ESMF_CFIOSdfMod.F90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 ESMF_CFIOSdfMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90 ESMF_CFIOFileMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90 ESMF_CFIOGridMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90 ESMF_CFIOUtilMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90 ESMF_CFIOVarInfoMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 ESMF_CFIOSdfMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 ESMF_CFIOMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~testr.f90 testr.f90 sourcefile~testr.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~testr.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testr_gd.f90 testr_gd.f90 sourcefile~testr_gd.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~testr_gd.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testr_gd_wr.f90 testr_gd_wr.f90 sourcefile~testr_gd_wr.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~testr_gd_wr.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testr_st.f90 testr_st.f90 sourcefile~testr_st.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~testr_st.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw2.f90 testw2.f90 sourcefile~testw2.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~testw2.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw3.f90 testw3.f90 sourcefile~testw3.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~testw3.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex1.f90 testw_ex1.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex1.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex1.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex2.f90 testw_ex2.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex2.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex2.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex3.f90 testw_ex3.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex3.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex3.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex4.f90 testw_ex4.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex4.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex4.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex5.f90 testw_ex5.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex5.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex5.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw_st.f90 testw_st.f90 sourcefile~testw_st.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~testw_st.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~benchmark_bin.f90 benchmark_bin.F90 sourcefile~benchmark_bin.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~benchmark_sdf.f90 benchmark_sdf.F90 sourcefile~benchmark_sdf.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~cfiocollection.f90 CFIOCollection.F90 sourcefile~cfiocollection.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfioptrvectormod.f90 ESMF_CFIOPtrVectorMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfioptrvectormod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~extdatagridcompmod.f90 ExtDataGridCompMod.F90 sourcefile~extdatagridcompmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~mapl.f90 MAPL.F90 sourcefile~mapl.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~mapl_cfio.f90 MAPL_CFIO.F90 sourcefile~mapl_cfio.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~regrid_util.f90 Regrid_Util.F90 sourcefile~regrid_util.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~utcfio_array.f90 utCFIO_Array.F90 sourcefile~utcfio_array.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~utcfio_nbits.f90 utCFIO_Nbits.F90 sourcefile~utcfio_nbits.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~utdownbit.f90 utDownBit.F90 sourcefile~utdownbit.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90

Source Code

!               Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)                !
!                    Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS)                    !
!                                 MAPL Component                              !
! Author: GMAO SI-Team
! `ESMF_CFIOSdfMod` - Source file for CFIO.
! The module `ESMF_CFIOSdfMod` provides data type definitions and interface
! specifications. It provides all the necessary subroutines for users to write/read
! HDF format output using CF convention.
!#### History
!- Feb2007  Baoyu Yin  Modified from ESMF_CFIOSdfMod.F90. This is the SDF module for CFIO.
       module ESMF_CFIOSdfMod
! !USES:
      use ESMF_CFIOUtilMod
      use ESMF_CFIOGridMod
      use ESMF_CFIOVarInfoMod
      use ESMF_CFIOFileMod
      use netcdf
      use, intrinsic :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, only: INT16, REAL32, REAL64

      implicit none

      public :: ESMF_CFIOSdfFileCreate      ! Create a CFIO file for writing
      public :: ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen        ! Open a CFIO file
      public :: ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite        ! Write a variable to a file
      public :: ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead         ! Read a variable from a file
      public :: ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT        ! Read a variable from two files
                                         ! with time interpolation
      public :: ESMF_CFIOSdfFileClose       ! Close an existing CFIO file.

      interface ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite; module procedure   &
        ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite3D_,  &
        ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite2D_,  &
      end interface

      interface ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead; module procedure   &
        ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead3D_,  &
        ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead2D_,  &
      end interface

      interface ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT; module procedure   &
        ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT3D_,  &
        ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT2D_,  &
        ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT3D__, &
      end interface
! `ESMF_CFIOSdfFileCreate` -- Create a CFIO output file with meta data
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfFileCreate (cfio, rc, expid)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio       !! a CFIO object
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL  :: expid    !! Experiment ID
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                      !! 0   all is well
                      !! -1 Time increment is 0
                      !! -2  allocate memory error
                      !! -3  Num of int/char/real elements and Cnt don't match
                      !! -12  error determining default precision
                      !! -18 incorrect time increment
                      !! -30 can't open file
                      !! -31 error from NF90_DEF_DIM
                      !! -32 error from NF90_DEF_VAR (dimension variable)
                      !! -33 error from NF90_PUT_ATT (dimension attribute)
                      !! -34 error from NF90_DEF_VAR (variable)
                      !! -35  error from NF90_PUT_ATT (variable attribute)
                      !! -36  error from NF90_PUT_ATT (global attribute)
                      !! -37  error from NF90_ENDDEF
                      !! -38  error from NF90_VAR_PUT (dimension variable)
                      !! -39 Num of real var elements and Cnt differ
                      !! -55  error from NF90_REDEF (enter define mode)
                      !! -56  error from NF90_ENDDEF (exit define mode)
       integer :: i, rtcode
       !integer :: maxLen
       character(len=MLEN) :: fNameTmp     ! file name
       integer :: date, begTime
       character(len=MLEN) :: fName

       call ESMF_CFIOGet(cfio, date=date, begTime=begTime, fName=fName, rc=rtcode)
       if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "Problems in ESMF_CFIOGet"
!      checking file name template
       if (present(expid)) then
          call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, expid=expid)
          call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,fName,xid=expid,nymd=date, &
                            nhms=begTime, stat=rtcode)
          call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,fName,nymd=date, nhms=begTime, stat=rtcode)
       end if

       if (trim(fNameTmp) .ne. trim(fName)) then
          call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, fNameTmplt=fName, fName=fNameTmp)
       end if

       call CFIO_Create_(cfio, rtcode)
       if (err("Error form CFIO_Create_",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

!      put global attributes
       call CFIO_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid, 'History', len(trim(cfio%history)),    &
                             cfio%history, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write History",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call CFIO_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid, 'Source', len(trim(cfio%source)),      &
                             cfio%source, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write Source",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call CFIO_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid, 'Title', len(trim(cfio%title)),        &
                             cfio%title, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write Title",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call CFIO_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid, 'Contact', len(trim(cfio%contact)),    &
                             cfio%contact, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write Contact",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call CFIO_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid,'Conventions',len(trim(cfio%convention))&
                             ,cfio%convention, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write Conventions",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call CFIO_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid,'Institution',                          &
                            len(trim(cfio%institution)),                     &
                            cfio%institution, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write Institution",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call CFIO_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid,'References',len(trim(cfio%references)),&
                             cfio%references, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write References",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

       call CFIO_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid,'Comment',len(trim(cfio%comment)),      &
                             cfio%comment, rtcode )
       if (err("can't write Comment",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
       end if

!      get integer attributes from iList
       if ( associated(cfio%iList) ) then
!@@          call getMaxLenCnt(maxLen, cfio%nAttInt, iList=cfio%iList)
!@@          allocate(cfio%attIntNames(cfio%nAttInt),                           &
!@@                   cfio%attIntCnts(cfio%nAttInt),                            &
!@@                   cfio%attInts(cfio%nAttInt,maxLen), stat=rtcode)
!@@          if (err("can't allocate mem: attIntCnts",rtcode,-2) .lt. 0) then
!@@             if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
!@@             return
!@@          end if

          call getList(iList=cfio%iList, intAttNames=cfio%attIntNames,       &
                       intAttCnts=cfio%attIntCnts, intAtts=cfio%attInts )
       end if

!      write user defined integer attributes
       if ( cfio%nAttInt .gt. 0 ) then
          do i = 1, cfio%nAttInt
             if ( cfio%attIntCnts(i) .gt. size(cfio%attInts(i,:)) )  then
                rtcode=err("FileCreate: Num of int elements and Cnt differ"  &
                if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
             end if

             call CFIO_PutIntAtt(cfio%fid, cfio%attIntNames(i),              &
                                 cfio%attIntCnts(i), cfio%attInts(i,:),      &
                                 cfio%prec, rtcode )
             if (err("error in CFIO_PutIntAtt",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
                if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
             end if

          end do
       end if

!      get real attributes from rList
       if ( associated(cfio%rList) ) then
!@@          call getMaxLenCnt(maxLen, cfio%nAttReal, rList=cfio%rList)
!@@          allocate(cfio%attRealNames(cfio%nAttReal),                       &
!@@                   cfio%attRealCnts(cfio%nAttReal),                        &
!@@                   cfio%attReals(cfio%nAttReal,maxLen), stat=rtcode)
!@@          if (err("can't allocate mem: attRealNames",rtcode,-2) .lt. 0) then
!@@             if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
!@@             return
!@@          end if

          call getList(rList=cfio%rList, realAttNames=cfio%attRealNames,   &
                       realAttCnts=cfio%attRealCnts, realAtts=cfio%attReals )
          do i = 1, cfio%nAttReal
          end do
       end if

!      write user defined real attributes
       if ( cfio%nAttReal .gt. 0 ) then
          do i = 1, cfio%nAttReal
             if ( cfio%attRealCnts(i) .gt. size(cfio%attReals(i,:)) )  then
                rtcode=err("FileCreate: Num of real elements and Cnt differ" &
                if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
             end if
             call CFIO_PutRealAtt(cfio%fid, cfio%attRealNames(i),            &
                                 cfio%attRealCnts(i),                        &
                                 cfio%attReals(i,1:cfio%attRealCnts(i)),     &
                                 cfio%prec, rtcode )
             if (err("error in CFIO_PutRealAtt",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
                if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
             end if
          end do
       end if

!      get char attributes from cList
       if ( associated(cfio%cList) ) then
!@@          call getMaxLenCnt(maxLen, cfio%nAttChar, cList=cfio%cList)
!@@          allocate(cfio%attCharNames(cfio%nAttChar),                      &
!@@                   cfio%attCharCnts(cfio%nAttChar),                       &
!@@                   cfio%attChars(cfio%nAttChar), stat=rtcode)
!@@          if (err("can't allocate mem: attCharNames",rtcode,-2) .lt. 0) then
!@@             if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
!@@             return
!@@          end if
          call getList(cList=cfio%cList, charAttNames=cfio%attCharNames,  &
                       charAttCnts=cfio%attCharCnts, charAtts=cfio%attChars )
       end if

!      write user defined char attributes
       if ( cfio%nAttChar .gt. 0 ) then
          do i = 1, cfio%nAttChar
             call CFIO_PutCharAtt(cfio%fid, cfio%attCharNames(i),       &
                                 cfio%attCharCnts(i), cfio%attChars(i), &
                                 rtcode )
             if (err("error in CFIO_PutCharAtt",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
                if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
             end if
          end do
       end if

       cfio%isOpen = .true.

       rtcode = 0
       if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfFileCreate

! `ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen` -- open a CFIO file, and get CFIO meta data into a cfio Object.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen (cfio, fmode, rc, expid, cyclic)
      integer, intent(in) :: fmode              !! 0 for READ-WRITE
                                                !! non-zero for READ-ONLY
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: expid   !! Experiment ID
      logical, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: cyclic           !! cyclic input file
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !! -1   invalid count
                         !! -2   type mismatch
                         !! -12  error determining default precision
                         !! -10  ngatts is incompatible with file
                         !! -11  character string not long enough
                         !! -19  unable to identify coordinate variable
                         !! -36  error from NF90_PUT_ATT (global attribute)
                         !! -39  error from ncopn (file open)
                         !! -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !! -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lat or lon)
                         !! -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lev)
                         !! -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !! -47  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (time)
                         !! -48  error from NF90_INQUIRE
                         !! -51  error from NF90_GET_ATT (global attribute)
                         !! -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE
                         !! -53  error from NF90_GET_ATT
                         !! -57  error from NF90_INQ_ATTNAME
                         !! -58  error from NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE

      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio    !! a CFIO object
      integer :: ngatts, lm, i, ii, iv
      real(kind=REAL32) :: amiss
      real(kind=REAL32) :: vRange32(2)
      real(kind=REAL32), pointer :: lon(:), lat(:)
      real(kind=REAL32), pointer :: lev(:) => null()
      real(kind=REAL64), pointer :: lon_64(:), lat_64(:), lev_64(:)
      integer :: coXType = NF90_FLOAT
      integer :: coYType = NF90_FLOAT
      integer :: coZType = NF90_FLOAT
      character(len=MVARLEN) :: vAttName
      character(len=MLEN), pointer :: attNames(:)
      integer :: iCnt, rCnt, cCnt
      integer :: iMaxLen, rMaxLen, cMaxLen
      integer :: type, count, rtcode
      integer :: varId
      integer :: datatype         ! variable type
      integer :: vtype            ! variable type
      integer :: nvDims           ! number of dimensions
      integer :: vDims(MAXVDIMS)  ! variable shape
      integer :: nvatts           ! number of attributes
      real(kind=REAL32), pointer :: rtmp(:)
      integer, pointer :: itmp(:)
      logical :: new_grid
      integer :: nDims, allVars, recdim
      integer :: im, jm, km
      integer :: hour, minute, seconds
      integer :: fid, nVars, dimSize(8), myIndex
      character(len=MVARLEN) :: dimName(8), dimUnits(8), vnameTemp
      character(len=MVARLEN) :: nameAk, nameBk, namePtop
      character(len=MVARLEN) :: levunits
      integer :: loc1, loc2
      integer :: akid, bkid, ptopid
      integer :: icount
      integer :: vdir
      real(kind=REAL32), pointer :: ak(:), bk(:)
      real(kind=REAL32) :: ptop
      real(kind=REAL32) :: ptop_array(1)
      real(kind=REAL32) :: scale, offset
      character, pointer ::  globalAtt(:)
      character(len=MLEN) :: fNameTmp     ! file name
      character(len=MVARLEN) :: fversion
      logical :: cs_found
      integer :: nf

      fNameTmp = ''
!     checking file name template
      if (present(expid)) cfio%expid = expid
      if (present(cyclic)) cfio%isCyclic = cyclic
      if (present(expid) .and. cfio%date .gt. 0 .and. cfio%begTime .ge. 0) then
         call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,cfio%fName,xid=expid,nymd=cfio%date, &
                           nhms=cfio%begTime, stat=rtcode)
         if (cfio%date .gt. 0 .and. cfio%begTime .ge. 0) then
            call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,cfio%fName,nymd=cfio%date, &
                              nhms=cfio%begTime, stat=rtcode)
            if (present(expid)) then
               call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,cfio%fName,xid=expid, stat=rtcode)
            end if
         end if
      end if
      if (trim(fNameTmp) .ne. trim(cfio%fName) .and. len(trim(fNameTmp)) .gt. 0) then
         cfio%fNameTmplt = cfio%fName
         cfio%fName = fNameTmp
      end if

