writeBnds(cfio, vName, myDate, myCurTime, rtcode)
      end if

      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite2D_

! `ESMF_CFIOEosFileClose` -- close an open CFIO stream.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOEosFileClose (cfio, rc)
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                       !! 0   all is well
                                       !! -54  error from NF90_CLOSE (file close)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio       !! CFIO object
       integer :: rtcode

       if ( cfio%isOpen ) then
          call EOS_Close(cfio%fid, rtcode)
          if (rtcode .ne. 0) then
             print *, "CFIO_Close failed"
             cfio%isOpen = .false.
          end if

          rtcode = 0
       end if

       if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOEosFileClose

! `writeBnds` -- write time bounds for time averaging variable.
      subroutine writeBnds(cfio, vName, date, curTime, rc)
      type (ESMF_CFIO), intent(in) :: cfio
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName
      integer, intent(in) :: date
      integer, intent(in) :: curTime
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                                                !! 1   ...
      integer :: sds_index, sfwdata, sfselect, sfn2index
      integer :: sfsnatt, sfendacc
      integer :: sds_id, corner(4), edges(4), stride(4)
      integer :: hour, min, sec, incSecs, timeIndex
      integer :: seconds, timeinc, curSecs
      real*4 :: bndsdata(2)
      character(len=8) :: strBuf
      integer :: i, rtcode=0

!     make sure user provides the right variable name
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do
      if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%timAve ) then
         seconds = DiffDate (cfio%date, cfio%begTime, date, curTime)
         timeinc = cfio%timeInc
         write (strBuf,203) timeinc
203      format (I6)
         read (strBuf,204) hour, min, sec
204      format (3I2)
         incSecs = hour*3600 + min*60 + sec

         write (strBuf,203) curTime
         read (strBuf,204) hour, min, sec
         curSecs = hour*3600 + min*60 + sec

         timeIndex = seconds/incSecs + 1
         corner(1) = 0
         corner(2) = timeIndex-1
         stride(1) = 1
         stride(2) = 1
         edges(1) = 2
         edges(2) = 1
         bndsdata(1) = (-incSecs + curSecs)/60.
         bndsdata(2) = curSecs/60.
         if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%aveMethod .eq. 'c' ) then
            bndsdata(1) = (-incSecs/2. + curSecs)/60.
            bndsdata(2) = (incSecs/2. + curSecs)/60.
         end if
         if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%aveMethod .eq. 'd' ) then
            bndsdata(1) = curSecs/60.
            bndsdata(2) = (incSecs + curSecs)/60.
         end if

         sds_index = sfn2index(cfio%sd_id, 'time_bnds')
         sds_id = sfselect(cfio%sd_id, sds_index)
         rtcode = sfwdata (sds_id, corner, stride, edges, bndsdata)
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) then
            print *, "sfwdata failed in time_bnds"
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
         rtcode = sfendacc(sds_id)
      end if

      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine writeBnds

! `EOS_Create_`
!#### History
!- 1997.09.13  da Silva/Lucchesi  Initial interface design.
!- 1997.09.22  Lucchesi           Added timinc to interface.
!- 1998.02.10  Lucchesi           Added support for applications running with 64-bit reals.
!- 1998.02.17  Lucchesi           Added time_inc, begin_time, and begin_date
!   attributes to the time dimension.
!- 1998.03.30  Lucchesi           Documentation expanded.  Clean-up of code.
!- 1998.07.07  Lucchesi           Removed vids from argument list
!- 1998.07.09  Lucchesi           Converted timinc to seconds before saving
!- 1998.10.09  Lucchesi           Precision flag, documentation changes.
!- 1998.10.27  Lucchesi           Added support for packing and range checks
!- 1999.01.29  Lucchesi           Converted API to SD for HDFEOS
!- 1999.04.13  Lucchesi           Added "missing_value" as a global attritute
!   and a HDF-EOS Grid attribute to be consistent
!   with Dan Ziskin's earlier work.
!- 1999.05.27  Lucchesi           Added error checking and updated error codes.
      subroutine EOS_Create_(cfio, fname, title, source, contact, amiss, &
                              im, jm, km, lon, lat, levs, levunits, &
                              yyyymmdd_beg, hhmmss_beg, timinc,&
                              nvars, vname, vtitle, vunits, kmvar,&
                              valid_range, packing_range, prec,&
                              fid, rc )
! !USES:
      Implicit NONE
                                    ! ------- Global Metadata ------
      character(len=*)   fname         !! File name
      character(len=*)   title         !! A title for the data set
      character(len=*)   source        !! Source of data, e.g. NASA/DAO
      character(len=*)   contact       !! Who to contact about the data set, e.g.,
                                    !! 'Contact'
      real            amiss         !! Missing value such as 1.0E15

