!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) ! ! Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) ! ! MAPL Component ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "MAPL_Generic.h" #define MPI_NULL_TAG 99 #define DEALOC_(A) if(associated(A))then;A=0;if(MAPL_ShmInitialized)then; call MAPL_DeAllocNodeArray(A,rc=STATUS);else; deallocate(A,stat=STATUS);endif;_VERIFY(STATUS);NULLIFY(A);endif #define DEALOC2_(A) if(associated(A)) then; deallocate(A, stat=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS); NULLIFY(A); endif #include "unused_dummy.H" ! !> !### MODULE: `MAPL_CFIOMod` ! ! Author: GMAO SI-Team ! ! The module `MAPL_CFIO` provides _Climate and Forecast_ (CF) ! compliant I/O methods for high level ESMF data types by using the ! CFIO Library. It currently includes read-write support for ESMF ! Bundles and States, and read-only support for ESMF Fields and ! Fortran arrays. The API consists of 4 basic methods: ! !- MAPL_CFIORead !- MAPL_CFIOCreate !- MAPL_CFIOWrite !- MAPL_CFIODestroy ! module MAPL_CFIOMod use MAPL_ExceptionHandling ! !DESCRIPTION: ! \input{MAPL_CFIODescr.tex} ! use ESMF use MAPL_BaseMod use MAPL_CommsMod use MAPL_Constants use ESMF_CFIOMod use ESMF_CFIOUtilMod use ESMF_CFIOFileMod use MAPL_IOMod use ESMFL_Mod use MAPL_ShmemMod use MAPL_SortMod use MAPL_GridManagerMod use MAPL_RegridderManagerMod use MAPL_NewRegridderManager use MAPL_AbstractRegridderMod use MAPL_ConfigMod use mapl_RegridMethods use MAPL_MemUtilsMod use ESMF_CFIOCollectionVectorMod use ESMF_CFIOCollectionMod use PFIO use gFTL_IntegerVector use MAPL_StringTemplate use mpi use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: REAL64 implicit none private ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: ! MAPL-style names ! ---------------- public MAPL_CFIOCreate public MAPL_CFIOSet public MAPL_CFIOGet public MAPL_CFIOSetKrank public MAPL_CFIOOpenWrite public MAPL_CFIOCreateWrite public MAPL_CFIOClose public MAPL_CFIOWrite public MAPL_CFIOWriteBundlePost public MAPL_CFIOWriteBundleWait public MAPL_CFIOWriteBundleWrite public MAPL_CFIORead public MAPL_CFIODestroy public MAPL_GetCurrentFile public MAPL_CFIOIsCreated public MAPL_CFIOGetFilename public MAPL_CFIOGetTimeString public MAPL_CFIOPartition public MAPL_CFIOCreateFromFile public MAPL_CFIOReadBundleRead public MAPL_CFIOReadBundleWait public MAPL_CFIOReadParallel public MAPL_CFIOAddCollection ! ESMF-style names ! ---------------- public ESMF_ioRead ! another name for MAPL_CFIORead public ESMF_ioCreate ! another name for MAPL_CFIOCreate public ESMF_ioWrite ! another name for MAPL_CFIOWrite public ESMF_ioDestroy ! another name for MAPL_CFIODestroy ! !PUBLIC TYPES: ! public MAPL_CFIO public collections ! !METHOD OVERLOADING: ! MAPL Consistent Naming Convention ! --------------------------------- interface MAPL_CFIOCreate module procedure MAPL_CFIOCreateFromBundle module procedure MAPL_CFIOCreateFromState end interface interface MAPL_CFIOWrite module procedure MAPL_CFIOWriteState module procedure MAPL_CFIOWriteBundle end interface interface MAPL_CFIORead module procedure MAPL_CFIOReadState module procedure MAPL_CFIOReadBundle module procedure MAPL_CFIOReadField module procedure MAPL_CFIOReadArray3D module procedure MAPL_CFIOReadArray2D end interface interface MAPL_CFIOReadParallel module procedure MAPL_CFIOReadParallel_ end interface ! ESMF Consistent Naming Convention ! --------------------------------- interface ESMF_ioCreate module procedure MAPL_CFIOCreateFromBundle module procedure MAPL_CFIOCreateFromState end interface interface ESMF_ioRead module procedure MAPL_CFIOReadState module procedure MAPL_CFIOReadBundle module procedure MAPL_CFIOReadField module procedure MAPL_CFIOReadArray3D module procedure MAPL_CFIOReadArray2D end interface interface ESMF_ioWrite module procedure MAPL_CFIOWriteState module procedure MAPL_CFIOWriteBundle