!     open a cfio file
      call CFIO_Open ( cfio%fName, fmode, cfio%fid, rtcode )
      if (err("problem in CFIO_Open",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0 ) then
         if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
      end if
      cfio%isOpen = .true.
      if (fmode == 0) then
         rc = 0
      fid =cfio%fid

!     get grid information and global meta data

      call CFIO_DimInquire (cfio%fid, im, jm, km, lm, &
                            cfio%mVars, ngatts, vdir=vdir, rc=rtcode)
      if (err("CFIO_DimInquire failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
         if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
      end if
      cfio%tSteps = lm
      cfio%vDir = vdir

      rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE (cfio%fid,nDims,allVars,ngatts,recdim)
      if (err("FileOpen: NF90_INQUIRE failed",rtcode,-48) .NE. 0) then
         if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
      end if

      do i=1,cfio%mVars
         cfio%varObjs(i)%timAve = .false.
      end do
      nVars = 0
      cfio%mGrids = 0
      cs_found = .false.
      do i=1,allVars
        rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fid,i,vnameTemp,vtype,nvDims,vDims,nvAtts)
        if (err("Inquire: variable inquire error",rtcode,-52) .NE. 0) then
           if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
        end if
        if (nvDims .EQ. 1 .and. (index(vnameTemp, 'lon') .gt. 0 .or.  &
            vnameTemp == 'Xdim' .or. &
            index(vnameTemp, 'XDim:EOSGRID') .gt. 0) ) then
           coXType = vtype
           cfio%mGrids = cfio%mGrids + 1
        end if
        if (nvDims .EQ. 1 .and. (index(vnameTemp, 'lat') .gt. 0 .or.  &
            index(vnameTemp, 'YDim:EOSGRID') .gt. 0) ) then
           coYType = vtype
        end if
        if (nvDims .EQ. 1 .and. (index(vnameTemp, 'lev') .gt. 0 .or.  &
            index(vnameTemp, 'Height:EOSGRID') .gt. 0) ) then
           coZType = vtype
        end if
        if(vnameTemp == 'nf') then
           cs_found = .true.

      end do
      if (cs_found) then
         read(fversion, *) cfio%formatVersion
      end if

      do i=1,allVars
        rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(fid,i,vnameTemp,vtype,nvDims,vDims,nvAtts)
        if (err("Inquire: variable inquire error",rtcode,-52) .NE. 0) then
           if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
        end if
        if (trim(vnameTemp) .eq. 'time_bnds') then
           cfio%varObjs(nVars)%timAve = .true.
        end if
        if (cs_found) then
           if(vnameTemp == 'ncontact') cycle
           if(vnameTemp == 'lons') cycle
           if(vnameTemp == 'lats') cycle
           if(vnameTemp == 'contacts') cycle
           if(vnameTemp == 'orientation') cycle
           if(vnameTemp == 'anchor') cycle
           if(vnameTemp == 'corner_lons') cycle
           if(vnameTemp == 'corner_lats') cycle
        end if
        if (nvDims .EQ. 1) cycle
        nVars = nVars + 1
        cfio%varObjs(nVars)%vName = trim(vnameTemp)
        cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km = 0
!        cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km = 1
        cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%stnGrid = .false.
        do iv = 1, nvDims
           rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(fid, vDims(iv), dimName(iv), dimSize(iv))
           if (err("problem in NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION",rtcode,-41) .NE. 0) then
              if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
           end if
           if (index(dimName(iv),'station') .gt. 0) then
              cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%im = dimSize(iv)
              cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%jm = dimSize(iv)
              cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%stnGrid = .true.
           end if
           if (cs_found) then
              if (dimName(iv)=='nf') cycle
              if (dimName(iv)=='orientationStrLen') cycle
              if (dimName(iv)=='ncontact') cycle
              if (dimName(iv)=='XCdim') cycle
              if (dimName(iv)=='YCdim') cycle
           end if
           rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID(fid,dimName(iv),varId)
           dimUnits(iv) = ' '
           rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'units',dimUnits(iv))
           if (err("problem in NF90_GET_ATT",rtcode,-53) .NE. 0) then
              if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
           end if
           myIndex = IdentifyDim (dimName(iv), dimUnits(iv))
           if (myIndex .EQ. 0) then
              cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%im = dimSize(iv)
              if (.not. associated(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lon)) then
              end if
              if ( coXType .eq. NF90_FLOAT ) then
                 rtcode =  NF90_GET_VAR (fid, varId, lon, (/1/), (/dimSize(iv)/))
                 rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR (fid, varId, lon_64, (/1/), (/dimSize(iv)/))
                 lon =lon_64
              end if
              if (err("problem in NF90_GET_VAR",rtcode,-53) .NE. 0) then
                 if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
              end if
              cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lon = lon
           end if
           nf = 1
           if (cs_found) then
              nf = 6
           end if
           if (myIndex .EQ. 1) then
              cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%jm = dimSize(iv)*nf
              if (.not. associated(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lat)) then
              end if
              if ( coYType .eq. NF90_FLOAT ) then
                 rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, varId, lat, (/1/), (/dimSize(iv)/))
                 rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, varId, lat_64, (/1/), (/dimSize(iv)/))
                 lat = lat_64
              end if
!print *, "vDims(iv) varId: ", vDims(iv), varId
!print *, "dimName dimUnits: ", trim(dimName(iv)), trim(dimUnits(iv))
              if (err("problem in NF90_GET_VAR",rtcode,-51) .NE. 0) then
                 if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
              end if
              cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lat = lat
           end if
           if (myIndex .EQ. 2) then
              cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km = dimSize(iv)
              rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'standard_name',cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%standardName)
              if (rtcode /= 0) cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%standardName="pressure"
              if ( index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%standardName,        &
                   'atmosphere_sigma_coordinate') .gt. 0  .or.         &
                   index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%standardName,        &
                   'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate' )     &
                   .gt.  0 ) then

                 rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'formula_term',cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm)
                 if ( index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%standardName,     &
                   'atmosphere_sigma_coordinate') .gt. 0 ) then
                    loc1 = index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm,'ptop:')
                    icount = loc1  + 5
                    do icount = loc1+5, len(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm)
                      if (cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm(icount:icount) &
                           .ne. ' ') exit
                    end do
                    namePtop=trim(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm    &
                    rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID(cfio%fid,trim(namePtop),ptopid)
                    if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting ptopid in NF90_INQ_VARID"
                    if (rtcode .eq. 0) then
                       rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(cfio%fid,ptopid,ptop_array,(/1/), (/1/))
                    end if
                    if (rtcode .eq. 0) cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%ptop = ptop
                 end if
              end if
              if (index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%standardName,             &
                        'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate')     &
                        .gt. 0)  then
                 loc1 = index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm,'a:')
                 loc2 = index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm,'b:')
                 icount = 0
                 do icount = loc1+2, loc2
                   if (cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm(icount:icount) &
                        .ne. ' ') exit
                 end do
                 nameAk=trim(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm          &
                 loc1 = index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm,'b:')
                 loc2 = index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm,'ps:')
                 do icount = loc1+2, loc2
                   if (cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm(icount:icount) &
                        .ne. ' ') exit
                 end do
                 nameBk=trim(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm          &
                 loc1 = index(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm,'p0:')
                 icount = loc1  + 4
                 namePtop=trim(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%formulaTerm        &

                 rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID(cfio%fid, trim(nameAk), akid)
                 if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting akid in NF90_INQ_VARID"

                 allocate(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%ak                      &
                          (cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km+1),                 &
                 rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(cfio%fid,akid,ak,(/1/),(/cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km+1/))
                 if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting ak in NF90_GET_VAR"
                 cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%ak = ak
                 rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID(cfio%fid, trim(nameBk), bkid)
                 if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting bkid in NF90_INQ_VARID"
                 allocate(cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%bk                      &
                          (cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km+1),                 &
                 rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(cfio%fid,bkid,bk,(/1/),(/cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km+1/))
                 if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting bk in NF90_GET_VAR"
                 cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%bk = bk

                 rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID(cfio%fid, trim(namePtop), ptopid)
                 if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting ptopid in NF90_INQ_VARID"
                 rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(cfio%fid,ptopid,ptop_array,(/1/), (/1/))
                 ptop = ptop_array(1)
                 if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "problem in getting ptop in NF90_GET_VAR"
                 cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%ptop = ptop
             end if
              rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'coordinate',cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%coordinate)
              if (rtcode .ne. 0) cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%coordinate = "pressure"
              cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%levUnits = trim(dimUnits(iv))

              if (.not.associated(lev))  allocate(lev(dimSize(iv)))

              if ( coZType .eq. NF90_FLOAT ) then
                 rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, varId, lev, (/1/), (/dimSize(iv)/))
!print *, "Lev from CFIO SDFFileOpen: ", lev
                 rtcode = NF90_GET_VAR(fid, varId, lev_64, (/1/), (/dimSize(iv)/))
                 lev =lev_64
              end if
              cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lev = 0.0
              cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lev = lev
!print *, "cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lev from CFIO SDFFileOpen: ", cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%lev
              rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'units',levunits)
           end if
        end do
        rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID (cfio%fid, cfio%varObjs(nVars)%vName, varId)
        if (rtcode .ne. 0) then
           print *, "problem in getting varId in NF90_INQ_VARID"
           if ( present(rc) ) rc = -40
        end if
       rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'units',cfio%varObjs(nVars)%vunits)
        if (rtcode .ne. 0) then
           print *, "NF90_GET_ATT failed for units"
           if ( present(rc) ) rc = -53
        end if
        cfio%varObjs(nVars)%vtitle = ' '
       rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'long_name',cfio%varObjs(nVars)%vtitle)
       rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'standard_name',cfio%varObjs(nVars)%standardName)
        if ( cfio%varObjs(nVars)%grid%km .gt. 0 ) then
            cfio%varObjs(nVars)%twoDimVar = .false.
            cfio%varObjs(nVars)%twoDimVar = .true.
        end if
        rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'_FillValue',amiss)
        if (rtcode .NE. 0) then
           rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'missing_value',amiss)
        end if
        cfio%varObjs(nVars)%amiss = amiss
        rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'scale_factor',scale)
        if (rtcode .NE. 0) then
           cfio%varObjs(nVars)%scaleFactor = 1.0
           cfio%varObjs(nVars)%scaleFactor = scale
        end if
        rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'add_offset',offset)
        if (rtcode .NE. 0) then
           cfio%varObjs(nVars)%addOffset = 0.0
           cfio%varObjs(nVars)%addOffset = offset
        end if
        rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'vmin',vRange32(1))
        if (rtcode .NE. 0) then
          cfio%varObjs(nVars)%validRange(1) = cfio%varObjs(nVars)%amiss
          cfio%varObjs(nVars)%validRange(1) = vRange32(1)
        rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,varId,'vmax',vRange32(2))
        if (rtcode .NE. 0) then
          cfio%varObjs(nVars)%validRange(2) = cfio%varObjs(nVars)%amiss
          cfio%varObjs(nVars)%validRange(2) = vRange32(2)

      end do

      call GetBegDateTime(fid,cfio%date,cfio%begTime,cfio%timeInc,rtcode)
      if (rtcode .ne. 0) then
         print *, "GetBegDateTime failed to get data/time/timeInc"
         if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
      end if

      hour = cfio%timeInc/3600
      minute = (cfio%timeInc-(3600*hour))/60
      seconds = cfio%timeInc-(3600*hour) - (60 * minute)
      cfio%timeInc = hour*10000 + minute*100 + seconds

      attNames = " "
      call CFIO_GetAttNames ( cfio%fid, ngatts, attNames, rtcode )
      if (err("CFIO_GetAttNames failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
         if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
      end if

      iCnt = 0
      rCnt = 0
      cCnt = 0
      iMaxLen = 0
      rMaxLen = 0
      cMaxLen = 0

!     get how many int/real/char attributes in attNames
      do i =1, ngatts
         call CFIO_AttInquire (cfio%fid, attNames(i), type, count, rtcode)
         if (err("CFIO_AttInquire failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
         select case  (type)
            case ( 0 )
               iCnt = iCnt + 1
               if ( count .gt. iMaxLen ) iMaxLen = count
            case ( 1 )
               rCnt = rCnt + 1
               if ( count .gt. rMaxLen ) rMaxLen = count
            case ( 2 )
               cCnt = cCnt + 1
               if ( count .gt. cMaxLen ) cMaxLen = count
            case ( 3 )
               rCnt = rCnt + 1
               if ( count .gt. rMaxLen ) rMaxLen = count
            case ( 4 )
               iCnt = iCnt + 1
               if ( count .gt. iMaxLen ) iMaxLen = count
         end select
      end do

      cfio%nAttChar = cCnt
      cfio%nAttReal = rCnt
      cfio%nAttInt = iCnt

      allocate(cfio%attCharCnts(cCnt), cfio%attRealCnts(rCnt), &
      allocate(cfio%attCharNames(cCnt), cfio%attRealNames(rCnt), &

      iCnt = 0
      rCnt = 0
      cCnt = 0
!     get attNames and count, then put them into a cfio obj
      do i =1, ngatts
         call CFIO_AttInquire (cfio%fid, attNames(i), type, count, rtcode)
         if (err("CFIO_AttInquire failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
         select case  (type)
            case ( 0 )
               iCnt = iCnt + 1
               cfio%attIntNames(iCnt) = attNames(i)
               cfio%attIntCnts(iCnt) = count
            case ( 1 )
               rCnt = rCnt + 1
               cfio%attRealNames(rCnt) = attNames(i)
               cfio%attRealCnts(rCnt) = count
            case ( 2 )
               cCnt = cCnt + 1
               cfio%attCharNames(cCnt) = attNames(i)
               cfio%attCharCnts(cCnt) = count
            case ( 3 )
               rCnt = rCnt + 1
               cfio%attRealNames(rCnt) = attNames(i)
               cfio%attRealCnts(rCnt) = count
            case ( 4 )
               iCnt = iCnt + 1
               cfio%attIntNames(iCnt) = attNames(i)
               cfio%attIntCnts(iCnt) = count
         end select
      end do


      allocate(cfio%attReals(rCnt, rMaxLen), cfio%attInts(iCnt, iMaxLen),    &
!     get global integer attributes
      do i = 1, iCnt
         call CFIO_GetIntAtt(cfio%fid,cfio%attIntNames(i),cfio%attIntCnts(i) &
                            , cfio%attInts(i,:), rtcode)
         if (err("CFIO_GetIntAtt failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
      end do