                                    ! ------- Dimension Metadata -------
      integer         im            !! size of longitudinal dimension
      integer         jm            !! size of latitudinal  dimension
      integer         km            !! size of vertical     dimension
                                    !! (surface only=1)
      real*8          lon(im)       !! longitude of center of gridbox in
                                    !! degrees east of Greenwich (can be
                                    !! -180 -> 180 or 0 -> 360)
      real*8          lat(jm)       !! latitude of center of gridbox in
                                    !! degrees north of equator
      real*8          levs(km)      !! Level (units given by levunits) of
                                    !!   center of gridbox
      character(len=*)   levunits      !! units of level dimension, e.g.,
                                    !!   "millibar", "hPa", or "sigma_level"
      integer        yyyymmdd_beg   !! First year-month-day to be written
      integer          hhmmss_beg   !! First hour-minute-second to be written
      integer         timinc        !! Increment between output times (HHMMSS)

                                    ! ------- Variable Metadata -------
      integer         nvars         !! number of variables in file
      character(len=*)   vname(nvars)  !! variable short name, e.g., "hght"
      character(len=*)   vtitle(nvars) !! variable long name, e.g.,
                                    !!   "Geopotential Height"
      character(len=*)   vunits(nvars) !! variable units, e.g., "meter/second"
      integer         kmvar(nvars)  !! number of levels for variable; it can
                                    !!  either be 0 (2-D fields) or equal to km

      real    valid_range(2,nvars)  !! Variable valid range; EOS_PutVar
                                    !! will return a non-fatal error if a value is
                                    !! outside of this range. IMPORTANT: If packing
                                    !! is not desired for a given variable, YOU MUST
                                    !! set both components of valid_range to amiss.
                                    ! ------ Packing Metadata ----
      real   packing_range(2,nvars) !! Packing range to be used for 16-bit packing
                                    !! of each variable. IMPORTANT: If packing is not
                                    !! desired for a given variable, YOU MUST set both
                                    !! components of packing_range to amiss.
                                    !! NOTE:
                                    !!* The packing algorithm sets all values
                                    !!   outside the packing range to missing.
                                    !!* The larger the packing range, the greater
                                    !!   the loss of precision.
      integer        prec           !! Desired precision of data:
                                    !!   0 = 32 bit
                                    !!   1 = 64 bit
                                    !! NOTE: mixing precision in the same
                                    !!* Mixing 32 and 64 bit precision in the
                                    !!   same file is not supported.
                                    !!* If packing is turned on for a variable,
                                    !!   the prec flag is ignored.

      integer        fid     !! File handle
      integer        rc      !! Error return code:
                             !!  rc = 0   all is well
                             !!  rc = -1  time increment is 0
                             !!  rc = -18 incorrect time increment
                             !!  NetCDF Errors
                             !!  -------------
                             !!  rc = -30  error creating file
                             !!  rc = -31  error defining a coordinate (dimension)
                             !!  rc = -32  error detaching from grid
                             !!  rc = -33  error associating a dimension with a variable
                             !!  rc = -34  error defining a variable
                             !!  rc = -35  error defining a variable attribute
                             !!  rc = -36  error creating a global attribute
                             !!  rc = -37  error attaching to grid (HDFEOS)
                             !!  rc = -38  error writing a coordinate (dimension)
                             !!  rc = -59  variable name contains only blanks
     type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio

      ! REAL*4 variables for 32-bit output to netCDF file.

      real*4 amiss_32
      real*4 lon_32(im), lat_32(jm), levs_32(km)
      real*8 lon_64(im), lat_64(jm), levs_64(km)
      real*4 scale_32, offset_32
      real*4 high_32,low_32
      integer vid(nvars)
      integer i, j, idx, dimIdx
      integer timeid, latid, lonid, levid, dimid
      integer timedim, latdim, londim, levdim
      integer dims3D(4), dims2D(3), bnd_dim(2)
      integer bnd_id, tim_id
      integer corner(4), edges(4)
      character(len=80) timeUnits
      character(len=MAXCHR) dimName, dimUnits
      logical surfaceOnly
      character(len=8) strBuf
      character(len=14) dateString
      integer year,mon,day,hour,min,sec
      integer rct
      integer timeSteps

! Variables for packing

      integer*2 amiss_16
      real*4 pRange_32(2,nvars),vRange_32(2,nvars)
      logical packflag

