#include "MAPL_TestErr.h" #include "MAPL_Generic.h" ! We use ESMF_TestMethod rather than basic TestMethod just in case ! there are any implied barriers is the ESMF construction in these ! tests. E.g., if we end up needing to create nested grid comps. ! Almost certainly, is unnecessary. module Test_ModelVerticalGrid use mapl_ErrorHandling use mapl3g_VerticalDimSpec use mapl3g_ModelVerticalGrid use mapl3g_StateRegistry use mapl3g_VariableSpec use mapl3g_VirtualConnectionPt use mapl3g_ActualConnectionPt use mapl3g_StateItemSpec use mapl3g_StateItemExtension use mapl3g_ComponentDriver use mapl3g_ComponentDriver use mapl3g_ComponentDriverVector use mapl3g_ComponentDriverPtrVector use mapl3g_MultiState use mapl3g_make_ItemSpec use mapl3g_geom_mgr use mapl3g_CouplerPhases, only: GENERIC_COUPLER_UPDATE use esmf ! testing framework use ESMF_TestMethod_mod use funit implicit none (type, external) integer, parameter :: IM=6, JM=7, LM=3 ! Trying to avoid a complex test fixture type(StateRegistry), target :: r contains subroutine setup_(var_name, geom, vgrid, registry, rc) character(*), intent(in) :: var_name type(ESMF_Geom), intent(in) :: geom type(ModelVerticalGrid), intent(in) :: vgrid type(StateRegistry), intent(inout) :: registry integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc type(VerticalDimSpec) :: vertical_dim_spec type(VariableSpec) :: var_spec class(StateItemSpec), allocatable :: fld_spec type(VirtualConnectionPt) :: v_pt type(StateItemExtension), pointer :: extension class(StateItemSpec), pointer :: spec integer :: status select case(var_name) case("PLE") vertical_dim_spec = VERTICAL_DIM_EDGE case("PL") vertical_dim_spec = VERTICAL_DIM_CENTER case default _FAIL("unsupported var name " // var_name) end select var_spec = VariableSpec(& short_name=var_name, & state_intent=ESMF_STATEINTENT_EXPORT, & standard_name="air_pressure", & units="hPa", & vertical_dim_spec=vertical_dim_spec, & default_value=3.) allocate(fld_spec, source=make_itemSpec(var_spec, r, rc=status)); _VERIFY(status) call fld_spec%set_geometry(geom=geom, vertical_grid=vgrid, _RC) v_pt = VirtualConnectionPt(state_intent="export", short_name=var_name) call registry%add_primary_spec(v_pt, fld_spec) extension => registry%get_primary_extension(v_pt, _RC) spec => extension%get_spec() call spec%set_active() call spec%create(_RC) call spec%allocate(_RC) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine setup_ subroutine setup(geom, vgrid, rc) type(ESMF_Geom), intent(out) :: geom type(ModelVerticalGrid), intent(out) :: vgrid integer, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status ! geom, registry etc. geom = make_geom(_RC) r = StateRegistry("dyn") vgrid = ModelVerticalGrid(standard_name="air_pressure", units="hPa", num_levels=LM) call vgrid%add_short_name(edge="PLE", center="PL") call vgrid%set_registry(r) ! MAPL_SetVerticalGrid(...) call setup_("PLE", geom, vgrid, r, _RC) call setup_("PL", geom, vgrid, r, _RC) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine setup function make_geom(rc) result(geom) integer, intent(out) :: rc type(ESMF_Geom) :: geom integer :: status type(ESMF_HConfig) :: hconfig type(GeomManager), pointer :: geom_mgr type(MaplGeom), pointer :: mapl_geom rc = 0 geom_mgr => get_geom_manager() hconfig = ESMF_HConfigCreate(content="{class: latlon, im_world: 6, jm_world: 7, pole: PC, dateline: DC}", _RC) mapl_geom => geom_mgr%get_mapl_geom(hconfig, _RC) geom = mapl_geom%get_geom() end function make_geom @test subroutine test_num_levels() type(ModelVerticalGrid) :: vgrid integer :: num_levels num_levels = 10 vgrid = ModelVerticalGrid(standard_name="height", units="m", num_levels=num_levels) @assert_that(vgrid%get_num_levels(), is(num_levels)) end subroutine test_num_levels @test(type=ESMF_TestMethod, npes=[1]) subroutine test_created_fields_have_num_levels(this) class(ESMF_TestMethod), intent(inout) :: this type(ModelVerticalGrid) :: vgrid integer :: rank integer, allocatable :: localElementCount(:) type(VirtualConnectionPt) :: ple_pt class(StateItemSpec), pointer :: spec type(MultiState) :: multi_state type(StateItemExtension), pointer :: extension type(ESMF_Field) :: ple type(ESMF_Geom) :: geom integer :: rc, status call setup(geom, vgrid, _RC) ple_pt = VirtualConnectionPt(state_intent="export", short_name="PLE") extension => r%get_primary_extension(ple_pt, _RC) spec => extension%get_spec() multi_state = MultiState() call spec%add_to_state(multi_state, ActualConnectionPt(ple_pt), _RC) call