end interface interface ESMF_ioDestroy module procedure MAPL_CFIODestroy end interface type Ptr3Arr real, pointer :: Ptr(:,:,:) end type Ptr3Arr type Ptr2Arr real, pointer :: Ptr(:,:) end type Ptr2Arr integer, parameter :: maxStoredCoords = 10 type StoredGlobalCoords real(KIND=REAL64), pointer :: LONS2D(:) => NULL() real(KIND=REAL64), pointer :: LATS2D(:) => NULL() logical :: created = .false. integer :: IM = 0 integer :: JM = 0 end type StoredGlobalCoords type :: MCFIO_Variable integer :: request_id integer :: num_dimensions real, allocatable :: data(:,:,:) end type MCFIO_VARIABLE type :: MAPL_CFIO private logical :: CREATED=.false. character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: NAME character(len=ESMF_MAXPATHLEN) :: fNAME character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: format character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: expid type(ESMF_CFIO) :: CFIO integer :: XYOFFSET real :: VSCALE type(ESMF_TIMEINTERVAL) :: OFFSET type(ESMF_CLOCK) :: CLOCK type(ESMF_FIELDBUNDLE) :: BUNDLE type(ESMF_GridComp) :: GC type(ESMF_Grid) :: Grid integer :: Root=1 integer :: PartSize=1 integer :: myPE integer :: numcores integer :: comm integer :: Order=-1 integer :: Nbits=1000 integer :: IM, JM, LM integer, pointer :: VarDims(:)=>null() integer, pointer :: VarType(:)=>null() integer, pointer :: needVar(:)=>null() integer, pointer :: pairList(:)=>null() logical :: doRotate character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), & pointer :: vectorList(:,:)=>null() logical :: Vinterp=.false. real :: pow=0.0 character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: Vvar character(len=3 ) :: Func character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), & pointer :: VarName(:)=>null() integer, pointer :: Krank(:)=>null() integer :: rootRank = 0 real, pointer :: levs(:)=>null() real, pointer :: unmodifiedLevs(:)=>null() type(MAPL_CommRequest), & pointer :: reqs(:)=>null() class (AbstractRegridder), pointer :: regridder => null() class (AbstractRegridder), pointer :: new_regridder => null() integer :: regrid_method type (ESMF_Grid) :: output_grid integer :: AsyncWorkRank integer :: globalComm logical :: regridConservative logical :: newFormat = .false. logical :: useFaceDim = .false. type(Ptr2Arr), pointer :: Buffer(:) => null() logical :: gsiMode = .false. integer, pointer :: varID(:) => null() logical :: kreverse,xshift integer :: collection_id ! new stuff for server integer :: scollection_id integer, pointer :: request_ids(:) => null() type(Ptr2Arr), pointer :: rBuffer(:) character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), & pointer :: levVarName(:)=>null() integer :: fraction integer :: regrid_type real, pointer :: surfaceLayer(:,:) => null() logical :: ascending ! TLC components used in the new ESMF regrid variant integer :: n_vars type (MCFIO_Variable), allocatable :: variables(:) end type MAPL_CFIO integer, parameter :: trans_tag=9999 integer, parameter :: CFIOMaxAge=60 integer,dimension(CFIOMaxAge) :: CFIOAge type(ESMF_CFIO),dimension(CFIOMaxAge),target :: CFIORegister type(StoredGlobalCoords) :: storedCoords(maxStoredCoords) type(CFIOCollectionVector) :: collections contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> ! The subroutine `MAPL_CFIOCreateFromBundle` creates a `MAPL_CFIO` ! object from a Bundle. The `MAPL_CFIO` objects ! is opaque and its properties can only be set by this method at ! creation. Currently, its properties cannot be queried. The object ! is used only as a handle in write operations. It is not needed for ! reading. ! ! Its non-optional arguments associate a _NAME_, an ESMF ! _BUNDLE_, and a _CLOCK_ with the object. An ESMF TimeInterval ! _OFFSET_ is an optional argument that sets an offset between the ! time on the clock when eriting and the time stamp used for the data ! (defaults to no offset). ! ! The _format_ optional argument determines whether the write ! will use the linked self-describing format (SDF) library (HDF or ! netcdf) or write GrADS readable flat files. Currently only the SDF ! library option is supported. ! ! The remaining (optional) arguments are especialized and used ! primarily to support `MAPL_History`, or to provide documentation in ! the form of character strings that will be placed in corresponding ! attributes in the SDF file. ! !