ESMF_CFIOMod.F90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~esmf_cfiomod.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 ESMF_CFIOMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90 ESMF_CFIOFileMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90 ESMF_CFIOGridMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 ESMF_CFIOSdfMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90 ESMF_CFIOUtilMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90 ESMF_CFIOVarInfoMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiofilemod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiosdfmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiogridmod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfiovarinfomod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfioutilmod.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~esmf_cfiomod.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 ESMF_CFIOMod.F90 sourcefile~benchmark_bin.f90 benchmark_bin.F90 sourcefile~benchmark_bin.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~benchmark_sdf.f90 benchmark_sdf.F90 sourcefile~benchmark_sdf.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~cfiocollection.f90 CFIOCollection.F90 sourcefile~cfiocollection.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~esmf_cfioptrvectormod.f90 ESMF_CFIOPtrVectorMod.F90 sourcefile~esmf_cfioptrvectormod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~extdatagridcompmod.f90 ExtDataGridCompMod.F90 sourcefile~extdatagridcompmod.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~mapl.f90 MAPL.F90 sourcefile~mapl.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~mapl_cfio.f90 MAPL_CFIO.F90 sourcefile~mapl_cfio.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~regrid_util.f90 Regrid_Util.F90 sourcefile~regrid_util.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testr.f90 testr.f90 sourcefile~testr.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testr_gd.f90 testr_gd.f90 sourcefile~testr_gd.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testr_gd_wr.f90 testr_gd_wr.f90 sourcefile~testr_gd_wr.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testr_st.f90 testr_st.f90 sourcefile~testr_st.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw2.f90 testw2.f90 sourcefile~testw2.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw3.f90 testw3.f90 sourcefile~testw3.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex1.f90 testw_ex1.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex1.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex2.f90 testw_ex2.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex2.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex3.f90 testw_ex3.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex3.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex4.f90 testw_ex4.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex4.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex5.f90 testw_ex5.f90 sourcefile~testw_ex5.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~testw_st.f90 testw_st.f90 sourcefile~testw_st.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~utcfio_array.f90 utCFIO_Array.F90 sourcefile~utcfio_array.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~utcfio_nbits.f90 utCFIO_Nbits.F90 sourcefile~utcfio_nbits.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90 sourcefile~utdownbit.f90 utDownBit.F90 sourcefile~utdownbit.f90->sourcefile~esmf_cfiomod.f90

Source Code

!               Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)                !
!                    Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS)                    !
!                                 MAPL Component                              !
! Author: GMAO SI-Team
! `ESMF_CFIOMod` --- Source file for CFIO
! The code in this file provides interface specifications
! This module provides all the necessary subroutines for users to write/read
! HDF or GrADS format output using CF convention.
!#### History
!- Jan2004  Baoyu Yin  Initial design and prototyping.
!- Apr2004  Baoyu Yin  Implementation
!- Sep2004  Baoyu Yin  Modified return codes to make it more specific.
!- Sep2004  Baoyu Yin  Moved some utility routines to ESMF_CFIOUtil.F90.
!- Sep2004  Baoyu Yin  Modified station grid metadata.
!- Sep2004  Baoyu Yin  Added ptopUnit to ptop for eta and sigma coordinates.
!- Oct2004  Baoyu Yin  Migrated to Halem and fixed some bugs.
!- Oct2004  Baoyu Yin  Added timeString to ESMF_CFIOSet and ESMF_CFIOVarWrite.
!                      Rearranged the argument order in ESMF_CFIOVarWrite.
!- Jan2005  Baoyu Yin  Fixed some memory problems. Fixed scaleFactor and offset
!                      problem. Fixed standard_name problem in reading GFIO files.
!- Mar2005  Baoyu Yin  Moved some utility routines into ESMF_CFIOUtil.F90
!                      Modified error return codes.
!- Mar2005  Baoyu Yin  Added file name template
!- Apr2005  Baoyu Yin  Added time interpolation routine VarReadT
!- Apr2006  da Silva   Eliminated mpeu dependency.
!- Jun2006  Baoyu Yin  Added cyclic option for VarReadT
!- Jun2006  Baoyu Yin  Added reading 2D variable with VarReadT
!- Jul2006  da Silva   Eliminated read(str,fmt) to parse time; replaced
!                      with more robust mod() calculations.
!                      Made StrTemplate public.
!- Aug2006  da Silva   Added alternative interfaces to VarReadT.
!                      Included Baoyu patches in FileOpen() to handle double
!                      coordinate variables; previous merge of VarRead()
!                      and VarReadT() has been rolled back.
!- Dec2006  da Silva   Added ESMF_CFIODownBit() to downgrade precision for
!                      better gzipping.
!- Feb2007  Baoyu Yin  This is a new wrapper module for handling SDF or GrADS
!                      format output.
!- Mar2008  Dan Kokron Replace some code in ESMF_CFIOVarReadT2D__ that prevent
!                      time increment larger than 99 hours
!- Jun2008  Dan Kokron Replace read(str,fmt) to parse time in VarReadT3D with
!                      call to parseIntTime
       module ESMF_CFIOMod
! !USES:
      use ESMF_CFIOUtilMod
      use ESMF_CFIOGridMod
      use ESMF_CFIOVarInfoMod
      use ESMF_CFIOFileMod
      use ESMF_CFIOSdfMod
#if defined(HDFEOS)
      use ESMF_CFIOEOSMod
      use esmf, only: ESMF_UtilStringUpperCase
      use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: REAL32
      implicit none


      public :: ESMF_CFIO                ! Main CFIO object

      public :: ESMF_CFIOFileCreate      ! Create a CFIO file for writing
      public :: ESMF_CFIOFileOpen        ! Open a CFIO file
      public :: ESMF_CFIOVarWrite        ! Write a variable to a file
      public :: ESMF_CFIOVarRead         ! Read a variable from a file
      public :: ESMF_CFIOVarReadT        ! Read a variable from a file
      public :: ESMF_CFIOVarReadT2       ! Read a variable from a file
      public :: ESMF_CFIOFileClose       ! Close an existing CFIO file.

