#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" #include "unused_dummy.H" module MAPL_ServerManager use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use MAPL_KeywordEnforcerMod use PFIO use MAPL_SimpleCommSplitterMod use MAPL_SplitCommunicatorMod implicit none private type, public :: ServerManager type(SimpleCommSplitter) :: splitter type(SplitCommunicator) :: split_comm type(MpiServer), pointer :: i_server=>null() class(BaseServer), pointer :: o_server=>null() type(DirectoryService) :: directory_service contains procedure :: initialize procedure :: finalize procedure :: get_splitcomm end type contains subroutine get_splitcomm(this, split_comm, rc) class (ServerManager), intent(inout) :: this type(SplitCommunicator), intent(out) :: split_comm integer, intent(out), optional :: rc split_comm=this%split_comm _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine get_splitcomm subroutine initialize(this, comm, unusable, application_size, nodes_input_server, nodes_output_server,& npes_input_server,npes_output_server, oserver_type, npes_backend_pernode, isolate_nodes, & fast_oclient, with_profiler, rc) class (ServerManager), intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: comm class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(in) :: application_size integer, optional, intent(in) :: nodes_input_server(:),nodes_output_server(:) integer, optional, intent(in) :: npes_input_server(:),npes_output_server(:) character(*), optional, intent(in) :: oserver_type integer, optional, intent(in) :: npes_backend_pernode logical, optional, intent(in) :: isolate_nodes logical, optional, intent(in) :: fast_oclient logical, optional, intent(in) :: with_profiler integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer, allocatable :: npes_in(:),npes_out(:),nodes_in(:),nodes_out(:) integer :: npes_out_backend, server_size integer :: client_comm integer :: status, stat_alloc, i, rank,npes_model,n_oserver_group, n_iserver_group character(len=:), allocatable :: s_name, profiler_name character(len=:), allocatable :: oserver_type_ type(ClientThread), pointer :: clientPtr logical :: isolated_ if (present(application_size)) then npes_model = application_size else call MPI_COMM_Size(comm,npes_model,status) _VERIFY(status) end if if (present(npes_input_server)) then npes_in = npes_input_server else npes_in = [0] end if if (present(npes_output_server)) then npes_out = npes_output_server else npes_out = [0] end if if (present(nodes_input_server)) then nodes_in = nodes_input_server else nodes_in = [0] end if if (present(nodes_output_server)) then nodes_out = nodes_output_server else nodes_out = [0] end if oserver_type_ = 'single' if (present(oserver_type)) oserver_type_ = oserver_type npes_out_backend = 0 if (present(npes_backend_pernode)) npes_out_backend = npes_backend_pernode isolated_ = .true. if (present(isolate_nodes)) isolated_ = isolate_nodes if (oserver_type_ == "multilayer" .or. oserver_type_ == 'multigroup') then if (nodes_out(1) == 0) then _ASSERT(npes_out_backend >=2, "captain-soldier needs at least two backend") else _ASSERT(nodes_out(1)*npes_out_backend >=2, "captain-soldier needs at least two backend") endif endif if (oserver_type_ == "multicomm") then _ASSERT(npes_out_backend >=1, "needs at least one backend for multicomm server") endif n_iserver_group = max(size(npes_in),size(nodes_in)) n_oserver_group = max(size(npes_out),size(nodes_out)) this%directory_service = DirectoryService(comm) this%splitter = SimpleCommSplitter(comm) call this%splitter%add_group(npes=npes_model, name='model', isolate_nodes=isolated_) if (npes_in(1) > 0) then do i = 1, size(npes_in) s_name ='i_server'//trim(i_to_string(i)) call this%splitter%add_group(npes=npes_in(i), name=s_name, isolate_nodes=isolated_) enddo elseif (nodes_in(1) > 0) then do i = 1, size(nodes_in) s_name ='i_server'//trim(i_to_string(i)) call this%splitter%add_group(nnodes=nodes_in(i), name=s_name, isolate_nodes=isolated_) enddo end if if (npes_out(1) > 0 ) then do i = 1, size(npes_out) s_name ='o_server'//trim(i_to_string(i)) call this%splitter%add_group(npes=npes_out(i), name=s_name, isolate_nodes=isolated_) enddo else if(nodes_out(1) > 0) then do i = 1, size(nodes_out) s_name ='o_server'//trim(i_to_string(i)) call this%splitter%add_group(nnodes=nodes_out(i), name=s_name, isolate_nodes=isolated_) enddo endif this%split_comm = this%splitter%split(rc=status); _VERIFY(status) s_name = this%split_comm%get_name() if ( index(s_name, 'model') /=0 ) then client_comm = this%split_comm%get_subcommunicator() call MPI_Comm_Rank(client_comm,rank,status) _VERIFY(status) if (npes_in(1) == 0 .and. nodes_in(1) == 0) profiler_name = "i_server_client" if (npes_out(1) == 0 .and. nodes_out(1) == 0) profiler_name = "o_server_client" if (npes_out(1) == 0 .and. nodes_out(1) == 0 .and. & npes_in(1) == 0 .and. nodes_in(1) == 0) profiler_name = "io_server_client" if (npes_in(1) == 0 .and. nodes_in(1) == 0) then allocate(this%i_server, source = MpiServer(client_comm, 'i_server'//trim(i_to_string(1)),profiler_name=profiler_name, & with_profiler=with_profiler, rc=status), stat=stat_alloc) _VERIFY(status) _VERIFY(stat_alloc) call