!     get global real attributes
      do i = 1, rCnt
         call CFIO_GetRealAtt(cfio%fid,cfio%attRealNames(i),               &
                              cfio%attRealCnts(i),                         &
                              cfio%attReals(i,:), rtcode)
         if (err("CFIO_GetRealAtt",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
      end do

!     get global char attributes
      do i = 1, cCnt
         call CFIO_GetCharAtt(cfio%fid,cfio%attCharNames(i),   &
                              cfio%attCharCnts(i),             &
                              globalAtt, rtcode)
         if (err("GetCharAtt",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
!        cfio%attChars(i) can only hold MLEN characters.
         do ii = 1, cfio%attCharCnts(i)
            cfio%attChars(i)(ii:ii) = globalAtt(ii)
            if (ii .ge. MLEN) then
               !bma commented out this warning as merra1 hdf4 files
               !have really long global attributes which prints too
               !many warnings
               !print *,"global attribute ",trim(cfio%attCharNames(i)), &
                       !" is longer than MLEN"
            end if
         end do
         cfio%attChars(i)(cfio%attCharCnts(i)+1:MLEN) = ' '

         if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'History') .gt. 0)  &
         if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'Source') .gt. 0)  &
         if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'Title') .gt. 0)  &
         if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'Contact') .gt. 0)  &
         if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'Conventions') .gt. 0)  &
         if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'Institution') .gt. 0)  &
         if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'References') .gt. 0)  &
         if (index(cfio%attCharNames(i),'Comment') .gt. 0)  &
      end do

!     get variable meta data
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID (cfio%fid, cfio%varObjs(i)%vName, varId)
         if (err("NF90_INQ_VARID failed for vName",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = -40
         end if
         rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(cfio%fid, varId, cfio%varObjs(i)%vName, datatype, &
                     nvdims, vdims, nvatts)
         if (err("NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE failed for vName",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = -52
         end if
         iCnt = 0
         rCnt = 0
         cCnt = 0
         iMaxLen = 0
         rMaxLen = 0
         cMaxLen = 0

!        get variable int/real/char attribute count
         do iv =1, nvatts
            rtcode = NF90_INQ_ATTNAME(cfio%fid,varId,iv, vAttName)
            if (err("NF90_INQ_ATTNAME failed for vName",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
               if ( present(rc) ) rc = -57
            end if
            rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE (cfio%fid,varId,vAttName,vtype,count)
            if (err("NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE failed for vName",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
               if ( present(rc) ) rc = -58
            end if
            select case  (vtype)
               case ( NF90_SHORT )
                  iCnt = iCnt + 1
                  if ( count .gt. iMaxLen ) iMaxLen = count
               case ( NF90_FLOAT )
                  rCnt = rCnt + 1
                  if ( count .gt. rMaxLen ) rMaxLen = count
               case ( NF90_CHAR )
                  cCnt = cCnt + 1
                  if ( count .gt. cMaxLen ) cMaxLen = count
               case ( NF90_DOUBLE )
                  rCnt = rCnt + 1
                  if ( count .gt. rMaxLen ) rMaxLen = count
               case ( NF90_INT )
                  iCnt = iCnt + 1
                  if ( count .gt. iMaxLen ) iMaxLen = count
            end select
         end do

         cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttChar = cCnt
         cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttReal = rCnt
         cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttInt = iCnt

         allocate(cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharCnts(cCnt),  &
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealCnts(rCnt),  &
         allocate(cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharNames(cCnt), &

         iCnt = 0
         rCnt = 0
         cCnt = 0
!        get variable int/real/char attribute names and counts
         do iv =1, nvatts
            rtcode = NF90_INQ_ATTNAME (cfio%fid, varId, iv, vAttName)
            if (err("NF90_INQ_ATTNAME failed for vName",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
               if ( present(rc) ) rc = -57
            end if
            rtcode = NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE (cfio%fid,varId,vAttName,vtype,count)
            if (err("NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE failed for vName",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
               if ( present(rc) ) rc = -58
            end if
            select case  (vtype)
               case ( NF90_SHORT )
                  iCnt = iCnt + 1
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntNames(iCnt) = vAttName
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntCnts(iCnt) = count
               case ( NF90_FLOAT )
                  rCnt = rCnt + 1
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealNames(rCnt) = vAttName
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealCnts(rCnt) = count
               case ( NF90_CHAR )
                  cCnt = cCnt + 1
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharNames(cCnt) = vAttName
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharCnts(cCnt) = count
               case ( NF90_DOUBLE )
                  rCnt = rCnt + 1
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealNames(rCnt) = vAttName
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealCnts(rCnt) = count
               case ( NF90_INT )
                  iCnt = iCnt + 1
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntNames(iCnt) = vAttName
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntCnts(iCnt) = count
            end select
         end do

         allocate(cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttReals(rCnt, rMaxLen), &
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttInts(iCnt, iMaxLen),  &

!        get int variable attributes
         do ii = 1, iCnt
            rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(cfio%fid,varId,cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntNames(ii),itmp)
            if (err("NF90_GET_ATT failed for attIntNames",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
               if ( present(rc) ) rc = -53
            end if
                       = itmp
         end do

!        get real variable attributes
         do ii = 1, rCnt
            rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(cfio%fid,varId,cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealNames(ii),rtmp)
            if (err("NF90_GET_ATT failed for attRealNames",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
               if ( present(rc) ) rc = -53
            end if
                       = rtmp
         end do

!        get char variable attributes
         do ii = 1, cCnt
            rtcode = NF90_GET_ATT(cfio%fid,varId,cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharNames(ii),cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttChars(ii))
            if (err("NF90_GET_ATT failed for attCharNames",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
               if ( present(rc) ) rc = -53
            end if
            cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttChars(ii)  &
                 (cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharCnts(ii)+1:MLEN) = ' '
         end do

      end do

!     set grids objects in a CFIO object
      allocate( cfio%grids(cfio%mGrids), stat = rtcode)
      cfio%grids(1) = cfio%varObjs(1)%grid
      if (associated(lev)) then
         cfio%grids(1)%levunits = levUnits
         allocate(cfio%grids(1)%lev(size(lev)),stat = rtcode)
         cfio%grids(1)%lev = lev
      end if
      if ( cfio%mGrids .eq. 1 .and. cfio%varObjs(1)%grid%km .eq. 0) &
         cfio%grids(1)%km = km

      if ( cfio%mGrids .gt. 1 ) then
        do i = 2, cfio%mGrids
           iCnt = 1
           do iv = 2, cfio%mVars
              new_grid = .true.
              iCnt = iCnt + 1
              do ii = 2, i
                if (cfio%varObjs(iv)%grid%im .eq. cfio%grids(ii-1)%im .and.  &
                  cfio%varObjs(iv)%grid%jm .eq. cfio%grids(ii-1)%jm .and.  &
                  cfio%varObjs(iv)%grid%km .eq. cfio%grids(ii-1)%km ) then
                  new_grid = .false.
                end if
              end do
              if ( new_grid ) exit
           end do
           cfio%grids(i) = cfio%varObjs(iCnt)%grid
        end do
      end if

      rtcode = 0
      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen

! `ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite3D_` -- Write a variable to a output file.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite3D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, &
                                      kbeg, kount, timeString, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! Variable name
      real, intent(in) :: field(:,:,:)            !! array contains data
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg       !! first level to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount      !! number of levels to write
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString !! string expression for date and time
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -15  data outside of valid range
                         !!  rc = -16  data outside of packing range
                         !!  rc = -17  data outside of pack and valid range
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_VAR_PUT (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -45  error from NF90_VAR_PUT
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE
                         !!  rc = -53  error from NF90_GET_ATT

      integer :: i, rtcode
      integer :: myKbeg, myKount
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      logical :: useFaceDim
      character(len=MLEN) :: fNameTmp     ! file name

      fNameTmp = ''
      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)

      if (len(trim(cfio%fNameTmplt)) .gt. 1) then
         call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,cfio%fNameTmplt,xid=cfio%expid,nymd=myDate, &
                           nhms=myCurTime, stat=rtcode)
         if (trim(fNameTmp) .ne. trim(cfio%fName)) then
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileClose(cfio)
            cfio%fName = fNameTmp
            call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, fName=cfio%fName)
            call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, date=myDate, begTime=myCurTime)
            if (len(trim(cfio%expid)) .gt. 0) then
               call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileCreate(cfio, expid=cfio%expid)
               call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileCreate(cfio)
            end if
         end if
      end if

!     make sure user provides the right variable name
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do

      if (cfio%formatVersion > 2.0) then
         useFaceDim = .true.
         useFaceDim = .false.
      end if

!     write 2D variable
      if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%twoDimVar ) then
         call CFIO_PutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,             &
                        cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,  &
                        0, 1, field, useFaceDim, rtcode )
         if (err("CFIO_PutVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
!     write 3D variable
         myKbeg = 1
         myKount = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%km

         if ( present(kbeg) ) myKbeg = kbeg
         if ( present(kount) ) myKount = kount

         call CFIO_PutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,             &
                        cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,  &
                        myKbeg, myKount, field, useFaceDim, rtcode )
         if (err("CFIO_PutVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
      end if

      if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%timAve ) then
         call writeBnds(cfio, vName, myDate, myCurTime, rtcode)
      end if

      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite3D_

! `ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite1D_` -- Write a variable to a output file.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite1D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime,  &
                                      timeString, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! Variable name
      real, intent(in) :: field(:)            !! array contains data
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString !! string expression for date and time
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
      integer :: i, rtcode
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      character(len=MLEN) :: fNameTmp     ! file name

      fNameTmp = ''
      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)

      if (len(trim(cfio%fNameTmplt)) .gt. 1) then
         call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,cfio%fNameTmplt,xid=cfio%expid,nymd=myDate, &
                           nhms=myCurTime, stat=rtcode)
         if (trim(fNameTmp) .ne. trim(cfio%fName)) then
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileClose(cfio)
            cfio%fName = fNameTmp
            call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, fName=cfio%fName)
            call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, date=myDate, begTime=myCurTime)
            if (len(trim(cfio%expid)) .gt. 0) then
               call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileCreate(cfio, expid=cfio%expid)
               call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileCreate(cfio)
            end if
         end if
      end if
!     make sure user provides the right variable name
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do

      if (index(cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%gName,'station') .gt. 0) then
         call CFIO_SPutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,      &
                  cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,  &
                  0, 1, field, rtcode )
         if (err("CFIO_SPutVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
         if (err("It isn't 1D station grid",rtcode,-1) .lt. 0 ) return
      end if

      if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%timAve ) then
         call writeBnds(cfio, vName, myDate, myCurTime, rtcode)
      end if

      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite1D_

! `ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite2D_` -- Write a variable to a output file.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite2D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, &
                                      kbeg, kount, timeString, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio    !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName     !! Variable name
      real, intent(in) :: field(:,:)            !! array contains data
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date     !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime  !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg     !! first level to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount    !! number of levels to write
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString !! string expression for date and time
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
      integer :: i, rtcode
      integer :: myKbeg, myKount
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      logical :: useFaceDim
      character(len=MLEN) :: fNameTmp     ! file name

      fNameTmp = ''
      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)

      if (len(trim(cfio%fNameTmplt)) .gt. 1) then
         call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,cfio%fNameTmplt,xid=cfio%expid,nymd=myDate, &
                           nhms=myCurTime, stat=rtcode)
         if (trim(fNameTmp) .ne. trim(cfio%fName)) then
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileClose(cfio)
            cfio%fName = fNameTmp
            call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, fName=cfio%fName)
            call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, date=myDate, begTime=myCurTime)
            if (len(trim(cfio%expid)) .gt. 0) then
               call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileCreate(cfio, expid=cfio%expid)
               call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileCreate(cfio)
            end if
         end if
      end if

!     make sure user provides the right variable name
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do

!     write 2D variable
      if (index(cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%gName,'station') .gt. 0) then
         if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%twoDimVar ) then
            call CFIO_SPutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,      &
                     cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,  &
                     0, 1, field, rtcode )
            if (err("CFIO_SPutVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
               if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
            end if
            myKbeg = 1
            myKount = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%km
            if ( present(kbeg) ) myKbeg = kbeg
            if ( present(kount) ) myKount = kount

            call CFIO_SPutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,          &
                     cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,  &
                     myKbeg, myKount, field, rtcode )
            if (err("CFIO_SPutVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
               if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
            end if
         end if
         if (cfio%formatVersion > 2.0) then
            useFaceDim = .true.
            useFaceDim = .false.
         end if
         call CFIO_PutVar (cfio%fid, vName, myDate, myCurTime,              &
              cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,  &
              0, 1, field, useFaceDim, rtcode )
         if (err("CFIO_PutVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if

      end if

      if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%timAve ) then
         call writeBnds(cfio, vName, myDate, myCurTime, rtcode)
      end if