      public :: ESMF_CFIOstrTemplate     ! replacement for the one in mpeu

      public :: ESMF_CFIODownBit         ! Downgrade precision for better
                                         !  lossless compression

      interface ESMF_CFIOVarWrite; module procedure   &
        ESMF_CFIOVarWrite3D_,  &
        ESMF_CFIOVarWrite2D_,  &
      end interface

      interface ESMF_CFIOVarRead; module procedure   &
        ESMF_CFIOVarRead3D_,   &
        ESMF_CFIOVarRead2D_,   &
      end interface

!     AMS: These were split because *D_ and *D__ routines
!          had the same signature!
      interface ESMF_CFIOVarReadT; module procedure   &
        ESMF_CFIOVarReadT3D_,  &
      end interface

      interface ESMF_CFIOVarReadT2; module procedure   &
        ESMF_CFIOVarReadT3D__, &
      end interface

      interface ESMF_CFIOstrTemplate; module procedure   &
      end interface

      interface ESMF_CFIODownBit
        module procedure ESMF_CFIODownBit3D_
        module procedure ESMF_CFIODownBit2D_
      end interface


! `ESMF_CFIOFileCreate` -- Create a CFIO output file with meta data
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOFileCreate (cfio, rc, expid, format)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio              !! a CFIO object
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL  :: expid    !! Experiment ID
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL  :: format   !! GrADS or SDF
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                      !! 0   all is well
                      !! -1 Time increment is 0
                      !! -2  allocate memory error
                      !! -3  Num of int/char/real elements and Cnt don't match
                      !! -12  error determining default precision
                      !! -18 incorrect time increment
                      !! -30 can't open file
                      !! -31 error from NF90_DEF_DIM
                      !! -32 error from NF90_DEF_VAR (dimension variable)
                      !! -33 error from NF90_PUT_ATT (dimension attribute)
                      !! -34 error from NF90_DEF_VAR (variable)
                      !! -35  error from NF90_PUT_ATT (variable attribute)
                      !! -36  error from NF90_PUT_ATT (global attribute)
                      !! -37  error from NF90_ENDDEF
                      !! -38  error from NF90_PUT_VAR (dimension variable)
                      !! -39 Num of real var elements and Cnt differ
                      !! -55  error from NF90_REDEF (enter define mode)
                      !! -56  error from NF90_ENDDEF (exit define mode)
      integer :: rtcode
      character (len=16) :: myFormat

      myFormat = 'SDF'
      if (present(format)) then
         if (trim(ESMF_UtilStringUpperCase(format)) .eq. 'GRADS' )  then
             call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, format='GRADS')
             myFormat = 'GRADS'
         end if
#if defined(HDFEOS)
         if (ESMF_UtilStringUpperCase(format)) .eq. 'EOS' )  then
             call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, format='EOS')
             myFormat = 'EOS'
         end if
      end if
      select case (myFormat)
      case ('SDF')
         if (present(expid)) then
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileCreate (cfio, rtcode, expid)
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileCreate (cfio, rtcode)
         end if
         if (present(rc)) rc = rtcode
#if defined(HDFEOS)
      case ('EOS')
         call ESMF_CFIOEOSFileCreate (cfio, rtcode)
         if (present(rc)) rc = rtcode
      end select

    end subroutine ESMF_CFIOFileCreate

! `ESMF_CFIOVarRead3D_` -- Read a variable from an existing file
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarRead3D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, &
                                     kBeg, kount, xBeg, xCount, yBeg,   &
                                     yCount, timeString, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg       !! first level to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount      !! number of levels to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: xBeg       !! first point for lon
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: xCount     !! number of points to read
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: yBeg       !! first point for lat
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: yCount     !! number of points to read
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString !! string expression for date and time
      real, pointer :: field(:,:,:)             !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
      integer :: i, rtcode
      integer :: myKbeg, myKount
      integer :: myXbeg, myXount
      integer :: myYbeg, myYount
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      integer :: im, jm, km
      integer :: nVars
      type(ESMF_CFIOGrid) :: grid
      type(ESMF_CFIOVarInfo), pointer :: vars(:)
      character(len=MLEN) :: myName
      logical :: twoD
      character(len=MLEN) :: format
      character(len=16) :: myFormat

