! CFIO is mostly a container composed of FTL containers. As such, ! most of the tests here are just to drive the formulation of the ! interface, not the algorithms. module Test_FileMetadata use pfunit use pFIO_FileMetadataMod use gFTL2_StringIntegerMap use pFIO_StringAttributeMapMod use gFTL2_StringVector ! use pFIO_UnlimitedEntityMod use pFIO_AttributeMod use pFIO_ConstantsMod use pFIO_VariableMod use iso_fortran_env, only: INT32, INT64 use iso_fortran_env, only: REAL32, REAL64 implicit none integer :: EMPTY(0) contains @test subroutine test_get_dimension_missing() type (FileMetadata) :: cf integer :: extent integer :: status !W.Y notes: If missing, crash extent = cf%get_dimension('x',rc=status) @assertEqual(status, pFIO_DIMENSION_NOT_FOUND) !extent = cf%get_dimension('x') ! without rc !@assertExceptionRaised('FileMetadata::get_dimension() - no such dimension <x>.') !@assertEqual(pFIO_DIMENSION_NOT_FOUND, status) end subroutine test_get_dimension_missing @test subroutine test_get_dimension() type (FileMetadata) :: cf call cf%add_dimension('x', 10) call cf%add_dimension('y', 11) @assertEqual(10, cf%get_dimension('x')) @assertEqual(11, cf%get_dimension('y')) end subroutine test_get_dimension @test subroutine test_fail_add_existing_dim_with_mismatch() type (FileMetadata) :: cf call cf%add_dimension('x', 10) call cf%add_dimension('x', 11) @assertExceptionRaised('FileMetadata::add_dimension() - dimension already exists with different extent.') end subroutine test_fail_add_existing_dim_with_mismatch @test subroutine test_add_duplicate_dimension() type (FileMetadata) :: cf call cf%add_dimension('x', 10) call cf%add_dimension('x', 10) end subroutine test_add_duplicate_dimension @test subroutine test_get_dimensions() type (FileMetadata), target :: cf type (StringIntegerMap), pointer :: dimensions call cf%add_dimension('x', 10) call cf%add_dimension('y', 11) dimensions => cf%get_dimensions() @assertEqual(2, dimensions%size()) end subroutine test_get_dimensions @test subroutine test_get_attribute_missing() !type (FileMetadata) :: cf !class (*), pointer :: attr ! no missing any more ! attr => cf%get_attribute('x',rc=status) ! @assertExceptionRaised('FileMetadata::get_attribute() - no such attribute <x>.') ! @assertEqual(pFIO_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND, status) ! @assertTrue(.not. associated(attr)) end subroutine test_get_attribute_missing @test subroutine test_get_attribute_scalar() type (FileMetadata), target :: cf type (Attribute), pointer :: attr integer, allocatable :: shape(:) class (*), pointer :: value integer :: i = 4 real(REAL32) :: x32 = 1.234 real(REAL64) :: x64 = 2.345_REAL64 logical :: flag = .true. character(len=*), parameter :: str = 'kitty' call cf%add_attribute('i', i) call cf%add_attribute('x32', x32) call cf%add_attribute('x64', x64) call cf%add_attribute('flag', flag) call cf%add_attribute('string', str) attr => cf%get_attribute('i') @assertTrue(associated(attr)) shape = attr%get_shape() @assertEqual(EMPTY, shape) value => attr%get_value() @assertTrue(associated(value)) select type (v => value) type is (integer) @assertEqual(i, v) class default @assertTrue(.false., 'incorrect type') end select attr => cf%get_attribute('x32') @assertTrue(associated(attr)) shape = attr%get_shape() @assertEqual(EMPTY, shape) value => attr%get_value() @assertTrue(associated(value)) select type (v => value) type is (real(REAL32)) @assertEqual(x32, v) class default @assertTrue(.false., 'incorrect type') end select attr => cf%get_attribute('x64') @assertTrue(associated(attr)) shape = attr%get_shape() @assertEqual(EMPTY, shape) value => attr%get_value() @assertTrue(associated(value)) select type (v => value) type is (real(REAL64)) @assertEqual(x64, v) class default @assertTrue(.false., 'incorrect type') end select attr => cf%get_attribute('flag') @assertTrue(associated(attr)) shape = attr%get_shape() @assertEqual(EMPTY, shape) value => attr%get_value() @assertTrue(associated(value)) select type (v => value) type is (logical) @assertTrue(flag .eqv. v) class default @assertTrue(.false., 'incorrect type') end select attr => cf%get_attribute('string') @assertTrue(associated(attr)) shape = attr%get_shape() @assertEqual(EMPTY, shape) value => attr%get_value() @assertTrue(associated(value)) select type (v => value) type is (character(len=*)) @assertEqual(str, v) type is (StringWrap) @assertEqual(str, v%value) class default @assertTrue(.false., 'incorrect type') end select end subroutine test_get_attribute_scalar @test subroutine test_get_attribute_vector() type (FileMetadata), target :: cf integer(INT32) :: i32(2) = [3,4] integer(INT64) :: i64(3) = [5,6,7] real(REAL32) :: x32(3) = 1.234 real(REAL64) :: x64(2) = 2.345_REAL64 logical :: flag(2) = [.true.,.false.] type (Attribute), pointer :: attr call cf%add_attribute('i32', i32) call cf%add_attribute('i64', i64) call cf%add_attribute('x32', x32) call cf%add_attribute('x64', x64) call cf%add_attribute('flag', flag) call check_has_attr('i32') if (anyexceptions()) return call check_has_attr('i64') if (anyexceptions()) return call check_has_attr('x32') if (anyexceptions()) return call check_has_attr('x64') if (anyexceptions()) return call check_has_attr('flag') if (anyexceptions()) return call check_shape('i32', i32) if (anyexceptions()) return call check_shape('i64', i64) if (anyexceptions()) return call check_shape('x32', x32) if (anyexceptions()) return call check_shape('x64', x64) if (anyexceptions()) return call check_shape('flag', flag) if (anyexceptions()) return call check_equal('i32', i32) if (anyexceptions()) return call check_equal('i64', i64) if (anyexceptions()) return call check_equal('x32', x32) if (anyexceptions()) return call check_equal('x64', x64) if (anyexceptions()) return call check_equal('flag', flag) if (anyexceptions()) return contains subroutine check_has_attr(attr_name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: attr_name attr => cf%get_attribute(attr_name) @assertTrue(associated(attr)) end subroutine check_has_attr subroutine check_shape(attr_name, values) character(len=*), intent(in) :: attr_name class (*), intent(in) :: values(:) attr => cf%get_attribute(attr_name) @assertEqual(attr%get_shape(), shape(values)) end subroutine check_shape subroutine check_equal(attr_name, expected) character(len=*), intent(in) :: attr_name class (*), intent(in) :: expected(:) class (*), pointer :: found(:) attr => cf%get_attribute(attr_name) found => attr%get_values() select type (expected) type is (integer(INT32)) select type (found) type is (integer(INT32)) @assertEqual(expected, found) class default @assertTrue(1==2, 'incorrect type ' // attr_name) end select type is (integer(INT64)) select type (found) type is (integer(INT64)) @assertEqual(expected, found) class default @assertTrue(1==2, 'incorrect type ' // attr_name) end select type is (real(REAL32)) select type (found) type is (real(REAL32)) @assertEqual(expected, found) class default @assertTrue(1==2, 'incorrect type ' // attr_name) end select type is (real(REAL64)) select type (found) type is (real(REAL64)) @assertEqual(expected, found) class default @assertTrue(1==2, 'incorrect type ' // attr_name) end select type is (logical) select type (found) type is (logical) @assertAll(expected .eqv. found) class default @assertTrue(1==2, 'incorrect type ' // attr_name) end select end select end subroutine check_equal end subroutine test_get_attribute_vector @test subroutine test_get_attributes() type (FileMetadata), target :: cf type (StringAttributeMap), pointer :: attributes call cf%add_attribute('x', 10) call cf%add_attribute('y', 11) attributes => cf%get_attributes() @assertEqual(2, attributes%size()) end subroutine test_get_attributes @test