– open a CFIO file, and get CFIO meta data into a cfio Object.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(ESMF_CFIO), | intent(inout) | :: | cfio |
a CFIO object |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | fmode |
0 for READ-WRITE non-zero for READ-ONLY |
integer, | intent(out), | optional | :: | rc |
Error return code: 0 all is well -1 invalid count -2 type mismatch -12 error determining default precision -10 ngatts is incompatible with file -11 character string not long enough -19 unable to identify coordinate variable -36 error from NF90_PUT_ATT (global attribute) -39 error from ncopn (file open) -40 error from NF90_INQ_VARID -41 error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lat or lon) -42 error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lev) -43 error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable) -47 error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (time) -48 error from NF90_INQUIRE -51 error from NF90_GET_ATT (global attribute) -52 error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE -53 error from NF90_GET_ATT -57 error from NF90_INQ_ATTNAME -58 error from NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE |
character(len=*), | intent(in), | optional | :: | expid |
Experiment ID |
logical, | intent(in), | optional | :: | cyclic |
cyclic input file |
subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen (cfio, fmode, rc, expid, cyclic) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: fmode !! 0 for READ-WRITE !! non-zero for READ-ONLY character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: expid !! Experiment ID logical, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: cyclic !! cyclic input file ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc !! Error return code: !! 0 all is well !! -1 invalid count !! -2 type mismatch !! -12 error determining default precision !! -10 ngatts is incompatible with file !! -11 character string not long enough !! -19 unable to identify coordinate variable !! -36 error from NF90_PUT_ATT (global attribute) !! -39 error from ncopn (file open) !! -40 error from NF90_INQ_VARID !! -41 error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lat or lon) !! -42 error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lev) !! -43 error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable) !! -47 error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (time) !! -48 error from NF90_INQUIRE !! -51 error from NF90_GET_ATT (global attribute) !! -52 error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE !! -53 error from NF90_GET_ATT !! -57 error from NF90_INQ_ATTNAME !! -58 error from NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE ! ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio !! a CFIO object ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer :: ngatts, lm, i, ii, iv real(kind=REAL32) :: amiss real(kind=REAL32) :: vRange32(2) real(kind=REAL32), pointer :: lon(:), lat(:) real(kind=REAL32), pointer :: lev(:) => null() real(kind=REAL64), pointer :: lon_64(:), lat_64(:), lev_64(:) integer :: coXType = NF90_FLOAT integer :: coYType = NF90_FLOAT integer :: coZType = NF90_FLOAT character(len=MVARLEN) :: vAttName character(len=MLEN), pointer :: attNames(:) integer :: iCnt, rCnt, cCnt integer :: iMaxLen, rMaxLen, cMaxLen integer :: type, count, rtcode integer :: varId integer :: datatype ! variable type integer :: vtype ! variable type integer :: nvDims ! number of dimensions integer :: vDims(MAXVDIMS) ! variable shape integer :: nvatts ! number of attributes real(kind=REAL32), pointer :: rtmp(:) integer, pointer :: itmp(:) logical :: new_grid integer :: nDims, allVars, recdim integer :: im, jm, km integer :: hour, minute, seconds integer :: fid, nVars, dimSize(8), myIndex character(len=MVARLEN) :: dimName(8), dimUnits(8), vnameTemp character(len=MVARLEN) :: nameAk, nameBk, namePtop character(len=MVARLEN) :: levunits integer :: loc1, loc2 integer :: akid, bkid, ptopid integer :: icount integer :: vdir real(kind=REAL32), pointer :: ak(:), bk(:) real(kind=REAL32) :: ptop real(kind=REAL32) :: ptop_array(1) real(kind=REAL32) :: scale, offset character, pointer :: globalAtt(:) character(len=MLEN) :: fNameTmp ! file name character(len=MVARLEN) :: fversion logical :: cs_found integer :: nf fNameTmp = '' ! checking file name template if (present(expid)) cfio%expid = expid if (present(cyclic)) cfio%isCyclic = cyclic if (present(expid) .and. cfio%date .gt. 0 .and. cfio%begTime .ge. 0) then call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,cfio%fName,xid=expid,nymd=cfio%date, & nhms=cfio%begTime, stat=rtcode) else if (cfio%date .gt. 0 .and. cfio%begTime .ge. 0) then call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,cfio%fName,nymd=cfio%date, & nhms=cfio%begTime, stat=rtcode) else