      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)

      call ESMF_CFIOGet(cfio, nVars=nVars,  rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in GrADS_read in ESMF_CFIOGet"
      !ALT allocate(vars(nVars), stat=rtcode)
      !ALT if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in allocate in GrADS_read"
      call ESMF_CFIOGet(cfio, varObjs=vars, format=format, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in GrADS_read in ESMF_CFIOGet"

      do i = 1, nVars
         call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoGet(vars(i), vName=myName, grid=grid,  &
                                  twoDimVar=twoD, rc=rtcode)
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in GrADS_read in ESMF_CFIOVarInfoGet"
         call ESMF_CFIOGridGet(grid, im=im, jm=jm, km=km, rc=rtcode)
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in GrADS_read in ESMF_CFIOGridGet"
         if (km .lt. 1) km = 1
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(myName) ) exit
      end do
!@      call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoDestroy(vars,rtcode)

      myKbeg = 1
      myKount = km
      if ( present(kbeg) ) myKbeg = kbeg
      if ( present(kount) ) myKount = kount
      if (twoD) myKount = 1
      myXbeg = 1
      myXount = im
      myYbeg = 1
      myYount = jm
      if ( present(xBeg) ) myXbeg=xBeg
      if ( present(yBeg) ) myYbeg=yBeg
      if ( present(xCount) ) myXount = xCount
      if ( present(yCount) ) myYount = yCount

      myFormat = trim(format)
      select case (myFormat)
      case ('SDF')
        call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead(cfio, vName, field, date=myDate,            &
                                 curTime=myCurTime, kBeg=myKbeg,             &
                                 kount=myKount, xBeg=myXbeg, xCount=myXount, &
                                 yBeg=myYbeg, yCount=myYount, rc=rtcode)
        if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead"
        if ( present(rc) ) rc= rtcode
      end select

      print *, "Format is not known"

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarRead3D_

! `ESMF_CFIOVarRead2D_` -- Read a variable from an existing file
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarRead2D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, &
                                     kBeg, kount, xBeg, xCount, yBeg,   &
                                     yCount, timeString, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg       !! first level to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount      !! number of levels to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: xBeg       !! first point for lon
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: xCount     !! number of points to read
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: yBeg       !! first point for lat
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: yCount     !! number of points to read
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString !! string expression for date and time
      real, pointer :: field(:,:)               !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
      integer :: i, rtcode
      integer :: myKbeg, myKount
      integer :: myXbeg, myXount
      integer :: myYbeg, myYount
      integer :: myDate,  myCurTime
      integer :: im, jm, km
      integer :: nVars
      type(ESMF_CFIOGrid) :: grid
      type(ESMF_CFIOVarInfo), pointer :: vars(:)
      character(len=MLEN) :: myName
      logical :: twoD
      character(len=MLEN) :: format
      character(len=16) :: myFormat

      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)

      call ESMF_CFIOGet(cfio, nVars=nVars, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in GrADS_read in ESMF_CFIOGet"
!ALT      allocate(vars(nVars), stat=rtcode)
!ALT      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in allocate in GrADS_read"
      call ESMF_CFIOGet(cfio, varObjs=vars, format=format, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in GrADS_read in ESMF_CFIOGet"

      do i = 1, nVars
         call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoGet(vars(i), vName=myName, grid=grid,  &
                                  twoDimVar=twoD, rc=rtcode)
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in GrADS_read in ESMF_CFIOVarInfoGet"
         call ESMF_CFIOGridGet(grid, im=im, jm=jm, km=km, rc=rtcode)
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in GrADS_read in ESMF_CFIOGridGet"
         if (km .lt. 1) km = 1
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(myName) ) exit
      end do

!@      call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoDestroy(vars,rtcode)

      myKbeg = 1
      myKount = km
      if ( present(kbeg) ) myKbeg = kbeg
      if ( present(kount) ) myKount = kount
      if (twoD) myKount = 1
      myXbeg = 1
      myXount = im
      myYbeg = 1
      myYount = jm
      if ( present(xBeg) ) myXbeg=xBeg
      if ( present(yBeg) ) myYbeg=yBeg
      if ( present(xCount) ) myXount = xCount
      if ( present(yCount) ) myYount = yCount

      myFormat = trim(format)
      select case (myFormat)
      case ('SDF')
        call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead(cfio, vName, field, date=myDate,            &
                                 curTime=myCurTime, kBeg=myKbeg,             &
                                 kount=myKount, xBeg=myXbeg, xCount=myXount, &
                                 yBeg=myYbeg, yCount=myYount, rc=rtcode)
        if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead"
        if ( present(rc) ) rc= rtcode
      end select

      print *, "Format is not known"

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarRead2D_

! `ESMF_CFIOVarRead1D_` -- Read a variable from an existing file
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarRead1D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, &
                                     xBeg, xCount, timeString, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: xBeg       !! first point for lon
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: xCount     !! number of points to read
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString !! string expression for date and time
      real, pointer :: field(:)                 !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
      integer :: rtcode
      integer :: myXbeg, myXount
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      integer :: im
      integer :: nVars
      type(ESMF_CFIOGrid), pointer :: grid
      type(ESMF_CFIOVarInfo), pointer :: vars(:)
      character(len=MLEN) :: format

      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)

      allocate(grid, stat=rtcode)
      call ESMF_CFIOGet(cfio, nVars=nVars, grid=grid, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in GrADS_read in ESMF_CFIOGet"
!ALT      allocate(vars(nVars), stat=rtcode)
!ALT      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in allocate in ESMF_CFIORead"
      call ESMF_CFIOGet(cfio, varObjs=vars, format=format, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in allocate in ESMF_CFIOGet"
      call ESMF_CFIOGridGet(grid, im=im, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in calling ESMF_CFIORead"