! Set metadata strings.  These metadata values are specified in the
! COARDS conventions

      character (len=50) :: lonName = "longitude"
      character (len=50) :: lonUnits = "degrees_east"
      character (len=50) :: latName = "latitude"
      character (len=50) :: latUnits = "degrees_north"
      character (len=50) :: levName = "vertical level"
!                           levunits: specified by user in argument list
      character (len=50) :: timeName = "time"
!                           timeUnits: string is built below
      character (len=50) :: conventions = "COARDS"
      character (len=50) :: history = "File written by CFIO v2.0.1"
      character (len=50) :: missing = "missing_value"


      ! Functions

        integer sfstart
        integer sfend
        integer sfcreate
        integer sfid2ref
        integer sfsnatt, sfscatt
        integer sfwdata
        integer sfsdmname, sfdimid
        integer sfgdinfo
        integer sfsdscale

      ! Variables

        integer sd_id
        integer sds_ref
        integer rank
        integer, allocatable :: dim_size(:)
        integer stride(4)
        integer dim_id
        integer dimSize, numAttr, type
        real*8 :: initialTime = 0.0

#if defined (HDFEOS)

! Variables for HDF-EOS

      integer GDopen
      integer EHidinfo
      integer GDcreate
      integer GDdefproj
      integer GDdeforigin
      integer GDattach
      integer GDdetach
      integer GDfldinfo
      integer GDdefdim
      integer GDdeffld
      integer GDsetfill
      integer GDwrfld
      integer GDwrattr
      integer GDclose

      integer hdfFid
      integer gridId
      real*8, dimension(2) :: uplft = (/-180000000.00, 90000000.00/)
      real*8, dimension(2) :: lwrgt = (/180000000.00, -90000000.00/)
      character(len=100) cdims2D
      character(len=100) cdims3D
      character(len=100) cdims
      integer dims, numType
      integer start(4), edge(4)

! Internal CFIO functions

      character (len=60) :: lonStr
      character (len=60) :: latStr
      character (len=60) :: levStr
      character (len=60) :: timStr
      logical :: aveFile = .false.
      character cellMthd
      amiss_16 = PACK_FILL
      surfaceOnly = .TRUE.

      if (cfio%tSteps .gt. 0) then
         timeSteps = cfio%tSteps
         timeSteps = SD_UNLIMITED
      end if

      if (lon(1) .eq. 0 )  uplft(1) = 0.0
      if (lon(1) .eq. 0 )  lwrgt(1) = 360000000.0

! Basic error-checking.

      ! rc initialized to 0.  It should be changed only in the event
      ! of an error.

      rc = 0

      if (timinc .eq. 0) then

! Check to see if there is only surface data in this file definition

      do i=1,nvars
        if (kmvar(i) .NE. 0) then
          surfaceOnly = .FALSE.

      do i=1,nvars
        if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%timAve ) then
            aveFile = .true.
            cellMthd = cfio%varObjs(i)%cellMthd
        end if

! Convert double-precision output variables to single-precision

      do i=1,im
         lon_32(i) = lon(i)
         lon_64(i) = lon(i)
      do i=1,jm
         lat_32(i) = lat(i)
         lat_64(i) = lat(i)
      do i=1,km
         levs_32(i) = levs(i)
         levs_64(i) = levs(i)
      do j=1,nvars
        do i=1,2
           vRange_32(i,j) = valid_range(i,j)
           pRange_32(i,j) = packing_range(i,j)

      amiss_32 = amiss

! Convert time increment to seconds.

      write (strBuf,203) timinc
203   format (I6)
      read (strBuf,204) hour, min, sec
204   format (3I2)
      if ( sec .NE. 0) then
        print *, 'CFIO_Create: Time increments not on minute', &
                ' boundaries are not currently allowed.'
        rc = -18

! Open new file.

#if defined(HDFSD)
     ! Create file.

      sd_id = sfstart (fname, DFACC_CREATE)
      if (err("Create: error in sfstart",rc,-30).NE.0) then
        print *, 'Error details: Could not create ',fname

#if defined(HDFEOS)
      ! Create file, define projection, define origin

      fid = GDopen (fname, DFACC_CREATE)
      if (err("Create: error in GDopen",rc,-30) .NE. 0) then
        print *, 'Error details: Could not create ',fname

      rct = EHidinfo (fid, hdfFid, sd_id)
      if (err("Create: error in EHidinfo",rc,-30) .NE. 0) return
      cfio%sd_id = sd_id

      gridId = GDcreate (fid, GRID_NAME, im, jm, uplft, lwrgt)
      if (err("Create: error in GDcreate",rc,-30) .NE. 0) return
      rct = GDdefproj (gridId, GCTP_GEO, 0, 0, 0)
      if (err("Create: error in GDdefproj",rc,-30) .NE. 0) return
      rct = GDdeforigin (gridId, HDFE_GD_LL)
      if (err("Create: error in GDdeforigin",rc,-30) .NE. 0) return
      gridId = GDattach (fid, GRID_NAME)
      if (err("Create: error in GDattach",rc,-37) .NE. 0) return