      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite2D_

! `ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead3D_` -- Read a variable from an existing file.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead3D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, &
                                     kBeg, kount, xBeg, xCount, yBeg,   &
                                     yCount, timeString, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg       !! first level to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount      !! number of levels to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: xBeg       !! first point for lon
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: xCount     !! number of points to read
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: yBeg       !! first point for lat
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: yCount     !! number of points to read
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString !! string expression for date and time
      real, pointer :: field(:,:,:)             !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -8  vname miss-match
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -19  unable to identify coordinate variable
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_VAR_PUT (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -48  error from NF90_INQUIRE
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE
      integer :: i, j, k, rtcode
      integer :: myKbeg, myKount
      integer :: myXbeg, myXount
      integer :: myYbeg, myYount
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      real, pointer :: tmp(:,:,:)          ! array contains data
      character(len=MLEN) :: fNameTmp     ! file name
      logical :: useFaceDim

      fNameTmp = ''

      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)

      if (len(trim(cfio%fNameTmplt)) .gt. 1) then
         call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,cfio%fNameTmplt,xid=cfio%expid,nymd=MYdate, &
                           nhms=MYcurTime, stat=rtcode)
         if (trim(fNameTmp) .ne. trim(cfio%fName)) then
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileClose(cfio)
            cfio%fName = fNameTmp
            if (len(trim(cfio%expid)) .gt. 0) then
               call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen(cfio, 1, expid=cfio%expid, cyclic=cfio%isCyclic)
               call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen(cfio, 1, cyclic=cfio%isCyclic)
            end if
         end if
      end if

!     make sure user provides the right variable name
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do

!     make sure we match something
      if ( i > cfio%mVars ) then
         if (trim(vName) .ne. trim(cfio%varObjs(i-1)%vName) ) then
            print*,'ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead3D: Variable name mismatch for ',trim(vName), ' in file ',trim(cfio%fName)
            rc = -8

      if (cfio%formatVersion > 2.0) then
         useFaceDim = .true.
         useFaceDim = .false.
      end if

      myKbeg = 1
      myKount = 1

!     read 3D variable
      if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%km .gt. 1 .and.                          &
           (.not. cfio%varObjs(i)%twoDimVar) ) then

         myKbeg = 1
         myKount = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%km
         if ( present(kbeg) ) myKbeg = kbeg
         if ( present(kount) ) myKount = kount

         allocate(tmp(cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im,cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,   &
               myKount), stat=rtcode)
         if (rtcode /= 0) print *, "cannot allocate tmp in ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead3D"

         call CFIO_GetVar(cfio%fid,vName,mydate,mycurTime,                   &
                       cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im,                          &
                       cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,myKbeg,myKount,           &
                       cfio%tSteps, tmp, cfio%isCyclic, useFaceDim, rtcode )
         if (rtcode .ne. 0) then
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
!     read 2D variable
         if (rtcode /= 0) print *, "cannot allocate tmp in ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead3D"

         call CFIO_GetVar(cfio%fid,vName,mydate,MYcurTime,                   &
                       cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im,                          &
                       cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm, 0, 1, cfio%tSteps, tmp,  &
                       cfio%isCyclic, useFaceDim, rtcode )
        if (err("CFIO_GetVar FAILED",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
           if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
        end if
      end if

      myXbeg = 1
      myXount = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im
      myYbeg = 1
      myYount = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm
      if ( present(xBeg) ) myXbeg=xBeg
      if ( present(yBeg) ) myYbeg=yBeg
      if ( present(xCount) ) myXount = xCount
      if ( present(yCount) ) myYount = yCount

      if (associated(field) ) then
         if (size(field,1) < myXount .or. size(field,2) < myYount .or. size(field,3) < myKount) then
            print *, "Field is not Large Enough in VarRead3D"
            if (size(field,1) < myXount) rtcode = -4
            if (size(field,2) < myXount) rtcode = -5
            if (size(field,3) < myKount) rtcode = -3
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
      end if
!      allocate(field(myXount,myYount,myKount), stat=rtcode)
      if (rtcode /= 0) print *, "cannot allocate field in ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead3D_"
      do k = 1, myKount
         do j = 1, myYount
           do i = 1, myXount
              field(i,j,k) = tmp(myXbeg+i-1,myYbeg+j-1,k)
           end do
         end do
      end do

      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead3D_

! `ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead2D_` -- Read a variable from an existing file.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead2D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, &
                                     kbeg, kount, xBeg, xCount, yBeg,   &
                                     yCount, timeString, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio         !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg       !! first level to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount      !! number of levels to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: xBeg       !! first point for lon
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: xCount     !! number of points to read
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: yBeg       !! first point for lat
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: yCount     !! number of points to read
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString !! string expression for date and time
      real, pointer :: field(:,:)             !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -8  vname miss-match
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -19  unable to identify coordinate variable
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_VAR_PUT (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -48  error from NF90_INQUIRE
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE
      integer :: i, j, k, rtcode
      integer :: myKbeg, myKount
      integer :: myXbeg, myXount
      integer :: myYbeg, myYount
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      real, pointer :: tmp(:,:)          ! array contains data
      character(len=MLEN) :: fNameTmp     ! file name
      logical :: useFaceDim

      fNameTmp = ''

      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)

      if (len(trim(cfio%fNameTmplt)) .gt. 1) then
         call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,cfio%fNameTmplt,xid=cfio%expid,nymd=MYdate, &
                           nhms=MYcurTime, stat=rtcode)
         if (trim(fNameTmp) .ne. trim(cfio%fName)) then
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileClose(cfio)
            cfio%fName = fNameTmp
!            call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, fName=cfio%fName)
            if (len(trim(cfio%expid)) .gt. 0) then
               call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen(cfio, 1, expid=cfio%expid, cyclic=cfio%isCyclic)
               call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen(cfio, 1, cyclic=cfio%isCyclic)
            end if
         end if
      end if

!     make sure user provides the right variable name
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do

!     make sure we match something
      if ( i > cfio%mVars ) then
         if (trim(vName) .ne. trim(cfio%varObjs(i-1)%vName) ) then
            print*,'ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead2D: Variable name mismatch for ',trim(vName), ' in file ',trim(cfio%fName)
            rc = -8

      myXbeg = 1
      myXount = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im
      myYbeg = 1
      myYount = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm
      myKbeg = 1
      myKount = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%km
      if ( present(xBeg) ) myXbeg=xBeg
      if ( present(yBeg) ) myYbeg=yBeg
      if ( present(kbeg) ) myKbeg = kbeg
      if ( present(kount) ) myKount = kount
      if ( present(xCount) ) myXount = xCount
      if ( present(yCount) ) myYount = yCount

      if (cfio%formatVersion > 2.0) then
         useFaceDim = .true.
         useFaceDim = .false.
      end if

!     read 2D variable
      if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%twoDimVar .and.                              &
              .not. cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%stnGrid) then
        allocate(tmp(cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im,cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm),  &
        call CFIO_GetVar(cfio%fid,vName,MYdate,MYcurTime,                   &
                    cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im,                            &
                    cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm, 0, 1, cfio%tSteps, tmp,    &
                    cfio%isCyclic, useFaceDim, rtcode )
        if (err("CFIO_GetVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
           if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
        end if

        if(associated(field)) then
           if (size(field,1) < myXount .or. size(field,2) < myYount) then
              print *, "Field is not Large Enough in VarRead2D"
              if (size(field,1) < myXount) rtcode = -4
              if (size(field,2) < myXount) rtcode = -5
              if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
           end if
        end if
        do j = 1, myYount
           do i = 1, myXount
              field(i,j) = tmp(myXbeg+i-1,myYbeg+j-1)
           end do
        end do

        if (cfio%varObjs(i)%twoDimVar ) then
           allocate(tmp(cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im,1), stat=rtcode)
           call CFIO_SGetVar(cfio%fid,vName,MYdate,MYcurTime,               &
                    cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,   &
                    0,1, cfio%tSteps, tmp, cfio%isCyclic, rtcode )
           if (err("CFIO_SGetVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
              if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
           end if
           if(associated(field)) then
              if (size(field,1) < myXount .or. size(field,2) < 1) then
                 print *, "Field is not Large Enough in VarRead2D"
                 if (size(field,1) < myXount) rtcode = -4
                 if (size(field,2) < 1) rtcode = -5
                 if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
              end if
           end if
           do i = 1, myXount
              field(i,1) = tmp(myXbeg+i-1,1)
           end do

           call CFIO_SGetVar(cfio%fid,vName,MYdate,MYcurTime,               &
                    cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,   &
                    myKbeg, myKount, cfio%tSteps, tmp, cfio%isCyclic, rtcode )
           if (err("CFIO_GetVar failed",rtcode,rtcode) .lt. 0) then
              if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
           end if
           if(associated(field)) then
              if (size(field,1) < myXount .or. size(field,2) < myKount) then
                 print *, "Field is not Large Enough in VarRead2D"
                 if (size(field,1) < myXount) rtcode = -4
                 if (size(field,2) < myKount) rtcode = -3
                 if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
              end if
           end if
           do k = 1, myKount
             do i = 1, myXount
                field(i,k) = tmp(myXbeg+i-1,k)
             end do
           end do

        end if
      end if


      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead2D_

! `ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead1D_` -- Read a variable from an existing file.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead1D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, &
                                     xBeg, xCount, timestring, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio         !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: xBeg       !! first point for lon
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: xCount     !! number of points to read
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString !! string expression for date and time
      real, pointer :: field(:)             !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well

      integer :: i, rtcode
      integer :: myXbeg, myXount
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      real, pointer :: tmp(:)          ! array contains data
      character(len=MLEN) :: fNameTmp     ! file name

      fNameTmp = ''
      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)

      if (len(trim(cfio%fNameTmplt)) .gt. 1) then
         call strTemplate_(fNameTmp,cfio%fNameTmplt,xid=cfio%expid,nymd=MYdate, &
                           nhms=MYcurTime, stat=rtcode)
         if (trim(fNameTmp) .ne. trim(cfio%fName)) then
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileClose(cfio)
            cfio%fName = fNameTmp
!            call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, fName=cfio%fName)
            if (len(trim(cfio%expid)) .gt. 0) then
               call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen(cfio, 1, expid=cfio%expid, cyclic=cfio%isCyclic)
               call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen(cfio, 1, cyclic=cfio%isCyclic)
            end if
         end if
      end if

!     make sure user provides the right variable name
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do

      myXbeg = 1
      myXount = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im

      if (present(xBeg)) myXbeg = xBeg
      if (present(xCount)) myXount = xCount

!     read 1D variable
      allocate(tmp(cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im), stat=rtcode)
      call CFIO_SGetVar(cfio%fid,vName,MYdate,MYcurTime,               &
               cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im, cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm,   &
               0,1, cfio%tSteps, tmp, cfio%isCyclic, rtcode )

      do i = 1, myXount
         field(i) = tmp(myXbeg+i-1)
      end do


      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead1D_

! `ESMF_CFIOSdfFileClose` -- close an open CFIO stream.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfFileClose (cfio, rc)
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                       !! 0   all is well
                                       !! -54  error from ncclos (file close)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio       !! CFIO object
       integer :: rtcode

       if ( cfio%isOpen ) then
          call CFIO_Close(cfio%fid, rtcode)
          if (rtcode .ne. 0) then
             print *, "CFIO_Close failed"
             cfio%isOpen = .false.
          end if
          rtcode = 0
       end if

       if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfFileClose


!         NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS      !
! `CFIO_Create_` -- Creates a DAO gridded file for writing.
! This routine is used to open a new file for a CFIO stream.
      subroutine CFIO_Create_ ( cfio, rc )
! !USES:
      Implicit NONE
      integer        fid     !! File handle
      integer        rc      !! Error return code:
                             !! 0  All is well
                             !! -1 Time increment is 0
                             !! -18 incorrect time increment
                             !! -30 can't open file
                             !! -31 error from NF90_DEF_DIM
                             !! -32 error from NF90_DEF_VAR (dimension variable)
                             !! -33 error from NF90_PUT_ATT (dimension attribute)
                             !! -34 error from NF90_DEF_VAR (variable)
                             !! -35  error from NF90_PUT_ATT (variable attribute)
                             !! -36  error from NF90_PUT_ATT (global attribute)
                             !! -37  error from NF90_ENDDEF
                             !! -38  error from NF90_VAR_PUT (dimension variable)
                             !! -39 Num of real var elements and Cnt differ
                             !! -40 error setting deflate compression routine
                             !! -41 error setting fletcher checksum routine

     type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio

      ! REAL(KIND=REAL32) variables for 32-bit output to netCDF file.

      integer :: im, jm, km, tm
      real(kind=REAL64), pointer :: lon_64(:), lat_64(:), levs_64(:)
      real(kind=REAL64), pointer :: lon2_64(:), lat2_64(:)
      character(len=MVARLEN) :: levunits
      integer :: yyyymmdd_beg, hhmmss_beg, timinc
      integer :: nvars
      character(len=MLEN), pointer :: vname(:)
      character(len=MVARLEN), pointer :: vtitle(:)
      character(len=MVARLEN), pointer :: vunits(:)
      integer, pointer :: kmvar(:), station(:)
      real, pointer :: valid_range(:,:), packing_range(:,:)
      integer, pointer :: akid(:), bkid(:), ptopid(:)
      integer, pointer ::  vid(:)

      real(kind=REAL32) amiss_32
      real(kind=REAL32) scale_32, offset_32
      real(kind=REAL32) high_32,low_32
      real(kind=REAL32), pointer :: ak_32(:), bk_32(:), layer(:)
      real(kind=REAL32) :: ptop_32(1)
      integer i, j
      integer timeid, timedim
      integer, pointer :: latid(:), lonid(:), stationid(:)
      integer, pointer :: levid(:), layerid(:)
      integer, pointer :: latdim(:), londim(:), stationdim(:)
      integer, pointer :: faceid(:), facedim(:)
      integer, pointer :: latvid(:), lonvid(:)
      integer, pointer :: latvdim(:), lonvdim(:)
      integer, pointer :: ncontid(:), stringid(:)
      integer, pointer :: ncontdim(:), stringdim(:)
      integer, pointer :: gmid(:), gmdim(:)
      integer, pointer :: levdim(:), layerdim(:)
      integer, pointer :: gDims3D(:,:), gDims2D(:,:)
      integer dims3D(5), dims2D(4), dims1D(1), ptopdim
      integer corner(1), edges(1)
      integer :: corner2d(3), edges2d(3)
      integer :: nsize
      integer, pointer :: lat2id(:), lon2id(:)
!      integer corner(4), edges(4)
      character(len=80) :: timeUnits
      logical surfaceOnly
      integer year,mon,day,hour,minute,sec
      integer count
      integer maxLen
      integer rtcode
      logical :: aveFile = .false.
!      real(kind=REAL32) bndsdata(2)
      integer bndsid, dimsbnd(2), bndsdim
      integer ig
      integer ndim
      character cig
      integer nDefaultChunksize(5) ! Set Chunksize to im,jm,1,1 by default
      logical :: useFaceDim
      integer :: ncont
      integer, allocatable :: ivar(:)
      character(len=5), allocatable :: cvar(:)
      character(len=4) :: verStr
      character(len=80) :: imStr