!@      call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoDestroy(vars,rtcode)

      myXbeg = 1
      myXount = im
      if ( present(xBeg) ) myXbeg=xBeg
      if ( present(xCount) ) myXount = xCount

      select case (format)
      case ('GRADS')
        print *, "Read 1D GrADS file is not supportted."
      case ('SDF')
        call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarRead(cfio, vName, field, date=myDate,            &
                                 curTime=myCurTime,  xBeg=myXbeg,            &
                                 xCount=myXount, rc=rtcode)
        if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in calling ESMF_CFIORead"
        if ( present(rc) ) rc= rtcode
      end select

      print *, "Format is not known"

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarRead1D_

! `ESMF_CFIOVarWrite3D_` -- Write a variable to a output file
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarWrite3D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, &
                                      kbeg, kount, timeString, doComp,   &
                                      doChunk, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! Variable name
      real, intent(in) :: field(:,:,:)            !! array contains data
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg       !! first level to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount      !! number of levels to write
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString !! string expression for date and time
      logical, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: doComp     !! do compression
      logical, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: doChunk    !! do chunk compression
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -15  data outside of valid range
                         !!  rc = -16  data outside of packing range
                         !!  rc = -17  data outside of pack and valid range
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_PUT_VAR (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -45  error from NF90_PUT_VAR
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE
                         !!  rc = -53  error from NF90_GET_ATT
                         !!  rc = -54  Format is not known

      integer :: rtcode
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      character(len=16) :: format
#if defined(HDFEOS)
      logical :: do_comp, do_chunk
#if defined(HDFEOS)
      do_chunk = .false.
      do_comp = .false.
      if ( present(doComp) ) do_comp = doComp
      if ( present(doChunk) ) do_chunk = doChunk
      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)

      call ESMF_CFIOGet(cfio, format=format, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in ESMF_CFIOWrite in calling ESMF_CFIOGet"

      select case (format)
      case ('SDF')
         if (present(kbeg) .and. present(kount)) then
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite(cfio, vName, field, date=myDate,  &
                        curTime=myCurTime, kbeg=kbeg, kount=kount,      &
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite(cfio, vName, field, date=myDate,  &
                        curTime=myCurTime, rc=rtcode)
         end if
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in ESMF_CFIOVarWrite"
         if (present(rc)) rc = rtcode
#if defined(HDFEOS)
      case ('EOS')
         if (present(kbeg) .and. present(kount)) then
            call ESMF_CFIOEOSVarWrite(cfio, vName, field, date=myDate,  &
                        curTime=myCurTime, kbeg=kbeg, kount=kount,      &
                        doComp = do_comp, doChunk = do_chunk,           &
            call ESMF_CFIOEOSVarWrite(cfio, vName, field, date=myDate,  &
                        doComp = do_comp, doChunk = do_chunk,           &
                        curTime=myCurTime, rc=rtcode)
         end if
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in ESMF_CFIOEOSVarWrite"
         if (present(rc)) rc = rtcode
      end select

         print *, "CFIO%FORMAT is not known"
         if (present(rc)) rc = -54
#if !defined(HDFEOS)
         associate(q => dochunk); end associate
         associate(q => docomp); end associate
     end subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarWrite3D_

! `ESMF_CFIOVarWrite2D_` -- Write a variable to a output file
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarWrite2D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, &
                                      kbeg, kount, timeString, doComp,   &
                                      doChunk, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! Variable name
      real, intent(in) :: field(:,:)            !! array contains data
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg       !! first level to write
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount      !! number of levels to write
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString !! string expression for date and time
      logical, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: doComp     !! do compression
      logical, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: doChunk    !! do chunk compression
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -15  data outside of valid range
                         !!  rc = -16  data outside of packing range
                         !!  rc = -17  data outside of pack and valid range
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_PUT_VAR (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -45  error from NF90_PUT_VAR
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE
                         !!  rc = -53  error from NF90_GET_ATT
                         !!  rc = -54  Format is not known

      integer :: rtcode
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      character(len=16) :: format
#if defined(HDFEOS)
      logical :: do_comp, do_chunk
#if defined(HDFEOS)
      do_chunk = .false.
      do_comp = .false.
      if ( present(doComp) ) do_comp = doComp
      if ( present(doChunk) ) do_chunk = doChunk
      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)

      call ESMF_CFIOGet(cfio, format=format, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in ESMF_CFIOWrite in calling ESMF_CFIOGet"

      select case (format)
      case ('SDF')
         if (present(kbeg) .and. present(kount)) then
           call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite(cfio, vName, field, date=myDate,  &
                        curTime=myCurTime, kbeg=kbeg, kount=kount,     &
           call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite(cfio, vName, field, date=myDate,  &
                        curTime=myCurTime, rc=rtcode)
         end if
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in ESMF_CFIOVarWrite"
         if (present(rc)) rc = rtcode
#if defined(HDFEOS)
      case ('EOS')
         if (present(kbeg) .and. present(kount)) then
           call ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite(cfio, vName, field, date=myDate,  &
                        curTime=myCurTime, kbeg=kbeg, kount=kount,     &
                        doComp = do_comp, doChunk = do_chunk,           &
           call ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite(cfio, vName, field, date=myDate,  &
                        doComp = do_comp, doChunk = do_chunk,           &
                        curTime=myCurTime, rc=rtcode)
         end if
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in ESMF_CFIOEosVarWrite"
         if (present(rc)) rc = rtcode
      end select