#### HIstory ! !- 19Apr2007 Todling ! - Added ability to write out ak/bk ! - Added experiment ID as optional argument ! subroutine MAPL_CFIOCreateFromBundle ( MCFIO, NAME, CLOCK, BUNDLE, OFFSET, & OUTPUT_GRID, CHUNKSIZE, FREQUENCY, LEVELS, DESCR, & XYOFFSET, VCOORD, VUNIT, VSCALE, & SOURCE, INSTITUTION, COMMENT, CONTACT, & FORMAT, EXPID, DEFLATE, GC, ORDER, & NumCores, nbits, TM, Conservative, & VectorList, itemOrder, RC ) ! !ARGUMENTS: ! type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(OUT) :: MCFIO character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: NAME type(ESMF_FIELDBUNDLE), intent(INout) :: BUNDLE type(ESMF_CLOCK), intent(INout):: CLOCK type(ESMF_TIMEINTERVAL), & optional, intent(INout):: OFFSET type (ESMF_Grid), optional, pointer :: OUTPUT_GRID integer, optional, pointer :: CHUNKSIZE(:) integer, optional, intent(IN) :: FREQUENCY real, optional, pointer :: LEVELS(:) character(LEN=*),optional, intent(IN) :: DESCR integer, optional, intent(IN) :: XYOFFSET real, optional, intent(IN) :: VSCALE integer, optional, intent(IN) :: DEFLATE character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: VUNIT character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: VCOORD character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: source character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: institution character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: comment character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: contact character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: format character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: EXPID integer, optional, intent(IN) :: Conservative type(ESMF_GridComp),optional,intent(IN) :: GC integer, optional, intent(IN) :: Order integer, optional, intent(IN) :: Nbits integer, optional, intent(IN) :: NumCores integer, optional, intent(IN) :: TM character(len=*),optional, pointer :: vectorList(:,:) type(ESMF_ItemOrder_Flag), optional, intent(IN) :: itemOrder integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC ! Locals !------- integer :: STATUS type(ESMF_FIELD) :: FIELD type(ESMF_GRID) :: ESMFGRID type(ESMF_DELayout) :: LAYOUT type(ESMF_DistGrid) :: DISTGRID type(ESMF_TIME) :: TIME type(ESMF_ALARM) :: PERPETUAL type(ESMF_VM) :: VM type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh type(ESMF_CFIOVarInfo), pointer :: vars(:) type(ESMF_CFIOGrid), pointer :: cfiogrid real, pointer :: lats(:,:) real, pointer :: lons(:,:) real, pointer :: lats1d(:) real, pointer :: lons1d(:) real, pointer :: Local(:,:) real, pointer :: lev (: ) real, pointer :: ak (: ) real, pointer :: bk (: ) real, pointer :: ulevels(: ) real :: range(2) real(KIND=REAL64), pointer :: R8D2(:,:) integer :: L, WriteInterval, counts(5), dims(3) integer :: NumVars integer :: IM,JM,LM integer :: gridRank integer :: fieldRank integer :: Comm, nPEs integer :: hours, mins, secs, timeInc integer :: I, J, LT, K, IMO, JMO, LMG, IML, JML integer :: IMBEG, IMEND, JMBEG, JMEND integer :: Field_Type integer :: Df integer :: Num2DVars, Num3dVars integer :: YY,MM,DD,H,M,S integer :: noffset integer, allocatable :: Location(:) integer :: CNT logical :: Have2D, Have3D, HAVE_center, HAVE_edge, HAVE_ungrd logical :: LPERP character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: Vunits character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: LongName character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: Units character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: StartTime character(len=esmf_maxstr) :: Usource character(len=esmf_maxstr) :: Uinstitution character(len=esmf_maxstr) :: Ucomment character(len=esmf_maxstr) :: Ucontact character(len=esmf_maxstr) :: Utitle character(len=esmf_maxstr) :: GridTypeAttribute character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: ClockName character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: Gridname character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: GridnameIn character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: GridnameOut character(len=2) :: date character(len=2) :: pole integer :: nn logical :: isGridRectilinear real, pointer :: ptr3d(:,:,:) integer, allocatable :: vsize(:) logical, allocatable :: HasUngrid(:) character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), pointer :: ungridded_units(:) => null() character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), pointer :: ungridded_names(:) => null() character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: ungridded_unit, ungridded_name integer :: ungrdsize real, allocatable :: ungridded_coord(:) real, allocatable :: ungridded_coords(:,:) logical :: unGrdNameCheck, unGrdUnitCheck, unGrdCoordCheck logical :: found integer :: vectorListSize logical :: prevStored logical :: foundEmpty real(KIND=REAL64), pointer :: LONS2D(:) => NULL() real(KIND=REAL64), pointer :: LATS2D(:) => NULL() character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), allocatable :: names(:) type(ESMF_ItemOrder_Flag) :: itemOrder_ logical :: isPresent ! Begin !------ MCFIO%NAME = NAME MCFIO%CLOCK = CLOCK MCFIO%BUNDLE = BUNDLE ! Number of variables in the bundle !---------------------------------- call ESMF_FieldBundleGet (BUNDLE, FieldCount=NumVars, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(NumVars>0, 'numVars must be > 0') ! Process optionals !------------------ if(present(NBITS)) then MCFIO%Nbits = NBITS else MCFIO%nBits = 1000 end if if(present(deflate)) then df = deflate else df = 0 endif if(present(Order)) then print*,'WARNING: CFIO parameter "order" is no longer used.' print*,' The new regrid facility uses ESMF parameters to' print*,' specify the type of regridding to perform.' _FAIL( 'Order must be present') MCFIO%Order = Order else MCFIO%Order = -1 endif if(present(source)) then Usource = source else Usource = "unknown" endif if(present(institution)) then Uinstitution = institution else Uinstitution = "unknown" endif if(present(comment)) then Ucomment = comment else Ucomment = "unknown" endif if(present(contact)) then Ucontact = contact else Ucontact = "unknown" endif if(present(format)) then MCFIO%format = format else MCFIO%format = "SDF" endif if(present(expid)) then MCFIO%expid = expid else MCFIO%expid = "No_ExpId" endif if(present(descr )) then Utitle = descr else Utitle = "unknown" endif if(present(LEVELS)) then ulevels => LEVELS else nullify(ulevels) endif if(present(GC)) then MCFIO%GC = GC else !ALT MCFIO%GC = ESMF_GridCompCreate("NULL") endif if(present(VUNIT)) then vunits = trim(vunit) else vunits = "" endif if (present(vectorList)) then if (associated(vectorList)) then mcfio%vectorList => vectorList else mcfio%vectorList => null() end if else mcfio%vectorList => null() end if ! Get CommBndl, the communicator that is spanned by fields in the bundle !