! Variables for packing

      integer(kind=INT16) amiss_16
      real(kind=REAL32), pointer ::  pRange_32(:,:),vRange_32(:,:)
      logical packflag
! Set metadata strings.  These metadata values are specified in the
! COARDS conventions

      character (len=50), pointer :: lonDimName
      character (len=50), pointer :: latDimName
      character (len=50), target :: lonName = "longitude"
      character (len=50), target :: lon2Name = "Fake Longitude for GrADS Compatibility"
      character (len=50) :: lonUnits = "degrees_east"
      character (len=50), target :: latName = "latitude"
      character (len=50), target :: lat2Name = "Fake Latitude for GrADS Compatibility"
      character (len=50) :: latUnits = "degrees_north"
      character (len=50) :: levName = "vertical level"
!                           levUnits: specified by user in argument list
      character (len=50) :: layerName = "edges"
      character (len=50) :: layerUnits = "layer"
      character (len=50) :: timeName = "time"
!                           timeUnits: string is built below
      character (len=50) :: coordinatesName
      integer :: iCnt
      real(kind=REAL32), pointer :: realVarAtt(:)
      integer, pointer :: intVarAtt(:)
      real(kind=REAL32) :: scale_factor, add_offset
      character (len=50) :: nameLatDim, nameLonDim
      character (len=50) :: nameLat, nameLon, nameLev, nameEdge
      character (len=50) :: nameAk, nameBk, namePtop, nameStation
      logical  bTimeSet
      integer :: sz_lon, sz_lat
      integer :: jm6, nf
      integer :: cid
      integer :: fVersion, xOffset, yOffset, chunkDim

      nvars = cfio%mVars
      yyyymmdd_beg = cfio%date
      hhmmss_beg = cfio%begTime
      timinc = cfio%timeInc

      allocate(vname(nvars), vtitle(nvars), vunits(nvars), kmvar(nvars), &
            valid_range(2,nvars), packing_range(2,nvars), vid(nvars),    &
            vRange_32(2,nvars), pRange_32(2,nvars), stat = rtcode)

      allocate(latid(cfio%mGrids), lonid(cfio%mGrids),                   &
               lat2id(cfio%mGrids), lon2id(cfio%mGrids),                 &
               levid(cfio%mGrids), layerid(cfio%mGrids),                 &
               latdim(cfio%mGrids), londim(cfio%mGrids),                 &
               levdim(cfio%mGrids), layerdim(cfio%mGrids),               &
               akid(cfio%mGrids),bkid(cfio%mGrids),ptopid(cfio%mGrids),  &
               gDims3D(5,cfio%mGrids), gDims2D(4,cfio%mGrids),           &
               stationdim(cfio%mGrids), stationid(cfio%mGrids),          &
               faceid(cfio%mGrids), facedim(cfio%mGrids),                &
               lonvid(cfio%mGrids), lonvdim(cfio%mGrids),                &
               latvid(cfio%mGrids), latvdim(cfio%mGrids),                &
               ncontid(cfio%mGrids), ncontdim(cfio%mGrids),              &
               stringid(cfio%mGrids), stringdim(cfio%mGrids),            &
               gmid(cfio%mGrids), gmdim(cfio%mGrids))

      do i=1,nvars
         vname(i) = cfio%varObjs(i)%vName
         vtitle(i) = cfio%varObjs(i)%vTitle
         vunits(i) = cfio%varObjs(i)%vUnits
         kmvar(i) = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%km
         if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%twoDimVar ) kmvar(i) = 0
         valid_range(1, i) = cfio%varObjs(i)%validRange(1)
         valid_range(2, i) = cfio%varObjs(i)%validRange(2)
         packing_range(1, i) = cfio%varObjs(i)%packingRange(1)
         packing_range(2, i) = cfio%varObjs(i)%packingRange(2)
         if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%timAve ) then
            aveFile = .true.
         end if

      do j=1,nvars
        do i=1,2
           vRange_32(i,j) = valid_range(i,j)
           pRange_32(i,j) = packing_range(i,j)

      amiss_32 = cfio%varObjs(1)%amiss
      amiss_16 = PACK_FILL

! Variable initialization

      surfaceOnly = .TRUE.

      nf = 1
      useFaceDim = .false.
      if (cfio%formatVersion > 2.0) then
         useFaceDim = .true.
         nf = 6
         ncont = 4
      end if

! Basic error-checking.

      if (timinc .eq. 0) then

! Check to see if there is only surface data in this file definition

      do i=1,nvars
        if (kmvar(i) .NE. 0) then
          surfaceOnly = .FALSE.

! Create the new NetCDF file. [ Enter define mode. ]

      if (isFileExtensionNetCDF4(trim(cfio%fName))) then
         rc = nf90_create (trim(cfio%fName), IOR(NF90_CLOBBER,NF90_NETCDF4), fid)
         rc = nf90_create (trim(cfio%fName), IOR(IOR(NF90_CLOBBER,NF90_NETCDF4),NF90_CLASSIC_MODEL), fid) !NETCDF4/HDF5
      end if

      if (err("Create: can't create file",rc,-30) .LT. 0) return

!     Time Variable is defaulted to UNLIMITED
      bTimeSet = .FALSE.
      tm = 0
! Convert double-precision output variables to single-precision
   do ig = 1, cfio%mGrids
      im = cfio%grids(ig)%im
      jm = cfio%grids(ig)%jm
      km = cfio%grids(ig)%km
      tm = max(tm,cfio%grids(ig)%tm)

      if ( index(cfio%grids(ig)%gName, 'station') .gt. &
           0 ) then
         if (im .ne. jm) rtcode = err("It isn't station grid",-1,-1)
      end if

      levunits = trim(cfio%grids(ig)%levUnits)

      do i=1,im
         station(i) = i

! Define dimensions.

      lonDimName => lonName
      latDimName => latName
      if (cfio%grids(ig)%twoDimLat) then
         nameLonDim = 'lons'
         nameLatDim = 'lats'
         coordinatesName = trim(nameLonDim) // ' ' // trim(nameLatDim)
         lonDimName => lon2Name
         latDimName => lat2Name
      if ( ig .eq. 1 ) then
         if (cfio%mGrids .eq. 1) then
            if (cfio%grids(ig)%twoDimLat) then
               nameLon = 'Xdim'
               nameLat = 'Ydim'
               nameLon = 'lon'
               nameLat = 'lat'
            end if
            nameLev = 'lev'
            nameEdge = 'edges'
            nameStation = 'station'
            nameLon = 'lon0'
            nameLat = 'lat0'
            nameLev = 'lev0'
            nameEdge = 'edges0'
            nameStation = 'station0'
         end if
        write (cig,"(I1)") ig-1
        nameLon = 'lon'//cig
        nameLat = 'lat'//cig
        nameLev = 'lev'//cig
        nameEdge = 'edges'//cig
        nameStation = 'station'//cig
      end if

      if (index(cfio%grids(ig)%gName,'station') .gt. 0) then
         rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, nameStation, im, stationdim(ig))
         if (err("Create: error defining station",rc,-31) .LT. 0) return
         if (cfio%formatVersion > 2.0) then
            rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, nameLon, im, londim(ig))
            if (err("Create: error defining x",rc,-31) .LT. 0) return
            jm6 = jm/nf
            rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, nameLat, jm6, latdim(ig))
            if (err("Create: error defining y",rc,-31) .LT. 0) return
            rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, 'nf', nf, facedim(ig))
            if (err("Create: error defining nf",rc,-31) .LT. 0) return

            if (cfio%useVertexCoordinates) then
               rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, 'xv', im+1, lonvdim(ig))
               if (err("Create: error defining xv",rc,-31) .LT. 0) return
               rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, 'yv', jm6+1, latvdim(ig))
               if (err("Create: error defining yv",rc,-31) .LT. 0) return
            end if
            rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, nameLon, im, londim(ig))
            if (err("Create: error defining lon",rc,-31) .LT. 0) return
            rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, nameLat, jm, latdim(ig))
            if (err("Create: error defining lat",rc,-31) .LT. 0) return
         end if
      end if

      if (.NOT. surfaceOnly) then
        rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, nameLev,km,levdim(ig))
        if (err("Create: error defining lev",rc,-31) .LT. 0) return
      if ( trim(cfio%grids(ig)%standardName) .eq. &
           'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate' ) then
         rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, nameEdge, km+1, layerdim(ig))
         if (err("Create: error defining edges",rc,-31) .LT. 0) return

! Define dimension variables.

      if (index(cfio%grids(ig)%gName,'station') .gt. 0) then
         rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, nameLon, NF90_DOUBLE, stationdim(ig), lonid(ig))
         if (err("Create: error creating lon",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
         rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, nameLat, NF90_DOUBLE, stationdim(ig), latid(ig))
         if (err("Create: error creating lat",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
         if (cfio%formatVersion > 2.0) then

            rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, 'ncontact', ncont, ncontdim(ig))
            if (err("Create: error defining ncontact",rc,-31) .LT. 0) return
            rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, 'orientationStrLen', 5, stringdim(ig))
            if (err("Create: error defining orientationStrLen",rc,-31) .LT. 0) return

            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, 'nf', NF90_INT, facedim(ig), faceid(ig))
            if (err("Create: error creating nf",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
            if (cfio%useVertexCoordinates) then
               rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, 'xv', NF90_DOUBLE, lonvdim(ig), lonvid(ig))
               if (err("Create: error creating xv",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
               rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, 'yv', NF90_DOUBLE, latvdim(ig), latvid(ig))
               if (err("Create: error creating yv",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
            end if
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, 'ncontact', NF90_INT, ncontdim(ig), ncontid(ig))
            if (err("Create: error creating ncontact",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
!            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, 'string', NF90_INT, stringdim(ig), stringid(ig))
!            if (err("Create: error creating string",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return

            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, 'cubed_sphere', NF90_CHAR, gmid(ig))
            if (err("Create: error creating cubed_sphere",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return

         end if ! new format
         rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, nameLon, NF90_DOUBLE, londim(ig), lonid(ig))
         if (err("Create: error creating lon",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
         rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, nameLat, NF90_DOUBLE, latdim(ig), latid(ig))
         if (err("Create: error creating lat",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
         if (cfio%formatVersion > 2.0) then
            dims2D(3) = facedim(ig)
            dims2D(2) = latdim(ig)
            dims2D(1) = londim(ig)
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, nameLonDim, NF90_DOUBLE, dims2D(1:3), lon2id(ig))
            if (err("Create: error creating lons",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, nameLatDim, NF90_DOUBLE, dims2D(1:3), lat2id(ig))
            if (err("Create: error creating lats",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return

            ! contacts
            dims2D(2) = facedim(ig)
            dims2D(1) = ncontdim(ig)
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, 'contacts', NF90_INT, dims2D(1:2), cid)
            if (err("Create: error creating contacts",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,cid,'long_name','adjacent face starting from left side going clockwise' )
            if (err("Create: error creating contacts attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
            ! fill contact values
            corner2d = 1
            edges2d = 1
            edges2d(1) = ncont
            edges2d(2) = nf
            allocate(ivar(nf*ncont), stat=rtcode)
            ivar = (/5, 3, 2, 6, &
                     1, 3, 4, 6, &
                     1, 5, 4, 2, &
                     3, 5, 6, 2, &
                     3, 1, 6, 4, &
                     5, 1, 2, 4 /)
            rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, cid, ivar,corner2d(1:nsize), edges2d(1:nsize))
            if (err("Create: error writing contacts",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return