         print *, "CFIO%FORMAT is not known"
         if (present(rc)) rc = -54
#if !defined(HDFEOS)
         associate(q => dochunk); end associate
         associate(q => docomp); end associate
     end subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarWrite2D_
! `ESMF_CFIOVarWrite1D_` -- Write a variable to a output file
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarWrite1D_(cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, &
                                      timeString, rc)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! Variable name
      real, intent(in) :: field(:)            !! array contains data
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString !! string expression for date and time
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -15  data outside of valid range
                         !!  rc = -16  data outside of packing range
                         !!  rc = -17  data outside of pack and valid range
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_PUT_VAR (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -45  error from NF90_PUT_VAR
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE
                         !!  rc = -53  error from NF90_GET_ATT
                         !!  rc = -54  Format is not known

      integer :: rtcode
      integer :: myDate, myCurTime
      character(len=16) :: format

      if ( present(date) ) myDate = date
      if ( present(curTime) ) myCurTime = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,myDate,myCurTime)

      call ESMF_CFIOGet(cfio, format=format, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in ESMF_CFIOWrite in calling ESMF_CFIOGet"
      select case (format)
      case ('SDF')
         call ESMF_CFIOSdfVarWrite(cfio, vName, field, date=myDate,  &
                        curTime=myCurTime, rc=rtcode)
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) print *, "problem in ESMF_CFIOVarWrite"
         if (present(rc)) rc = rtcode
      end select

         print *, "CFIO%FORMAT is not known"
         if (present(rc)) rc = -54
      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarWrite1D_
! `ESMF_CFIOFileOpen` -- open a CFIO file, and get CFIO meta data into a cfio Object.
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOFileOpen (cfio, fmode, rc, expid, cyclic)
      integer, intent(in) :: fmode              !! 0 for READ-WRITE
                                                !! non-zero for READ-ONLY
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: expid   !! Experiment ID
      logical, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: cyclic           !! cyclic input file
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !! -1   invalid count
                         !! -2   type mismatch
                         !! -12  error determining default precision
                         !! -10  ngatts is incompatible with file
                         !! -11  character string not long enough
                         !! -19  unable to identify coordinate variable
                         !! -36  error from NF90_PUT_ATT (global attribute)
                         !! -39  error from NF90_OPEN (file open)
                         !! -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !! -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lat or lon)
                         !! -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lev)
                         !! -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !! -47  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (time)
                         !! -48  error from NF90_INQUIRE
                         !! -51  error from NF90_GET_ATT (global attribute)
                         !! -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE
                         !! -53  error from NF90_GET_ATT
                         !! -57  error from NF90_INQ_ATTNAME
                         !! -58  error from NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE

      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio    !! a CFIO object
      integer :: rtcode
      character(len=16) :: dset
      character(len=16) :: format
      logical :: ex
      character(len=MLEN) :: fileName
      logical :: myCyclic

      if (present(expid)) call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, expid = expid)
      myCyclic = .false.
      if (present(cyclic)) then
         call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, isCyclic = cyclic)
         myCyclic = cyclic
      end if

      call ESMF_CFIOGet(cfio, fName=fileName)
      inquire(file=fileName, EXIST=ex)
      if ( .not. ex ) then
         print *, trim(fileName), "doesn't exist"
      end if
      open(11, file=fileName)
      read(11, '(a)') dset
      format = 'SDF'
      if (index(dset,'DSET') .ge. 1 .or. index(dset,'dset') .ge. 1  &
          .or. index(dset,'Dset') .ge. 1 ) then
         call ESMF_CFIOSet(cfio, format='GRADS')
         format = 'GRADS'
      end if

      select case (format)
      case ('SDF')
         if ( present(expid) ) then
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen (cfio, fmode, rc=rtcode, expid=expid, cyclic=myCyclic)
            call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen (cfio, fmode, rc=rtcode, cyclic=myCyclic)
         end if
         if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "Error in ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen"
         if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
      end select

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOFileOpen

! `ESMF_CFIOFileClose` -- close an open CFIO stream
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOFileClose (cfio, rc)
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc    !! Error return code:
                                              !! 0   all is well
                                              !! -54  error from ncclos (file close)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inout) :: cfio       ! CFIO object
       integer :: rtcode
       character(len=16) format
      call ESMF_CFIOGet(cfio, format=format, rc=rtcode)
      if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "Error in ESMF_CFIOGet in FileClose"

      select case (format)
      case ('SDF')
          call ESMF_CFIOSdfFileClose(cfio,rtcode)
          if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "Error in ESMF_CFIOFileClose"
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
#if defined(HDFEOS)
      case ('EOS')
          call ESMF_CFIOEosFileClose(cfio,rtcode)
          if (rtcode .ne. 0) print *, "Error in ESMF_CFIOEosFileClose"
          if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode
      end select