#if defined(HDFEOS)

      ! NOTE: X and Y dimensions are created implicitly by the
      !       GD interface.  These are single-precision coordinate
      !       variables that satisfy the needs of COARDS.
      !       The double-precision coordinate variable required by
      !       HDF-EOS are defined later.

      rct = GDdefdim (gridId, "TIME", timeSteps)
      if (err("Create: error defining TIME",rc,-31) .NE. 0) goto 999
      if (.NOT. surfaceOnly) then
        rct = GDdefdim (gridId, "Height", km)
        if (err("Create: error defining Height",rc,-31) .NE. 0) &
         goto 999

! Prepare arrays (and strings) that define dimensions.  These will
! be passed to the routines that define variables.

      dims3D(4) = timeSteps
      dims3D(3) = km
      dims3D(2) = jm
      dims3D(1) = im
#if defined(HDFEOS)
      cdims3D = "XDim,YDim,Height,TIME"

      dims2D(3) = timeSteps
      dims2D(2) = jm
      dims2D(1) = im
#if defined(HDFEOS)
      cdims2D = "XDim,YDim,TIME"

      scale_32 = 1.0     ! No packing for now.
      offset_32 = 0.0    ! No packing for now.

! Variable definition loop

      do i=1,nvars

        if (LEN_TRIM(vname(i)) .EQ. 0) then
          print *, "CFIO_Create: Error, a variable name contains only blanks."
          rc = -59
          goto 999
        if (pRange_32(1,i) .NE. amiss_32 .OR. pRange_32(2,i) .NE. &
        amiss_32) then
          packflag = .TRUE.
          packflag = .FALSE.

        if ( kmvar(i) .eq. 0 ) then

#if defined(HDFSD)
          if (packflag) then
            vid(i) = sfcreate (sd_id,vname(i),DFNT_INT16,3,dims2D)
          else if (prec .EQ. 1) then
            vid(i) = sfcreate (sd_id,vname(i),DFNT_FLOAT64,3,dims2D)
            vid(i) = sfcreate (sd_id,vname(i),DFNT_FLOAT32,3,dims2D)
          if (err("Create: error defining variable",rc,-34).NE.0) &
            print *, 'Error details: Could not define ',vname(i)
            goto 999

          dim_id = sfdimid(vid(i),0)
          if (err("Create: error in sfdimid",rc,-33) goto 999
          rct = sfsdmname(dim_id, 'XDim')
          if (err("Create: error in sfsdmname",rc,-33) goto 999
          dim_id = sfdimid (vid(i),1)
          if (err("Create: error in sfdimid",rc,-33) goto 999
          rct = sfsdmname(dim_id, 'YDim')
          if (err("Create: error in sfsdmname",rc,-33) goto 999
          dim_id = sfdimid (vid(i),2)
          if (err("Create: error in sfdimid",rc,-33) goto 999
          rct = sfsdmname(dim_id, 'time')
          if (err("Create: error in sfsdmname",rc,-33) goto 999

#if defined(HDFEOS)
          if (packflag) then
            rct = GDdeffld (gridId, vname(i), cdims2D, DFNT_INT16, &
            if (err("Create: error defining variable",rc,-34).NE.0) &
              print *, 'Error details: Could not define ',vname(i)
              goto 999
            rct = GDsetfill (gridId, vname(i), amiss_32)    ! amiss_16 ?
            if (err("Create: error in GDsetfill",rc,-34).NE.0) &
             goto 999
            vid(i) = GetSDSid (fid, vname(i))
          else if (prec .EQ. 1) then
            rct = GDdeffld (gridId, vname(i), cdims2D, DFNT_FLOAT64, &
            if (err("Create: error defining variable",rc,-34).NE.0) &
              print *, 'Error details: Could not define ',vname(i)
              goto 999
            rct = GDsetfill (gridId, vname(i), amiss_32)    ! amiss_64 ?
            if (err("Create: error in GDsetfill",rc,-34).NE.0) &
             goto 999
            vid(i) = GetSDSid (fid, vname(i))
            rct = GDdeffld (gridId, vname(i), cdims2D, DFNT_FLOAT32, &
            if (err("Create: error defining variable",rc,-34).NE.0) &
              print *, 'Error details: Could not define ',vname(i)
              goto 999
            rct = GDsetfill (gridId, vname(i), amiss_32)
            if (err("Create: error in GDsetfill",rc,-34).NE.0) &
             goto 999
            vid(i) = GetSDSid (fid, vname(i))


