#include "MAPL_Generic.h" module MAPL_VerticalDataMod use ESMF use MAPL_BaseMod use MAPL_Profiler use pFIO use MAPL_AbstractRegridderMod use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: REAL64 implicit none private public :: VERTICAL_METHOD_NONE public :: VERTICAL_METHOD_SELECT public :: VERTICAL_METHOD_ETA2LEV public :: VERTICAL_METHOD_FLIP enum, bind(c) enumerator :: VERTICAL_METHOD_NONE = -1 enumerator :: VERTICAL_METHOD_SELECT enumerator :: VERTICAL_METHOD_ETA2LEV enumerator :: VERTICAL_METHOD_FLIP end enum type, public :: verticalData character(len=:), allocatable :: vunit character(len=:), allocatable :: func character(len=:), allocatable :: vvar character(len=:), allocatable :: positive character(len=:), allocatable :: long_name character(len=:), allocatable :: standard_name character(len=:), allocatable :: vcoord real :: vscale real :: pow=0.0 real, allocatable :: levs(:) real, allocatable :: interp_levels(:) real, allocatable :: scaled_levels(:) real, allocatable :: surface_level(:,:) real, allocatable :: ple3d(:,:,:) real, allocatable :: pl3d(:,:,:) integer :: lm = 0 integer :: regrid_type type(ESMF_Field) :: interp_var logical :: ascending integer :: nedge ! number of edge integer, allocatable :: ks(:,:,:) integer, allocatable :: ks_e(:,:,:) ! edge real, allocatable :: weight(:,:,:) real, allocatable :: weight_e(:,:,:) !edge contains procedure :: append_vertical_metadata procedure :: get_interpolating_variable procedure :: regrid_eta_to_pressure procedure :: regrid_select_level procedure :: skip_var procedure :: correct_topo procedure :: setup_eta_to_pressure procedure :: flip_levels end type verticalData interface verticalData module procedure newVerticalData end interface contains function newVerticalData(levels,vcoord,vscale,vunit,positive,long_name,standard_name,force_no_regrid,rc) result(vdata) type(VerticalData) :: vData real, pointer, intent(in), optional :: levels(:) real, intent(in), optional :: vscale character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vcoord character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: vunit character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: positive character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: long_name character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: standard_name logical, optional, intent(in) :: force_no_regrid integer, optional, intent(Out) :: rc logical :: local_force_no_regrid if (present(positive)) then _ASSERT(trim(positive)=='up'.or.trim(positive)=='down',trim(positive)//" not allowed for positive argument") vdata%positive=trim(positive) else vdata%positive='down' end if if (present(long_name)) then vdata%long_name = long_name else vdata%long_name = 'vertical level' end if if (present(standard_name)) then vdata%standard_name = standard_name else vdata%standard_name = 'model_layers' end if if (present(vcoord)) then vdata%vcoord = vcoord else vdata%vcoord = 'eta' endif if (present(vunit)) then vdata%vunit=vunit else vdata%vunit="layer" end if if (present(force_no_regrid)) then local_force_no_regrid = force_no_regrid else local_force_no_regrid = .false. end if if (.not.present(levels)) then if (trim(vdata%positive)=='down') then vdata%regrid_type = VERTICAL_METHOD_NONE else vdata%regrid_type = VERTICAL_METHOD_FLIP end if else allocate(vData%levs,source=levels) if (local_force_no_regrid) then if (trim(vdata%positive)=='down') then vdata%regrid_type = VERTICAL_METHOD_NONE else vdata%regrid_type = VERTICAL_METHOD_FLIP end if _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end if allocate(vData%scaled_levels,source=levels) if (present(vscale)) then vdata%vscale=vscale vData%scaled_levels = vData%scaled_levels*vdata%vscale end if if (present(vcoord)) then allocate(vData%interp_levels(size(vData%levs))) vdata%regrid_type = VERTICAL_METHOD_ETA2LEV vdata%VVAR = adjustl(vcoord) vdata%Func = vdata%Vvar(1:3) if (vdata%Func=='log') then