#include "MAPL_TestErr.h" module Test_Scenarios use mapl3g_Generic use mapl3g_GenericPhases use mapl3g_MultiState use mapl3g_OuterMetaComponent use mapl3g_GriddedComponentDriver use mapl3g_GenericGridComp, generic_setservices => setservices use mapl3g_UserSetServices use mapl3g_ESMF_Utilities use esmf use nuopc ! testing framework use ESMF_TestCase_mod use ESMF_TestParameter_mod use funit implicit none abstract interface subroutine I_check_stateitem(expectations, state, short_name, description, rc) import ESMF_HConfig, ESMF_State type(ESMF_HConfig), intent(in) :: expectations type(ESMF_State), intent(inout) :: state character(*), intent(in) :: short_name character(*), intent(in) :: description integer, intent(out) :: rc end subroutine I_check_stateitem end interface @testParameter type, extends(ESMF_TestParameter) :: ScenarioDescription character(:), allocatable :: name character(:), allocatable :: root character(:), allocatable :: check_name procedure(I_check_stateitem), nopass, pointer :: check_stateitem contains procedure :: tostring => tostring_description end type ScenarioDescription @testCase(constructor=Scenario, testParameters={get_parameters()}) type, extends(ESMF_TestCase) :: Scenario character(:), allocatable :: scenario_name character(:), allocatable :: scenario_root character(:), allocatable :: check_name procedure(I_check_stateitem), nopass, pointer :: check_stateitem type(ESMF_HConfig), allocatable :: expectations type(ESMF_GridComp) :: outer_gc type(MultiState) :: outer_states type(ESMF_Grid) :: grid contains procedure :: setup procedure :: tearDown end type Scenario interface Scenario procedure :: new_Scenario end interface Scenario interface ScenarioDescription procedure :: new_ScenarioDescription end interface ScenarioDescription contains function new_Scenario(desc) result(s) type(ScenarioDescription), intent(in) :: desc type(Scenario) :: s s%scenario_name = desc%name s%scenario_root = desc%root s%check_name = desc%check_name s%check_stateitem => desc%check_stateitem end function new_Scenario function new_ScenarioDescription(name, root, check_name, check_stateitem) result(s) type(ScenarioDescription) :: s character(*), intent(in) :: name character(*), intent(in) :: root character(*), intent(in) :: check_name procedure(I_check_stateitem) :: check_stateitem s%name = name s%root = root s%check_name = check_name s%check_stateitem => check_stateitem call s%setNumPETsRequested(1) end function new_ScenarioDescription function get_parameters() result(params) type(ScenarioDescription), allocatable :: params(:) params = [ScenarioDescription:: ] ! Field oriented tests params = [params, add_params('item exist', check_item_type)] params = [params, add_params('field status', check_field_status)] params = [params, add_params('field typekind', check_field_typekind)] params = [params, add_params('field value', check_field_value)] params = [params, add_params('field vertical_profile', check_field_vertical_profile)] params = [params, add_params('field exists', check_field_rank)] ! Service oriented tests params = [params, ScenarioDescription('service_service', 'parent.yaml', 'field count', check_fieldcount)] contains function add_params(check_name, check_stateitem) result(params) type(ScenarioDescription), allocatable :: params(:) character(*), intent(in) :: check_name procedure(I_check_stateitem) :: check_stateitem params = [ & ScenarioDescription('scenario_1', 'parent.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('scenario_2', 'parent.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('scenario_reexport_twice', 'grandparent.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('history_1', 'cap.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('history_wildcard', 'cap.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('extdata_1', 'cap.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('precision_extension', 'parent.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('precision_extension_3d', 'parent.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('3d_specs', 'parent.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('ungridded_dims', 'parent.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('service_service', 'parent.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('export_dependency', 'parent.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('regrid', 'cap.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('propagate_geom', 'parent.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('vertical_regridding', 'parent.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('vertical_regridding_2', 'parent.