subroutine test_equal_dims() type (FileMetadata) :: cf1 type (FileMetadata) :: cf2 @assertTrue(cf1 == cf2) @assertFalse(cf1 /= cf2) call cf1%add_dimension('x', 10) call cf1%add_dimension('t', pFIO_UNLIMITED) call cf2%add_dimension('t', pFIO_UNLIMITED) call cf2%add_dimension('x', 10) @assertTrue(cf1 == cf2) @assertFalse(cf1 /= cf2) call cf1%add_dimension('z', 5) @assertFalse(cf1 == cf2) @assertFalse(cf2 == cf1) end subroutine test_equal_dims @test subroutine test_equal_diff_attributes() type (FileMetadata) :: cf1, cf2 call cf1%add_attribute('attr1', 1) @assertFalse(cf1 == cf2) ! guard against missing extra items in cf2 @assertFalse(cf2 == cf1) call cf1%add_attribute('attr2', 2.) call cf2%add_attribute('attr2', 2.) call cf2%add_attribute('attr1', 1) @assertTrue(cf1 == cf2) call cf1%add_attribute('attr3', 'cat') call cf2%add_attribute('attr3', 'dog') @assertFalse(cf1 == cf2) end subroutine test_equal_diff_attributes @test subroutine test_var_dims_defined() type (FileMetadata) :: cf type (Variable) :: v integer :: status cf = FileMetaData() call cf%add_dimension('x', 10) call cf%add_dimension('y', 20) v = Variable(type=pFIO_REAL64, dimensions='x,y') call cf%add_variable('mass', v, rc=status) !@assertExceptionRaised("FileMetadata::add_variable() - undefined dimension 'z'.") @assertEqual(0, status) end subroutine test_var_dims_defined @test subroutine test_equal_diff_variables() type (FileMetadata) :: cf1, cf2 type (Variable) :: v1, v2, v3 call cf1%add_dimension('x', 10) call cf1%add_dimension('y', 20) call cf1%add_dimension('z', 30) cf2 = cf1 v1 = Variable(type=pFIO_INT32, dimensions='x') v2 = Variable(type=pFIO_REAL64, dimensions='x,y,z') call v3%add_attribute('flag', .true.) call cf1%add_variable('v1', v1) @assertTrue(cf1 == cf1) @assertFalse(cf1 /= cf1) call cf1%add_variable('v2', v2) @assertFalse(cf1 == cf2) @assertFalse(cf2 == cf1) call cf2%add_variable('v2', v2) @assertFalse(cf1 == cf2) @assertFalse(cf2 == cf1) call cf2%add_variable('v1', v1) @assertTrue(cf1 == cf2) v3 = v1 call cf1%add_variable('v3', v3) ! Modify v3 before adding to cf2 ! Deep copy means v3 in cf1 is not affected. call v3%add_attribute('other', [1,2,3]) call cf2%add_variable('v3', v3) @assertFalse(cf1 == cf2) ! get back to v1 call cf2%modify_variable('v3',v1) @assertTrue(cf1 == cf2) end subroutine test_equal_diff_variables @test subroutine test_serialize() type (FileMetadata) :: cf1, cf2 type (Variable) :: v1, v2 integer,allocatable :: buffer(:) type (StringVector) s1, s2 call cf1%add_dimension('x', 10) call cf1%add_dimension('y', 20) call cf1%add_dimension('z', 30) v1 = Variable(type=pFIO_INT32, dimensions='x') v2 = Variable(type=pFIO_REAL32, dimensions='y') call v2%add_attribute('flag', .false.) call cf1%add_variable('v1',v1) call cf1%add_variable('v2',v2) call cf1%add_attribute('flag', .true.) call s1%push_back('v2') call s1%push_back('v1') call cf1%set_order(s1) call cf1%serialize(buffer) call FileMetaData_deserialize(buffer, cf2) s2 = cf2%get_order() @assertTrue(cf1 == cf2 ) @assertTrue(s1 == s2 ) call cf1%add_dimension('w', 10) @assertFalse(cf1 == cf2 ) end subroutine test_serialize @test subroutine test_merge_meta() type (FileMetadata) :: cf1, cf2,cf3 type (Variable) :: v1, v2, v3 call cf1%add_dimension('x', 10) call cf1%add_dimension('y', 20) call cf1%add_dimension('z', 30) v1 = Variable(type=pFIO_INT32, dimensions='x') call v3%add_attribute('flag', .true.) call cf1%add_variable('v1', v1) call cf2%merge(cf1) @assertTrue(cf2 == cf1) ! merge again, should be the same call cf2%merge(cf1) @assertTrue(cf2 == cf1) call cf3%add_dimension('x', 10) call cf3%add_dimension('a', 3) v3 = Variable(type=pFIO_REAL64, dimensions='x,a') call cf3%add_variable('v3', v3) call cf2%merge(cf3) call cf1%add_dimension('a',3) call cf1%add_variable('v3', v3) @assertTrue(cf2 == cf1) end subroutine test_merge_meta end module Test_FileMetadata