vdata%Vvar = adjustl(vdata%Vvar(index(vdata%Vvar,'(')+1:index(vdata%Vvar,')')-1)) vdata%interp_levels = log(vdata%scaled_levels) elseif(vdata%Func=='pow') then read( vdata%Vvar(index(vdata%Vvar,',')+1:index(vdata%Vvar,')')-1) , *) vdata%pow vdata%Vvar = adjustl(vdata%Vvar(index(vdata%Vvar,'(')+1:index(vdata%Vvar,',')-1)) vdata%interp_levels = (vdata%levs*vdata%scaled_levels)**vdata%pow else vdata%interp_levels = vdata%scaled_levels endif else vdata%regrid_type = VERTICAL_METHOD_SELECT end if end if end function newVerticalData function skip_var(this,field,rc) result(skip) logical :: skip class(verticalData), intent(inout) :: this type(ESMF_Field), intent(inout) :: field integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: name call ESMF_FieldGet(field,name=name,_RC) skip = trim(name)==trim(this%vvar) end function skip_var subroutine setup_eta_to_pressure(this,regrid_handle,output_grid,rc) class(verticaldata), intent(inout) :: this class(abstractRegridder), optional, intent(inout) :: regrid_handle type(ESMF_Grid), optional, intent(inout) :: output_grid integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status real, allocatable :: ptrx(:,:,:) real, pointer :: ptr3(:,:,:) real, allocatable :: orig_surface_level(:,:) integer :: counts(3) if (allocated(this%ple3d)) deallocate(this%ple3d) if (allocated(this%pl3d)) deallocate(this%pl3d) call ESMF_FieldGet(this%interp_var,localde=0,farrayptr=ptr3,_RC) allocate(orig_surface_level(size(ptr3,1),size(ptr3,2)),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) ! the ptr3 interpolating variable is a zero-based (0-lm) edge variable !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if(lbound(ptr3,3)==0) then allocate( this%ple3d(size(ptr3,1),size(ptr3,2),size(ptr3,3) ), stat=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate( this%pl3d(size(ptr3,1),size(ptr3,2),size(ptr3,3)-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(status) if (this%func=='log') then this%ple3d = log(ptr3) this%pl3d = log( 0.5*(ptr3(:,:,1:)+ptr3(:,:,0:ubound(ptr3,3)-1)) ) elseif(this%func=='pow') then this%ple3d = ptr3**this%pow this%pl3d = ( 0.5*(ptr3(:,:,1:)+ptr3(:,:,0:ubound(ptr3,3)-1)) )**this%pow else this%ple3d = ptr3 this%pl3d = ( 0.5*(ptr3(:,:,1:)+ptr3(:,:,0:ubound(ptr3,3)-1)) ) end if orig_surface_level = ptr3(:,:,ubound(ptr3,3)) this%ascending = (ptr3(1,1,0)<ptr3(1,1,1)) else ! the ptr3 interpolating variable is a (1-lm) mid-layer variable !--------------------------------------------------------------- allocate( ptrx(size(ptr3,1),size(ptr3,2),0:size(ptr3,3) ), stat=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate( this%ple3d(size(ptr3,1),size(ptr3,2),0:size(ptr3,3) ), stat=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate( this%pl3d(size(ptr3,1),size(ptr3,2), size(ptr3,3) ), stat=status) _VERIFY(status) ptrx(:,:,0 ) = 0.5*( 3* ptr3(:,:,1) -ptr3(:,:,2) ) ptrx(:,:,1:size(ptr3,3)-1) = 0.5*( ptr3(:,:,2:size(ptr3,3))+ptr3(:,:,1:size(ptr3,3)-1) ) ptrx(:,:, size(ptr3,3) ) = 0.5*( 3* ptr3(:,:, size(ptr3,3))-ptr3(:,:, size(ptr3,3)-1) ) if (this%func=='log') then this%ple3d = log(ptrx) this%pl3d = log( 0.5*(ptrx(:,:,1:)+ptrx(:,:,0:ubound(ptrx,3)-1)) ) elseif(this%func=='pow') then this%ple3d = ptrx**this%pow this%pl3d = ( 0.5*(ptrx(:,:,1:)+ptrx(:,:,0:ubound(ptrx,3)-1)) )**this%pow else this%ple3d = ptrx this%pl3d = ( 0.5*(ptrx(:,:,1:)+ptrx(:,:,0:ubound(ptrx,3)-1)) ) end if this%ascending = (ptrx(1,1,0)<ptrx(1,1,1)) orig_surface_level = ptrx(:,:,ubound(ptrx,3)) deallocate(ptrx) end if if (present(output_grid)) then _ASSERT(present(regrid_handle),"Must provide regridding handle") call MAPL_GridGet(output_grid,localCellCountPerDim=counts,_RC) if (.not.allocated(this%surface_level)) then allocate(this%surface_level(counts(1),counts(2)),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) end if end if if (present(regrid_handle)) then call regrid_handle%regrid(orig_surface_level,this%surface_level,_RC) end