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem), & ScenarioDescription('vertical_regridding_3', 'AGCM.yaml', check_name, check_stateitem) & ] end function add_params end function get_parameters subroutine setup(this) class(Scenario), intent(inout) :: this type(ESMF_HConfig) :: config integer :: status, user_status integer :: i type(ESMF_State) :: importState, exportState character(:), allocatable :: file_name type(ESMF_Time) :: t type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: dt type(ESMF_Clock) :: clock file_name = './scenarios/' // this%scenario_name // '/' // this%scenario_root config = ESMF_HConfigCreate(filename=file_name) call NUOPC_FieldDictionarySetup(filename='./scenarios/FieldDictionary.yml', _RC) @assert_that(status, is(0)) associate (outer_gc => this%outer_gc, outer_states => this%outer_states, grid => this%grid) call ESMF_TimeSet(t, h=0) call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(dt, h=1) clock = ESMF_ClockCreate(dt, t) outer_gc = create_grid_comp('ROOT', user_setservices('libconfigurable_gridcomp'), config, clock, _RC) call ESMF_GridCompSetServices(outer_gc, generic_setServices, userRC=user_status, _RC) _VERIFY(user_status) importState = ESMF_StateCreate(_RC) exportState = ESMF_StateCreate(_RC) outer_states = MultiState(importState=importState, exportState=exportState) do i = 1, size(GENERIC_INIT_PHASE_SEQUENCE) associate (phase => GENERIC_INIT_PHASE_SEQUENCE(i)) call ESMF_GridCompInitialize(outer_gc, & importState=importState, exportState=exportState, clock=clock, & phase=phase, userRC=user_status, _RC) _VERIFY(user_status) end associate end do call ESMF_GridCompRun(outer_gc, & importState=importState, exportState=exportState, clock=clock, & userRC=user_status, phase=GENERIC_RUN_USER, _RC) _VERIFY(user_status) end associate file_name = './scenarios/' // this%scenario_name // '/expectations.yaml' this%expectations = ESMF_HConfigCreate(filename=file_name, _RC) end subroutine setup ! In theory we want to call finalize here and then destroy ESMF objects in this subroutine teardown(this) class(Scenario), intent(inout) :: this integer :: status !# call ESMF_GridCompDestroy(this%outer_gc, _RC) !# call ESMF_StateDestroy(this%outer_states%importState,_RC) !# call ESMF_StateDestroy(this%outer_states%exportState, _RC) end subroutine teardown @test subroutine test_anything(this) class(Scenario), intent(inout) :: this integer :: status integer :: i character(:), allocatable :: comp_path, item_name type(ESMF_HConfig) :: comp_expectations, expected_properties type(MultiState) :: comp_states type(ESMF_HConfig) :: state_items integer :: item_count, expected_item_count type(ESMF_Field) :: field type(ESMF_FieldStatus_Flag) :: expected_field_status, field_status character(:), allocatable :: expected_status components: do i = 1, ESMF_HConfigGetSize(this%expectations) comp_expectations = ESMF_HConfigCreateAt(this%expectations,index=i,_RC) comp_path = ESMF_HConfigAsString(comp_expectations,keyString='component',_RC) call get_substates(this%outer_gc, this%outer_states, comp_path, substates=comp_states, _RC) call check_items_in_state('import', _RC) call check_items_in_state('export', _RC) call check_items_in_state('internal', _RC) end do components contains subroutine check_items_in_state(state_intent, rc) character(*), intent(in) :: state_intent integer, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status type(ESMF_HConfig) :: state_items type(ESMF_State) :: state character(:), allocatable :: msg type(ESMF_HConfigIter) :: hconfigIter,hconfigIterBegin,hconfigIterEnd rc = -1 if (.not. ESMF_HConfigIsDefined(comp_expectations,keyString=state_intent)) then rc = 0 ! that's ok return end if call comp_states%get_state(state, state_intent, _RC) msg = comp_path // '::' // state_intent state_items = ESMF_HConfigCreateAt(comp_expectations,keyString=state_intent,_RC) @assertTrue(ESMF_HConfigIsMap(state_items), msg) hconfigIter = ESMF_HConfigIterBegin(state_items) hconfigIterBegin = ESMF_HConfigIterBegin(state_items) hconfigIterEnd = ESMF_HConfigIterEnd(state_items) do while (ESMF_HConfigIterLoop(hconfigIter,hconfigIterBegin,hconfigIterEnd)) item_name = ESMF_HConfigAsStringMapKey(hconfigIter,_RC) expected_properties = ESMF_HConfigCreateAtMapVal(hconfigIter,_RC) msg = comp_path // '::' // state_intent // '::' // item_name associate (test_description => msg // '::' // this%check_name) call this%check_stateitem(expected_properties, state, item_name, test_description, _RC) end associate end do rc = 0 end subroutine check_items_in_state end subroutine test_anything function get_itemtype(state, short_name, rc) result(itemtype) type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag) :: itemtype type(ESMF_State) :: state character(*), intent(in) :: short_name integer, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status integer :: idx type(ESMF_State) :: substate, tmp_state character(:), allocatable :: name integer :: itemcount rc = 0 name = short_name substate = state do idx = index(name, '/') if (idx == 0) then call