#if defined(HDFSD)
          if (packflag) then
            vid(i) = sfcreate (sd_id,vname(i),DFNT_INT16,4,dims3D)
          else if (prec .EQ. 1) then
            vid(i) = sfcreate (sd_id,vname(i),DFNT_FLOAT64,4,dims3D)
            vid(i) = sfcreate (sd_id,vname(i),DFNT_FLOAT32,4,dims3D)
          if (err("Create: error defining variable",vid(i),rc,-34).NE.0) &
            print *, 'Error details: Could not define ',vname(i)
            goto 999

          dim_id = sfdimid (vid(i),0)
          if (err("Create: error in sfdimid",rc,-33) goto 999
          rct = sfsdmname(dim_id, 'XDim')
          if (err("Create: error in sfsdmname",rc,-33) goto 999
          dim_id = sfdimid (vid(i),1)
          if (err("Create: error in sfdimid",rc,-33) goto 999
          rct = sfsdmname(dim_id, 'YDim')
          if (err("Create: error in sfsdmname",rc,-33) goto 999
          dim_id = sfdimid (vid(i),2)
          if (err("Create: error in sfdimid",rc,-33) goto 999
          rct = sfsdmname(dim_id, 'Height')
          if (err("Create: error in sfsdmname",rc,-33) goto 999
          dim_id = sfdimid (vid(i),3)
          if (err("Create: error in sfdimid",rc,-33) goto 999
          rct = sfsdmname(dim_id, 'time')
          if (err("Create: error in sfsdmname",rc,-33) goto 999

#if defined(HDFEOS)
          if (packflag) then
            rct = GDdeffld (gridId, vname(i), cdims3D, DFNT_INT16, &
            if (err("Create: error defining variable",rc,-34).NE.0) &
              print *, 'Error details: Could not define ',vname(i)
              goto 999
            rct = GDsetfill (gridId, vname(i), amiss_32)  ! amiss_16 ?
            if (err("Create: error in GDsetfill",rc,-34).NE.0) &
             goto 999
            vid(i) = GetSDSid (fid, vname(i))
          else if (prec .EQ. 1) then
            rct = GDdeffld (gridId, vname(i), cdims3D, DFNT_FLOAT64, &
            if (err("Create: error defining variable",rc,-34).NE.0) &
              print *, 'Error details: Could not define ',vname(i)
              goto 999
            rct = GDsetfill (gridId, vname(i), amiss_32)  ! amiss_64 ?
            if (err("Create: error in GDsetfill",rc,-34).NE.0) &
             goto 999
            vid(i) = GetSDSid (fid, vname(i))
            rct = GDdeffld (gridId, vname(i), cdims3D, DFNT_FLOAT32, &
            if (err("Create: error defining variable",rc,-34).NE.0) &
              print *, 'Error details: Could not define ',vname(i)
              goto 999
            rct = GDsetfill (gridId, vname(i), amiss_32)
            if (err("Create: error in GDsetfill",rc,-34).NE.0) &
             goto 999
            vid(i) = GetSDSid (fid, vname(i))


        if (LEN_TRIM(vtitle(i)) .NE. 0) then
          rct = sfscatt( vid(i),'long_name',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(vtitle(i)),TRIM(vtitle(i)) )
          print *, 'CFIO_Create: Warning, a variable title string is blank.'
          rct = sfscatt( vid(i),'long_name',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN(vtitle(i)),vtitle(i) )
        if (err("Create: error in sfscatt",rc,-35).NE.0) then
          print *, "Error details: Can't set long_name to ",vtitle(i)
          goto 999

!        if (TRIM(cfio%varObjs(i)%standardName) .NE. 'unknown' .and. &
!            len(TRIM(cfio%varObjs(i)%standardName)) .gt. 0) then
          rct = sfscatt( vid(i),'standard_name',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(cfio%varObjs(i)%standardName), &
                TRIM(cfio%varObjs(i)%standardName) )
!        else
!          rct = sfscatt( vid(i),'standard_name',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN(vtitle(i)),trim(vtitle(i)) )
!   print *, "vtitle(i) ", vtitle(i)
!        endif
        if (err("Create: error in sfscatt",rc,-35).NE.0) then
          print *, "Error details: Can't set long_name to ",vtitle(i)
          goto 999

        if (LEN_TRIM(vunits(i)) .NE. 0) then
          rct = sfscatt(vid(i),'units',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(vunits(i)),TRIM(vunits(i)) )
          print *, 'CFIO_Create: Warning, a variable units string is blank.'
          rct = sfscatt(vid(i),'units',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN(vunits(i)),vunits(i) )
        if (err("Create: error in sfscatt",rc,-35).NE.0) then
          print *, "Error details: Can't set units to ",vtitle(i)
          goto 999

