Test_ConnectionPt.pf Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~test_connectionpt.pf~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~test_connectionpt.pf Test_ConnectionPt.pf sourcefile~connectionpt.f90 ConnectionPt.F90 sourcefile~test_connectionpt.pf->sourcefile~connectionpt.f90 sourcefile~virtualconnectionpt.f90 VirtualConnectionPt.F90 sourcefile~test_connectionpt.pf->sourcefile~virtualconnectionpt.f90 sourcefile~connectionpt.f90->sourcefile~virtualconnectionpt.f90 sourcefile~keywordenforcer.f90 KeywordEnforcer.F90 sourcefile~virtualconnectionpt.f90->sourcefile~keywordenforcer.f90

Source Code

module Test_ConnectionPt
   use funit
   use mapl3g_ConnectionPt
   use mapl3g_VirtualConnectionPt
   implicit none


   ! This should already be covered by gFTL tests, but am troubleshooting
   ! problem with ordering of ConnectionPt
   subroutine test_relative_less()
      type(VirtualConnectionPt) :: rcp_1, rcp_2

      rcp_1 = VirtualConnectionPt(state_intent='import', short_name='A')
      rcp_2 = VirtualConnectionPt(state_intent='import', short_name='B')

      ! Identical
        @assert_that((rcp_1 < rcp_1), is(false()))
        @assert_that((rcp_2 < rcp_2), is(false()))
        ! Different
        @assert_that((rcp_1 < rcp_2), is(true()))
        @assert_that((rcp_2 < rcp_1), is(false()))

   end subroutine test_relative_less
   subroutine test_connectionpt_less()
      type(ConnectionPt) :: cp_1, cp_2

      cp_1 = ConnectionPt('A', state_intent='import', short_name='A')
      cp_2 = ConnectionPt('B', state_intent='export', short_name='B')
        ! Identical
        @assert_that((cp_1 < cp_1), is(false()))
        @assert_that((cp_2 < cp_2), is(false()))
        ! Different
        @assert_that((cp_1 < cp_2), is(true()))
        @assert_that((cp_2 < cp_1), is(false()))

   end subroutine test_connectionpt_less
   subroutine test_connectionpt_less_full()
      type(ConnectionPt) :: cp(2,2,2)
      integer :: i, j, k

      cp(1,1,1) = ConnectionPt('A', state_intent='import', short_name='A')
      cp(2,1,1) = ConnectionPt('A', state_intent='import', short_name='B')
      cp(1,2,1) = ConnectionPt('A',state_intent='export', short_name='A')
      cp(2,2,1) = ConnectionPt('A',state_intent='export', short_name='B')
      cp(1,1,2) = ConnectionPt('B', state_intent='import', short_name='A')
      cp(2,1,2) = ConnectionPt('B', state_intent='import', short_name='B')
      cp(1,2,2) = ConnectionPt('B',state_intent='export', short_name='A')
      cp(2,2,2) = ConnectionPt('B',state_intent='export', short_name='B')
        ! Identical pts are neither less nor greater
        do k = 1, 2
           do j = 1, 2
              do i = 1, 2
                 @assert_that((cp(i,j,k) < cp(i,j,k)), is(false()))
              end do
           end do
        end do

        ! Pairwise
        do j = 1, 2
           do i = 1, 2
              @assert_that(cp(i,j,1) < cp(i,j,2), is(true()))
              @assert_that(cp(i,j,2) < cp(i,j,1), is(false()))
           end do
        end do

        do k = 1, 2
           do i = 1, 2
              @assert_that(cp(i,1,k) < cp(i,2,k), is(true()))
              @assert_that(cp(i,2,k) < cp(i,1,k), is(false()))
           end do
        end do

        do k = 1, 2
           do j = 1, 2
              @assert_that(cp(1,j,k) < cp(2,j,k), is(true()))
              @assert_that(cp(2,j,k) < cp(1,j,k), is(false()))
           end do
        end do

   end subroutine test_connectionpt_less_full
   ! Reproducer from failing registry test
   subroutine test_connectionpt_less_registry()

      type(ConnectionPt) :: cp_1, cp_2, cp_3
      cp_1 = ConnectionPt('grandchild_A',state_intent='export',short_name='ae1')
      cp_2 = ConnectionPt('child_A',state_intent='export',short_name='ae2')
      cp_3 = ConnectionPt('child_B',  state_intent='import', short_name='ai')

        ! Identical
        @assert_that((cp_1 < cp_1), is(false()))
        @assert_that((cp_2 < cp_2), is(false()))
        @assert_that((cp_3 < cp_3), is(false()))

        ! Different
        @assert_that((cp_2 < cp_1), is(true()))
        @assert_that((cp_2 < cp_3), is(true()))
        @assert_that((cp_3 < cp_1), is(true()))

   end subroutine test_connectionpt_less_registry
end module Test_ConnectionPt