ESMF_StateGet(multi_state%exportState, itemName="PLE", field=ple, _RC) call ESMF_FieldGet(ple, rank=rank, _RC) allocate(localElementCount(rank)) call ESMF_FieldGet(ple, localElementCount=localElementCount, _RC) @assert_that(localElementCount, is(equal_to([IM,JM,LM+1]))) _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) end subroutine test_created_fields_have_num_levels @test(type=ESMF_TestMethod, npes=[1]) ! Request the specific coordinate corresponding particular geom/unit. ! In this case we start with one that already exists. A later test ! should force extensions. subroutine test_get_coordinate_field_simple(this) class(ESMF_TestMethod), intent(inout) :: this type(ModelVerticalGrid) :: vgrid class(ComponentDriver), pointer :: coupler type(ESMF_Field) :: vcoord type(ESMF_Geom) :: geom integer :: rc, status real(ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer :: a(:,:,:) call setup(geom, vgrid, _RC) call vgrid%get_coordinate_field( & vcoord, coupler, & standard_name="air_pressure", & geom=geom, & typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4, & units="hPa", & vertical_dim_spec=VERTICAL_DIM_EDGE, & _RC) @assert_that(associated(coupler), is(false())) call ESMF_FieldGet(vcoord, fArrayPtr=a, _RC) @assert_that(a, every_item(is(equal_to(3.)))) _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) end subroutine test_get_coordinate_field_simple @test(type=ESMF_TestMethod, npes=[1]) ! Request the specific coordinate corresponding particular geom/unit. ! Here we request different units which should return a coordinate ! scaled by 100 (hPa = 100 Pa) subroutine test_get_coordinate_field_change_units_edge(this) class(ESMF_TestMethod), intent(inout) :: this type(ModelVerticalGrid) :: vgrid type(ESMF_Field) :: vcoord type(ESMF_Geom) :: geom integer :: status real(ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer :: a(:,:,:) type(ComponentDriverPtrVector) :: couplers type(ComponentDriverPtr) :: driver class(ComponentDriver), pointer :: coupler integer :: i, rc call setup(geom, vgrid, _RC) call vgrid%get_coordinate_field( & vcoord, coupler, & standard_name="air_pressure", & geom=geom, & typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4, & units="Pa", & vertical_dim_spec=VERTICAL_DIM_EDGE, & _RC) @assert_that(associated(coupler), is(true())) call r%allocate(_RC) call ESMF_FieldGet(vcoord, fArrayPtr=a, _RC) ! usually update is called on imports, but here we don't have an import handy, ! so we force updates on all export couplers in registry r. couplers = r%get_export_couplers() do i = 1, couplers%size() driver = couplers%of(i) call driver%ptr%initialize(_RC) call driver%ptr%run(phase_idx=GENERIC_COUPLER_UPDATE, _RC) end do @assert_that(shape(a), is(equal_to([IM, JM, LM+1]))) @assert_that(a, every_item(is(equal_to(300.)))) _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) end subroutine test_get_coordinate_field_change_units_edge @test(type=ESMF_TestMethod, npes=[1]) ! Request the specific coordinate corresponding particular geom/unit. ! Here we request different units which should return a coordinate ! scaled by 100 (hPa = 100 Pa) subroutine test_get_coordinate_field_change_units_center(this) class(ESMF_TestMethod), intent(inout) :: this type(ModelVerticalGrid) :: vgrid type(ESMF_Field) :: vcoord type(ESMF_Geom) :: geom integer :: status real(ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer :: a(:,:,:) type(ComponentDriverPtrVector) :: couplers type(ComponentDriverPtr) :: driver class(ComponentDriver), pointer :: coupler integer :: i, rc call setup(geom, vgrid, _RC) call vgrid%get_coordinate_field( & vcoord, coupler, & standard_name="air_pressure", & geom=geom, & typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4, units="Pa", & vertical_dim_spec=VERTICAL_DIM_CENTER, & _RC) @assert_that(associated(coupler), is(true())) call r%allocate(_RC) call ESMF_FieldGet(vcoord, fArrayPtr=a, _RC) ! usually update is called on imports, but here we don't have an import handy, ! so we force updates on all export couplers in registry r. couplers = r%get_export_couplers() do i = 1, couplers%size() driver = couplers%of(i) call driver%ptr%initialize(_RC) call driver%ptr%run(phase_idx=GENERIC_COUPLER_UPDATE, _RC) end do @assert_that(shape(a), is(equal_to([IM, JM, LM]))) @assert_that(a, every_item(is(equal_to(300.)))) _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) end subroutine test_get_coordinate_field_change_units_center end module Test_ModelVerticalGrid