this%directory_service%publish(PortInfo('i_server'//trim(i_to_string(1)), this%i_server), this%i_server) if (rank == 0 ) then write(*,'(A,I0,A)')" Starting pFIO input server on Clients" endif end if if (npes_out(1) == 0 .and. nodes_out(1) == 0) then allocate(this%o_server, source = MpiServer(client_comm, 'o_server'//trim(i_to_string(1)),profiler_name=profiler_name, & with_profiler=with_profiler, rc=status), stat=stat_alloc) _VERIFY(status) _VERIFY(stat_alloc) call this%directory_service%publish(PortInfo('o_server'//trim(i_to_string(1)), this%o_server), this%o_server) if (rank == 0 ) then write(*,'(A,I0,A)')" Starting pFIO output server on Clients" endif end if call init_IO_ClientManager(client_comm, n_i = n_iserver_group, n_o = n_oserver_group, fast_oclient=fast_oclient, _RC) endif ! establish i_server group one by one do i = 1, n_iserver_group if ( trim(s_name) =='i_server'//trim(i_to_string(i)) ) then allocate(this%i_server, source = MpiServer(this%split_comm%get_subcommunicator(), s_name, with_profiler=with_profiler, rc=status), stat=stat_alloc) _VERIFY(status) _VERIFY(stat_alloc) call this%directory_service%publish(PortInfo(s_name,this%i_server), this%i_server) call this%directory_service%connect_to_client(s_name, this%i_server) call MPI_Comm_Rank(this%split_comm%get_subcommunicator(),rank,status) _VERIFY(status) if (rank == 0 .and. nodes_in(1) /=0 ) then write(*,'(A,I0,A)')"Starting pFIO input server on ",nodes_in(i)," nodes" else if (rank==0 .and. npes_in(1) /=0 ) then write(*,'(A,I0,A)')"Starting pFIO input server on ",npes_in(i)," pes" end if endif if ( index(s_name, 'model') /=0 ) then clientPtr => i_Clients%current() call this%directory_service%connect_to_server('i_server'//trim(i_to_string(i)), clientPtr, & this%split_comm%get_subcommunicator(), server_size = server_size) call i_Clients%set_server_size(server_size) call i_Clients%next() endif call mpi_barrier(comm, status) _VERIFY(status) enddo ! establish o_server group one by one do i = 1, n_oserver_group if ( trim(s_name) =='o_server'//trim(i_to_string(i)) ) then if (oserver_type_ == 'multicomm' ) then allocate(this%o_server, source = MultiCommServer(this%split_comm%get_subcommunicator(), s_name, npes_out_backend)) else if (oserver_type_ == 'multilayer' ) then allocate(this%o_server, source = MultiLayerServer(this%split_comm%get_subcommunicator(), s_name, & npes_out_backend, './pfio_writer.x')) else if (oserver_type_ == 'multigroup' ) then allocate(this%o_server, source = MultiGroupServer(this%split_comm%get_subcommunicator(), s_name, npes_out_backend, & with_profiler=with_profiler, rc=status), stat=stat_alloc) _VERIFY(status) _VERIFY(stat_alloc) if (nodes_out(i) > 0 .and. this%o_server%node_num /= nodes_out(i)) then _FAIL("Inconsistent output server number. " // "The requested "//i_to_string(nodes_out(i)) //" nodes for output server is different from available "//i_to_string(this%o_server%node_num)// " nodes") endif else allocate(this%o_server, source = MpiServer(this%split_comm%get_subcommunicator(), s_name, with_profiler=with_profiler, rc=status), stat=stat_alloc) _VERIFY(status) _VERIFY(stat_alloc) endif call this%directory_service%publish(PortInfo(s_name,this%o_server), this%o_server) call this%directory_service%connect_to_client(s_name, this%o_server) call MPI_Comm_Rank(this%split_comm%get_subcommunicator(),rank,status) _VERIFY(status) if (rank == 0 .and. nodes_out(1) /=0 ) then write(*,'(A,I0,A)')"Starting pFIO output server on ",nodes_out(i)," nodes" else if (rank==0 .and. npes_out(1) /=0 ) then write(*,'(A,I0,A)')"Starting pFIO output server on ",npes_out(i)," pes" end if endif if ( index(s_name, 'model') /=0 ) then clientPtr => o_Clients%current() call this%directory_service%connect_to_server('o_server'//trim(i_to_string(i)), clientPtr, & this%split_comm%get_subcommunicator(), server_size = server_size) call o_Clients%set_server_size(server_size) call o_Clients%next() endif call mpi_barrier(comm, status) _VERIFY(status) enddo if ( index(s_name, 'o_server') /=0 ) then call this%o_server%start(_RC) endif if ( index(s_name, 'i_server') /=0 ) then call this%i_server%start(_RC) endif if ( index(s_name, 'model') /=0 ) then call i_Clients%set_current(1) ! set current to be the first call o_Clients%set_current(1) ! set current to be the first end if _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine initialize subroutine finalize(this,rc) class(ServerManager), intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status ! reporting here is for client_server in the same process which don't call start() ! problem here: all servers should coordinate to report one by one to avoid messy output if (associated(this%i_server)) then call this%i_server%report_profile(_RC) deallocate(this%i_server) endif if (associated(this%o_server)) then call this%o_server%report_profile(_RC) deallocate(this%o_server) endif call this%directory_service%free_directory_resources() call this%splitter%free_sub_comm() _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine finalize end module MAPL_ServerManager