ESMF_StateGet(substate, name, itemtype=itemtype, _RC) return end if call ESMF_StateGet(substate, name(:idx-1), tmp_state, rc=status) @assert_that(short_name, status, is(0)) name = name(idx+1:) substate = tmp_state end do rc = 0 end function get_itemtype subroutine check_item_type(expectations, state, short_name, description, rc) type(ESMF_HConfig), intent(in) :: expectations type(ESMF_State), intent(inout) :: state character(*), intent(in) :: short_name character(*), intent(in) :: description integer, intent(out) :: rc type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag) :: expected_itemtype, itemtype character(len=:), allocatable :: msg integer :: status integer :: idx msg = description expected_itemtype = get_expected_itemtype(expectations, _RC) itemtype = get_itemtype(state, short_name, _RC) @assert_that(msg // ':: check item type of '//short_name, expected_itemtype == itemtype, is(true())) rc = 0 contains function get_expected_itemtype(expectations, rc) result(expected_itemtype) type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag) :: expected_itemtype type(ESMF_HConfig), intent(in) :: expectations integer, intent(out) :: rc character(:), allocatable :: itemtype_str integer :: status if (.not. ESMF_HConfigIsDefined(expectations,keyString='class')) then expected_itemtype = ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD rc=0 return end if itemtype_str= ESMF_HConfigAsString(expectations,keyString='class',_RC) select case (itemtype_str) case ('field') expected_itemtype = ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD case ('bundle') expected_itemtype = ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELDBUNDLE case default expected_itemtype = ESMF_STATEITEM_UNKNOWN end select rc = 0 end function get_expected_itemtype end subroutine check_item_type subroutine check_field_status(expectations, state, short_name, description, rc) type(ESMF_HConfig), intent(in) :: expectations type(ESMF_State), intent(inout) :: state character(*), intent(in) :: short_name character(*), intent(in) :: description integer, intent(out) :: rc character(len=:), allocatable :: expected_field_status_str type(ESMF_FieldStatus_Flag) :: expected_field_status type(ESMF_FieldStatus_Flag) :: found_field_status type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag) :: itemtype type(ESMF_Field) :: field integer :: status character(len=:), allocatable :: msg msg = short_name // ':: '// description call ESMF_StateGet(state, short_name, itemtype=itemtype, _RC) if (itemtype /= ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD) then rc = 0 return end if expected_field_status_str = ESMF_HConfigAsString(expectations,keyString='status',_RC) expected_field_status = ESMF_FIELDSTATUS_GRIDSET select case (expected_field_status_str) case ('complete') expected_field_status = ESMF_FIELDSTATUS_COMPLETE case ('gridset') expected_field_status = ESMF_FIELDSTATUS_GRIDSET case ('empty') expected_field_status = ESMF_FIELDSTATUS_EMPTY case default _VERIFY(-1) end select call ESMF_StateGet(state, short_name, field, _RC) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, status=found_field_status, _RC) @assert_that(msg // ' field status: ',expected_field_status == found_field_status, is(true())) rc = 0 end subroutine check_field_status subroutine check_field_typekind(expectations, state, short_name, description, rc) type(ESMF_HConfig), intent(in) :: expectations type(ESMF_State), intent(inout) :: state character(*), intent(in) :: short_name character(*), intent(in) :: description integer, intent(out) :: rc character(len=:), allocatable :: expected_field_typekind_str type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag) :: expected_field_typekind type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag) :: found_field_typekind type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag) :: itemtype integer :: status character(len=:), allocatable :: msg type(ESMF_Field) :: field msg = description call ESMF_StateGet(state, short_name, itemtype=itemtype, _RC) if (itemtype /= ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD) then rc = 0 return end if if (.not. ESMF_HConfigIsDefined(expectations,keyString='typekind')) then rc = 0 return end if expected_field_typekind_str = ESMF_HConfigAsString(expectations,keyString='typekind',_RC) select case (expected_field_typekind_str) case ('R4') expected_field_typekind = ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4 case ('R8') expected_field_typekind = ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8 case default _VERIFY(-1) end select call ESMF_StateGet(state, short_name, field, _RC) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, typekind=found_field_typekind, _RC) @assert_that(msg // ' field typekind: ',expected_field_typekind == found_field_typekind, is(true())) rc = 0 end subroutine check_field_typekind subroutine