!       Set up packing info.

        if (packflag) then
          if (pRange_32(1,i) .GT. pRange_32(2,i)) then
            high_32 = pRange_32(1,i)
            low_32  = pRange_32(2,i)
            high_32 = pRange_32(2,i)
            low_32  = pRange_32(1,i)
          scale_32 = (high_32 - low_32)/PACK_BITS*2
          offset_32 = high_32 - scale_32*PACK_BITS
          if (scale_32 .EQ. 0.0) then              ! If packing range is 0,
             scale_32 = 1.0                        ! default to no packing.
             offset_32 = 0.0
          rct = sfscatt (vid(i),'scale_factor',DFNT_FLOAT32,1,scale_32)
          if (err("Create: error setting scale_factor",rc,-35).NE.0)&
           goto 999
          rct = sfscatt (vid(i),'add_offset',DFNT_FLOAT32,1,offset_32)
          if (err("Create: error setting add_offset",rc,-35).NE.0)&
           goto 999
          rct = sfscatt (vid(i),'packmin',DFNT_FLOAT32,1,low_32)
          if (err("Create: error setting packmin",rc,-35).NE.0) &
           goto 999
          rct = sfscatt (vid(i),'packmax',DFNT_FLOAT32,1,high_32)
          if (err("Create: error setting packmax",rc,-35).NE.0) &
           goto 999
          rct = sfscatt (vid(i),'missing_value',DFNT_INT16,1,amiss_16)
          if (err("Create: error setting missing_value",rc,-35) &
           .NE.0) goto 999
          rct=sfscatt (vid(i),'fmissing_value',DFNT_FLOAT32,1,amiss_32)
          if (err("Create: error setting fmissing_value",rc,-35) &
           .NE.0) goto 999
        else      ! NOT packflag
          scale_32 = 1.0     ! No packing.
          offset_32 = 0.0    ! No packing.
          rct = sfscatt (vid(i),'scale_factor',DFNT_FLOAT32,1,scale_32)
          if (err("Create: error setting scale_factor",rc,-35).NE.0)&
            goto 999
          rct = sfscatt (vid(i),'add_offset',DFNT_FLOAT32,1,offset_32)
          if (err("Create: error setting add_offset",rc,-35).NE.0)&
           goto 999
          rct = sfscatt (vid(i),'missing_value',DFNT_FLOAT32,1,amiss_32)
          if (err("Create: error setting missing_value",rc,-35) &
           .NE.0) goto 999
          rct=sfscatt (vid(i),'fmissing_value',DFNT_FLOAT32,1,amiss_32)
          if (err("Create: error setting fmissing_value",rc,-35)&
           .NE.0) goto 999
        if (vRange_32(1,i) .NE. amiss_32 .OR. vRange_32(2,i) .NE. &
           amiss_32) then
          if (vRange_32(1,i) .GT. vRange_32(2,i)) then
            high_32 = vRange_32(1,i)
            low_32  = vRange_32(2,i)
            high_32 = vRange_32(2,i)
            low_32  = vRange_32(1,i)
          rct = sfscatt (vid(i),'vmin',DFNT_FLOAT32,1,low_32)
          if (err("Create: error setting vmin",rc,-35).NE.0)goto 999
          rct = sfscatt (vid(i),'vmax',DFNT_FLOAT32,1,high_32)
          if (err("Create: error setting vmax",rc,-35).NE.0)goto 999
          rct = sfscatt (vid(i),'valid_range',DFNT_FLOAT32,2,vRange_32(:,i))
          if (err("Create: error setting valid_range",rc,-35).NE.0)goto 999
          rct = sfscatt (vid(i),'vmin',DFNT_FLOAT32,1,amiss_32)
          if (err("Create: error setting vmin",rc,-35).NE.0)goto 999
          rct = sfscatt (vid(i),'vmax',DFNT_FLOAT32,1,amiss_32)
          if (err("Create: error setting vmax",rc,-35).NE.0)goto 999

! Build time strings for COARDS conventions.

      write (dateString,200) yyyymmdd_beg, hhmmss_beg
200   format (I8,I6)
      read (dateString,201) year,mon,day,hour,min,sec
201   format (I4,5I2)
      write (timeUnits,202) year,mon,day,hour,min,sec
202   format ('minutes since ',I4.4,'-',I2.2,'-',I2.2,' ',I2.2,':', &

! If there are upper-air variables in this file, scan the variables
! until the first UA is found and save the index.  We will use the ID
! for this variable to set dimension information.

      if (surfaceOnly) then
        do idx=1,nvars
          if (kmvar(idx) .EQ. km) then
!        print *, 'idx=',idx,' nvars=',nvars,'km=',km
        if (idx .GT. nvars) then
          print *, 'CFIO_Create: error finding upper air variable.'