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOFileClose

! `ESMF_CFIODownBit` - GRIB-based compression pre-conditioner
!  This routine returns a lower precision version of the input array
!  `x` which retains `nbits` of precision. See routine
!  `ESMF\_CFIODownBit2D` for additional details. This version for
!  rank 3 arrays, calls `ESMF\_CFIODownBit2D()` for each vertical
!  level.
!#### History
!- 06Dec2006  da Silva  Initial version.
   subroutine ESMF_CFIODownBit3D_ ( x, xr, nbits, undef, flops, rc )

     implicit NONE
     real, intent(in)    ::  x(:,:,:)       !! input array
     integer, intent(in) :: nbits           !! number of bits per word to retain
                                            !! - no action if nbits<1
     real, OPTIONAL, intent(in) :: undef    ! missing value
     logical, OPTIONAL, intent(in) :: flops !! if true, uses slower float point
                                            !!  based algorithm
     real(kind=REAL32), intent(out)   :: xr(:,:,:) !! precision reduced array; can
!                                       !! share storage with input array
                                        !! if it has same kind
     integer, intent(out)  :: rc        !! error code
                                        !!  = 0 - all is well
                                        !! /= 0 - something went wrong

   integer :: k

   do k = lbound(x,3), ubound(x,3)
      call ESMF_CFIODownBit2D_ ( x(:,:,k), xr(:,:,k), nbits, &
                                 undef=undef, flops=flops, rc=rc )
   end do

   end subroutine ESMF_CFIODownBit3D_

! `ESMF_CFIODownBit` - GRIB-based compression pre-conditioner
! This routine returns a lower precision version of the input array
! `x` which retains `nbits` of precision. Two algorithms are
! implemented: 1) a fast one writen in C which downgrades precision
! by shifting `xbits = 24 - nbits` bits of the mantissa, and 2) a slower
! float point based algorithm which is the same algorithm as GRIB
! with fixed number of bits packing. Notice that as in GRIB the scaling
! factor is forced to be a power of 2 rather than a generic float.
! Using this power of 2 binary scaling has the advantage of improving
! the GZIP compression rates.
! This routine returns an array of the same type and kind as the input array,
! so no data compression has taken place. The goal here is to reduce the
! entropy in the input array, thereby improving compression rates
! by the lossless algorithms implemented internally by HDF-4/5 when writing
! these data to a file. In fact, these GZIP'ed and pre-conditioned files
! have sizes comparable to the equivalent GRIB file, while being a bonafide
! self-describing HDF/NetCDF file.
! @todo:
! Perhaps implement GRIB decimal scaling (variable number of bits).
!#### History
!- 06Dec2006  da Silva  Initial version.
   subroutine ESMF_CFIODownBit2D_ ( x, xr, nbits, undef, flops, rc )

     implicit NONE

     real, intent(in)    ::  x(:,:)         !! input array
     integer, intent(in) :: nbits           !! number of bits per word to retain
     real, OPTIONAL, intent(in) :: undef    !! missing value
     logical, OPTIONAL, intent(in) :: flops !! if true, uses slower float point
                                            !!  based algorithm
     real(kind=REAL32), intent(out)   :: xr(:,:)   !! precision reduced array; can
                                        !!  share storage with input array
                                        !!  if it has same kind
     integer, intent(out)  :: rc        !! error code
                                        !!  = 0 - all is well
                                        !! /= 0 - something went wrong

    integer   :: E, xbits, has_undef
    real(kind=REAL32)    :: scale, xmin, xmax, tol, undef_
    logical   :: shave_mantissa
    integer, external :: ShaveMantissa32

    rc = 0

!   Defaults for optinal arguments
!   ------------------------------
    if ( present(undef) ) then
         undef_ = undef
         has_undef = 1
         undef_ = 1.0
         undef_ = huge(undef_)   ! why not?
         has_undef = 0
    if ( present(flops) ) then
         shave_mantissa = .not. flops
         shave_mantissa = .true.

!   Fast, bit shifting in C
!   -----------------------
    if ( shave_mantissa ) then

       xr = x   ! compiled r8 this will convert to r4.
       xbits = 24 - nbits
       rc = ShaveMantissa32 ( xr, xr, size(x), xbits, has_undef, undef_, size(x) )

!   Slow, flops in FORTRAN (GRIB inspired)
!   --------------------------------------

       if ( nbits < 1 ) then
          xr = x
          rc = 1
       end if

       tol = 0.0001 * undef_
       xmin = minval(x,mask=(abs(undef_-x)>tol))
       xr = x - xmin     ! As in GRIB, force non-negative values
       xmax = maxval(xr,mask=(abs(undef_-x)>tol)) ! max of positive

       if ( xmax <= 0.0 ) then
            xr = x
            rc = 0
            return  ! this means field is constant
       end if

       E = nint(log(xmax)/log(2.)) - nbits ! GRIB binary scale factor
       scale = 2.**E                       ! GRIB requires power of 2

       if ( present(undef) ) then
          where ( abs(x - undef_) > tol )
             xr  = xmin + nint(xr/scale) * scale
          xr  = xmin + nint(xr/scale) * scale
       end if

    end if

   end subroutine ESMF_CFIODownBit2D_


! `ESMF_CFIOVarReadT3D_` -- Read a variable from an existing file
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarReadT3D_ ( cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, &
                                        kbeg, kount, timeString, cfio2, rc )
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg       !! first level to read
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount      !! number of levels to read
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut), OPTIONAL :: cfio2  !! second CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString !! string expression for date and time

      real, pointer :: field(:,:,:)             !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -19  unable to identify coordinate variable
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_PUT_VAR (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -48  error from NF90_INQUIRE
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE
                         !!  rc = -99  must specify date/curTime of timeString

    integer :: date_, curTime_

!     Resolve date/time
!     -----------------
      date_ = -1
      curTime_ = -1
      if ( present(date) )     date_     = date
      if ( present(curTime) )  curTime_  = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,date_,curTime_)
      if ( date_ < 0 .OR. curTime_ < 0 ) then
           if ( present(rc) ) rc = -99
      end if

