Test_HConfigMatch.pf Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~test_hconfigmatch.pf~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~test_hconfigmatch.pf Test_HConfigMatch.pf sourcefile~esmf_hconfigutilities.f90 ESMF_HConfigUtilities.F90 sourcefile~test_hconfigmatch.pf->sourcefile~esmf_hconfigutilities.f90 sourcefile~errorhandling.f90 ErrorHandling.F90 sourcefile~esmf_hconfigutilities.f90->sourcefile~errorhandling.f90 sourcefile~mapl_throw.f90 MAPL_Throw.F90 sourcefile~errorhandling.f90->sourcefile~mapl_throw.f90

Source Code

#include "MAPL_TestErr.h"
module Test_HConfigMatch
   use funit
   use esmf
   use mapl3g_ESMF_HConfigUtilities
   implicit none


   subroutine test_match_type_mismatch()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{a: 1}', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='[b, c]', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(false()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_type_mismatch

   subroutine test_match_scalar_mismatch()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='a', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='b', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(false()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_scalar_mismatch

   subroutine test_match_scalar_match()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='a', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='a', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(true()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_scalar_match

   subroutine test_match_sequence_mismatch_size()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='[1]', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='[1, 2]', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(false()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_sequence_mismatch_size

   subroutine test_match_sequence_mismatch_content()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='[1, 3, 0]', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='[1, 2, 0]', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(false()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_sequence_mismatch_content
   subroutine test_match_sequence_match()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='[1, 2, 0]', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='[1, 2, 0]', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(true()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_sequence_match
   subroutine test_match_mapping_mismatch_size_1()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{a: 1}', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{a: 1, b: 2}', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(false()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_mapping_mismatch_size_1

   ! Reverse args to ensure that size check is both ways.
   subroutine test_match_mapping_mismatch_size_2()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{a: 1, b: 2}', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{a: 1}', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(b, a, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(false()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_mapping_mismatch_size_2

   subroutine test_match_mapping_mismatch_keys_1()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{a: 1}', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{b: 1}', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(false()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_mapping_mismatch_keys_1
   ! several keys, only one differs
   subroutine test_match_mapping_mismatch_keys_2()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{a: 1, e: 2, c: 3}', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(false()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_mapping_mismatch_keys_2

   subroutine test_match_mapping_mismatch_values()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{a: 1, b: x, c: 3}', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(false()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_mapping_mismatch_values

   subroutine test_match_mapping_match()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(true()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_mapping_match

   subroutine test_reproducer_from_history()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{geom: {class: latlon}, collection_name: c1}', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='{geom: {class: latlon}, collection_name: c1}', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(true()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_reproducer_from_history
   subroutine test_match_bool()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='on', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='true', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(true()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_bool

   subroutine test_match_bool_mismatch()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='on', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='false', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(false()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_bool_mismatch

   subroutine test_match_int_ignore_sign()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='1', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='+1', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(true()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_int_ignore_sign

   ! YAML distinguish strings like `"no"` from bool `no`.
   subroutine test_match_bool_str_mismatch()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='on', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='"on"', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(false()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_bool_str_mismatch

   subroutine test_match_int_str_mismatch()
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: a, b
      logical :: match
      integer :: status

      a = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='123', _RC)
      b = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content='"123"', _RC)

      match = MAPL_HConfigMatch(a, b, _RC)
      @assert_that(match, is(false()))

      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(a, _RC)
      call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(b, _RC)
   end subroutine test_match_int_str_mismatch

end module Test_HConfigMatch