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(BUNDLE, 1, FIELD, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldGet (FIELD, grid=ESMFGRID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet (ESMFGRID, dimCount=gridRank, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet (ESMFGRID, NAME=Gridname, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet (ESMFGRID, distgrid=DISTGRID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet (DISTGRID, delayout=LAYOUT, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DELayoutGet (LAYOUT, vm=VM, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_VMGet (VM, mpiCommunicator=Comm, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_VMGet (VM, localpet=mCFIO%MYPE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_VMGet (VM, petcount=NPES, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Save the ESMFGrid in the object !-------------------------------- mCFIO%comm = comm mCFIO%Grid = ESMFGRID ! Set the partition size to size of VM. Can be overridden later to call to MAPL_CFIOSet ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(present(NumCores)) then mcfio%Numcores = NumCores else mcfio%Numcores = MAPL_CoresPerNodeGet(comm,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if mCFIO%partsize = size(MAPL_NodeRankList) MCFIO%regridConservative = .false. if (present(Conservative)) then if (Conservative /= 0) then MCFIO%regridConservative = .true. end if end if ! Vertical interpolation info !---------------------------- if(present(Vcoord)) then MCFIO%VVAR = adjustl(vcoord) MCFIO%Func = MCFIO%Vvar(1:3) if (MCFIO%Func=='log') then MCFIO%Vvar = adjustl(MCFIO%Vvar(index(MCFIO%Vvar,'(')+1:index(MCFIO%Vvar,')')-1)) elseif(MCFIO%Func=='pow') then read( MCFIO%Vvar(index(MCFIO%Vvar,',')+1:index(MCFIO%Vvar,')')-1) , *) mCFIO%pow MCFIO%Vvar = adjustl(MCFIO%Vvar(index(MCFIO%Vvar,'(')+1:index(MCFIO%Vvar,',')-1)) endif else MCFIO%VVAR = "" MCFIO%Func = "" end if if(present(vscale)) then MCFIO%Vscale = Vscale else MCFIO%Vscale = 1.0 endif ! Determine the rank and vertical Location (Mid or Edge) of Fields within Bundle. ! Note: If User-Defined ULEVELS is not present, ALL levels are written. ! In this case, vertical Location must be consistent for ALL variables. ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(MCFIO%VarDims(NumVars), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(MCFIO%VarName(NumVars), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(location (NumVars), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(vsize (NumVars), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(hasUngrid (NumVars), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(MCFIO%VarType(NumVars), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(MCFIO%needVar(NumVars), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(ungridded_names(NumVars), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ungridded_names="" allocate(ungridded_units(NumVars), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ungridded_units="" allocate(names(NumVars),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) if (present(itemOrder)) then itemOrder_ = itemOrder else itemOrder_ = ESMF_ITEMORDER_ABC end if call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(bundle,itemorderflag=itemOrder_,fieldNameList=Names,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) VARIABLES_1: DO I = 1, NumVars call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(BUNDLE, names(i), field=FIELD, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldGet (FIELD, NAME= mCFIO%VarName(I), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) vsize(i) = 1 hasUngrid(I) = .false. if(mCFIO%VarName(I)==MCFIO%Vvar) then MCFIO%VarDims(I) = -1 LOCATION(i) = MAPL_VLocationNone else call ESMF_FieldGet(FIELD, dimCount=fieldRank, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(fieldRank <= 3, 'fieldRank > 3') MCFIO%VarDims(I) = fieldRank call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELD,infoh,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'VLOCATION',RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( isPresent ) then call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key='VLOCATION',value=LOCATION(I),RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else