if deallocate(orig_surface_level) call init_indices(_RC) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) contains ! initialize for pl3d ( not ple3d) subroutine init_indices(rc) integer, optional, intent(inout) :: rc integer :: status integer :: k, lev, km, D1, D2, levo, km_e integer :: flip_sign, i,j real, allocatable :: pb(:,:), pt(:,:), ple3d(:,:,:) real :: pp D1 = size(this%pl3d,1) D2 = size(this%pl3d,2) km = size(this%pl3d,3) levo = size(this%interp_levels) flip_sign = 1 if( .not. this%ascending ) flip_sign = -1 ! for cell values if(allocated(this%ks)) deallocate(this%ks) if(allocated(this%weight)) deallocate(this%weight) allocate(this%ks(D1,D2,levo),source = -1) allocate(this%weight(D1,D2,levo),source = 0.0) do lev =1, levo pp = flip_sign*this%interp_levels(lev) pb = flip_sign*this%pl3d(:,:,km) do k = km-1, 1,-1 ! levels of input if(all(pb<pp)) exit pt = flip_sign*this%pl3d(:,:,k) where (pp>pt .and. pp<=pb) this%ks(:,:,lev) = k this%weight(:,:,lev) = (pb-pp)/(pb-pt) end where pb = pt enddo enddo deallocate(this%pl3d) ! not needed any more. release the memory ! for edge values if(allocated(this%ks_e)) deallocate(this%ks_e) if(allocated(this%weight_e)) deallocate(this%weight_e) allocate(this%ks_e(D1,D2,levo),source = -1) allocate(this%weight_e(D1,D2,levo),source = 0.0) km_e = size(this%ple3d,3) this%nedge = km_e allocate(ple3d(D1,D2,km_e)) ple3d = this%ple3d do lev =1, levo pp = flip_sign*this%interp_levels(lev) pb = flip_sign*ple3d(:,:,km_e) do k = km_e-1, 1,-1 ! levels of input if(all(pb<pp)) exit pt = flip_sign*ple3d(:,:,k) where (pp>pt .and. pp<=pb) this%ks_e(:,:,lev) = k this%weight_e(:,:,lev) = (pb-pp)/(pb-pt) end where pb = pt enddo enddo deallocate(this%ple3d) ! not needed any more. release the memory _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine end subroutine setup_eta_to_pressure subroutine regrid_eta_to_pressure(this,ptrin,ptrout,rc) class(verticaldata), target, intent(inout) :: this real, intent(inout) :: ptrin(:,:,:) real, intent(inout) :: ptrout(:,:,:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc real :: weight integer :: status integer :: i,j,k,lev,levo, D1,D2, km integer, pointer :: ks_(:,:,:) real, pointer :: weights_(:,:,:) km = size(ptrin,3) if (km == this%nedge -1) then ks_ => this%ks weights_ => this%weight else ks_ => this%ks_e weights_ => this%weight_e endif D1 = size(ks_,1) D2 = size(ks_,2) levo = size(ptrout,3) ptrout = MAPL_UNDEF do lev = 1, levo do j = 1, D2 do i = 1, D1 k = ks_(i,j,lev) if (k == -1) cycle !if (k == km) then ! ptrout(i,j,lev) = ptrin(i,j,k) ! cycle !endif weight = weights_(i,j,lev) if (ptrin(i,j,k) == MAPL_UNDEF) then ptrout(i,j,lev) = ptrin(i,j,k+1) cycle endif if (ptrin(i,j,k+1) == MAPL_UNDEF) then ptrout(i,j,lev) = ptrin(i,j,k) cycle endif ptrout(i,j,lev) = ptrin(i,j,k)*weight + ptrin(i,j,k+1)*(1.0-weight) enddo enddo enddo _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine regrid_eta_to_pressure subroutine flip_levels(this,ptrin,ptrout,rc) class(verticaldata), intent(inout) :: this real, intent(inout) :: ptrin(:,:,:) real, intent(inout) :: ptrout(:,:,:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: km _ASSERT(all(shape(ptrin)==shape(ptrout)),"array must match shape to flip") km = size(ptrin,3) ptrout(:,:,1:km)=ptrin(:,:,km:1:-1) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) end subroutine flip_levels subroutine correct_topo(this,field,rc) class(verticalData), intent(inout) :: this type(ESMF_Field), intent(inout) :: field integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: rank,k,status real, pointer :: ptr(:,:,:) type(ESMF_Grid) :: grid logical :: has_de _ASSERT(allocated(this%surface_level),"class not setup to do topography correction") if (this%regrid_type == VERTICAL_METHOD_ETA2LEV) then call ESMF_FieldGet(field,grid=grid,_RC) has_de = MAPL_GridHasDE(grid,_RC) if (has_de) then call ESMF_FieldGet(field,rank=rank,_RC) if (rank==3) then call ESMF_FieldGet(field,0,farrayptr=ptr,_RC) do k=1,size(ptr,3) if (this%ascending) then where(this%surface_level<this%scaled_levels(k)) ptr(:,:,k)=MAPL_UNDEF else where(this%surface_level>this%scaled_levels(k)) ptr(:,:,k)=MAPL_UNDEF end if end do end if end if end if _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine correct_topo subroutine regrid_select_level(this,ptrIn,PtrOut,rc) class(verticalData), intent(inout) :: this real, intent(inout) :: ptrIn(:,:,:) real, intent(inout) :: ptrOut(:,:,:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: i do i=1,size(this%levs) ptrOut(:,:,i)=ptrIn(:,:,nint(this%levs(i))) enddo _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine regrid_select_level subroutine get_interpolating_variable(this,bundle,rc) class(verticalData), intent(inout) :: this type(ESMF_FieldBundle), intent(inout) :: bundle integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(bundle,fieldName=trim(this%vvar),field=this%interp_var,_RC) end subroutine get_interpolating_variable subroutine append_vertical_metadata(this,metadata,bundle,rc) class (verticalData), intent(inout) :: this type(FileMetaData), intent(inout) :: metadata type(ESMF_FieldBundle), intent(inout) :: bundle integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: lm,i,NumVars,fieldRank,vlast,vloc,vlb integer, allocatable :: VarDims(:), location(:) type(ESMF_Field) :: field real, pointer :: ptr3d(:,:,:) logical :: haveVert logical, allocatable :: HasUngrid(:) character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), allocatable :: ungridded_units(:) character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), allocatable :: ungridded_names(:) character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: ungridded_unit, ungridded_name integer :: ungrdsize real, allocatable :: ungridded_coord(:) real, allocatable :: ungridded_coords(:,:) logical :: unGrdNameCheck, unGrdUnitCheck, unGrdCoordCheck, have_ungrd, found_mixed_ce integer :: status type(Variable) :: v logical :: isPresent type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh character(len=4) :: positive ! loop over variables in file call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(bundle,fieldCount=NumVars,_RC) allocate(VarDims(numVars),location(numVars)) allocate(hasUngrid(NumVars)) hasUngrid=.false. allocate(ungridded_names(NumVars), _STAT) ungridded_names="" allocate(ungridded_units(NumVars), _STAT) ungridded_units="" do i=1,numVars call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(bundle,i,field,_RC) positive = 'down' call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(field,infoh,_RC) isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'POSITIVE',_RC) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key='POSITIVE',value=positive,_RC) end if if (i .eq. 1) this%positive=positive if (i .gt. 1) then _ASSERT(this%positive==positive,"Fields have mistmatched positive attributes") this%positive=positive end if call ESMF_FieldGet(field,dimCount=FieldRank,_RC) if (fieldRank==2) then varDims(i)=0 else if (fieldRank==3) then call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key='VLOCATION',value=location(i),_RC) call ESMF_FieldGet(field,farrayPtr=ptr3d,_RC) varDims(i)=size(ptr3d,3) if (location(i) == MAPL_VLocationNone) then hasUngrid(I) = .true. call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(field,infoh,_RC) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'UNGRIDDED_UNIT',ungridded_unit,_RC) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'UNGRIDDED_NAME',ungridded_name,_RC) ungridded_names(i) = ungridded_name ungridded_units(i) = ungridded_unit isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'UNGRIDDED_COORDS',_RC) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key='UNGRIDDED_COORDS',size=ungrdsize,_RC) if (ungrdsize/=0) then _ASSERT(varDims(i)==ungrdsize,"ungridded size does not match variable") ! if (.not.allocated(ungridded_coord)) allocate(ungridded_coord(ungrdsize),stat=status) if (.not.allocated(ungridded_coords)) allocate(ungridded_coords(NumVars,ungrdsize),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key='UNGRIDDED_COORDS',values=ungridded_coord,_RC) ungridded_coords(i,:) = ungridded_coord end if end if end if end if end do have_ungrd = any(hasUngrid) if (any(hasUngrid)) then do i=1,NumVars if (hasUngrid(i)) then unGrdUnitCheck = ungridded_units(i) /= ungridded_unit unGrdNameCheck = ungridded_names(i) /= ungridded_name if ( allocated(ungridded_coords) .and. allocated(ungridded_coord) ) then unGrdCoordCheck = any(ungridded_coords(i,:) /= ungridded_coord) else unGrdCoordCheck = .false. end if if ( unGrdUnitCheck .or. unGrdNameCheck .or. unGrdCoordCheck) then _FAIL('Ungridded attributes for variables in collection do not match') end if end if end do end if found_mixed_ce=.false. lm=1 haveVert = any(varDims/=0) if (haveVert) then vlast=0 do i=1,numVars if (varDims(i)/=0) then if (vlast/=0) then if (vlast /= varDims(i)) then found_mixed_ce=.true. end if else vlast=varDims(i) vloc=location(i) end if end if end do lm=vlast if (vloc == MAPL_VLocationCenter) then vlb = 1 else if (vloc == MAPL_VlocationEdge) then vlb = 0 else vlb = 1 end if end if if (this%regrid_type == VERTICAL_METHOD_ETA2LEV) then lm = size(this%levs) vlb = 1 end if if (this%regrid_type == VERTICAL_METHOD_SELECT) then if (lm == size(this%levs)) then this%regrid_type = VERTICAL_METHOD_NONE else lm = size(this%levs) vlb=1 end if end if if (this%regrid_type == VERTICAL_METHOD_NONE) then _ASSERT(.not.(found_mixed_ce),'have mixed level/edge') end if if (haveVert) then this%lm=lm if (this%regrid_type == VERTICAL_METHOD_NONE .or. this%regrid_type == VERTICAL_METHOD_FLIP) then if (.not.allocated(this%levs)) then allocate(this%levs(lm)) do i=1,lm this%levs(i)=vlb+i-1 enddo end if if (have_ungrd) then if (allocated(ungridded_coord)) then this%levs=ungridded_coord end if call metadata%add_dimension('lev', lm) v = Variable(type=PFIO_REAL64, dimensions='lev') call v%add_attribute('units',ungridded_unit) call v%add_attribute('standard_name',ungridded_name) call v%add_attribute('coordinate','N/A') call v%add_const_value(UnlimitedEntity(this%levs)) call metadata%add_variable('lev',v,_RC) else call metadata%add_dimension('lev', lm) v = Variable(type=PFIO_REAL64, dimensions='lev') call v%add_attribute('long_name',this%long_name) call v%add_attribute('units',this%vunit) call v%add_attribute('positive',trim(this%positive)) call v%add_attribute('coordinate',this%vcoord) call v%add_attribute('standard_name',this%standard_name) call v%add_const_value(UnlimitedEntity(this%levs)) call metadata%add_variable('lev',v,_RC) end if else if (this%regrid_type == VERTICAL_METHOD_ETA2LEV) then call metadata%add_dimension('lev', size(this%levs)) v = Variable(type=PFIO_REAL64, dimensions='lev') call v%add_attribute('long_name','vertical level') call v%add_attribute('units',trim(this%vunit)) if (this%levs(1)>this%levs(size(this%levs))) then call v%add_attribute('positive','down') else call v%add_attribute('positive','up') end if call v%add_attribute('coordinate',trim(this%vvar)) call v%add_attribute('standard_name',trim(this%vvar)//"_level") call v%add_const_value(UnlimitedEntity(this%levs)) call metadata%add_variable('lev',v,_RC) else if (this%regrid_type == VERTICAL_METHOD_SELECT) then call metadata%add_dimension('lev', lm) v = Variable(type=PFIO_REAL64, dimensions='lev') call v%add_attribute('long_name','vertical level') call v%add_attribute('units','layer') call v%add_attribute('positive','down') call v%add_attribute('coordinate','eta') call v%add_attribute('standard_name','model_layers') call v%add_const_value(UnlimitedEntity(this%levs)) call metadata%add_variable('lev',v,_RC) end if end if _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine append_vertical_metadata end module MAPL_VerticalDataMod