!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) ! ! Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) ! ! MAPL Component ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! #define _DEALLOC(A) \ if(associated(A))then; \ if(MAPL_ShmInitialized)then; \ call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=STATUS); \ call MAPL_DeAllocNodeArray(A,rc=STATUS); \ else; \ deallocate(A,stat=STATUS); \ endif; \ _VERIFY(STATUS); \ NULLIFY(A); \ endif #include "MAPL_Generic.h" #include "unused_dummy.H" ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> !### MODULE: `MAPL_GenericCplCompMod` ! ! Author: GMAO SI-Team ! ! This is a generic coupler component used by a gridded component to instantiate ! the automatic couplers it needs. ! module MAPL_GenericCplCompMod ! !USES: use ESMF use ESMFL_Mod use MAPL_ShmemMod use MAPL_BaseMod use MAPL_Constants use MAPL_IOMod use MAPL_CommsMod use MAPL_ProfMod use MAPL_SunMod use MAPL_VarSpecMiscMod use MAPL_ExceptionHandling implicit none private ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public GenericCplSetServices public MAPL_CplCompSetVarSpecs public MAPL_CplCompSetAlarm !EOP type MAPL_CplCnt integer, pointer :: PTR1C(:) => null() integer, pointer :: PTR2C(:,:) => null() integer, pointer :: PTR3C(:,:,:) => null() integer, pointer :: PTR4C(:,:,:,:) => null() end type MAPL_CplCnt type MAPL_GenericCplState private ! These are done in set services type (ESMF_Config) :: CF logical :: ACTIVE type (ESMF_Alarm), pointer :: TIME2CPL_ALARM => null() character(LEN=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: NAME type (MAPL_VarSpec), pointer :: SRC_SPEC(:) => null() type (MAPL_VarSpec), pointer :: DST_SPEC(:) => null() ! These are done in init integer , pointer :: CLEAR_INTERVAL(:) integer , pointer :: COUPLE_INTERVAL(:) type (ESMF_Alarm), pointer :: TIME_TO_CLEAR(:) type (ESMF_Alarm), pointer :: TIME_TO_COUPLE(:) type (ESMF_LocalArray), pointer :: ACCUMULATORS(:) type(MAPL_CplCnt), pointer :: ARRAY_COUNT(:) => null() integer , pointer :: ACCUM_COUNT(:) integer , pointer :: ACCUM_RANK(:) integer , pointer :: couplerType(:) => null() end type MAPL_GenericCplState type MAPL_GenericCplWrap type (MAPL_GenericCplState), pointer :: INTERNAL_STATE end type MAPL_GenericCplWrap contains !============================================================================= !============================================================================= !============================================================================= !> ! `GenericCplSetServices` --- SetServices for generic couplers. ! subroutine GenericCplSetServices ( CC, RC ) ! !ARGUMENTS: type (ESMF_CplComp ) :: CC integer, intent( OUT) :: RC !EOPI ! ErrLog Variables character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: IAm character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: COMP_NAME integer :: STATUS ! Locals type (MAPL_GenericCplState), pointer :: STATE type (MAPL_GenericCplWrap ) :: CCWRAP ! Begin... ! Get this instance's name and set-up traceback handle. ! ----------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_CplCompGet( CC, name=COMP_NAME, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) Iam = trim(COMP_NAME) // "GenericCplSetServices" ! Allocate this instance of the internal state and put it in wrapper. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(STATE, STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) CCWRAP%INTERNAL_STATE => STATE ! Have ESMF save pointer to the wrapped internal state in the C.C. ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_CplCompSetInternalState(CC, CCWRAP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Register services for this component ! ------------------------------------ call ESMF_CplCompSetEntryPoint ( CC, ESMF_METHOD_INITIALIZE, Initialize, & rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CplCompSetEntryPoint ( CC, ESMF_METHOD_RUN, Run, & rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CplCompSetEntryPoint ( CC, ESMF_METHOD_FINALIZE, Finalize, & rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) !ALT: Add these 2 IO methods to facilitate transparent checkpointing ! to support monthly averages call ESMF_CplCompSetEntryPoint ( CC, ESMF_METHOD_READRESTART, ReadRestart, & rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CplCompSetEntryPoint ( CC, ESMF_METHOD_WRITERESTART, WriteRestart, & rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Put the inherited configuration in the internal state ! ----------------------------------------------------- !ALT not_used call ESMF_CplCompGet( CC, CONFIG=STATE%CF, RC=STATUS ) !ALT not_used _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine GenericCplSetServices subroutine MAPL_CplCompSetVarSpecs ( CC, SRC_SPEC, DST_SPEC, RC ) type (ESMF_CplComp ), intent(INOUT) :: CC type (MAPL_VarSpec ), target, intent(IN ) :: SRC_SPEC(:) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), target, intent(IN ) :: DST_SPEC(:) integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! ErrLog Variables character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: IAm character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: COMP_NAME integer :: STATUS ! Locals type (MAPL_GenericCplState), pointer :: STATE type (MAPL_GenericCplWrap ) :: WRAP character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: SRC_NAME character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: DST_NAME integer :: I ! Begin... ! Get this instance's name and set-up traceback handle. ! ----------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_CplCompGet( CC, name=COMP_NAME, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) Iam = trim(COMP_NAME) // "MAPL_CplCompSetVarSpecs" ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state. It comes in a wrapper. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ call ESMF_CplCompGetInternalState ( CC, WRAP, STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) STATE => WRAP%INTERNAL_STATE ! Make sure the specs match !-------------------------- _ASSERT(size(SRC_SPEC)==size(DST_SPEC),'needs informative message') do I=1,size(SRC_SPEC) call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SRC_SPEC(I),SHORT_NAME=SRC_NAME,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_VarSpecGet(DST_SPEC(I),SHORT_NAME=DST_NAME,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) !ALT _ASSERT(SRC_NAME==DST_NAME,'needs informative message') end do ! Put miscellaneous info in the internal state !--------------------------------------------- STATE%SRC_SPEC => SRC_SPEC STATE%DST_SPEC => DST_SPEC STATE%ACTIVE = .true. STATE%NAME = COMP_NAME _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CplCompSetVarSpecs !============================================================================= !> ! `Initialize` method for generic couplers. ! subroutine Initialize(CC, SRC, DST, CLOCK, RC) ! !ARGUMENTS: type (ESMF_CplComp) :: CC type (ESMF_State) :: SRC type (ESMF_State) :: DST type (ESMF_Clock) :: CLOCK integer, intent( OUT) :: RC !EOPI ! ErrLog Variables character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: IAm character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: COMP_NAME integer :: STATUS ! Locals character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: NAME type (MAPL_GenericCplState), pointer :: STATE type (MAPL_GenericCplWrap ) :: WRAP type (ESMF_TimeInterval ) :: TCPL type (ESMF_TimeInterval ) :: TCLR type (ESMF_TimeInterval ) :: TS type (ESMF_TimeInterval ) :: TOFF ! offset for alarms type (ESMF_Time ) :: TM0 type (ESMF_Time ) :: currTime ! current time of the clock type (ESMF_Time ) :: rTime type (ESMF_Calendar ) :: cal type (ESMF_Info ) :: infoh integer :: J, L1, LN integer :: NCPLS integer :: DIMS real, pointer :: PTR1 (: ) real, pointer :: PTR2 (:,: ) real, pointer :: PTR3 (:,:,:) real, pointer :: PTR4 (:,:,:,:) real, pointer :: PTR10(: ) real, pointer :: PTR20(:,: ) real, pointer :: PTR30(:,:,:) real, pointer :: PTR40(:,:,:,:) integer :: OFFSET integer, pointer :: ungrd(:) logical :: has_ungrd type(ESMF_Field) :: field integer :: cplfunc logical :: isPresent integer :: globalOffset integer :: specOffset logical :: clockYetToAdvance integer :: timeStep ! in seconds ! Begin... _UNUSED_DUMMY(SRC) _UNUSED_DUMMY(DST) _UNUSED_DUMMY(CLOCK) ! Get the target components name and set-up traceback handle. ! ----------------------------------------------------------- Iam = "MAPL_GenericCplCompInitialize" call ESMF_CplCompGet( CC, NAME=COMP_NAME, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) Iam = trim(COMP_NAME) // Iam ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state. It comes in a wrapper. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ call ESMF_CplCompGetInternalState ( CC, WRAP, STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) STATE => WRAP%INTERNAL_STATE ! The number of couplings for this pair !-------------------------------------- NCPLS = size(STATE%DST_SPEC) _ASSERT(NCPLS == size(STATE%SRC_SPEC),'needs informative message') ! Allocate arrays of ESMF arrays for accumulators !------------------------------------------------- allocate(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(NCPLS), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT (NCPLS), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) DO J = 1, NCPLS NULLIFY(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%ptr1c) NULLIFY(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%ptr2c) NULLIFY(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%ptr3c) NULLIFY(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%ptr4c) END DO allocate(STATE%ACCUM_RANK (NCPLS), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(STATE%couplerType(NCPLS), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Allocate internal state objects ! ------------------------------- allocate (STATE%CLEAR_INTERVAL (NCPLS), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (STATE%COUPLE_INTERVAL(NCPLS), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (STATE%TIME_TO_CLEAR (NCPLS), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (STATE%TIME_TO_COUPLE (NCPLS), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(STATE%ACCUM_COUNT (NCPLS), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Get clock info !--------------- call ESMF_ClockGet(CLOCK, calendar=cal, currTime=currTime, timeStep=TS, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) TM0 = currTime call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(CC,infoh,_RC) isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'ClockYetToAdvance',_RC) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key='ClockYetToAdvance',value=clockYetToAdvance,_RC) else clockYetToAdvance = .false. endif globalOffset = 0 if (clockYetToAdvance) then call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(TS, S=timeStep, _RC) globalOffset = -timeStep end if ! Initialize the counters to 0. This may do some unnecessary ! accumulations immediately after initialize !----------------------------------------------------------- STATE%ACCUM_COUNT = 0 DO J = 1, NCPLS ! Get info from the DST spec !--------------------------- call MAPL_VarSpecGet(STATE%DST_SPEC(J), & ACCMLT_INTERVAL = STATE%CLEAR_INTERVAL(J), & COUPLE_INTERVAL = STATE%COUPLE_INTERVAL(J), & OFFSET = specOffset, & SHORT_NAME = NAME, & RC = STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Initalize COUPLE ALARM from destination properties !