CommandLineOptions0 Derived Type

type, public :: CommandLineOptions0


type~~commandlineoptions0~~InheritsGraph type~commandlineoptions0 CommandLineOptions0 StringVector StringVector type~commandlineoptions0->StringVector requested_variables


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=:), public, allocatable :: server_type
character(len=:), public, allocatable :: writer
integer, public :: N_ig
integer, public :: N_og
integer, public :: N_writer
integer, public :: npes_client
integer, public :: npes_iserver
integer, public :: npes_oserver
logical, public :: debug
type(StringVector), public :: requested_variables

Source Code

   type CommandLineOptions0
      type (StringVector) :: requested_variables

      integer :: npes_client
      integer :: npes_iserver
      integer :: npes_oserver

      integer :: N_ig ! number of isever group
      integer :: N_og ! nuber of  osever group
      integer :: N_writer ! number of writer

      logical :: debug
      character(len=:),allocatable :: server_type ! 'mpi' or 'openmp'
      character(len=:),allocatable :: writer ! 'mpi' or 'openmp'
   end type CommandLineOptions0