LOCATION(I) = MAPL_VLocationNone end if if (fieldRank == 3) then call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=ptr3d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) vsize(i) = size(ptr3d,3) end if if (fieldRank >= 3 .and. location(I) == MAPL_VLocationNone) then hasUngrid(I) = .true. call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(field,infoh,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'UNGRIDDED_UNIT',ungridded_unit,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'UNGRIDDED_NAME',ungridded_name,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ungridded_names(i) = ungridded_name ungridded_units(i) = ungridded_unit isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'UNGRIDDED_COORDS',rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key='UNGRIDDED_COORDS',size=ungrdsize,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else ungrdsize=0 end if if (ungrdsize/=0) then _ASSERT(vsize(i)==ungrdsize,'inconsistent ungrdsize') if (.not.allocated(ungridded_coord)) allocate(ungridded_coord(ungrdsize),stat=status) if (.not.allocated(ungridded_coords)) allocate(ungridded_coords(NumVars,ungrdsize),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key='UNGRIDDED_COORDS',values=ungridded_coord,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ungridded_coords(i,:) = ungridded_coord end if end if endif end do VARIABLES_1 ! now put a check in that we aren't trying to do something like have two different ! ungridded units if we have any ungridded dimensions, compare ungridded info for ! each variable to the last values retrieved, if any differ then obviously user ! is trying to put 2 different ungridded variables in a collection that have ! different attributes if (any(hasUngrid)) then do i=1,NumVars if (hasUngrid(i)) then unGrdUnitCheck = ungridded_units(i) /= ungridded_unit unGrdNameCheck = ungridded_names(i) /= ungridded_name if ( allocated(ungridded_coords) .and. allocated(ungridded_coords) ) then unGrdCoordCheck = any(ungridded_coords(i,:) /= ungridded_coord) else unGrdCoordCheck = .false. end if if ( unGrdUnitCheck .or. unGrdNameCheck .or. unGrdCoordCheck) then _FAIL( 'Ungridded attributes for variables in collection do not match') end if end if end do end if !ALT: next segment is here only for initial testing ! we need a better logic how to prepare needVar list ! possibilities are: add staggering, vector pair to spec ! special key words in collection, etc. mCFIO%needVar = 0 vectorListSize = 0 if (associated(mCFIO%vectorList)) then vectorListSize = size(mCFIO%vectorList,2) end if VARLOOP: DO I = 1, NumVars DO k = 1, vectorListSize if (mCFIO%varName(I) == mCFIO%vectorList(1,k)) then ! this is first component of a vector (i.e. U) ! find the index of the V component found = .false. DO J = 1, NumVars if (trim(mCFIO%varName(J)) == mCFIO%vectorList(2,k)) then found = .true. exit end if end DO _ASSERT(found, 'search failed') mCFIO%needVar(I) = J ! I am first component of the vector else if(mCFIO%varName(I) == mCFIO%vectorList(2,k)) then ! find the index of the U component ! store it as negative number by convension suggested by Max found = .false. DO J = 1, NumVars if (trim(mCFIO%varName(J)) == mCFIO%vectorList(1,k)) then found = .true. exit end if end DO _ASSERT(found, 'search failed') mCFIO%needVar(I) = -J ! I am second component of the vector end if end DO end DO VARLOOP ! Sizes of global grid in the bundle. Sizes in the SDF may be different. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- call MAPL_GridGet( MCFIO%GRID, globalCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, & localCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IML = DIMS(1) JML = DIMS(2) IM = COUNTS(1) JM = COUNTS(2) LMG = COUNTS(3) HAVE_center = any(LOCATION==MAPL_VLocationCenter) HAVE_edge = any(LOCATION==MAPL_VLocationEdge ) HAVE_ungrd = any(hasUngrid) if ( associated(ULEVELS) ) then LM = size(ULEVELS) HAVE_edge = .false. if (HAVE_ungrd) then _FAIL( 'ERROR: Specifying LEVELS is not allowed for UNGRIDDED vars') end if else ! Check on proper levels ! ----------------------- if(HAVE_center .and. HAVE_edge) then DO I = 1, NumVars IF (LOCATION(I)==MAPL_VLocationEdge) print*, mCFIO%VarName(I) ENDDO _FAIL( 'ERROR: Mixed Vlocation in CFIO not allowed unless LEVELS is specified') endif if( all(MCFIO%VarDims==2)) then LM = 1 else if (HAVE_ungrd) then if (HAVE_center .or. HAVE_edge) then _FAIL( 'ERROR: Mixed 3d and UNGRIDDED in CFIO not allowed') end if if (minval(vsize) /= maxval(vsize)) then _FAIL( 'ERROR: Outputting variables with different ungridded sizes in one collection') end if LM = maxval(vsize) else LM = COUNTS(3) if (HAVE_edge) LM = LM+1 endif end if mCFIO%LM = LM ! Allocate request arrays for non-blocking gathers of bundle variables ! Each 2D variable and each level of each 3D variable needs a request !--------------------------------------------------------------------- Num2DVars = count(MCFIO%VarDims==2) Num3DVars = count(MCFIO%VarDims==3) Have2D = Num2DVars > 0 Have3D = Num3DVars > 0 _ASSERT(HAVE2D .or. HAVE3D, 'must be 2D or 3D') LT = Num2DVars + Num3DVars*LM allocate( MCFIO%reqs (LT),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate( MCFIO%Krank(LT),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) mcfio%krank=0 allocate(MCFIO%pairList(LT), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (allocated(MAPL_NodeRankList)) then call MAPL_RoundRobinPEList(mcfio%krank,size(MAPL_NodeRankList),rc=status) _VERIFY(status) end if MCFIO%pairList = 0 ! Horizontal dimensions of output fields !--------------------------------------- if (present(OUTPUT_GRID)) then if (associated(OUTPUT_GRID)) then mcfio%output_grid = OUTPUT_GRID else mcfio%output_grid = mCFIO%grid end if call MAPL_GridGet(mcfio%output_grid, globalCellCountPerDim=dims, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) IMO = dims(1) JMO = dims(2) else mcfio%output_grid = mCFIO%grid IMO = IM JMO = JM end if MCFIO%IM = IMO MCFIO%JM = JMO !ALT: this is first attempt to guess if the grid is rectilinear ! i.e. if we need could use 1d LAT/LONs ! we take clues from the gridname Gridname = adjustl(Gridname) nn = len_trim(Gridname) pole = Gridname(1:2) date = Gridname(nn-1:nn) !ALT: if change of horizontal resolution is requested, we ! assume uniform output grid if (IM /= IMO .or. JM /= JMO) isGridRectilinear=.true. isGridRectilinear = .true. ! default: 1d LAT/LONs ! special cases requiring 2d LAT/LONs if (JMO == 6*IMO) isGridRectilinear = .false. if (pole == 'CM') isGridRectilinear = .false. if (date == 'TM') isGridRectilinear = .false. !ALT: if change of horizontal resolution is requested, we ! assume uniform output grid if (IM /= IMO .or. JM /= JMO) then isGridRectilinear=.true. mCFIO%newFormat = .false. end if if (isGridRectilinear) then allocate(LONS1D(IMO), STAT=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(LATS1D(JMO), STAT=status) _VERIFY(status) else allocate(LONS1D(0), LATS1D(0), STAT=status) _VERIFY(status) ! the above 2 lines need to be replaced with: ! table search + set logical prevStored prevStored = .false. do i = 1, maxStoredCoords if (.not.storedCoords(i)%created) cycle if ( storedCoords(i)%IM == IMO .and. & storedCoords(i)%JM == JMO ) then prevStored = .true. LONS2D => storedCoords(i)%LONS2D LATS2D => storedCoords(i)%LATS2D ! call Write_Parallel("DEBUG:Using stored LAT/LONs") exit end if end do if (.not.prevStored) then call MAPL_AllocateShared(LONS2D, (/IMO*JMO/), & TransRoot=.true., RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_AllocateShared(LATS2D, (/IMO*JMO/), & TransRoot=.true., RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) foundEmpty = .false. ! call Write_Parallel("DEBUG:Storing LAT/LONs") do i = 1, maxStoredCoords if (storedCoords(i)%created) cycle storedCoords(i)%created = .true. storedCoords(i)%LONS2D => LONS2D storedCoords(i)%LATS2D => LATS2D storedCoords(i)%IM = IMO storedCoords(i)%JM = JMO foundEmpty = .true. exit end do if (.not.foundEmpty) then _FAIL( 'ERROR: Need bigger table with storedCoords') end if end if endif ! Process horizontal resolution change !