--------------------------------------------------- OFFSET = specOffset + globalOffset call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(TCPL, S=STATE%COUPLE_INTERVAL(J), & calendar=cal, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(TOFF, S=OFFSET, & calendar=cal, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) rTime = TM0 + TOFF do while (rTime < currTime) rTime = rTime + TCPL end do if (associated(STATE%TIME2CPL_ALARM)) then STATE%TIME_TO_COUPLE(J) = STATE%TIME2CPL_ALARM STATE%TIME_TO_CLEAR(J) = STATE%TIME2CPL_ALARM else STATE%TIME_TO_COUPLE(J) = ESMF_AlarmCreate(NAME='TIME2COUPLE_' // trim(COMP_NAME) & // '_' // trim(NAME), & clock = CLOCK, & ringInterval = TCPL, & ringTime = rTime, & sticky = .false., & rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(rTime == currTime) then call ESMF_AlarmRingerOn(STATE%TIME_TO_COUPLE(J), rc=status); _VERIFY(STATUS) end if ! initalize CLEAR ALARM from destination properties !-------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(TCLR, S=STATE%CLEAR_INTERVAL(J), & calendar=cal, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (TCLR < TS) TCLR = TS !rTime = TM0 + TOFF - TCLR rTime = TM0 + TOFF !do while (rTime < currTime) !rTime = rTime + TCPL !end do STATE%TIME_TO_CLEAR(J) = ESMF_AlarmCreate(NAME='TIME2CLEAR_' // trim(COMP_NAME) & // '_' // trim(NAME), & clock = CLOCK, & ringInterval = TCLR, & ringTime = rTime, & sticky = .false., & rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(rTime == currTime) then call ESMF_AlarmRingerOn(STATE%TIME_TO_CLEAR(J), rc=status); _VERIFY(STATUS) end if end if ! Get info from the SRC spec !--------------------------- call MAPL_VarSpecGet(STATE%SRC_SPEC(J), & DIMS = DIMS, & SHORT_NAME = NAME, & UNGRIDDED_DIMS=UNGRD, & RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! We currently make these d1mension assumptions !---------------------------------------------- if(DIMS==MAPL_DIMSHORZVERT) then DIMS=3 elseif(DIMS==MAPL_DIMSHORZONLY .or. DIMS==MAPL_DIMSTILETILE) then DIMS=2 elseif(DIMS==MAPL_DIMSVERTONLY .or. DIMS==MAPL_DIMSTILEONLY) then DIMS=1 else _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end if has_ungrd = associated(UNGRD) if (has_ungrd) then DIMS = DIMS + size(UNGRD) end if _ASSERT(DIMS < 5,'needs informative message') ! ALT: due to laziness we are supporting only 4 dims STATE%ACCUM_RANK(J) = DIMS call ESMF_StateGet(src, NAME, field, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(field,infoh,RC=STATUS) isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'CPLFUNC',RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'CPLFUNC',cplfunc,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else cplfunc = MAPL_CplAverage end if state%couplerType(J) = cplfunc ! Create Accumulators for 3 dimensions !------------------------------------- select case(DIMS) case(4) ! Get SRC pointer, making sure it is allocated. call MAPL_GetPointer(SRC, PTR4, NAME, ALLOC=.TRUE., RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Allocate space for accumulator L1 = LBOUND(PTR4,3) LN = UBOUND(PTR4,3) allocate(PTR40(size(PTR4,1),size(PTR4,2),L1:LN,size(PTR4,4)), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAverage .and. STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then PTR40 = MAPL_UNDEF else ! Set accumulator values to zero PTR40 = 0.0 endif ! Put pointer in accumulator STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J)=ESMF_LocalArrayCreate( PTR40, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) case(3) ! Get SRC pointer, making sure it is allocated. call MAPL_GetPointer(SRC, PTR3, NAME, ALLOC=.TRUE., RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Allocate space for accumulator L1 = LBOUND(PTR3,3) LN = UBOUND(PTR3,3) allocate(PTR30(size(PTR3,1),size(PTR3,2),L1:LN), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAverage .and. STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then PTR30 = MAPL_UNDEF else ! Set accumulator values to zero PTR30 = 0.0 endif ! Put pointer in accumulator STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J)=ESMF_LocalArrayCreate( PTR30, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) case(2) call MAPL_GetPointer(SRC, PTR2, NAME, ALLOC=.TRUE., RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(PTR20(size(PTR2,1),size(PTR2,2)), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAverage .and. STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then PTR20 = MAPL_UNDEF else PTR20 = 0.0 end if STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J)=ESMF_LocalArrayCreate( PTR20, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) case(1) call MAPL_GetPointer(SRC, PTR1, NAME, ALLOC=.TRUE., RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(PTR10(size(PTR1)), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAverage .and. STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then PTR10 = MAPL_UNDEF else PTR10 = 0.0 end if STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J)=ESMF_LocalArrayCreate( PTR10, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) case default _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end select end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine Initialize !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> ! `Run` method for the generic coupler. ! subroutine Run(CC, SRC, DST, CLOCK, RC) ! !ARGUMENTS: type (ESMF_CplComp) :: CC type (ESMF_State) :: SRC type (ESMF_State) :: DST type (ESMF_Clock) :: CLOCK integer, intent( OUT) :: RC !EOPI ! ErrLog Variables character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: IAm character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: COMP_NAME integer :: STATUS ! Locals type (MAPL_GenericCplState), pointer :: STATE type (MAPL_GenericCplWrap ) :: WRAP ! Begin... _UNUSED_DUMMY(CLOCK) ! Get the target components name and set-up traceback handle. ! ----------------------------------------------------------- Iam = "MAPL_GenericCplCompRun" call ESMF_CplCompGet( CC, NAME=COMP_NAME, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) Iam = trim(COMP_NAME) // Iam ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state. It comes in a wrapper. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ call ESMF_CplCompGetInternalState ( CC, WRAP, STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) STATE => WRAP%INTERNAL_STATE ! If the state is inactive, src and dst are the same ! -------------------------------------------------- if(STATE%ACTIVE) then ! Make sure SRC and DST descriptors exist !---------------------------------------- _ASSERT(associated(STATE%SRC_SPEC),'needs informative message') _ASSERT(associated(STATE%DST_SPEC),'needs informative message') ! Update accumulators on SRC grid. !--------------------------------- call ACCUMULATE(SRC, STATE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Periodically transfer accumulators to DST arrays !------------------------------------------------- call COUPLE (DST, STATE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Zero accumulators when next averaging interval starts !------------------------------------------------------ call ZERO_CLEAR_COUNT(STATE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) contains subroutine ACCUMULATE(SRC, STATE, RC) type (ESMF_State) :: SRC type (MAPL_GenericCplState) :: STATE integer, optional :: RC ! local vars integer :: J integer :: I1, I2, I3, I4 integer :: couplerType character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: NAME integer :: DIMS real, pointer :: PTR1 (:) real, pointer :: PTR2 (:,:) real, pointer :: PTR3 (:,:,:) real, pointer :: PTR4 (:,:,:,:) real, pointer :: PTR10(:) real, pointer :: PTR20(:,:) real, pointer :: PTR30(:,:,:) real, pointer :: PTR40(:,:,:,:) integer, pointer :: PTR1c(:) => NULL() integer, pointer :: PTR2c(:,:) => NULL() integer, pointer :: PTR3c(:,:,:) => NULL() integer, pointer :: PTR4c(:,:,:,:) => NULL() character(*), parameter :: IAm="ACCUMULATE" integer :: STATUS do J = 1, size(STATE%SRC_SPEC) couplerType = state%couplerType(J) ! Accumulate only if we are in the couplings averaging interval !-------------------------------------------------------------- if(STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) < 0) cycle ! Get info from the SRC spec !--------------------------- call MAPL_VarSpecGet(STATE%SRC_SPEC(J), SHORT_NAME=NAME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) DIMS = STATE%ACCUM_RANK(J) ! Process the 3 dimensions !------------------------- select case(DIMS) case(4) call MAPL_GetPointer (SRC, PTR4, NAME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J),farrayPtr=PTR40,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR4c => STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR4C if(.not.associated(PTR4C)) then if( any( PTR4==MAPL_UNDEF ) ) then allocate(PTR4C(size(PTR4,1), size(PTR4,2), size(PTR4,3), size(PTR4,4)),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR4C = STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) ! put it back into array STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR4C => PTR4c _VERIFY(STATUS) end if end if if (couplerType == MAPL_CplAverage .or. couplerType == MAPL_CplAccumulate) then if(associated(PTR3C)) then where (PTR4 /= MAPL_Undef) PTR40 = PTR40 + PTR4 PTR4c = PTR4c + 1 end where else PTR40 = PTR40 + PTR4 end if else DO I1=1,size(PTR4,1) DO I2=1,size(PTR4,2) DO I3=1,size(PTR4,3) DO I4=1,size(PTR4,4) if (PTR40(I1,I2,I3,I4)== MAPL_Undef) then PTR40(I1,I2,I3,I4) = PTR4(I1,I2,I3,I4) else if (couplerType == MAPL_CplMax) then PTR40(I1,I2,I3,I4) = max(PTR40(I1,I2,I3,I4),PTR4(I1,I2,I3,I4)) else if (couplerType == MAPL_CplMin) then PTR40(I1,I2,I3,I4) = min(PTR40(I1,I2,I3,I4),PTR4(I1,I2,I3,I4)) end if end if end DO end DO end DO end DO end if case(3) call MAPL_GetPointer (SRC, PTR3, NAME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J),farrayPtr=PTR30,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR3c => STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR3C if(.not.associated(PTR3C)) then if( any( PTR3==MAPL_UNDEF ) ) then allocate(PTR3C(size(PTR3,1), size(PTR3,2), size(PTR3,3)),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR3C = STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) ! put it back into array STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR3C => PTR3c _VERIFY(STATUS) end if end if if (couplerType == MAPL_CplAverage .or. couplerType == MAPL_CplAccumulate) then if(associated(PTR3C)) then where (PTR3 /= MAPL_Undef) PTR30 = PTR30 + PTR3 PTR3c = PTR3c + 1 end where else PTR30 = PTR30 + PTR3 end if else DO I1=1,size(PTR3,1) DO I2=1,size(PTR3,2) DO I3=1,size(PTR3,3) if (PTR30(I1,I2,I3)== MAPL_Undef) then PTR30(I1,I2,I3) = PTR3(I1,I2,I3) else if (couplerType == MAPL_CplMax) then PTR30(I1,I2,I3) = max(PTR30(I1,I2,I3),PTR3(I1,I2,I3)) else if (couplerType == MAPL_CplMin) then PTR30(I1,I2,I3) = min(PTR30(I1,I2,I3),PTR3(I1,I2,I3)) end if end if end DO end DO end DO end if case(2) call MAPL_GetPointer (SRC, PTR2, NAME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J),farrayPtr=PTR20,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR2c => STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR2C if(.not.associated(PTR2C)) then if( any( PTR2==MAPL_UNDEF ) ) then allocate(PTR2C(size(PTR2,1), size(PTR2,2)), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR2C = STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) ! put it back into array STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR2C => PTR2c _VERIFY(STATUS) end if end if if (couplerType == MAPL_CplAverage .or. couplerType == MAPL_CplAccumulate) then if(associated(PTR2C)) then where (PTR2 /= MAPL_Undef) PTR20 = PTR20 + PTR2 PTR2c = PTR2c + 1 end where else PTR20 = PTR20 + PTR2 end if else DO I1=1,size(PTR2,1) DO I2=1,size(PTR2,2) if (PTR20(I1,I2)== MAPL_Undef) then PTR20(I1,I2) = PTR2(I1,I2) else if (couplerType == MAPL_CplMax) then PTR20(I1,I2) = max(PTR20(I1,I2),PTR2(I1,I2)) else if (couplerType == MAPL_CplMin) then PTR20(I1,I2) = min(PTR20(I1,I2),PTR2(I1,I2)) end if end if end DO end DO endif case(1) call MAPL_GetPointer (SRC, PTR1, NAME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J),farrayPtr=PTR10,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR1c => STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR1C if(.not.associated(PTR1C)) then if( any( PTR1==MAPL_UNDEF ) ) then allocate(PTR1C(size(PTR1,1)), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR1C = STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) ! put it back into array STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR1C => PTR1c _VERIFY(STATUS) end if end if if (couplerType == MAPL_CplAverage .or. couplerType == MAPL_CplAccumulate) then if(associated(PTR1C)) then where (PTR1 /= MAPL_Undef) PTR10 = PTR10 + PTR1 PTR1c = PTR1c + 1 end where else PTR10 = PTR10 + PTR1 end if else DO I1=1,size(PTR1,1) if (PTR10(I1)== MAPL_Undef) then PTR10(I1) = PTR1(I1) else if (couplerType == MAPL_CplMax) then PTR10(I1) = max(PTR10(I1),PTR1(I1)) else if (couplerType == MAPL_CplMin) then PTR10(I1) = min(PTR10(I1),PTR1(I1)) end if end if end DO endif case default _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end select if(couplerType == MAPL_CplMax .or. couplerType == MAPL_CplMin) then STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) = 1 else STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) = STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) + 1 endif end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine ACCUMULATE subroutine ZERO_CLEAR_COUNT(STATE, RC) type (MAPL_GenericCplState) :: STATE integer, optional :: RC ! local vars integer :: J integer :: DIMS logical :: RINGING real, pointer :: PTR10(:) real, pointer :: PTR20(:,:) real, pointer :: PTR30(:,:,:) real, pointer :: PTR40(:,:,:,:) character(*), parameter :: IAm="ZERO_CLEAR_COUNT" integer :: STATUS do J = 1, size(STATE%SRC_SPEC) RINGING = ESMF_AlarmIsRinging(STATE%TIME_TO_CLEAR(J), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (RINGING) then if(.not.associated(STATE%TIME2CPL_ALARM)) then call ESMF_AlarmRingerOff(STATE%TIME_TO_CLEAR(J), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if DIMS = STATE%ACCUM_RANK(J) ! Process the 4 dimension possibilities !-------------------------------------- select case(DIMS) case(4) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J),farrayPtr=PTR40,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAverage .and. STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then PTR40 = MAPL_UNDEF else PTR40 = 0.0 endif if (associated(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR4C)) STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR4C = 0 case(3) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J),farrayPtr=PTR30,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAverage .and. STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then PTR30 = MAPL_UNDEF else PTR30 = 0.0 endif if (associated(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR3C)) STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR3C = 0 case(2) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J),farrayPtr=PTR20,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAverage .and. STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then PTR20 = MAPL_UNDEF else PTR20 = 0.0 endif if (associated(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR2C)) STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR2C = 0 case(1) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J),farrayPtr=PTR10,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAverage .and. STATE%couplerType(J) /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then PTR10 = MAPL_UNDEF else PTR10 = 0.0 endif if (associated(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR1C)) STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR1C = 0 case default _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end select STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) = 0 if (associated(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR1C)) then deallocate(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR1C) nullify(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR1C) end if if (associated(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR2C)) then deallocate(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR2C) nullify(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR2C) end if if (associated(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR3C)) then deallocate(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR3C) nullify(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR3C) end if if (associated(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR4C)) then deallocate(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR4C) nullify(STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR4C) end if end if end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine ZERO_CLEAR_COUNT subroutine COUPLE(SRC, STATE, RC) type (ESMF_State) :: SRC type (MAPL_GenericCplState) :: STATE integer, optional :: RC ! local vars integer :: J character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: NAME integer :: DIMS real, pointer :: PTR1 (:) real, pointer :: PTR2 (:,:) real, pointer :: PTR3 (:,:,:) real, pointer :: PTR4 (:,:,:,:) real, pointer :: PTR10(:) real, pointer :: PTR20(:,:) real, pointer :: PTR30(:,:,:) real, pointer :: PTR40(:,:,:,:) integer, pointer :: PTR1c(:) integer, pointer :: PTR2c(:,:) integer, pointer :: PTR3c(:,:,:) integer, pointer :: PTR4c(:,:,:,:) logical :: RINGING integer :: couplerType character(*), parameter :: IAm="COUPLE" integer :: STATUS do J = 1, size(STATE%SRC_SPEC) couplerType = state%couplerType(J) RINGING = ESMF_AlarmIsRinging(STATE%TIME_TO_COUPLE(J), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (RINGING) then if(.not.associated(STATE%TIME2CPL_ALARM)) then call ESMF_AlarmRingerOff(STATE%TIME_TO_COUPLE(J), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call MAPL_VarSpecGet(STATE%DST_SPEC(J), SHORT_NAME=NAME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) DIMS = STATE%ACCUM_RANK(J) ! Process the four dimension possibilities !------------------------------------------ select case(DIMS) case(4) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J),farrayPtr=PTR40,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_GetPointer (DST, PTR4, NAME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR4c => STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR4C if(associated(PTR4C)) then if (couplerType /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then where (PTR4C /= 0) PTR40 = PTR40 / PTR4C elsewhere PTR40 = MAPL_Undef end where else where (PTR4C /= 0) PTR40 = PTR40 elsewhere PTR40 = MAPL_Undef end where end if elseif(STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J)>0) then if (couplerType /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then PTR40 = PTR40 / STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) else PTR40 = PTR40 end if else PTR40 = MAPL_Undef end if ! Regrid stubbed PTR4 = PTR40 case(3) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J),farrayPtr=PTR30,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_GetPointer (DST, PTR3, NAME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR3c => STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR3C if(associated(PTR3C)) then if (couplerType /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then where (PTR3C /= 0) PTR30 = PTR30 / PTR3C elsewhere PTR30 = MAPL_Undef end where else where (PTR3C /= 0) PTR30 = PTR30 elsewhere PTR30 = MAPL_Undef end where end if elseif(STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J)>0) then if (couplerType /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then PTR30 = PTR30 / STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) else PTR30 = PTR30 end if else PTR30 = MAPL_Undef end if ! Regrid stubbed PTR3 = PTR30 case(2) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J),farrayPtr=PTR20,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_GetPointer (DST, PTR2, NAME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR2c => STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR2C if(associated(PTR2C)) then if (couplerType /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then where (PTR2C /= 0) PTR20 = PTR20 / PTR2C elsewhere PTR20 = MAPL_Undef end where else where (PTR2C /= 0) PTR20 = PTR20 elsewhere PTR20 = MAPL_Undef end where end if elseif(STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J)>0) then if (couplerType /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then PTR20 = PTR20 / STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) else PTR20 = PTR20 end if else PTR20 = MAPL_Undef end if ! Regrid stubbed PTR2 = PTR20 case(1) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(J),farrayPtr=PTR10,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_GetPointer (DST, PTR1, NAME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR1c => STATE%ARRAY_COUNT(J)%PTR1C if(associated(PTR1C)) then if (couplerType /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then where (PTR1C /= 0) PTR10 = PTR10 / PTR1C elsewhere PTR10 = MAPL_Undef end where else where (PTR1C /= 0) PTR10 = PTR10 elsewhere PTR10 = MAPL_Undef end where end if elseif(STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J)>0) then if (couplerType /= MAPL_CplAccumulate) then PTR10 = PTR10 / STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) else PTR10 = PTR10 end if else PTR10 = MAPL_Undef end if ! Regrid stubbed PTR1 = PTR10 case default _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end select !STATE%ACCUM_COUNT(J) = -1 end if end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine COUPLE end subroutine Run !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> ! `Finalize` method for the generic coupler. ! subroutine Finalize(CC, SRC, DST, CLOCK, RC) ! !ARGUMENTS: type (ESMF_CplComp) :: CC type (ESMF_State) :: SRC type (ESMF_State) :: DST type (ESMF_Clock) :: CLOCK integer, intent( OUT) :: RC !EOPI ! ErrLog Variables character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: IAm character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: COMP_NAME integer :: STATUS ! Locals type (MAPL_GenericCplState), pointer :: STATE type (MAPL_GenericCplWrap ) :: WRAP ! Begin... _UNUSED_DUMMY(SRC) _UNUSED_DUMMY(DST) _UNUSED_DUMMY(CLOCK) ! Get the target components name and set-up traceback handle. ! ----------------------------------------------------------- IAm = "MAPL_GenericCplCompFinalize" call ESMF_CplCompGet( CC, NAME=COMP_NAME, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) Iam = trim(COMP_NAME) // Iam ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state. It comes in a wrapper. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ call ESMF_CplCompGetInternalState ( CC, WRAP, STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) STATE => WRAP%INTERNAL_STATE call write_parallel('STUBBED in CPL finalize') _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine Finalize subroutine ReadRestart(CC, SRC, DST, CLOCK, RC) ! !ARGUMENTS: type (ESMF_CplComp) :: CC type (ESMF_State) :: SRC type (ESMF_State) :: DST type (ESMF_Clock) :: CLOCK integer, intent( OUT) :: RC !EOPI ! ErrLog Variables character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: IAm character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: COMP_NAME integer :: STATUS ! Locals type (MAPL_GenericCplState), pointer :: STATE type (MAPL_GenericCplWrap ) :: WRAP type(ESMF_VM) :: VM type(ESMF_Grid) :: grid type(ESMF_Field) :: field type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: name character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: filename logical :: file_exists logical :: am_i_root integer :: unit integer :: n_vars integer :: n_count integer :: n_undefs integer :: rank integer :: i integer :: dims integer, pointer :: mask(:) => null() real, allocatable :: buf1(:), buf2(:,:), buf3(:,:,:) real, pointer :: ptr1(:), ptr2(:,:), ptr3(:,:,:) ! Begin... ! Get the target components name and set-up traceback handle. ! ----------------------------------------------------------- _UNUSED_DUMMY(dst) _UNUSED_DUMMY(clock) IAm = "MAPL_GenericCplComReadRestart" call ESMF_CplCompGet( CC, NAME=COMP_NAME, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) Iam = trim(COMP_NAME) // Iam ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state. It comes in a wrapper. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ call ESMF_CplCompGetInternalState ( CC, WRAP, STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) STATE => WRAP%INTERNAL_STATE !ALT remove this line when done call write_parallel('STUBBED in CPL ReadRestart') !ALT: Uncomment when done !strategy !root tries to open the restart (or inquire) !if the file is there ! read the restart: !================== ! call ESMF_CplCompGet(CC, vm=vm, name=name, rc=status) ! _VERIFY(STATUS) ! filename = trim(name) // '_rst' ! following Andrea's suggestion call ESMF_CplCompGet(CC, vm=vm, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) filename = trim(state%name) // '_rst' ! following Andrea's suggestion am_i_root = MAPL_AM_I_ROOT(vm) if (am_i_root) then ! check if file exists inquire(file=filename, exist=file_exists) end if call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, file_exists, n=1, ROOT=MAPL_Root, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) if (file_exists) then !ALT: ideally, we should check the monthly alarm: read only when not ringing. ! read metadata: grid info, number of vars unit=0 ! just to initialize if (am_i_root) then UNIT = GETFILE(filename, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) read(unit) n_vars _ASSERT(size(state%src_spec) == n_vars, "Number of variables on the restart does not agree with spec") end if ! for each var n_vars = size(state%src_spec) do i = 1, n_vars ! varname we can get from query SHORT_NAME in state%src_spec(i) call MAPL_VarSpecGet(state%src_spec(i), SHORT_NAME=name, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call ESMF_StateGet(SRC, name, field=field, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, grid=grid, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) rank = state%accum_rank(i) call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(field,infoh,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'DIMS',DIMS,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) mask => null() if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .or. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then call MAPL_TileMaskGet(grid, mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if ! ALT note: calling a procedure with optional argument, and passing NULL pointer to indicate "absent", needs ifort16 or newer if (am_i_root) then read(unit) n_count end if call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, n_count, n=1, ROOT=MAPL_Root, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) state%accum_count(i) = n_count if (am_i_root) then read(unit) n_undefs end if call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, n_undefs, n=1, ROOT=MAPL_Root, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) select case(rank) case (3) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(i), & farrayPtr=ptr3, RC=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, ptr3, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (n_undefs /=0) then allocate(buf3(size(ptr3,1),size(ptr3,2),size(ptr3,3)), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, buf3, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (.not. associated(state%array_count(i)%ptr3c)) then allocate(state%array_count(i)%ptr3c(size(ptr3,1),size(ptr3,2),size(ptr3,3)), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if state%array_count(i)%ptr3c = buf3 deallocate(buf3) end if case (2) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(i), & farrayPtr=ptr2, RC=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, ptr2, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (n_undefs /=0) then allocate(buf2(size(ptr2,1),size(ptr2,2)), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, buf2, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (.not. associated(state%array_count(i)%ptr2c)) then allocate(state%array_count(i)%ptr2c(size(ptr2,1),size(ptr2,2)), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if state%array_count(i)%ptr2c = buf2 deallocate(buf2) end if case (1) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(i), & farrayPtr=ptr1, RC=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, ptr1, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (n_undefs /=0) then allocate(buf1(size(ptr1,1)), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, buf1, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (.not. associated(state%array_count(i)%ptr1c)) then allocate(state%array_count(i)%ptr1c(size(ptr1,1)), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if state%array_count(i)%ptr1c = buf1 deallocate(buf1) end if case default _FAIL( "Unsupported rank") end select _DEALLOC(mask) end do if (am_i_root) call Free_File(unit = UNIT, rc=STATUS) else RC = ESMF_RC_FILE_READ return end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine ReadRestart subroutine WriteRestart(CC, SRC, DST, CLOCK, RC) ! !ARGUMENTS: type (ESMF_CplComp) :: CC type (ESMF_State) :: SRC type (ESMF_State) :: DST type (ESMF_Clock) :: CLOCK integer, intent( OUT) :: RC !EOPI ! ErrLog Variables character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: IAm character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: COMP_NAME integer :: STATUS ! Locals type (MAPL_GenericCplState), pointer :: STATE type (MAPL_GenericCplWrap ) :: WRAP type(ESMF_VM) :: VM type(ESMF_Grid) :: grid type(ESMF_Field) :: field type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: name character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: filename logical :: am_i_root logical :: local_undefs integer :: unit integer :: n_vars integer :: n_count integer :: n_undefs integer :: rank integer :: i integer :: dims integer :: have_undefs integer, pointer :: mask(:) => null() real, allocatable :: buf1(:), buf2(:,:), buf3(:,:,:) real, pointer :: ptr1(:), ptr2(:,:), ptr3(:,:,:) ! Begin... ! Get the target components name and set-up traceback handle. ! ----------------------------------------------------------- _UNUSED_DUMMY(dst) _UNUSED_DUMMY(clock) IAm = "MAPL_GenericCplComWriteRestart" call ESMF_CplCompGet( CC, NAME=COMP_NAME, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) Iam = trim(COMP_NAME) // Iam ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state. It comes in a wrapper. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ call ESMF_CplCompGetInternalState ( CC, WRAP, STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) STATE => WRAP%INTERNAL_STATE call ESMF_CplCompGet(CC, vm=vm, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) filename = trim(comp_name) // '_checkpoint' ! following Andrea's and Larry's suggestions am_i_root = MAPL_AM_I_ROOT(vm) unit=0 ! just to initialize n_vars = size(state%src_spec) if (am_i_root) then UNIT = GETFILE(filename, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) write(unit) n_vars end if ! for each var do i = 1, n_vars ! varname we can get from query SHORT_NAME in state%src_spec(i) call MAPL_VarSpecGet(state%src_spec(i), SHORT_NAME=name, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call ESMF_StateGet(SRC, name, field=field, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call ESMF_FieldGet(field, grid=grid, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) rank = state%accum_rank(i) call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(field,infoh,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'DIMS',DIMS,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) mask => null() if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .or. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then call MAPL_TileMaskGet(grid, mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if !we need to get the MAX n_count call MAPL_CommsAllReduceMax(vm, sendbuf=state%accum_count(i), & recvbuf=n_count, cnt=1, RC=status) _VERIFY(status) if (am_i_root) then write(unit) n_count end if select case (rank) case(1) local_undefs = associated(state%array_count(i)%ptr1c) case(2) local_undefs = associated(state%array_count(i)%ptr2c) case(3) local_undefs = associated(state%array_count(i)%ptr3c) case default _FAIL( "Unsupported rank") end select have_undefs = 0 n_undefs = 0 if (local_undefs) have_undefs = 1 call MAPL_CommsAllReduceMax(vm, sendbuf=have_undefs, & recvbuf=n_undefs, cnt=1, RC=status) _VERIFY(status) if (am_i_root) then write(unit) n_undefs end if select case(rank) case (3) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(i), & farrayPtr=ptr3, RC=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, ptr3, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (n_undefs /=0) then allocate(buf3(size(ptr3,1),size(ptr3,2),size(ptr3,3)), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(state%array_count(i)%ptr3c)) then buf3 = state%array_count(i)%ptr3c else buf3 = state%accum_count(i) end if call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, buf3, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(buf3) end if case (2) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(i), & farrayPtr=ptr2, RC=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, ptr2, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (n_undefs /=0) then allocate(buf2(size(ptr2,1),size(ptr2,2)), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(state%array_count(i)%ptr2c)) then buf2 = state%array_count(i)%ptr2c else buf2 = state%accum_count(i) end if call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, buf2, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(buf2) end if case (1) call ESMF_LocalArrayGet(STATE%ACCUMULATORS(i), & farrayPtr=ptr1, RC=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, ptr1, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (n_undefs /=0) then allocate(buf1(size(ptr1,1)), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(state%array_count(i)%ptr1c)) then buf1 = state%array_count(i)%ptr1c else buf1 = state%accum_count(i) end if call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, buf1, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(buf1) end if case default _FAIL(" Unsupported rank") end select _DEALLOC(mask) end do if(am_i_root) call Free_File(unit = UNIT, rc=STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine WriteRestart subroutine MAPL_CplCompSetAlarm ( CC, ALARM, RC ) type (ESMF_CplComp ), intent(INOUT) :: CC type (ESMF_Alarm), target, intent(IN ) :: ALARM integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! ErrLog Variables character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: IAm character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: COMP_NAME integer :: STATUS ! Locals type (MAPL_GenericCplState), pointer :: STATE type (MAPL_GenericCplWrap ) :: WRAP ! Begin... ! Get this instance's name and set-up traceback handle. ! ----------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_CplCompGet( CC, name=COMP_NAME, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) Iam = trim(COMP_NAME) // "MAPL_CplCompSetAlarm" ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state. It comes in a wrapper. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ call ESMF_CplCompGetInternalState ( CC, WRAP, STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) STATE => WRAP%INTERNAL_STATE if (.not.associated(STATE%TIME2CPL_ALARM)) then STATE%TIME2CPL_ALARM => ALARM else _FAIL( "Alarm is already associated! Cannot set it again!") end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CplCompSetAlarm end module MAPL_GenericCplCompMod