MAPL_Generic.F90 Source File

This file depends on


Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~mapl_generic.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~mapl_generic.f90 MAPL_Generic.F90 sourcefile~comp_testing_driver.f90 Comp_Testing_Driver.F90 sourcefile~comp_testing_driver.f90->sourcefile~mapl_generic.f90 sourcefile~mapl.f90 MAPL.F90 sourcefile~comp_testing_driver.f90->sourcefile~mapl.f90 sourcefile~mapl_capgridcomp.f90 MAPL_CapGridComp.F90 sourcefile~comp_testing_driver.f90->sourcefile~mapl_capgridcomp.f90 sourcefile~extdatagridcompmod.f90 ExtDataGridCompMod.F90 sourcefile~extdatagridcompmod.f90->sourcefile~mapl_generic.f90 sourcefile~extdatagridcompng.f90 ExtDataGridCompNG.F90 sourcefile~extdatagridcompng.f90->sourcefile~mapl_generic.f90 sourcefile~mapl.f90->sourcefile~mapl_generic.f90 sourcefile~mapl_gridcomps.f90 MAPL_GridComps.F90 sourcefile~mapl.f90->sourcefile~mapl_gridcomps.f90 sourcefile~mapl_capgridcomp.f90->sourcefile~mapl_generic.f90 sourcefile~mapl_capgridcomp.f90->sourcefile~extdatagridcompmod.f90 sourcefile~mapl_capgridcomp.f90->sourcefile~extdatagridcompng.f90 sourcefile~mapl_historygridcomp.f90 MAPL_HistoryGridComp.F90 sourcefile~mapl_capgridcomp.f90->sourcefile~mapl_historygridcomp.f90 sourcefile~mapl_geosatmaskmod.f90 MAPL_GeosatMaskMod.F90 sourcefile~mapl_geosatmaskmod.f90->sourcefile~mapl_generic.f90 sourcefile~mapl_historycollection.f90 MAPL_HistoryCollection.F90 sourcefile~mapl_historycollection.f90->sourcefile~mapl_generic.f90 sourcefile~mapl_historycollection.f90->sourcefile~mapl_geosatmaskmod.f90 sourcefile~mapl_stationsamplermod.f90 MAPL_StationSamplerMod.F90 sourcefile~mapl_historycollection.f90->sourcefile~mapl_stationsamplermod.f90 sourcefile~mapl_trajectorymod.f90 MAPL_TrajectoryMod.F90 sourcefile~mapl_historycollection.f90->sourcefile~mapl_trajectorymod.f90 sourcefile~mapl_historygridcomp.f90->sourcefile~mapl_generic.f90 sourcefile~mapl_historygridcomp.f90->sourcefile~mapl_geosatmaskmod.f90 sourcefile~mapl_historygridcomp.f90->sourcefile~mapl_historycollection.f90 sourcefile~mapl_historygridcomp.f90->sourcefile~mapl_stationsamplermod.f90 sourcefile~mapl_historygridcomp.f90->sourcefile~mapl_trajectorymod.f90 sourcefile~mapl_orbgridcompmod.f90 MAPL_OrbGridCompMod.F90 sourcefile~mapl_orbgridcompmod.f90->sourcefile~mapl_generic.f90 sourcefile~mapl_stationsamplermod.f90->sourcefile~mapl_generic.f90 sourcefile~mapl_trajectorymod.f90->sourcefile~mapl_generic.f90 sourcefile~capdriver.f90 CapDriver.F90 sourcefile~capdriver.f90->sourcefile~mapl.f90 sourcefile~extdataroot_gridcomp.f90 ExtDataRoot_GridComp.F90 sourcefile~capdriver.f90->sourcefile~extdataroot_gridcomp.f90 sourcefile~configurablegridcomp.f90 ConfigurableGridComp.F90 sourcefile~configurablegridcomp.f90->sourcefile~mapl.f90 sourcefile~extdatadriver.f90 ExtDataDriver.F90 sourcefile~extdatadriver.f90->sourcefile~mapl.f90 sourcefile~extdatadrivergridcomp.f90 ExtDataDriverGridComp.F90 sourcefile~extdatadriver.f90->sourcefile~extdatadrivergridcomp.f90 sourcefile~extdatadrivermod.f90 ExtDataDriverMod.F90 sourcefile~extdatadriver.f90->sourcefile~extdatadrivermod.f90 sourcefile~extdatadriver.f90->sourcefile~extdataroot_gridcomp.f90 sourcefile~extdatadrivergridcomp.f90->sourcefile~extdatagridcompmod.f90 sourcefile~extdatadrivergridcomp.f90->sourcefile~extdatagridcompng.f90 sourcefile~extdatadrivergridcomp.f90->sourcefile~mapl.f90 sourcefile~extdatadrivergridcomp.f90->sourcefile~mapl_historygridcomp.f90 sourcefile~extdatadrivermod.f90->sourcefile~mapl.f90 sourcefile~extdatadrivermod.f90->sourcefile~extdatadrivergridcomp.f90 sourcefile~extdatadrivermod.f90->sourcefile~extdataroot_gridcomp.f90 sourcefile~extdataroot_gridcomp.f90->sourcefile~mapl.f90 sourcefile~varspecdescription.f90 VarspecDescription.F90 sourcefile~extdataroot_gridcomp.f90->sourcefile~varspecdescription.f90 sourcefile~fakedyngridcomp.f90 FakeDynGridComp.F90 sourcefile~fakedyngridcomp.f90->sourcefile~mapl.f90 sourcefile~mapl_cap.f90 MAPL_Cap.F90 sourcefile~mapl_cap.f90->sourcefile~mapl_capgridcomp.f90 sourcefile~mapl_demo_fargparse.f90 MAPL_demo_fargparse.F90 sourcefile~mapl_demo_fargparse.f90->sourcefile~mapl.f90 sourcefile~mapl_geosatmaskmod_smod.f90 MAPL_GeosatMaskMod_smod.F90 sourcefile~mapl_geosatmaskmod_smod.f90->sourcefile~mapl_geosatmaskmod.f90 sourcefile~mapl_trajectorymod_smod.f90 MAPL_TrajectoryMod_smod.F90 sourcefile~mapl_trajectorymod_smod.f90->sourcefile~mapl_trajectorymod.f90 sourcefile~pfio_mapl_demo.f90 pfio_MAPL_demo.F90 sourcefile~pfio_mapl_demo.f90->sourcefile~mapl.f90 sourcefile~regrid_util.f90 Regrid_Util.F90 sourcefile~regrid_util.f90->sourcefile~mapl.f90 sourcefile~time_ave_util.f90 time_ave_util.F90 sourcefile~time_ave_util.f90->sourcefile~mapl.f90 sourcefile~ut_extdata.f90 ut_ExtData.F90 sourcefile~ut_extdata.f90->sourcefile~extdatagridcompmod.f90 sourcefile~varspecdescription.f90->sourcefile~mapl.f90 sourcefile~mapl_gridcomps.f90->sourcefile~mapl_cap.f90 sourcefile~mapl_nuopcwrappermod.f90 MAPL_NUOPCWrapperMod.F90 sourcefile~mapl_nuopcwrappermod.f90->sourcefile~mapl_cap.f90

Source Code

!               Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)                !
!                    Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS)                    !
!                                 MAPL Component                              !
#include "MAPL_Exceptions.h"
#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h"
#define GET_POINTER ESMFL_StateGetPointerToData
#define MAPL_MAX_PHASES 10

! MAT: The ftell function is a non-portable Fortran
!      extension. While the 32-bit function has a
!      common name, the 64-bit does not. So we select
!      the correct Intel or PGI function, and default
!      to the 32-bit. Note, this will present problems
!      if a >2gb file is read with PARALLEL_READFORCING.

#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
# define _FTELL ftelli8
#elif defined(__PGI)
# define _FTELL ftell64
# define _FTELL ftell

#include "unused_dummy.H"

!### MODULE: `MAPL_GenericMod`
! Author: GMAO SI-Team
! `MAPLGeneric` allows the user to easily build ESMF gridded
! components.  It has its own SetServices, Initialize, Run, and Finalize
! (IRF) methods, and thus is itself a valid gridded component, although somewhat
! non-standard since it makes its IRF methods public. An instance of
! `MAPL_Generic` does no useful work, but can be used as a null `MAPL_Generic` component.
! The standard way to use MAPL_Generic is as an aid in building ESMF gridded
! components. A MAPL/ESMF gridded component built in this way will always have
! its own SetServices, which will call the subroutine MAPL_GenericSetServices.
! When MAPL_GenericSetServices is called it sets the
! component's IRF methods to the generic versions, MAPL_GenericInitialize, MAPL_GenericFinalize, and
! MAPL_GenericRun.  Any (or all) of
! these may be used as default methods by a gridded component. (As we will see below,
! using all three default IRF methods in this way need not be equivalent to instanciating
! a null component.) If for any of the
! three IRF methods the default version is inadequate, it can simply be overrided
! by having the component register its own method after the call to MAPL_GenericSetServices.
! The generic IRF methods perform a number of useful functions, including
! creating, allocating, and initializing the components Import, Export,
! and Internal states. It would be a shame to waste this capability when a component
! needs to write its own version of an IRF method. A common situation is that the component wants support
! in performing these functions, but needs to do some (usually small) additional specialized
! work; for example, it may need to do some special initializations. In this case,
! one would write a light version of the IRF method that does the specialized work
! and *calls directly* the corresponding MAPL_Generic method to do the boilerplate.
! This is why MAPL_Generic, unlike a standard ESMF gridded component, makes its
! IRF methods public and why we added the `Generic` modifier (i.e., MAPL_GenericInitialize,
! rather than MAPL_Initialize), to emphasize that they are directly callable IRF methods.
! MAPL_Generic may also be viewed as a fairly standard Fortran 90 `class`, which
! defines and makes public an opaque object that we refer to as a `MAPL_Generic State`.
! This object can be created only in association with a standard ESMF Gridded Component (GC),
! by making a MAPL_GenericSetServices call.  This object can be obtained through an ESMF GC method
! which is currently provided with MAPL. The MAPL_Generic State is, therefore, just another thing that
! lives in the ESMF GC, like the grid and the configuration. The MAPL_Generic State
! is private, but user components can access its contents through public
! MAPL_Generic methods (Get, Set, etc). The bulk of MAPL_Generic consists of methods that act
! on this object.
! MAPL_GenericSetServices and MAPL_Generic IRF methods cannot create their own ESMF grid.
! The grid must be inherited from the parent or created by the component
! either in its own SetServices or in its Initialize, if it is writing one.
! In any case, an important assumption of MAPL is that the grid must  already be
! *present in the component and initialized* when MAPL_GenericSetServices is invoked.
! The same is true of the configuration.
! In MAPL_Generic, we distinguish between *simple (leaf)*
! gridded compnents and *composite* gridded components, which contain other
! (*child*) gridded components.  We also define three types of services,
! which can be registered by the component's SetServices routine.
!- **Functional services:** These are the standard EMSF callable IRF methods for
!   the component.
!- **Data services:** These are descriptions of the component's import, export,
!   and internal states, which can be manipulated by MAPL_Generic.
!- **Child services:** These are the services of the component's children and
!   their connectivity.
!- **Profiling Services:** These are profiling counters (clocks) that can be used
!   by the component and are automatically reported by generic finalize.
! MAPL_GenericSetServices provides generic versions of all these, as described below.
module MAPL_GenericMod

   ! !USES:

   use ESMF
   use ESMFL_Mod

   use pFIO
   use gFTL_StringVector
   use pFIO_ClientManagerMod
   use MAPL_BaseMod
   use MAPL_IOMod
   use MAPL_ProfMod
   use MAPL_Profiler
   use MAPL_MemUtilsMod
   use MAPL_CommsMod
   use MAPL_Constants
   use MAPL_SunMod
   use mapl_MaplGrid
   use mapl_VarSpecMod
   use MaplGeneric
   use MAPL_GenericCplCompMod
   use MAPL_LocStreamMod
   use MAPL_ConfigMod
   use MAPL_ExceptionHandling
   use MAPL_KeywordEnforcerMod
   use MAPL_StringTemplate
   use MAPL_TimeDataMod, only: parse_time_string
   use mpi
   use netcdf
   use pFlogger, only: logging, Logger
   use MAPL_AbstractGridFactoryMod
   use MAPL_GridManagerMod, only: grid_manager,get_factory
   use MaplShared, only: SYSTEM_DSO_EXTENSION, adjust_dso_name, is_valid_dso_name, is_supported_dso_name
   use MaplShared, only: get_file_extension
   use MAPL_RunEntryPoint
   use MAPL_ResourceMod
   use MAPL_VarSpecTypeMod, only: positive_length
   use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: REAL32, REAL64, int32, int64
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: OUTPUT_UNIT


   implicit none

   public MAPL_GenericSetServices
   public MAPL_GenericInitialize
   public MAPL_GenericRunChildren
   public MAPL_GenericFinalize

   public MAPL_AddInternalSpec
   public MAPL_AddImportSpec
   public MAPL_AddExportSpec

   public MAPL_DoNotDeferExport

   public MAPL_GridCompSetEntryPoint
   public MAPL_GetObjectFromGC
   public MAPL_Get
   public MAPL_Set
   public MAPL_InternalStateCreate
   public MAPL_GenericRunCouplers

   public MAPL_ChildAddAttribToImportSpec
   !public MAPL_StateGetSpecAttrib
   !public MAPL_StateSetSpecAttrib
   !public MAPL_StateGetVarSpecs
   !public MAPL_StatePrintSpec
   public MAPL_StatePrintSpecCSV

   ! MAPL_Connect
   public MAPL_AddChild
   public MAPL_AddConnectivity
   public MAPL_TerminateImport
   public MAPL_ConnectService
   public MAPL_AdvertiseService
   public MAPL_RequestService

   ! MAPL_Util
   !public MAPL_GenericStateClockAdd
   public MAPL_TimerOn
   public MAPL_TimerOff
   public MAPL_TimerAdd
   public MAPL_GetResource
   public MAPL_ReadForcing

   ! Internal public

   public MAPL_StateAlarmAdd
   public MAPL_StateAlarmGet
   public MAPL_StateCreateFromSpec
   public MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew
   public MAPL_FriendlyGet
   public MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies
   public MAPL_SetVarSpecForCC
   public MAPL_DateStampGet
   public MAPL_ExchangeGridGet
   public MAPL_ExchangeGridSet
   public MAPL_ImportStateGet
   public MAPL_InternalESMFStateGet
   public MAPL_ExportStateGet
   public MAPL_GetChildLocstream
   public MAPL_CopyFriendliness
   public MAPL_VerifyFriendly
   public MAPL_GenericMakeXchgNatural
   public MAPL_GridCreate
   public MAPL_GenericRefresh
   public MAPL_AddRecord
   public MAPL_DisableRecord
   public MAPL_RecordAlarmIsRinging
   public MAPL_GenericRecord
   public MAPL_GetAllExchangeGrids
   public MAPL_DoNotAllocateImport
   public MAPL_DoNotAllocateInternal
   public MAPL_GCGet
   public MAPL_CheckpointState
   public MAPL_ESMFStateReadFromFile
   public MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve
   public :: MAPL_GetLogger
   public MAPL_SetStateSave
   public MAPL_DestroyStateSave
   public MAPL_GenericStateSave
   public MAPL_GenericStateRestore
   public MAPL_RootGcRetrieve
   public MAPL_AddAttributeToFields
   public MAPL_MethodAdd


   public MAPL_MetaComp
   !  \ev
   !  This defines the MAPL\_Generic class. It is an opaque object that
   !  can be queried using {\tt MAPL\_GenericStateGet}. An instance of
   !  this type is placed in the default internal state location of the
   !  ESMF gridded component by
   !  {\tt MAPL\_GenericSetServices}. This instance can be retreived by using
   !  {\tt MAPL\_InternalStateGet}.\bv


   interface MAPL_AddChild
      module procedure AddChildFromGC
      module procedure AddChildFromMeta
      module procedure AddChildFromDSO_old
      module procedure AddChildFromDSO
      module procedure AddChildFromDSOMeta
   end interface MAPL_AddChild

   interface MAPL_AddImportSpec
      module procedure MAPL_StateAddImportSpec_
      module procedure MAPL_StateAddImportSpecFrmChld
   end interface MAPL_AddImportSpec

   interface MAPL_AddInternalSpec
      module procedure MAPL_StateAddInternalSpec
   end interface MAPL_AddInternalSpec

   interface MAPL_AddExportSpec
      module procedure MAPL_StateAddExportSpec_
      module procedure MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChld
      module procedure MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChld_all
      module procedure MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmAll
   end interface MAPL_AddExportSpec

   interface MAPL_Get
      module procedure MAPL_GenericStateGet
   end interface MAPL_Get

   interface MAPL_Set
      module procedure MAPL_GenericStateSet
      module procedure MAPL_GenericStateSetFromGC
   end interface MAPL_Set

   interface MAPL_GetObjectFromGC
      module procedure MAPL_InternalStateGet
   end interface MAPL_GetObjectFromGC

   interface MAPL_GCGet
      module procedure MAPL_GCGet
   end interface MAPL_GCGet

   interface MAPL_TimerOn
      module procedure MAPL_GenericStateClockOn
   end interface MAPL_TimerOn

   interface MAPL_TimerOff
      module procedure MAPL_GenericStateClockOff
   end interface MAPL_TimerOff

   interface MAPL_TimerAdd
      module procedure MAPL_GenericStateClockAdd
   end interface MAPL_TimerAdd

   interface MAPL_TerminateImport
      module procedure MAPL_DoNotConnect
      module procedure MAPL_DoNotConnectMany
      module procedure MAPL_DoNotConnectAnyImport
      module procedure MAPL_TerminateImportAllBut
      module procedure MAPL_TerminateImportAll
   end interface MAPL_TerminateImport

   interface MAPL_AddConnectivity
      ! module procedure MAPL_AddConnectivityE2E
      module procedure MAPL_AddConnectivityRename
      module procedure MAPL_AddConnectivityRenameMany
      module procedure MAPL_AddConnectivityMany
   end interface MAPL_AddConnectivity

   interface  MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies
      module procedure MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies0
      module procedure MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies1
      module procedure MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies2
      module procedure MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies3
   end interface MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies

   interface  MAPL_GetResource
      module procedure MAPL_GetResourceFromConfig_scalar
      module procedure MAPL_GetResourceFromMAPL_scalar
      module procedure MAPL_GetResourceFromConfig_array
      module procedure MAPL_GetResourceFromMAPL_array
   end interface MAPL_GetResource

   interface MAPL_CopyFriendliness
      module procedure MAPL_CopyFriendlinessInField
      module procedure MAPL_CopyFriendlinessInState
   end interface MAPL_CopyFriendliness

   interface MAPL_VerifyFriendly
      module procedure MAPL_VerifyFriendlyInField
      module procedure MAPL_VerifyFriendlyInState
   end interface MAPL_VerifyFriendly

   interface MAPL_ReadForcing
      module procedure MAPL_ReadForcing1
      module procedure MAPL_ReadForcing2
   end interface MAPL_ReadForcing

   interface MAPL_CheckpointState
      module procedure MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile
   end interface MAPL_CheckpointState

   interface MAPL_GetLogger
      module procedure MAPL_GetLogger_gc
      module procedure MAPL_GetLogger_meta
   end interface MAPL_GetLogger

   interface MAPL_AddAttributeToFields
      module procedure MAPL_AddAttributeToFields_I4
   end interface

      subroutine i_Run(gc, import_state, export_state, clock, rc)
         use mapl_KeywordEnforcerMod
         use ESMF
         implicit none
         type(ESMF_GridComp) :: gc
         type(ESMF_State):: import_state
         type(ESMF_State) :: export_state
         type(ESMF_Clock) :: clock
         integer, intent(out) :: rc
      end subroutine i_Run
   end interface

   ! =======================================================================

   integer, parameter :: LAST_ALARM = 99

   ! The next variable is the lesser of two evils: we need a flag the represents MAPL_CustomRefresh
   ! In PR 28xx the assuption was that we could use ESMF_ReadRestart, which has other issues
   ! Here we intention us ESMF_Method_None, since it is very unlikely someone in the GEOS/MAPL
   ! community will use that flag

   type (ESMF_Method_Flag), public :: MAPL_Method_Refresh = ESMF_Method_None
   integer, parameter, public :: MAPL_CustomRefreshPhase = 99

   type MAPL_GenericWrap
      type(MAPL_MetaComp       ), pointer :: MAPLOBJ
   end type MAPL_GenericWrap

   type MAPL_GenericRecordType
      type(ESMF_Alarm), pointer                :: ALARM(:)
      integer, pointer                         :: FILETYPE(:)
      character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR)              :: IMP_FNAME
      integer                                  :: IMP_LEN
      character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR)              :: INT_FNAME
      integer                                  :: INT_LEN
   end type  MAPL_GenericRecordType

   type MAPL_InitialState
      integer                                  :: FILETYPE = MAPL_Write2Ram
      character(len=:), allocatable            :: IMP_FNAME
      character(len=:), allocatable            :: INT_FNAME
   end type  MAPL_InitialState

   type MAPL_Connectivity
      type (VarConn) :: CONNECT
      type (VarConn) :: DONOTCONN
      type (ServiceConnectionItemVector) :: ServiceConnectionItems
   end type MAPL_Connectivity

   type MAPL_LinkType
      type (ESMF_GridComp) :: GC
      integer              :: StateType
      integer              :: SpecId
   end type MAPL_LinkType

   type MAPL_LinkForm
      type (MAPL_LinkType) :: FROM
      type (MAPL_LinkType) :: TO
   end type MAPL_LinkForm

   type MAPL_Link
      type (MAPL_LinkForm), pointer :: PTR
   end type MAPL_Link

   type, extends(MaplGenericComponent) ::  MAPL_MetaComp
!      private
      ! Move to Base ?
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)               :: COMPNAME
      type (ESMF_Config             )          :: CF
      character(:), allocatable :: full_name ! Period separated list of ancestor names
      real                                     :: HEARTBEAT

      ! Move to decorator?
      type (DistributedProfiler), public :: t_profiler

      ! Couplers and connectivity
      type (ESMF_CplComp            ), pointer :: CCS(:,:)         => null()
      type (ESMF_State              ), pointer :: CIM(:,:)         => null()
      type (ESMF_State              ), pointer :: CEX(:,:)         => null()
      logical,                         pointer :: CCcreated(:,:)   => null()
      type (MAPL_Link)               , pointer :: LINK(:)          => null()
      type (MAPL_Connectivity)                 :: connectList

      ! Obsolescent
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)     , allocatable :: GCNameList(:)
      integer                        , pointer :: phase_init (:)    => null()
      integer, public                , pointer :: phase_run  (:)    => null()
      integer                        , pointer :: phase_final(:)    => null()
      integer                        , pointer :: phase_record(:)   => null()
      integer                        , pointer :: phase_coldstart(:)=> null()
      integer                        , pointer :: phase_refresh(:)=> null()
      procedure(i_run), public, nopass, pointer :: customRefresh => null()

      ! Make accessors?
      type(ESMF_GridComp)                      :: RootGC
      type(ESMF_GridComp)            , pointer :: parentGC         => null()

      type (ESMF_Alarm              )          :: ALARM(0:LAST_ALARM)
      integer                                  :: ALARMLAST=0
      type (ESMF_Clock              )          :: CLOCK

      type (MAPL_SunOrbit           )          :: ORBIT

      ! Odd ordering suport.  Needs thought
      logical                                  :: ChildInit = .true.

      ! Migrate to MaplGrid?
      type (MAPL_LocStream)                    :: ExchangeGrid
      type (MAPL_LocStream)                    :: LOCSTREAM

      ! Intermediate checkpointing and replay
      type (MAPL_GenericRecordType)  , pointer :: RECORD           => null()

      ! We don't know what this is for.
      type (MAPL_InitialState)                 :: initial_state

      ! Buffering prev/next buffers.
      ! Could become ExtData if Tiles could be handled???
      type (ESMF_State)                        :: FORCING
      ! Service-Services related fields
      type(ProvidedServiceItemVector) :: provided_services
      type(RequestedServiceItemVector) :: requested_services


      procedure :: get_ith_child
      procedure :: get_child_idx
      procedure :: get_child_gridcomp
      procedure :: get_child_import_state
      procedure :: get_child_export_state
      procedure :: get_child_internal_state

   end type MAPL_MetaComp

   type MAPL_MetaPtr
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer  :: PTR
   end type MAPL_MetaPtr

   character(*), parameter :: SEPARATOR = '.'

   abstract interface
      subroutine I_SetServices(gc, rc)
         use ESMF, only: ESMF_GridComp
         type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: gc
         integer, intent(out) :: rc
      end subroutine I_SetServices
   end interface


! `MAPL_GenericSetServices` performs the following tasks:
!- Allocate an instance of MAPL\_GenericState, wrap it, and set it as the
!   GC's internal state.
!- Exract the grid and configuration from the GC and save them in the
!   generic state.
!- Set GC's IRF methods to the generic versions
!- If there are children
!   - Allocate a gridded comoponent and an import and export state for each child
!   - Create each child's GC using the natural grid and the inherited configuration.
!   - Create each child's Import and Export states. These are named
!      `GCNames(I)//"_IMPORT"` and `GCNames(I)//"_EXPORT"`.
!   - Invoke each child's set services.
!   - Add each item in each child's export state to GC's export state.
!   - Add each item in each child's import state to GC's import,
!      eliminating duplicates.
! Since `MAPL_GenericSetServices` calls SetServices for the children,
! which may be generic themselves, the routine must be recursive.
! The optional arguments describe the component's children. There can be any
! number of children but they must be of one of the types specified by the
! five SetServices entry points passed. If SSptr is not specified there can
! only be five children, one for each {\tt SSn}, and the names must be in
! `SSn` order.

   recursive subroutine MAPL_GenericSetServices ( GC, RC )

      type(ESMF_GridComp),                  intent(INOUT) :: GC  !! Gridded component
      integer,                              intent(  OUT) :: RC  !! Return code

      ! ErrLog Variables
      integer                           :: status

      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer     :: meta
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp

      ! Begin...

      ! Create the generic state, intializing its configuration and grid.
      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve( GC, meta, _RC)

      call meta%t_profiler%start('generic',_RC)

      call register_generic_entry_points(gc, _RC)
      call MAPL_GetRootGC(GC, meta%rootGC, _RC)
      call setup_children(meta, _RC)

      call process_spec_dependence(meta, _RC)
      call meta%t_profiler%stop('generic',_RC)



     subroutine process_spec_dependence(meta, rc)
       type (MAPL_MetaComp), target, intent(inout) :: meta
       integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

       integer :: status
       integer :: k, i, j, nc, nvars
       logical :: depends_on_children
       character(len=:), allocatable :: depends_on(:)
       character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: SHORT_NAME, NAME
       type (MAPL_VarSpec), pointer :: ex_specs(:), c_ex_specs(:)
       type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: cmeta
       type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: childgridcomp
       logical :: found

       ! get the export specs
       call  MAPL_StateGetVarSpecs(meta, export=ex_specs, _RC)
       ! allow for possibility we do not have export specs
       _RETURN_IF(.not. associated(ex_specs))

       ! check for DEPENDS_ON_CHILDREN
       do K=1,size(EX_SPECS)
          call MAPL_VarSpecGet(EX_SPECS(K), SHORT_NAME=SHORT_NAME, &
               DEPENDS_ON=DEPENDS_ON, _RC)
          if (DEPENDS_ON_CHILDREN) then
!             mark SHORT_NAME in each child "alwaysAllocate"
             nc = meta%get_num_children()
             _ASSERT(nc > 0, 'DEPENDS_ON_CHILDREN requires at least 1 child')
             do I=1, nc
                childgridcomp => meta%get_child_gridcomp(i)
                call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(childgridcomp, cmeta, _RC)
                found = .false.
                call  MAPL_StateGetVarSpecs(cmeta, export=c_ex_specs, _RC)
                _ASSERT(associated(c_ex_specs), 'Component '//trim(cmeta%compname)//' must have a valid export spec')
                ! find the "correct" export spec (i.e. has the same SHORT_NAME)
                do j=1,size(c_ex_specs)
                   call MAPL_VarSpecGet(c_ex_specs(j), SHORT_NAME=NAME, _RC)
                   if (short_name == name) then
                      call MAPL_VarSpecSet(c_ex_specs(j), alwaysAllocate=.true., _RC)
                      found = .true.
                   end if
                end do ! spec loop
                _ASSERT(found, 'All children must have '//trim(short_name))
             end do
          end if ! DEPENDS_ON_CHILDREN

          if (allocated(depends_on)) then
!             mark SHORT_NAME in each variable "alwaysAllocate"
             nvars = size(depends_on)
             _ASSERT(nvars > 0, 'DEPENDS_ON requires at least 1 var')
             do I=1, nvars
                ! find the "correct" export spec (i.e. has the same SHORT_NAME)
                do j=1,size(ex_specs)
                   call MAPL_VarSpecGet(ex_specs(j), SHORT_NAME=NAME, _RC)
                   if (name == depends_on(i)) then
                      call MAPL_VarSpecSet(ex_specs(j), alwaysAllocate=.true., _RC)
                   end if
                end do ! spec loop
             end do
          end if ! DEPENDS_ON
       end do

     end subroutine process_spec_dependence

           subroutine register_generic_entry_points(gc, rc)
         type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: gc
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

         integer :: status

         if (.not. associated(meta%phase_init)) then
            call MAPL_GridCompSetEntrypoint(GC, ESMF_METHOD_INITIALIZE, MAPL_GenericInitialize,  _RC)

         if (.not. associated(meta%phase_run)) then
            call MAPL_GridCompSetEntrypoint(GC, ESMF_METHOD_RUN, MAPL_GenericRunChildren,  _RC)

         if (.not. associated(meta%phase_final)) then
            call MAPL_GridCompSetEntrypoint(GC, ESMF_METHOD_FINALIZE, MAPL_GenericFinalize,  _RC)

         !ALT check record!
         if (.not. associated(meta%phase_record)) then
            call MAPL_GridCompSetEntryPoint ( GC, ESMF_METHOD_WRITERESTART, MAPL_GenericRecord, _RC)
         end if
         _ASSERT(size(meta%phase_record)==1,'needs informative message')  !ALT: currently we support only 1 record

         if (.not.associated(meta%phase_coldstart)) then
            !ALT: this part is not supported yet
            !      call MAPL_GridCompSetEntryPoint(GC, ESMF_METHOD_READRESTART, &
            !                                      MAPL_Coldstart, _RC)
      end subroutine register_generic_entry_points

#define LOWEST_(c) m=0; do while (m /= c) ;\
      m = c; c=label(c);\

      ! Complex algorithm - difficult to explain
      recursive subroutine setup_children(meta, rc)
         type (MAPL_MetaComp), target, intent(inout) :: meta
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

         integer :: nc
         integer :: i
         integer :: ts
         integer :: lbl, k, m
         type (VarConn), pointer :: connect
         type(StateSpecification) :: specs
         type (MAPL_VarSpec), pointer :: im_specs(:)
         type (MAPL_VarSpec), pointer :: ex_specs(:)
         type (MAPL_VarSpecPtr), pointer :: ImSpecPtr(:)
         type (MAPL_VarSpecPtr), pointer :: ExSpecPtr(:)
         type(ESMF_Field), pointer :: field
         type(ESMF_FieldBundle), pointer :: bundle
         type(ESMF_State), pointer :: state
         integer :: fLBL, tLBL
         integer :: good_label, bad_label
         integer, pointer :: label(:)

         NC = meta%get_num_children()
         CHILDREN: if(nc > 0) then

            do I=1,NC
               call MAPL_GenericStateClockAdd(GC, name=trim(meta%GCNameList(I)), _RC)
            end do

            ! The child should've been already created by MAPL_AddChild
            ! and set his services should've been called.
            ! -------------------------------------

            ! Create internal couplers and composite
            ! component's Im/Ex specs.

            call MAPL_WireComponent(GC, _RC)

            ! Relax connectivity for non-existing imports
            if (NC > 0) then

               CONNECT => meta%connectList%CONNECT

               allocate (ImSpecPtr(NC), ExSpecPtr(NC), __STAT__)

               DO I = 1, NC
                  gridcomp => meta%get_child_gridcomp(i)
                  call MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpecs(gridcomp, &
                       IMPORT=IM_SPECS, EXPORT=EX_SPECS, _RC)
                  ImSpecPtr(I)%Spec => IM_SPECS
                  ExSpecPtr(I)%Spec => EX_SPECS
               END DO

               call connect%checkReq(ImSpecPtr, ExSpecPtr, _RC)

               deallocate (ImSpecPtr, ExSpecPtr)

            end if

            ! If I am root call Label from here; everybody else
            !  will be called recursively from Label
            ROOT: if (.not. associated(meta%parentGC)) then

               call MAPL_GenericConnCheck(GC, _RC)

               ! Collect all IMPORT and EXPORT specs in the entire tree in one list
               call MAPL_GenericSpecEnum(GC, SPECS, _RC)

               ! Label each spec by its place on the list--sort of.

               TS = SPECS%var_specs%size()
               allocate(LABEL(TS), __STAT__)

               do I = 1, TS
               end do

               ! For each spec...

               do I = 1, TS

                  !  Get the LABEL attribute on the spec
                  call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPECS%old_var_specs(I), LABEL=LBL, _RC)
                  _ASSERT(LBL > 0, "GenericSetServices :: Expected LBL > 0.")

                  ! Do something to sort labels???

                  good_label = min(lbl, i)
                  bad_label = max(lbl, i)
                  label(bad_label) = good_label

               end do
                  if (associated(meta%LINK)) then
                  do I = 1, size(meta%LINK)
                     fLBL = MAPL_LabelGet(meta%LINK(I)%ptr%FROM, _RC)
                     tLBL = MAPL_LabelGet(meta%LINK(I)%ptr%TO,   _RC)

                     if (fLBL < tLBL) then
                        good_label = fLBL
                        bad_label  = tLBL
                        good_label = tLBL
                        bad_label  = fLBL
                     end if
                     label(bad_label) = good_label
                  end do
               end if

               do I = 1, TS
                  LBL = LABEL(I)

                  if (LBL == I) then
                     K = K+1
                     call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPECS%old_var_specs(LBL), FIELDPTR = FIELD, _RC)
                     call MAPL_VarSpecSet(SPECS%old_var_specs(I), FIELDPTR = FIELD, _RC)
                     call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPECS%old_var_specs(LBL), BUNDLEPTR = BUNDLE, _RC  )
                     call MAPL_VarSpecSet(SPECS%old_var_specs(I), BUNDLEPTR = BUNDLE, _RC  )
                     call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPECS%old_var_specs(LBL), STATEPTR = STATE, _RC  )
                     call MAPL_VarSpecSet(SPECS%old_var_specs(I), STATEPTR = STATE, _RC  )
                  end if

                  call MAPL_VarSpecSet(SPECS%old_var_specs(I), LABEL=LBL, _RC)
               end do

               deallocate(LABEL, __STAT__)

            end if ROOT

         end if CHILDREN  !  Setup children
      end subroutine setup_children
#undef LOWEST_

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericSetServices


   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_GenericInitialize -- Initializes the component and its children

   recursive subroutine MAPL_GenericInitialize ( GC, import, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC )

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(INOUT) :: GC     ! Gridded component
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(INOUT) :: IMPORT ! Import state
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(INOUT) :: EXPORT ! Export state
      type(ESMF_Clock),    intent(INOUT) :: CLOCK  ! The clock
      integer, optional,   intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: comp_name
      integer                       :: status
      integer                       :: userRC

      ! Local derived type aliases

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),pointer     :: STATE
      type (MaplGrid ),pointer :: MYGRID

      ! Local variables

      type (ESMF_Time  )            :: ringTime
      type (ESMF_TimeInterval)      :: TIMEINT
      type (ESMF_TimeInterval)      :: TSTEP
      type (ESMF_VM)                :: VM
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: FILENAME
      real                          :: DT
      real                          :: DEFDT
      integer                       :: COUNTS(3)
      integer                       :: COMM
      integer                       :: I, J
      integer                       :: NSUBTILES
      integer                       :: DIMCOUNT
      type (ESMF_Grid)              :: TILEGRID
      type (ESMF_Calendar)          :: cal
      type (ESMF_Alarm)             :: recordAlarm
      type (ESMF_Alarm), allocatable :: R_ALARM(:)
      integer, allocatable          :: R_FILETYPE(:)
      integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ref_date, ref_time, freq
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), allocatable :: freq_string(:)
      logical                       :: mnthly
      integer                       :: NRA, sec
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: AlarmName
      character(len=3)              :: alarmNum
      type(ESMF_Time)               :: CurrTime    ! Current time of the ESMF clock
      type(ESMF_Time)               :: RefTime
      type(ESMF_TimeInterval)       :: Frequency
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: CHILD_NAME
      type(ESMF_Grid)               :: CHLGRID
      type(ESMF_DistGrid)           :: distGRID
      type(ESMF_Info)               :: infoh

      integer                          :: nhms  ! Current Time date and hour/minute
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer    :: PMAPL
      integer                          :: hdr
      integer                          :: DELTSEC
      integer                          :: DTSECS
      type(ESMF_TimeInterval)          :: DELT
      integer                          :: ndes
      integer, allocatable             :: minindex(:,:)
      integer, allocatable             :: maxindex(:,:)
      integer, pointer                 :: ims(:) => null()
      integer, pointer                 :: jms(:) => null()
      logical                          :: isGridValid
      logical                          :: ChldGridValid
      integer                          :: reference_date
      integer                          :: reference_time
      integer                          :: yyyymmdd, hhmmss
      integer                          :: year, month, day, hh, mm, ss
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)       :: gridTypeAttribute
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)       :: tmp_label, FILEtpl
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)       :: id_string
      integer                          :: ens_id_width
      real(ESMF_KIND_R8)               :: fixedLons, fixedLats
      type(ESMF_GridComp)              :: GCCS ! this is needed as a workaround
      ! for recursive ESMF method within method
      ! calls (see ESMF bug 3004440).
      ! Only coldstart is affected
      logical                          :: isPresent
      logical :: is_associated
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)       :: positive, comp_to_record
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_export_state
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: internal_state
      class(DistributedProfiler), pointer :: m_p
      logical :: is_test_framework, is_test_framework_driver

      ! Begin...

      ! Get the target components name and set-up traceback handle.
      ! -----------------------------------------------------------

      Iam = "MAPL_GenericInitialize"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, NAME=comp_name, _RC)
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // trim(Iam)

      FILENAME = ""

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state.
      ! -------------------------------------------
      call MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, STATE, _RC)

      call MAPL_GetResource(STATE, comp_to_record, label='COMPONENT_TO_RECORD:', default='')
      call MAPL_GetResource(STATE, is_test_framework, label='TEST_FRAMEWORK:', default=.false.)
      call MAPL_GetResource(STATE, is_test_framework_driver, label='TEST_FRAMEWORK_DRIVER:', default=.false.)
      if (comp_name == comp_to_record .and. (is_test_framework .or. is_test_framework_driver)) then
         ! force skipReading and skipWriting in NCIO to be false
         call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(import,infoh,_RC)
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh, key="MAPL_TestFramework", value=.true., _RC)
      end if

      ! Start my timer
!C$  call MAPL_TimerOn(STATE,"generic", _RC)

      ! Put the inherited grid in the generic state
      MYGRID    =>  STATE%GRID

      call ESMF_VmGetCurrent(VM, _RC)
      call ESMF_VmGet(VM, localPet=MYGRID%MYID, petCount=ndes, _RC)
      call ESMF_VmGet(VM, mpicommunicator=comm, _RC)

      ! TODO: esmfgrid should be obtained separately
      isGridValid = grid_is_valid(gc, mygrid%esmfgrid, _RC)

      ! At this point, this component must have a valid grid!
      if (isGridValid) then
         ! Check children's grid. If they don't have a valid grid yet, put this one in their GC
         ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         do I=1, STATE%get_num_children()
            chldGridValid = .false.
            gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)

            chldGridValid = grid_is_valid(gridcomp, ChlGrid, _RC)

            if (.not. chldGridValid) then
               ! This child does not have a valid grid
               call ESMF_GridCompSet( gridcomp, GRID = MYGRID%ESMFGRID, _RC )
            end if
         end do

         ! We keep these in the component's grid  for convenience

         call ESMF_GridGet(MYGRID%ESMFGRID, DistGrid=distgrid, dimCount=dimCount, _RC)
         call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGRID, deLayout=MYGRID%LAYOUT, _RC)

         ! Vertical coordinate must exist and be THE THIRD DIMENSION
         ! ---------------------------------------------------------

         MYGRID%VERTDIM = 3

         call MAPL_GridGet(MYGRID%ESMFGRID, localCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, _RC)

#ifdef DEBUG
         print *,'dbg:myId=',MYGRID%MYID,trim(Iam)
         print *,'dbg:local gridcounts=',counts

         ! Local sizes of three dimensions

         MYGRID%IM = COUNTS(1)
         MYGRID%JM = COUNTS(2)
         MYGRID%LM = COUNTS(3)

         call MAPL_GridGet(MYGRID%ESMFGRID, globalCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, _RC)


         allocate(minindex(dimCount,ndes), maxindex(dimCount,ndes), __STAT__)

         ! Processors in each direction

         call MAPl_DistGridGet(distgrid, &
              minIndex=minindex, &
              maxIndex=maxindex, _RC)

         call MAPL_GetImsJms(Imins=minindex(1,:),Imaxs=maxindex(1,:),&

         MYGRID%NX = size(ims)
         MYGRID%NY = size(jms)

         allocate(mygrid%i1( MYGRID%nx), mygrid%in( MYGRID%nx))
         allocate(mygrid%j1( MYGRID%ny), mygrid%jn( MYGRID%ny))

         mygrid%i1 = minindex(1,:mygrid%nx)
         mygrid%in = maxindex(1,:mygrid%nx)
         mygrid%j1 = minindex(2,1:ndes: MYGRID%nx)
         mygrid%jn = maxindex(2,1:ndes: MYGRID%nx)

         deallocate(maxindex, minindex)

         ! My processor coordinates

#if 0
         call ESMF_DELayoutGetDELocalInfo(delayout=MYGRID%LAYOUT, de=MYGRID%MYID, coord=DECOUNT, _RC)

         MYGRID%NX0 = DECOUNT(1)
         MYGRID%NY0 = DECOUNT(2)
         MYGRID%NX0 = mod(MYGRID%MYID,MYGRID%NX) + 1
         call set_checkpoint_restart_options(_RC)

#ifdef DEBUG
         print *,"dbg: grid global max=",counts
         print *, "NX NY:", MYGRID%NX, MYGRID%NY
         print *,'dbg:NX0 NY0=', MYGRID%NX0, MYGRID%NY0
         print *, "dbg:ims=", ims
         print *, "dbg:jms=", jms
         print *,"========================="

         ! Clean up

         deallocate(jms, ims)

         ! Create and initialize factors saved as ESMF arrays in MYGRID

         call ESMFL_GridCoordGet(   MYGRID%ESMFGRID, MYGRID%LATS       , &
              Name     = "Latitude"              , &
              Location = ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER  , &
              Units    = MAPL_UnitsRadians      , &
              RC       = status                    )

         call ESMFL_GridCoordGet(   MYGRID%ESMFGRID, MYGRID%LONS       , &
              Name     = "Longitude"             , &
              Location = ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER  , &
              Units    = MAPL_UnitsRadians      , &
              RC       = status                    )

         gridTypeAttribute = ''
         call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(MYGRID%ESMFGRID,infoh,_RC)
         isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'GridType',_RC)
         if (isPresent) then
            call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'GridType',gridTypeAttribute,_RC)
            if (gridTypeAttribute == 'Doubly-Periodic') then

               ! this is special case: doubly periodic grid
               ! we ignore ESMF grid coordinates and set LONS/LATS from resource
               call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, fixedLons, Label="FIXED_LONS:", _RC)
               call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, fixedLats, Label="FIXED_LATS:", _RC)
               MYGRID%LONS = fixedLons * (MAPL_PI_R8/180._REAL64)
               MYGRID%LATS = fixedLats * (MAPL_PI_R8/180._REAL64)
            endif ! doubly-periodic
         end if ! isPresent
      end if ! isGridValid

      ! set positive convention
      call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, positive, Label="CHECKPOINT_POSITIVE:", &
           default='down', _RC)
      positive = ESMF_UtilStringLowerCase(positive,_RC)
      _ASSERT(trim(positive)=="up".or.trim(positive)=="down","positive must be up or down")
      ! Put the clock passed down in the generic state

      call handle_clock_and_main_alarm(clock, _RC)

      ! Create tiling for all gridded components with associated LocationStream
      ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------

      is_associated=MAPL_LocStreamIsAssociated(STATE%LOCSTREAM, _RC)
      if (is_associated) then
         NSUBTILES = MAPL_GetNumSubtiles(STATE, _RC)
         call MAPL_LocStreamAdjustNsubtiles(STATE%LocStream, NSUBTILES, _RC)
         call MAPL_LocStreamGet(STATE%LocStream, TILEGRID=TILEGRID, _RC)

      call handle_record(_RC)

!C$   call MAPL_TimerOff(STATE,"generic",_RC)

      m_p => get_global_memory_profiler()
      call m_p%start('children')
      call initialize_children_and_couplers(_RC)
      call m_p%stop('children')
      call MAPL_TimerOn(STATE,"generic")

      call m_p%start('import vars')
      call create_import_and_initialize_state_variables(_RC)
      call m_p%stop('import vars')

      call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(import,infoh,_RC)
      call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,key='POSITIVE',value=trim(positive),_RC)

      call m_p%start('internal vars')
      call create_internal_and_initialize_state_variables(_RC)
      call m_p%stop('internal vars')

      call m_p%start('export vars')
      call create_export_state_variables(_RC)
      call m_p%stop('export vars')

      ! Create forcing state
      STATE%FORCING = ESMF_StateCreate(name = trim(comp_name) // "_FORCING", &

      ! Put the Export state of each child into my export
      ! -------------------------------------------------

      !ALT: export might have to be declared ESMF_STATELIST
      do i = 1, state%get_num_children()
         child_export_state => state%get_child_export_state(i)
         call ESMF_StateAdd(EXPORT, [child_export_state], _RC)
      end do

      if (.not. associated(STATE%parentGC)) then
         call MAPL_AdjustIsNeeded(GC, EXPORT, _RC)
      end if

      call handle_services(_RC)

      ! Write Memory Use Statistics.
      ! -------------------------------------------
      call MAPL_MemUtilsWrite(VM, Iam, _RC )

      call MAPL_TimerOff(STATE,"generic", _RC)



      logical function grid_is_valid(gc, grid, rc)
         type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: gc
         type(ESMF_Grid), intent(out) :: grid
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

         integer :: status
         logical :: is_present
         logical :: is_created

         grid_is_valid = .false.

         call ESMF_GridCompGet(gc, gridIsPresent=is_present, _RC)

         if (is_present) then
            call ESMF_GridCompGet(gc, grid=grid, _RC)

            is_created = ESMF_GridIsCreated(grid, _RC)
            if (is_created) then
               call ESMF_GridValidate(grid, _RC)
               grid_is_valid = .true.
            end if
         end if

      end function grid_is_valid

      subroutine set_checkpoint_restart_options(rc)
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

         integer :: num_readers, num_writers
         character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)       :: split_checkpoint
         character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)       :: split_restart
         character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)       :: write_restart_by_oserver
         integer :: j

         integer :: status

         call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, num_readers, Label="NUM_READERS:", &
              default=1, _RC)
         call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, num_writers, Label="NUM_WRITERS:", &
              default=1, _RC)
         call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, split_checkpoint, Label="SPLIT_CHECKPOINT:", &
              default='NO', _RC)
         call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, split_restart, Label="SPLIT_RESTART:", &
              default='NO', _RC)
         split_restart = ESMF_UtilStringUpperCase(split_restart,_RC)
         split_checkpoint = ESMF_UtilStringUpperCase(split_checkpoint,_RC)

         call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, write_restart_by_oserver, Label="WRITE_RESTART_BY_OSERVER:", &
              default='NO', _RC)
         write_restart_by_oserver = ESMF_UtilStringUpperCase(write_restart_by_oserver,_RC)

         if (trim(write_restart_by_oserver) == 'YES') then
            ! reset other choices
            ! io_rank 0 becomes the root
            !num_writers = 1
            !split_checkpoint = 'NO'
            mygrid%write_restart_by_oserver = .true.

         mygrid%comm = comm
         mygrid%num_readers =  num_readers
         mygrid%num_writers =  num_writers
         mygrid%split_checkpoint = .false.
         mygrid%split_restart = .false.
         if (trim(split_checkpoint) == 'YES') then
            mygrid%split_checkpoint = .true.
         if (trim(split_restart) == 'YES') then
            mygrid%split_restart = .true.
      end subroutine set_checkpoint_restart_options

      recursive subroutine initialize_children_and_couplers(rc)
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

         integer                       :: NC
         integer :: i
         integer                          :: MAXPHASES
         integer                          :: NUMPHASES
         integer                          :: PHASE
         type (MAPL_MetaPtr), allocatable :: CHLDMAPL(:)
         type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_import_state
         type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_export_state
         type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh
         integer :: status

         ! Initialize the children
         ! -----------------------

         NC = STATE%get_num_children()
         if (STATE%ChildInit) then
            allocate(CHLDMAPL(NC), stat=status)
            MAXPHASES = 0
            do I=1,NC
               gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
               call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC(gridcomp, CHLDMAPL(I)%PTR, _RC)
            end do
            if (MAXPHASES > 1) then
               call WRITE_PARALLEL( &
                    "WARNING: multiple INITIALIZE methods detected " // &
                    "for the children of " // &
                    trim(comp_name)// ". " // &
                    "Although this is allowed, MAPL is currently restricted " //&
                    "to the default PHASE=1 and no longer will " // &
                    "automatically execute all of them" )
            end if

            PHASE = 1
            do I=1,NC
               if (PHASE .le. NUMPHASES) then
                  gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
                  call ESMF_GridCompGet( gridcomp, NAME=CHILD_NAME, _RC )

                  call MAPL_TimerOn (STATE,trim(CHILD_NAME))
                  child_import_state => STATE%get_child_import_state(i)
                  child_export_state => STATE%get_child_export_state(i)
                  call ESMF_GridCompInitialize (gridcomp, &
                       importState=child_import_state, &
                       exportState=child_export_state, &
                       clock=CLOCK, PHASE=CHLDMAPL(I)%PTR%PHASE_INIT(PHASE), &
                       userRC=userRC, _RC )
                  call MAPL_TimerOff(STATE,trim(CHILD_NAME))
               end if
            end do

            !ALT addition for ExtData component.
            ! We are doing this after all children have been initialized
            if (.not. isGridValid) then
               if (associated(STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%import%OLD_VAR_SPECS)) then
                  call MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew(IMPORT,STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%IMPORT,_RC)
               end if
            end if

            ! Initialize all needed couplers
            ! ---------------------------------------------------

            do I=1,NC
               do J=1,NC
                  if(STATE%CCcreated(J,I)) then
                     !               call WRITE_PARALLEL( "DEBUG: initilaizing CPL in " // &
                     !                    trim(comp_name) // " for " // &
                     !                    trim(STATE%GCNameList(J)) // " and " // &
                     !                    trim(STATE%GCNameList(I)))
                     child_export_state => STATE%get_child_export_state(j)
                     child_import_state => STATE%get_child_import_state(i)
                     call ESMF_CplCompInitialize (STATE%CCS(J,I), &
                          importState=child_export_state, &
                          exportState=child_import_state, &
                          clock=CLOCK, userRC=userRC, _RC )
               ! ---------------------------------------------------
      end subroutine initialize_children_and_couplers

      subroutine handle_clock_and_main_alarm(clock, unusable, rc)
         type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
         class(KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

         logical :: run_at_interval_start
         call ESMF_ClockGet(CLOCK, TIMESTEP = DELT, _RC)
         call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(DELT, S=DELTSEC, _RC)
         _ASSERT(DELTSEC /= 0,'needs informative message')

         ! We get our calling interval from the configuration,
         ! set the alarm, and attach it to the callers clock.
         ! ---------------------------------------------------

         call ESMF_ClockGet(clock, calendar = cal, currTime=currTime, timestep=tstep, _RC)
         call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute( state%CF, DEFDT, Label="RUN_DT:", _RC)

         DTSECS = nint(DEFDT)
         ! Make sure this component clock's DT is multiple of RUN_DT (heartbeat)
         ! It should be the same unless we have create a special clock for this
         ! component
         _ASSERT(MOD(DELTSEC,DTSECS)==0,'needs informative message')

         call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , DT, Label="DT:", default=DEFDT, _RC)
         call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , run_at_interval_start, Label="RUN_AT_INTERVAL_START:", default=.false., _RC)

         _ASSERT(DT /= 0.0,'needs informative message')

         DTSECS = nint(DT)
         ! Make sure this component's DT is multiple of CLOCK's timestep
         _ASSERT(MOD(DTSECS,DELTSEC)==0,'needs informative message')

         call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(TIMEINT,  S=DTSECS , calendar=cal, _RC)

         ! get current time from clock and create a reference time with optonal override
         call ESMF_TimeGet( currTime, YY = YEAR, MM = MONTH, DD = DAY, H=HH, M=MM, S=SS, rc = status  )

         yyyymmdd = year*10000 + month*100 + day
         hhmmss   = HH*10000 + MM*100 + SS

         !  Get Alarm reference date and time from resouce, it defaults to midnight of the current day
         call MAPL_GetResource (STATE, reference_date, label='REFERENCE_DATE:', &
              default=yyyymmdd, _RC )

         call MAPL_GetResource (STATE, reference_time, label='REFERENCE_TIME:', &
              default=0, _RC )

         YEAR = reference_date/10000
         MONTH = mod(reference_date,10000)/100
         DAY = mod(reference_date,100)

         HH = reference_time/10000
         MM = mod(reference_time,10000)/100
         SS = mod(reference_time,100)

         call ESMF_TimeSet( ringTime, YY = YEAR, MM = MONTH, DD = DAY, &
              H = HH, M = MM, S = SS, rc = status  )

         if (ringTime > currTime) then
            ringTime = ringTime - (INT((ringTime - currTime)/TIMEINT)+1)*TIMEINT
         end if

         if (.not.run_at_interval_start) ringTime = ringTime-TSTEP ! we back off current time with clock's dt since
         ! we advance the clock AFTER run method

         ! make sure that ringTime is not in the past
         do while (ringTime < currTime)
            ringTime = ringTime + TIMEINT
         end do

         STATE%ALARM(0) = ESMF_AlarmCreate(CLOCK = CLOCK, &
              name = trim(comp_name) // "_Alarm" , &
              RingInterval = TIMEINT  ,  &
              RingTime     = ringTime,  &
                                !        Enabled      = .true.   ,  &
              sticky       = .false.  ,  &
              RC           = status      )
         if(ringTime == currTime) then
            call ESMF_AlarmRingerOn(STATE%ALARM(0), _RC)
         end if

      end subroutine handle_clock_and_main_alarm

      subroutine handle_record(rc)
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc
         ! Copy RECORD struct from parent

         if (associated(STATE%parentGC)) then
            call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC(STATE%parentGC, PMAPL, _RC)
            if (associated(PMAPL%RECORD)) then
            end if
         end if
         ! Add this component's own RECORD

         call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel( STATE%CF, LABEL="RECORD_FREQUENCY:", isPresent=isPresent, _RC)
         if (isPresent) then
            nra = ESMF_ConfigGetLen( STATE%CF, RC = status)
            _ASSERT( NRA > 0,'Empty list is not allowed')

            allocate(ref_date(NRA), ref_time(NRA), freq(NRA), freq_string(NRA), stat=status)

            call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel( STATE%CF, LABEL="RECORD_FREQUENCY:", _RC)
            call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute( STATE%CF, valueList=freq_string, count=NRA, _RC)

            if (.not. all(freq_string == 'monthly')) then

               call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel( STATE%CF, LABEL="RECORD_REF_DATE:", _RC)
               !      _ASSERT(NRA == ESMF_ConfigGetLen(STATE%CF),'needs informative message')
               call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute( STATE%CF, valueList=ref_date, count=NRA, _RC)

               call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel( STATE%CF, LABEL="RECORD_REF_TIME:", _RC)
               !      _ASSERT(NRA == ESMF_ConfigGetLen(STATE%CF),'needs informative message')
               call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute( STATE%CF, valueList=ref_time, count=NRA, _RC)
            end if

            allocate (R_ALARM(NRA), STAT=status)

            allocate (R_FILETYPE(NRA), STAT=status)

            DO  I = 1, NRA
               write(alarmNum,'(I3.3)') I
               AlarmName = "RecordAlarm" // alarmNum
               call ESMF_ClockGetAlarm(clock, trim(AlarmName), recordAlarm, rc=status)
               if (status/=ESMF_SUCCESS) then
                  monthly: if (freq_string(i) == 'monthly') then
                     ! monthly alarm
                     mnthly = .true.
                     ! This should ring on the first of each month at midnight
                     call ESMF_TimeSet( RefTime, YY = year, MM = month, &
                          DD = 1, H = 0, M = 0, S = 0, calendar=cal, _RC )
                     call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( frequency, MM=1, _RC )
                     RingTime = RefTime
                     !               print *,'DEBUG: creating MONTHLY record alarm'
                     mnthly = .false.
                     read(freq_string(i),*) freq(i)
                     call ESMF_TimeSet( RefTime, YY = ref_date(I)/10000, &
                          MM = mod(ref_date(I),10000)/100, &
                          DD = mod(ref_date(I),100), &
                          H = ref_time(I)/10000, &
                          M = mod(ref_time(I),10000)/100, &
                          S = mod(ref_time(I),100), calendar=cal, rc=status)
                     if (status /= 0) then
                        print *,'Error: ref_date/time ',ref_date(i), ref_time(i)

                     nhms = freq(I)
                     sec = nhms/10000*3600 + mod(nhms,10000)/100*60 + mod(nhms,100)
                     call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( frequency, S=sec, _RC )
                     RingTime = RefTime
                     if (RingTime < currTime .and. sec /= 0) then
                        RingTime = RingTime + (INT((currTime - RingTime)/frequency)+1)*frequency
                  end if monthly

                  ! create alarm
                  RecordAlarm = ESMF_AlarmCreate( name=trim(AlarmName), clock=clock, RingInterval=Frequency, &
                       RingTime=RingTime, sticky=.false.,_RC )

                  if(ringTime == currTime .and. .not.mnthly) then
                     call ESMF_AlarmRingerOn(RecordAlarm, _RC)
                     call ESMF_AlarmRingerOff(RecordAlarm, _RC)
                  end if

               end if
               R_ALARM(I) = recordAlarm
               R_FILETYPE(I) = MAPL_Write2DIsk ! default
            END DO
            call MAPL_AddRecord(STATE, R_ALARM, R_FILETYPE, _RC)
            deallocate (freq, ref_time, ref_date, freq_string)
            deallocate(R_FILETYPE, R_ALARM)

         call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, ens_id_width,         &
              LABEL="ENS_ID_WIDTH:", default=0, &

         if (associated(STATE%RECORD)) then
            call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILENAME,         &
                 LABEL="IMPORT_CHECKPOINT_FILE:", &
            if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then
               STATE%RECORD%IMP_LEN = 0
            end if

            tmp_label = "INTERNAL_CHECKPOINT_FILE:"
            call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , FILEtpl,         &
                 LABEL=trim(tmp_label), &
            if((status /= ESMF_SUCCESS) .and. ens_id_width > 0) then
               i = len(trim(comp_name))
               id_string = comp_name(i-ens_id_width+1:i)
               tmp_label =comp_name(1:i-ens_id_width)//"_"//trim(tmp_label)
               call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , FILEtpl,      &
                    LABEL=trim(tmp_label), &

            if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then
               ! if the filename is tempate
               call fill_grads_template(filename,trim(adjustl(FILEtpl)),experiment_id=trim(id_string), nymd=yyyymmdd,nhms=hhmmss,_RC)
               STATE%RECORD%INT_LEN = 0
            end if
         end if
      end subroutine handle_record

      subroutine create_import_and_initialize_state_variables(rc)
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc
         ! Create import and initialize state variables
         ! --------------------------------------------
         if (associated(STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%IMPORT%OLD_VAR_SPECS) .and. isGridValid) then

            is_associated = MAPL_LocStreamIsAssociated(STATE%LOCSTREAM, _RC)
            if (is_associated) then
               call MAPL_StateCreateFromVarSpecNew(IMPORT,STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%IMPORT,     &
                    MYGRID%ESMFGRID,              &
                    TILEGRID=TILEGRID,            &
                    _RC       )
               call MAPL_StateCreateFromVarSpecNew(IMPORT,STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%IMPORT,     &
                    MYGRID%ESMFGRID,              &
                    _RC       )

            call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , FILENAME,         &
                 LABEL="IMPORT_RESTART_FILE:", &
            if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then

               call MAPL_ESMFStateReadFromFile(IMPORT, CLOCK, FILENAME, &
                    STATE, .FALSE., rc=status)
               if (status /= ESMF_SUCCESS) then
                  if (MAPL_AM_I_Root(VM)) then
                     call ESMF_StatePrint(Import)
                  end if
               end if
         end if
      end subroutine create_import_and_initialize_state_variables

      subroutine create_internal_and_initialize_state_variables(rc)
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc
         ! Create internal and initialize state variables
         ! -----------------------------------------------

         internal_state => STATE%get_internal_state()
         internal_state = ESMF_StateCreate(name = trim(comp_name) // "_INTERNAL", _RC)

         if (associated(STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%INTERNAL%OLD_VAR_SPECS)) then
            is_associated = MAPL_LocStreamIsAssociated(STATE%LOCSTREAM, _RC)
            if (is_associated) then
               call MAPL_StateCreateFromVarSpecNew(internal_state,STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%INTERNAL, &
                    MYGRID%ESMFGRID,             &
                    TILEGRID=TILEGRID,           &
                    _RC       )
               call MAPL_StateCreateFromVarSpecNew(internal_state,STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%INTERNAL, &
                    MYGRID%ESMFGRID,             &
                    _RC       )
            end if
            call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(internal_state,infoh,_RC)
            call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,key='POSITIVE',value=trim(positive),_RC)

            id_string = ""
            tmp_label = "INTERNAL_RESTART_FILE:"
            call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , FILEtpl,         &
                 LABEL=trim(tmp_label), &
            if((status /=ESMF_SUCCESS) .and. ens_id_width >0) then
               i = len(trim(comp_name))
               id_string = comp_name(i-ens_id_width+1:i)
               tmp_label =comp_name(1:i-ens_id_width)//"_"//trim(tmp_label)
               call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , FILEtpl,         &
                    LABEL=trim(tmp_label), &

            if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then
               ! if the filename is tempate
               call fill_grads_template(filename,trim(adjustl(FILEtpl)),experiment_id=trim(id_string), &
               call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , hdr,         &
                    default=0, &
                    LABEL="INTERNAL_HEADER:", &
               call MAPL_ESMFStateReadFromFile(internal_state, CLOCK, FILENAME, &
                    STATE, hdr/=0, rc=status)
               if (status /= ESMF_SUCCESS) then
                  if (MAPL_AM_I_Root(VM)) then
                     call ESMF_StatePrint(internal_state)
                  end if
               end if
               ! try to coldstart the internal state
               ! -------------------------------
               if (associated(STATE%phase_coldstart)) then
                  ! ALT: workaround bug 3004440 in ESMF (fixed in ESMF_5_1_0)
                  ! please, do not remove, nor change order until we move to 510 or later
                  allocate(GCCS%compp, stat=status)
                  GCCS%compp = GC%compp
                  call ESMF_GridCompReadRestart(GC, importState=import, &
                       exportState=export, clock=CLOCK, userRC=userRC, _RC)
                  GC%compp = GCCS%compp

         end if
      end subroutine create_internal_and_initialize_state_variables

      subroutine create_export_state_variables(rc)
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc
         logical :: restoreExport

         ! Create export state variables

         if (associated(STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%EXPORT%OLD_VAR_SPECS)) then
            is_associated = MAPL_LocStreamIsAssociated(STATE%LOCSTREAM, _RC)
            if (is_associated) then
               call MAPL_StateCreateFromVarSpecNew(EXPORT,STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%EXPORT,     &
                    MYGRID%ESMFGRID,              &
                    TILEGRID=TILEGRID,            &
                    DEFER=.true., _RC       )
               call MAPL_StateCreateFromVarSpecNew(EXPORT,STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%EXPORT,     &
                    MYGRID%ESMFGRID,              &
                    DEFER=.true., _RC       )
            end if

            call MAPL_GetResource(STATE, restoreExport, label='RESTORE_EXPORT_STATE:', default=.false., _RC)
            if (restoreExport) then
               call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILENAME, LABEL='EXPORT_RESTART_FILE:', _RC)
               if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then

                  call MAPL_ESMFStateReadFromFile(EXPORT, CLOCK, FILENAME, &
                       STATE, .FALSE., rc=status)
                  if (status /= ESMF_SUCCESS) then
                     if (MAPL_AM_I_Root(VM)) then
                        call ESMF_StatePrint(EXPORT, _RC)
                     end if
                  end if
            end if
         end if

         call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(export,infoh,RC=STATUS)
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'POSITIVE',trim(positive),_RC)

      end subroutine create_export_state_variables

      subroutine handle_services(rc)
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc
         ! Service services processing:
         ! process any providers
         if (state%provided_services%size()>0) then
            call ProvidedServiceSet(state%provided_services, import, _RC)
         end if

         ! process any requesters
         if (state%requested_services%size()>0) then
            call FillRequestBundle(state%requested_services, state%get_internal_state(), _RC)
         end if

         ! process any service connections
         call MAPL_ProcessServiceConnections(state, _RC)

      end subroutine handle_services

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericInitialize


   recursive subroutine MAPL_GenericWrapper ( GC, import, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC)

      type(ESMF_GridComp)  :: GC     ! Gridded component
      type(ESMF_State)     :: IMPORT ! Import state
      type(ESMF_State)     :: EXPORT ! Export state
      type(ESMF_Clock)     :: CLOCK  ! The clock
      integer, intent(OUT) :: RC     ! Error code


      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: comp_name
      integer                       :: status
      integer                       :: userRC

      ! Local derived type aliases

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),pointer :: STATE

      integer                          :: PHASE
      integer                          :: PHASE_
      integer                          :: I
      type(ESMF_Method_Flag)           :: method
      type(ESMF_VM) :: VM
      class(DistributedProfiler), pointer :: t_p
      class(DistributedProfiler), pointer :: m_p
      character(1) :: char_phase

      character(len=12), pointer :: timers(:) => NULL()
      ! the next declaration assumes all 5 methods have the same signature
      ! we just picked one of them
      procedure(ESMF_GridCompRun), pointer :: func_ptr => NULL()
      character(len=12), target :: timers_run(1) = &
           [character(len=12):: 'GenRunMine']
      character(len=:), allocatable :: sbrtn

      character(:), allocatable :: stage_description
      class(Logger), pointer :: lgr
      logical :: use_threads
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: comp_to_record


      ! Begin...


      ! Get the target components name and set-up traceback handle.
      ! -----------------------------------------------------------

      Iam = "MAPL_GenericWrapper"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, NAME=comp_name, currentPhase=PHASE, &
           currentMethod=method, _RC)
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // trim(Iam)

      lgr => logging%get_logger('MAPL.GENERIC')

      call ESMF_VmGetCurrent(VM)
      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state. It comes in a wrapper.
      ! ------------------------------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, STATE, RC=status)

      ! TIMERS on
      t_p => get_global_time_profiler()
      m_p => get_global_memory_profiler()
      call t_p%start(trim(state%compname),_RC)
      call m_p%start(trim(state%compname),_RC)

      phase_ = MAPL_MAX_PHASES+phase ! this is the "actual" phase, i.e. the one user registered

      MethodBlock: if (method == ESMF_METHOD_RUN) then
         func_ptr => ESMF_GridCompRun
         timers => timers_run
         sbrtn = 'Run'
         if (phase > 1) then
            sbrtn = 'Run'//char_phase
         end if
      else if (method == ESMF_METHOD_INITIALIZE) then
         func_ptr => ESMF_GridCompInitialize
         !ALT: enable this when fully implemented (for now NULLIFY)
         sbrtn = 'Initialize'
      else if (method == ESMF_METHOD_FINALIZE) then
         func_ptr => ESMF_GridCompFinalize
         !ALT: enable this when fully implemented (for now NULLIFY)
         sbrtn = 'Finalize'
      else if (method == ESMF_METHOD_READRESTART) then
         func_ptr => ESMF_GridCompReadRestart
         !ALT: enable this when fully implemented (for now NULLIFY)
         sbrtn = 'ReadRestart'
      else if (method == ESMF_METHOD_WRITERESTART) then
         func_ptr => ESMF_GridCompWriteRestart
         !ALT: enable this when fully implemented (for now NULLIFY)
         sbrtn = 'WriteRestart'
      endif MethodBlock

      stage_description = sbrtn//' stage of the gridded component <'//trim(COMP_NAME)//'>'

      ! TIMERS on
      if (method /= ESMF_METHOD_READRESTART .and. method /= ESMF_METHOD_WRITERESTART) then
         call state%t_profiler%start(_RC)
         call state%t_profiler%start(trim(sbrtn),_RC)
      end if

      if (associated(timers)) then
         do i = 1, size(timers)
            call MAPL_TimerOn (STATE,timers(i))
         end do
      end if

      ! Method itself
      ! ----------
      call lgr%debug('Started %a', stage_description)

      use_threads  = STATE%get_use_threads() ! determine if GC uses OpenMP threading

      call MAPL_GetResource(STATE, comp_to_record, label='COMPONENT_TO_RECORD:', default='', _RC)
      if (comp_name == comp_to_record) then
         call record_component('before', phase, method, GC, import, export, clock, _RC)
      end if

      if (use_threads .and. method == ESMF_METHOD_RUN)  then
         call omp_driver(GC, import, export, clock, _RC)  ! component threaded with OpenMP
         call func_ptr (GC, &
              importState=IMPORT, &
              exportState=EXPORT, &
              clock=CLOCK, PHASE=PHASE_, &
              userRC=userRC, _RC )
         _ASSERT(userRC==ESMF_SUCCESS .and. STATUS==ESMF_SUCCESS,'Error during '//stage_description//' for <'//trim(COMP_NAME)//'>')
      end if

      if (comp_name == comp_to_record) then
         call record_component('after', phase, method, GC, import, export, clock, _RC)
      end if

      call lgr%debug('Finished %a', stage_description)

      ! TIMERS off
      if (associated(timers)) then
         do i = size(timers),1,-1
            call MAPL_TimerOff (STATE,timers(i),_RC)
         end do
      end if

      if (method /= ESMF_METHOD_FINALIZE) then
         if (method /= ESMF_METHOD_WRITERESTART .and. &
              method /= ESMF_METHOD_READRESTART) then
            call state%t_profiler%stop(trim(sbrtn),_RC)
            call state%t_profiler%stop(_RC)
         end if
         call t_p%stop(trim(state%compname),_RC)
         call m_p%stop(trim(state%compname),_RC)


   end subroutine MAPL_GenericWrapper

   subroutine get_test_framework_resource(STATE, is_test_framework, is_test_framework_driver, &
                                          is_grid_capture, restore_export, rc)
     type (MAPL_MetaComp), intent(inout) :: STATE
     logical, intent(inout) :: is_test_framework, is_test_framework_driver
     logical, intent(inout) :: is_grid_capture, restore_export
     integer, intent(out) :: rc
     integer :: status

     call MAPL_GetResource(STATE, is_test_framework, label='TEST_FRAMEWORK:', default=.false., _RC)
     call MAPL_GetResource(STATE, is_test_framework_driver, label='TEST_FRAMEWORK_DRIVER:', default=.false., _RC)
     call MAPL_GetResource(STATE, is_grid_capture, label='GRID_CAPTURE:', default=.false., _RC)
     call MAPL_GetResource(STATE, restore_export, label='RESTORE_EXPORT_STATE:', default=.false., _RC)
   end subroutine get_test_framework_resource

   subroutine record_component(POS, PHASE, METHOD, GC, IMPORT, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC)
     character(len=*),       intent(IN   ) :: POS    ! Before or after
     integer,                intent(IN   ) :: PHASE  ! Phase
     type(ESMF_Method_Flag), intent(IN   ) :: METHOD ! Method
     type(ESMF_GridComp),    intent(INOUT) :: GC     ! Gridded component
     type(ESMF_State),       intent(INOUT) :: IMPORT ! Import state
     type(ESMF_State),       intent(INOUT) :: EXPORT ! Export state
     type(ESMF_Clock),       intent(INOUT) :: CLOCK  ! The clock
     integer, optional,      intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

     type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: STATE
     logical :: is_test_framework, is_test_framework_driver
     logical :: is_grid_capture, restore_export
     type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh
     integer :: status

     call MAPL_InternalStateGet (GC, STATE, _RC)
     call get_test_framework_resource(STATE, is_test_framework, is_test_framework_driver, &
                                      is_grid_capture, restore_export, _RC)

     if (method == ESMF_METHOD_INITIALIZE) then
        call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(export,infoh,RC=STATUS)
        call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh, key="MAPL_RestoreExport", value=restore_export, _RC)
     else if (method == ESMF_METHOD_RUN) then
        call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(import,infoh,RC=STATUS)
        call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh, key="MAPL_GridCapture", value=is_grid_capture, _RC)
        if (is_test_framework) then
           call capture(POS, phase, GC, import, export, clock, _RC)
        else if (is_test_framework_driver) then
           ! force skipReading and skipWriting in NCIO to be false
           call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(import,infoh,RC=STATUS)
           call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh, key="MAPL_TestFramework", value=.true., _RC)
        end if
     end if
   end subroutine record_component

   subroutine capture(POS, PHASE, GC, IMPORT, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC)
     character(len=*),    intent(IN   ) :: POS    ! Before or after
     integer,             intent(IN   ) :: PHASE  ! Run phase
     type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(INOUT) :: GC     ! Gridded component
     type(ESMF_State),    intent(INOUT) :: IMPORT ! Import state
     type(ESMF_State),    intent(INOUT) :: EXPORT ! Export state
     type(ESMF_Clock),    intent(INOUT) :: CLOCK  ! The clock
     integer, optional,   intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

     type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: STATE
     integer :: status
     character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: filename, comp_name, time_label
     character(len=4) :: filetype
     type(ESMF_State), pointer :: internal
     integer :: hdr
     type(ESMF_Time) :: start_time, curr_time, target_time
     character(len=1) :: phase_
     logical :: clobber_file
     type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh

     call ESMF_GridCompGet(GC, NAME=comp_name, _RC)
     call MAPL_InternalStateGet (GC, STATE, _RC)

     call MAPL_GetResource(state, clobber_file, LABEL="overwrite_checkpoint:", default = .false., _RC)
     call ESMF_ClockGet(clock, startTime=start_time, currTime=curr_time, _RC)

     call MAPL_GetResource(STATE, time_label, label='TARGET_TIME:', default='')
     if (time_label == '') then
        target_time = start_time
        target_time = parse_time_string(time_label, _RC)
     end if

     filetype = 'pnc4'
     filename = trim(comp_name)//"_"

     if (curr_time == target_time) then
        internal => state%get_internal_state()
        ! force skipReading and skipWriting in NCIO to be false
        call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(import,infoh,RC=STATUS)
        call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh, key="MAPL_TestFramework", value=.true., _RC)
        write(phase_, '(i1)') phase

        call MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile(import, CLOCK, trim(FILENAME)//"import_"//trim(POS)//"_runPhase"//phase_, &
             FILETYPE, STATE, .false., clobber=clobber_file, &
             write_with_oserver=state%grid%write_restart_by_oserver, _RC)
        call MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile(export, CLOCK, trim(FILENAME)//"export_"//trim(POS)//"_runPhase"//phase_, &
             FILETYPE, STATE, .false., clobber=clobber_file, &
             write_with_oserver=state%grid%write_restart_by_oserver, _RC)
        call MAPL_GetResource(STATE, hdr, default=0, LABEL="INTERNAL_HEADER:", _RC)
        call MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile(internal, CLOCK, trim(FILENAME)//"internal_"//trim(POS)//"_runPhase"//phase_, &
             FILETYPE, STATE, hdr/=0, clobber=clobber_file, &
             write_with_oserver=state%grid%write_restart_by_oserver, _RC)
     end if
   end subroutine capture



   ! !IROUTINE: omp_driver

   subroutine omp_driver(GC, import, export, clock, RC)
      use MAPL_OpenMP_Support, only : get_current_thread,  get_num_threads

      type (ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: GC     ! Gridded component
      type (ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: import ! Import state
      type (ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: export ! Export state
      type (ESMF_Clock),    intent(inout) :: clock  ! The clock
      integer, optional,    intent(  out) :: RC     ! Error code:

      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: MAPL
      integer :: thread
      type(ESMF_State) :: subimport
      type(ESMF_State) :: subexport
      integer :: status
      integer, allocatable :: statuses(:), user_statuses(:)
      integer :: num_threads
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: Iam = "Run1"
      type(ESMF_GridComp) :: thread_gc
      integer :: userRC
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: comp_name
      integer :: phase

      call ESMF_GridCompGet (GC, NAME=comp_name, currentPhase=phase, _RC)

      call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC (GC, MAPL, _RC)
      if(MAPL%is_threading_active()) then
         call ESMF_GridCompRun (GC, &
              importState=import, &
              exportState=export, &
              clock=CLOCK, PHASE=phase, &
              userRC=userRC, _RC )
         !call start_global_time_profiler('activate_threads')
         num_threads = get_num_threads()
         call MAPL%activate_threading(num_threads, _RC)
         !call stop_global_time_profiler('activate_threads')
         !call start_global_time_profiler('parallel')

         allocate(statuses(num_threads), __STAT__)
         allocate(user_statuses(num_threads), __STAT__)
         !$omp parallel default(none), &
         !$omp& private(thread, subimport, subexport, thread_gc), &
         !$omp& shared(gc, statuses, user_statuses, clock, PHASE, MAPL)

         thread = get_current_thread()

         subimport = MAPL%get_import_state()
         subexport = MAPL%get_export_state()
         thread_gc = MAPL%get_gridcomp()

         call ESMF_GridCompRun (thread_gc, &
              importState=subimport, &
              exportState=subexport, &
              clock=CLOCK, PHASE=phase, &
              userRC=user_statuses(thread+1), rc=statuses(thread+1) )
         !$omp end parallel
         !call stop_global_time_profiler('parallel')
         if (any(user_statuses /= ESMF_SUCCESS)) then
            _FAIL('some thread failed for user_statuses')
         end if
         if (any(statuses /= ESMF_SUCCESS)) then
            _FAIL('some thread failed')
         end if
         deallocate(statuses, __STAT__)
         deallocate(user_statuses, __STAT__)
         !call start_global_time_profiler('deactivate_threads')
         call MAPL%deactivate_threading(_RC)
         !call stop_global_time_profiler('deactivate_threads')
      end if
      !call stop_global_time_profiler('run1()')
   end subroutine omp_driver



   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_GenericRunChildren

   recursive subroutine MAPL_GenericRunChildren ( GC, import, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC)

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(INOUT) :: GC     ! Gridded component
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(INOUT) :: IMPORT ! Import state
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(INOUT) :: EXPORT ! Export state
      type(ESMF_Clock),    intent(INOUT) :: CLOCK  ! The clock
      integer, optional,   intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:


      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: comp_name
      integer                       :: status
      integer                       :: userRC

      ! Local derived type aliases

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),pointer :: STATE

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)       :: CHILD_NAME
      integer                          :: I, J
      integer                          :: NC
      integer                          :: PHASE
      integer                          :: NUMPHASES
      integer                          :: MAXPHASES
      type (MAPL_MetaPtr), allocatable :: CHLDMAPL(:)
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_import_state
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_export_state


      ! Begin...


      ! Get the target components name and set-up traceback handle.
      ! -----------------------------------------------------------

      Iam = "MAPL_GenericRunChildren"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, NAME=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // trim(Iam)

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state. It comes in a wrapper.
      ! ------------------------------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, STATE, RC=status)

!@ call MAPL_TimerOn (STATE,"GenRunTot")

      ! Run the children
      ! ----------------

      NC = STATE%get_num_children()
      allocate(CHLDMAPL(NC), stat=status)
      MAXPHASES = 0
      do I=1,NC
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC(gridcomp, CHLDMAPL(I)%PTR, RC=status)
      end do

      do PHASE = 1, MAXPHASES
         do I=1,NC
            if (PHASE .le. NUMPHASES) then
               gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
               call ESMF_GridCompGet( gridcomp, NAME=CHILD_NAME, RC=status )

               call MAPL_TimerOn (STATE,trim(CHILD_NAME))
               child_import_state => STATE%get_child_import_state(i)
               child_export_state => STATE%get_child_export_state(i)

               call ESMF_GridCompRun (gridcomp, &
                    importState=child_import_state, &
                    exportState=child_export_state, &
                    clock=CLOCK, PHASE=CHLDMAPL(I)%PTR%PHASE_RUN(PHASE), &
                    userRC=userRC, _RC )

                call MAPL_TimerOff(STATE,trim(CHILD_NAME))
            end if

            !ALT question for Max - if user wants to run particular phase only, when should we run couplers
            if (PHASE == NUMPHASES) then
               do J=1,NC
                  if(STATE%CCcreated(I,J)) then
                     child_export_state => STATE%get_child_export_state(i)
                     child_import_state => STATE%get_child_import_state(j)
                     call ESMF_CplCompRun (STATE%CCS(I,J), &
                          importState=child_export_state, &
                          exportState=child_import_state, &
                          clock=CLOCK, userRC=userRC, _RC)
            end if

!@ call MAPL_TimerOff(STATE,"GenRunTot")


   end subroutine MAPL_GenericRunChildren

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_GenericFinalize -- Finalizes the component and its children

   recursive subroutine MAPL_GenericFinalize ( GC, import, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC )

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: GC     ! composite gridded component
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: IMPORT ! import state
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: EXPORT ! export state
      type(ESMF_Clock),    intent(inout) :: CLOCK  ! the clock
      integer, optional,   intent(  out) :: RC     ! Error code:
      ! = 0 all is well
      ! otherwise, error


      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: comp_name
      integer                                     :: status
      integer                                     :: userRC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: FILENAME
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: FILETYPE
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: CHILD_NAME
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: RECFIN
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer               :: STATE
      integer                                     :: I
      logical                                     :: final_checkpoint
      logical                                     :: nwrgt1
      integer                                     :: NC
      integer                                     :: PHASE
      integer                                     :: NUMPHASES
      integer                                     :: MAXPHASES
      type (MAPL_MetaPtr), allocatable            :: CHLDMAPL(:)
      integer                                     :: hdr
      integer                                     :: yyyymmdd, hhmmss
      integer                                     :: year, month, day, hh, mm, ss
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: tmp_label, FILEtpl
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: id_string
      integer                                     :: ens_id_width
      type(ESMF_Time)                             :: CurrTime
      class(DistributedProfiler), pointer                :: t_p
      class(DistributedProfiler), pointer                :: m_p
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_import_state
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_export_state
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: internal_state
      logical :: clobber_file

      !  Begin...


      Iam = "MAPL_GenericFinalize"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet(GC, name=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // Iam

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the state
      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, STATE, RC=status)

      call MAPL_GetResource(state, clobber_file, LABEL="overwrite_checkpoint:", default = .false., _RC)

      ! Finalize the children
      ! ---------------------

      t_p => get_global_time_profiler()
      m_p => get_global_memory_profiler()

      NC = STATE%get_num_children()
      allocate(CHLDMAPL(NC), stat=status)
      MAXPHASES = 0
      do I=1,NC
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC(gridcomp, CHLDMAPL(I)%PTR, RC=status)
      end do

      do PHASE = 1, MAXPHASES
         do I=1,NC
            if (PHASE .le. NUMPHASES) then
               gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
               call ESMF_GridCompGet( gridcomp, NAME=CHILD_NAME, RC=status )

               call MAPL_TimerOn (STATE,trim(CHILD_NAME))
               child_import_state => STATE%get_child_import_state(i)
               child_export_state => STATE%get_child_export_state(i)
               call ESMF_GridCompFinalize (gridcomp, &
                    importState=child_import_state, &
                    exportState=child_export_state, &
                    clock=CLOCK, PHASE=CHLDMAPL(I)%PTR%PHASE_FINAL(PHASE), &
                    userRC=userRC, _RC)
               call MAPL_TimerOff(STATE,trim(CHILD_NAME),_RC)
            end if
      end do

      call MAPL_TimerOn(STATE,"generic")

      call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, RECFIN, LABEL="RECORD_FINAL:", &
           RC=status )
      final_checkpoint = .true.
      IF (status == ESMF_SUCCESS) then
         IF (RECFIN == "NO")  final_checkpoint = .false.
      END IF

      if (final_checkpoint) then
         ! Checkpoint the internal state if required.

         call ESMF_ClockGet (clock, currTime=currTime, rc=status)
         call ESMF_TimeGet( currTime, YY = YEAR, MM = MONTH, DD = DAY, H=HH, M=MM, S=SS, rc = status  )

         yyyymmdd = year*10000 + month*100 + day
         hhmmss   = HH*10000 + MM*100 + SS

         call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, ens_id_width,         &
              LABEL="ENS_ID_WIDTH:", default=0, &

         tmp_label = "INTERNAL_CHECKPOINT_FILE:"
         call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , FILEtpl,         &
              LABEL=trim(tmp_label), &
         if((status /= ESMF_SUCCESS) .and. ens_id_width>0) then
            i = len(trim(comp_name))
            id_string = comp_name(i-ens_id_width+1:i)
            tmp_label =comp_name(1:i-ens_id_width)//"_"//trim(tmp_label)
            call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , FILEtpl,       &
                 LABEL=trim(tmp_label), &

         if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then
            ! if the filename is tempate
            call fill_grads_template(filename,trim(adjustl(filetpl)),experiment_id=trim(id_string), nymd=yyyymmdd,nhms=hhmmss,rc=status)
            call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILETYPE, LABEL="INTERNAL_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:",                RC=status )
            if ( status/=ESMF_SUCCESS  .or.  FILETYPE == "default" ) then
               call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILETYPE, LABEL="DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:", default='pnc4', RC=status )
            end if
            FILETYPE = ESMF_UtilStringLowerCase(FILETYPE,rc=status)
            nwrgt1 = ((state%grid%num_readers > 1) .or. (state%grid%num_writers > 1))
            if(FILETYPE=='pnc4' .and. nwrgt1) then
               print*,trim(Iam),': num_readers and number_writers must be 1 with pnc4 unless HDF5 was built with -enable-parallel'
               _FAIL('needs informative message')
            call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , hdr,         &
                 default=0, &
                 LABEL="INTERNAL_HEADER:", &
            internal_state => state%get_internal_state()
            call MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile(internal_state,CLOCK,FILENAME, &
                 FILETYPE, STATE, hdr/=0, clobber=clobber_file, &
                 write_with_oserver=state%grid%write_restart_by_oserver, RC=status)

         ! Checkpoint the import state if required.

         call       MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILENAME, LABEL="IMPORT_CHECKPOINT_FILE:",                  RC=status )
         if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then
            call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILETYPE, LABEL="IMPORT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:",                  RC=status )
            if ( status/=ESMF_SUCCESS  .or.  FILETYPE == "default" ) then
               call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILETYPE, LABEL="DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:", default='pnc4', RC=status )
            end if
            FILETYPE = ESMF_UtilStringLowerCase(FILETYPE,rc=status)
            nwrgt1 = ((state%grid%num_readers > 1) .or. (state%grid%num_writers > 1))
            if(FILETYPE=='pnc4' .and. nwrgt1) then
               print*,trim(Iam),': num_readers and number_writers must be 1 with pnc4 unless HDF5 was built with -enable-parallel'
               _FAIL('needs informative message')
            call MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile(IMPORT,CLOCK,FILENAME, &
                 FILETYPE, STATE, .FALSE., clobber=clobber_file, &
                 write_with_oserver=state%grid%write_restart_by_oserver, RC=status)

         ! Checkpoint the export state if required.
         call checkpoint_export_state(_RC)
      end if

      call MAPL_TimerOff(STATE,"generic",_RC)

      ! Write summary of profiled times

      call state%t_profiler%stop('Finalize',_RC)
      call state%t_profiler%stop(_RC)

      if (.not. MAPL_ProfIsDisabled()) then
         call report_generic_profile()
      end if

      call t_p%stop(trim(state%compname),_RC)
      call m_p%stop(trim(state%compname),_RC)

      ! Clean-up
      call MAPL_GenericStateDestroy (STATE,  RC=status)



      subroutine checkpoint_export_state(rc)
         integer, optional,   intent(  out) :: RC     ! Error code:

         call       MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILENAME, LABEL="EXPORT_CHECKPOINT_FILE:",                  RC=status )
         if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then
            call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILETYPE, LABEL="EXPORT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:",                  RC=status )
            if ( status/=ESMF_SUCCESS  .or.  FILETYPE == "default" ) then
               call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILETYPE, LABEL="DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:", default='pnc4', RC=status )
            end if
            FILETYPE = ESMF_UtilStringLowerCase(FILETYPE,rc=status)
            nwrgt1 = ((state%grid%num_readers > 1) .or. (state%grid%num_writers > 1))
            if(FILETYPE=='pnc4' .and. nwrgt1) then
               if (mapl_am_i_root()) then
                  print*,trim(Iam),': num_readers and number_writers must be 1 with pnc4 unless HDF5 was built with -enable-parallel'
               end if
               _FAIL('needs informative message')
            call MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile(EXPORT,CLOCK,FILENAME, &
                 FILETYPE, STATE, .FALSE., clobber=clobber_file, &
                 write_with_oserver=state%grid%write_restart_by_oserver, RC=status)
      end subroutine checkpoint_export_state

      subroutine report_generic_profile( rc )
         integer, optional,   intent(  out) :: RC     ! Error code:
         character(:), allocatable :: report(:)
         type (ProfileReporter) :: reporter
         type (MultiColumn) :: min_multi, mean_multi, max_multi, pe_multi, n_cyc_multi
         type (ESMF_VM) :: vm
         character(1) :: empty(0)
         class(Logger), pointer :: lgr

         call ESMF_VmGetCurrent(vm, _RC)

         lgr => logging%get_logger('MAPL.profiler')

         ! Generate stats _across_ processes covered by this timer
         ! Requires consistent call trees for now.

         call state%t_profiler%reduce()

         if  (MAPL_AM_I_Root(vm)) then
            reporter = ProfileReporter(empty)
            call reporter%add_column(NameColumn(25, separator=" "))

            min_multi = MultiColumn(['Min'], separator='=')
            call min_multi%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('   %  ','(f6.2)', 6, PercentageColumn(ExclusiveColumn('MIN')), separator='-'))
            call min_multi%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('inclusive', '(f10.2)', 10, InclusiveColumn('MIN'), separator='-'))
            call min_multi%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('exclusive', '(f10.2)',10, ExclusiveColumn('MIN'), separator='-'))

            mean_multi = MultiColumn(['Mean'], separator='=')
            call mean_multi%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('   %  ','(f6.2)', 6, PercentageColumn(ExclusiveColumn('MEAN')), separator='-'))
            call mean_multi%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('inclusive', '(f10.2)', 10, InclusiveColumn('MEAN'), separator='-'))
            call mean_multi%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('exclusive', '(f10.2)', 10, ExclusiveColumn('MEAN'), separator='-'))

            max_multi = MultiColumn(['Max'], separator='=')
            call max_multi%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('   %  ','(f6.2)', 6, PercentageColumn(ExclusiveColumn('MAX')), separator='-'))
            call max_multi%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('inclusive', '(f10.2)', 10, InclusiveColumn('MAX'), separator='-'))
            call max_multi%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('exclusive', '(f10.2)', 10, ExclusiveColumn('MAX'), separator='-'))

            pe_multi = MultiColumn(['PE'], separator='=')
            call pe_multi%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('max','(1x,i5.5)', 6, ExclusiveColumn('MAX_PE'), separator='-'))
            call pe_multi%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('min','(1x,i5.5)', 6, ExclusiveColumn('MIN_PE'),separator='-'))

            n_cyc_multi = MultiColumn(['# cycles'], separator='=')
            call n_cyc_multi%add_column(FormattedTextColumn('', '(i8.0)', 8, NumCyclesColumn(),separator=' '))

            call reporter%add_column(SeparatorColumn('|'))
            call reporter%add_column(min_multi)
            call reporter%add_column(SeparatorColumn('|'))
            call reporter%add_column(mean_multi)
            call reporter%add_column(SeparatorColumn('|'))
            call reporter%add_column(max_multi)
            call reporter%add_column(SeparatorColumn('|'))
            call reporter%add_column(pe_multi)
            call reporter%add_column(SeparatorColumn('|'))
            call reporter%add_column(n_cyc_multi)

            report = reporter%generate_report(state%t_profiler)
            call lgr%info('')
            call lgr%info('Times for component <%a~>', trim(comp_name))
            do i = 1, size(report)
               call lgr%info('%a', report(i))
            end do
            call lgr%info('')
         end if

      end subroutine report_generic_profile

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericFinalize

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_GenericRecord -- Record the component and its children


   recursive subroutine MAPL_GenericRecord ( GC, IMPORT, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC )

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: GC     ! composite gridded component
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: IMPORT ! import state
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: EXPORT ! export state
      type(ESMF_Clock),    intent(inout) :: CLOCK  ! the clock
      integer, optional,   intent(  out) :: RC     ! Error code:
      ! = 0 all is well
      ! otherwise, error


      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: comp_name
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: CHILD_NAME
      character(len=14)                           :: datestamp ! YYYYMMDD_HHMMz
      integer                                     :: status
      integer                                     :: userRC
      integer                                     :: I
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer               :: STATE

      integer                                     :: filetype
      character(len=1)                            :: separator

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: filetypechar
      character(len=4)                            :: extension
      integer                                     :: hdr

      integer                                     :: K
      logical                                     :: ftype(0:1)
      class(DistributedProfiler), pointer                :: t_p, m_p
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_import_state
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_export_state

      !  Begin...

      Iam = "MAPL_GenericRecord"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet(GC, name=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // Iam

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the state

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, STATE, RC=status)

      t_p => get_global_time_profiler()
      m_p => get_global_memory_profiler()
      call state%t_profiler%start(_RC)
      call state%t_profiler%start('Record',_RC)

      ! Record the children
      ! ---------------------
      do I = 1, STATE%get_num_children()
         call ESMF_GridCompGet( STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I), NAME=CHILD_NAME, RC=status )
         call MAPL_TimerOn (STATE,trim(CHILD_NAME))
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         child_import_state => STATE%get_child_import_state(i)
         child_export_state => STATE%get_child_export_state(i)
         call ESMF_GridCompWriteRestart (gridcomp, &
              importState=child_import_state, &
              exportState=child_export_state, &
              clock=CLOCK, userRC=userRC, _RC ) ! number of phases is currently limited to 1
         call MAPL_TimerOff(STATE,trim(CHILD_NAME))

      ! Do my "own" record
      ! ------------------
      call MAPL_TimerOn(STATE,"generic")

      if (associated(STATE%RECORD)) then

         FILETYPE = MAPL_Write2Disk
         ftype = .false.
         DO I = 1, size(STATE%RECORD%ALARM)
            if ( ESMF_AlarmIsRinging(STATE%RECORD%ALARM(I), RC=status) ) then
               filetype = STATE%RECORD%FILETYPE(I)

               if (.not. ftype(filetype)) then
                  !ALT: we do this only ONCE per given filetype (RAM or Disk)
                  ftype(filetype) = .true.
                  ! add timestamp to filename
                  call MAPL_DateStampGet(clock, datestamp, rc=status)

                  if (FILETYPE /= MAPL_Write2Disk) then
                     separator = '*'
                     separator = '.'
                  end if

                  if (K > 0) then
                     call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, filetypechar, LABEL="IMPORT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:",                  RC=status )
                     if ( status/=ESMF_SUCCESS  .or.  filetypechar == "default" ) then
                        call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, filetypechar, LABEL="DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:", default='pnc4', RC=status )
                     end if
                     filetypechar = ESMF_UtilStringLowerCase(filetypechar,rc=status)
                     if (filetypechar == 'pnc4') then
                        extension = '.nc4'
                        extension = '.bin'
                     end if
                     STATE%RECORD%IMP_FNAME(K+1:) = separator // DATESTAMP // extension
                  end if

                  if (K > 0) then
                     call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, hdr,      LABEL="INTERNAL_HEADER:",         default=0,      RC=status )
                     call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, filetypechar, LABEL="INTERNAL_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:",                RC=status )
                     if ( status/=ESMF_SUCCESS  .or.  filetypechar == "default" ) then
                        call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, filetypechar, LABEL="DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:", default='pnc4', RC=status )
                     end if
                     filetypechar = ESMF_UtilStringLowerCase(filetypechar,rc=status)
                     if (filetypechar == 'pnc4') then
                        extension = '.nc4'
                        extension = '.bin'
                     end if
                     STATE%RECORD%INT_FNAME(K+1:) = separator // DATESTAMP // extension
                  end if

                  ! call the actual record method
                  call MAPL_StateRecord (GC, IMPORT, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC=status )
            end if
         END DO
      call MAPL_TimerOff(STATE,"generic",_RC)

      call state%t_profiler%stop('Record',_RC)
      call state%t_profiler%stop(_RC)

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericRecord

   subroutine MAPL_StateRecord( GC, IMPORT, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC )

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: GC     ! composite gridded component
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: IMPORT ! import state
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: EXPORT ! export state
      type(ESMF_Clock),    intent(inout) :: CLOCK  ! the clock
      integer, optional,   intent(  out) :: RC     ! Error code:
      ! = 0 all is well
      ! otherwise, error


      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: comp_name
      integer                                     :: status

      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer               :: STATE
      integer                                     :: hdr
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: FILETYPE
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: internal_state
      logical :: clobber_file

      !  Begin...


      Iam = "MAPL_StateRecord"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet(GC, name=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // Iam

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the state

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, STATE, RC=status)

      call MAPL_GetResource(state, clobber_file, LABEL="overwrite_checkpoint:", default = .false., _RC)
      if (.not.associated(STATE%RECORD)) then
      end if

      if (STATE%RECORD%IMP_LEN > 0) then
         call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILETYPE, LABEL="IMPORT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:",                  RC=status )
         if ( status/=ESMF_SUCCESS  .or.  FILETYPE == "default" ) then
            call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILETYPE, LABEL="DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:", default='pnc4', RC=status )
         end if
         call MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile(IMPORT, CLOCK, &
              STATE%RECORD%IMP_FNAME, &
              FILETYPE, STATE, .FALSE., clobber=clobber_file, &
              write_with_oserver=state%grid%write_restart_by_oserver, &
      end if

      if (STATE%RECORD%INT_LEN > 0) then
         call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, hdr,      LABEL="INTERNAL_HEADER:",         default=0,      RC=status )
         call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILETYPE, LABEL="INTERNAL_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:",                RC=status )
         if ( status/=ESMF_SUCCESS  .or.  FILETYPE == "default" ) then
            call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILETYPE, LABEL="DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:", default='pnc4', RC=status )
         end if

         internal_state => STATE%get_internal_state()
         call MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile(internal_state, CLOCK, &
              STATE%RECORD%INT_FNAME, &
              FILETYPE, STATE, hdr/=0, clobber=clobber_file, &
              write_with_oserver=state%grid%write_restart_by_oserver, &
      end if

   end subroutine MAPL_StateRecord

   recursive subroutine MAPL_GenericRefresh ( GC, IMPORT, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC )

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: GC     ! composite gridded component
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: IMPORT ! import state
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: EXPORT ! export state
      type(ESMF_Clock),    intent(inout) :: CLOCK  ! the clock
      integer, optional,   intent(  out) :: RC     ! Error code:
      ! = 0 all is well
      ! otherwise, error


      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: comp_name
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: CHILD_NAME
      character(len=14)                           :: datestamp ! YYYYMMDD_HHMMz
      integer                                     :: status
      integer                                     :: UserRC
      integer                                     :: I
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer               :: STATE
      character(len=1)                            :: separator
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: filetypechar
      character(len=4)                            :: extension
      integer                                     :: hdr
      class(DistributedProfiler), pointer                :: t_p
      class(DistributedProfiler), pointer                :: m_p
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_import_state
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_export_state

      !  Begin...

      Iam = "MAPL_GenericRefresh"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet(GC, name=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // Iam

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the state

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, STATE, RC=status)

      call state%t_profiler%start(_RC)
      call state%t_profiler%start('Refresh',_RC)

      call MAPL_TimerOn(STATE,"GenRefreshTot")
      ! Refresh the children
      ! ---------------------
      do I=1,STATE%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call ESMF_GridCompGet( gridcomp, NAME=CHILD_NAME, RC=status )
         call MAPL_TimerOn (STATE,trim(CHILD_NAME))
         child_import_state => STATE%get_child_import_state(i)
         child_export_state => STATE%get_child_export_state(i)
         call MAPL_GenericRefresh (gridcomp, child_import_state, child_export_state, CLOCK, &
              RC=status )
         call MAPL_TimerOff(STATE,trim(CHILD_NAME),_RC)

      ! Do my "own" refresh
      ! ------------------
      call MAPL_TimerOn(STATE,"GenRefreshMine")

      if (associated(STATE%RECORD)) then

         ! add timestamp to filename
         call MAPL_DateStampGet(clock, datestamp, rc=status)

         !ALT: If any value of Record%filetype is MAPL_Write2RAM
         !     the restart must have been written to RAM by some component (or MAPL)
         !     and we read it from there (and ignore any disk files!)

         if (ANY(STATE%RECORD%FILETYPE == MAPL_Write2RAM)) then
            separator = '*'
            separator = '.'
         end if

         if (I > 0) then
            call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, filetypechar, LABEL="IMPORT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:",                  RC=status )
            if ( status/=ESMF_SUCCESS  .or.  filetypechar == "default" ) then
               call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, filetypechar, LABEL="DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:", default='pnc4', RC=status )
            end if
            filetypechar = ESMF_UtilStringLowerCase(filetypechar,rc=status)
            if (filetypechar == 'pnc4') then
               extension = '.nc4'
               extension = '.bin'
            end if
            STATE%RECORD%IMP_FNAME(I+1:) = separator // DATESTAMP // extension
         end if

         if (I > 0) then
            call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, hdr,      LABEL="INTERNAL_HEADER:",         default=0,      RC=status )
            call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, filetypechar, LABEL="INTERNAL_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:",                RC=status )
            if ( status/=ESMF_SUCCESS  .or.  filetypechar == "default" ) then
               call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, filetypechar, LABEL="DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:", default='pnc4', RC=status )
            end if
            filetypechar = ESMF_UtilStringLowerCase(filetypechar,rc=status)
            if (filetypechar == 'pnc4') then
               extension = '.nc4'
               extension = '.bin'
            end if
            STATE%RECORD%INT_FNAME(I+1:) = separator // DATESTAMP // extension
         end if

         ! call the actual record method
         call MAPL_StateRefresh (GC, IMPORT, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC=status )

! I_Run
         if (associated(STATE%customRefresh)) then
            call ESMF_GridCompInitialize(GC, importState=import, &
                    exportState=export, clock=CLOCK, &
                    phase=MAPL_CustomRefreshPhase, &
                    userRC=userRC, _RC)

      call MAPL_TimerOff(STATE,"GenRefreshMine",_RC)
      call MAPL_TimerOff(STATE,"GenRefreshTot",_RC)

      call state%t_profiler%stop('Refresh',_RC)
      call state%t_profiler%stop(_RC)

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericRefresh

   subroutine MAPL_StateRefresh( GC, IMPORT, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC )

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: GC     ! composite gridded component
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: IMPORT ! import state
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: EXPORT ! export state
      type(ESMF_Clock),    intent(inout) :: CLOCK  ! the clock
      integer, optional,   intent(  out) :: RC     ! Error code:
      ! = 0 all is well
      ! otherwise, error


      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: comp_name
      integer                                     :: status

      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer               :: STATE
      integer                                     :: hdr
      integer                                     :: unit
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: internal_state


      !  Begin...

      Iam = "MAPL_StateRefresh"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet(GC, name=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // Iam

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the state

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, STATE, RC=status)

      if (.not.associated(STATE%RECORD)) then
      end if

      if (STATE%RECORD%IMP_LEN > 0) then
         call MAPL_ESMFStateReadFromFile(IMPORT, CLOCK, &
              STATE%RECORD%IMP_FNAME, &
              STATE, .FALSE., RC=status)
         call MAPL_DestroyFile(unit = UNIT, rc=status)
      end if

      if (STATE%RECORD%INT_LEN > 0) then
         call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , hdr,         &
              default=0, &
              LABEL="INTERNAL_HEADER:", &
         internal_state => state%get_internal_state()
         call MAPL_ESMFStateReadFromFile(internal_state, CLOCK, &
              STATE%RECORD%INT_FNAME, &
              STATE, hdr/=0, RC=status)
         call MAPL_DestroyFile(unit = UNIT, rc=status)
      end if

   end subroutine MAPL_StateRefresh

   subroutine MAPL_DateStampGet (clock, DateStamp, rc)
      type (ESMF_Clock)                 :: clock
      character(len=*)        :: DateStamp
      integer, optional                 :: rc

      type(ESMF_Time)                   :: currentTime
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)        :: TimeString

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: IAm
      integer                                     :: status

      Iam = "MAPL_DateStampGet"

      call ESMF_ClockGet (clock, currTime=currentTime, rc=status)
      call ESMF_TimeGet  (currentTime, timeString=TimeString, rc=status)

      associate ( &
         year => TimeString( 1: 4), &
         month=> TimeString( 6: 7), &
         day  => TimeString( 9:10), &
         hour => TimeString(12:13), &
         minute=>TimeString(15:16), &
         second=>TimeString(18:19)  &
         DateStamp = year // month // day // '_' // hour // minute // 'z'
      end associate

   end subroutine MAPL_DateStampGet


   subroutine MAPL_InternalStateCreate( GC, MAPLOBJ, RC)
      use mapl_ConcreteComposite
      type(ESMF_GridComp),                  intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),                       pointer :: MAPLOBJ
      integer,                    optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC ! Return code

      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)        :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)        :: comp_name
      integer                           :: status
      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------

      type (MAPL_GenericWrap )          :: WRAP
#if defined(ABSOFT) || defined(sysIRIX64)
      type(MAPL_MetaComp ), target      :: DUMMY
      type(ConcreteComposite), pointer :: root_composite
      class(AbstractFrameworkComponent), pointer :: tmp_component

      ! Begin...

      ! Get the target components name and set-up traceback handle.
      ! -----------------------------------------------------------

      Iam = "MAPL_InternalStateCreate"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, name=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // trim(Iam)

#if defined(ABSOFT) || defined(sysIRIX64)

      ! Allocate this instance of the internal state and put it in wrapper.
      ! -------------------------------------------------------------------

      if (.not. associated(MAPLOBJ)) then
         ! Root component (hopefully)
         allocate(MAPLOBJ, STAT=status)
! Memory leak !
         ! TODO: test if workaround is needed for 10.2
         ! workaround for gfortran 10.1
!C$       root_composite = ConcreteComposite(MAPLOBJ)
         call root_composite%initialize(MAPLOBJ)
         tmp_component => root_composite%get_component()
         select type (tmp_component)
            class is (MAPL_MetaComp)
            MAPLOBJ => tmp_component
         end select
         call MAPLOBJ%set_composite(root_composite)
      end if


      ! Have ESMF save pointer to the wrapped internal state in the G.C.
      ! ----------------------------------------------------------------

      call ESMF_UserCompSetInternalState(GC, "MAPL_GenericInternalState", WRAP, status)

   end subroutine MAPL_InternalStateCreate


   subroutine MAPL_GenericStateDestroy (STATE,RC)
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer              :: STATE
      integer, optional,           intent(  OUT) :: rc     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm = "MAPL_GenericStateDestroy"
      logical :: isCreated
      integer :: status
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: internal_state

      if(associated(STATE)) then
         call MAPL_SunOrbitDestroy    (STATE%ORBIT         ,RC=status)

         internal_state => state%get_internal_state()
         isCreated = ESMF_StateIsCreated(internal_state, RC=status)
         if (isCreated) then
            call ESMF_StateDestroy       (internal_state, _RC)
         end if

         isCreated = ESMF_StateIsCreated(STATE%FORCING, RC=status)
         if (isCreated) then
            call ESMF_StateDestroy       (STATE%FORCING      ,RC=status)
         end if

         !       call MAPL_VarSpecDestroy     (STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%IMPORT%OLD_VAR_SPECS   ,RC=status)
         !       _VERIFY(status)

         !       call MAPL_VarSpecDestroy     (STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%EXPORT%OLD_VAR_SPECS   ,RC=status)
         !       _VERIFY(status)

         !       call MAPL_VarSpecDestroy     (STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%INTERNAL%OLD_VAR_SPECS ,RC=status)
         !       _VERIFY(status)

         call MAPL_VarSpecDestroy     (STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%FORCING%OLD_VAR_SPECS   ,RC=status)
         if(allocated(STATE%GCNameList   )) deallocate(STATE%GCNameList   )
         if(associated(STATE%CCS          )) deallocate(STATE%CCS          )
         if(associated(STATE%CIM          )) deallocate(STATE%CIM          )
         if(associated(STATE%CEX          )) deallocate(STATE%CEX          )

         !ALT: still to do: clean LINK, LOCSTREAM, EXCHANGEGRID, RECORD
      end if

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericStateDestroy

   subroutine MAPL_StateSetSpecAttrib(STATE, NAME,    &
        INTERNAL, IMPORT, EXPORT, FORCING,            &

      type (MAPL_MetaComp)            , intent(INOUT)   :: STATE
      character (len=*)               , intent(IN)      :: NAME
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: REFRESH_INTERVAL
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: AVERAGING_INTERVAL
      logical            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: INTERNAL, EXPORT, IMPORT, FORCING
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateSetSpecAttrib"
      integer                               :: status

      type (MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer         :: SPEC => null()

         if(INTERNAL) then

         if(import) then

         if(EXPORT) then

         if(FORCING) then

      call MAPL_VarSpecSet(SPEC,            &
           RC=status  )



   end subroutine MAPL_StateSetSpecAttrib

   subroutine MAPL_StateGetSpecAttrib(STATE, NAME,    &
        INTERNAL, IMPORT, EXPORT, FORCING,            &

      type (MAPL_MetaComp)            , intent(IN)      :: STATE
      character (len=*)               , intent(IN )     :: NAME
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: REFRESH_INTERVAL
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: AVERAGING_INTERVAL
      logical            , optional   , intent(IN )     :: INTERNAL, EXPORT, IMPORT, FORCING
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateGetSpecAttrib"
      integer                               :: status
      type (MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer         :: SPEC=>null()

         if(INTERNAL) then

         if(IMPORT) then

         if(EXPORT) then

         if(FORCING) then

      _ASSERT(associated(SPEC),'needs informative message')

      call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPEC,            &
           RC=status  )



   end subroutine MAPL_StateGetSpecAttrib

   subroutine MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, MAPLOBJ, RC)

      ! !ARGUMENTS:
      type(ESMF_GridComp),                  intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),                       pointer :: MAPLOBJ
      integer,                    optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC ! Return code

      ! ErrLog Variables

      integer                           :: status

      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateGet( GC, MAPLOBJ, RC=status)
      if (status /= ESMF_SUCCESS) then
         call MAPL_InternalStateCreate( GC, MAPLOBJ, RC=status)
      end if


   end subroutine MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_StateAddImportSpec --- Sets the specifications for an item in the {\tt IMPORT} state.
   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_StateAddImportSpec_

   subroutine MAPL_StateAddImportSpec_(GC, SHORT_NAME, LONG_NAME,               &
        UNITS,  Dims, VLocation,                 &

      type (ESMF_GridComp)            , intent(INOUT)   :: GC
      character (len=*)               , intent(IN)      :: SHORT_NAME
      character (len=*)  , optional   , intent(IN)      :: LONG_NAME
      character (len=*)  , optional   , intent(IN)      :: UNITS
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: DIMS
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: DATATYPE
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: NUM_SUBTILES
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: VLOCATION
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: REFRESH_INTERVAL
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: AVERAGING_INTERVAL
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: HALOWIDTH
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: PRECISION
      real               , optional   , intent(IN)      :: DEFAULT
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: RESTART
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: UNGRIDDED_DIMS(:)
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: FIELD_TYPE
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: STAGGERING
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: ROTATION
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateAddImportSpec"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: usable_AI
      integer                               :: usable_RI
      integer                               :: usable_RS
      real                                  :: dt
      type (ESMF_Config)                    :: CF
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer         :: STATE

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, STATE, RC=status)

      CF = STATE%CF

      !  Get the clock increment interval
      call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute( CF, dt,  Label="RUN_DT:", RC=status)

      if (present(REFRESH_INTERVAL)) then
         usable_RI = REFRESH_INTERVAL
         usable_RI = nint(dt)

      if (present(AVERAGING_INTERVAL)) then
         usable_AI = AVERAGING_INTERVAL
         usable_AI = nint(dt)

      if (present(Restart)) then
         usable_RS  = Restart
         usable_RS = MAPL_RestartOptional

      if (present(DIMS)) then
         _ASSERT(DIMS /= MAPL_DimsNone,'needs informative message')
      end if

      call MAPL_VarSpecCreateInListNew(STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%IMPORT,               &
           LONG_NAME  = LONG_NAME,                                               &
           UNITS      = UNITS,                                                   &
           SHORT_NAME = SHORT_NAME,                                              &
           DIMS       = DIMS,                                                    &
           STAT       = DATATYPE,                                                &
           NUM_SUBTILES=NUM_SUBTILES,                                            &
           ACCMLT_INTERVAL= usable_AI,                                           &
           COUPLE_INTERVAL= usable_RI,                                           &
           VLOCATION  = VLOCATION,                                               &
           HALOWIDTH  = HALOWIDTH,                                               &
           PRECISION  = PRECISION,                                               &
           RESTART    = usable_RS,                                               &
           DEFAULT    = DEFAULT,                                                 &
           UNGRIDDED_DIMS = UNGRIDDED_DIMS,                                      &
           FIELD_TYPE = FIELD_TYPE,                                              &
           STAGGERING = STAGGERING,                                              &
           ROTATION = ROTATION,                                                  &
           RC=status  )

   end subroutine MAPL_StateAddImportSpec_

   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_StateAddImportSpecFrmChld --- Add \texttt{IMPORT} spec from child

   subroutine MAPL_StateAddImportSpecFrmChld ( STATE, SHORT_NAME, CHILD_ID, RC )

      type (MAPL_MetaComp)            , intent(INOUT)   :: STATE
      character (len=*)               , intent(IN)      :: SHORT_NAME
      integer                         , intent(IN)      :: CHILD_ID
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateAddImportSpecFrmChld"
      integer                               :: status
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),      pointer     :: SPECS(:)
      integer                               :: I
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp

      if (.not. STATE%get_num_children() > 0) then
      end if

      call MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpecs(gridcomp, IMPORT=SPECS, RC=status)

      I=MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex(SPECS, SHORT_NAME, RC=status)

      if (I == -1) then

      if (status /= MAPL_DuplicateEntry) then
         _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) ! ALT this needs to be revisited

      !ALT: is reconnect needed
      !    call MAPL_AddConnectivity ( STATE, SHORT_NAME=SHORT_NAME, &
      !       FROM_IMPORT=CHILD_ID, TO_IMPORT=MAPL_Self, RC=status  )
      !    _VERIFY(status)

   end subroutine MAPL_StateAddImportSpecFrmChld

   subroutine MAPL_ChildAddAttribToImportSpec ( STATE, CHILD_ID, &

      type (MAPL_MetaComp)            , intent(INOUT)   :: STATE
      integer                         , intent(IN)      :: CHILD_ID
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: REFRESH_INTERVAL
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: AVERAGING_INTERVAL
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: OFFSET
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_ChildAddAttribToImportSpec"
      integer                               :: status
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),      pointer     :: SPECS(:)
      integer                               :: I
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp

      if (.not. STATE%get_num_children() > 0) then
      end if

      call MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpecs(gridcomp, IMPORT=SPECS, RC=status)

      do I = 1, size(SPECS)

         call MAPL_VarSpecSet(SPECS(I),                  &
              COUPLE_INTERVAL= REFRESH_INTERVAL,         &
              OFFSET         = OFFSET,                   &
              RC=status  )
      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_ChildAddAttribToImportSpec

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_StateAddExportSpec --- sets the specifications for an item in the \texttt{EXPORT} state
   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_StateAddExportSpec_

   subroutine MAPL_StateAddExportSpec_(GC, SHORT_NAME, LONG_NAME,            &
        UNITS, Dims, VLocation,               &
        DATATYPE,NUM_SUBTILES,                &
        UNGRIDDED_COORDS,                     &

      type (ESMF_GridComp)            , intent(INOUT)   :: GC
      character (len=*)               , intent(IN)      :: SHORT_NAME
      character (len=*)  , optional   , intent(IN)      :: LONG_NAME
      character (len=*)  , optional   , intent(IN)      :: UNITS
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: DIMS
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: DATATYPE
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: VLOCATION
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: NUM_SUBTILES
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: REFRESH_INTERVAL
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: AVERAGING_INTERVAL
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: HALOWIDTH
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: PRECISION
      real               , optional   , intent(IN)      :: DEFAULT
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: UNGRIDDED_DIMS(:)
      character (len=*)  , optional   , intent(IN)      :: UNGRIDDED_NAME
      character (len=*)  , optional   , intent(IN)      :: UNGRIDDED_UNIT
      real               , optional   , intent(IN)      :: UNGRIDDED_COORDS(:)
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: FIELD_TYPE
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: STAGGERING
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: ROTATION
      logical            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: DEPENDS_ON_CHILDREN
      character (len=*)  , optional   , intent(IN)      :: DEPENDS_ON(:)
      character(len=*)   , optional,    intent(IN)      :: positive
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateAddExportSpec"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: usable_AI
      integer                               :: usable_RI
      real                                  :: dt
      type (ESMF_Config)                    :: CF
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer         :: STATE

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, STATE, RC=status)

      CF = STATE%CF

      !  Get the clock increment interval
      call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute( CF, dt,  Label="RUN_DT:", RC=status)

      if (present(REFRESH_INTERVAL)) then
         usable_RI = REFRESH_INTERVAL
         usable_RI = nint(dt)

      if (present(AVERAGING_INTERVAL)) then
         usable_AI = AVERAGING_INTERVAL
         usable_AI = nint(dt)

      if (present(UNGRIDDED_DIMS)) then
         if (present(UNGRIDDED_UNIT) .or. present(UNGRIDDED_NAME) .or. present(UNGRIDDED_COORDS)) then
            _ASSERT(size(UNGRIDDED_DIMS) == 1,'needs informative message')
            _ASSERT(UNGRIDDED_DIMS(1) == size(UNGRIDDED_COORDS),'needs informative message')
         end if
      end if

      if (present(DIMS)) then
         _ASSERT(DIMS /= MAPL_DimsNone,'needs informative message')
      end if

      call MAPL_VarSpecCreateInListNew(STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%EXPORT,                         &
           LONG_NAME  = LONG_NAME,                                               &
           UNITS      = UNITS,                                                   &
           SHORT_NAME = SHORT_NAME,                                              &
           DIMS       = DIMS,                                                    &
           STAT       = DATATYPE,                                                &
           NUM_SUBTILES=NUM_SUBTILES,                                            &
           ACCMLT_INTERVAL= usable_AI,                                           &
           COUPLE_INTERVAL= usable_RI,                                           &
           VLOCATION  = VLOCATION,                                               &
           HALOWIDTH  = HALOWIDTH,                                               &
           PRECISION  = PRECISION,                                               &
           DEFAULT    = DEFAULT,                                                 &
           UNGRIDDED_DIMS = UNGRIDDED_DIMS,                                      &
           UNGRIDDED_NAME = UNGRIDDED_NAME,                                    &
           UNGRIDDED_UNIT = UNGRIDDED_UNIT,                                    &
           UNGRIDDED_COORDS = UNGRIDDED_COORDS,                                  &
           FIELD_TYPE = FIELD_TYPE,                                              &
           STAGGERING = STAGGERING,                                              &
           ROTATION = ROTATION,                                                  &
           DEPENDS_ON = DEPENDS_ON, &
           positive = positive, &
           RC=status  )

   end subroutine MAPL_StateAddExportSpec_

   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChld_all --- Add all \texttt{EXPORT} spec from a child

   ! This is an odd procedure in that it not only adds an export spec, it also adds
   ! a connectivity. All the names are the same
   subroutine MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChld_All ( GC, CHILD_ID, RC)

      type(ESMF_GridComp),              intent(INOUT)   :: GC
      integer                         , intent(IN)      :: CHILD_ID
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: RC

      character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: SHORT_NAME ! NAME in CHILD
      character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChld"
      integer                               :: status
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),      pointer     :: SPECS(:)
      integer :: I
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: maplobj

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(gc, maplobj, _RC)

      gridcomp => maplobj%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(child_id)
      call MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpecs(gridcomp, EXPORT=SPECS, _RC)

      do I = 1, size(SPECS)
         call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPECS(I), SHORT_NAME=short_name, _RC)
         call MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChld(gc, short_name, child_id, _RC)

   end subroutine MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChld_all

   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChld --- Add \texttt{EXPORT} spec from child

   ! This is an odd procedure in that it not only adds an export spec, it also adds
   ! a connectivity.
   subroutine MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChld ( GC, SHORT_NAME, CHILD_ID, RC, TO_NAME )

      type(ESMF_GridComp),              intent(INOUT)   :: GC
      character (len=*)               , intent(IN)      :: SHORT_NAME ! NAME in CHILD
      integer                         , intent(IN)      :: CHILD_ID
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: RC
      character (len=*),      optional, intent(IN)      :: TO_NAME ! NAME to appear is EXPORT;
      ! default is SHORT_NAME

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChld"
      integer                               :: status
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: maplobj

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(gc, maplobj, _RC)
      call MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChldName(gc, short_name, maplobj%gcnamelist(child_id), TO_NAME=TO_NAME, _RC)

   end subroutine MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChld

   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChld --- Add \texttt{EXPORT} spec from child

   subroutine MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChldName ( GC, short_name, child_name, rc, TO_NAME )

      type(ESMF_GridComp),              intent(INOUT)   :: GC
      character (len=*)               , intent(IN)      :: short_name
      character(*), intent(in) :: child_name
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: rc
      character (len=*),      optional, intent(IN)      :: TO_NAME ! NAME to appear is EXPORT;
      ! default is SHORT_NAME

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChld"
      integer  :: child_id
      integer  :: status
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: maplobj

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(gc, maplobj, _RC)
      child_id = maplobj%get_child_idx(child_name)

      call MAPL_AddConnectivityE2E ( GC, SHORT_NAME, &
           TO_NAME = TO_NAME, &
           SRC_ID = CHILD_ID, &
           TO_EXPORT = MAPL_Self, _RC)

   end subroutine MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmChldName

   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmAll --- Add \texttt{EXPORT} spec from all

   subroutine MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmAll ( STATE, RC )

      type (MAPL_MetaComp)            , intent(INOUT)   :: STATE
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmAll"
      integer                               :: status
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),      pointer     :: SPECS(:)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),      pointer     :: MYSPEC(:) => null()
      integer                               :: I
      integer                               :: N
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: NAME
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: GCNAME
      character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR)           :: LONG_NAME
      character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR)           :: UNITS
      integer                               :: FIELD_TYPE
      integer                               :: STAGGERING
      integer                               :: ROTATION
      integer                               :: DIMS
      integer                               :: VLOCATION
      integer                               :: NUM_SUBTILES
      integer                               :: ACCMLT_INTERVAL
      integer                               :: COUPLE_INTERVAL
      integer                               :: STAT
      type(ESMF_Field), pointer             :: FIELD
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp

      if (.not. STATE%get_num_children() > 0) then
      end if

      do N = 1, STATE%get_num_children()

         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(N)
         call MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpecs(gridcomp, EXPORT=SPECS, RC=status)

         call ESMF_GridCompGet( STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(N), name=GCNAME, RC=status )

         do I = 1, size(SPECS)

            call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPECS(I), SHORT_NAME=NAME,  &
                 LONG_NAME  = LONG_NAME,                                  &
                 UNITS      = UNITS,                                      &
                 FIELD_TYPE = FIELD_TYPE,                                 &
                 STAGGERING = STAGGERING,                                 &
                 ROTATION = ROTATION,                                     &
                 DIMS       = DIMS,                                       &
                 VLOCATION  = VLOCATION,                                  &
                 NUM_SUBTILES=NUM_SUBTILES,                               &
                 STAT       = STAT,                                       &
                 ACCMLT_INTERVAL= ACCMLT_INTERVAL,                     &
                 COUPLE_INTERVAL= COUPLE_INTERVAL,                       &
                 RC=status  )

            call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPECS(I), FIELDPTR = FIELD, RC=status  )

            call MAPL_VarSpecCreateInList(MYSPEC,                         &
                 SHORT_NAME=trim(NAME)//'_from_' // trim(GCNAME),         &
                 LONG_NAME  = LONG_NAME,                                  &
                 UNITS      = UNITS,                                      &
                 FIELD_TYPE = FIELD_TYPE,                                 &
                 STAGGERING = STAGGERING,                                 &
                 ROTATION = ROTATION,                                     &
                 DIMS       = DIMS,                                       &
                 VLOCATION  = VLOCATION,                                  &
                 NUM_SUBTILES=NUM_SUBTILES,                               &
                 STAT       = STAT,                                       &
                 ACCMLT_INTERVAL= ACCMLT_INTERVAL,                     &
                 COUPLE_INTERVAL= COUPLE_INTERVAL,                       &
                 RC=status  )

            call MAPL_VarSpecSet(MYSPEC(1), FIELDPTR = FIELD, RC=status  )

            call MAPL_VarSpecAddRefToList(STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%EXPORT, MYSPEC(1), RC=status)
            if (status /= MAPL_DuplicateEntry) then
               _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) ! ALT this needs to be revisited

            !ALT specDestroy ?; otherwise we have small mem leak
            !ALT    call MAPL_AddConnectivity ???

         end do

      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmAll

! `MAPL_StateAddInternalSpec` --- Sets specifications for an item in the
! `INTERNAL` state.
   subroutine MAPL_StateAddInternalSpec(GC,                 &
        SHORT_NAME,         &
        LONG_NAME,          &
        UNITS,              &
        DIMS,               &
        VLOCATION,          &
        DATATYPE,           &
        NUM_SUBTILES,       &
        DEFAULT,            &
        RESTART,            &
        HALOWIDTH,          &
        PRECISION,          &
        FRIENDLYTO,         &
        ADD2EXPORT,         &
        ATTR_RNAMES,        &
        ATTR_INAMES,        &
        ATTR_RVALUES,       &
        ATTR_IVALUES,       &
        UNGRIDDED_DIMS,     &
        FIELD_TYPE,         &
        STAGGERING,         &
        ROTATION,           &

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type (ESMF_GridComp)            , intent(INOUT)   :: GC
      character (len=*)               , intent(IN)      :: SHORT_NAME
      character (len=*)  , optional   , intent(IN)      :: LONG_NAME
      character (len=*)  , optional   , intent(IN)      :: UNITS
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: DIMS
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: DATATYPE
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: VLOCATION
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: NUM_SUBTILES
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: REFRESH_INTERVAL
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: AVERAGING_INTERVAL
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: PRECISION
      real               , optional   , intent(IN)      :: DEFAULT
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: RESTART
      character (len=*)  , optional   , intent(IN)      :: HALOWIDTH
      character (len=*)  , optional   , intent(IN)      :: FRIENDLYTO
      logical            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: ADD2EXPORT
      character (len=*)  , optional   , intent(IN)      :: ATTR_INAMES(:)
      character (len=*)  , optional   , intent(IN)      :: ATTR_RNAMES(:)
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: ATTR_IVALUES(:)
      real               , optional   , intent(IN)      :: ATTR_RVALUES(:)
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: UNGRIDDED_DIMS(:)
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: FIELD_TYPE
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: STAGGERING
      integer            , optional   , intent(IN)      :: ROTATION
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateAddInternalSpec"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: usable_RS
      integer                               :: usable_HW
      integer                               :: I
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer         :: STATE
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),  pointer         :: SPEC
      integer                               :: default_dt
      integer                               :: interval
      real                                  :: dt

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, STATE, RC=status)

      if (present(Restart)) then
         usable_RS  = Restart
         usable_RS = MAPL_RestartOptional

      if (present(HALOWIDTH)) then
         read(HALOWIDTH,'(I1)') usable_HW
         usable_HW = 0

      call MAPL_VarSpecCreateInListNew(STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%INTERNAL,                       &
           LONG_NAME  = LONG_NAME,                                               &
           UNITS      = UNITS,                                                   &
           SHORT_NAME = SHORT_NAME,                                              &
           DIMS       = DIMS,                                                    &
           STAT       = DATATYPE,                                                &
           NUM_SUBTILES=NUM_SUBTILES,                                            &
           ACCMLT_INTERVAL= AVERAGING_INTERVAL,                                  &
           COUPLE_INTERVAL= REFRESH_INTERVAL,                                    &
           VLOCATION  = VLOCATION,                                               &
           DEFAULT    = DEFAULT, FRIENDLYTO = FRIENDLYTO,                        &
           HALOWIDTH  = usable_HW, PRECISION=PRECISION,                          &
           RESTART    = usable_RS,                                               &
           ATTR_RNAMES=ATTR_RNAMES, ATTR_INAMES=ATTR_INAMES,                     &
           UNGRIDDED_DIMS=UNGRIDDED_DIMS,                                        &
           FIELD_TYPE = FIELD_TYPE,                                              &
           STAGGERING = STAGGERING,                                              &
           ROTATION   = ROTATION,                                                &
           RC=status  )

      !ALT: the next section is added here upon the request of Arlindo:
      !     if FRIENDLYTO is set, we automatically
      !     add the spec/field to the export

      if (present(FRIENDLYTO) .or. present(ADD2EXPORT)) then

         if (I == -1) then

         call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute( STATE%CF, dt,  Label="RUN_DT:", RC=status)
         default_dt = nint(dt)

         call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPEC, ACCMLT_INTERVAL=interval, RC=status)
         if (interval == 0) then ! this was not supplied
            call MAPL_VarSpecSet(SPEC, ACCMLT_INTERVAL=default_dt, RC=status)

         call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPEC, COUPLE_INTERVAL=interval, RC=status)
         if (interval == 0) then ! this was not supplied
            call MAPL_VarSpecSet(SPEC, COUPLE_INTERVAL=default_dt, RC=status)

         call MAPL_VarSpecAddRefToList(STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%EXPORT, SPEC, RC=status)


   end subroutine MAPL_StateAddInternalSpec

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_DoNotDeferExport

! For each entry in `NAMES` marks the export spec
! to not be deferred during `MAPL_GenericInitialize`.
   subroutine MAPL_DoNotDeferExport(GC, NAMES, RC)
      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type (ESMF_GridComp)            , intent(INOUT)   :: GC
      character (len=*)               , intent(IN)      :: NAMES(:)
      integer            , optional   , intent(OUT)     :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_DoNotDeferExport"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: I, J, N, K
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer         :: STATE

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, STATE, RC=status)

         K = size(NAMES)

         DO I=1,K

            _ASSERT(J > 0, 'J is equal or less than 0')
            _ASSERT(J <= N, 'J is greater than N')

            call MAPL_VarSpecSet(STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%EXPORT%OLD_VAR_SPECS(J),                         &
                 alwaysAllocate = .true.,                                     &
                 RC=status  )
         END DO
      end if

   end subroutine MAPL_DoNotDeferExport

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_GridCompSetEntryPoint

   subroutine MAPL_GridCompSetEntryPoint(GC, registeredMethod, usersRoutine, RC)

      type(ESMF_GridComp),                  intent(INOUT) :: GC         ! Gridded component
      type(ESMF_Method_Flag),               intent(IN   ) :: registeredMethod
      external                                            :: usersRoutine
      integer,                    optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC         ! Return code

      integer                               :: status

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),     pointer     :: META
      integer                               :: phase
      type(runEntryPoint) :: run_entry_point

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve( GC, META, RC=status)

      if (registeredMethod == ESMF_METHOD_INITIALIZE) then
         phase = MAPL_AddMethod(META%phase_init, RC=status)
      else if (registeredMethod == ESMF_METHOD_RUN) then
         phase = MAPL_AddMethod(META%phase_run, RC=status)
         run_entry_point%run_entry_point => usersRoutine
         call META%run_entry_points%push_back(run_entry_point)
      else if (registeredMethod == ESMF_METHOD_FINALIZE) then
         phase = MAPL_AddMethod(META%phase_final, RC=status)
      else if (registeredMethod == ESMF_METHOD_WRITERESTART) then
         phase = MAPL_AddMethod(META%phase_record, RC=status)
      else if (registeredMethod == ESMF_METHOD_READRESTART) then
         phase = MAPL_AddMethod(META%phase_coldstart, RC=status)
      else if (registeredMethod == MAPL_METHOD_REFRESH) then
         phase = MAPL_AddMethod(META%phase_refresh, RC=status)
         meta%customRefresh => usersRoutine
         call ESMF_GridCompSetEntryPoint(GC, ESMF_METHOD_INITIALIZE, &
              usersRoutine, phase=MAPL_CustomRefreshPhase, _RC)

      if (phase > MAPL_MAX_PHASES) then
         print *, 'ERROR: exceeded maximum number of run phases. Increase MAPL_MAX_PHASES and recompile'
      end if

      call ESMF_GridCompSetEntryPoint(GC, registeredMethod, MAPL_GenericWrapper, &
           phase=phase, rc=status)
      call ESMF_GridCompSetEntryPoint(GC, registeredMethod,  usersRoutine, &
           phase=MAPL_MAX_PHASES+phase, rc=status)

   end subroutine MAPL_GridCompSetEntryPoint

! This is the recommended way of getting the opaque MAPL Generic
! state object from the gridded component (GC). It can be called at any time
! *after* ` MAPL_GenericSetServices` has been called on GC.
! Note that you get a pointer to the object.
   subroutine MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, MAPLOBJ, RC)

      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INout) :: GC ! Gridded component
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),                 pointer :: MAPLOBJ
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC ! Return code

      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)        :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)        :: comp_name
      integer                           :: status

      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------

      type (MAPL_GenericWrap )          :: WRAP
#if defined(ABSOFT) || defined(sysIRIX64)
      type(MAPL_MetaComp      ), target :: DUMMY


      ! Begin...

      ! Get the target components name and set-up traceback handle.
      ! -----------------------------------------------------------

      Iam = "MAPL_InternalStateGet"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, name=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // trim(Iam)

#if defined(ABSOFT) || defined(sysIRIX64)

      call ESMF_UserCompGetInternalState(GC, "MAPL_GenericInternalState", WRAP, status)
      IF (status /= ESMF_SUCCESS) then
         if (present(RC)) then
            RC = ESMF_FAILURE
         end if
      END IF


   end subroutine MAPL_InternalStateGet

! This is the way of querying the opaque {\em MAPL\_Generic}
! state object. The arguments are:
!- **STATE** The MAPL object to be queried.
!- **IM** Size of the first horizontal dimension (X) of local arrays.
!- **JM** Size of the second horizontal dimension (Y) of local arrays.
!- **LM**  Size of the vertical dimension.
!- **VERTDIM** Position of the vertical dimension of 2 or higher dimensional arrays.
!- **NX** Size of the DE array dimension aligned with the first horizontal dimension of arrays
!- **NY** Size of the DE array dimension aligned with the second horizontal dimension of arrays
!- **NX0, NY0** Coordinates of current DE.
!- **LONS** X coordinates of array locations. Currently longitude in radians.
!- **LATS** Y coordinates of array locations. Currently latitude in radians.
!- **INTERNAL_ESMF_STATE** The gridded component's INTERNAL state.
!- **GCNames** Names of the children.
!- **GCS** The child gridded components.
!- **GIM** The childrens' IMPORT states.
!- **GEX** The childrens' EXPORT states.
!- **CCS** Array of child-to-child couplers.
   subroutine MAPL_GenericStateGet (STATE, IM, JM, LM, VERTDIM,                &
        NX, NY, NX0, NY0, LAYOUT,                  &
        GCNames,                                   &
        LONS, LATS, grid, ORBIT, RUNALARM,               &
        IMPORTspec, EXPORTspec, INTERNALspec,      &
        INTERNAL_ESMF_STATE,                       &
        TILETYPES, TILEKIND,                       &
        EXCHANGEGRID,                              &
        CLOCK,                                     &
        NumInitPhases,                             &
        NumRunPhases,                              &
        GCS, CCS, GIM, GEX, CF, HEARTBEAT,         &
        childrens_names, childrens_gridcomps,      &
        childrens_import_states, childrens_export_states, &
        RC )

      type (MAPL_MetaComp), target,   intent(INOUT) :: STATE
      type (ESMF_Alarm),    optional, intent(  OUT) :: RUNALARM
      type (MAPL_SunOrbit), optional, intent(  OUT) :: ORBIT
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: IM, JM, LM
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: VERTDIM
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: NX, NY, NX0, NY0
      type (ESMF_DELayout), optional, intent(  OUT) :: LAYOUT
      real, pointer,        optional                :: LONS(:,:)
      real, pointer,        optional                :: LATS(:,:)
      type(ESMF_Grid),      optional                :: grid
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),  optional, pointer       :: IMPORTspec(:)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),  optional, pointer       :: EXPORTspec(:)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),  optional, pointer       :: INTERNALspec(:)
      type (ESMF_State),    optional, intent(  OUT) :: INTERNAL_ESMF_STATE
      integer,              optional, pointer       :: TILETYPES(:)
      integer,              optional, pointer       :: TILEKIND(:)
      real, pointer,        optional                :: TILELONS(:)
      real, pointer,        optional                :: TILELATS(:)
      real, pointer,        optional                :: TILEAREA(:)
      type (MAPL_LocStream),optional, intent(  OUT) :: LOCSTREAM
      type (MAPL_LocStream),optional, intent(  OUT) :: EXCHANGEGRID
      type (ESMF_CLOCK)    ,optional, intent(  OUT) :: CLOCK
      type (ESMF_CplComp),  optional, pointer       :: CCS(:,:)

      ! Next four are deprecated (now have memory leak)
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), optional, pointer :: GCNames(:)
      type (ESMF_GridComp),       optional, pointer :: GCS(:)
      type (ESMF_State),          optional, pointer :: GIM(:)
      type (ESMF_State),          optional, pointer :: GEX(:)

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), optional, allocatable :: childrens_names(:)
      type (ESMF_GridComp),       optional, allocatable :: childrens_gridcomps(:)
      type (ESMF_State),          optional, allocatable :: childrens_import_states(:)
      type (ESMF_State),          optional, allocatable :: childrens_export_states(:)

      real                 ,optional, intent(  OUT) :: HEARTBEAT
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: NumInitPhases
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: NumRunPhases
      type (ESMF_Config),   optional, intent(  OUT) :: CF

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm = "MAPL_GenericStateGet"
      integer                               :: status

      logical                               :: FIX_SUN
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: gname

      type(MaplGrid), pointer :: temp_grid

      if(present(IM)) then

      if(present(JM)) then
         temp_grid => state%get_grid()

      if(present(LM)) then

      if(present(VERTDIM)) then

      if(present(NX)) then

      if(present(NY)) then

      if(present(NX0)) then

      if(present(NY0)) then

      if(present(LAYOUT)) then

      if(present(CF)) then

      if(present(ORBIT)) then

         if(.not.MAPL_SunOrbitCreated(STATE%ORBIT)) then

            call ESMF_GridGet(STATE%GRID%ESMFGRID,name=gname,_RC)
            FIX_SUN = (index(gname,"DP")>0)

            ! create the orbit object
            STATE%ORBIT = MAPL_SunOrbitCreateFromConfig (STATE%CF, STATE%CLOCK, FIX_SUN, _RC)

         end if
      end if

      if(present(RUNALARM)) then

      if(present(LONS    )) then
         temp_grid => STATE%get_grid()
         LONS   => temp_grid%LONS

      if(present(LATS    )) then
         temp_grid => STATE%get_grid()
         LATS   => temp_grid%LATS

      if(present(grid)) then
         temp_grid => STATE%get_grid()
         grid = temp_grid%ESMFGrid

      if(present(IMPORTspec)) then

      if(present(EXPORTspec)) then

      if(present(INTERNALspec)) then

      if(present(INTERNAL_ESMF_STATE)) then
         INTERNAL_ESMF_STATE = STATE%get_internal_state()

      if(present(TILETYPES)) then
         call MAPL_LocStreamGet(STATE%LocStream, TILETYPE=TILETYPES, RC=status)
      end if

      if(present(TILEKIND)) then
         call MAPL_LocStreamGet(STATE%LocStream, TILEKIND=TILEKIND, RC=status)
      end if

      if(present(TILELONS)) then
         call MAPL_LocStreamGet(STATE%LocStream, TILELONS=TILELONS, RC=status)
      end if

      if(present(TILELATS)) then
         call MAPL_LocStreamGet(STATE%LocStream, TILELATS=TILELATS, RC=status)
      end if

      if(present(TILEAREA)) then
         call MAPL_LocStreamGet(STATE%LocStream, TILEAREA=TILEAREA, RC=status)
      end if

      if(present(LOCSTREAM)) then

      if(present(EXCHANGEGRID)) then

      if(present(CLOCK)) then

      if(present(CCS)) then
         CCS => STATE%CCS

      if(present(GCNames )) then
         if (.not. allocated(STATE%GCNamelist)) allocate(STATE%GCNamelist(0))
         GCNames => STATE%GCNameList

      if(present(childrens_names )) then
         if (.not. allocated(STATE%GCNamelist)) allocate(STATE%GCNamelist(0))
         childrens_names = STATE%GCNameList

      if(present(GCS)) then
           integer i, nc
           nc = STATE%get_num_children()
           do i = 1, nc
              GCS(i) = STATE%get_child_gridcomp(i)
           end do
         end block

      if(present(childrens_gridcomps)) then
           integer i, nc
           nc = STATE%get_num_children()
           do i = 1, nc
              childrens_gridcomps(i) = STATE%get_child_gridcomp(i)
           end do
         end block

      if(present(GIM)) then
           integer i, nc
           nc = STATE%get_num_children()
           do i = 1, nc
              GIM(i) = state%get_child_import_state(i)
           end do
         end block

      if(present(childrens_import_states)) then
           integer i, nc
           nc = STATE%get_num_children()
           do i = 1, nc
              childrens_import_states(i) = state%get_child_import_state(i)
           end do
         end block

      if(present(GEX)) then
           integer i, nc
           nc = STATE%get_num_children()
           do i = 1, nc
              GEX(i) = state%get_child_export_state(i)
           end do
         end block

      if(present(childrens_export_states)) then
           integer i, nc
           nc = STATE%get_num_children()
           do i = 1, nc
              childrens_export_states(i) = state%get_child_export_state(i)
           end do
         end block
      if(present(HEARTBEAT)) then

      if(present(NumInitPhases)) then
         NumInitPhases = SIZE(STATE%PHASE_INIT)

      if(present(NumRunPhases)) then
         NumRunPhases = SIZE(STATE%PHASE_RUN)

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericStateGet

   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_GenericStateSet

   subroutine MAPL_GenericStateSet (STATE, ORBIT, LM, RUNALARM, CHILDINIT, &
        CF, ConfigFile, component, RC)

      use mapl_AbstractComposite
      use mapl_ConcreteComposite
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),            intent(INOUT) :: STATE
      type (ESMF_Alarm),     optional, intent(IN   ) :: RUNALARM
      type (MAPL_SunOrbit),  optional, intent(IN   ) :: ORBIT
      integer,               optional, intent(IN   ) :: LM
      logical,               optional, intent(IN   ) :: CHILDINIT
      type (MAPL_LocStream), optional, intent(IN   ) :: LOCSTREAM
      type (MAPL_LocStream), optional, intent(IN   ) :: EXCHANGEGRID
      type (ESMF_Clock)    , optional, intent(IN   ) :: CLOCK
      type (ESMF_Config)   , optional, intent(IN   ) :: CF
      character(len=*)     , optional, intent(IN   ) :: NAME
      character(len=*)     , optional, intent(IN   ) :: ConfigFile
      class(AbstractComponent), optional, intent(in) :: component
      integer,               optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm = "MAPL_GenericStateSet"
      integer :: status

      class(AbstractComposite), pointer :: composite
      type(ConcreteComposite), pointer :: t_composite
      ! Fixup uninitialized METAs

      ! Fixup uninitialized META objs.
      composite => STATE%get_composite()
      if (.not. associated(composite)) then
         call t_composite%initialize(STATE)
         composite => t_composite
         call STATE%set_composite(composite)
      end if

      if(present(LM)) then

      if(present(ORBIT)) then

      if(present(RUNALARM)) then

      if(present(CHILDINIT)) then

      if(present(LOCSTREAM)) then

      if(present(EXCHANGEGRID)) then

      if(present(CLOCK)) then

      if(present(NAME)) then
         if (.not. allocated(state%full_name)) then
            state%full_name = trim(name)
         end if

      if(present(Cf)) then

      if(present(ConfigFile)) then
         State%CF = ESMF_ConfigCreate(_RC)
         call ESMF_ConfigLoadFile(State%CF,ConfigFile,_RC)

      if (present(component)) then
         call state%set_component(component)
         call state%set_logger(logging%get_logger(state%full_name))
      end if

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericStateSet

   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_GenericStateSetFromGC

   subroutine MAPL_GenericStateSetFromGC (GC, ORBIT, LM, RUNALARM, CHILDINIT, &
      type (ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INout) :: GC
      type (ESMF_Alarm),     optional, intent(IN   ) :: RUNALARM
      type (MAPL_SunOrbit),  optional, intent(IN   ) :: ORBIT
      integer,               optional, intent(IN   ) :: LM
      logical,               optional, intent(IN   ) :: CHILDINIT
      type (MAPL_LocStream), optional, intent(IN   ) :: LOCSTREAM
      type (MAPL_LocStream), optional, intent(IN   ) :: EXCHANGEGRID
      type (ESMF_Clock)    , optional, intent(IN   ) :: CLOCK
      integer,               optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm = "MAPL_GenericStateSetFromGC"
      integer :: status

      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer         :: STATE

      call MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, STATE, RC=status )

      call MAPL_GenericStateSet (STATE, ORBIT, LM, RUNALARM, CHILDINIT, &

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericStateSetFromGC

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_GenericRunCouplers

   subroutine MAPL_GenericRunCouplers( STATE, CHILD, CLOCK, RC )

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),    intent(INOUT) :: STATE
      integer,                 intent(IN   ) :: CHILD  ! Child Id
      type(ESMF_Clock),        intent(INOUT) :: CLOCK  ! The clock
      integer, optional,       intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code

      ! ErrLog Variables
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_GenericRunCouplers"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: userRC
      integer                               :: J
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_import_state
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_export_state

      do J=1,STATE%get_num_children()
         if(STATE%CCcreated(CHILD,J)) then
            child_export_state => STATE%get_child_export_state(child)
            child_import_state => STATE%get_child_import_state(j)
            call ESMF_CplCompRun (STATE%CCS(CHILD,J), &
                 importState=child_export_state, &
                 exportState=child_import_state, &
                 clock=CLOCK, userRC=userRC, _RC )


   end subroutine MAPL_GenericRunCouplers

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_StatePrintSpecCSV

   recursive subroutine MAPL_StatePrintSpecCSV(GC, printSpec, RC)

      type(ESMF_GridComp),           intent(INOUT)  :: GC
      integer,                       intent(IN   )  :: printSpec
      integer,             optional, intent(  OUT)  :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: IAm='MAPL_StatePrintSpecCSV'
      integer                               :: status
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: comp_name

      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),              pointer  :: MAPLOBJ

      type (MAPL_VarSpec),               pointer  :: IMPORT_SPEC(:)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),               pointer  :: EXPORT_SPEC(:)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),               pointer  :: INTERNAL_SPEC(:)
      integer                                     :: I
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp


      ! Get my name and set-up traceback handle
      ! ---------------------------------------

      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, NAME=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // trim(Iam)

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state
      ! --------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve ( GC, MAPLOBJ, RC=status )


      if (printSpec == 1) then
         if (associated(IMPORT_SPEC)) then
            call WRITE_PARALLEL("#IMPORT spec for " // trim(comp_name))
            if (associated(IMPORT_SPEC)) then
               call MAPL_VarSpecPrintCSV(IMPORT_SPEC, comp_name, RC=status)
            end if
         end if
         if (associated(EXPORT_SPEC)) then
            call WRITE_PARALLEL("#EXPORT spec for " // trim(comp_name))
            if (associated(EXPORT_SPEC)) then
               call MAPL_VarSpecPrintCSV(EXPORT_SPEC, comp_name, RC=status)
            end if
         end if
         if (associated(INTERNAL_SPEC)) then
            call WRITE_PARALLEL("#INTERNAL spec for " // trim(comp_name))
            if (associated(INTERNAL_SPEC)) then
               call MAPL_VarSpecPrintCSV(INTERNAL_SPEC, comp_name, RC=status)
            end if
         end if
      else if (printSpec == 2) then
         if (associated(IMPORT_SPEC)) then
            call WRITE_PARALLEL("#IMPORT spec for " // trim(comp_name))
            if (associated(IMPORT_SPEC)) then
               call MAPL_VarSpecPrintCSV(IMPORT_SPEC, comp_name, RC=status)
            end if
         end if
      else if (printSpec == 3) then
         if (associated(EXPORT_SPEC)) then
            call WRITE_PARALLEL("#EXPORT spec for " // trim(comp_name))
            if (associated(EXPORT_SPEC)) then
               call MAPL_VarSpecPrintCSV(EXPORT_SPEC, comp_name, RC=status)
            end if
         end if
      else if (printSpec == 4) then
         if (associated(INTERNAL_SPEC)) then
            call WRITE_PARALLEL("#INTERNAL spec for " // trim(comp_name))
            if (associated(INTERNAL_SPEC)) then
               call MAPL_VarSpecPrintCSV(INTERNAL_SPEC, comp_name, RC=status)
            end if
         end if
      end if

      do I = 1, MAPLOBJ%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => MAPLOBJ%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call MAPL_StatePrintSpecCSV(gridcomp, printSpec, RC=status)
      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_StatePrintSpecCSV

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_AddChild
   ! !IIROUTINE: AddChildFromMeta --- From Meta

   recursive integer function AddChildFromMeta(META, NAME, GRID, &
        petList, RC)

      type(MAPL_MetaComp), target,   intent(INOUT) :: META
      character(len=*),              intent(IN   ) :: NAME
      type(ESMF_Grid),  optional,    intent(INout) :: GRID
      character(len=*), optional,    intent(IN   ) :: CONFIGFILE
      external                                     :: SS
      type(ESMF_GridComp), optional, intent(IN   ) :: parentGC
      integer,           optional  , intent(IN   ) :: petList(:)
      integer,           optional  , intent(  OUT) :: rc

      integer                                     :: status

      integer                                     :: I
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer                :: child_meta
      class(DistributedProfiler), pointer                :: t_p
      class(DistributedProfiler), pointer                :: m_p
      integer :: userRC

      character(:), allocatable :: stage_description
      class(Logger), pointer :: lgr

      if (.not.allocated(META%GCNameList)) then
         ! this is the first child to be added
         allocate(META%GCNameList(0), __STAT__)
      end if

      I = META%get_num_children() + 1
      AddChildFromMeta = I

      call AddChild_preamble(meta, I, name, grid=grid, configfile=configfile, parentGC=parentgc, petList=petlist, child_meta=child_meta, _RC)

      stage_description = 'setServices() of the gridded component <'//trim(name)//'>'
      lgr => logging%get_logger('MAPL.GENERIC')

      t_p => get_global_time_profiler()
      m_p => get_global_memory_profiler()
      call t_p%start(trim(NAME),_RC)
      call m_p%start(trim(NAME),_RC)
      call child_meta%t_profiler%start(_RC)
      call child_meta%t_profiler%start('SetService',_RC)

!C$     gridcomp => META%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
      call lgr%debug("Started %a", stage_description)
      call ESMF_GridCompSetServices ( child_meta%gridcomp, SS, userRC=userRC, _RC )
      call lgr%debug("Finished %a", stage_description)
!!$      call ESMF_GridCompSetServices ( child_meta%gridcomp, SS, userRC=userRC, _RC )
!!$      _VERIFY(userRC)

      call child_meta%t_profiler%stop('SetService',_RC)
      call child_meta%t_profiler%stop(_RC)
      call t_p%stop(trim(NAME),_RC)
      call m_p%stop(trim(NAME),_RC)



   end function AddChildFromMeta

   recursive subroutine AddChild_preamble(meta, I, name, grid, configfile, parentGC, petlist, child_meta, unusable, rc)
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), target,   intent(INOUT) :: meta
      integer, intent(in) :: I
      character(*), intent(in) :: name
      type(ESMF_Grid),  optional,    intent(INout) :: grid
      character(len=*), optional,    intent(IN   ) :: configfile
      type(ESMF_GridComp), optional, intent(IN   ) :: parentGC
      integer,           optional  , intent(IN   ) :: petList(:)
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer                :: child_meta
      class(KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable
      integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

      integer                                     :: status

      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer                :: tmp_meta
      class(AbstractFrameworkComponent), pointer  :: tmp_framework
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: child_name
      type(ESMF_Context_Flag)                     :: contextFlag

      class(Logger), pointer :: lgr
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_import_state
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_export_state
      type(StubComponent) :: stub_component
      type(ESMF_VM) :: vm
      integer :: comm

      call make_full_name(name, child_name, parentGC, _RC)
      call grow_children_names(meta%GCNamelist, child_name, _RC)

      allocate(tmp_meta, _STAT)
      tmp_framework => META%add_child(child_name, tmp_meta)
      _ASSERT(associated(tmp_framework),'add_child() failed')

      select type (tmp_framework)
         class is (MAPL_MetaComp)
         child_meta => tmp_framework
         call child_meta%set_component(stub_component)

         if (present(petList)) then
            contextFlag = ESMF_CONTEXT_OWN_VM ! this is default
            contextFlag = ESMF_CONTEXT_PARENT_VM ! more efficient
         end if

         if (present(configfile)) then
            child_meta%cf = ESMF_ConfigCreate(_RC)
            call ESMF_ConfigLoadFile(child_meta%cf, configfile, _RC)
         else ! use parents config
            child_meta%cf = meta%cf
         end if

         child_meta%gridcomp = ESMF_GridCompCreate   ( &
              name   = child_name,          &
              CONFIG = child_meta%cf,       &
              grid = grid,                  &
              petList = petList,            &
              contextFlag = contextFlag,    &

         ! Create each child's import/export state
         ! ----------------------------------
         child_import_state => META%get_child_import_state(i)
         child_import_state = ESMF_StateCreate (             &
              name = trim(META%GCNameList(I)) // '_Imports', &
              stateIntent = ESMF_STATEINTENT_IMPORT, _RC)

         child_export_state => META%get_child_export_state(i)
         child_export_state = ESMF_StateCreate (             &
              name = trim(META%GCNameList(I)) // '_Exports', &
              stateIntent = ESMF_STATEINTENT_EXPORT, _RC)

         ! create MAPL_Meta
         call MAPL_InternalStateCreate ( child_meta%gridcomp, child_meta, _RC)

         ! Create child components time profiler
         call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm, _RC)
         call ESMF_VMGet(vm, mpiCommunicator=comm, _RC)

         CHILD_META%t_profiler = DistributedProfiler(trim(name), MpiTimerGauge(), comm=comm)

      end select

      ! put parentGC there
      if (present(parentGC)) then
         allocate(child_meta%parentGC, __STAT__)
         child_meta%parentGC = parentGC
      end if

      lgr => logging%get_logger('MAPL.GENERIC')
      call lgr%debug('Adding logger for component %a ',trim(child_name))
      child_meta%full_name = meta%full_name // SEPARATOR // trim(child_name)
      child_meta%compname = trim(child_name)
      call child_meta%set_logger(logging%get_logger(child_meta%full_name))

      ! copy communicator to childs mapl_metacomp
      call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm, _RC)
      call ESMF_VMGet(vm, mpiCommunicator=comm, _RC)


      subroutine make_full_name(name, child_name, parentGC, unusable, rc)
         character(*), intent(in) :: name
         character(*), intent(out) :: child_name
         type(ESMF_GridComp), optional, intent(in) :: parentGC
         class(KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

         integer :: status
         character(ESMF_MAXSTR) :: pname
         type(ESMF_GridComp) :: tmp_gc ! kludge because ESMF makes things INTENT(INOUT)

         child_name = trim(name)
         ! Adjust with parent name if provided
         if (index(name,":") == 0) then
            if (present(parentGC)) then
               tmp_gc = parentGC
               call ESMF_GridCompGet(tmp_gc, name=pname, _RC)
               child_name = pname(1:index(pname,":"))//trim(name)
            end if
         end if

      end subroutine make_full_name

      subroutine grow_children_names(names, child_name, unusable, rc)
         character(ESMF_MAXSTR), allocatable, intent(inout) :: names(:)
         character(*), intent(in) :: child_name
         class(KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

         character(ESMF_MAXSTR), allocatable :: tmp(:)

         integer :: n
         integer :: status
         ! realloc names
         n = size(names)
         allocate(tmp(n+1), __STAT__)
         tmp(1:n) = names

         call move_alloc(from=tmp, to=names)
         names(n+1) = child_name

      end subroutine grow_children_names

   end subroutine AddChild_preamble

   ! !IIROUTINE: AddChildFromGC --- From gc

   recursive integer function AddChildFromGC(GC, name, SS, petList, configFile, RC)

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(INOUT) :: GC
      character(len=*),    intent(IN   ) :: name
      external                           :: SS
      integer, optional  , intent(IN   ) :: petList(:)
      character(len=*), optional, intent(IN   ) :: configFile
      integer, optional  , intent(  OUT) :: rc

      integer                                     :: status

      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer                :: META

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, META, _RC)

      AddChildFromGC = AddChildFromMeta(Meta, name, SS=SS, PARENTGC=GC, petList=petList, configFile=configFile, _RC)

   end function AddChildFromGC

   recursive integer function AddChildFromDSOMeta(meta, name, userRoutine, sharedObj, grid, petList, configFile, parentGC, RC)

      type(MAPL_MetaComp), target,   intent(INOUT) :: META
      character(len=*), intent(IN)                 :: name
      character(len=*), intent(in)                 :: userRoutine
      character(len=*), intent(IN)                 :: sharedObj
      type(ESMF_Grid),  optional,    intent(INOUT) :: grid

      integer, optional, intent(IN)             :: petList(:)
      character(len=*), optional, intent(IN)    :: configFile
      type(ESMF_GridComp), optional, intent(IN) :: parentGC
      integer, optional, intent(OUT)            :: rc

      integer :: status
      integer :: userRC

      integer                                     :: I
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer                :: child_meta
      class(DistributedProfiler), pointer         :: t_p
      class(DistributedProfiler), pointer         :: m_p

      class(Logger), pointer :: lgr
      character(len=:), allocatable :: shared_object_library_to_load
      character(len=:), allocatable :: extension

      if (.not.allocated(meta%GCNameList)) then
         ! this is the first child to be added
         allocate(meta%GCNameList(0), _STAT)
      end if

      I = meta%get_num_children() + 1
      AddChildFromDSOMeta = I

      call AddChild_preamble(meta, I, name, grid=grid, configfile=configfile, parentGC=parentGC, petList=petlist, child_meta=child_meta, _RC)

      t_p => get_global_time_profiler()
      m_p => get_global_memory_profiler()
      call t_p%start(trim(name),_RC)
      call m_p%start(trim(name),_RC)
      call child_meta%t_profiler%start(_RC)
      call child_meta%t_profiler%start('SetService',_RC)

      if (.not. is_valid_dso_name(SharedObj)) then
         extension = get_file_extension(SharedObj)
         lgr => logging%get_logger('MAPL.GENERIC')
         call lgr%warning("AddChildFromDSO: changing shared library extension from %a~ to system specific extension %a~", &
              "'"//extension//"'", "'"//SYSTEM_DSO_EXTENSION//"'")
      end if

      shared_object_library_to_load = adjust_dso_name(sharedObj)
      shared_object_library_to_load = adjust_dso_name(sharedObj)
      call ESMF_GridCompSetServices ( child_meta%gridcomp, userRoutine, &

      call child_meta%t_profiler%stop('SetService',_RC)
      call child_meta%t_profiler%stop(_RC)
      call t_p%stop(trim(name),_RC)

   end function AddChildFromDSOMeta

   recursive integer function AddChildFromDSO(gc, name, userRoutine, grid, sharedObj, petList, configFile, RC)

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(INOUT) :: gc
      character(len=*), intent(IN)    :: name
      character(len=*), intent(in)    :: userRoutine
      type(ESMF_Grid),  optional,    intent(INout) :: grid
      character(len=*), optional, intent(in)       :: sharedObj

      integer, optional  , intent(IN   ) :: petList(:)
      character(len=*), optional, intent(IN   ) :: configFile
      integer, optional  , intent(  OUT) :: rc

      integer                    :: status

      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer                :: META

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(gc, meta, _RC)

      AddChildFromDSO = AddChildFromDSOMeta(meta, name, userRoutine, grid=grid, sharedObj=sharedObj, petList=petList, configFile=configFile, parentGC=gc, _RC)

   end function AddChildFromDSO

   recursive integer function AddChildFromDSO_old(name, userRoutine, grid, ParentGC, SharedObj, petList, configFile, RC)

      character(len=*), intent(IN)    :: name
      character(len=*), intent(in)    :: userRoutine
      type(ESMF_Grid),  optional,    intent(INout) :: grid
      type(ESMF_GridComp), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ParentGC
      character(len=*), optional, intent(in)       :: SharedObj

      integer, optional  , intent(IN   ) :: petList(:)
      character(len=*), optional, intent(IN   ) :: configFile
      integer, optional  , intent(  OUT) :: rc

      integer                    :: status

      _ASSERT(present(ParentGC),'must have a parent to use this interface')
      addchildfromdso_old = addChildFromDSO(parentGC, name, userRoutine, grid=grid, sharedObj=sharedObj, petList=petList, configFile=configFile, _RC)

   end function AddChildFromDSO_Old

   subroutine MAPL_AddConnectivityE2E ( GC, SHORT_NAME, &

      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      character (len=*),              intent(IN   ) :: SHORT_NAME
      character (len=*),      optional, intent(IN)  :: TO_NAME !name in TO_EXPORT
      integer,                        intent(IN   ) :: SRC_ID !FROM_EXPORT
      integer,                        intent(IN   ) :: TO_EXPORT
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_AddConnectivityE2E"
      integer                               :: status
      type (MAPL_Connectivity), pointer     :: conn

      call MAPL_ConnectivityGet(gc, connectivityPtr=conn, _RC)

      call conn%connect%append(SHORT_NAME, TO_NAME=TO_NAME, &

   end subroutine MAPL_AddConnectivityE2E

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_AddConnectivity
   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_AddConnectivityRename --- Rename

   subroutine MAPL_AddConnectivityRename ( GC, SRC_NAME, SRC_ID, &
        DST_NAME, DST_ID, RC  )

      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      character (len=*),              intent(IN   ) :: SRC_NAME !FROM_NAME==SHORT_NAME
      character (len=*),              intent(IN   ) :: DST_NAME !TO_NAME
      integer,                        intent(IN   ) :: SRC_ID !FROM_EXPORT
      integer,                        intent(IN   ) :: DST_ID !TO_IMPORT
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_AddConnectivityRename"
      integer                               :: status

      type (MAPL_Connectivity), pointer     :: conn

      call MAPL_ConnectivityGet(gc, connectivityPtr=conn, RC=status)


   end subroutine MAPL_AddConnectivityRename

   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_AddConnectivityRenameMany --- Rename many

   subroutine MAPL_AddConnectivityRenameMany ( GC, SRC_NAME, SRC_ID, &
        DST_NAME, DST_ID, RC  )

      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      character (len=*),              intent(IN   ) :: SRC_NAME(:)
      character (len=*),              intent(IN   ) :: DST_NAME(:)
      integer,                        intent(IN   ) :: SRC_ID !FROM_EXPORT
      integer,                        intent(IN   ) :: DST_ID !TO_IMPORT
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_AddConnectivityRename"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: I

      DO I = 1, size(SRC_NAME)
         call MAPL_AddConnectivity ( GC, SRC_NAME=SRC_NAME(I), DST_NAME=DST_NAME(I), &
              SRC_ID=SRC_ID, DST_ID=DST_ID, RC=status  )
      END DO

   end subroutine MAPL_AddConnectivityRenameMany

   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_AddConnectivityMany --- Many

   subroutine MAPL_AddConnectivityMany ( GC, SHORT_NAME, SRC_ID, DST_ID, RC  )

      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      character (len=*)             , intent(IN   ) :: SHORT_NAME(:)
      integer,                        intent(IN   ) :: SRC_ID
      integer,                        intent(IN   ) :: DST_ID
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_AddConnectivityMany"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: I

      DO I = 1, size(SHORT_NAME)
         !ALT attention: DST_NAME needs to be revisited once we remove the old style interface to
         !               MAPL_AddConnectivity
         call MAPL_AddConnectivityRENAME ( GC, SRC_NAME=SHORT_NAME(I), DST_NAME=SHORT_NAME(I), &
              SRC_ID=SRC_ID, DST_ID=DST_ID, RC=status  )
      END DO

   end subroutine MAPL_AddConnectivityMany

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_TerminateImport
   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_DoNotConnect --- Do not connect

   subroutine MAPL_DoNotConnect ( GC, SHORT_NAME, CHILD, RC )

      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      character (len=*)             , intent(IN   ) :: SHORT_NAME
      integer,                        intent(IN   ) :: CHILD
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_DoNotConnect"
      integer                               :: status
      type (MAPL_Connectivity), pointer     :: conn

      call MAPL_ConnectivityGet(gc, connectivityPtr=conn, RC=status)


   end subroutine MAPL_DoNotConnect

   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_DoNotConnectMany --- Do not connect many

   subroutine MAPL_DoNotConnectMany ( GC, SHORT_NAME, CHILD, RC )

      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      character (len=*)             , intent(IN   ) :: SHORT_NAME(:)
      integer,                        intent(IN   ) :: CHILD
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_DoNotConnectMany"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: I

      DO I = 1, size(SHORT_NAME)
         call MAPL_DoNotConnect(GC, SHORT_NAME(I), CHILD, RC=status)
      END DO

   end subroutine MAPL_DoNotConnectMany

   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_DoNotConnectAnyImport --- Do not connect any import

   subroutine MAPL_DoNotConnectAnyImport ( GC, CHILD, RC )

      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      integer,                        intent(IN   ) :: CHILD
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_DoNotConnectAnyImport"
      integer                               :: status

      call MAPL_DoNotConnect ( GC, SHORT_NAME="MAPL_AnyChildImport", &
           CHILD=CHILD, RC=status )

   end subroutine MAPL_DoNotConnectAnyImport

   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_TerminateImportAll --- Terminate import all except those specified

   subroutine MAPL_TerminateImportAllBut ( GC, SHORT_NAMES, CHILD_IDS, RC )

      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      character(len=*),               intent(IN   ) :: SHORT_NAMES(:)
      integer,                        intent(IN   ) :: CHILD_IDS(:)
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_TerminateImportAllBut"
      integer                               :: status
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer          :: META
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer          :: META_CHILD
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: SHORT_NAME
      integer                               :: I,J
      logical                               :: SKIP
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), allocatable :: SNAMES(:)
      type (MAPL_Connectivity), pointer     :: conn
      type (VarConn), pointer          :: CONNECT
      logical :: isConnected
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp

      _ASSERT(size(SHORT_NAMES)==size(CHILD_IDS),'needs informative message')

      call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC(GC, META, RC=status)

      do I=1, size(SHORT_NAMES(:))
         SNAMES(I) = trim(SHORT_NAMES(I))

      call MAPL_ConnectivityGet(gc, connectivityPtr=conn, RC=status)
      do I=1, META%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => META%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC(gridcomp, META_CHILD, RC=status)
         do J=1 ,size(META_CHILD%component_spec%import%old_var_specs)
            call MAPL_VarSpecGet(META_CHILD%component_spec%import%old_var_specs(J),SHORT_NAME=SHORT_NAME,RC=status)
            isConnected = connect%varIsConnected(short_name,I,rc=status)
            if ((.not.isConnected) .and. (.not.skip)) then
               call MAPL_DoNotConnect(GC, SHORT_NAME, I, RC=status)
            end if
      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_TerminateImportAllBut

   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_TerminateImportAll --- Terminate import all

   subroutine MAPL_TerminateImportAll ( GC, ALL, RC )

      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      logical,                        intent(IN   ) :: ALL
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_TerminateImportAll"
      integer                               :: status
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer          :: META
      integer                               :: I


      call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC(GC, META, RC=status)

      do I=1, META%get_num_children()
         call MAPL_TerminateImport ( GC, CHILD=I, RC=status )
      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_TerminateImportAll

   !new routines to handle ServiceServices
   subroutine MAPL_ConnectService( GC, PROVIDER, REQUESTER, SERVICE, RC)

      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      character (len=*),              intent(IN   ) :: PROVIDER
      character (len=*),              intent(IN   ) :: REQUESTER
      character (len=*),              intent(IN   ) :: SERVICE
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_ServiceAddConnection"
      integer                               :: status

      type (MAPL_Connectivity), pointer     :: conn

      call MAPL_ConnectivityGet(gc, connectivityPtr=conn, RC=status)

      call conn%ServiceConnectionItems%push_back( &
           ServiceConnectionType( &
           provider_name=provider, &
           requester_name=requester, &


   end subroutine MAPL_ConnectService

   subroutine MAPL_AdvertiseService(GC, SERVICE, BUNDLE, RC)
      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      character (len=*),              intent(IN   ) :: SERVICE
      character (len=*),              intent(IN   ) :: BUNDLE
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      integer :: status
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer     :: MAPLOBJ

      !get MAPL
      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve ( GC, MAPLOBJ, RC=status )

      call maplobj%provided_services%push_back( &
           ProvidedServiceType( &
           SERVICE=SERVICE, &

   end subroutine MAPL_AdvertiseService

   subroutine MAPL_RequestService(GC, SERVICE, VARS, RC)
      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      character (len=*),              intent(IN   ) :: SERVICE
      character (len=*),              intent(IN   ) :: VARS(:)
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      integer :: status
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer     :: MAPLOBJ
      type (ESMF_FieldBundle) :: bundle

      !get MAPL
      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve ( GC, MAPLOBJ, _RC )

      bundle = ESMF_FieldBundleCreate(NAME=SERVICE, _RC)
      call maplobj%requested_services%push_back( &
           RequestedServiceType( &
           service_name=service, &
           var_list = vars, &
           bundle = bundle ))


   end subroutine MAPL_RequestService

   subroutine MAPL_ProvidedServiceGet(gc, provided_services, rc)
      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      type(ProvidedServiceItemVector), pointer :: provided_services
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      integer :: status
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer     :: MAPLOBJ

      !get MAPL
      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve ( GC, MAPLOBJ, RC=status )

      provided_services => maplobj%provided_services

   end subroutine MAPL_ProvidedServiceGet

   subroutine MAPL_ServiceRequestGet(GC, requested_services, RC)
      type(ESMF_GridComp),            intent(INOUT) :: GC ! Gridded component
      type(RequestedServiceItemVector), pointer :: requested_services
      integer,              optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      integer :: status
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer     :: MAPLOBJ

      !get MAPL
      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve ( GC, MAPLOBJ, RC=status )

      requested_services => maplobj%requested_services

   end subroutine MAPL_ServiceRequestGet

   subroutine MAPL_ProcessServiceConnections(META, RC)
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: META
      integer, optional,           intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      integer :: status
      type (MAPL_Connectivity), pointer     :: conn
      type (ServiceConnectionItemVectorIterator) :: iter
      type (ServiceConnectionType), pointer :: item
      type(ESMF_FieldBundle) :: PBUNDLE, RBUNDLE
      type(ESMF_Field) :: FIELD
      integer :: K, NF
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: service, provider, requester
      conn => meta%connectList

      iter = conn%ServiceConnectionItems%begin()
      ! loop over service connections
      do while (iter /= conn%ServiceConnectionItems%end())
         item => iter%get()
         ! retrieve connection info
         call ServiceConnectionGet(item, &
              service=service, provider=provider, requester=requester, &

         ! get the PBUNDLE and RBUNDLE
         call MAPL_ServiceGetBundle(META, provider=provider, &
              service=service, bundle=pbundle, RC=status)

         call MAPL_ServiceGetBundle(META, requester=requester, &
              service=service, bundle=rbundle, RC=status)

         call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(RBUNDLE, FieldCount=NF, RC=status)
         ! loop over entries in RBUNDLE
         DO K = 1, NF
            call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(RBUNDLE, K, FIELD, RC=status)
            ! add each of the fields to PBUNDLE, duplicates are allowed
            call MAPL_FieldBundleAdd(PBUNDLE, FIELD, multiflag=.true., RC=status)
         END DO
         call iter%next()
      END DO

   end subroutine MAPL_ProcessServiceConnections

   subroutine MAPL_ServiceGetBundle(meta, service, bundle, provider, &
        requester, rc)
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),        intent(INOUT) :: meta
      character(len=*),            intent(IN   ) :: service
      type(ESMF_FieldBundle),      intent(  OUT) :: bundle
      character(len=*), optional,  intent(IN   ) :: provider
      character(len=*), optional,  intent(IN   ) :: requester
      integer, optional,           intent(  OUT) :: rc     ! Error code:

      integer :: status
      logical :: do_provider, do_requester
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: cname
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: cmeta => null()

      ! find the GC for component who's name matches P/S
      do_provider = .false.
      do_requester = .false.
      if (present(provider)) then
         do_provider = .true.
         cname = provider
      end if
      if (present(requester)) then
         do_requester = .true.
         cname = requester
      end if
      _ASSERT(do_provider .neqv. do_requester, 'Only one of the arguments PROVIDER or REQUESTER must be provided')
      call MAPL_FindChild(META, name=cname, result=cmeta, rc=status)
      _ASSERT(associated(cmeta), 'No child found')
      ! find the appropriate object (P, or R) matching SERVICE
      if (do_requester) then
         call RequestedServiceGet(cmeta%requested_services, service, bundle, rc=status)
      else ! must be provider
         call ProvidedServiceGet(cmeta%provided_services, service, bundle, rc=status)
      end if
      ! return the saved bundle

   end subroutine MAPL_ServiceGetBundle

   recursive subroutine MAPL_FindChild(meta, name, result, rc)
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),        intent(INOUT) :: META
      character(len=*),            intent(IN   ) :: name
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer, intent(INOUT) :: result
      integer, optional,           intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      integer :: status
      integer :: i
      integer :: nc
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: cmeta => null()
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: childgridcomp

      nc = meta%get_num_children()
      if(nc > 0) then
         do I=1, nc
            childgridcomp => meta%get_child_gridcomp(i)
            call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(childgridcomp, cmeta, RC=status)
            if (cmeta%compname == name) then ! found it!
               result => cmeta
            end if
            call MAPL_FindChild(cmeta, name, result, rc=status)
            if (associated(result)) then ! somebody found it, terminate the search
            end if
         end do
         result => null()
      end if
   end subroutine MAPL_FindChild

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_TimerOn
   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_GenericStateClockOn

   subroutine MAPL_GenericStateClockOn(STATE,NAME,RC)

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),        intent(INOUT) :: STATE
      character(len=*),            intent(IN   ) :: NAME
      integer, optional,           intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      integer :: status

      if (trim(name) == 'TOTAL') then
      end if
      call state%t_profiler%start(get_actual_timer_name(name),_RC)

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericStateClockOn

   subroutine MAPL_StateAlarmAdd(STATE,ALARM,RC)

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),        intent(INOUT) :: STATE
      type (ESMF_Alarm),           intent(IN   ) :: ALARM
      integer, optional,           intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm = "MAPL_StateAlarmAdd"

      _ASSERT(STATE%ALARMLAST <= LAST_ALARM,'needs informative message')


   end subroutine MAPL_StateAlarmAdd

   subroutine MAPL_StateAlarmGet(STATE,ALARM,NAME,RC)
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),        intent(INOUT) :: STATE
      type (ESMF_Alarm),           intent(  OUT) :: ALARM
      character(len=*),            intent(IN   ) :: NAME
      integer, optional,           intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm = "MAPL_StateAlarmGet"
      integer :: status, I
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: ANAME

         call ESMF_AlarmGet(STATE%ALARM(I), name=ANAME, RC=status)
         if(trim(NAME)/=trim(ANAME)) cycle
      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_StateAlarmGet

   ! Legacy timers had "-" prefixes to implement indentation.
   ! New timers do that automatically.  This function
   ! strips these leading hyhens.
   function get_actual_timer_name(name) result(actual_name)
      character(:), allocatable :: actual_name
      character(*), intent(in) :: name

      actual_name = trim(name(verify(name, '-'):))
   end function get_actual_timer_name


   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_TimerOff
   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_GenericStateClockOff

   subroutine MAPL_GenericStateClockOff(STATE,NAME,RC)

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),        intent(INOUT) :: STATE
      character(len=*),            intent(IN   ) :: NAME
      integer, optional,           intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm = "MAPL_GenericStateClockOff"
      integer :: status

      if (trim(name) == 'TOTAL') then
      end if

      call state%t_profiler%stop(get_actual_timer_name(name),_RC)

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericStateClockOff


   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_TimerAdd
   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_GenericStateClockAdd

   subroutine MAPL_GenericStateClockAdd(GC, NAME, RC)

      type (ESMF_GridComp),        intent(INOUT) :: GC
      character(len=*),            intent(IN   ) :: NAME
      integer, optional,           intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericStateClockAdd



   subroutine MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile(STATE,CLOCK,FILENAME,FILETYPE,MPL,HDR, write_with_oserver,clobber,RC)
      type(ESMF_State),                 intent(INOUT) :: STATE
      type(ESMF_Clock),                 intent(IN   ) :: CLOCK
      character(len=*),                 intent(IN   ) :: FILENAME
      character(LEN=*),                 intent(INout) :: FILETYPE
      type(MAPL_MetaComp),              intent(INOUT) :: MPL
      logical,                          intent(IN   ) :: HDR
      logical, optional,                intent(in   ) :: write_with_oserver
      logical, optional,                intent(in   ) :: clobber
      integer, optional,                intent(  OUT) :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile"
      integer                               :: status

      integer                               :: UNIT
      integer                               :: YYYY, MM, DD, H, M, S
      type(ESMF_Time)                       :: currentTime
      integer                               :: HEADER(6), DimCount
      logical                               :: AmWriter
      type(ArrDescr)                        :: ArrDes
      integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND)         :: offset
      integer                               :: info

      type(ESMF_Grid)                       :: TILEGRID
      integer                               :: COUNTS(2)
      integer                               :: io_rank
      integer                               :: attr
      character(len=MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL )      :: romio_cb_write
      logical                               :: nwrgt1
      logical :: empty, local_write_with_oserver, local_clobber
      type(ESMF_Info)                       :: infoh

      if (present(write_with_oserver)) local_write_with_oserver = write_with_oserver
      local_clobber = .false.
      if (present(clobber)) local_clobber = clobber

      ! Check if state is empty. If "yes", simply return
      empty = MAPL_IsStateEmpty(state, _RC)
      if (empty) then
         call warn_empty('Checkpoint '//trim(filename), MPL, _RC)
      end if

      ! Open file
      if (index(filename,'*') /= 0) then
         !ALT: this is a special, MAPL_Write2RAM type
         filetype = 'binary'
      end if

      if (mpl%grid%num_writers == 1 .and. filetype == 'pbinary') then
         !ALT: this is a special case, we will treat the same as BINARY
         filetype = 'binary'
      end if
      ! do we have more than 1 reader or writer
      nwrgt1 = (mpl%grid%num_writers > 1)

      if (filetype == 'binary' .or. filetype == 'BINARY') then
         UNIT = GETFILE(FILENAME, form="unformatted", all_pes=.true., rc=status)
      elseif(filetype=="formatted".or.filetype=="FORMATTED") then
         UNIT = GETFILE(FILENAME, form="formatted", rc=status)
      elseif(filetype=='pbinary') then
         call ESMF_GridGet(MPL%GRID%ESMFGRID, dimCount=dimCount, RC=status)

         call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(STATE,infoh,RC=STATUS)
         call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'MAPL_GridTypeBits',ATTR,RC=STATUS)
         TILE: if(IAND(ATTR, MAPL_AttrTile) /= 0) then
            _ASSERT(IAND(ATTR, MAPL_AttrGrid) == 0,'needs informative message') ! no hybrid allowed
            _ASSERT(MAPL_LocStreamIsAssociated(MPL%LOCSTREAM,RC=status),'needs informative message')

            call MAPL_LocStreamGet(mpl%LocStream, TILEGRID=TILEGRID, RC=status)

            call MAPL_GridGet(TILEGRID, globalCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, RC=status)

            call ArrDescrSet(arrdes,                   &
                 i1 = mpl%grid%i1, in = mpl%grid%in,   &
                 j1 = mpl%grid%j1, jn = mpl%grid%jn,   &
                 im_world = COUNTS(1),                 &
                 jm_world = COUNTS(2)                  )

            call ArrDescrCreateWriterComm(arrdes,mpl%grid%comm,mpl%grid%num_writers,_RC)
            call ArrDescrSet(arrdes,                   &
                 iogathercomm = mpl%grid%comm )


            call ArrDescrSet(arrdes, offset, &
                 i1 = mpl%grid%i1, in = mpl%grid%in,    &
                 j1 = mpl%grid%j1, jn = mpl%grid%jn,    &
                 im_world = mpl%grid%im_world,          &
                 jm_world = mpl%grid%jm_world)
            call ArrDescrCreateWriterComm(arrdes,mpl%grid%comm,mpl%grid%num_writers,_RC)

         end if TILE

!@       call MPI_Barrier(mpl%grid%comm, status)
!@       _VERIFY(status)
         arrdes%offset = 0
         AmWriter = arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL
         if (AmWriter) then

            call MPI_Info_create(info, status)
            ! disable works best on GPFS but remains TBD for Lustre
            call MAPL_GetResource(MPL, romio_cb_write, Label="ROMIO_CB_WRITE:", default="disable", RC=status)
            call MPI_Info_set(info, "romio_cb_write", trim(romio_cb_write), status)
            call MPI_COMM_RANK(mpl%grid%writers_comm, io_rank, status)
            if (io_rank == 0) then
               print *,'Using parallel IO for writing file: ',trim(FILENAME)
               ! make sure file exists
                    info, UNIT, status)
               call MPI_FILE_CLOSE(UNIT, status)
            end if
            call MPI_Barrier(arrdes%writers_comm, status)
            call MPI_FILE_OPEN(arrdes%writers_comm, FILENAME, MPI_MODE_WRONLY, &
                 info, UNIT, status)

      else if (filetype=='pnc4') then
         if (nwrgt1) then
            print*,trim(Iam),': num_readers and number_writers must be 1 with pnc4 unless HDF5 was built with -enable-parallel'
            _FAIL('needs informative message')
         end if
         call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(STATE,infoh,RC=STATUS)
         call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'MAPL_GridTypeBits',ATTR,RC=STATUS)
         PNC4_TILE: if(IAND(ATTR, MAPL_AttrTile) /= 0) then
            _ASSERT(IAND(ATTR, MAPL_AttrGrid) == 0,'needs informative message') ! no hybrid allowed
            call ArrDescrSetNCPar(arrdes,MPL,tile=.TRUE.,num_writers=mpl%grid%num_writers,RC=status)
            call ArrDescrSetNCPar(arrdes,MPL,num_writers=mpl%grid%num_writers,RC=status)
         end if PNC4_TILE
         arrdes%filename = trim(FILENAME)
         if (mapl_am_i_root())  print *,'Using parallel NetCDF to write file: ',trim(FILENAME)
      end if

      ! Write data

      if (HDR .and. filetype/='pnc4') then
         call ESMF_ClockGet (clock, currTime=currentTime, rc=status)
         call ESMF_TimeGet(CurrentTime, &
              YY=YYYY, MM=MM, DD=DD, &
              H=H, M=M, S=S, rc=status)

         HEADER(1) = YYYY
         HEADER(2) = MM
         HEADER(3) = DD
         HEADER(4) = H
         HEADER(5) = M
         HEADER(6) = S

         if(filetype=='pbinary' ) then
            call Write_Parallel(HEADER, UNIT, ARRDES=ARRDES, RC=status)
            call Write_Parallel(HEADER, UNIT, RC=status)

         HEADER(3) = MPL%GRID%LM
         HEADER(4) = 0
         HEADER(5) = 0

         if(filetype=='pbinary' ) then
            call Write_Parallel(HEADER(1:5), UNIT, ARRDES=ARRDES, RC=status)
            call Write_Parallel(HEADER(1:5), UNIT, RC=status)

      end if

      if(filetype=='pbinary' ) then
         call MPI_Comm_Dup(mpl%grid%Ycomm,ArrDes%Ycomm, status)
         call MAPL_VarWrite(UNIT=UNIT, STATE=STATE, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status)

         if (AmWriter) then
            call MPI_FILE_CLOSE(UNIT, status)
            call MPI_Info_free(info, status)
      elseif(filetype=='pnc4') then

         if (local_write_with_oserver) then
            call MAPL_VarWriteNCPar(filename,STATE,ArrDes,CLOCK, clobber=local_clobber, oClients=o_clients, _RC)
            call MAPL_VarWriteNCPar(filename,STATE,ArrDes,CLOCK, clobber=local_clobber, _RC)
         end if

      elseif(UNIT/=0) then

         call MAPL_VarWrite(UNIT=UNIT, STATE=STATE, rc=status)

         call FREE_FILE(UNIT)

         status = -1  ! not yet

      call ArrDescrCommFree(arrdes, _RC)
   end subroutine MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile


      type(ESMF_State),                 intent(INOUT) :: STATE
      type(ESMF_Clock),                 intent(IN   ) :: CLOCK
      character(LEN=*),                 intent(IN   ) :: FILENAME
      type(MAPL_MetaComp),              intent(INOUT) :: MPL
      logical,                          intent(IN   ) :: HDR
      integer, optional,                intent(  OUT) :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_ESMFStateReadFromFile"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: UNIT
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: FNAME
      type(ArrDescr)                        :: ArrDes
      integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND)         :: offset
      integer                               :: dimcount
      integer                               :: info
      logical                               :: AmReader
      logical                               :: FileExists

      type(ESMF_Grid) :: TILEGRID
      type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh
      integer :: COUNTS(2)
      integer :: io_rank
      integer :: attr
      character(len=MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL )      :: romio_cb_read
      logical                               :: bootstrapable
      logical                               :: restartRequired
      logical                               :: nwrgt1, on_tiles
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: rstBoot
      integer                               :: rstReq
      logical                               :: amIRoot
      type (ESMF_VM)                        :: vm
      character(len=1)                      :: firstChar
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: FileType
      integer                               :: isNC4
      logical                               :: isPresent
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: grid_type
      logical :: empty, split_restart
      integer :: num_files
      type(ESMF_HConfig) :: hconfig


      ! Check if state is empty. If "yes", simply return
      empty = MAPL_IsStateEmpty(state, _RC)
      if (empty) then
         call warn_empty('Restart '//trim(filename), MPL, _RC)
      end if

      call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(STATE,infoh,RC=STATUS)
      call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'MAPL_GridTypeBits',ATTR,RC=STATUS)
      on_tiles = IAND(ATTR, MAPL_AttrTile) /= 0

      FNAME = adjustl(FILENAME)
      bootstrapable = .false.

      ! check resource for restart mode (strict would require restarts regardless of the specs)
      call MAPL_GetResource( MPL, rstBoot, Label='MAPL_ENABLE_BOOTSTRAP:', &
           Default='NO', RC=status)

      rstBoot = ESMF_UtilStringUpperCase(rstBoot,rc=status)

      bootstrapable = (rstBoot /= 'NO')

      firstChar = FNAME(1:1)

      ! get the "required restart" attribute from the state
      call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(STATE,infoh,RC=STATUS)
      isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'MAPL_RestartRequired',RC=STATUS)
      if (isPresent) then
         call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'MAPL_RestartRequired',rstReq,RC=STATUS)
         rstReq = 0
      end if
      restartRequired = (rstReq /= 0)
         call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'MAPL_GridTypeBits',ATTR,RC=STATUS)

      call ESMF_VmGetCurrent(vm, rc=status)

      amIRoot = MAPL_AM_I_Root(vm)

      nwrgt1 = (mpl%grid%num_readers > 1)

      isNC4 = -100
      if (on_tiles) mpl%grid%split_restart = .false.
      if(INDEX(FNAME,'*') == 0) then
         if (AmIRoot) then
             !if (mpl%grid%split_restart) then
                !hconfig = ESMF_HConfigCreate(filename = trim(filename), _RC)
                !_ASSERT(ESMF_HConfigIsDefined(hconfig,keyString="num_files"),"if input file is split must supply num_files")
                !num_files =  ESMF_HConfigAsI4(hconfig,keystring="num_files",_RC)
                !split_restart = .true.
             !end if
              character(len=:), allocatable :: fname_by_reader
              logical :: fexist
              integer :: i

              FileExists = .false.
              if (mpl%grid%split_restart) then
                 FileExists = .true.
                 do i = 0,mpl%grid%num_readers-1
                    fname_by_reader = get_fname_by_rank(trim(fname), i)
                    inquire(FILE = trim(fname_by_reader), EXIST=fexist)
                    FileExists = FileExists .and. fexist
                 if (FileExists) then
                    ! just pick one face to deduce filetype, only in root
                    call MAPL_NCIOGetFileType(trim(fname_by_reader),isNC4,rc=status)
                 inquire(FILE = FNAME, EXIST=FileExists)
                 if (FileExists) then
                    call MAPL_NCIOGetFileType(FNAME,isNC4,rc=status)
            end block
         end if
         call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm,split_restart,n=1,ROOT=MAPL_Root,_RC)

         call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, fileExists, n=1, ROOT=MAPL_Root, _RC)
         call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, isNC4, n=1, ROOT=MAPL_Root, _RC)
         !if (split_restart) then
            !call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, num_files,  n=1, ROOT=MAPL_Root, _RC)
            !call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, split_restart, n=1, ROOT=MAPL_Root, _RC)
            !mpl%grid%num_readers = num_files
            !mpl%grid%split_restart = split_restart
         !end if

         if (FileExists) then
            if (isNC4 == 0) then
               filetype = 'pnc4'
               if (.not.nwrgt1) then
               end if
            end if
         end if
         FileExists = MAPL_MemFileInquire(NAME=FNAME)
      end if
      if (.not. FileExists) then
         if (.not. bootstrapable .or. restartRequired) then
            call WRITE_PARALLEL('ERROR: Required restart '//trim(FNAME)//' does not exist!')
            if (len_trim(FNAME) > 0) call WRITE_PARALLEL("Bootstrapping " // trim(FNAME))
         end if
      end if
      ! Open file

      !   Test if is a memory unit, if not must be real file
      if (index(filename,'*') /= 0) then
         !ALT: this is a special, MAPL_Write2RAM type
         filetype = 'binary'
      end if

      if (filetype == 'binary' .or. filetype == 'BINARY') then
         UNIT = GETFILE(FNAME, form="unformatted", all_pes=.true., rc=status)

      elseif(filetype=="formatted".or.filetype=="FORMATTED") then
         UNIT = GETFILE(FNAME, form="formatted", all_pes=.true., rc=status)

      elseif(filetype=='pbinary') then
         call ESMF_GridGet(MPL%GRID%ESMFGRID, dimCount=dimCount, RC=status)

         TILE: if (on_tiles) then
            _ASSERT(IAND(ATTR, MAPL_AttrGrid) == 0,'needs informative message') ! no hybrid allowed
            _ASSERT(MAPL_LocStreamIsAssociated(MPL%LOCSTREAM,RC=status),'needs informative message')

            call MAPL_LocStreamGet(mpl%LocStream, TILEGRID=TILEGRID, RC=status)

            call MAPL_GridGet(TILEGRID, globalCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, RC=status)

            call ArrDescrSet(arrdes,                   &
                 i1 = mpl%grid%i1, in = mpl%grid%in,   &
                 j1 = mpl%grid%j1, jn = mpl%grid%jn,   &
                 im_world = COUNTS(1),                 &
                 jm_world = COUNTS(2)                  )
            call ArrDescrCreateReaderComm(arrdes,mpl%grid%comm,mpl%grid%num_readers,_RC)
            call ArrDescrSet(arrdes, ioscattercomm = mpl%grid%comm )


            call ArrDescrSet(arrdes, offset, &
                 i1 = mpl%grid%i1, in = mpl%grid%in,     &
                 j1 = mpl%grid%j1, jn = mpl%grid%jn,     &
                 im_world = mpl%grid%im_world,           &
                 jm_world = mpl%grid%jm_world)
            call ArrDescrCreateReaderComm(arrdes,mpl%grid%comm,mpl%grid%num_readers,_RC)

         end if TILE


         offset = 0
         AmReader = arrdes%readers_comm/=MPI_COMM_NULL
         if (AmReader) then
            call MPI_Info_create(info, status)
            ! This need to be tested on GPFS and Lustre to determine best performance
            call MAPL_GetResource(MPL, romio_cb_read, Label="ROMIO_CB_READ:", default="automatic", RC=status)
            call MPI_Info_set(info, "romio_cb_read", trim(romio_cb_read), status)
            call MPI_COMM_RANK(mpl%grid%readers_comm, io_rank, status)
            if (io_rank == 0) then
               print *,'Using parallel IO for reading file: ',trim(FNAME)
            end if
            call MPI_Barrier(mpl%grid%readers_comm, status)
            call MPI_FILE_OPEN(mpl%grid%readers_comm, FNAME, MPI_MODE_RDONLY, &
                 MPI_INFO_NULL, UNIT, status)
            call MPI_Barrier(mpl%grid%readers_comm, status)
         endif ! AmReader

      else if (filetype=='pnc4') then
         if (nwrgt1) then
            print*,trim(Iam),': num_readers and number_writers must be 1 with pnc4 unless HDF5 was built with -enable-parallel'
            _FAIL('needs informative message')
         end if
         PNC4_TILE: if (on_tiles) then
            _ASSERT(IAND(ATTR, MAPL_AttrGrid) == 0,'needs informative message') ! no hybrid allowed
            call ArrDescrSetNCPar(arrdes,MPL,tile=.TRUE.,num_readers=mpl%grid%num_readers,RC=status)
            call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(MPL%GRID%ESMFGRID,infoh,rc=status)
            isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'GridType',rc=status)
            if (isPresent) then
               call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'GridType',grid_type,rc=status)
            end if
            _ASSERT(grid_is_consistent(grid_type, fname), "grid in the file is different from app's grid")
            call ArrDescrSetNCPar(arrdes,MPL,num_readers=mpl%grid%num_readers,RC=status)
         end if PNC4_TILE
         if (mapl_am_i_root())print*,'Using parallel NetCDF to read file: ',trim(FNAME)
      end if

      ! Skip Header

      if (HDR .and. filetype/='pnc4') then
         if(filetype=='pbinary') then
            offset = 16*4 ! + aks and bks ????
            call MAPL_Skip(UNIT, MPL%GRID%LAYOUT, COUNT=2, RC=status)
      end if

      ! Read data
      ! ---------

      if(filetype=='pbinary') then
         call ArrDescrSet(arrdes, offset)
         call MPI_Comm_Dup(mpl%grid%Ycomm,ArrDes%Ycomm, status)
         call MAPL_VarRead(UNIT=UNIT, STATE=STATE, arrdes=arrdes, RC=status)
         if (AmReader) then
            call MPI_Barrier(mpl%grid%readers_comm, status)
            call MPI_FILE_CLOSE(UNIT, status)
            call MPI_Barrier(mpl%grid%readers_comm, status)
      elseif(filetype=='pnc4') then

         call MAPL_VarReadNCPar(fname,STATE,ArrDes,bootstrapable,RC=status)

      elseif(UNIT/=0) then
         call MAPL_VarRead(UNIT=UNIT, STATE=STATE, bootstrapable=bootstrapable, RC=status)
         call FREE_FILE(UNIT)
         status = -1 ! not yet

      call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(STATE,infoh,RC=STATUS)
      call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,key='MAPL_Initialized',value=.TRUE.,RC=STATUS)

      call MAPL_AttributeSet(STATE, NAME="MAPL_InitStatus", VALUE=MAPL_InitialRestart, RC=status)

      call ArrDescrCommFree(arrdes, _RC)

       function grid_is_consistent(grid_type, fname) result( consistent)
         logical :: consistent
         character(*), intent(in) :: grid_type
         character(*), intent(in) :: fname
         !note this only works for geos cubed-sphere restarts currently because of
         !possible insufficent metadata in the other restarts to support the other grid factories
         class(AbstractGridFactory), pointer :: app_factory
         class (AbstractGridFactory), allocatable :: file_factory
         character(len=:), allocatable :: fname_by_face
         logical :: fexist

         consistent = .True.
         if (trim(grid_type) == 'Cubed-Sphere') then
            app_factory => get_factory(MPL%GRID%ESMFGRID)
            ! at this point, arrdes%read_restart_by_face is not initialized
            ! pick the first face
            fname_by_face = get_fname_by_rank(trim(fname), 1)
            inquire(FILE = trim(fname_by_face), EXIST=fexist)
            if(fexist) then
            consistent = file_factory%physical_params_are_equal(app_factory)
         end if
       end function

   end subroutine MAPL_ESMFStateReadFromFile


   subroutine MAPL_StateCreateFromVarSpecNew(STATE,SPEC,GRID,TILEGRID,DEFER,range,RC)
      type(ESMF_State),                 intent(INOUT) :: STATE
      type(StateSpecification),               intent(INOUT) :: SPEC
      type(ESMF_Grid),                  intent(INout) :: GRID
      logical, optional,                intent(IN   ) :: DEFER
      type(ESMF_Grid), optional,        intent(INout) :: TILEGRID
      integer, optional, intent(in) :: range(2)
      integer, optional,                intent(  OUT) :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateCreateFromVarSpec"
      integer                               :: status

      integer               :: L
      integer               :: DIMS
      integer               :: STAT
      integer               :: LOCATION
      type(ESMF_Grid)       :: GRD

      integer :: range_(2)
      type(MAPL_VarSpec), pointer :: varspec
      logical :: is_created
      type(ESMF_Field) :: SPEC_FIELD

      if (present(range)) then
         range_ = range
         range_(1) = 1
         range_(2) = spec%var_specs%size()
      end if
      do L = range_(1), range_(2)

         call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPEC%var_specs%of(L), DIMS=DIMS, VLOCATION=LOCATION, STAT=STAT, RC=status )
         !ALT we should also check if we have a valid grid in the spec so we do not overwrite it

         if (IAND(STAT, MAPL_BundleItem) /= 0 .or. &
              IAND(STAT, MAPL_StateItem) /= 0) then
            GRD = GRID
            ! choose the grid
            call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPEC%var_specs%of(L), FIELD=SPEC_FIELD, _RC)
            is_created = ESMF_FieldIsCreated(SPEC_FIELD, _RC)
            if (is_created) then
               call ESMF_FieldGet(SPEC_FIELD, GRID=GRD, _RC)

               Dimensionality: select case(DIMS)

                  select case(LOCATION)
                     GRD = GRID
                  case(MAPL_VLocationEdge  )
                     GRD = GRID
                  case default
                  end select
                  GRD = GRID
                  GRD = GRID
                  GRD = GRID
                  if (.not. present(TILEGRID)) then
                  GRD = TILEGRID
                  if (.not. present(TILEGRID)) then
                  GRD = TILEGRID
               case default
               end select Dimensionality
            end if ! if created
         end if ! if ISTAT

         varspec => SPEC%var_specs%of(L)
         call MAPL_VarSpecSet(varspec, GRID=GRD, RC=status )

      end do

      call MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew(STATE, SPEC, DEFER, range=range, RC=status  )


   end subroutine MAPL_StateCreateFromVarSpecNew

   subroutine MAPL_StateCreateFromSpec(STATE,SPEC,DEFER,RC)
      type(ESMF_State),                 intent(INOUT) :: STATE
      type(MAPL_VarSpec), target,       intent(INOUT) :: SPEC(:)
      logical, optional,                intent(IN   ) :: DEFER
      integer, optional,                intent(  OUT) :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateCreateFromSpec"
      integer                               :: status

      type (StateSpecification) :: state_spec

      state_spec%old_var_specs => spec
      call state_spec%update_vector()

      call MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew(state, state_spec, defer,rc=status)

   end subroutine MAPL_StateCreateFromSpec

   subroutine MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew(STATE,SPEC,DEFER,range, RC)
      type(ESMF_State),                 intent(INOUT) :: STATE
      type(StateSpecification), target, intent(inout) :: spec
      logical, optional,                intent(IN   ) :: DEFER
      integer, optional, intent(in) :: range(2)
      integer, optional,                intent(  OUT) :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew"
      integer                               :: status

      integer               :: L
      type (ESMF_Grid)      :: GRID
      type (ESMF_Array)     :: Array
      type (ESMF_Field)     :: FIELD
      type (ESMF_FieldBundle) :: BUNDLE
      type (ESMF_Field)       :: SPEC_FIELD
      type (ESMF_FieldBundle) :: SPEC_BUNDLE
      type (ESMF_Info)      :: infoh
      real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer         :: VAR_1D(:), VAR_2D(:,:), VAR_3D(:,:,:), VAR_4d(:,:,:,:)
      real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer         :: VR8_1D(:), VR8_2D(:,:), VR8_3D(:,:,:), VR8_4D(:,:,:,:)
      logical               :: usableDEFER
      logical               :: deferAlloc
      integer               :: DIMS
      integer               :: STAT
      integer               :: KND
      integer               :: LOCATION
      character(ESMF_MAXSTR):: SHORT_NAME
      character(ESMF_MAXSTR):: LONG_NAME
      character(ESMF_MAXSTR):: UNITS
      character(ESMF_MAXSTR):: FRIENDLYTO
      integer               :: REFRESH
      integer               :: AVGINT
      real                  :: DEFAULT_VALUE
      integer               :: I
      logical               ::  done
      integer               :: N, N1, N2, NE
      integer               :: HW
      integer               :: RESTART
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), pointer     :: ATTR_INAMES(:)
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), pointer     :: ATTR_RNAMES(:)
      integer,                    pointer     :: ATTR_IVALUES(:)
      real,                       pointer     :: ATTR_RVALUES(:)
      integer,                    pointer     :: UNGRD(:)
      integer                                 :: attr
      integer                                 :: initStatus
      logical                                 :: defaultProvided
      integer                                 :: fieldRank
      real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8)                 :: def_val_8
      type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag)                :: typekind
      logical                                 :: has_ungrd
      logical                                 :: doNotAllocate
      logical                                 :: alwaysAllocate
      integer                                 :: field_type
      integer                                 :: staggering
      integer                                 :: rotation
      type(ESMF_State)                        :: SPEC_STATE
      type(ESMF_State)                        :: nestSTATE
      character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: ungridded_unit
      character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: ungridded_name
      real,                    pointer        :: ungridded_coords(:)
      integer                                 :: szUngrd
      integer                                 :: rstReq
      logical                                 :: isPresent
      logical                                 :: isCreated
      character(len=positive_length)          :: positive

      integer :: range_(2)
      type(MAPL_VarSpec), pointer :: varspec

      if (present(range)) then
         range_ = range
         range_(1) = 1
         range_(2) = spec%var_specs%size()
      end if

      if (present(DEFER)) then
         usableDEFER = DEFER
         usableDEFER = .false.
      end if

      attr = 0
      rstReq = 0
      do L = range_(1), range_(2)

         call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPEC%var_specs%of(L),DIMS=DIMS,VLOCATION=LOCATION,   &
              FIELD=SPEC_FIELD, &
              BUNDLE=SPEC_BUNDLE, &
              STATE=SPEC_STATE, &
              defaultProvided = defaultProvided, &
              HALOWIDTH=HW, &
              RESTART=RESTART, &
              PRECISION=KND, &
              ATTR_RNAMES=ATTR_RNAMES, &
              ATTR_INAMES=ATTR_INAMES, &
              UNGRIDDED_DIMS=UNGRD, &
              GRID=GRID, &
              doNotAllocate=doNotAllocate, &
              alwaysAllocate=alwaysAllocate, &
              FIELD_TYPE=FIELD_TYPE, &
              ROTATION=ROTATION, &
              positive=positive, &
              RC=status )

         I=MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex(SPEC%old_var_specs(range_(1):range_(2)), SHORT_NAME, RC=status)
         if (I + (range_(1)-1) /= L) then
            CALL WRITE_PARALLEL("===================>")
            CALL WRITE_PARALLEL(trim(Iam) //": var "// trim(SHORT_NAME) // " already exists. Skipping ...")

         if (RESTART == MAPL_RestartRequired) then
            rstReq = 1
         end if

         if (IAND(STAT, MAPL_StateItem) /= 0) then
            isCreated = ESMF_StateIsCreated(SPEC_STATE, rc=status)
            if (.not. isCreated) then
               ! Create an empty state
               ! ---------------------
               nestState = ESMF_StateCreate(NAME=SHORT_NAME, RC=status)
               nestState = SPEC_STATE
            end if
            varspec => spec%var_specs%of(L)
            call MAPL_VarSpecSet(varspec,STATE=nestState,RC=status)

            call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(nestState,infoh,RC=STATUS)
            call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'RESTART',RESTART,RC=STATUS)

            ! Put the BUNDLE in the state
            ! --------------------------
            call ESMF_StateAdd(STATE, (/nestState/), rc=status)

            GOTO 10

         if (IAND(STAT, MAPL_BundleItem) /= 0) then
            !ALT: logic needed for putting bundleptr (like bundle validate)
            isCreated = ESMF_FieldBundleIsCreated(SPEC_BUNDLE, rc=status)
            if (.not. isCreated) then
               ! Create an empty BUNDLE
               ! ----------------------
               bundle = ESMF_FieldBundleCreate(NAME=SHORT_NAME, RC=status)
               call ESMF_FieldBundleSet(bundle, GRID=GRID, RC=status)
               BUNDLE = SPEC_BUNDLE
            end if
            varspec => SPEC%var_specs%of(L)
            call MAPL_VarSpecSet(varspec,BUNDLE=BUNDLE,RC=status)

            call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(BUNDLE,infoh,RC=STATUS)
            call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'RESTART',RESTART,RC=STATUS)

            ! Put the BUNDLE in the state
            ! --------------------------
            call MAPL_StateAdd(STATE, bundle, rc=status)

            GOTO 10
!         cycle

         if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .OR. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then
            ATTR = IOR(ATTR, MAPL_AttrTile)
            ATTR = IOR(ATTR, MAPL_AttrGrid)
         end if

         deferAlloc = usableDefer
         if (usableDefer) deferAlloc = .not. alwaysAllocate

         !ALTcheck this      call ESMF_FieldGet(SPEC_FIELD, Array=array, rc=status)
         isCreated = ESMF_FieldIsCreated(SPEC_FIELD, rc=status)
         if (isCreated) then
            call MAPL_AllocateCoupling( SPEC_FIELD, RC=status ) ! if 'DEFER' this allocates the data

            !ALT we are creating new field so that we can optionally change the name of the field;
            !    the important thing is that the data (ESMF_Array) is the SAME as the one in SPEC_Field
            FIELD = MAPL_FieldCreate(SPEC_FIELD, name=SHORT_NAME, RC=status )

            call ESMF_FieldGet(field, Array=array, rc=status)
            call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(field, infoh, RC=status)
            isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'MAPL_InitStatus',RC=STATUS)
            if (isPresent) then
               call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'MAPL_InitStatus',initStatus, RC=status)
               initStatus = MAPL_UnInitialized
            end if
            if (defaultProvided) then
               ! if the "original" field was initialized by reading a restart file do not overwrite
               if (initStatus /= MAPL_InitialRestart) then
                  call ESMF_FieldGet(FIELD, typeKind=typeKind, dimCount=fieldRank, RC=status)
                  if (typeKind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then
                     if (fieldRank == 1) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=var_1d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(var_1d /= default_value)) then
                        end if
                        var_1d = default_value
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     else if (fieldRank == 2) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=var_2d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(var_2d /= default_value)) then
                        end if
                        var_2d = default_value
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     else if (fieldRank == 3) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=var_3d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(var_3d /= default_value)) then
                        end if
                        var_3d = default_value
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     else if (fieldRank == 4) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=var_4d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(var_4d /= default_value)) then
                        end if
                        var_4d = default_value
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     end if
                  else if (typeKind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8) then
                     def_val_8 = real(default_value,kind=ESMF_KIND_R8)
                     if (fieldRank == 1) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=vr8_1d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(vr8_1d /= def_val_8)) then
                        end if
                        vr8_1d = def_val_8
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     else if (fieldRank == 2) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=vr8_2d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(vr8_2d /= def_val_8)) then
                        end if
                        vr8_2d = def_val_8
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     else if (fieldRank == 3) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=vr8_3d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(vr8_3d /= def_val_8)) then
                        end if
                        vr8_3d = def_val_8
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     else if (fieldRank == 4) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=vr8_4d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(vr8_4d /= default_value)) then
                        end if
                        vr8_4d = default_value
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     end if
                  end if
                  call MAPL_AttributeSet(field, NAME="MAPL_InitStatus", &
                       VALUE=initStatus, RC=status)
               end if
            end if

            ! Create the appropriate ESMF FIELD
            ! ---------------------------------

            field = MAPL_FieldCreateEmpty(name=SHORT_NAME, grid=grid, rc=status)
            call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELD, infoh, RC=status)

            has_ungrd = associated(UNGRD)

            if (.not. deferAlloc) then

               !ALT we check if doNotAllocate is set only for fields that are not deferred
               if (.not. doNotAllocate) then
                  if (has_ungrd) then
                     if (defaultProvided) then
                        call MAPL_FieldAllocCommit(field, dims=dims, location=location, typekind=knd, &
                             hw=hw, ungrid=ungrd, default_value=default_value, rc=status)
                        call MAPL_FieldAllocCommit(field, dims=dims, location=location, typekind=knd, &
                             hw=hw, ungrid=ungrd, rc=status)
                     if (defaultProvided) then
                        call MAPL_FieldAllocCommit(field, dims=dims, location=location, typekind=knd, &
                             hw=hw, default_value=default_value, rc=status)
                        call MAPL_FieldAllocCommit(field, dims=dims, location=location, typekind=knd, &
                             hw=hw, rc=status)
                     end if

                  end if
                  call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'doNotAllocate',1, RC=status)
               end if
               call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'PRECISION',KND, RC=status)
               call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'DEFAULT_PROVIDED',defaultProvided, RC=status)
               if (defaultProvided) then
                  call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'DEFAULT_VALUE',default_value, RC=status)
               end if
            end if

            ! Put the FIELD in the MAPL FIELD (VAR SPEC)
            ! --------------------------------

            !         call MAPL_VarSpecSet(SPEC(L),FIELD=FIELD,RC=status)
            !         _VERIFY(status)

         varspec => SPEC%var_specs%of(L)
         call MAPL_VarSpecSet(varspec,FIELD=FIELD,RC=status)
         ! and in the FIELD in the state
         ! --------------------------

         call MAPL_StateAdd(STATE, field, rc=status)

         if (deferAlloc) then
            initStatus = MAPL_Uninitialized
            if (defaultProvided) initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
         end if

         ! Add SPECs to the FIELD

         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'STAT',STAT, RC=status)
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'DIMS',DIMS, RC=status)
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'VLOCATION',LOCATION, RC=status)
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'LONG_NAME',LONG_NAME, RC=status)
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'UNITS',UNITS, RC=status)
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'POSITIVE',POSITIVE, RC=status)

         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'REFRESH_INTERVAL',REFRESH, RC=status)
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'AVERAGING_INTERVAL',AVGINT, RC=status)
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'HALOWIDTH',HW, RC=status)
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'RESTART',RESTART, RC=status)
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'FIELD_TYPE',FIELD_TYPE, RC=status)
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'STAGGERING',STAGGERING, RC=status)
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'ROTATION',ROTATION, RC=status)
         if (associated(UNGRD)) then
            call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,key='UNGRIDDED_DIMS',values=UNGRD, RC=status)
            call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'UNGRIDDED_NAME',UNGRIDDED_NAME, RC=status)
            call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'UNGRIDDED_UNIT',UNGRIDDED_UNIT, RC=status)
            if (associated(UNGRIDDED_COORDS)) then
               szUngrd = size(ungridded_coords)
               call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'UNGRIDDED_COORDS',values=ungridded_coords, RC=status)
            end if
         end if

         if (associated(ATTR_RNAMES)) then
            DO N = 1, size(ATTR_RNAMES)
               call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,key=trim(ATTR_RNAMES(N)) ,value=ATTR_RVALUES(N), RC=status)
            END DO
         end if

         if (associated(ATTR_INAMES)) then
            DO N = 1, size(ATTR_INAMES)
               call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,key=trim(ATTR_INAMES(N)),value=ATTR_IVALUES(N), RC=status)
            END DO
         end if

10       if (FRIENDLYTO /= "") then

            ! parse the string for ":" word delimiters
            done = .false.
            n1 = 1
            NE = len(FRIENDLYTO)

            do while(.not. DONE)
               N = INDEX(FRIENDLYTO(N1:NE), ':')
               IF (N == 0) then
                  DONE = .TRUE.
                  N2 = NE
                  N2 = N1 + N - 2
               END IF
               if (N1 <= N2 .and. N2 > 0) then
                  if (iand(STAT, MAPL_BundleItem) /= 0) then
                     call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(BUNDLE,infoh,RC=STATUS)
                     call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh, &
                          key='FriendlyTo'//trim(FRIENDLYTO(N1:N2)), &
                     !print *,"DEBUG: setting FieldAttr:FriendlyTo"//trim(FRIENDLYTO(N1:N2))
                     call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELD, infoh, RC=status)
                     call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,key='FriendlyTo'//trim(FRIENDLYTO(N1:N2)),value=.TRUE., RC=status)
                  end if
               end if

               N1 = N1 + N
            END DO

         end if

      call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(STATE,infoh,RC=STATUS)
      call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'MAPL_GridTypeBits',ATTR,RC=STATUS)
      call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'MAPL_RestartRequired',rstReq,RC=STATUS)


   end subroutine MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew


   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpec


   subroutine MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpecs(GC,IMPORT,EXPORT,INTERNAL,RC)

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp),    intent(INOUT)  :: GC
      type(MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer, optional :: IMPORT(:)
      type(MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer, optional :: EXPORT(:)
      type(MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer, optional :: INTERNAL(:)
      integer,             optional, intent(OUT) :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: IAm='MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpec'
      integer                               :: status
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: comp_name

      type (MAPL_MetaComp ), pointer        :: STATE

      ! Begin

      ! Get my name and set-up traceback handle
      ! ---------------------------------------

      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, NAME=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // trim(Iam)

      ! Get the private state
      ! ---------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve ( GC, STATE, RC=status )

      ! Get the specs for the 3 ESMF states
      ! -----------------------------------

      call MAPL_StateGetVarSpecs(STATE,IMPORT,EXPORT,INTERNAL,RC=status)


   end subroutine MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpecs

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_StateGetVarSpec



      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(MAPL_MetaComp),       intent(IN)  :: STATE
      type(MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer, optional :: IMPORT(:)
      type(MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer, optional :: EXPORT(:)
      type(MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer, optional :: INTERNAL(:)
      integer,             optional, intent(OUT) :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      ! Begin

      ! Get the specs for the 3 ESMF states
      ! -----------------------------------

      if(present(IMPORT)) then

      if(present(EXPORT)) then

      if(present(INTERNAL)) then


   end subroutine MAPL_StateGetVarSpecs

! The routine `MAPL_WireComponent` connects the child components, creates the couplers,
! and adds child info to GC's import and export specs.
   recursive subroutine MAPL_WireComponent(GC, RC)

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(INOUT) :: GC
      integer,   optional                :: RC      ! return code

      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: IAm
      integer                               :: status
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: comp_name

      ! Local types
      ! -----------

      type SpecWrapper
         type (MAPL_VarSpec),              pointer :: SPEC(:)
      end type SpecWrapper

      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),              pointer  :: STATE
      type (ESMF_CplComp),               pointer  :: CCS(:,:)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),               pointer  :: IMPORT_SPECS(:)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),               pointer  :: EXPORT_SPECS(:)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),               pointer  :: IM_SPECS(:)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),               pointer  :: EX_SPECS(:)

      type (SpecWrapper), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: SRCS
      type (SpecWrapper), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: DSTS

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: SRCNAME
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: DSTNAME
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: SHORT_NAME
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: ENAME
      integer                                     :: I, J, K, N
      integer                                     :: NC
      integer                                     :: STAT
      logical                                     :: SATISFIED
      logical                                     :: PARENTIMPORT
      logical :: is_connected
      type (MAPL_Connectivity), pointer           :: conn
      type (VarConn), pointer                :: CONNECT
      type (VarConn), pointer                :: DONOTCONN
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      type (ESMF_Info) :: infoh

      ! Begin

      ! Get my name and set-up traceback handle
      ! ---------------------------------------

      Iam = 'MAPL_WireComponent'
      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, NAME=comp_name, _RC)
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // trim(Iam)

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the child components
      ! --------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve ( GC, STATE, _RC)


      ! First look for import couplings that are satisfied internally
      ! -------------------------------------------------------------

      if (STATE%get_num_children() == 0) then
      end if

      call MAPL_ConnectivityGet(gc, connectivityPtr=conn, _RC)


      NC = STATE%get_num_children()

      allocate(SRCS(NC,NC), DSTS(NC,NC), __STAT__)

      DO I=1,NC
         DO J=1,NC
         END DO
      END DO

      ! first check if we need to add Exports from children
      do I=1,NC       !  Cycle thru children's imports

         gridcomp => STATE%get_child_gridcomp(I)
         call MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpecs(gridcomp, EXPORT=EX_SPECS, _RC)

         if (.not. associated(EX_SPECS)) then
         end if

         do K=1,size(EX_SPECS)
            call MAPL_VarSpecGet(EX_SPECS(K), SHORT_NAME=SHORT_NAME, _RC)
            is_connected = connect%varIsConnected(IMPORT_NAME=SHORT_NAME, &
                 export=I, import=MAPL_Self, _RC)
            if (is_connected) then
               call MAPL_VarSpecAddRefToList(STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%EXPORT, EX_SPECS(K), &
               if (status /= MAPL_DuplicateEntry) then
                  _FAIL('ERROR: duplicate entry for ' // trim(short_name))
            end if
         end do

      end do

      ! try to satisfy imports internally
      do I=1,NC       !  Cycle thru children's imports

         ! check "do not connect" list for
         PARENTIMPORT = .true.
         if (DONOTCONN%varIsListed(SHORT_NAME="MAPL_AnyChildImport", &
              IMPORT=I, RC=status)) then
            PARENTIMPORT = .false.
         end if

         gridcomp => STATE%get_child_gridcomp(I)
         call MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpecs(gridcomp, IMPORT=IM_SPECS, RC=status)

         if (.not. associated(IM_SPECS)) then
         end if

         do K=1,size(IM_SPECS)

            call MAPL_VarSpecGet(IM_SPECS(K), SHORT_NAME=SHORT_NAME, &
                 STAT=STAT, RC=status)

            ! do not connect Friendly bundles
#if 0
            IF (IAND(STAT, MAPL_BundleItem) /= 0) then
            end if

            ! check "do not connect" list
            if (DONOTCONN%varIsListed(SHORT_NAME=SHORT_NAME, &
                 IMPORT=I, RC=status)) then
            end if

            !  Cycle thru all exports
            call MAPL_VarSpecGet(IM_SPECS(K), STAT=STAT, RC=status)

            SATISFIED = .false.
            do J=1,NC
               if(I==J) cycle
               ! then check if this is internally satisfied
               if (connect%varIsConnected(IMPORT_NAME=SHORT_NAME, &
                    IMPORT=I, EXPORT=J, RC=status)) then

                  SATISFIED = .true.
                  STAT = ior(STAT,MAPL_CplSATISFIED)
                  call MAPL_VarSpecSet(IM_SPECS(K), STAT=STAT, RC=status)
               end if
            end do

            do J=1,NC
               gridcomp => STATE%get_child_gridcomp(J)
               call MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpecs(gridcomp, EXPORT=EX_SPECS, RC=status)

               ! Trying to satisfy I's imports from J's exports
               ! ----------------------------------------------

               ! then check if this is internally satisfied
               if (connect%varIsConnected(IMPORT_NAME=SHORT_NAME, EXPORT_NAME=ENAME, &
                    IMPORT=I, EXPORT=J, RC=status)) then
                  ! If a match is found, add it to that coupler's src and dst specs
                  ! ?? Mark the import satisfied and the export needed.
                  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------
                  N =  MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex(EX_SPECS,ENAME,RC=status)
                  if(N /= -1) then
                     print *,'ERROR: cannot find export ',trim(ENAME)
                  !ALT: currently the function comparing the SPECS assumes SAME names;
                  !     so we temporarily change the SHORT_NAME, and restore the name after comparison
                  call MAPL_VarSpecSet(EX_SPECS(N), SHORT_NAME=SHORT_NAME, RC=status)
                  if (EX_SPECS(N) == IM_SPECS(K)) then
                     call MAPL_VarSpecSet(EX_SPECS(N), SHORT_NAME=ENAME, RC=status)
                     ! this a direct connection
                     ! SPECS are the same, no additional averaging is needed
                     call MAPL_Reconnect(STATE,       &
                          STATE%get_child_gridcomp(I), MAPL_Import, K,         &
                          STATE%get_child_gridcomp(J), MAPL_Export, N, RC=status)

                     _ASSERT(MAPL_VarSpecSamePrec(EX_SPECS(N), IM_SPECS(K)),'needs informative message')
                     call MAPL_VarSpecSet(EX_SPECS(N), SHORT_NAME=ENAME, RC=status)
                     ! coupler is needed
                     call MAPL_VarSpecAddRefToList(DSTS(J,I)%SPEC,IM_SPECS(K), RC=status)

                     call MAPL_VarSpecAddRefToList(SRCS(J,I)%SPEC,EX_SPECS(N), RC=status)
                  end if

                  ! Imports that are not internally satisfied have their specs put in the GC's
                  ! import spec to be externally satisfied.  Their status is left unaltered.
                  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  if (.not. SATISFIED .and. PARENTIMPORT) then
                     call MAPL_VarSpecGet(IM_SPECS(K), STAT=STAT, RC=status)
                     if (iand(STAT,MAPL_CplSATISFIED) /= 0) then
                     end if
                     call MAPL_VarSpecAddRefToList(STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%IMPORT, IM_SPECS(K), RC=status)
                     if (status /= MAPL_DuplicateEntry) then

                        N =  MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex(STATE%COMPONENT_SPEC%IMPORT%OLD_VAR_SPECS, IM_SPECS(K),RC=status)
                        if(N /= -1) then

                        call MAPL_Reconnect(STATE,       &
                             GC, MAPL_Import, N,         &
                             STATE%get_child_gridcomp(I), MAPL_Import, K, RC=status)
                     end if
               end if

      STATE%CCcreated = .false.

      CCS          => STATE%CCS

      do I=1,NC
         do J=1,NC

            if(associated(DSTS(J,I)%SPEC)) then
               if(I/=J) then
                  call ESMF_GridCompGet( STATE%get_child_gridcomp(J), NAME=SRCNAME, RC=status )

                  call ESMF_GridCompGet( STATE%get_child_gridcomp(I), NAME=DSTNAME, RC=status )

                  CCS(J,I) = ESMF_CplCompCreate (                        &
                       NAME       = trim(SRCNAME)//'_2_'//trim(DSTNAME), &
                                !                     LAYOUT     = STATE%GRID%LAYOUT,                   &
                       contextFlag = ESMF_CONTEXT_PARENT_VM,              &
                       CONFIG     = STATE%CF,                  RC=status )

                  !                STATE%CIM(J,I) = ESMF_StateCreate (     &
                  !                     STATENAME = trim(SRCNAME)//'_2_'//trim(DSTNAME) // '_Imports', &
                  !                     STATETYPE = ESMF_STATEEXPORT,               &
                  !                     RC=status )
                  !                _VERIFY(status)

                  !                STATE%CEX(J,I) = ESMF_StateCreate (     &
                  !                     STATENAME = trim(SRCNAME)//'_2_'//trim(DSTNAME) // '_Exports', &
                  !                     STATETYPE = ESMF_STATEEXPORT,               &
                  !                     RC=status )
                  !                _VERIFY(status)

                  STATE%CCcreated(J,I) = .true.

                  call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(CCS(J,I), infoh, _RC)
                  call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,key='ClockYetToAdvance', value=.true., _RC)
                  call WRITE_PARALLEL("Coupler needed for "//trim(SRCNAME)// ' and ' //&
                  call ESMF_CplCompSetServices (CCS(J,I), GenericCplSetServices, RC=status )

                  call MAPL_CplCompSetVarSpecs(CCS(J,I),SRCS(J,I)%SPEC,DSTS(J,I)%SPEC,RC=status)


      ! Add my children's exports specs to mine
      ! ---------------------------------------

      ! currently disabled (they will be explicitly added to the EXPORT as nested)
      !    call MAPL_StateAddExportSpecFrmAll ( STATE, RC=status  )
      !    _VERIFY(status)

      deallocate(SRCS, DSTS, STAT=status)

      ! Wire my children
      ! ---------------------------------------

      do I=1,NC
!ALT      call MAPL_WireComponent(GCS(I), RC=status)
      end do


   end subroutine MAPL_WireComponent

   subroutine MAPL_BundleInit(GC,STATE,BUNDLENAME,RC)

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp),           intent(INOUT)  :: GC
      type(ESMF_State),              intent(IN   )  :: STATE
      character (len=*),             intent(IN   )  :: BUNDLENAME
      integer,             optional, intent(  OUT)  :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: IAm='MAPL_BundleInit'
      integer                               :: status
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: comp_name

      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),              pointer  :: MAPLOBJ

      type (ESMF_FieldBundle)                          :: BUNDLE
      type (ESMF_Field)                           :: FIELD
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),               pointer  :: INTERNAL_SPEC(:)
      integer                                     :: I
      integer                                     :: STAT


      ! Get my name and set-up traceback handle
      ! ---------------------------------------

      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, NAME=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // trim(Iam)

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state
      ! --------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, MAPLOBJ, RC=status)

      call ESMF_StateGet(STATE, BUNDLENAME, BUNDLE, RC=status)

      if (.not. associated(INTERNAL_SPEC)) then
      end if
      do I = 1, size(INTERNAL_SPEC)
         call MAPL_VarSpecGet(INTERNAL_SPEC(I), FIELD=FIELD, STAT=STAT, RC=status)

         if (ior(STAT, MAPL_FriendlyVariable) /= 0) then
         end if

         !ALT: alternatevly, we could get the field from the INTERNAL_ESMF_STATE
         call MAPL_FieldBundleAdd(bundle, field, rc=status)
      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_BundleInit

   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_StatePrintSpec


   recursive subroutine MAPL_StatePrintSpec(GC, RC)

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp),           intent(INOUT)  :: GC
      integer,             optional, intent(  OUT)  :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: IAm='MAPL_StatePrintSpec'
      integer                               :: status
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: comp_name

      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),              pointer  :: MAPLOBJ

      type (MAPL_VarSpec),               pointer  :: IMPORT_SPEC(:)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),               pointer  :: EXPORT_SPEC(:)
      integer                                     :: I
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp


      ! Get my name and set-up traceback handle
      ! ---------------------------------------

      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, NAME=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // trim(Iam)

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state
      ! --------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve ( GC, MAPLOBJ, RC=status )


      if (associated(IMPORT_SPEC)) then
         call WRITE_PARALLEL("==========================")
         call WRITE_PARALLEL("IMPORT spec for " // trim(comp_name))
         call WRITE_PARALLEL("==========================")
         if (associated(IMPORT_SPEC)) then
            do I = 1, size(IMPORT_SPEC)
               call MAPL_VarSpecPrint(IMPORT_SPEC(I), RC=status)
            end do
         end if
      end if

      if (associated(EXPORT_SPEC)) then
         call WRITE_PARALLEL("==========================")
         call WRITE_PARALLEL("EXPORT spec for " // trim(comp_name))
         call WRITE_PARALLEL("==========================")
         if (associated(EXPORT_SPEC)) then
            do I = 1, size(EXPORT_SPEC)
               call MAPL_VarSpecPrint(EXPORT_SPEC(I), RC=status)
            end do
         end if
      end if

      do I = 1, MAPLOBJ%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => MAPLOBJ%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call MAPL_StatePrintSpec(gridcomp, RC=status)
      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_StatePrintSpec

   recursive subroutine MAPL_GenericSpecEnum(GC, SPECS, RC)
      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp),           intent(INout)  :: GC
      type(StateSpecification), intent(inout) :: specs
      integer,             optional, intent(  OUT)  :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables
      integer                               :: status
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: comp_name

      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),              pointer  :: STATE
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),               pointer  :: IMPORT_SPEC(:)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),               pointer  :: EXPORT_SPEC(:)
      integer                                     :: I, K
      integer                                     :: LBL
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp

      ! Get my name and set-up traceback handle

      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, NAME=comp_name, _RC)

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state

      call MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, STATE, _RC)


      ! Add all import specs to the list and label by place on list.

      if (associated(IMPORT_SPEC)) then
         do I = 1, size(IMPORT_SPEC)
            call MAPL_VarSpecAddRefToList(SPECS, IMPORT_SPEC(I), &
                 ALLOW_DUPLICATES=.true., RC=status)
            if (status /= MAPL_DuplicateEntry) then
            end if
            LBL = SPECS%var_specs%size()
            call MAPL_VarSpecSet(SPECS%old_var_specs(LBL), LABEL=LBL, _RC)
         end do
      end if

      ! Add all export specs to the list
      !  and label in a funny way.

      if (associated(EXPORT_SPEC)) then
         do I = 1, size(EXPORT_SPEC)
            call MAPL_VarSpecAddRefToList(SPECS, EXPORT_SPEC(I), &
                 ALLOW_DUPLICATES=.true., RC=status)
            if (status /= MAPL_DuplicateEntry) then
            end if
            K = specs%var_specs%size()
            call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPECS%old_var_specs(K), LABEL=LBL, _RC)
            if (LBL == 0) then
               call MAPL_VarSpecSet(SPECS%old_var_specs(K), LABEL=K, _RC)
            end if
         end do
      end if

      ! Do the same for the children

      do I = 1, STATE%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call MAPL_GenericSpecEnum(gridcomp, SPECS, _RC)
      end do


   end subroutine MAPL_GenericSpecEnum

   subroutine MAPL_LinkCreate(LINK,              &
        RC )

      type (MAPL_Link),              pointer     :: LINK(:)
      type(ESMF_GridComp),        intent(IN   )  :: GC_FROM
      integer,                    intent(IN   )  :: STATETYPE_FROM
      integer,                    intent(IN   )  :: SPECINDEX_FROM
      type(ESMF_GridComp),        intent(IN   )  :: GC_TO
      integer,                    intent(IN   )  :: STATETYPE_TO
      integer,                    intent(IN   )  :: SPECINDEX_TO
      integer,          optional, intent(  OUT)  :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_LinkCreate"
      integer                               :: status

      integer                               :: I

      type (MAPL_Link ), pointer         :: TMP(:)
      type (MAPL_LinkType) :: FROM
      type (MAPL_LinkType) :: TO

      if(.not. associated(LINK)) then
         !ALT: check for duplicates ???

      I = size(LINK)


      TMP(1:I) = LINK
      deallocate(LINK, stat=status)



      TMP(I+1)%Ptr = MAPL_LinkForm(FROM, TO)

      LINK => TMP


   end subroutine MAPL_LinkCreate

   recursive subroutine MAPL_Reconnect(STATE,              &
        RC )

      type (MAPL_MetaComp)                       :: STATE
      type(ESMF_GridComp),        intent(IN   )  :: GC_FROM
      integer,                    intent(IN   )  :: STATETYPE_FROM
      integer,                    intent(IN   )  :: SPECINDEX_FROM
      type(ESMF_GridComp),        intent(IN   )  :: GC_TO
      integer,                    intent(IN   )  :: STATETYPE_TO
      integer,                    intent(IN   )  :: SPECINDEX_TO
      integer,          optional, intent(  OUT)  :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_Reconnect"
      integer                               :: status

      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),          pointer  :: PSTATE

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state of Root.
      ! ----------------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve ( STATE%RootGC, PSTATE, RC=status )

      call MAPL_LinkCreate(PSTATE%LINK,              &
           GC_TO,   STATETYPE_TO,   SPECINDEX_TO,   &
           RC=status )

   end subroutine MAPL_Reconnect

   integer function MAPL_LabelGet(LINK, RC)
      type (MAPL_LinkType)                       :: LINK
      integer,          optional, intent(  OUT)  :: RC     ! Error code:

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_GetLabel"
      integer                               :: status

      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),              pointer  :: STATE
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),               pointer  :: SPEC(:)

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state of Root.
      ! ----------------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve ( LINK%GC, STATE, RC=status )

      ! Local aliases to the state
      ! ---------------------------------------------------

      if (LINK%StateType == MAPL_Import) then
      else if (LINK%StateType == MAPL_Export) then
      end if

      call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPEC(LINK%SpecId), LABEL = MAPL_LabelGet, RC = status)

   end function MAPL_LabelGet

   subroutine MAPL_FriendlyGet ( GC, NAME, FIELD, REQUESTER, RC )

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp),           intent(INOUT)  :: GC
      character(len=*),              intent(IN   )  :: NAME
      character(len=*),    optional, intent(IN   )  :: REQUESTER !ALT (set to optional TEMPORARY)
      type(ESMF_Field),              intent(  OUT)  :: FIELD
      integer,             optional, intent(  OUT)  :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      integer                               :: status

      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),              pointer  :: STATE
      logical                                     :: FRIENDLY

      integer                                     :: N, STAT
      type (ESMF_Info)                            :: infoh

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state of Root.
      ! ----------------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve ( GC, STATE, RC=status )

      if(N /= -1) then


      _ASSERT(iand(STAT, MAPL_FriendlyVariable) /= 0,'needs informative message')

      call ESMF_StateGet(STATE%get_internal_state(), NAME, FIELD, RC=STATUS)
      call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELD,infoh,RC=status)

      if (present(REQUESTER)) then
         call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key='FriendlyTo'//trim(REQUESTER),value=FRIENDLY, RC=status)
         _ASSERT(FRIENDLY,'needs informative message')
      end if

   end subroutine MAPL_FriendlyGet

   subroutine MAPL_CopyFriendlinessInState(STATEOUT, NAMEOUT,STATEIN,NAMEIN,RC)
      type(ESMF_STATE),      intent(INOUT) :: STATEOUT
      character(len=*),      intent(IN   ) :: nameOUT
      type(ESMF_STATE),      intent(IN   ) :: STATEIN
      character(len=*),      intent(IN   ) :: nameIN
      integer,    optional,  intent(  OUT) :: rc

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_CopyFriendlinessInState"
      integer                               :: status
      type(ESMF_FIELD)                      :: FIELDIN
      type(ESMF_FIELD)                      :: FIELDOUT

      call ESMF_StateGet(STATEIN ,NAMEIN ,FIELDIN ,RC=status)
      call  MAPL_CopyFriendlinessInField(FIELDOUT,FIELDIN,RC=status)

   end subroutine MAPL_CopyFriendlinessInState

   subroutine MAPL_CopyFriendlinessInField(FIELDOUT,FIELDIN,RC)
      type(ESMF_FIELD),      intent(INOUT) :: FIELDOUT
      type(ESMF_FIELD),      intent(INout) :: FIELDIN
      integer,    optional,  intent(  OUT) :: rc

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_CopyFriendlinessInField"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: I, NF
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: NAME
      logical                               :: VALUE
      type(ESMF_INFO)                       :: infohin
      type(ESMF_INFO)                       :: infohout

      call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELDIN, infohin, RC=status)
      call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELDOUT,infohout,RC=STATUS)
      call ESMF_InfoGet(infohin,size=NF,RC=STATUS)

      do I=1,NF
         call ESMF_InfoGet(infohin, idx=I,ikey=NAME, RC=status)
         NAME = trim(NAME)
         if(NAME(1:10)=='FriendlyTo') then
            call ESMF_InfoGet(infohin,key=NAME,value=VALUE, RC=status)
            call ESMF_InfoSet(infohout,NAME,VALUE, RC=status)
         end if
      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_CopyFriendlinessInField


   recursive subroutine MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies0 ( GC, TO, BUNDLE, AddGCPrefix, RC )

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp),           intent(INOUT)  :: GC
      character(len=*),              intent(IN   )  :: TO(:)
      type(ESMF_FieldBundle  ),           intent(INOUT)  :: BUNDLE
      logical, optional,             intent(IN   )  :: AddGCPrefix
      integer,             optional, intent(  OUT)  :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      integer                               :: status

      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),        pointer  :: STATE
      type (ESMF_State), pointer                     :: INTERNAL
      type (ESMF_Field)                     :: FIELD, TempField
      character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR), allocatable  :: itemNameList(:)
      type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag),   allocatable  :: itemtypeList(:)
      type(ESMF_FieldBundle)                    :: B

      integer                               :: I, N
      integer                               :: J, NF
      integer, allocatable :: orderlist(:)
      integer :: jj
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)           :: attrName
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), allocatable :: currList(:)
      integer                                 :: natt
      logical                                 :: haveAttr

      logical                                 :: AddPrefix_
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)              :: GC_NAME, fieldname
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh

      ! Get my MAPL_Generic state

      AddPrefix_ = .false.
      if (present(AddGCPrefix) ) then
         AddPrefix_ = AddGCPrefix
      end if

      call MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, STATE, RC=status)

      ! Call recursively the children
      ! as a consequence of some assuptions in CHEM
      ! we are going to allow recursing ONLY
      ! when addGCPrefix is passed in and it is set to .true.
      ! Physics does not pass this agrument

      if (AddPrefix_ .and. allocated(state%GCnamelist)) then
         do I = 1, size(state%GCnamelist)
            call write_parallel("Executing getFriendlies for " // &
            gridcomp => state%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
            call MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies( gridcomp , TO, BUNDLE, &
                 AddGCPrefix, RC=status)
         end do
      end if

      !    _RETURN(0)
      ! now call itself

      if (.not.associated(state%component_spec%internal%old_var_specs)) then
      end if
      INTERNAL => STATE%get_internal_state()

      call ESMF_StateGet(INTERNAL, ITEMCOUNT=N,  RC=status)

      allocate(itemNameList(N)     ,STAT=status)

      call ESMF_StateGet(INTERNAL,ITEMNAMELIST=itemNamelist,ITEMTYPELIST=itemtypeList,RC=status)

      attrName = MAPL_StateItemOrderList
      call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(internal,infoh,RC=STATUS)
      haveAttr = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,attrName,RC=STATUS)
      if (haveAttr) then
         call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key=attrName,size=natt,RC=STATUS)
         natt = N
      end if

      if (natt == 0) then
      allocate(orderlist(natt), stat=status)

      if (haveAttr) then
         allocate(currList(natt), stat=status)

         ! get the current list
         call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key=attrName,values=currList,rc=status)

         orderList = -1 ! not found
         do i = 1, natt
            ! search loop
            do jj = 1, N
               if (itemNameList(jj) == currList(i)) then
                  orderList(i) = jj
               end if
            end do

         end do

         do i = 1, natt
            orderList(i) = i
         end do
      end if

      do JJ = 1, natt

         I = ORDERLIST(JJ)
         !    do I=1,N
         if(itemtypeList(I)==ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD) then
            call ESMF_StateGet(INTERNAL,itemNameList(I),FIELD,RC=status)
            call Am_I_Friendly_ ( FIELD, TO, RC=status )
            if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then
               if (AddPrefix_) then
                  call ESMF_GridCompGet(GC, NAME=GC_NAME, RC=status)
                  if (scan(itemNameList(I),"::")==0) then
                     TempField = MAPL_FieldCreate(FIELD, name=(trim(GC_NAME)//'::'//trim(itemNameList(I))), RC=status)
                     call PutFieldInBundle__(BUNDLE, TempField, RC=status)
                     call PutFieldInBundle__(BUNDLE, FIELD, RC=status )
                  end if
                  call PutFieldInBundle__(BUNDLE, FIELD, RC=status )
               end if ! (AddPrefix_)
            end if
         else if(itemtypeList(I)==ESMF_STATEITEM_FieldBundle) then
            call ESMF_StateGet(INTERNAL,itemNameList(I), B, RC=status)
            call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(B,FieldCount=NF, RC=status)
            call Am_I_Friendly__ ( B, TO, RC=status )
            if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then
               ! if the bundle is "friendly", copy every single field
               DO J=1,NF
                  if (AddPrefix_) then
                     call ESMF_GridCompGet(GC, NAME=GC_NAME, RC=status)
                     call MAPL_FieldBundleGet(B,   J,   FIELD,  RC=status)
                     call ESMF_FieldGet (FIELD, name=fieldname, RC=status)
                     if (scan(fieldname,"::")==0) then
                        TempField = MAPL_FieldCreate(FIELD, name=(trim(GC_NAME)//'::'//trim(fieldname)), RC=status)
                        call PutFieldInBundle__(BUNDLE, TempField, RC=status)
                        call MAPL_FieldBundleGet(B,   J,   FIELD,  RC=status)
                        call PutFieldInBundle__(BUNDLE, FIELD, RC=status )
                     end if
                     call MAPL_FieldBundleGet(B,   J,   FIELD,  RC=status)
                     call PutFieldInBundle__ (BUNDLE, FIELD, RC=status )
                  end if ! (AddPrefix_)
               END DO
               ! check the fields for "friendliness"
               DO J=1,NF
                  if (AddPrefix_) then
                     call ESMF_GridCompGet(GC, NAME=GC_NAME, RC=status)
                     call MAPL_FieldBundleGet(B,   J,   FIELD,  RC=status)
                     call ESMF_FieldGet (FIELD, name=fieldname, RC=status)
                     if (scan(fieldname,"::")==0) then
                        TempField = MAPL_FieldCreate(FIELD, name=(trim(GC_NAME)//'::'//trim(fieldname)), RC=status)
                        call PutFieldInBundle__(BUNDLE, TempField, RC=status)
                        call MAPL_FieldBundleGet(B,   J,   FIELD,  RC=status)
                        call Am_I_Friendly_ ( FIELD, TO, RC=status )
                        if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then
                           call PutFieldInBundle__  (BUNDLE, FIELD, RC=status )
                        end if
                     end if
                     call MAPL_FieldBundleGet(B,   J,   FIELD,  RC=status)
                     call Am_I_Friendly_ ( FIELD, TO, RC=status )
                     if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then
                        call PutFieldInBundle__  (BUNDLE, FIELD, RC=status )
                     END if
                  end if ! (AddPrefix_)
               END DO
            end if
         end if
      end do

      deallocate(orderlist, stat=status)
      deallocate(itemNameList     ,STAT=status)


   end subroutine MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies0

   subroutine PutFieldInBundle__(Bundle, Field, multiflag, RC)
      type(ESMF_FieldBundle),  intent(inout) :: Bundle
      type(ESMF_Field),  intent(in   ) :: Field
      logical, optional, intent(in   ) :: multiflag
      integer, optional, intent(  out) :: rc

      ! ErrLog vars
      integer                   :: status

      ! Local var
      integer                   :: DIMS, I
      integer                   :: fieldRank
      type(ESMF_Field), pointer :: splitFields(:) => null()
      type(ESMF_Info)           :: infoh

      call ESMF_FieldGet(FIELD, dimCount=fieldRank, rc=status)
      if (fieldRank == 4) then
         call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELD, infoh, RC=status)
         call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'DIMS',DIMS, RC=status)
         if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsHorzVert) then
            call MAPL_FieldSplit(field, splitFields, RC=status)

            do I=1, size(splitFields)
               call MAPL_FieldBundleAdd(BUNDLE, splitFields(I), rc=status )
            end do
            call MAPL_FieldBundleAdd(BUNDLE, FIELD, rc=status )
         end if
         call MAPL_FieldBundleAdd(BUNDLE, FIELD, rc=status )
      end if

   end subroutine PutFieldInBundle__

   subroutine Am_I_Friendly_ ( FIELD, TO, RC )
      type(ESMF_Field),  intent(INout)  :: FIELD
      character(len=*),  intent(IN)  :: TO(:)
      integer,           intent(OUT) :: RC
      logical            :: FRIENDLY, isPresent
      integer            :: I, STATUS
      type(ESMF_Info)    :: infoh

      call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELD,infoh,RC=status)
      do I = 1, size(TO)
         isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,key="FriendlyTo"//trim(TO(I)),RC=STATUS)
         if (isPresent) then
            call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key="FriendlyTo"//trim(TO(I)),value=FRIENDLY, RC=status)
            RC = ESMF_SUCCESS
      end do
   end subroutine Am_I_Friendly_

   subroutine Am_I_Friendly__ ( BUNDLE, TO, RC )
      type(ESMF_FieldBundle),  intent(INout)  :: BUNDLE
      character(len=*),  intent(IN)  :: TO(:)
      integer,           intent(OUT) :: RC
      logical            :: FRIENDLY, isPresent
      integer            :: I, STATUS
      type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh

      call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(BUNDLE,infoh,RC=STATUS)
      do I = 1, size(TO)
         FRIENDLY = .false.
         isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,key="FriendlyTo"//trim(TO(I)),RC=STATUS)
         if (isPresent) then
            call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key="FriendlyTo"//trim(TO(I)),value=FRIENDLY,RC=STATUS)
            if (FRIENDLY) RC = ESMF_SUCCESS
      end do
   end subroutine Am_I_Friendly__

   subroutine MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies1 ( GC, TO, BUNDLE, AddGCPrefix, RC )

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp),           intent(INOUT)  :: GC
      character(len=*),              intent(IN   )  :: TO
      type(ESMF_FieldBundle  ),      intent(INOUT)  :: BUNDLE
      logical, optional,             intent(IN   )  :: AddGCPrefix
      integer,             optional, intent(  OUT)  :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      !    character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: IAm='MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies1'
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: TO_(1)

      TO_(1) = TO
      call MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies0 ( GC, TO_, BUNDLE, AddGCPrefix, RC )

   end subroutine MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies1

   subroutine MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies2 ( GC, TO, BUNDLE, AddGCPrefix, RC )

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp),           intent(INOUT)  :: GC(:)
      character(len=*),              intent(IN   )  :: TO
      type(ESMF_FieldBundle  ),      intent(INOUT)  :: BUNDLE
      logical, optional,             intent(IN   )  :: AddGCPrefix
      integer,             optional, intent(  OUT)  :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      integer                               :: status, I
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: TO_(1)

      TO_(1) = TO
      do I=1,size(GC)
         call MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies0(GC(I), TO_, BUNDLE, AddGCPrefix, RC=status)
      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies2

   subroutine MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies3 ( GC, TO, BUNDLE, AddGCPrefix, RC )

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp),           intent(INOUT)  :: GC(:)
      character(len=*),              intent(IN   )  :: TO(:)
      type(ESMF_FieldBundle  ),      intent(INOUT)  :: BUNDLE
      logical, optional,             intent(IN   )  :: AddGCPrefix
      integer,             optional, intent(  OUT)  :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      integer                               :: status, I

      do I=1,size(GC)
         call MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies0(GC(I), TO, BUNDLE, AddGCPrefix, RC=status)
      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_GridCompGetFriendlies3


   subroutine MAPL_SetVarSpecForCC(gcA, gcB, ccAxB, rc)
      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: GCA
      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: GCB
      type(ESMF_CplComp) , intent(inout) :: CCAxB
      integer, optional,   intent(  out) :: RC     ! Error code:

      ! Local vars
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)   :: NAME
      integer                      :: status
      integer                      :: I, N, STAT
      type (MAPL_VarSpec), pointer :: SRCS(:)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec), pointer :: DSTS(:)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec), pointer :: IM_SPECS(:), EX_SPECS(:)

      ! Begin


      call MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpecs(gcA, EXPORT=EX_SPECS, RC=status)

      call MAPL_GridCompGetVarSpecs(gcB, IMPORT=IM_SPECS,  RC=status)

      DO I = 1, size(IM_SPECS)
         call MAPL_VarSpecGet(IM_SPECS(I), STAT=STAT, RC=status)

         IF (IAND(STAT, MAPL_BundleItem) /= 0) then
         END IF

         call MAPL_VarSpecAddRefToList(DSTS, IM_SPECS(I), RC=status)
      END DO

      IF (.not. associated(DSTS)) then
      END IF

      DO I = 1, size(DSTS)
         call MAPL_VarSpecGet(DSTS(I), STAT=STAT, SHORT_NAME=NAME, RC=status)

         N =  MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex(EX_SPECS, NAME, RC=status)
         if(N /= -1) then
            call WRITE_PARALLEL("ERROR: cannot match spec:")
            call MAPL_VarSpecPrint(DSTS(I))

         call MAPL_VarSpecAddRefToList(SRCS, DSTS(I), RC=status)
      END DO

      call MAPL_CplCompSetVarSpecs(ccAxB, SRCS, DSTS, RC=status)


   end subroutine MAPL_SetVarSpecForCC

   recursive subroutine MAPL_GenericConnCheck(GC, RC)
      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp),           intent(INOUT)  :: GC
      integer,             optional, intent(  OUT)  :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: IAm
      integer                               :: status
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: comp_name

      ! Local variables
      ! ---------------

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),              pointer  :: STATE

      integer                                     :: I
      logical                                     :: err
      type (MAPL_Connectivity), pointer           :: conn
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp


      ! Get my name and set-up traceback handle
      ! ---------------------------------------

      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, NAME=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // 'MAPL_GenericConnCheck'

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state
      ! --------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve ( GC, STATE, RC=status )

      conn => state%connectList

      err = .false.
      if (.not. conn%connect%checkUnused()) then
         err = .true.
         CALL WRITE_PARALLEL("CONNECT ERRORS FOUND in " // trim(comp_name))
      end if

      if (.not. CONN%DONOTCONN%checkUnused()) then
         err = .true.
         CALL WRITE_PARALLEL("DO_NOT_CONNECT ERRORS FOUND in " // trim(comp_name))
      end if

      do I = 1, STATE%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call MAPL_GenericConnCheck(gridcomp, RC=status)
         if (status /= ESMF_SUCCESS) then
            err = .true.
         end if
      end do

      if (err) then
      end if

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericConnCheck

   ! This is a pass-through routine. It maintains the interface for
   ! MAPL_GetResource as-is instead of moving this subroutine to another module.
   subroutine MAPL_GetResourceFromMAPL_scalar(state, val, label, unusable, default, value_is_set, rc)
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), intent(inout) :: state
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: label
      class(*), intent(inout) :: val
      class(KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable
      class(*), optional, intent(in) :: default
      logical, optional, intent(out) :: value_is_set
      integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

      logical :: value_set
      integer :: status


      call MAPL_GetResource_config_scalar(state%cf, val, label, value_set, &
         default = default, component_name = state%compname, rc=status)

      ! FIXME: assertion that value_set (TRUE) or return a non-negative rc value.
      ! Instead, optional argument value_is_set should to the value of value_set,
      ! an intent(out) argument to MAPL_GetResource_config_scalar.
      ! That differentiates a failed attempt to set value when there is no default
      ! and label is not found. However, some existing code catches the non-zero
      ! rc value to indicate failure to set the value and handles the failure
      ! by an alternative action. That code needs to use the value_is_set argument
      ! to determine failure. Once that code is fixed, the assertion should be
      ! removed.

      if(present(value_is_set)) then
         value_is_set = value_set
      end if

      if(.not. value_set) then
         if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
      end if



   end subroutine MAPL_GetResourceFromMAPL_scalar

   ! This is a pass-through routine. It maintains the interface for
   ! MAPL_GetResource as-is instead of moving this subroutine to another module.
   subroutine MAPL_GetResourceFromConfig_scalar(config, val, label, unusable, default, value_is_set, rc)
      type(ESMF_Config), intent(inout) :: config
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: label
      class(*), intent(inout) :: val
      class(KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable
      class(*), optional, intent(in) :: default
      logical, optional, intent(out) :: value_is_set
      integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

      integer :: status
      logical :: value_set


      call MAPL_GetResource_config_scalar(config, val, label, value_set, &
         default = default, rc=status)

      ! FIXME: assertion that value_set (TRUE) or return a non-negative rc value.
      ! Instead, optional argument value_is_set should to the value of value_set,
      ! an intent(out) argument to MAPL_GetResource_config_scalar.
      ! That differentiates a failed attempt to set value when there is no default
      ! and label is not found. However, some existing code catches the non-zero
      ! rc value to indicate failure to set the value and handles the failure
      ! by an alternative action. That code needs to use the value_is_set argument
      ! to determine failure. Once that code is fixed, the assertion should be
      ! removed.

      if(present(value_is_set)) then
         value_is_set = value_set
      end if

      if(.not. value_set) then
         if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
      end if



   end subroutine MAPL_GetResourceFromConfig_scalar

   ! This is a pass-through routine. It maintains the interface for
   ! MAPL_GetResource as-is instead of moving this subroutine to another module.
   subroutine MAPL_GetResourceFromMAPL_array(state, vals, label, unusable, default, value_is_set, rc)
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), intent(inout) :: state
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: label
      class(*), intent(inout) :: vals(:)
      class(KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable
      class(*), optional, intent(in) :: default(:)
      logical, optional, intent(out) :: value_is_set
      integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

      logical :: value_set
      integer :: status


      call MAPL_GetResource_config_array(state%cf, vals, label, value_set, &
         default = default, component_name = state%compname, rc=status)

      ! FIXME: assertion that value_set (TRUE) or return a non-negative rc value.
      ! Instead, optional argument value_is_set should to the value of value_set,
      ! an intent(out) argument to MAPL_GetResource_config_array.
      ! That differentiates a failed attempt to set value when there is no default
      ! and label is not found. However, some existing code catches the non-zero
      ! rc value to indicate failure to set the value and handles the failure
      ! by an alternative action. That code needs to use the value_is_set argument
      ! to determine failure. Once that code is fixed, the assertion should be
      ! removed.

      if(present(value_is_set)) then
         value_is_set = value_set
      end if

      if(.not. value_set) then
         if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
      end if



   end subroutine MAPL_GetResourceFromMAPL_array

   subroutine MAPL_GetResourceFromConfig_array(config, vals, label, unusable, default, value_is_set, rc)
      type(ESMF_Config), intent(inout) :: config
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: label
      class(*), intent(inout) :: vals(:)
      class(KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable
      class(*), optional, intent(in) :: default(:)
      logical, optional, intent(out) :: value_is_set
      integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

      integer :: status
      logical :: value_set


      call MAPL_GetResource_config_array(config, vals, label, value_set, &
         default = default, rc=status)

      ! FIXME: assertion that value_set (TRUE) or return a non-negative rc value.
      ! Instead, optional argument value_is_set should to the value of value_set,
      ! an intent(out) argument to MAPL_GetResource_config_array..
      ! That differentiates a failed attempt to set value when there is no default
      ! and label is not found. However, some existing code catches the non-zero
      ! rc value to indicate failure to set the value and handles the failure
      ! by an alternative action. That code needs to use the value_is_set argument
      ! to determine failure. Once that code is fixed, the assertion should be
      ! removed.

      if(present(value_is_set)) then
         value_is_set = value_set
      end if

      if(.not. value_set) then
         if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
      end if



   end subroutine MAPL_GetResourceFromConfig_array

   integer function MAPL_GetNumSubtiles(STATE, RC)
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),       intent(INOUT)    :: STATE
      integer  , optional,        intent(  OUT)    :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_GetNumSubtiles"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: I
      integer                               :: DIMS
      integer                               :: NUM_SUBTILES

      MAPL_GetNumSubtiles = 1
                 NUM_SUBTILES=NUM_SUBTILES,                 &
                 RC=status  )
            if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then
               MAPL_GetNumSubtiles = NUM_SUBTILES
            end if
         END DO
      end if
                 NUM_SUBTILES=NUM_SUBTILES,                 &
                 RC=status  )
            if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then
               MAPL_GetNumSubtiles = NUM_SUBTILES
            end if
         END DO
      end if
   end function MAPL_GetNumSubtiles

   recursive subroutine MAPL_AdjustIsNeeded ( GC, EXPORT, RC )

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(INOUT) :: GC     ! Gridded component
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(INOUT) :: EXPORT ! Export state
      integer, optional,   intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:


      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: comp_name
      integer                       :: status

      ! Local derived type aliases

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),pointer     :: STATE
      integer                          :: I
      integer                          :: ITEMCOUNT
      type (ESMF_StateItem_Flag), pointer :: ITEMTYPES(:)
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR ), pointer  :: ITEMNAMES(:)
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_export_state

      Iam = "MAPL_AdjustIsNeeded"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, NAME=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // trim(Iam)

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state.
      ! -------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, STATE, RC=status)


      IF (ITEMCOUNT>0) then



      end IF

      do I = 1, STATE%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         child_export_state => state%get_child_export_state(i)
         call MAPL_AdjustIsNeeded(gridcomp, child_export_state, RC=status)
      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_AdjustIsNeeded

! Shortcut for checking that field is allocated.
   logical function MAPL_IsFieldAllocated(FIELD, RC)

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_Field),    intent(INout) :: FIELD  ! Field
      integer, optional,   intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:

      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm='MAPL_IsFieldAllocated'
      integer                               :: status

      real(kind=REAL32), dimension(:)        , pointer :: r4d1
      real(kind=REAL32), dimension(:,:)      , pointer :: r4d2
      real(kind=REAL32), dimension(:,:,:)    , pointer :: r4d3
      real(kind=REAL32), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , pointer :: r4d4

      type(ESMF_Array)                        :: array
      type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag)                :: tk
      integer                                 :: rank
      type(ESMF_FieldStatus_Flag)             :: fieldStatus

      call ESMF_FieldGet(field, status=fieldStatus, rc=status)

      if(fieldStatus /= ESMF_FIELDstatus_COMPLETE) then
         MAPL_IsFieldAllocated = .false.
         call ESMF_FieldGet (FIELD, Array=ARRAY, RC=status)

         MAPL_IsFieldAllocated = .true.

         call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, typekind=tk, rank=rank, rc=status)
         if (tk .eq. ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then
            if (rank .eq. 1) then
               call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=r4d1, rc=status)
               if (.not. associated(r4d1)) then
                  MAPL_IsFieldAllocated = .false.
            else if (rank .eq. 2) then
               call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=r4d2, rc=status)
               if (.not. associated(r4d2)) then
                  MAPL_IsFieldAllocated = .false.
            else if (rank .eq. 3) then
               call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=r4d3, rc=status)
               if (.not. associated(r4d3)) then
                  MAPL_IsFieldAllocated = .false.
            else if (rank .eq. 4) then
               call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=r4d4, rc=status)
               if (.not. associated(r4d4)) then
                  MAPL_IsFieldAllocated = .false.
            end if
         end if
      end if

   end function MAPL_IsFieldAllocated

   subroutine MAPL_ExchangeGridGet ( GC, EXCH, RC )

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(INout) :: GC     ! Gridded component
      type(MAPL_LocStream),intent(INOUT) :: EXCH   ! Exchange grid
      integer, optional,   intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:


      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: comp_name
      integer                       :: status

      ! Local derived type aliases

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),pointer     :: STATE

      Iam = "MAPL_ExchangeGridGet"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, NAME=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // trim(Iam)

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state.
      ! -------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, STATE, RC=status)


   end subroutine MAPL_ExchangeGridGet

   recursive subroutine MAPL_ExchangeGridSet ( GC, EXCH, RC )

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(INOUT) :: GC     ! Gridded component
      type(MAPL_LocStream),intent(IN   ) :: EXCH   ! Exchange grid
      integer, optional,   intent(  OUT) :: RC     ! Error code:


      ! ErrLog Variables

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)    :: comp_name
      integer                       :: status

      ! Local derived type aliases

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),pointer     :: STATE
      integer                          :: I
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      Iam = "MAPL_ExchangeGridSet"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, NAME=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // trim(Iam)

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state.
      ! -------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, STATE, RC=status)


      do I = 1, STATE%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call MAPL_ExchangeGridSet(gridcomp, exch, RC=status)
      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_ExchangeGridSet

   recursive subroutine MAPL_GCGet(GC,name,result,rc)
      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: GC
      character(len=*)   , intent(in   ) :: name
      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: result
      integer, optional  , intent(  out) :: rc

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm = "MAPL_GCGet"
      integer                               :: status
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: comp_name
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer          :: state
      type(ESMF_VM)                         :: vm
      integer                               :: i
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp

      call ESMF_GridCompGet(GC,name=comp_name,vm=vm,rc=status)
      if (trim(comp_name) == trim(name)) then
         result = GC
      end if

      call MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, STATE, RC=status)
      do I = 1, STATE%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call MAPL_GCGet(gridcomp,name,result,rc=status)
         if (status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then
         end if


   end subroutine MAPL_GCGet

   recursive subroutine MAPL_ExportStateGet(export, name, result, rc)
      type (ESMF_State), intent(IN   ) :: export(:)
      character(len=*),  intent(IN   ) :: name
      type (ESMF_State), intent(  OUT) :: result
      integer,           intent(  OUT) :: rc

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_ExportStateGet"
      integer                               :: status

      integer                               :: n, i, ni, k, j
      logical                               :: have_ens
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: sname
      type (ESMF_StateItem_Flag), pointer   :: ITEMTYPES(:)
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR ), pointer  :: ITEMNAMES(:)
      type (ESMF_State), pointer            :: exptmp(:)

      n = size(export)

      have_ens = index(name,":") /= 0

      do i = 1, n
         call ESMF_StateGet(export(i), name=sname, itemcount = ni, rc=status)
         if (have_ens) then
            if (sname == trim(name) // '_Exports') then
               result = export(i)
            end if
            if (sname(index(sname,":")+1:) == trim(name) // '_Exports') then
               result = export(i)
            end if
         end if

         allocate(itemtypes(ni), itemnames(ni), stat=status)


         j = 0
         do k = 1, ni
            if (itemtypes(k) == ESMF_StateItem_State) then
               j = j+1
            end if
         end do

         allocate(exptmp(j), stat=status)

         j = 0
         do k = 1, ni
            if (itemtypes(k) == ESMF_StateItem_State) then
               j = j+1
               call ESMF_StateGet(export(i), itemnames(k), exptmp(j) , rc=status)
            end if
         end do

         call MAPL_ExportStateGet(exptmp, name, result, rc=status)
         deallocate(itemtypes, itemnames)
         if (status == ESMF_SUCCESS) then
         end if
      end do

      rc = ESMF_FAILURE
   end subroutine MAPL_ExportStateGet

   recursive subroutine MAPL_ImportStateGet ( GC, import, name, result, rc )
      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(INout)  :: GC
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(IN)  :: import
      character(len=*),  intent(IN   ) :: name
      type (ESMF_State), intent(  OUT) :: result
      integer,           intent(  OUT) :: rc

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_ImportStateGet"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: I
      logical                               :: have_ens
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: sname
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),pointer          :: STATE
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_import_state

      have_ens = index(name,":") /= 0
      call ESMF_StateGet(import, name=sname, rc=status)
      if (have_ens) then
         if (sname == trim(name) // '_Imports') then
            result = import
         end if
         if (sname(index(sname,":")+1:) == trim(name) // '_Imports') then
            result = import
         end if
      end if

      call MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, STATE, RC=status)

      do I = 1, STATE%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         child_import_state => STATE%get_child_import_state(i)
         call MAPL_ImportStateGet(gridcomp, child_import_state, name, result, RC=status)
         if (status == ESMF_SUCCESS) then
         end if
      end do

      rc = ESMF_FAILURE
   end subroutine MAPL_ImportStateGet

   recursive subroutine MAPL_InternalESMFStateGet ( GC, name, result, rc )
      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(INout)  :: GC
      character(len=*),  intent(IN   ) :: name
      type (ESMF_State), intent(  OUT) :: result
      integer,           intent(  OUT) :: rc

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_InternalESMFStateGet"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: I
      logical                               :: have_ens
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: sname
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),pointer          :: STATE
      type(ESMF_State)                      :: internal
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp

      have_ens = index(name,":") /= 0

      call MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, STATE, RC=status)
      call MAPL_Get(STATE,INTERNAL_ESMF_STATE=internal,rc=status)
      call ESMF_StateGet(internal, name=sname, rc=status)
      if (have_ens) then
         if (sname == trim(name) // '_INTERNAL') then
            result = internal
         end if
         if (sname(index(sname,":")+1:) == trim(name) // '_INTERNAL') then
            result = internal
         end if
      end if

      do I = 1, STATE%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call MAPL_InternalESMFStateGet(gridcomp, name, result, RC=status)
         if (status == ESMF_SUCCESS) then
         end if
      end do
      rc = ESMF_FAILURE
   end subroutine MAPL_InternalESMFStateGet

   recursive subroutine MAPL_GetChildLocstream(GC, result, name, rc)
      type(ESMF_GridComp),   intent(INout) :: GC
      type (MAPL_LocStream), intent(  OUT) :: result
      character(len=*),      intent(IN   ) :: name
      integer,               intent(  OUT) :: rc

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_GetChildLocstream"
      integer                               :: status
      integer                               :: I
      logical                               :: have_ens
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: comp_name
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),pointer          :: STATE
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp

      call ESMF_GridCompGet(GC, name=comp_name, rc=status)

      call MAPL_InternalStateGet ( GC, STATE, RC=status)

      have_ens = index(name,":") /= 0
      if (have_ens) then ! the name contains ensemble #
         if (name == comp_name) then
            result = state%locstream
         end if
         if (name == comp_name(index(comp_name,":")+1:)) then
            result = state%locstream
         end if
      end if

      do I = 1, STATE%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call MAPL_GetChildLocstream(gridcomp, result, name, rc=status)
         if (status == ESMF_SUCCESS) then
         end if
      end do

      rc = ESMF_FAILURE
   end subroutine MAPL_GetChildLocstream

   function MAPL_VerifyFriendlyInField(FIELD,FRIEND2COMP,RC) result(FRIENDLY)
      type (ESMF_field),          intent(INout)    :: FIELD
      character(len=*),           intent(IN)    :: FRIEND2COMP
      integer  , optional,        intent(OUT)   :: RC
      logical                                   :: FRIENDLY

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_VerifyFriendlyField"
      integer                               :: status
      logical                               :: isPresent
      type(ESMF_INFO)                       :: infoh

      call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELD, infoh, RC=status)
      if(isPresent) then
         call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key="FriendlyTo"//trim(FRIEND2COMP),value=FRIENDLY, RC=status)
         FRIENDLY = .false.
      end if


   end function MAPL_VerifyFriendlyInField

   function MAPL_VerifyFriendlyInState(STATE,NAME,FRIEND2COMP,RC) result(FRIENDLY)
      type (ESMF_State),          intent(IN)    :: STATE
      character(len=*),           intent(IN)    :: NAME
      character(len=*),           intent(IN)    :: FRIEND2COMP
      integer  , optional,        intent(OUT)   :: RC
      logical                                   :: FRIENDLY

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_VerifyFriendlyState"
      integer                               :: status
      type (ESMF_field)                     :: FIELD

      call ESMF_StateGet(STATE,NAME,FIELD,RC=status)


   end function MAPL_VerifyFriendlyInState


   ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_ReadForcing
   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_ReadForcing1 --- 1

   subroutine MAPL_ReadForcing1(STATE,NAME,DATAFILE,CURRENTTIME,    &

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),     intent(INOUT)   :: STATE
      character(len=*),         intent(IN   )   :: NAME
      character(len=*),         intent(IN   )   :: DATAFILE
      type (ESMF_Time),         intent(INout)   :: CURRENTTIME
      real,                     intent(  OUT)   :: FORCING(:)
      logical, optional,        intent(IN   )   :: INIT_ONLY
      logical, optional,        intent(IN   )   :: ON_TILES
      integer, optional,        intent(  OUT)   :: RC

      integer                           :: status

           ON_TILES=ON_TILES,                    &
           RC=status )

   end subroutine MAPL_ReadForcing1


   ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_ReadForcing2 --- 2

   subroutine MAPL_ReadForcing2(STATE,NAME,DATAFILE,CURRENTTIME,    &

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),     intent(INOUT)   :: STATE
      character(len=*),         intent(IN   )   :: NAME
      character(len=*),         intent(IN   )   :: DATAFILE
      type (ESMF_Time),         intent(INout)   :: CURRENTTIME
      real,                     intent(  OUT)   :: FORCING(:,:)
      logical, optional,        intent(IN   )   :: INIT_ONLY
      integer, optional,        intent(  OUT)   :: RC

      integer                           :: status

           ON_TILES=.FALSE.,                     &
           RC=status )

   end subroutine MAPL_ReadForcing2


   subroutine MAPL_ReadForcingX(MPL,NAME,DATAFILE,CURRTIME,  &

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),     intent(INOUT)   :: MPL
      character(len=*),         intent(IN   )   :: NAME
      character(len=*),         intent(IN   )   :: DATAFILE
      type (ESMF_Time),         intent(INout)   :: CURRTIME
      real, optional,           intent(  OUT)   :: FORCING1(:)
      real, optional,           intent(  OUT)   :: FORCING2(:,:)
      logical, optional,        intent(IN   )   :: INIT_ONLY
      logical, optional,        intent(IN   )   :: ON_TILES
      integer, optional,        intent(  OUT)   :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      integer                           :: status

      ! Locals

      type (MAPL_LocStream)             :: LOCSTREAM
      type (ESMF_Time)                  :: DATE1
      type (ESMF_Time)                  :: DATEN
      type (ESMF_Calendar)              :: CAL
      type (ESMF_DELayout)              :: LAYOUT
      type (ESMF_Time)                  :: MIDT1
      type (ESMF_Time)                  :: MIDT2
      type (ESMF_Time)                  :: CURRENTTIME
      type (ESMF_Grid)                  :: GRID
      type (ESMF_Field)                 :: FIELD
      real                              :: FAC
      real, pointer                     :: PRE1(:  ), NEX1(:  )
      real, pointer                     :: PRE2(:,:), NEX2(:,:)
      real, pointer                     :: LONS(:,:), VAR2(:,:)
      type(ESMF_TimeInterval)           :: TIMEDIFF
      integer, parameter                :: FILE_HEADER_SIZE=14
      real                              :: REAL_HEADER(FILE_HEADER_SIZE)
      integer                           :: HEADER(FILE_HEADER_SIZE)
      integer                           :: UNIT
      integer                           :: DATE_PREV, YEAR
      logical                           :: USE_INIT_ONLY
      logical                           :: USE_ON_TILES
      logical                           :: TRANSFORM
      logical                           :: ONED
      logical                           :: CLIMATOLOGY
      integer                           :: YY, MM, DD
      integer                           :: H, M, S
      integer                           :: NSUBTILES
      integer                           :: L1, L2
      type(ESMF_Grid)                   :: TILEGRID
      integer                           :: datetime(2)
      logical                           :: FileExists
      logical                           :: AM_I_Root_
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)        :: FNAME
      type (ESMF_StateItem_Flag)        :: itemType

      ! Process arguments

      if(present(INIT_ONLY)) then
         USE_INIT_ONLY = .false.
      end if

      if(present(ON_TILES)) then
         USE_ON_TILES = .false.
      end if

      if    (present(FORCING1)) then
         ONED = .TRUE.
      elseif(present(FORCING2)) then
         ONED = .FALSE.
         _FAIL('needs informative message')
      end if

      ! Get parameters from generic state.

      call MAPL_GenericStateGet(MPL,             &
           LOCSTREAM=LOCSTREAM,                    &
           LONS=LONS,                              &
           LAYOUT=LAYOUT,                          &
           RC=status )

      ! Get the calendar from the current time

      call ESMF_TimeGet(CurrTime, calendar=cal, rc=status)

      ! Scratch space for reading data files

      TRANSFORM = ONED .and. .not.USE_ON_TILES

      if(TRANSFORM) then
      end if

      ! Get the grid form generic state


      ! Check if FRCSTATE already has previous and next vars. If not, create them
      call ESMF_StateGet(MPL%FORCING, trim(NAME)//'_PREV', itemType=itemType, RC=status)

      if (itemType == ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD) then
         call ESMF_StateGet(MPL%FORCING, trim(NAME)//'_PREV', FIELD, RC=status)
         if(ONED) then
            NSUBTILES = MAPL_GetNumSubtiles(MPL, RC=status)
            call MAPL_LocStreamGet(MPL%LocStream, TILEGRID=TILEGRID, RC=status)

            ! create a spec
            call MAPL_VarSpecCreateInListNew(MPL%COMPONENT_SPEC%FORCING,                   &
                 SHORT_NAME = trim(NAME) // '_PREV',                       &
                 LONG_NAME  = 'previous value of ' // trim(NAME),          &
                 NUM_SUBTILES=NSUBTILES,                                   &
                 DIMS       = MAPL_DimsTileOnly,                           &
                 VLOCATION  = MAPL_VLocationNone,                          &
                 COUPLE_INTERVAL = -1,                                     & ! time not set
                 RC=status  )

            call MAPL_VarSpecCreateInListNew(MPL%COMPONENT_SPEC%FORCING,                   &
                 SHORT_NAME = trim(NAME) // '_NEXT',                       &
                 LONG_NAME  = 'next value of ' // trim(NAME),              &
                 NUM_SUBTILES=NSUBTILES,                                   &
                 DIMS       = MAPL_DimsTileOnly,                           &
                 VLOCATION  = MAPL_VLocationNone,                          &
                 COUPLE_INTERVAL = -1,                                     & ! time not set
                 RC=status  )

            _ASSERT(L2==L1+1,'needs informative message')

            ! create field and put it in FRCSTATE
            call MAPL_StateCreateFromVarSpecNew(MPL%FORCING,MPL%COMPONENT_SPEC%FORCING, &

            call MAPL_VarSpecCreateInListNew(MPL%COMPONENT_SPEC%FORCING,                   &
                 SHORT_NAME = trim(NAME) // '_PREV',                       &
                 LONG_NAME  = 'previous value of ' // trim(NAME),          &
                 DIMS       = MAPL_DimsHorzOnly,                           &
                 VLOCATION  = MAPL_VLocationNone,                          &
                 COUPLE_INTERVAL = -1,                                     & ! time not set
                 RC=status  )

            call MAPL_VarSpecCreateInListNew(MPL%COMPONENT_SPEC%FORCING,                   &
                 SHORT_NAME = trim(NAME) // '_NEXT',                       &
                 LONG_NAME  = 'next value of ' // trim(NAME),              &
                 DIMS       = MAPL_DimsHorzOnly,                           &
                 VLOCATION  = MAPL_VLocationNone,                          &
                 COUPLE_INTERVAL = -1,                                     & ! time not set
                 RC=status  )

            _ASSERT(L2==L1+1,'needs informative message')

            ! create field and put it in FRCSTATE
            call MAPL_StateCreateFromVarSpecNew(MPL%FORCING,MPL%COMPONENT_SPEC%FORCING, &
                 GRID, range=[L1,L2],RC=status)

         end if
      end if

      ! Get pointers to the endpoints in the forcing state

      if(ONED) then
         call GET_POINTER(MPL%FORCING, PRE1, trim(NAME)//'_PREV', RC=status)
         call GET_POINTER(MPL%FORCING, NEX1, trim(NAME)//'_NEXT', RC=status)
         call GET_POINTER(MPL%FORCING, PRE2, trim(NAME)//'_PREV', RC=status)
         call GET_POINTER(MPL%FORCING, NEX2, trim(NAME)//'_NEXT', RC=status)
      end if

      ! Set time endpoints. These are 0000-01-01:000000 if uninitialized

      call MAPL_StateGetTimeStamp(MPL,trim(NAME)//'_NEXT',MIDT2, RC=status )
      call MAPL_StateGetTimeStamp(MPL,trim(NAME)//'_PREV',MIDT1, RC=status )

      ! Check if the input file is a climatology

      call MAPL_StateGetSpecAttrib(MPL,trim(NAME)//'_PREV',forcing=.true., &
           REFRESH_INTERVAL=DATE_PREV, rc=status)

      if ( DATE_PREV < 0 ) then
         UNIT=GETFILE(DATAFILE,form='unformatted', rc=status)
         call READ_PARALLEL(LAYOUT, REAL_HEADER, unit=UNIT, rc=status)
         HEADER = nint(REAL_HEADER)
         call MAPL_BACKSPACE(UNIT,LAYOUT,RC=status)
         CLIMATOLOGY = HEADER(1)<3
         call ESMF_TimeGet(MIDT1, YY=YEAR, rc=status)
         CLIMATOLOGY = YEAR < 3
      end if

      ! Make a local copy of the current time

      !ALT clock are shallow objects!    CurrentTime = CurrTime
      call ESMF_TimeGet(CurrTime, &
           YY=YY, MM=MM, DD=DD, &
           H=H, M=M, S=S, rc=status)

      if(CLIMATOLOGY) then

         YY = 1

         !ALT: In Climatology mode we should not have leap year
         !     so if the date is Feb.29, move it to Feb.28

         if (MM==2 .and. DD==29) DD=28

      end if

      call ESMF_TimeSet(CurrentTime, &
           YY=YY, MM=MM, DD=DD, &
           H=H, M=M, S=S, rc=status)

      AM_I_Root_ = MAPL_AM_I_Root(layout)

      ! Make sure current time is between the current endpoints;
      !  if not, refresh endpoints. This also works initially.

      if (CurrentTime < MIDT1 .or. CurrentTime > MIDT2) then
         call UPDATE_ENDPOINTS

      ! Interpolate ocean and ice temp and ice fraction
      !   and update the forcing state on the tile grid.

      if(USE_INIT_ONLY) then
         call MAPL_Interp_Fac (CurrentTime,MIDT1,MIDT2,FAC,RC=status )
      end if

      _ASSERT(FAC >= 0.0,'needs informative message')
      _ASSERT(FAC <= 1.0,'needs informative message')

      !  Update the friendly skin values

      if(ONED) then
         where(PRE1/=MAPL_UNDEF .and. NEX1/=MAPL_UNDEF)
            FORCING1 = FAC * PRE1  +  (1.0-FAC) * NEX1
         end where
         where(PRE1==MAPL_UNDEF .and. NEX1/=MAPL_UNDEF)
            FORCING1 = NEX1
         end where
         where(PRE1/=MAPL_UNDEF .and. NEX1==MAPL_UNDEF)
            FORCING1 = PRE1
         end where
         where(PRE2/=MAPL_UNDEF .and. NEX2/=MAPL_UNDEF)
            FORCING2 = FAC * PRE2  +  (1.0-FAC) * NEX2
         end where
         where(PRE2==MAPL_UNDEF .and. NEX2/=MAPL_UNDEF)
            FORCING2 = NEX2
         end where
         where(PRE2/=MAPL_UNDEF .and. NEX2==MAPL_UNDEF)
            FORCING2 = PRE2
         end where
      end if

      if(TRANSFORM) deallocate(VAR2)

      !  All done



      subroutine UPDATE_ENDPOINTS

         logical :: DataAlreadyRead

         ! Get the previous date

         call MAPL_StateGetSpecAttrib(MPL,trim(NAME)//'_PREV',forcing=.true., &
              REFRESH_INTERVAL=DATE_PREV, rc=status)

         DataAlreadyRead = .not. (DATE_PREV < 0)

         ! In forecast mode (init_only=.true.) we ready only once!
         if (use_init_only) then
            if (DataAlreadyRead) return

            ! check if a bcs_restart file exists
            ! if YES, use its content to overwrite current clock

            if (AM_I_Root_) then
               call MAPL_GetResource( MPL, FNAME, 'BCS_RESTART:', &
                    default='bcs_restart', rc = status )
               inquire(FILE = FNAME, EXIST=FileExists)
               if (FileExists) then
                  UNIT = GETFILE ( FNAME, form="formatted", rc=status )
                  read(UNIT,'(i8.8,1x,i6.6)',iostat=status) datetime
                  call FREE_FILE(UNIT)
                  call MAPL_PackDateTime(DATETIME, YY, MM, DD, H, M, S)
                  !write bcs checkpoint
                  UNIT = GETFILE ( FNAME, form="formatted", rc=status )
                  write(UNIT,'(i8.8,1x,i6.6)',iostat=status) datetime
                  call FREE_FILE(UNIT)
               end if
            end if

            call MAPL_CommsBcast(layout, datetime, n=2, ROOT=MAPL_Root, rc=status)

            CALL MAPL_UnpackDateTime(DATETIME, YY, MM, DD, H, M, S)

            call ESMF_TimeSet(CurrentTime, &
                 YY=YY, MM=MM, DD=DD, &
                 H=H, M=M, S=S, rc=status)
         end if

         ! Get forcing fortran unit


         ! Check to see if forcing state buffers have been initialized

         if ( DATE_PREV < 0 .or. CLIMATOLOGY .or. CurrentTime < MIDT1 .or. CurrentTime > MIDT2 ) then

            ! If not, initialize them, by looping until correct times are found

            if(AM_I_ROOT_) then
               rewind(UNIT, iostat=status)
                  read(UNIT, iostat=status) REAL_HEADER
                  HEADER = nint(REAL_HEADER)
                  call ESMF_TimeSet(DATEN, &
                       YY=HEADER(7), MM=HEADER(8), DD=HEADER(9), &
                       H=HEADER(10), M=HEADER(11), S=HEADER(12), &
                       calendar=cal, rc=status)

                  ! If the current time is beyond the item's final time, skip it.

                  if (DATEN < CurrentTime) then
                     read(UNIT, iostat=status)
                     backspace (UNIT, iostat=status)
                  end if
               end do
            end if

            ! We have found an interval that contains Current. Now get its initial time

            call READ_PARALLEL(Layout, REAL_HEADER, unit=UNIT, rc=status)
            HEADER = nint(REAL_HEADER)

            call ESMF_TimeSet(DATEN, &
                 YY=HEADER(7), MM=HEADER(8), DD=HEADER(9), &
                 H=HEADER(10), M=HEADER(11), S=HEADER(12), &
                 calendar=cal, rc=status)

            call ESMF_TimeSet(DATE1, &
                 YY=HEADER(1), MM=HEADER(2), DD=HEADER(3), &
                 H =HEADER(4), M =HEADER(5), S =HEADER(6), &
                 calendar=cal, rc=status)

            ! compute its central time

            MIDT2=DATE1 + TimeDiff/2.0D0

            if(MIDT2<=CurrentTime .or. use_init_only) then ! The item we found is PREV
               MIDT1 = MIDT2

               call WRITE_PARALLEL("Previous time for"//trim(NAME)//"s is:", RC=status)
               call WRITE_PARALLEL(HEADER(1:12), RC=status)

               ! Read PREV

               call READIT('_PREV')

               call MAPL_StateSetTimeStamp(MPL,trim(NAME)//'_PREV',MIDT1, RC=status )

               if (use_init_only) then
                  if(ONED) then
                     NEX1   = PRE1
                     NEX2   = PRE2
                  end if
               end if

               ! Read the header for NEXT

               call READ_PARALLEL(Layout, REAL_HEADER, unit=UNIT, rc=status)
               HEADER = nint(REAL_HEADER)

               ! Get NEXT's initial and final times

               call ESMF_TimeSet(DATEN, &
                    YY=HEADER(7), MM=HEADER(8), DD=HEADER(9), &
                    H=HEADER(10), M=HEADER(11), S=HEADER(12), &
                    calendar=cal, rc=status)

               call ESMF_TimeSet(DATE1, &
                    YY=HEADER(1), MM=HEADER(2), DD=HEADER(3), &
                    H =HEADER(4), M =HEADER(5), S =HEADER(6), &
                    calendar=cal, rc=status)

               ! compute its central time

               MIDT2=DATE1 + TimeDiff/2.0D0

               ! and read NEXT

               call READIT('_NEXT')

               call MAPL_StateSetTimeStamp(MPL,trim(NAME)//'_NEXT',MIDT2, RC=status )


               ! Read NEXT

               call READIT('_NEXT')

               call MAPL_StateSetTimeStamp(MPL,trim(NAME)//'_NEXT',MIDT2, RC=status )

               ! Back up to get PREV

               call MAPL_Backspace(UNIT, LAYOUT, COUNT=4, RC=status); _VERIFY(status)

               ! Read the header of PREV item

               call READ_PARALLEL(Layout, REAL_HEADER, unit=UNIT, rc=status)
               HEADER = nint(REAL_HEADER)

               ! Get the item's initial and final times

               call ESMF_TimeSet(DATEN, &
                    YY=HEADER(7), MM=HEADER(8), DD=HEADER(9), &
                    H=HEADER(10), M=HEADER(11), S=HEADER(12), &
                    calendar=cal, rc=status)

               call ESMF_TimeSet(DATE1, &
                    YY=HEADER(1), MM=HEADER(2), DD=HEADER(3), &
                    H =HEADER(4), M =HEADER(5), S =HEADER(6), &
                    calendar=cal, rc=status)

               ! compute its central time

               MIDT1=DATE1 + TimeDiff/2.0D0

               ! Read PREV

               call READIT('_PREV')

               call MAPL_StateSetTimeStamp(MPL,trim(NAME)//'_PREV',MIDT1, RC=status )

               ! Skip over NEXT to be positioned for subsequent reads

               call MAPL_Skip(UNIT, LAYOUT, COUNT=2, RC=status ); _VERIFY(status)

            end if

         elseif(.not.use_init_only) then ! Just need to update NEXT,  PREV is old NEXT

            if(ONED) then
               PRE1   = NEX1
               PRE2   = NEX2
            end if

            MIDT1  = MIDT2

            ! Move time stamp from NEXT to PREV

            call MAPL_StateGetTimeStamp(MPL,trim(NAME)//'_NEXT',MIDT2, RC=status )
            call MAPL_StateSetTimeStamp(MPL,trim(NAME)//'_PREV',MIDT2, RC=status )

            ! Read the header of next item

            call READ_PARALLEL(Layout, REAL_HEADER, unit=UNIT, rc=status)
            HEADER = nint(REAL_HEADER)

            ! Get the item's initial and final time

            call ESMF_TimeSet(DATE1, &
                 YY=HEADER(1), MM=HEADER(2), DD=HEADER(3), &
                 H =HEADER(4), M =HEADER(5), S =HEADER(6), &
                 calendar=cal, rc=status)

            call ESMF_TimeSet(DATEN, &
                 YY=HEADER(7), MM=HEADER(8), DD=HEADER(9), &
                 H =HEADER(10),M =HEADER(11),S =HEADER(12),&
                 calendar=cal, rc=status)

            MIDT2=DATE1 + TimeDiff/2.0D0

            ! Verify that it is the next item

            _ASSERT(MIDT2 >= CurrentTime,'needs informative message')

            ! Read NEXT

            call READIT('_NEXT')

            call MAPL_StateSetTimeStamp(MPL,trim(NAME)//'_NEXT',MIDT2, RC=status )


      end subroutine UPDATE_ENDPOINTS

      subroutine READIT(WHICH)
         character(len=5), intent(IN) :: WHICH
         real, pointer :: VAR1(:)
         integer       :: PRF
         integer       :: MUNIT
         integer       :: io_rank
         integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND)         :: offset
         logical       :: AmReader
         type(ArrDescr):: ArrDes
         integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND)         :: _FTELL
#ifndef __GFORTRAN__
         external      :: _FTELL
         type(ESMF_Grid) :: TILEGRID
         integer       :: COUNTS(2)

         call MAPL_GetResource( MPL, PRF, 'PARALLEL_READFORCING:', default=0, rc = status )
         MUNIT = 0 ! to avoid un-init problems

         AmReader = .false.
         if (PRF /= 0) then
            AmReader = mpl%grid%readers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL

            if (use_ON_TILES) then
               call MAPL_LocStreamGet(LocStream, TILEGRID=TILEGRID, RC=status)

               call MAPL_GridGet(TILEGRID, globalCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, RC=status)
               call ArrDescrSet(arrdes,                     &
                    readers_comm  = mpl%grid%readers_comm,  &
                    ioscattercomm = mpl%grid%comm,          &
                    i1 = mpl%grid%i1, in = mpl%grid%in,     &
                    j1 = mpl%grid%j1, jn = mpl%grid%jn,     &
                    im_world = COUNTS(1),                   &
                    jm_world = COUNTS(2)                  )
               call ArrDescrSet(arrdes,                     &
                    readers_comm  = mpl%grid%readers_comm,  &
                    ioscattercomm = mpl%grid%ioscattercomm, &
                    i1 = mpl%grid%i1, in = mpl%grid%in,     &
                    j1 = mpl%grid%j1, jn = mpl%grid%jn,     &
                    im_world = mpl%grid%im_world,           &
                    jm_world = mpl%grid%jm_world)
            call MPI_Comm_Dup(mpl%grid%Ycomm,ArrDes%Ycomm, status)

            if (AmReader) then
               call MPI_COMM_RANK(mpl%grid%readers_comm, io_rank, status)
               if (io_rank == 0) then
                  print *,'Using parallel IO for reading file: ',trim(DATAFILE)

#if defined( __NAG_COMPILER_RELEASE)
                  _FAIL('NAG does not provide ftell. Convert to stream I/O')
#elif defined(__flang__)
                  _FAIL('flang does not provide ftell. Convert to stream I/O')
                  offset = _FTELL(UNIT)+4

                  ! MAT: Here we help protect against use of the 32-bit
                  !      ftell from the macro at top. If we read a file
                  !      > 2 gb, ftell returns a negative number, so
                  !      offset will be less than 4.

                  _ASSERT(offset >= 4,'needs informative message')
               end if
               !ALT: disclaimer
               ! This code assumes the reader with i0_rank == 0 is also Root in the Components VM
               ! This is the only processor that actually could check the offset in the file
               call MPI_Bcast(offset, 1, MPI_INTEGER8, 0, mpl%grid%readers_comm, status)
               call ArrDescrSet(arrdes, offset)

               call MPI_Barrier(mpl%grid%readers_comm, status)
               call MPI_FILE_OPEN(mpl%grid%readers_comm, DATAFILE, MPI_MODE_RDONLY, &
                    MPI_INFO_NULL, MUNIT, status)
               call MPI_Barrier(mpl%grid%readers_comm, status)
            end if
         end if

         if(TRANSFORM) then
            if (PRF /= 0) then
               _FAIL('needs informative message') ! for now
               ! ALT this LOOKS WRONG. MAPL_VarRead needs a mask for tiles!
               call MAPL_VarRead(UNIT, GRID, VAR2, RC=status )
            end if
            call GET_POINTER(MPL%FORCING, VAR1, trim(NAME)//WHICH, RC=status)
            call MAPL_LocStreamTransform(LOCSTREAM, VAR1, VAR2, interp=.true.,RC=status )
            if (PRF /= 0) then
               call MAPL_VarRead(UNIT=MUNIT, STATE=MPL%FORCING, NAME=trim(NAME)//WHICH, &
                    arrdes=arrdes, RC=status)
               call MAPL_VarRead(UNIT, MPL%FORCING, trim(NAME)//WHICH, RC=status)
            end if
         end if

         if (AmReader) then
            ! we need to advance the file pointer properly (to the end of the current record) on root
            ! by using a blank Fortran read
            if (io_rank == 0) then
               read(UNIT, iostat=status)
            end if

            call MPI_Barrier(mpl%grid%readers_comm, status)
            call MPI_FILE_CLOSE(MUNIT, status)
            call MPI_Barrier(mpl%grid%readers_comm, status)


      end subroutine READIT

   end subroutine MAPL_READFORCINGX


   subroutine MAPL_StateGetTimeStamp(STATE,NAME,TIME,RC)

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),     intent(INOUT)   :: STATE
      character(len=*),         intent(IN   )   :: NAME
      type (ESMF_Time),         intent(  OUT)   :: TIME
      integer, optional,        intent(  OUT)   :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      integer                           :: status

      ! Locals

      integer                           :: HOUR
      integer                           :: DATE
      integer                           :: IYR, IMM, IDD, IHR, IMN, ISC

      call MAPL_StateGetSpecAttrib(STATE,NAME,forcing=.true., &
           refresh_interval=DATE, averaging_interval=HOUR, RC=status )

      if (DATE <= 0) then
         IYR=0; IMM = 1; IDD = 1
         IHR=0; IMN = 0; ISC = 0

      call ESMF_TimeSet(TIME, YY=IYR, MM=IMM, DD=IDD, H=IHR, M=IMN, S=ISC, RC=status )


   end subroutine MAPL_StateGetTimeStamp


   subroutine MAPL_StateSetTimeStamp(STATE,NAME,TIME,RC)

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),     intent(INOUT)   :: STATE
      character(len=*),         intent(IN   )   :: NAME
      type (ESMF_Time),         intent(INout)   :: TIME
      integer, optional,        intent(  OUT)   :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      integer                           :: status

      ! Locals

      integer                           :: HOUR
      integer                           :: DATE
      integer                           :: IYR, IMM, IDD, IHR, IMN, ISC

      call ESMF_TimeGet(TIME ,YY=IYR, MM=IMM, DD=IDD, H=IHR, M=IMN, S=ISC, rc=status)

      call MAPL_PackTime(DATE,IYR,IMM,IDD)
      call MAPL_PackTime(HOUR,IHR,IMN,ISC)

      call MAPL_StateSetSpecAttrib(STATE,NAME,forcing=.true., &
           refresh_interval=DATE, &
           averaging_interval=HOUR, rc=status)


   end subroutine MAPL_StateSetTimeStamp

   subroutine MAPL_GenericMakeXchgNatural(STATE, RC)
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),     intent(INOUT)   :: STATE
      integer, optional,        intent(  OUT)   :: RC

      ! ErrLog Variables

      STATE%LOCSTREAM = STATE%ExchangeGrid

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericMakeXchgNatural

   subroutine MAPL_GridCreate(GC, MAPLOBJ, ESMFGRID, srcGC, rc)
      type(ESMF_GridComp), optional,         intent(INOUT) :: GC
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),optional, target, intent(INOUT) :: MAPLOBJ
      type (ESMF_Grid),    optional,         intent(  OUT) :: ESMFGRID
      type(ESMF_GridComp), optional,         intent(INout) :: srcGC
      integer,             optional,         intent(  OUT) :: rc

      integer                               :: status
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: Comp_Name
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: IAm

      type (ESMF_VM)                        :: VM
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer         :: STATE
      type (ESMF_Grid)                      :: GRID
      integer                               :: nn,ny
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)            :: GridName
      character(len=2)                      :: dateline
      logical                               :: isRegular

      ! Query GC

      if(present(GC)) then
         call ESMF_GridCompGet( GC, name=Comp_Name,   rc = status )
         Iam = trim(Comp_Name)//Iam

      ! New option to get grid from existing component

      if(present(srcGC)) then
         call ESMF_GridCompGet ( srcGC, grid=Grid, RC=status )
         if(present(GC)) then
            call ESMF_GridCompSet(GC, GRID=GRID, RC=status)
         end if
         if(present(ESMFGRID)) then
         end if
      end if

      call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm, rc=status)

      ! Get MAPL object

      if(present(GC)) then
         _ASSERT(.not. present(MAPLOBJ),'needs informative message')
         call MAPL_InternalStateGet(GC, STATE, RC=status)
      elseif(present(MAPLOBJ)) then
         STATE => MAPLOBJ
         _FAIL('needs informative message')

      call MAPL_ConfigPrepend(state%cf,trim(comp_name),MAPL_CF_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR,'NX:',rc=status)
      call MAPL_ConfigPrepend(state%cf,trim(comp_name),MAPL_CF_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR,'NY:',rc=status)

      call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(state%cf,gridname,label=trim(comp_name)//MAPL_CF_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR//'GRIDNAME:',rc=status)
      nn = len_trim(gridname)
      dateline = gridname(nn-1:nn)
      if (dateline == 'CF') then
         call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(state%CF,ny,label=trim(COMP_Name)//MAPL_CF_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR//'NY:',rc=status)
         call MAPL_ConfigSetAttribute(state%CF, value=ny/6, label=trim(COMP_Name)//MAPL_CF_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR//'NY:',rc=status)
      end if

      grid = grid_manager%make_grid(state%CF, prefix=trim(COMP_Name)//MAPL_CF_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR, rc=status)

      call state%grid%set(grid, _RC)

      if(present(GC)) then
         call ESMF_GridCompSet(GC, GRID=GRID, RC=status)
      end if

      if(present(ESMFGRID)) then
      end if



      subroutine MAPL_ConfigPrepend(cf,prefix,separator,label,rc)
         type(ESMF_Config), intent(inout) :: cf
         character(len=*) , intent(in   ) :: prefix
         character(len=*) , intent(in   ) :: separator
         character(len=*) , intent(in   ) :: label
         integer, optional , intent(out  ) :: rc

         integer  :: status
         character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: Iam = "MAPL_ConfigPrepend"
         integer  :: val

         call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute( cf, val, label=trim(prefix)//trim(separator)//trim(label), rc = status )
         if (status /= ESMF_SUCCESS) then
            call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(CF,val,label=trim(label),rc=status)
            call MAPL_ConfigSetAttribute(CF, val, label=trim(prefix)//trim(separator)//trim(label),rc=status)
         end if


      end subroutine MAPL_ConfigPrepend

   end subroutine MAPL_GridCreate

   subroutine MAPL_GridCoordAdjustFromFile(GRID, GRIDSPECFILE, RC)
      type(ESMF_Grid),               intent(INout ) :: Grid
      character(len=*),              intent(IN    ) :: GRIDSPECFILE
      integer, optional,             intent(   OUT) :: RC

      ! local vars
      integer                    :: status
      integer :: UNIT
      integer :: IM, JM
      integer :: IMSTART, JMSTART
      integer :: IM_WORLD, JM_WORLD
      integer :: DUMMYI, DUMMYJ

      integer :: COUNTS(3), DIMS(3)
      type(ESMF_DELayout) :: LAYOUT
      type(ESMF_DistGrid) :: DISTGRID
      real(ESMF_KIND_R8), allocatable :: x(:,:), y(:,:)
      real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer :: gridx(:,:), gridy(:,:)

      ! get IM, JM and IM_WORLD, JM_WORLD
      call MAPL_GridGet(GRID, localCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, globalCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=status)

      IM = COUNTS(1)
      JM = COUNTS(2)
      IM_WORLD = DIMS(1)
      JM_WORLD = DIMS(2)

      ! get global index of the lower left corner

      call ESMF_GridGetCoord(grid, localDE=0, coordDim=1, &
           staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, &
           farrayPtr=gridx, rc=status)

      call ESMF_GridGetCoord(grid, localDE=0, coordDim=2, &
           staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, &
           farrayPtr=gridy, rc=status)

      allocate(x(IM_WORLD, JM_WORLD), stat=status)
      allocate(y(IM_WORLD, JM_WORLD), stat=status)

      call ESMF_GridGet    (GRID,   distGrid=distGrid, rc=status)
      call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGRID, delayout=layout, rc=status)

      UNIT = GETFILE(GRIDSPECFILE, form="formatted", rc=status)
      call READ_PARALLEL(LAYOUT, X, unit=UNIT)
      call READ_PARALLEL(LAYOUT, Y, unit=UNIT)
      call FREE_FILE(UNIT)

      ! Make sure the longitudes are between -180 and 180 degrees
      !ALT disable this for AR5    X = mod(X + 72180._REAL64,360._REAL64) - 180._REAL64 ! -180<= lon0 <180
      ! Convert to radians
      X = X * (MAPL_PI_R8)/180._REAL64
      Y = Y * (MAPL_PI_R8)/180._REAL64

      ! Modify grid coordinates

      ! Clean-up

      ! All done
   end subroutine MAPL_GridCoordAdjustFromFile

   recursive subroutine MAPL_GetRootGC(GC, rootGC, RC)
      type(ESMF_GridComp),    intent(INout) :: GC
      type(ESMF_GridComp),    intent(  OUT) :: rootGC
      integer, optional,      intent(OUT)   :: rc

      integer                               :: status
      type (MAPL_MetaComp),     pointer     :: meta

      call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC(GC, meta, _RC)

      if (.not. associated(meta%parentGC)) then
         rootGC = GC
         call MAPL_GetRootGC(meta%parentGC, rootGC, _RC)
      end if

   end subroutine MAPL_GetRootGC

   function MAPL_RootGcRetrieve (meta) result(GC)
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), intent(IN) :: META
      type(ESMF_GridComp) :: GC

      GC = meta%rootGC
   end function MAPL_RootGcRetrieve

   integer function MAPL_AddMethod(PHASE, RC)
      integer, pointer               :: PHASE(:)
      integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

      integer :: I
      integer, pointer :: tmp(:)
      integer :: status
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: Iam="MAPL_AddMethod"

      MAPL_AddMethod = MAPL_FirstPhase
      if (.not.associated(PHASE)) then
         ! this is the method to be added
         I = 1
         allocate(PHASE(I), stat=status)
         PHASE(I) = MAPL_AddMethod

         I = size(PHASE) + 1
         allocate(TMP(I), stat=status)
         TMP(1:I-1) = PHASE
         TMP(I) = TMP(I-1)+1

         PHASE => TMP
      end if
      MAPL_AddMethod = PHASE(I)

   end function MAPL_AddMethod

   recursive subroutine MAPL_SetStateSave(state,filetype,rc)
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), intent(inout) :: state
      integer,             intent(in ) :: filetype
      integer, optional,   intent(out) :: rc
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: CMAPL => null()
      integer :: k, status

      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp

      do k=1,state%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => state%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(K)
         call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC ( gridcomp, CMAPL, RC=status)
         call MAPL_SetStateSave(CMAPL,filetype,RC=status)

      state%initial_state%filetype = filetype

   end subroutine MAPL_SetStateSave

   recursive subroutine MAPL_GenericStateSave( GC, IMPORT, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC )
      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: GC     ! composite gridded component
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: IMPORT ! import state
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: EXPORT ! export state
      type(ESMF_Clock),    intent(inout) :: CLOCK  ! the clock
      integer, optional,   intent(  out) :: RC     ! Error code:

      type(mapl_metacomp), pointer :: state
      integer :: i,filetype

      character(len=14)                           :: datestamp
      character(len=1)                            :: separator

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: filetypechar
      character(len=4)                            :: extension
      integer                                     :: hdr
      integer :: status
      character(len=:), allocatable :: tmpstr
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: filename
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: CFILETYPE
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_import_state
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_export_state
      type (ESMF_State), pointer :: internal_state
      logical :: clobber_file

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, STATE, RC=status)

      call MAPL_GetResource(state, clobber_file, LABEL="overwrite_checkpoint:", default = .false., _RC)

      call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, FILENAME,         &
      if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then
         _ASSERT(.not.allocated(state%initial_state%imp_fname),"can only save one state")
         STATE%initial_state%IMP_FNAME = FILENAME
      end if
      call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , filename,  &
      if(status==ESMF_SUCCESS) then
         _ASSERT(.not.allocated(state%initial_state%int_fname),"can only save one state")
         STATE%initial_state%INT_FNAME = FILENAME
      end if

      do I=1,STATE%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         child_import_state => STATE%get_child_import_state(i)
         child_export_state => STATE%get_child_export_state(i)
         call MAPL_GenericStateSave (gridcomp, &
              child_import_state, &
              child_export_state, &
              CLOCK, RC=status )

      call MAPL_DateStampGet(clock, datestamp, rc=status)
      if (FILETYPE /= MAPL_Write2Disk) then
         separator = '*'
         separator = '.'
      end if

      if (allocated(state%initial_state%imp_fname)) then
         call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, filetypechar, LABEL="IMPORT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:",                  RC=status )
         if ( status/=ESMF_SUCCESS  .or.  filetypechar == "default" ) then
            call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, filetypechar, LABEL="DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:", default='pnc4', RC=status )
         end if
         filetypechar = ESMF_UtilStringLowerCase(filetypechar,rc=status)
         if (filetypechar == 'pnc4') then
            extension = '.nc4'
            extension = '.bin'
         end if
         STATE%initial_state%IMP_FNAME = tmpstr // separator // DATESTAMP // extension
      end if

      if (allocated(state%initial_state%int_fname)) then
         call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, hdr,      LABEL="INTERNAL_HEADER:",         default=0,      RC=status )
         call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, filetypechar, LABEL="INTERNAL_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:",                RC=status )
         if ( status/=ESMF_SUCCESS  .or.  filetypechar == "default" ) then
            call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, filetypechar, LABEL="DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:", default='pnc4', RC=status )
         end if
         filetypechar = ESMF_UtilStringLowerCase(filetypechar,rc=status)
         if (filetypechar == 'pnc4') then
            extension = '.nc4'
            extension = '.bin'
         end if
         STATE%initial_state%INT_FNAME = tmpstr // separator // DATESTAMP // extension
      end if

      if (allocated(state%initial_state%imp_fname)) then
         call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, CFILETYPE, LABEL="IMPORT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:",                  RC=status )
         if ( status/=ESMF_SUCCESS  .or.  CFILETYPE == "default" ) then
            call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, CFILETYPE, LABEL="DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:", default='pnc4', RC=status )
         end if
         call MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile(IMPORT, CLOCK, &
              STATE%initial_state%IMP_FNAME, &
              CFILETYPE, STATE, .FALSE.,  clobber=clobber_file, write_with_oserver = state%grid%write_restart_by_oserver, &
      end if

      if (allocated(state%initial_state%int_fname)) then
         call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, hdr,      LABEL="INTERNAL_HEADER:",         default=0,      RC=status )
         call    MAPL_GetResource( STATE, CFILETYPE, LABEL="INTERNAL_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:",                RC=status )
         if ( status/=ESMF_SUCCESS  .or.  CFILETYPE == "default" ) then
            call MAPL_GetResource( STATE, CFILETYPE, LABEL="DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_TYPE:", default='pnc4', RC=status )
         end if
         internal_state => STATE%get_internal_state()
         call MAPL_ESMFStateWriteToFile(internal_state, CLOCK, &
              STATE%initial_state%INT_FNAME, &
              CFILETYPE, STATE, hdr/=0, clobber=clobber_file, write_with_oserver = state%grid%write_restart_by_oserver, &
      end if

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericStateSave

   recursive subroutine MAPL_GenericStateRestore ( GC, IMPORT, EXPORT, CLOCK, RC )

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: GC     ! composite gridded component
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: IMPORT ! import state
      type(ESMF_State),    intent(inout) :: EXPORT ! export state
      type(ESMF_Clock),    intent(inout) :: CLOCK  ! the clock
      integer, optional,   intent(  out) :: RC     ! Error code:
      ! = 0 all is well
      ! otherwise, error


      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: IAm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: comp_name
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: CHILD_NAME
      integer                                     :: status
      integer                                     :: I
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer               :: STATE
      integer                                     :: hdr, unit
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_import_state
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: child_export_state
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: internal_state

      !  Begin...

      Iam = "MAPL_GenericStateRestore"
      call ESMF_GridCompGet(GC, name=comp_name, RC=status )
      Iam = trim(comp_name) // Iam

      ! Retrieve the pointer to the state

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, STATE, RC=status)

      ! Refresh the children
      ! ---------------------
      do I=1,STATE%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call ESMF_GridCompGet( gridcomp, NAME=CHILD_NAME, RC=status )
         child_import_state => STATE%get_child_import_state(i)
         child_export_state => STATE%get_child_export_state(i)
         call MAPL_GenericStateRestore (gridcomp, child_import_state, child_export_state, CLOCK, &
              RC=status )

      ! Do my "own" refresh
      ! ------------------
      call MAPL_TimerOn(STATE,"GenRefreshMine")

      if (allocated(STATE%initial_state%imp_fname)) then
         call MAPL_ESMFStateReadFromFile(IMPORT, CLOCK, &
              STATE%initial_state%IMP_FNAME, &
              STATE, .FALSE., RC=status)
      end if

      if (allocated(state%initial_state%int_fname)) then
         call MAPL_GetResource( STATE   , hdr,         &
              default=0, &
              LABEL="INTERNAL_HEADER:", &
         internal_state => state%get_internal_state()
         call MAPL_ESMFStateReadFromFile(internal_state, CLOCK, &
              STATE%initial_state%INT_FNAME, &
              STATE, hdr/=0, RC=status)
         UNIT = GETFILE(STATE%initial_state%INT_FNAME, RC=status)
      end if

   end subroutine MAPL_GenericStateRestore

   recursive subroutine MAPL_DestroyStateSave(gc,rc)
      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: GC
      integer, optional,   intent(out) :: rc
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: state
      integer :: unit, i, status

      type (ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp

      call MAPL_InternalStateRetrieve(GC, STATE, RC=status)
      do I=1,STATE%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => STATE%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call MAPL_DestroyStateSave (gridcomp, RC=status )

      if (allocated(STATE%initial_state%imp_fname)) then
         UNIT = GETFILE(STATE%initial_state%IMP_FNAME, RC=status)
         call MAPL_DestroyFile(unit = UNIT, rc=status)
      end if

      if (allocated(state%initial_state%int_fname)) then
         UNIT = GETFILE(STATE%initial_state%INT_FNAME, RC=status)
         call MAPL_DestroyFile(unit = UNIT, rc=status)
      end if

   end subroutine MAPL_DestroyStateSave

   subroutine MAPL_AddRecord(MAPLOBJ, ALARM, FILETYPE, RC)
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), intent(inout) :: MAPLOBJ
      type(ESMF_Alarm),    intent(INout) :: ALARM(:)
      integer,             intent(in ) :: filetype(:)
      integer, optional,   intent(out) :: rc

      integer :: NRA
      integer :: NR
      integer :: NRT
      integer :: I
      integer :: J
      integer :: K
      logical :: found
      type(ESMF_Alarm), allocatable :: R_ALARM(:)
      integer         , allocatable :: R_FILETYPE(:)
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: ANAME
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: NAME

      integer :: status
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: Iam="MAPL_AddRecord"

      NRA = size(ALARM)
      _ASSERT(size(filetype) == NRA,'needs informative message')

      if (.not. associated(MAPLOBJ%RECORD)) then
         allocate(MAPLOBJ%RECORD, stat=status)
         MAPLOBJ%RECORD%alarm = alarm
         MAPLOBJ%RECORD%filetype = filetype
         NR = size(MAPLOBJ%RECORD%alarm)
         NRT = NR + NRA ! maximum size
         allocate(r_alarm(NRT), r_filetype(NRT), stat=status)
         K = NR
         r_alarm(1:K) = MAPLOBJ%RECORD%alarm
         r_filetype(1:K) = MAPLOBJ%RECORD%filetype
         found = .false.
         do I = 1, NRA
            call ESMF_AlarmGet(ALARM(I), name=ANAME, RC=status)
            do J = 1, NR
               call ESMF_AlarmGet(MAPLOBJ%RECORD%ALARM(J), name=NAME, RC=status)
               if(ANAME == NAME .and. &
                    filetype(I) == MAPLOBJ%RECORD%FILETYPE(J)) then
                  found = .true.
               end if
            end do
            if (.not. found) then
               K = K+1
               r_alarm(K) = ALARM(I)
               r_filetype(K) = FILETYPE(I)
            end if
         end do
         if (K /= NR) then
            MAPLOBJ%RECORD%alarm = r_alarm(1:K)
            MAPLOBJ%RECORD%filetype = r_filetype(1:K)
         end if
         deallocate(r_filetype, r_alarm)
      end if
   end subroutine MAPL_AddRecord

   recursive subroutine MAPL_DisableRecord(MAPLOBJ, ALARM_NAME, RC)
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), intent(inout) :: MAPLOBJ
      character(len=*),    intent(in   ) :: ALARM_NAME
      integer, optional,   intent(out) :: rc

      integer :: k
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: ANAME
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: CMAPL => null()

      integer :: status
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: Iam="MAPL_DisableRecord"
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp

      do k=1,MAPLOBJ%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => MAPLOBJ%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(K)
         call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC ( gridcomp, CMAPL, RC=status)
         call MAPL_DisableRecord(CMAPL,ALARM_NAME,RC=status)

      do k=1,size(MAPLOBJ%record%alarm)
         call ESMF_AlarmGet(MAPLOBJ%RECORD%ALARM(K), name=ANAME, RC=status)
         if (trim(ANAME)==trim(ALARM_NAME)) then
            call ESMF_AlarmDisable(MAPLOBJ%RECORD%ALARM(K))
         end if

   end subroutine MAPL_DisableRecord

   function  MAPL_GridGetSection(Grid, SectionMap, GridName, RC) result(SECTION)
      type(ESMF_Grid),   intent(IN   ) :: GRID
      integer,           intent(IN   ) :: SectionMap(:)
      character (Len=*), optional, intent(IN   ) :: GridName
      integer, optional, intent(  OUT) :: RC
      type(ESMF_Grid) :: SECTION

      integer                          :: ndes
      integer                          :: dimcount
      integer                          :: nx, ny
      integer, allocatable             :: minindex(:,:)
      integer, allocatable             :: maxindex(:,:)
      integer, pointer                 :: ims(:) => null()
      integer, pointer                 :: jms(:) => null()
      real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer      :: centerX(:,:)
      real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer      :: centerY(:,:)
      real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer      :: coordX(:,:)
      real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer      :: coordY(:,:)
      type(ESMF_DistGrid)              :: distgrid
      type(ESMF_VM)                    :: vm
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)       :: name

      integer              :: status

      call ESMF_GridGet(GRID, Name=Name, DistGrid=distgrid, dimCount=dimCount, RC=status)

      if (present(GridName)) then
         name = GridName
         name = name // "horz_section"
      end if

      _ASSERT(dimcount == size(SectionMap),'needs informative message')

      call ESMF_VmGetCurrent(VM, rc=status)
      call ESMF_VmGet(VM, petCount=ndes, rc=status)

      allocate(minindex(dimCount,ndes), maxindex(dimCount,ndes), stat=status)

      ! Processors in each direction

      call MAPL_DistGridGet(distgrid, &
           minIndex=minindex, &
           maxIndex=maxindex, rc=status)

      call MAPL_GetImsJms(Imins=minindex(1,:),Imaxs=maxindex(1,:),&

      deallocate(maxindex, minindex)

      NX = size(ims)
      NY = size(jms)

      ! Retrieve the coordinates so we can put them in the newly create SECTION
      call ESMF_GridGetCoord(GRID, coordDim=1, localDE=0, &
           staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, &
           farrayPtr=centerX, rc=status)

      call ESMF_GridGetCoord(GRID, coordDim=2, localDE=0, &
           staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, &
           farrayPtr=centerY, rc=status)

      SECTION = ESMF_GridCreate(          &
           name=name,                     &
           countsPerDEDim1=ims,           &
           countsPerDEDim2=jms,           &
                                !       indexFlag = ESMF_INDEX_GLOBAL, &
           coordDep1 = (/1,2/),           &
           coordDep2 = (/1,2/),           &
           gridEdgeLWidth = (/0,0/),      &
           gridEdgeUWidth = (/0,0/),      &

      ! Allocate coords at default stagger location
      call ESMF_GridAddCoord(SECTION, rc=status)

      call ESMF_GridGetCoord(SECTION, coordDim=1, localDE=0, &
           staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, &
           farrayPtr=coordX, rc=status)

      call ESMF_GridGetCoord(SECTION, coordDim=2, localDE=0, &
           staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, &
           farrayPtr=coordY, rc=status)

      coordX = centerX
      coordY = centerY

      deallocate(jms, ims)

   end function MAPL_GridGetSection

   logical function MAPL_RecordAlarmIsRinging(META, unusable, MODE, RC)

      ! !ARGUMENTS:

      type (MAPL_MetaComp), intent(inout) :: META
      class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable
      integer, optional,    intent(in   ) :: MODE  ! Writing file mode: disk or ram
      integer, optional,    intent(  out) :: RC     ! Error code:
      ! = 0 all is well
      ! otherwise, error


      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: IAm
      integer                                     :: status

      integer                                     :: I
      integer                                     :: mode_
      logical                                     :: modePresent

      !  Begin...

      Iam = "MAPL_RecordIsAlarmRinging"

      MAPL_RecordAlarmIsRinging  = .false.
      if (present(MODE)) then
         mode_ = mode
         modePresent = .true.
         mode_ = MAPL_Write2Disk
         modePresent = .false.
      end if

      ! ------------------
      if (associated(META%RECORD)) then

            if ( ESMF_AlarmIsRinging(META%RECORD%ALARM(I), RC=status) ) then
               if (.not. modePresent) then
                  MAPL_RecordAlarmIsRinging = .true.
                  exit RECORDLOOP
               end if
               if (META%RECORD%FILETYPE(I) == mode_) then
                  MAPL_RecordAlarmIsRinging = .true.
                  exit RECORDLOOP
               end if
            end if
         end DO RECORDLOOP
      end if
   end function MAPL_RecordAlarmIsRinging

   recursive subroutine MAPL_GetAllExchangeGrids ( GC, LSADDR, RC )

      type(ESMF_GridComp),  intent(INOUT) :: GC         ! Gridded component
      integer(kind=INT64),            pointer       :: LSADDR(:)
      integer,              intent(  OUT) :: RC         ! Return code

      integer :: status

      type (MAPL_MetaComp),              pointer  :: MAPLOBJ
      type (MAPL_LocStream)                       :: LocStream

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR)   :: CNAME
      integer(kind=INT64)                    :: ADDR
      integer                      :: I
      integer                      :: N
      integer(kind=INT64), pointer           :: TMP(:)
      logical                      :: found

      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      ! Retrieve the pointer to the internal state
      ! --------------------------------------------

      call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC ( GC, MAPLOBJ, RC=status)

      LocStream = MAPLOBJ%LocStream
      call c_MAPL_LocStreamRetrievePtr(LocStream, ADDR)

      call ESMF_GridCompGet(GC, NAME = cname, rc=status)

      if (ADDR /= 0) then
         N = 0
         if (associated(LSADDR)) then
            N = SIZE(LSADDR)
         end if

         found = .false.
         do I = 1, N
            if (addr == LSADDR(I)) then
               found = .true.
            end if
         end do

         if (.not. found) then
            allocate(tmp(N+1), stat=status)
            if (N > 0) then
               tmp(1:N) = LSADDR
            end if
            N = N + 1
            tmp(N) = addr
            LSADDR => TMP
         end if
      end if

      do I = 1, MAPLOBJ%get_num_children()
         gridcomp => MAPLOBJ%GET_CHILD_GRIDCOMP(I)
         call MAPL_GetAllExchangeGrids(gridcomp, LSADDR, RC=status)
      end do

   end subroutine MAPL_GetAllExchangeGrids

   subroutine MAPL_DoNotAllocateImport(GC, NAME, notFoundOK, RC)
      type(ESMF_GridComp),  intent(INOUT) :: GC         ! Gridded component
      character(len=*),     intent(IN   ) :: NAME
      logical, optional,    intent(IN   ) :: notFoundOK
      integer, optional,    intent(  OUT) :: RC         ! Return code

      integer                       :: status

      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: MAPLOBJ
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),  pointer :: SPEC(:) => null()

      call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC(GC, MAPLOBJ, RC=status)

      call MAPL_Get (MAPLOBJ, ImportSpec=spec, RC=status )

      if (associated(spec)) then
         call MAPL_DoNotAllocateVar(SPEC, NAME, notFoundOK, RC=status)
      end if

   end subroutine MAPL_DoNotAllocateImport

   subroutine MAPL_DoNotAllocateInternal(GC, NAME, notFoundOK, RC)
      type(ESMF_GridComp),  intent(INOUT) :: GC         ! Gridded component
      character(len=*),     intent(IN   ) :: NAME
      logical, optional,    intent(IN   ) :: notFoundOK
      integer,              intent(  OUT) :: RC         ! Return code

      integer                       :: status

      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: MAPLOBJ
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),  pointer :: SPEC(:)

      call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC(GC, MAPLOBJ, RC=status)

      call MAPL_Get (MAPLOBJ, InternalSpec=spec, RC=status )

      call MAPL_DoNotAllocateVar(SPEC, NAME, notFoundOK, RC=status)

   end subroutine MAPL_DoNotAllocateInternal

   subroutine MAPL_DoNotAllocateVar(SPEC, NAME, notFoundOK, RC)
      type (MAPL_VarSpec),  pointer       :: SPEC(:)
      character(len=*),     intent(IN   ) :: NAME
      logical, optional,    intent(IN   ) :: notFoundOK
      integer, optional,    intent(  OUT) :: RC         ! Return code

      integer                       :: status

      integer                       :: I
      logical                       :: notFoundOK_

      notFoundOK_ = .false.
      if (present(notFoundOK)) then
         notFoundOK_ = notFoundOK
      end if
      I = MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex(Spec, NAME)
      if (I<=0 .and. notFoundOK_) then
      end if

      _ASSERT(I>0,'needs informative message') ! make sure NAME is in the SPEC

      call MAPL_VarSpecSet(SPEC(I), doNotAllocate = .true., RC=status )

   end subroutine MAPL_DoNotAllocateVar

   subroutine ArrDescrSetNCPar(ArrDes, MPL, tile, offset, num_readers, num_writers, rc)

      type(ArrDescr),                 intent(INOUT) :: ArrDes
      type(MAPL_MetaComp),            intent(INOUT) :: MPL
      logical, optional,              intent(in   ) :: tile
      integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND), &
           optional,  intent(IN   ) :: offset
      integer, optional,              intent(IN   ) :: num_readers
      integer, optional,              intent(IN   ) :: num_writers
      integer, optional,              intent(  OUT) :: RC

      integer                       :: COUNTS(2),CCPD(3), km_world
      integer                       :: status
      integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: offset_local
      logical                       :: tile_loc
      type(ESMF_Grid)               :: TILEGRID
      character(len=MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL) :: romio_cb_read,cb_buffer_size,romio_cb_write

      if (present(tile)) then

      if (present(offset)) then
         offset_local = offset
         offset_local = 0

      if (tile_loc) then
         call MAPL_LocStreamGet(MPL%LocStream, TILEGRID=TILEGRID,RC=status)
         call MAPL_GridGet(TILEGRID,globalCellCountPerDim=COUNTS,RC=status)
         call ArrDescrSet(arrdes, offset_local, &
              !readers_comm  = mpl%grid%readers_comm,  &
              !ioscattercomm = mpl%grid%comm, &
              !writers_comm = mpl%grid%writers_comm, &
              !iogathercomm = mpl%grid%comm, &
              i1 = mpl%grid%i1, in = mpl%grid%in,     &
              j1 = mpl%grid%j1, jn = mpl%grid%jn,     &
              im_world = COUNTS(1),                   &
              jm_world = COUNTS(2))
         !arrdes%ycomm = mpl%grid%Ycomm

         !arrdes%xcomm = mpl%grid%Xcomm
         arrdes%NY0   = mpl%grid%NY0
         arrdes%NX0   = mpl%grid%NX0
         if (present(num_writers)) then
            call ArrDescrCreateWriterComm(arrdes,mpl%grid%comm,mpl%grid%num_writers,_RC)
         end if
         if (present(num_readers)) then
            call ArrDescrCreateReaderComm(arrdes,mpl%grid%comm,mpl%grid%num_readers,_RC)
         end if
         call MPI_Comm_Dup(mpl%grid%comm,ArrDes%iogathercomm, status)
         call MPI_Comm_Dup(mpl%grid%comm,ArrDes%ioscattercomm, status)
         arrdes%split_restart = .false.
         arrdes%split_checkpoint = .false.
         call MAPL_GridGet(mpl%grid%ESMFGRID,globalCellCountPerDim=CCPD,RC=status)
         km_world = CCPD(3)
         call ArrDescrSet(arrdes, offset_local, &
              !readers_comm  = mpl%grid%readers_comm,  &
              !ioscattercomm = mpl%grid%ioscattercomm, &
              !writers_comm = mpl%grid%writers_comm, &
              !iogathercomm = mpl%grid%iogathercomm, &
              i1 = mpl%grid%i1, in = mpl%grid%in,     &
              j1 = mpl%grid%j1, jn = mpl%grid%jn,     &
              im_world = mpl%grid%im_world,           &
              jm_world = mpl%grid%jm_world,           &
              lm_world = km_world)
         !arrdes%ycomm = mpl%grid%Ycomm
         !call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%ycomm,arrdes%myrow,status)
         !arrdes%xcomm = mpl%grid%Xcomm
         arrdes%NY0   = mpl%grid%NY0
         arrdes%NX0   = mpl%grid%NX0
         if (present(num_writers)) then
            call ArrDescrCreateWriterComm(arrdes,mpl%grid%comm,mpl%grid%num_writers,_RC)
         end if
         if (present(num_readers)) then
            call ArrDescrCreateReaderComm(arrdes,mpl%grid%comm,mpl%grid%num_readers,_RC)
         end if
         call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%ycomm,arrdes%myrow,status)
         arrdes%split_restart = mpl%grid%split_restart
         arrdes%split_checkpoint = mpl%grid%split_checkpoint

      call MAPL_GetResource(MPL, romio_cb_read, Label="ROMIO_CB_READ:", default="automatic", RC=status)
      arrdes%romio_cb_read = romio_cb_read
      call MAPL_GetResource(MPL, romio_cb_write, Label="ROMIO_CB_WRITE:", default="enable", RC=status)
      arrdes%romio_cb_write = romio_cb_write
      call MAPL_GetResource(MPL, cb_buffer_size, Label="CB_BUFFER_SIZE:", default="16777216", RC=status)
      arrdes%cb_buffer_size = cb_buffer_size
      if (present(num_readers)) arrdes%num_readers=num_readers
      if (present(num_writers)) arrdes%num_writers=num_writers
      arrdes%write_restart_by_oserver = mpl%grid%write_restart_by_oserver


   end subroutine ArrDescrSetNCPar

   subroutine MAPL_GetLogger_meta(meta, lgr, rc)
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), intent(in) :: meta
      class(Logger), pointer :: lgr
      integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

!C$      class(Logger), pointer :: meta_lgr
!C$      meta_lgr => logging%get_logger('MAPL.GENERIC')
!C$      call meta_lgr%warning('obsolete interface MAPL_GetLogger()')

      lgr => meta%get_logger()

   end subroutine MAPL_GetLogger_meta

   subroutine MAPL_GetLogger_gc(gc, lgr, rc)
      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: gc
      class(Logger), pointer :: lgr
      integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc
      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: meta

      integer :: status

      call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC(gc, meta, rc=status)

      lgr => meta%get_logger()

   end subroutine MAPL_GetLogger_gc

   subroutine MAPL_ConnectivityGet(gc, connectivityPtr, RC)
      type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(inout) :: gc
      integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc
      type (MAPL_Connectivity), pointer :: connectivityPtr

      type (MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: meta
      integer                       :: status

      call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC(gc, meta, rc=status)

      connectivityPtr => meta%connectList

   end subroutine MAPL_ConnectivityGet

   ! Type-bound procedures

   function get_ith_child(this, i) result(child)
      class(MaplGenericComponent), pointer :: child
      class(MAPL_MetaComp), target, intent(in) :: this
      integer, intent(in) :: i

      class(AbstractFrameworkComponent), pointer :: child_node

      child_node => this%get_child(trim(this%GCnamelist(i)))
      select type (child_node)
         class is (MaplGenericComponent)
         child => child_node
      end select

   end function get_ith_child

   integer function get_child_idx(this, child_name) result(idx)
      class(MAPL_MetaComp), target, intent(in) :: this
      character(*), intent(in) :: child_name

      integer :: i

      idx = -1
      do i = 1, this%get_num_children()
         if (this%gcnamelist(i) == trim(child_name)) then
            idx = i
         end if
      end do
   end function get_child_idx

   function get_child_gridcomp(this, i) result(gridcomp)
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: gridcomp
      class(MAPL_MetaComp), target, intent(in) :: this
      integer, intent(in) :: i

      class(MaplGenericComponent), pointer :: child

      child => this%get_ith_child(i)
      gridcomp => child%get_gridcomp()

   end function get_child_gridcomp

   function get_child_import_state(this, i) result(state)
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: state
      class(MAPL_MetaComp), target, intent(in) :: this
      integer, intent(in) :: i

      class(MaplGenericComponent), pointer :: child

      child => this%get_ith_child(i)
      state => child%get_import_state()

   end function get_child_import_state

   function get_child_export_state(this, i) result(state)
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: state
      class(MAPL_MetaComp), target, intent(in) :: this
      integer, intent(in) :: i

      class(MaplGenericComponent), pointer :: child

      child => this%get_ith_child(i)
      state => child%get_export_state()

   end function get_child_export_state

   function get_child_internal_state(this, i) result(state)
      type(ESMF_State), pointer :: state
      class(MAPL_MetaComp), target :: this
      integer, intent(in) :: i

      class(MaplGenericComponent), pointer :: child

      child => this%get_ith_child(i)
      state => child%get_internal_state()

   end function get_child_internal_state

   function MAPL_IsStateEmpty(state, rc) result(empty)
      type(ESMF_State), intent(in) :: state
      integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc
      logical                        :: empty

      integer :: itemcount
      integer :: status

      empty = .true.
      call ESMF_StateGet(state,itemcount=itemcount,rc=status)

      if (itemcount /= 0) empty = .false.
   end function MAPL_IsStateEmpty

   subroutine warn_empty(string, MPL, rc)
      character (len=*), intent(in) :: string
      type(MAPL_MetaComp),              intent(INOUT) :: MPL
      integer, optional,                intent(  OUT) :: RC

      class(Logger), pointer :: lgr
      integer :: status

      if (MAPL_Am_I_Root()) then
         call MAPL_GetLogger(mpl, lgr, _RC)
         call lgr%warning(string //&
              ' requested, but state is empty. Ignored...')
      end if
   end subroutine warn_empty

   recursive subroutine MAPL_AddAttributeToFields_I4(gc,field_name,att_name,att_val,rc)
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer, intent(inout) :: gc
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: field_name
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: att_name
      integer(int32), intent(in) :: att_val
      integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

      integer :: nc,i,status
      type(MAPL_MetaComp), pointer :: state
      type(ESMF_GridComp), pointer :: child_gc
      type(ESMF_Field) :: field
      type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag) :: item_type
      type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag) :: item_kind
      integer :: item_count
      logical :: is_present
      type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh

      call MAPL_GetObjectFromGC(gc,state,_RC)
      call ESMF_StateGet(state%import_state,field_name,item_type,_RC)
      if (item_type == ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD) then
         call ESMF_StateGet(state%import_state,field_name,field,_RC)
         call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(field, infoh, RC=status)
         if (is_present) then
            call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key=att_name,typekind=item_kind,size=item_count,_RC)
            _ASSERT(item_kind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_I4,"attribute "//att_name//" in "//field_name//" is not I4")
            _ASSERT(item_count==1,"attribute "//att_name//" in "//field_name//" is not a scalar")
         end if
         call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,key=att_name,value=att_val,_RC)
      end if
      nc = state%get_num_children()
      do i=1,nc
         child_gc => state%get_child_gridcomp(i)
         call MAPL_AddAttributeToFields_I4(child_gc,field_name,att_name,att_val,_RC)

   end subroutine MAPL_AddAttributeToFields_I4

   subroutine MAPL_MethodAdd(state, label, userRoutine, rc)
      use mapl_ESMF_Interfaces
      use mapl_CallbackMap
      use mapl_OpenMP_Support, only : get_callbacks
      type(ESMF_State), intent(inout) :: state
      character(*), intent(in) :: label
      procedure(I_CallBackMethod) :: userRoutine
      integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

      integer :: status
      type(CallbackMap), pointer :: callbacks

      call ESMF_MethodAdd(state, label=label, userRoutine=userRoutine, _RC)

      call get_callbacks(state, callbacks, _RC)
      call callbacks%insert(label, wrap(userRoutine))


      function wrap(userRoutine) result(wrapper)
         type(CallbackMethodWrapper) :: wrapper
         procedure(I_CallBackMethod) :: userRoutine
         wrapper%userRoutine => userRoutine
      end function wrap

   end subroutine MAPL_MethodAdd

end module MAPL_GenericMod