      call ESMF_CFIOVarReadT3D__ ( cfio, vName, date_, curTime_, field, &
                                   kbeg, kount, cfio2=cfio2, rc=rc )

    end subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarReadT3D_

! `ESMF_CFIOVarReadT3D_`  -- Read a variable from an existing file
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarReadT3D__(cfio, vName, date, curTime, field, &
                                       kbeg, kount, rc, cfio2)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      integer, intent(in) :: date                 !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in) :: curTime              !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg       !! first level to read
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount      !! number of levels to read
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut), OPTIONAL :: cfio2  !! second CFIO obj

      real, pointer :: field(:,:,:)             !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -19  unable to identify coordinate variable
                         !!  rc = -20  unable to find variable
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_PUT_VAR (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -48  error from NF90_INQUIRE
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE

      integer rtcode
      integer begDate, begTime, incSecs, timeIndex1, timeIndex2
      integer secs, secs1, secs2, nymd1, nymd2, nhms1, nhms2
      integer i, j, k
      integer im, jm, km
      integer :: hour, min, sec
      logical ialloc,foundvar

      real    alpha, amiss
      real, pointer ::  field2(:,:,:) => null() ! workspace for interpolation

      rtcode = 0

!     find the right variable obj.
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) then
      end do
      if (.not.foundvar) then
      im = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im
      jm = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm
      km = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%km
      if (km .lt. 1) km = 1

      if ( .not. associated(field) ) then

!     Get beginning time & date.  Calculate offset seconds from start.
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------
      begDate = cfio%date
      begTime = cfio%begTime

      call CFIO_parseIntTime ( cfio%timeInc, hour, min, sec )
      incSecs = sec + 60 * ( min + 60 * hour )
      secs = DiffDate (begDate, begTime, date, curTime)

!     Determine brackting times
!     -------------------------
      if ( secs >= 0 ) then
         timeIndex1 = secs/incSecs + 1
         timeIndex1 = secs/incSecs
      end if
      timeIndex2 = timeIndex1 + 1
      secs1 = (timeIndex1-1) * incSecs
      secs2 = (timeIndex2-1) * incSecs
      call GetDate ( begDate, begTime, secs1, nymd1, nhms1, rtcode )
      call GetDate ( begDate, begTime, secs2, nymd2, nhms2, rtcode )

!     Read grids at first time with GetVar()
!     --------------------------------------
      call ESMF_CFIOVarRead(cfio, vName, field, date=nymd1, curtime=nhms1,  kbeg=kbeg, kount=kount, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 .and. present(cfio2) ) then
         call ESMF_CFIOVarRead(cfio2, vName, field, date=nymd1, curtime=nhms1, kbeg=kbeg, kount=kount, rc=rtcode)
      end if
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) goto 999

      if ( secs1 .eq. secs ) goto 999   ! no interpolation needed

!     Read grids at second time with GetVar()
!     ---------------------------------------
      call ESMF_CFIOVarRead(cfio, vName, field2, date=nymd2, curtime=nhms2, kbeg=kbeg, kount=kount, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) then
         if ( present(cfio2) )     &
            call ESMF_CFIOVarRead(cfio2, vName, field2, &
                                  date=nymd2, curtime=nhms2, kbeg=kbeg, kount=kount, rc=rtcode)
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) then
            if(ialloc) deallocate(field)
      end if

!     Get missing value
!     -----------------
      amiss = cfio%varObjs(1)%amiss

!     Do interpolation
!     ----------------
      alpha = real(secs - secs1)/real(secs2 - secs1)
      do k = 1, size(field,3)!km
         do j = 1, size(field,2)!jm
            do i = 1, size(field,1)!im
               if ( abs(field(i,j,k)-amiss) .gt. 0.001 .and.   &
                    abs(field2(i,j,k)-amiss) .gt. 0.001 ) then
                  field(i,j,k) = field(i,j,k)        &
                             + alpha * (field2(i,j,k) - field(i,j,k))
                  field(i,j,k) = amiss
               end if
            end do
         end do
      end do

      if ( associated(field2) ) deallocate(field2)
      if ( ialloc ) deallocate(field)
      rtcode = 0

!     All done
!     --------
999   continue
      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarReadT3D__

! `ESMF_CFIOVarReadT2D_`  -- Read a variable from an existing file
      subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarReadT2D_ ( cfio, vName, field, date, curTime, &
                                        kbeg, kount, timeString, cfio2, rc )
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: date       !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: curTime    !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg       !! first level to read
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount      !! number of levels to read
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut), OPTIONAL :: cfio2  !! second CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: timeString
                                  !! string expression for date and time

      real, pointer :: field(:,:)               !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -19  unable to identify coordinate variable
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_PUT_VAR (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -48  error from NF90_INQUIRE
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE
                         !!  rc = -99  must specify date/curTime of timeString

    integer :: date_, curTime_

!     Resolve date/time
!     -----------------
      date_ = -1
      curTime_ = -1
      if ( present(date) )     date_     = date
      if ( present(curTime) )  curTime_  = curTime
      if ( present(timeString) ) call strToInt(timeString,date_,curTime_)
      if ( date_ < 0 .OR. curTime_ < 0 ) then
           if ( present(rc) ) rc = -99
      end if