if (present(expid)) then call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,cfio%fName,xid=expid, stat=rtcode) end if end if end if if (trim(fNameTmp) .ne. trim(cfio%fName) .and. len(trim(fNameTmp)) .gt. 0) then cfio%fNameTmplt = cfio%fName cfio%fName = fNameTmp end if ! open a cfio file call CFIO_Open ( cfio%fName, fmode, cfio%fid, rtcode ) if (err("problem in CFIO_Open",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0 ) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if cfio%isOpen = .true. if (fmode == 0) then rc = 0 return endif fid =cfio%fid ! get grid information and global meta data call CFIO_DimInquire (cfio%fid, im, jm, km, lm, & cfio%mVars, ngatts, vdir=vdir, rc=rtcode) if (err("CFIO_DimInquire failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if cfio%tSteps = lm cfio%vDir = vdir rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE (cfio%fid,nDims,allVars,ngatts,recdim) if (err("FileOpen: NF90_INQUIRE failed",rtcode,-48) .NE. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if allocate(cfio%varObjs(cfio%mVars)) do i=1,cfio%mVars cfio%varObjs(i)=ESMF_CFIOVarInfoCreate(rc=rc) cfio%varObjs(i)%timAve = .false. end do nVars = 0 cfio%mGrids = 0 cs_found = .false. do i=1,allVars rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fid,i,vnameTemp,vtype,nvDims,vDims,nvAtts) if (err("Inquire: variable inquire error",rtcode,-52) .NE. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if if (nvDims .EQ. 1 .and. (index(vnameTemp, 'lon') .gt. 0 .or. & vnameTemp == 'Xdim' .or. & index(vnameTemp, 'XDim:EOSGRID') .gt. 0) ) then coXType = vtype cfio%mGrids = cfio%mGrids + 1 end if if (nvDims .EQ. 1 .and. (index(vnameTemp, 'lat') .gt. 0 .or. & index(vnameTemp, 'YDim:EOSGRID') .gt. 0) ) then coYType = vtype end if if (nvDims .EQ. 1 .and. (index(vnameTemp, 'lev') .gt. 0 .or. & index(vnameTemp, 'Height:EOSGRID') .gt. 0) ) then coZType = vtype end if if(vnameTemp == 'nf') then cs_found = .true. cycle endif end do if (cs_found) then fversion="2.91" read(fversion, *) cfio%formatVersion end if do i=1,allVars rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fid,i,vnameTemp,vtype,nvDims,vDims,nvAtts) if (err("Inquire: variable inquire error",rtcode,-52) .NE. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if if (trim(vnameTemp) .eq. 'time_bnds') then cfio%varObjs(nVars)%timAve = .true. cycle end if if (cs_found) then if(vnameTemp == 'ncontact') cycle if(vnameTemp == 'lons') cycle if(vnameTemp == 'lats') cycle if(vnameTemp == 'contacts') cycle if(vnameTemp == 'orientation') cycle if(vnameTemp == 'anchor') cycle if(vnameTemp == 'corner_lons') cycle if(vnameTemp == 'corner_lats') cycle end if if (nvDims .EQ. 1) cycle nVars = nVars + 1 cfio%varObjs(nVars)%vName = trim(vnameTemp) cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km = 0 ! cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km = 1 cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%stnGrid = .false. do iv = 1, nvDims rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fid, vDims(iv), dimName(iv), dimSize(iv)) if (err("problem in NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION",rtcode,-41) .NE. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if if (index(dimName(iv),'station') .gt. 0) then cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%im = dimSize(iv) cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%jm = dimSize(iv) cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%stnGrid = .true. cycle end if if (cs_found) then if (dimName(iv)=='nf') cycle if (dimName(iv)=='orientationStrLen') cycle if (dimName(iv)=='ncontact') cycle if (dimName(iv)=='XCdim') cycle if (dimName(iv)=='YCdim') cycle end if rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID(fid,dimName(iv),varId) dimUnits(iv) = ' ' rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'units',dimUnits(iv)) if (err("problem in NF90_GET_ATT",rtcode,-53) .NE. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if myIndex = IdentifyDim (dimName(iv), dimUnits(iv)) if (myIndex .EQ. 0) then cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%im = dimSize(iv) if (.not. associated(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lon)) then allocate(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lon(dimSize(iv))) end if allocate(lon(dimSize(iv))) if ( coXType .eq. NF90_FLOAT ) then rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR (fid, varId, lon, (/1/), (/dimSize(iv)/)) else allocate(lon_64(dimSize(iv))) rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR (fid, varId, lon_64, (/1/), (/dimSize(iv)/)) lon =lon_64 deallocate(lon_64) end if if (err("problem in NF90_GET_VAR",rtcode,-53) .NE. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lon = lon deallocate(lon) end if nf = 1 if (cs_found) then nf = 6 end if if (myIndex .EQ. 1) then cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%jm = dimSize(iv)*nf if (.not. associated(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lat)) then allocate(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lat(dimSize(iv))) end if allocate(lat(dimSize(iv))) if ( coYType .eq. NF90_FLOAT ) then rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, varId, lat, (/1/), (/dimSize(iv)/)) else allocate(lat_64(dimSize(iv))) rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, varId, lat_64, (/1/), (/dimSize(iv)/)) lat = lat_64 deallocate(lat_64) end if !print *, "vDims(iv) varId: ", vDims(iv), varId !print *, "dimName dimUnits: ", trim(dimName(iv)), trim(dimUnits(iv)) if (err("problem in NF90_GET_VAR",rtcode,-51) .NE. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lat = lat deallocate(lat) end if if (myIndex .EQ. 2) then cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km = dimSize(iv) rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'standard_name',cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%standardName) if (rtcode /= 0) cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%standardName="pressure" if ( index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%standardName, & 'atmosphere_sigma_coordinate') .gt. 0 .or. & index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%standardName, & 'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate' ) & .gt. 0 ) then rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'formula_term',cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm) if ( index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%standardName, & 'atmosphere_sigma_coordinate') .gt. 0 ) then loc1 = index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm,'ptop:') icount = loc1 + 5 do icount = loc1+5, len(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm) if (cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm(icount:icount) & .ne. ' ') exit end do namePtop=trim(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm & (icount:len(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm))) rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID(cfio%fid,trim(namePtop),ptopid) if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting ptopid in NF90_INQ_VARID" if (rtcode .eq. 0) then rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(cfio%fid,ptopid,ptop_array,(/1/), (/1/)) ptop=ptop_array(1) end if if (rtcode .eq. 0) cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%ptop = ptop end if end if if (index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%standardName, & 'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate') & .gt. 0) then loc1 = index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm,'a:') loc2 = index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm,'b:') icount = 0 do icount = loc1+2, loc2 if (cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm(icount:icount) & .ne. ' ') exit end do nameAk=trim(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm & (icount:loc2-1)) loc1 = index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm,'b:') loc2 = index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm,'ps:') do icount = loc1+2, loc2 if (cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm(icount:icount) & .ne. ' ') exit end do nameBk=trim(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm & (icount:loc2-1)) loc1 = index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm,'p0:') icount = loc1 + 4 namePtop=trim(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm & (icount:len(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm))) rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID(cfio%fid, trim(nameAk), akid) if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting akid in NF90_INQ_VARID" allocate(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%ak & (cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km+1), & ak(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km+1)) rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(cfio%fid,akid,ak,(/1/),(/cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km+1/)) if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting ak in NF90_GET_VAR" cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%ak = ak deallocate(ak) rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID(cfio%fid, trim(nameBk), bkid) if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting bkid in NF90_INQ_VARID" allocate(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%bk & (cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km+1), & bk(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km+1)) rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(cfio%fid,bkid,bk,(/1/),(/cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km+1/)) if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting bk in NF90_GET_VAR" cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%bk = bk deallocate(bk) rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID(cfio%fid, trim(namePtop), ptopid) if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting ptopid in NF90_INQ_VARID" rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(cfio%fid,ptopid,ptop_array,(/1/), (/1/)) ptop = ptop_array(1) if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting ptop in NF90_GET_VAR" cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%ptop = ptop end if rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'coordinate',cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%coordinate) if (rtcode .ne. 0) cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%coordinate = "pressure" cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%levUnits = trim(dimUnits(iv)) allocate(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lev(dimSize(iv))) if (.not.associated(lev)) allocate(lev(dimSize(iv))) if ( coZType .eq. NF90_FLOAT ) then rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, varId, lev, (/1/), (/dimSize(iv)/)) !print *, "Lev from CFIO SDFFileOpen: ", lev else allocate(lev_64(dimSize(iv))) rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, varId, lev_64, (/1/), (/dimSize(iv)/)) lev =lev_64 deallocate(lev_64) end if cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lev = 0.0 cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lev = lev !print *, "cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lev from CFIO SDFFileOpen: ", cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lev rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'units',levunits) end if end do rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID (cfio%fid, cfio%varObjs(nVars)%vName, varId) if (rtcode .ne. 0) then print *, "problem in getting varId in NF90_INQ_VARID" if ( present(rc) ) rc = -40 return end if rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'units',cfio%varObjs(nVars)%vunits) if (rtcode .ne. 0) then print *, "NF90_GET_ATT failed for units" if ( present(rc) ) rc = -53 return end if cfio%varObjs(nVars)%vtitle = ' ' rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'long_name',cfio%varObjs(nVars)%vtitle) rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'standard_name',cfio%varObjs(nVars)%standardName) if ( cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km .gt. 0 ) then cfio%varObjs(nVars)%twoDimVar = .false. else cfio%varObjs(nVars)%twoDimVar = .true. end if rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'_FillValue',amiss) if (rtcode .NE. 0) then rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'missing_value',amiss) end if cfio%varObjs(nVars)%amiss = amiss rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'scale_factor',scale) if (rtcode .NE. 0) then cfio%varObjs(nVars)%scaleFactor = 1.0 else cfio%varObjs(nVars)%scaleFactor = scale end if rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'add_offset',offset) if (rtcode .NE. 0) then cfio%varObjs(nVars)%addOffset = 0.0 else cfio%varObjs(nVars)%addOffset = offset end if rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'vmin',vRange32(1)) if (rtcode .NE. 0) then cfio%varObjs(nVars)%validRange(1) = cfio%varObjs(nVars)%amiss else cfio%varObjs(nVars)%validRange(1) = vRange32(1) endif rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'vmax',vRange32(2)) if (rtcode .NE. 0) then cfio%varObjs(nVars)%validRange(2) = cfio%varObjs(nVars)%amiss else cfio%varObjs(nVars)%validRange(2) = vRange32(2) endif end do call GetBegDateTime(fid,cfio%date,cfio%begTime,cfio%timeInc,rtcode) if (rtcode .ne. 0) then print *, "GetBegDateTime failed to get data/time/timeInc" if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if hour = cfio%timeInc/3600 minute = (cfio%timeInc-(3600*hour))/60 seconds = cfio%timeInc-(3600*hour) - (60 * minute) cfio%timeInc = hour*10000 + minute*100 + seconds allocate(attNames(ngatts)) attNames = " " call CFIO_GetAttNames ( cfio%fid, ngatts, attNames, rtcode ) if (err("CFIO_GetAttNames failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if iCnt = 0 rCnt = 0 cCnt = 0 iMaxLen = 0 rMaxLen = 0 cMaxLen = 0 ! get how many int/real/char attributes in attNames do i =1, ngatts call CFIO_AttInquire (cfio%fid, attNames(i), type, count, rtcode) if (err("CFIO_AttInquire failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if select case (type) case ( 0 ) iCnt = iCnt + 1 if ( count .gt. iMaxLen ) iMaxLen = count case ( 1 ) rCnt = rCnt + 1 if ( count .gt. rMaxLen ) rMaxLen = count case ( 2 ) cCnt = cCnt + 1 if ( count .gt. cMaxLen ) cMaxLen = count case ( 3 ) rCnt = rCnt + 1 if ( count .gt. rMaxLen ) rMaxLen = count case ( 4 ) iCnt = iCnt + 1 if ( count .gt. iMaxLen ) iMaxLen = count end select end do cfio%nAttChar = cCnt cfio%nAttReal = rCnt cfio%nAttInt = iCnt allocate(cfio%attCharCnts(cCnt), cfio%attRealCnts(rCnt), & cfio%attIntCnts(iCnt)) allocate(cfio%attCharNames(cCnt), cfio%attRealNames(rCnt), & cfio%attIntNames(iCnt)) iCnt = 0 rCnt = 0 cCnt = 0 ! get attNames and count, then put them into a cfio obj do i =1, ngatts call CFIO_AttInquire (cfio%fid, attNames(i), type, count, rtcode) if (err("CFIO_AttInquire failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if select case (type) case ( 0 ) iCnt = iCnt + 1 cfio%attIntNames(iCnt) = attNames(i) cfio%attIntCnts(iCnt) = count case ( 1 ) rCnt = rCnt + 1 cfio%attRealNames(rCnt) = attNames(i) cfio%attRealCnts(rCnt) = count case ( 2 ) cCnt = cCnt + 1 cfio%attCharNames(cCnt) = attNames(i) cfio%attCharCnts(cCnt) = count case ( 3 ) rCnt = rCnt + 1 cfio%attRealNames(rCnt) = attNames(i) cfio%attRealCnts(rCnt) = count case ( 4 ) iCnt = iCnt + 1 cfio%attIntNames(iCnt) = attNames(i) cfio%attIntCnts(iCnt) = count end select end do deallocate(attNames) allocate(cfio%attReals(rCnt, rMaxLen), cfio%attInts(iCnt, iMaxLen), & cfio%attChars(cCnt)) ! get global integer attributes do i = 1, iCnt call CFIO_GetIntAtt(cfio%fid,cfio%attIntNames(i),cfio%attIntCnts(i) & , cfio%attInts(i,:), rtcode) if (err("CFIO_GetIntAtt failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if end do ! get global real attributes do i = 1, rCnt call CFIO_GetRealAtt(cfio%fid,cfio%attRealNames(i), & cfio%attRealCnts(i), & cfio%attReals(i,:), rtcode) if (err("CFIO_GetRealAtt",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if end do ! get global char attributes do i = 1, cCnt allocate(globalAtt(cfio%attCharCnts(i))) call CFIO_GetCharAtt(cfio%fid,cfio%attCharNames(i), & cfio%attCharCnts(i), & globalAtt, rtcode) if (err("GetCharAtt",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode return end if ! cfio%attChars(i) can only hold MLEN characters. do ii = 1, cfio%attCharCnts(i) cfio%attChars(i)(ii:ii) = globalAtt(ii) if (ii .ge. MLEN) then !bma commented out this warning as merra1 hdf4 files !have really long global attributes which prints too !many warnings !print *,"global attribute ",trim(cfio%attCharNames(i)), & !" is longer than MLEN" exit end if end do cfio%attChars(i)(cfio%attCharCnts(i)+1:MLEN) = ' ' if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'History') .gt. 0) & cfio%History=cfio%attChars(i) if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'Source') .gt. 0) & cfio%source=cfio%attChars(i) if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'Title') .gt. 0) & cfio%title=cfio%attChars(i) if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'Contact') .gt. 0) & cfio%contact=cfio%attChars(i) if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'Conventions') .gt. 0) & cfio%convention=cfio%attChars(i) if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'Institution') .gt. 0) & cfio%institution=cfio%attChars(i) if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'References') .gt. 0) & cfio%references=cfio%attChars(i) if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'Comment') .gt. 0) & cfio%comment=cfio%attChars(i) deallocate(globalAtt) end do ! get variable meta data do i = 1, cfio%mVars rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID (cfio%fid, cfio%varObjs(i)%vName, varId) if (err("NF90_INQ_VARID failed for vName",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = -40 return end if rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(cfio%fid, varId, cfio%varObjs(i)%vName, datatype, & nvdims, vdims, nvatts) if (err("NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE failed for vName",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = -52 return end if iCnt = 0 rCnt = 0 cCnt = 0 iMaxLen = 0 rMaxLen = 0 cMaxLen = 0 ! get variable int/real/char attribute count do iv =1, nvatts rtcode = NF90_INQ_ATTNAME(cfio%fid,varId,iv, vAttName) if (err("NF90_INQ_ATTNAME failed for vName",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = -57 return end if rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE (cfio%fid,varId,vAttName,vtype,count) if (err("NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE failed for vName",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = -58 return end if select case (vtype) case ( NF90_SHORT ) iCnt = iCnt + 1 if ( count .gt. iMaxLen ) iMaxLen = count case ( NF90_FLOAT ) rCnt = rCnt + 1 if ( count .gt. rMaxLen ) rMaxLen = count case ( NF90_CHAR ) cCnt = cCnt + 1 if ( count .gt. cMaxLen ) cMaxLen = count case ( NF90_DOUBLE ) rCnt = rCnt + 1 if ( count .gt. rMaxLen ) rMaxLen = count case ( NF90_INT ) iCnt = iCnt + 1 if ( count .gt. iMaxLen ) iMaxLen = count end select end do cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttChar = cCnt cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttReal = rCnt cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttInt = iCnt allocate(cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharCnts(cCnt), & cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealCnts(rCnt), & cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntCnts(iCnt)) allocate(cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharNames(cCnt), & cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealNames(rCnt),& cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntNames(iCnt)) iCnt = 0 rCnt = 0 cCnt = 0 ! get variable int/real/char attribute names and counts do iv =1, nvatts rtcode = NF90_INQ_ATTNAME (cfio%fid, varId, iv, vAttName) if (err("NF90_INQ_ATTNAME failed for vName",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = -57 return end if rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE (cfio%fid,varId,vAttName,vtype,count) if (err("NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE failed for vName",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = -58 return end if select case (vtype) case ( NF90_SHORT ) iCnt = iCnt + 1 cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntNames(iCnt) = vAttName cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntCnts(iCnt) = count case ( NF90_FLOAT ) rCnt = rCnt + 1 cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealNames(rCnt) = vAttName cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealCnts(rCnt) = count case ( NF90_CHAR ) cCnt = cCnt + 1 cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharNames(cCnt) = vAttName cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharCnts(cCnt) = count case ( NF90_DOUBLE ) rCnt = rCnt + 1 cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealNames(rCnt) = vAttName cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealCnts(rCnt) = count case ( NF90_INT ) iCnt = iCnt + 1 cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntNames(iCnt) = vAttName cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntCnts(iCnt) = count end select end do allocate(cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttReals(rCnt, rMaxLen), & cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttInts(iCnt, iMaxLen), & cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttChars(cCnt)) ! get int variable attributes do ii = 1, iCnt allocate(itmp(cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntCnts(ii))) rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(cfio%fid,varId,cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntNames(ii),itmp) if (err("NF90_GET_ATT failed for attIntNames",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = -53 return end if cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttInts(ii,1:cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntCnts(ii))& = itmp deallocate(itmp) end do ! get real variable attributes do ii = 1, rCnt allocate(rtmp(cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealCnts(ii))) rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(cfio%fid,varId,cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealNames(ii),rtmp) if (err("NF90_GET_ATT failed for attRealNames",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = -53 return end if cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttReals(ii,1:cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealCnts(ii))& = rtmp deallocate(rtmp) end do ! get char variable attributes do ii = 1, cCnt rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(cfio%fid,varId,cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharNames(ii),cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttChars(ii)) if (err("NF90_GET_ATT failed for attCharNames",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then if ( present(rc) ) rc = -53 return end if cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttChars(ii) & (cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharCnts(ii)+1:MLEN) = ' ' end do end do ! set grids objects in a CFIO object allocate( cfio%grids(cfio%mGrids), stat = rtcode) cfio%grids(1) = cfio%varObjs(1)%grid if (associated(lev)) then cfio%grids(1)%levunits = levUnits allocate(cfio%grids(1)%lev(size(lev)),stat = rtcode) cfio%grids(1)%lev = lev deallocate(lev) end if if ( cfio%mGrids .eq. 1 .and. cfio%varObjs(1)%grid%km .eq. 0) & cfio%grids(1)%km = km if ( cfio%mGrids .gt. 1 ) then do i = 2, cfio%mGrids iCnt = 1 do iv = 2, cfio%mVars new_grid = .true. iCnt = iCnt + 1 do ii = 2, i if (cfio%varObjs(iv)%grid%im .eq. cfio%grids(ii-1)%im .and. & cfio%varObjs(iv)%grid%jm .eq. cfio%grids(ii-1)%jm .and. & cfio%varObjs(iv)%grid%km .eq. cfio%grids(ii-1)%km ) then new_grid = .false. end if end do if ( new_grid ) exit end do cfio%grids(i) = cfio%varObjs(iCnt)%grid end do end if rtcode = 0 if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen