module Test_GridManager use MAPL_GridManager_private use MockGridFactoryMod use pFUnit use ESMF implicit none type (ESMF_Config) :: config contains @before subroutine setup() integer :: unit, status open (newunit=unit, file = 'tmp.rc', access='sequential', form='formatted') write (unit,*) 'default.GRID_TYPE: grid_type_1' write (unit,*) 'other.GRID_TYPE: grid_type_2' close (unit) config = ESMF_ConfigCreate(rc=status) @assertEqual(0, status) call ESMF_ConfigLoadFile (config, 'tmp.rc', rc=status) @assertEqual(0, status) end subroutine setup @after subroutine teardown() integer :: unit,status call ESMF_ConfigDestroy(config, rc=status) @assertEqual(0, status) open (newunit=unit, file = 'tmp.rc') close(unit, status='delete') end subroutine teardown @test subroutine test_add_prototype() type (GridManager) :: grid_manager call grid_manager%add_prototype('mock', MockGridFactory('foo')) end subroutine test_add_prototype @test subroutine test_make_grid_no_prototype() type (GridManager) :: grid_manager type (ESMF_Grid) :: grid integer :: status grid = grid_manager%make_grid(config, rc=status) ! should have failed, but need to clean up otherwise if (status == 0) then call grid_manager%delete(grid) end if @assertExceptionRaised('label [GRID_TYPE:] not found') ! Check that it actually failed @assertFalse(0 == status, 'made a grid even though there is no prototype') end subroutine test_make_grid_no_prototype @test subroutine test_make_grid_prototype() type (GridManager) :: grid_manager type (ESMF_Grid) :: grid integer :: status call grid_manager%add_prototype('grid_type_1', MockGridFactory('foo')) grid = grid_manager%make_grid( config, prefix='default.', rc=status) @assertEqual(0, status) call grid_manager%delete(grid) end subroutine test_make_grid_prototype @test subroutine test_grid_type() type (GridManager) :: grid_manager type (ESMF_Grid) :: grid integer :: status character(len=40) :: grid_type type (ESMF_Info) :: infoh call grid_manager%add_prototype('grid_type_1', MockGridFactory('foo')) grid = grid_manager%make_grid(config, prefix='default.', rc=status) @assertEqual(0, status) call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(grid,infoh,rc=status) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'GridType',grid_type,rc=status) if (status /= 0) then call grid_manager%delete(grid) return end if @assertEqual(0, status) if ('mock' /= trim(grid_type)) then call grid_manager%delete(grid) return end if @assertEqual('grid_type_1', trim(grid_type)) call grid_manager%delete(grid) end subroutine test_grid_type @test subroutine test_make_grid_multi() type (GridManager) :: grid_manager type (ESMF_Grid) :: grid integer :: status character(len=40) :: grid_name type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh call grid_manager%add_prototype('grid_type_1', MockGridFactory('foo')) call grid_manager%add_prototype('grid_type_2', MockGridFactory('bar')) grid = grid_manager%make_grid(config, prefix='default.', rc=status) @assertEqual(0, status) call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(grid,infoh,rc=status) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'GRID_NAME',grid_name,rc=status) if (status /= 0) then call grid_manager%delete(grid) end if @assertEqual(0, status) if ('mock' /= trim(grid_name)) then call grid_manager%delete(grid) return end if @assertEqual('foo', trim(grid_name)) call grid_manager%delete(grid) grid = grid_manager%make_grid(config, prefix='other.', rc=status) call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(grid,infoh,rc=status) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'GRID_NAME',grid_name,rc=status) if (status /= 0) then call grid_manager%delete(grid) return end if @assertEqual(0, status) if ('mock' /= trim(grid_name)) then call grid_manager%delete(grid) end if @assertEqual('bar', trim(grid_name)) call grid_manager%delete(grid) end subroutine test_make_grid_multi end module Test_GridManager