            ! orientation
            dims2D(1) = stringdim(ig)
            dims2D(2) = ncontdim(ig)
            dims2D(3) = facedim(ig)
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, 'orientation', NF90_CHAR, dims2D(1:3), cid)
            if (err("Create: error creating orientation",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,cid,'long_name','orientation of boundary' )
            if (err("Create: error creating orientation attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
            ! fill orientation values
            corner2d = 1
            edges2d = 1
            edges2d(1) = 5
            edges2d(2) = ncont
            edges2d(3) = nf
            allocate(cvar(nf*ncont), stat=rtcode)
            cvar = (/" Y:-X", &
                     " X:-Y", &
                     " Y:Y ", &
                     " X:X ", &
                     " Y:Y ", &
                     " X:X ", &
                     " Y:-X", &
                     " X:-Y", &
                     " Y:-X", &
                     " X:-Y", &
                     " Y:Y ", &
                     " X:X ", &
                     " Y:Y ", &
                     " X:X ", &
                     " Y:-X", &
                     " X:-Y", &
                     " Y:-X", &
                     " X:-Y", &
                     " Y:Y ", &
                     " X:X ", &
                     " Y:Y ", &
                     " X:X ", &
                     " Y:-X", &
                     " X:-Y" /)
            rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, cid, cvar,corner2d(1:nsize), edges2d(1:nsize))
            if (err("Create: error writing orientation",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return
            ! anchor
            dims2D(1) = ncontdim(ig)
            dims2D(2) = ncontdim(ig)
            dims2D(3) = facedim(ig)
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, 'anchor', NF90_INT, dims2D(1:nsize), cid)
            if (err("Create: error creating anchor",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,cid,'long_name','anchor point' )
            if (err("Create: error creating contacts attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
            ! fill anchor values
            corner2d = 1
            edges2d = 1
            edges2d(1) = ncont
            edges2d(2) = ncont
            edges2d(3) = nf
            allocate(ivar(nf*ncont*ncont), stat=rtcode)
            ivar = (/ & !FACE 1
                 im, im,  1, im, &
                  1, im,  1,  1, &
                  1, im,  1,  1, &
                 im, im,  1, im, &
                 !FACE 2
                 im,  1, im, im, &
                  1,  1, im,  1, &
                  1,  1, im,  1, &
                 im,  1, im,  im, &
                 !FACE 3
                 im, im,  1, im, &
                  1, im,  1,  1, &
                  1, im,  1,  1, &
                 im, im,  1, im, &
                 !FACE 4
                 im,  1, im, im, &
                  1,  1, im,  1, &
                  1,  1, im,  1, &
                 im,  1, im, im, &
                 !FACE 5
                 im, im,  1, im, &
                  1, im,  1,  1, &
                  1, im,  1,  1, &
                 im, im,  1, im, &
                 !FACE 6
                 im,  1, im, im, &
                  1,  1, im,  1, &
                  1,  1, im,  1, &
                 im,  1, im, im  /)
            rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, cid, ivar,corner2d(1:nsize), edges2d(1:nsize))
            if (err("Create: error writing anchor",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return

         if (cfio%grids(ig)%twoDimLat) then
            dims2D(2) = latdim(ig)
            dims2D(1) = londim(ig)
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, nameLonDim, NF90_DOUBLE, dims2D(1:2), lon2id(ig))
               if (err("Create: error creating lons",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, nameLatDim, NF90_DOUBLE, dims2D(1:2), lat2id(ig))
               if (err("Create: error creating lats",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
            end if
         end if
      end if

      if (.NOT. surfaceOnly) then
        rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, nameLev, NF90_DOUBLE, levdim(ig), levid(ig))
        if (err("Create: error creating lev",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
      if ( trim(cfio%grids(ig)%standardName) .eq. &
           'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate' ) then
         rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, nameEdge, NF90_DOUBLE, layerdim(ig), layerid(ig))
         if (err("Create: error creating edges",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return

! Set attributes for dimensions.

         if (cfio%formatVersion > 2.0) then
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,faceid(ig),'long_name','cubed-sphere face' )
            if (err("Create: error creating nf attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,faceid(ig),'axis','e')
            if (err("Create: error creating nf attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,faceid(ig),'grads_dim','e')
            if (err("Create: error creating nf attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,lonvid(ig),'long_name','number of vertices along the x-edge' )

            if (cfio%useVertexCoordinates) then
               if (err("Create: error creating xv attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
               rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,latvid(ig),'long_name','number of vertices along the y-edge' )
               if (err("Create: error creating yv attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
            end if

            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,ncontid(ig),'long_name','number of contact points' )
            if (err("Create: error creating ncontact attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
!            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,stringid(ig),'long_name','string length' )
!            if (err("Create: error creating string attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
!                 return

            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,gmid(ig),'grid_mapping_name','gnomonic cubed-sphere' )
            if (err("Create: error creating cubed_sphere attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
            write(verStr,'(f4.2)') cfio%formatVersion
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,gmid(ig),'file_format_version',verStr )
            if (err("Create: error creating cubed_sphere attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,gmid(ig),'additional_vars','contacts,orientation,anchor' )
            if (err("Create: error creating cubed_sphere attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
            write(imStr,*) cfio%grids(ig)%im
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,gmid(ig),'gridspec_file',&
            if (err("Create: error creating cubed_sphere attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
      end if
!ALT      if (cfio%grids(ig)%twoDimLat) then
!ALT         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,lonid(ig),'axis','lons')
!ALT         if (err("Create: error creating lon attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
!ALT              return
!ALT      end if
      rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,lonid(ig),'long_name',lonDimName)
      if (err("Create: error creating lon attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
      if (cfio%grids(ig)%twoDimLat) then
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,lonid(ig),'units','degrees_east')
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,lonid(ig),'units',lonUnits)
      end if
      if (err("Create: error creating lon attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)  &

!ALT      if (cfio%grids(ig)%twoDimLat) then
!ALT         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,latid(ig),'axis','lats')
!ALT         if (err("Create: error creating lat attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
!ALT              return
!ALT      end if
      rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,latid(ig),'long_name',latDimName)
      if (err("Create: error creating lat attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
      if (cfio%grids(ig)%twoDimLat) then
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,latid(ig),'units','degrees_north')
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,latid(ig),'units',latUnits)
      end if
      if (err("Create: error creating lat attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &

      if (cfio%grids(ig)%twoDimLat) then
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,lon2id(ig),'long_name',lonName)
         if (err("Create: error creating lon2 attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,lon2id(ig),'units',lonUnits)
         if (err("Create: error creating lon2 attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)  &

         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,lat2id(ig),'long_name',latName)
         if (err("Create: error creating lat2 attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,lat2id(ig),'units',latUnits)
         if (err("Create: error creating lat2 attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
      end if

      if ( trim(cfio%grids(ig)%standardName) .eq. &
           'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate' ) then
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,layerid(ig),'long_name',layerName)
         if (err("Create: error creating layer attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,layerid(ig),'units',layerUnits)
         if (err("Create: error creating layer attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
      if (.NOT. surfaceOnly) then
        rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,levid(ig),'long_name',levName)
        if (err("Create: error creating lev attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
        rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,levid(ig),'units',levunits)
        if (err("Create: error creating lev attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
        rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,levid(ig),'positive','down')
        if (err("Create: error creating lev attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
        rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,levid(ig),'coordinate', &
        if (err("Create: error creating lev attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
        rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,levid(ig),'standard_name', &
        if (err("Create: error creating lev attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
        if ( len(cfio%grids(ig)%formulaTerm) .gt. 0 .and. &
             trim(cfio%grids(ig)%formulaTerm) .ne. 'unknown') then
           rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,levid(ig),'formula_term', &
           if (err("Create: error creating lev attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
        end if
! end of mGrid loop
  end do

      if( tm .LE. 0 ) then
         rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, 'time', NF90_UNLIMITED, timedim)
         rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, 'time', tm, timedim)
         bTimeSet = .TRUE.
      if (err("Create: error defining time",rc,-31) .LT. 0) return
      if ( aveFile ) then
         rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, 'nv', 2, bndsdim)
         if (err("Create: error defining time bounds",rc,-31) .LT. 0)&
      end if
      do ig =1, cfio%mGrids
        if ( trim(cfio%grids(ig)%standardName) .eq.           &
           'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate' .or. &
             trim(cfio%grids(ig)%standardName) .eq.           &
           'atmosphere_sigma_coordinate' ) then
            if (ig .eq. 1) then
              if (cfio%mGrids .eq. 1) then
                 rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, "ptop", 1, ptopdim)
                 rc = NF90_DEF_DIM(fid, "ptop0", 1, ptopdim)
              end if
            end if
      end do

      rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, 'time', NF90_INT, timedim, timeid)
      if (err("Create: error creating time",rc,-32) .LT. 0) return
      rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,timeid,'long_name',timeName)
      if (err("Create: error creating time attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&

!ams       write (dateString,200) yyyymmdd_beg, hhmmss_beg
!ams 200   format (I8,I6)
!ams       read (dateString,201) year,mon,day,hour,minute,sec
!ams 201   format (I4,5I2)

      call CFIO_parseIntTime ( yyyymmdd_beg, year, mon, day )
      call CFIO_parseIntTime ( hhmmss_beg, hour,minute,sec )

      write (timeUnits,202) year,mon,day,hour,minute,sec
202   format ('minutes since ',I4.4,'-',I2.2,'-',I2.2,' ',I2.2,':', &
      rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,timeid,'units',timeUnits)
      if (err("Create: error creating time attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &

!ams       write (strBuf,203) timinc
!ams 203   format (I6)
!ams       read (strBuf,204) hour, minute, sec
!ams 204   format (3I2)

      call CFIO_parseIntTime ( timinc, hour, minute, sec )

      if ( sec .NE. 0) then
        print *, 'CFIO_Create: Time increments not on minute', &
                ' boundaries are not currently allowed.'
        rc = -18
      rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,timeid,'time_increment',timInc)
      if (err("Create: error creating time attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
      rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,timeid,'begin_date',yyyymmdd_beg)
      if (err("Create: error creating time attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
      rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,timeid,'begin_time',hhmmss_beg)
      if (err("Create: error creating time attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &

      if ( aveFile ) then
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,timeid,'bounds','time_bnds')
         if (err("Create: error creating time attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0) &
      end if

  do ig = 1, cfio%mGrids
      im = cfio%grids(ig)%im
      jm = cfio%grids(ig)%jm
      km = cfio%grids(ig)%km
      tm = max(tm,cfio%grids(ig)%tm)
      if ( index(cfio%grids(ig)%gName, 'station') .gt. &
           0 ) then
         if (im .ne. jm) rtcode = err("It isn't station grid",-1,-1)
      end if

      gDims3D(5,ig) = 0
      gDims3D(4,ig) = timedim
      gDims3D(3,ig) = levdim(ig)
      gDims3D(2,ig) = latdim(ig)
      gDims3D(1,ig) = londim(ig)

      gDims2D(4,ig) = 0
      gDims2D(3,ig) = timedim
      gDims2D(2,ig) = latdim(ig)
      gDims2D(1,ig) = londim(ig)

      if (index(cfio%grids(ig)%gName,'station') .gt. 0) then
         gDims3D(4,ig) = 0
         gDims3D(3,ig) = timedim
         gDims3D(2,ig) = levdim(ig)
         gDims3D(1,ig) = stationdim(ig)

         gDims2D(3,ig) = 0
         gDims2D(2,ig) = timedim
         gDims2D(1,ig) = stationdim(ig)
      end if

      if (useFaceDim) then
         gDims3D(5,ig) = timedim
         gDims3D(4,ig) = levdim(ig)
         gDims3D(3,ig) = facedim(ig)
         gDims3D(2,ig) = latdim(ig)
         gDims3D(1,ig) = londim(ig)

         gDims2D(4,ig) = timedim
         gDims2D(3,ig) = facedim(ig)
         gDims2D(2,ig) = latdim(ig)
         gDims2D(1,ig) = londim(ig)
      end if

      if ( ig .eq. 1 ) then
         if (cfio%mGrids .eq. 1) then
           nameAk = 'ak'
           nameBk = 'bk'
           namePtop = 'ptop'
           nameAk = 'ak0'
           nameBk = 'bk0'
           namePtop = 'ptop0'
         end if
        write (cig,"(I1)") ig-1
        nameAk = 'ak'//cig
        nameBk = 'bk'//cig
        namePtop = 'ptop'//cig
      end if

      if ( trim(cfio%grids(ig)%standardName) .eq. &
           'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate' ) then

         dims1D = layerdim(ig)

         rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, nameAk, NF90_FLOAT, dims1D, akid(ig))
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,akid(ig),'long_name',&
                     'ak component of hybrid coordinate')
         if (err("Create: error creating ak attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,akid(ig),'units','dimensionless')
         if (err("Create: error creating ak attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&

         rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, nameBk, NF90_FLOAT, dims1D, bkid(ig))
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,bkid(ig),'long_name',&
                     'bk component of hybrid coordinate')
         if (err("Create: error creating bk attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,bkid(ig),'units','dimensionless')
         if (err("Create: error creating bk attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&

         rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, namePtop, NF90_FLOAT, ptopdim, ptopid(ig))
         if (err("Create: error define ptopid",rc,-34) .LT. 0) return
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,ptopid(ig),'long_name',&
                     'ptop component of hybrid coordinate')
         if (err("Create: error creating ptop attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,ptopid(ig),'units',     &
         if (err("Create: error creating ptop attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
      end if

      if ( trim(cfio%grids(ig)%standardName) .eq. &
           'atmosphere_sigma_coordinate' ) then
         rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, namePtop, NF90_FLOAT, ptopdim, ptopid(ig))
         if (err("Create: error define ptopid",rc,-34) .LT. 0) return
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,ptopid(ig),'long_name',&
                     'ptop component of sigma coordinate')
         if (err("Create: error creating ptop attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
         rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,ptopid(ig),'units',    &
         if (err("Create: error creating ptop attribute",rc,-33) .LT. 0)&
      end if

! end of mGrids loop
  end do

      scale_32 = 1.0     ! No packing for now.
      offset_32 = 0.0    ! No packing for now.