      call ESMF_CFIOVarReadT2D__ ( cfio, vName, date_, curTime_, field, &
                                   kbeg=kbeg, kount=kount, cfio2=cfio2, rc=rc )

    end subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarReadT2D_

! `ESMF_CFIOVarReadT2D_`  -- Read a variable from an existing file


      subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarReadT2D__(cfio, vName, date, curTime, field, &
                                       kbeg, kount, rc, cfio2)
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut) :: cfio      !! a CFIO obj
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: vName       !! variable name
      integer, intent(in) :: date                 !! yyyymmdd
      integer, intent(in) :: curTime              !! hhmmss
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kbeg       !! first level to read
      integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL :: kount      !! number of levels to read
      type(ESMF_CFIO), intent(inOut), OPTIONAL :: cfio2  !! second CFIO obj

      real, pointer :: field(:,:)             !! array contains data
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      !! Error return code:
                                                !! 0   all is well
                         !!  rc = -2  time is inconsistent with increment
                         !!  rc = -3  number of levels is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -4  im is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -5  jm is incompatible with file
                         !!  rc = -6  time must fall on a minute boundary
                         !!  rc = -7  error in diffdate
                         !!  rc = -12  error determining default precision
                         !!  rc = -13  error determining variable type
                         !!  rc = -19  unable to identify coordinate variable
                         !!  rc = -38  error from NF90_PUT_VAR (dimension variable)
                         !!  rc = -40  error from NF90_INQ_VARID
                         !!  rc = -41  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lat or lon)
                         !!  rc = -42  error from NF90_INQ_DIMID or NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (lev)
                         !!  rc = -43  error from NF90_INQ_VARID (time variable)
                         !!  rc = -44  error from NF90_GET_ATT (time attribute)
                         !!  rc = -46  error from NF90_GET_VAR
                         !!  rc = -48  error from NF90_INQUIRE
                         !!  rc = -52  error from NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE

      integer rtcode
      integer begDate, begTime, incSecs, timeIndex1, timeIndex2
      integer secs, secs1, secs2, nymd1, nymd2, nhms1, nhms2
      integer i, j
      integer im, jm, km
      integer :: hour, min, sec

      real    alpha, amiss
      real, pointer ::  field2(:,:) => null() ! workspace for interpolation

      rtcode = 0

!     find the right variable obj.
      do i = 1, cfio%mVars
         if ( trim(vName) .eq. trim(cfio%varObjs(i)%vName) ) exit
      end do
      im = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%im
      jm = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%jm
      km = cfio%varObjs(i)%grid%km
      if (km .lt. 1) km = 1

      if ( .not. associated(field) ) allocate(field(im,jm))

!     Get beginning time & date.  Calculate offset seconds from start.
!     ----------------------------------------------------------------
      begDate = cfio%date
      begTime = cfio%begTime

      call CFIO_parseIntTime ( cfio%timeInc, hour, min, sec )
      incSecs = sec + 60 * ( min + 60 * hour )
      secs = DiffDate (begDate, begTime, date, curTime)
                                                                                !     Determine brackting times
!     -------------------------
      if ( secs >= 0 ) then
         timeIndex1 = secs/incSecs + 1
         timeIndex1 = secs/incSecs
      end if
      timeIndex2 = timeIndex1 + 1
      secs1 = (timeIndex1-1) * incSecs
      secs2 = (timeIndex2-1) * incSecs
      call GetDate ( begDate, begTime, secs1, nymd1, nhms1, rtcode )
      call GetDate ( begDate, begTime, secs2, nymd2, nhms2, rtcode )

!     Read grids at first time with GetVar()
!     --------------------------------------
      call ESMF_CFIOVarRead(cfio, vName, field, date=nymd1, curtime=nhms1,  kbeg=kbeg, kount=kount, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 .and. present(cfio2) ) then
         call ESMF_CFIOVarRead(cfio2, vName, field, date=nymd1, curtime=nhms1,  kbeg=kbeg, kount=kount, rc=rtcode)
      end if
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) goto 999

      if ( secs1 .eq. secs ) goto 999   ! no interpolation needed


!     Read grids at second time with GetVar()
!     ---------------------------------------
      call ESMF_CFIOVarRead(cfio, vName, field2, date=nymd2, curtime=nhms2, kbeg=kbeg, kount=kount, rc=rtcode)
      if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) then
         if ( present(cfio2) )     &
            call ESMF_CFIOVarRead(cfio2, vName, field2, &
                                  date=nymd2, curtime=nhms2, kbeg=kbeg, kount=kount, rc=rtcode)
         if ( rtcode .ne. 0 ) return
      end if

!     Get missing value
!     -----------------
      amiss = cfio%varObjs(1)%amiss

!     Do interpolation
!     ----------------
      alpha = real(secs - secs1)/real(secs2 - secs1)
      do j = 1, jm
         do i = 1, im
            if ( abs(field(i,j)-amiss) .gt. 0.001 .and.   &
                 abs(field2(i,j)-amiss) .gt. 0.001 ) then
               field(i,j) = field(i,j) + alpha * (field2(i,j) - field(i,j))
               field(i,j) = amiss
            end if
         end do
      end do

      rtcode = 0

!     All done
!     --------
999   continue
      if ( associated(field2) ) deallocate(field2)
      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      end subroutine ESMF_CFIOVarReadT2D__
      end module ESMF_CFIOMod