check_field_value(expectations, state, short_name, description, rc) type(ESMF_HConfig), intent(in) :: expectations type(ESMF_State), intent(inout) :: state character(*), intent(in) :: short_name character(*), intent(in) :: description integer, intent(out) :: rc real :: expected_field_value integer :: rank type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag) :: typekind integer :: status character(len=:), allocatable :: msg type(ESMF_Field) :: field type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag) :: itemtype msg = description itemtype = get_itemtype(state, short_name, _RC) if (itemtype /= ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD) then ! that's ok rc = 0 return end if if (.not. ESMF_HConfigIsDefined(expectations,keyString='value')) then rc = 0 return end if expected_field_value = ESMF_HConfigAsR4(expectations,keyString='value',_RC) call ESMF_StateGet(state, short_name, field, _RC) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, typekind=typekind, rank=rank, rc=status) @assert_that('field get failed '//short_name, status, is(0)) if (typekind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then block real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer :: x2(:,:),x3(:,:,:),x4(:,:,:,:) select case(rank) case(2) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=x2, _RC) @assert_that('value of '//short_name, all(x2 == expected_field_value), is(true())) case(3) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=x3, _RC) @assert_that('value of '//short_name, all(x3 == expected_field_value), is(true())) case(4) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=x4, _RC) @assert_that('value of '//short_name, all(x4 == expected_field_value), is(true())) end select end block elseif (typekind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8) then block real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer :: x2(:,:),x3(:,:,:),x4(:,:,:,:) select case(rank) case(2) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=x2, _RC) @assert_that('value of '//short_name, all(x2 == expected_field_value), is(true())) case(3) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=x3, _RC) @assert_that('value of '//short_name, all(x3 == expected_field_value), is(true())) case(4) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=x4, _RC) @assert_that('value of '//short_name, all(x4 == expected_field_value), is(true())) end select end block else _VERIFY(-1) end if rc = 0 end subroutine check_field_value subroutine check_field_vertical_profile(expectations, state, short_name, description, rc) type(ESMF_HConfig), intent(in) :: expectations type(ESMF_State), intent(inout) :: state character(*), intent(in) :: short_name character(*), intent(in) :: description integer, intent(out) :: rc real, allocatable :: expected_vertical_profile(:) integer :: rank type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag) :: typekind integer :: status character(len=:), allocatable :: msg type(ESMF_Field) :: field type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag) :: itemtype integer :: i, j, l, shape3(3), shape4(4) msg = description itemtype = get_itemtype(state, short_name, _RC) if (itemtype /= ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD) then ! that's ok rc = 0 return end if if (.not. ESMF_HConfigIsDefined(expectations,keyString='vertical_profile')) then rc = 0 return end if expected_vertical_profile = ESMF_HConfigAsR4Seq(expectations,keyString='vertical_profile',_RC) call ESMF_StateGet(state, short_name, field, _RC) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, typekind=typekind, rank=rank, rc=status) @assert_that('field get failed '//short_name, status, is(0)) if (typekind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then block real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer :: x3(:, :, :), x4(:, :, :, :) select case(rank) case(3) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=x3, _RC) shape3 = shape(x3) do i = 1, shape3(1) do j = 1, shape3(2) @assert_that("value of "//short_name, x3(i, j, :), is(equal_to(expected_vertical_profile))) end do end do case(4) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=x4, _RC) shape4 = shape(x4) do i = 1, shape4(1) do j = 1, shape4(2) do l = 1, shape4(4) @assert_that("value of "//short_name, x4(i, j, :, l), is(equal_to(expected_vertical_profile))) end do end do end do case default error stop "invalid rank" end select end block elseif (typekind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8) then block real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer :: x3(:, :, :), x4(:, :, :, :) select case(rank) case(3) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=x3, _RC) shape3 = shape(x3) do i = 1, shape3(1) do j = 1, shape3(2) @assert_that("value of "//short_name, x3(i, j, :), is(equal_to(expected_vertical_profile))) end do end do case(4) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=x4, _RC) shape4 = shape(x4) do i = 1, shape4(1) do j = 1, shape4(2) do l = 1, shape4(4) @assert_that("value of "//short_name, x4(i, j, :, l), is(equal_to(expected_vertical_profile))) end do end do end do case default error stop "invalid rank" end select end block else _VERIFY(-1) end if rc = 0 end subroutine check_field_vertical_profile subroutine check_field_rank(expectations, state, short_name, description, rc) type(ESMF_HConfig), intent(in) :: expectations type(ESMF_State), intent(inout) :: state character(*), intent(in) :: short_name character(*), intent(in) :: description integer, intent(out) :: rc type(ESMF_Field) :: field integer :: expected_field_rank integer :: rank integer :: status type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag) :: itemtype character(len=:), allocatable :: msg msg = description if (.not. ESMF_HConfigIsDefined(expectations,keyString='rank')) then rc = 0 return end if call ESMF_StateGet(state, short_name, itemtype=itemtype) if (itemtype /= ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD) then ! that's ok rc = 0 return end if call ESMF_StateGet(state, short_name, field, _RC) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, rank=rank, _RC) expected_field_rank = ESMF_HConfigAsI4(expectations,keyString='rank',_RC) @assert_that(msg // 'field rank:', rank == expected_field_rank, is(true())) rc = 0 end subroutine check_field_rank subroutine check_fieldCount(expectations, state, short_name, description, rc) type(ESMF_HConfig), intent(in) :: expectations type(ESMF_State), intent(inout) :: state character(*), intent(in) :: short_name character(*), intent(in) :: description integer, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status character(len=:), allocatable :: msg integer :: found_fieldCount, expected_fieldCount type(ESMF_FieldBundle) :: bundle type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag) :: itemtype msg = description rc = 0 call ESMF_StateGet(state, short_name, itemtype=itemtype) if (itemtype /= ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELDBUNDLE) return ! that's ok if (.not. ESMF_HConfigIsDefined(expectations,keyString='fieldcount')) return expected_fieldCount = ESMF_HConfigAsI4(expectations,keyString='fieldcount',_RC) call ESMF_StateGet(state, short_name, bundle, _RC) call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(bundle, fieldCount=found_fieldCount, _RC) @assert_that(found_fieldCount, is(expected_fieldCount)) end subroutine check_fieldCount recursive subroutine get_substates(gc, states, component_path, substates, rc) use mapl3g_GriddedComponentDriver type(ESMF_GridComp), target, intent(inout) :: gc type(MultiState), intent(in) :: states character(*), intent(in) :: component_path type(MultiState), intent(out) :: substates integer, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status character(:), allocatable :: child_name type(GriddedComponentDriver) :: child type(ESMF_GridComp) :: child_gc type(OuterMetaComponent), pointer :: outer_meta integer :: idx type(GriddedComponentDriver), pointer :: user_component rc = 0 if (component_path == '<root>' .or. component_path == '') then substates = states return end if outer_meta => get_outer_meta(gc, _RC) ! Parse path idx = index(component_path, '/') if (idx == 0) idx = len(component_path) + 1 child_name = component_path(:idx-1) if (child_name == '<user>') then user_component => outer_meta%get_user_gc_driver() substates = user_component%get_states() return end if ! Otherwise drill down 1 level. child = outer_meta%get_child(child_name, _RC) child_gc = child%get_gridcomp() call get_substates(child_gc, child%get_states(), component_path(idx+1:), substates, _RC) return end subroutine get_substates function tostring_description(this) result(s) character(:), allocatable :: s class(ScenarioDescription), intent(in) :: this s = this%name end function tostring_description recursive function num_fields(state, rc) result(n) integer :: n type(ESMF_State), intent(inout) :: state integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status integer :: itemCount, i character(ESMF_MAXSTR), allocatable :: itemNameList(:) type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag) :: itemType type(ESMF_State) :: substate n = 0 ! default call ESMF_StateGet(state, itemCount=itemCount, _RC) allocate(itemNameList(itemCount)) call ESMF_StateGet(state, itemNameList=itemNameList, _RC) do i = 1, itemCount call ESMF_StateGet(state, itemName=trim(itemNameList(i)), itemType=itemType, _RC) if (itemType == ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD) then n = n + 1 elseif (itemType == ESMF_STATEITEM_STATE) then call ESMF_StateGet(state, trim(itemNameList(i)), substate, _RC) n = n + num_fields(substate, _RC) end if end do return end function num_fields end module Test_Scenarios