! Set up packing attributes for each variable.
! Define physical variables.  Set attributes for physical variables.

      do i=1,nvars
        scale_32 = 1.0                        ! default to no packing.
        offset_32 = 0.0

        if (pRange_32(1,i) .NE. amiss_32 .OR. pRange_32(2,i) .NE.  &
       amiss_32) then
          if (pRange_32(1,i) .GT. pRange_32(2,i)) then
            high_32 = pRange_32(1,i)
            low_32  = pRange_32(2,i)
            high_32 = pRange_32(2,i)
            low_32  = pRange_32(1,i)
          scale_32 = (high_32 - low_32)/PACK_BITS*2
          offset_32 = high_32 - scale_32*PACK_BITS
          if (scale_32 .EQ. 0.0) then              ! If packing range is 0,
             scale_32 = 1.0                        ! no packing.
             offset_32 = 0.0
             packflag = .FALSE.
             packflag = .TRUE.
          packflag = .FALSE.
        do ig = 1, cfio%mGrids
           if (trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%gName) .eq.              &
               trim(cfio%grids(ig)%gName)) then
              dims3D = gDims3D(:,ig)
              dims2D = gDims2D(:,ig)
           end if
        end do

        if ( kmvar(i) .eq. 0 ) then
          ndim = 3
          if (index(cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%gName,'station') .gt. 0) ndim = 2
          if (useFaceDim) ndim = ndim + 1
          if (packflag) then
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, vname(i), NF90_SHORT, dims2D(1:ndim), vid(i))
          else if (cfio%prec .EQ. 1) then
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, vname(i), NF90_DOUBLE, dims2D(1:ndim), vid(i))
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, vname(i), NF90_FLOAT, dims2D(1:ndim), vid(i))
          ndim = 4
          if (index(cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%gName,'station') .gt. 0) ndim = 3
          if (useFaceDim) ndim = ndim + 1
          if (packflag) then
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, vname(i), NF90_SHORT, dims3D(1:ndim), vid(i))
          else if (cfio%prec .EQ. 1) then
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, vname(i), NF90_DOUBLE, dims3D(1:ndim), vid(i))
            rc = NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, vname(i), NF90_FLOAT, dims3D(1:ndim), vid(i))
        if (err("Create: error defining variable",rc,-34) .LT. 0)  &

!#if defined(HAS_NETCDF4)

! Chunksize is set to IM,JM,1,1 works for 2D and 3D variables
        if ( (associated(cfio%varObjs(i)%ChunkSize)) ) then
           rc=NF90_DEF_VAR_CHUNKING(fid, vid(i), &
                NF90_CHUNKED, cfio%varObjs(i)%ChunkSize)
           if (err("Create: error setting Chunked variable",rc,-40) .LT. 0) &
! Set Chunsize to IM,JM,1,1 by default
! If Time (tm) has been set in grid, set the file to contiguous
           if( bTimeSet .eqv. .FALSE. ) then
              if (useFaceDim) then
                 nDefaultChunkSize(2)=jm/nf !!!ALT!!!
              end if
              nDefaultChunkSize(3)=1 !nf
              rc=NF90_DEF_VAR_CHUNKING(fid, vid(i), NF90_CHUNKED,  &

        end if
! Handle deflation
        if (cfio%deflate > 0 .and. cfio%deflate <= 9) then
           rc = NF90_DEF_VAR_deflate(fid, vid(i), 1, 1, cfio%deflate)
           if (err("Create: error setting deflate filter",rc,-40) .LT. 0) return
        end if

! enable error checking
!        rc = NF90_DEF_VAR_fletcher32(fid, vid(i), 1)
!        if (err("Create: error setting fletcher",rc,-41) .LT. 0) return

        rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid, vid(i), 'long_name',vtitle(i))
        if (err("Create: error defining long_name attribute",rc,-35) &
          .LT. 0) return
        rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid, vid(i), 'units',vunits(i))
        if (err("Create: error defining units attribute",rc,-35) &
          .LT. 0) return

        if (packflag) then
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'_FillValue',amiss_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining FillValue attribute",rc,-35) &
          .LT. 0) return
          if ( scale_32 .ne. 1.0 .or. offset_32 .ne. 0.0 ) then
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'scale_factor',scale_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining scale_factor attribute",rc,-35) &
              .LT. 0) return
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'add_offset',offset_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining add_offset attribute",rc,-35) &
              .LT. 0) return
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'packmin',low_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining packmin attribute",rc,-35)  &
             .LT. 0) return
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'packmax',high_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining packmax attribute",rc,-35) &
             .LT. 0) return
          end if
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'missing_value',amiss_16)
          if (err("Create: error defining missing_value attribute",rc,-35) &
          .LT. 0) return
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'fmissing_value',amiss_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining fmissing_value attribute",rc,-35) &
          .LT. 0) return
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'_FillValue',amiss_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining FillValue attribute",rc,-35) &
          .LT. 0) return
          if ( scale_32 .ne. 1.0 .or. offset_32 .ne. 0.0 ) then
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'scale_factor',scale_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining scale_factor attribute",rc,-35) &
              .LT. 0) return
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'add_offset',offset_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining add_offset attribute",rc,-35) &
              .LT. 0) return
          end if
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'missing_value',amiss_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining missing_value attribute",rc,-35) &
          .LT. 0) return
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'fmissing_value',amiss_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining fmissing_value attribute",rc,-35) &
          .LT. 0) return

! ADDED BY BYIN for more variable meta data
         cfio%fid = fid
!        get real variable attributes from rList
         do iCnt = 1, cfio%mVars
            if ( associated(cfio%varObjs(i)%rList) ) then
               call getMaxLenCnt(maxLen, cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttReal, &
               count = cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttReal
               allocate(cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealNames(count),     &
                     cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealCnts(count),      &
                     cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttReals(count,maxLen), stat=rtcode)
               call getList(rList=cfio%varObjs(i)%rList,    &
                       realAttNames=cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealNames, &
                       realAttCnts=cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealCnts,   &
            end if
         end do

!        write real variable attributes to output file
         do iCnt = 1, cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttReal
            allocate(realVarAtt(size(cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttReals)/ &
                     cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttReal), stat=rc)
            realVarAtt = cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttReals(iCnt,:)
            if (cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealCnts(iCnt) .ne. size(realVarAtt)) then
              rc=err("FileCreate: Num of real var elements and Cnt differ",-39,-39)
            end if
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(cfio%fid,vid(i),cfio%varObjs(i)%attRealNames(iCnt),&
            if (err("FileCreate: error from NF90_PUT_ATT for real att",rc,-35) &
                .LT. 0) return
         end do

!        get integer variable attributes from iList
         do iCnt = 1, cfio%mVars
            if ( associated(cfio%varObjs(i)%iList) ) then
               call getMaxLenCnt(maxLen, cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttInt, &
               count = cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttInt
               allocate(cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntNames(count),     &
                     cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntCnts(count),      &
                     cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttInts(count,maxLen), stat=rtcode)
               call getList(iList=cfio%varObjs(i)%iList,    &
                       intAttNames=cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntNames, &
                       intAttCnts=cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntCnts,   &
            end if
         end do

!        write int variable attributes to output file
         do iCnt = 1, cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttInt
            allocate(intVarAtt(size(cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttInts)/ &
                     cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttInt), stat=rc)
            intVarAtt = cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttInts(iCnt,:)
            if (cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntCnts(iCnt) .gt. size(intVarAtt)) then
              rc=err("FileCreate: Num of int var elements and Cnt differ",-39,-39)
            end if
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(cfio%fid,vid(i),cfio%varObjs(i)%attIntNames(iCnt),intVarAtt)
            if (err("FileCreate: error from NF90_PUT_ATT for int att",rc,-35) &
                .LT. 0) return
         end do

!        get char variable attributes from cList
         do iCnt = 1, cfio%mVars
            if ( associated(cfio%varObjs(i)%cList) ) then
               call getMaxLenCnt(maxLen, cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttChar, &
               count = cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttChar
               allocate(cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharNames(count),     &
                     cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharCnts(count),      &
                     cfio%varObjs(i)%varAttChars(count), stat=rtcode)
               call getList(cList=cfio%varObjs(i)%cList,    &
                       charAttNames=cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharNames, &
                       charAttCnts=cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharCnts,   &
            end if
         end do

!        write char variable attributes to output file
         do iCnt = 1, cfio%varObjs(i)%nVarAttChar
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(cfio%fid,vid(i),cfio%varObjs(i)%attCharNames(iCnt),&
            if (err("FileCreate: error from NF90_PUT_ATT for char att",rc,-35) &
                .LT. 0) return
         end do

!         write scaleFactor, addOffSet, and standardName to output

!         if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%scaleFactor /= 0 ) then
            scale_factor = cfio%varObjs(i)%scaleFactor
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(cfio%fid, vid(i), 'scale_factor', scale_factor)
            if (err("FileCreate: error from NF90_PUT_ATT for scale_factor",rc,-35) &
                .LT. 0) return
!         end if
!         if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%addOffSet /= 0 ) then
            add_offset = cfio%varObjs(i)%addOffSet
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(cfio%fid, vid(i), 'add_offset', add_offset)
            if (err("FileCreate: error from NF90_PUT_ATT for add_offset",rc,-35) &
                .LT. 0) return
!           end if

         if ( LEN_TRIM(cfio%varObjs(i)%standardName) .gt. 0 ) then
            rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(cfio%fid, vid(i), 'standard_name', &
            if (err("FileCreate: error from NF90_PUT_ATT for standard_name",rc,-35) &
                .LT. 0) return
         end if
        end if

        if (vRange_32(1,i) .NE. amiss_32 .OR. vRange_32(2,i) .NE.  &
           amiss_32) then
          if (vRange_32(1,i) .GT. vRange_32(2,i)) then
            high_32 = vRange_32(1,i)
            low_32  = vRange_32(2,i)
            high_32 = vRange_32(2,i)
            low_32  = vRange_32(1,i)
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'vmin',low_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining vmin attribute",rc,-35) &
             .LT. 0) return
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'vmax',high_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining vmax attribute",rc,-35) &
             .LT. 0) return
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'vmin',amiss_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining vmin attribute",rc,-35) &
             .LT. 0) return
          rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'vmax',amiss_32)
          if (err("Create: error defining vmax attribute",rc,-35) &
             .LT. 0) return


        rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid,vid(i),'valid_range',vRange_32(:,i))
        if (err("Create: error defining valid_range attribute",rc,-35) &
           .LT. 0) return

        if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%timAve ) then
           rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid, vid(i), 'cell_methods',  &
                    'time: '//trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%cellMthd))
           if (err("Create: error defining cell_methods attribute",rc,-35) &
                   .LT. 0) return
        end if

        if (cfio%mGrids == 1) then
           ig = 1
           if (cfio%grids(ig)%twoDimLat) then
              rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid, vid(i), 'coordinates',  &
              if (err("Create: error defining coordinates attribute",rc,-35) &
                   .LT. 0) return
           end if
           if (cfio%formatVersion > 2.0) then
              rc = NF90_PUT_ATT(fid, vid(i), 'grid_mapping',  &
              if (err("Create: error defining grid_mapping attribute",rc,-35) &
                   .LT. 0) return
           end if

        end if


      if ( aveFile ) then
         dimsbnd(1) = bndsdim
         dimsbnd(2) = timedim
         rc =  NF90_DEF_VAR (fid, 'time_bnds', NF90_FLOAT, dimsbnd, bndsid)
      end if

! Exit define mode.

      rc = NF90_ENDDEF (fid)
      if (err("Create: error exiting define mode",rc,-37) .LT. 0)  &

! Write out dimension variables.

  do ig = 1, cfio%mGrids
      im = cfio%grids(ig)%im
      jm = cfio%grids(ig)%jm
      km = cfio%grids(ig)%km
      tm = max(tm,cfio%grids(ig)%tm)

      if (cfio%grids(ig)%twoDimLat) then
         sz_lon = im*jm
         sz_lat = sz_lon
         sz_lon = im
         sz_lat = jm
      end if
      allocate(lon_64(sz_lon), lat_64(sz_lat), levs_64(km), ak_32(km+1),         &
            bk_32(km+1), layer(km+1), stat = rtcode)

      ptop_32(1) = cfio%grids(ig)%ptop
      do i=1,sz_lon
         lon_64(i) = cfio%grids(ig)%lon(i)
      do i=1,sz_lat
         lat_64(i) = cfio%grids(ig)%lat(i)

      fVersion = nint(cfio%formatVersion)
      if (cfio%grids(ig)%twoDimLat) then
         xOffset = 0 ! offset to bring index to the middle of face 1
         yOffset = 0 ! offset to bring index to the middle of face 1
         if (jm == 6*im) then
            xOffset = (im/2)*(jm/6)
            yOffset = (im/2)
         end if
         allocate(lon2_64(im), lat2_64(jm), stat = rtcode)
         do i=1,im
            if (fVersion < 3) then
               lon2_64(i) = i ! index
               lon2_64(i) = cfio%grids(ig)%lon(i+xOffset) ! lons at first face
               if (lon2_64(i) > 180.0d0 ) lon2_64(i) = lon2_64(i) - 360.0d0
            end if
         do i=1,jm
            if (fVersion < 3) then
               lat2_64(i) = i ! index
               lat2_64(i) = cfio%grids(ig)%lat((i-1)*im + yOffset+1) ! lats at face 1
            end if
      end if

      do i=1,km
         levs_64(i) = cfio%grids(ig)%lev(i)
      if ( trim(cfio%grids(ig)%standardName) .eq. &
           'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate' ) then
         if (associated(cfio%grids(ig)%ak) .and. &
             associated(cfio%grids(ig)%bk) ) then
            do i=1,km+1
               layer(i) = i
               ak_32(i) = cfio%grids(ig)%ak(i)
               bk_32(i) = cfio%grids(ig)%bk(i)
             if (err(": ak or bk is not set",-1,-1) .lt. 0 ) return
         end if
      end if

      if (useFaceDim) then
         allocate(ivar(nf), stat=rtcode)
         do i=1, nf
            ivar(i) = i
         end do

         corner(1) = 1
         edges(1) = nf
         rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid,faceid(ig),ivar,corner,edges)
         if (err("Create: error writing nf",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return

         allocate(ivar(ncont), stat=rtcode)
         do i=1, ncont
            ivar(i) = i
         end do

         corner(1) = 1
         edges(1) = ncont
         rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid,ncontid(ig),ivar,corner,edges)
         if (err("Create: error writing nf",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return
      end if

      if (cfio%grids(ig)%twoDimLat) then
         corner(1) = 1
         edges(1) = im
         rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid,lonid(ig),lon2_64,corner,edges)
         if (err("Create: error writing lons2",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return

         corner(1) = 1
         if (useFaceDim) then
            edges(1) = jm/nf
            edges(1) = jm
         end if
         rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid,latid(ig),lat2_64,corner,edges)
         if (err("Create: error writing lats2",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return

         corner2d = 1
         edges2d = 1
         edges2d(1) = im
         if (useFaceDim) then
            nsize = 3
            edges2d(2) = jm/nf
            edges2d(3) = nf
            edges2d(2) = jm
         end if
         rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, lon2id(ig), lon_64,corner2d(1:nsize), edges2d(1:nsize))
         if (err("Create: error writing lons",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return