! Write Dimension Scale Values.

      do i=0,NDIMS_MAX-1
        dimid = sfdimid (vid(idx), i)
        rct = sfgdinfo (dimid, dimName, dimSize, type, numAttr)
        if (rct .NE. 0) then                   ! No dimensions left.
        dimIdx = IdentifyDim (dimName, dimUnits)
        if ( dimIdx .EQ. 0 ) then
          lonid = dimid
          rct = sfsdscale ( lonid, im, DFNT_FLOAT64, lon_64 )
          if (err("Create: error writing lons",rc,-38).NE.0)goto 999

          rct = sfscatt (lonid,'long_name',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(lonName),TRIM(lonName))
          if (err("Create: error lon attribute",rc,-35).NE.0) goto 999

          rct = sfscatt (lonid,'units',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(lonUnits),lonUnits)
          if (err("Create: error lon attribute",rc,-35).NE.0) goto 999

        else if ( dimIdx .EQ. 1 ) then
          latid = dimid
          rct = sfsdscale ( latid, jm, DFNT_FLOAT64, lat_64 )
          if (err("Create: error writing lats",rc,-38).NE.0)goto 999

          rct = sfscatt (latid,'long_name',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(latName),TRIM(latName))
          if (err("Create: error lat attribute",rc,-35).NE.0) goto 999

          rct = sfscatt (latid,'units',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(latUnits),TRIM(latUnits))
          if (err("Create: error lat attribute",rc,-35).NE.0) goto 999

        else if ( dimIdx .EQ. 2 ) then
          levid = dimid
          rct = sfsdscale ( levid, km, DFNT_FLOAT64, levs_64 )
          if (err("Create: error writing levs",rc,-38).NE.0)goto 999

          rct = sfscatt (levid,'long_name',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(levName),TRIM(levName))
          if (err("Create: error lev attribute",rc,-35).NE.0) goto 999

          ! Check for blanks in levunits because this string is passed in
          ! by the user.

          if ( LEN_TRIM(levunits) .NE. 0) then
            rct = sfscatt (levid,'units',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(levunits),TRIM(levunits))
            print *, 'CFIO_Create: Warning, levunits string is blank.'
            rct = sfscatt (levid,'units',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN(levunits),levUnits)
          if (err("Create: error lev attribute",rc,-35).NE.0) goto 999

          rct = sfscatt (levid,'positive',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN('down'),'down')
          if (err("Create: error lev attribute",rc,-35).NE.0) goto 999

          rct = sfscatt (levid,'coordinate',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(cfio%grids(1)%coordinate), &
          rct = sfscatt (levid,'standard_name',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(cfio%grids(1)%standardName),&
          rct = sfscatt (levid,'formula_term',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(cfio%grids(1)%formulaTerm), &
        else if ( dimIdx .EQ. 3 ) then
          timeid = dimid
          rct = sfsdscale ( timeid, 1, DFNT_FLOAT64, initialTime )
          if (err("Create: error writing times",rc,-38).NE.0) goto 999

          rct = sfscatt (timeid,'long_name',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(timeName),TRIM(timeName))
          if (err("Create: error time attribute",rc,-35).NE.0) goto 999

          rct = sfscatt (timeid,'units',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(timeUnits),TRIM(timeUnits))
          if (err("Create: error time attribute",rc,-35).NE.0) goto 999

          rct = sfscatt (timeid,'time_increment',DFNT_INT32,1,timInc)
          if (err("Create: error time attribute",rc,-35).NE.0) goto 999

          rct = sfscatt (timeid,'begin_date',DFNT_INT32,1,yyyymmdd_beg)
          if (err("Create: error time attribute",rc,-35).NE.0) goto 999

          rct = sfscatt (timeid,'begin_time',DFNT_INT32,1,hhmmss_beg)
          if (err("Create: error time attribute",rc,-35).NE.0) goto 999

          if ( aveFile ) then
             rct = sfscatt (timeid,'bound',DFNT_CHAR8,9,'time_bnds')
             if (err("Create: error time attribute",rc,-35).NE.0) goto 999
             bnd_dim(2) = 1
             bnd_dim(1) = 2
             bnd_id = sfcreate (sd_id,'time_bnds',DFNT_FLOAT32,2,bnd_dim)
             tim_id = sfdimid(bnd_id,1)
             rct = sfsdmname(tim_id, 'TIME:EOSGRID')
             tim_id = sfdimid(bnd_id,0)
             rct = sfsdmname(tim_id, 'nv')
          end if
          print *, 'CFIO_Create: WARNING. Dimension ',TRIM(dimName), &
                  ' is unknown.'