!         corner2d = 1
!         edges2d(1) = im
!         edges2d(2) = jm
         rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, lat2id(ig), lat_64,corner2d(1:nsize), edges2d(1:nsize))
         if (err("Create: error writing lats",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return
         deallocate(lon2_64, stat = rtcode)
         deallocate(lat2_64, stat = rtcode)
         corner(1) = 1
         edges(1) = im
         rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, lonid(ig), lon_64, corner, edges)
         if (err("Create: error writing lons",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return

         corner(1) = 1
         edges(1) = jm
         rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, latid(ig), lat_64, corner, edges)
         if (err("Create: error writing lats",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return
      end if
      deallocate(lon_64, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(lat_64, stat = rtcode)

      if (.NOT. surfaceOnly) then
        corner(1) = 1
        edges(1) = km
        rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, levid(ig), levs_64, corner, edges)
        if (err("Create: error writing levs",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return
      deallocate(levs_64, stat = rtcode)

      if ( trim(cfio%grids(ig)%standardName) .eq. &
           'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate' ) then
        corner(1) = 1
        edges(1) = 1
        rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, ptopid(ig), ptop_32, corner, edges)
        if (err("Create: error writing ptopid prs",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return
        corner(1) = 1
        edges(1) = km+1
        rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, layerid(ig), layer, corner, edges)
        if (err("Create: error writing layers",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return
        rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, akid(ig), ak_32, corner, edges)
        rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, bkid(ig), bk_32, corner, edges)
        if (err("Create: error writing ak/bk",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return
      deallocate(layer, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(ak_32, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(bk_32, stat = rtcode)

      if ( trim(cfio%grids(ig)%standardName) .eq. &
           'atmosphere_sigma_coordinate' ) then
        corner(1) = 1
        edges(1) = 1
        rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, ptopid(ig), ptop_32, corner, edges)

! end of mGrids loop
 end do
      corner(1) = 1
      edges(1) = 1
      rc = NF90_PUT_VAR(fid, timeid, (/0/), corner, edges)
      if (err("Create: error writing times",rc,-38) .LT. 0) return

      deallocate(latid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(lonid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(lat2id, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(lon2id, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(levid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(layerid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(latdim, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(londim, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(levdim, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(layerdim, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(akid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(bkid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(ptopid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(gDims3D, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(gDims2D, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(stationdim, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(stationid, stat = rtcode)

      deallocate(station, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(vname, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(vtitle, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(vunits, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(kmvar, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(valid_range, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(packing_range, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(vid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(vRange_32, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(pRange_32, stat = rtcode)

      deallocate(faceid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(facedim, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(lonvid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(lonvdim, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(latvid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(latvdim, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(ncontid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(ncontdim, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(stringid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(stringdim, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(gmid, stat = rtcode)
      deallocate(gmdim, stat = rtcode)

  logical function isFileExtensionNetCDF4(fileName)
    character(len=*) :: fileName

    character(len=len(fileName)) :: ext
    integer :: i

    isFileExtensionNetCDF4 = .false.
    ext = ''
    i = index(fileName,'.',back=.true.)
    if (i==0) return
    ext = fileName(i+1:)

    if (ext == 'nc4' .or. ext == 'h5') then
       isFileExtensionNetCDF4 = .true.
    end if

  end function isFileExtensionNetCDF4

      end subroutine CFIO_Create_

! `writeBnds` -- write time bounds
! Write time bounds for time averaging variable.
      subroutine writeBnds(cfio, vName, date, curTime, rc)
      type (ESMF_CFIO), intent(in) :: cfio
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName
      integer, intent(in) :: date
      integer, intent(in) :: curTime
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                                                !! 1   ...

      integer :: vid, corner(4), edges(4)
      integer :: hour, minute, sec, incSecs, timeIndex
      integer :: seconds, timeinc, curSecs
      real(kind=REAL32) :: bndsdata(2)
      integer :: i, rtcode=0

!     make sure user provides the right variable name
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do
      if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%timAve ) then
         seconds = DiffDate (cfio%date, cfio%begTime, date, curTime)
         timeinc = cfio%timeInc

!ams          write (strBuf,203) timeinc
!ams 203      format (I6)
!ams          read (strBuf,204) hour, minute, sec
!ams 204      format (3I2)

         call CFIO_parseIntTime ( timeinc, hour, minute, sec )

         incSecs = hour*3600 + minute*60 + sec

!ams         write (strBuf,203) curTime
!ams         read (strBuf,204) hour, minute, sec

         call CFIO_parseIntTime ( curTime, hour, minute, sec )

         curSecs = hour*3600 + minute*60 + sec

         timeIndex = seconds/incSecs + 1
         corner(1) = 1
         corner(2) = timeIndex
         edges(1) = 2
         edges(2) = 1
         bndsdata(1) = (-incSecs + curSecs)/60.
         bndsdata(2) = curSecs/60.
         if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%aveMethod .eq. 'c' ) then
            bndsdata(1) = (-incSecs/2. + curSecs)/60.
            bndsdata(2) = (incSecs/2. + curSecs)/60.
         end if
         if ( cfio%varObjs(i)%aveMethod .eq. 'd' ) then
            bndsdata(1) = curSecs/60.
            bndsdata(2) = (incSecs + curSecs)/60.
         end if

         rtcode = NF90_INQ_VARID (cfio%fid, 'time_bnds', vid)
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) then
            print *, "NF90_INQ_VARID failed in NF90_INQ_VARID for time_bnds"
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
         rtcode = NF90_PUT_VAR(cfio%fid,vid,bndsdata,corner,edges)
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) then
            print *, "NF90_PUT_VAR failed in NF90_PUT_VAR for time_bnds"
            if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
         end if
      end if

      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine writeBnds

! `ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT3D_` -- Read a variable from an existing file.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT3D_ ( cfio, vName, field, &
                                        timeString, cfio2, rc )
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut), OPTIONAL :: cfio2  !! second CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: timeString !! string expression for date and time
      real, pointer :: field(:,:,:)             !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -19  unable to identify coordinate variable
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_VAR_PUT (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -48  error from NF90_INQUIRE
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE
                         !!  rc = -99  must specify date/curTime of timeString

    integer :: date_, curTime_

!     Resolve date/time
!     -----------------
      date_ = -1
      curTime_ = -1
      call strToInt(timeString,date_,curTime_)

      if ( date_ < 0 .OR. curTime_ < 0 ) then
           if ( present(rc) ) rc = -99
      end if

      call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT3D__ ( cfio, vName, date_, curTime_, field, &
                                   cfio2=cfio2, rc=rc )

    end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT3D_

! `ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT3D_` -- Read a variable from an existing file.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT3D__(cfio, vName, date, curTime, field, rc, cfio2)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      integer, intent(in) :: date                 !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in) :: curTime              !! hhmmss
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut), OPTIONAL :: cfio2  !! second CFIO obj

      real, pointer :: field(:,:,:)             !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -19  unable to identify coordinate variable
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_VAR_PUT (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -48  error from NF90_INQUIRE
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE

      integer rtcode
      integer begDate, begTime, incSecs, timeIndex1, timeIndex2
      integer secs, secs1, secs2, nymd1, nymd2, nhms1, nhms2
      integer i, j, k
      integer im, jm, km

      real    alpha, amiss
      real, pointer ::  field2(:,:,:) => null() ! workspace for interpolation

      rtcode = 0

!     find the right variable obj.
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do
      im = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im
      jm = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm
      km = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%km
      if (km .lt. 1) km = 1

      if ( .not. associated(field) ) allocate(field(im,jm,km))

!     Get beginning time & date.  Calculate offset seconds from start.
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------
      call GetBegDateTime ( cfio%fid, begDate, begTime, incSecs, rtcode )
      if (err("GetVar: could not determine begin_date/begin_time",rtcode,-44)&
         .NE. 0) go to 999

      secs = DiffDate (begDate, begTime, date, curTime)

!      if (date .LT. begDate .OR. (begDate .EQ. date .AND.  &
!         curTime .LT. begTime) .or. secs .LT. 0) then
!         rc = -7
!         return
!      endif

!     Determine brackting times
!     -------------------------
      if ( secs >= 0 ) then
         timeIndex1 = secs/incSecs + 1
         timeIndex1 = secs/incSecs
      end if
      timeIndex2 = timeIndex1 + 1
      secs1 = (timeIndex1-1) * incSecs
      secs2 = (timeIndex2-1) * incSecs
      call GetDate ( begDate, begTime, secs1, nymd1, nhms1, rtcode )
      call GetDate ( begDate, begTime, secs2, nymd2, nhms2, rtcode )

!     Read grids at first time with GetVar()
!     --------------------------------------
      call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead(cfio, vName, field, date=nymd1, curtime=nhms1,  rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) goto 999

      if ( secs1 .eq. secs ) goto 999   ! no interpolation needed


!     Read grids at second time with GetVar()
!     ---------------------------------------
      call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead(cfio, vName, field2, date=nymd2, curtime=nhms2, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) then
         if ( present(cfio2) )     &
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead(cfio2, vName, field2, &
                                  date=nymd2, curtime=nhms2, rc=rtcode)
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) return
      end if

!     Get missing value
!     -----------------
      amiss = CFIO_GetMissing ( cfio%fid, rtcode )
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) goto 999

!     Do interpolation
!     ----------------
      alpha = real(secs - secs1)/real(secs2 - secs1)
!ams  print *, ' nymd = ', nymd1, nymd2
!ams  print *, ' nhms = ', nhms1, nhms2
!ams  print *, 'alpha = ', alpha
      do k = 1, km
         do j = 1, jm
            do i = 1, im
               if ( abs(field(i,j,k)-amiss) .gt. 0.001 .and.   &
                    abs(field2(i,j,k)-amiss) .gt. 0.001 ) then
                  field(i,j,k) = field(i,j,k)        &
                             + alpha * (field2(i,j,k) - field(i,j,k))
                  field(i,j,k) = amiss
               end if
            end do
         end do
      end do

      rtcode = 0

!     All done
!     --------
999   continue
      if ( associated(field2) ) deallocate(field2)
      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT3D__

! ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT2D_` -- Read a variable from an existing file.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT2D_ ( cfio, vName, field, &
                                        timeString, cfio2, rc )
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut), OPTIONAL :: cfio2  !! second CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: timeString !! string expression for date and time

      real, pointer :: field(:,:)               !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -19  unable to identify coordinate variable
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_VAR_PUT (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NV_GET_VARA
                         !!  rc = -48  error from NF90_INQUIRE
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE
                         !!  rc = -99  must specify date/curTime of timeString

    integer :: date_, curTime_

!     Resolve date/time
!     -----------------
      date_ = -1
      curTime_ = -1
      call strToInt(timeString,date_,curTime_)
      if ( date_ < 0 .OR. curTime_ < 0 ) then
           if ( present(rc) ) rc = -99
      end if

      call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT2D__ ( cfio, vName, date_, curTime_, field, &
                                   cfio2=cfio2, rc=rc )

    end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT2D_

! `ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT2D_` -- Read a variable from an existing file.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT2D__(cfio, vName, date, curTime, field, rc, cfio2)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      integer, intent(in) :: date                 !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in) :: curTime              !! hhmmss
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut), OPTIONAL :: cfio2  !! second CFIO obj
      real, pointer :: field(:,:)             !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -19  unable to identify coordinate variable
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_VAR_PUT (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -48  error from NF90_INQUIRE
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE

      integer rtcode
      integer begDate, begTime, incSecs, timeIndex1, timeIndex2
      integer secs, secs1, secs2, nymd1, nymd2, nhms1, nhms2
      integer i, j
      integer im, jm, km

      real    alpha, amiss
      real, pointer ::  field2(:,:) => null() ! workspace for interpolation

      rtcode = 0

!     find the right variable obj.
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do
      im = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im
      jm = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm
      km = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%km
      if (km .lt. 1) km = 1

      if ( .not. associated(field) ) allocate(field(im,jm))

!     Get beginning time & date.  Calculate offset seconds from start.
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------
      call GetBegDateTime ( cfio%fid, begDate, begTime, incSecs, rtcode )
      if (err("GetVar: could not determine begin_date/begin_time",rtcode,-44)&
         .NE. 0) go to 999

      secs = DiffDate (begDate, begTime, date, curTime)

!      if (date .LT. begDate .OR. (begDate .EQ. date .AND.  &
!         curTime .LT. begTime) .or. secs .LT. 0) then
!         rc = -7
!         return
!      endif

!     Determine brackting times
!     -------------------------
      if ( secs >= 0 ) then
         timeIndex1 = secs/incSecs + 1
         timeIndex1 = secs/incSecs
      end if
      timeIndex2 = timeIndex1 + 1
      secs1 = (timeIndex1-1) * incSecs
      secs2 = (timeIndex2-1) * incSecs
      call GetDate ( begDate, begTime, secs1, nymd1, nhms1, rtcode )
      call GetDate ( begDate, begTime, secs2, nymd2, nhms2, rtcode )

!     Read grids at first time with GetVar()
!     --------------------------------------
      call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead(cfio, vName, field, date=nymd1, curtime=nhms1,  rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) goto 999

      if ( secs1 .eq. secs ) goto 999   ! no interpolation needed


!     Read grids at second time with GetVar()
!     ---------------------------------------
      call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead(cfio, vName, field2, date=nymd2, curtime=nhms2, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) then
         if ( present(cfio2) )     &
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead(cfio2, vName, field2, &
                                  date=nymd2, curtime=nhms2, rc=rtcode)
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) return
      end if

!     Get missing value
!     -----------------
      amiss = CFIO_GetMissing ( cfio%fid, rtcode )
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) goto 999

!     Do interpolation
!     ----------------
      alpha = real(secs - secs1)/real(secs2 - secs1)
      do j = 1, jm
         do i = 1, im
            if ( abs(field(i,j)-amiss) .gt. 0.001 .and.   &
                 abs(field2(i,j)-amiss) .gt. 0.001 ) then
               field(i,j) = field(i,j) + alpha * (field2(i,j) - field(i,j))
               field(i,j) = amiss
            end if
         end do
      end do

      rtcode = 0

!     All done
!     --------
999   continue
      if ( associated(field2) ) deallocate(field2)
      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOSdfVarReadT2D__


      end module ESMF_CFIOSdfMod