#if defined(HDFEOS)
      rct = GDdeffld (gridId,'XDim','XDim',DFNT_FLOAT64,HDFE_NOMERGE)
      if (err("Create: error defining XDim",rc,-31).NE.0)goto 999
      start(1) = 0
      stride(1) = 1
      edge(1) = im
      rct = GDwrfld (gridId,'XDim',start,stride,edge,lon_64)
      if (err("Create: error writing XDim",rc,-38).NE.0)goto 999

      rct = GDdeffld (gridId,'YDim','YDim',DFNT_FLOAT64,HDFE_NOMERGE)
      if (err("Create: error defining YDim",rc,-31).NE.0)goto 999
      edge(1) = jm
      rct = GDwrfld (gridId,'YDim',start,stride,edge,lat_64)
      if (err("Create: error writing YDim",rc,-38).NE.0)goto 999

      if (.NOT. surfaceOnly) then
        rct = GDdeffld (gridId,'Height','Height',DFNT_FLOAT64, &
        if (err("Create: error defining Height",rc,-31).NE.0) &
           goto 999
        rct = GDwrfld (gridId,'Height',start,stride,edge,levs_64)
        if (err("Create: error writing Height",rc,-38).NE.0)goto 999

      rct = GDdeffld (gridId,'Time','TIME',DFNT_FLOAT64,HDFE_NOMERGE)
      if (err("Create: error defining TIME",rc,-31).NE.0) goto 999
      rct = GDwrfld (gridId,'Time',start,stride,edge,0.0)
      if (err("Create: error writing TIME",rc,-38).NE.0) goto 999

! Define global file attributes.  Check for strings containing only blanks.

#if defined(HDFEOS)
       i = 1
       rct = GDwrattr (gridId,missing,DFNT_FLOAT32,i,amiss_32)
       if (err("Create: error in GDwrattr",rc,-36).NE.0) goto 999

       rct = sfscatt (sd_id,missing,DFNT_FLOAT32,1,amiss_32)
       if (err("Create: error defining missing",rc,-36).NE.0) goto 999
       if (LEN_TRIM(conventions) .NE. 0) then
          rct = sfscatt (sd_id,'Conventions',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(conventions),&
          print *, 'CFIO_Create: Warning, conventions string is blank.'
          rct = sfscatt (sd_id,'Conventions',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN(conventions),conventions)
       if (err("Create: error defining Conventions",rc,-36).NE.0) goto 999

!       if (LEN_TRIM(title) .NE. 0) then
!         rct = sfscatt (sd_id,'Title',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(title),TRIM(title))
!       else
!         print *, 'CFIO_Create: Warning, title string is blank.'
!         rct = sfscatt (sd_id,'Title',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN(title),title)
!       endif
!       if (err("Create: error defining Title",rc,-36).NE.0)goto 999

!       if (LEN_TRIM(source) .NE. 0) then
!         rct = sfscatt (sd_id,'Source',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(source),TRIM(source))
!       else
!         print *, 'CFIO_Create: Warning, source string is blank.'
!         rct = sfscatt (sd_id,'Source',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN(source),source)
!       endif
!       if (err("Create: error defining Source",rc,-36).NE.0)goto 999

!       if (LEN_TRIM(contact) .NE. 0) then
!         rct = sfscatt (sd_id,'Contact',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(contact),TRIM(contact))
!       else
!         print *, 'CFIO_Create: Warning, contact string is blank.'
!         rct = sfscatt (sd_id,'Contact',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN(contact),contact)
!       endif
!       if (err("Create: error defining Contact",rc,-36).NE.0) goto 999

!       if (LEN_TRIM(history) .NE. 0) then
!         rct = sfscatt (sd_id,'History',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN_TRIM(history),TRIM(history))
!       else
!         print *, 'CFIO_Create: Warning, history string is blank.'
!         rct = sfscatt (sd_id,'History',DFNT_CHAR8,LEN(history), history)
!       endif
!       if (err("Create: error defining History",rc,-36).NE.0) goto 999

999    continue

#if defined (HDFSD)
      fid = sd_id

#if defined (HDFEOS)
      rct = GDdetach (gridId)

      end subroutine EOS_Create_


      end module ESMF_CFIOEosMod