------------------------------------- IMBEG = 1 IMEND = IMO JMBEG = 1 JMEND = JMO TRANSFORM: if (IM /= IMO .or. JM /= JMO) then if (present(output_grid)) then call get_latlon_from_factory(output_grid, lons1d, lats1d, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) else if(present(xyoffset)) then select case(xyoffset) case(0) ! PC, DC lons1d = MAPL_Range(-180.,180.-(360./IMO), IMO) lats1d = MAPL_Range(-90., +90., JMO) case(1) ! PC, DE lons1d = MAPL_Range(-180.+(180./IMO), 180.-(180./IMO), IMO) lats1d = MAPL_Range(-90., +90., JMO) case(2) ! PE, DC lons1d = MAPL_Range(-180.,180.-(360./IMO), IMO) lats1d = MAPL_Range(-90.+(90./JMO), +90.-(90./JMO), JMO) case(3) ! PE, DE lons1d = MAPL_Range(-180.+(180./IMO), 180.-(180./IMO), IMO) lats1d = MAPL_Range(-90.+(90./JMO), +90.-(90./JMO), JMO) case default _FAIL('needs informative message') end select mcfio%xyoffset = xyoffset else mcfio%xyoffset = 0 lons1d = MAPL_Range(-180.,180.-(360./IMO), IMO, conversion_factor=MAPL_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS_R8) lats1d = MAPL_Range(-90., +90., JMO, conversion_factor=MAPL_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS_R8) endif endif call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(ESMFGRID,infoh,rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'GridType',rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'GridType',GridTypeAttribute,rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else GridTypeAttribute = 'UNKNOWN' endif ! If order of transform was not specified, do binning for coarser, ! and bilinear for finer. !------------------------------------------------------------------ if (mCFIO%order<0) then if (IMO < IM .or. JMO < JM) then mCFIO%order=0 else mCFIO%order=1 end if end if else ! TRANSFORM ! Arrays of lats and lons from esmfgrid !-------------------------------------- !ALT we need to execute all of this only if ! the grid is rectilinear or not in the table if (isGridRectilinear .or. .not. prevStored) then !if (JMO /= 6*IMO) then allocate(LONS (IM ,JM ),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(LATS (IM ,JM ),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(LOCAL(IML,JML),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGetCoord(esmfgrid, localDE=0, coordDim=1, & staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & farrayPtr=R8D2, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) LOCAL = R8D2*(180._REAL64/MAPL_PI_R8) call ArrayGather(LOCAL, LONS, ESMFGRID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGetCoord(esmfgrid, localDE=0, coordDim=2, & staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & farrayPtr=R8D2, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) LOCAL = R8D2*(180._REAL64/MAPL_PI_R8) call ArrayGather(LOCAL, LATS, ESMFGRID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_CommsBcast (layout, lons, size(lons), 0, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_CommsBcast (layout, lats, size(lats), 0, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (isGridRectilinear) then LONS1D = LONS(:,1) LATS1D = LATS(1,:) else if (MAPL_AmNodeRoot .or. (.not. MAPL_ShmInitialized)) then k = 0 do j = 1, jm do i = 1, im k = k+1 LONS2D(k) = LONS(i,j) LATS2D(k) = LATS(i,j) end do end do end if call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif DEALLOCATE(LOCAL) DEALLOCATE(LONS) DEALLOCATE(LATS) end if !end if ! Cubed-Sphere ouput endif TRANSFORM if (present(output_grid)) then if (MCFIO%regridConservative) then call MAPL_GenGridName(imo, jmo, xyoffset=mcfio%xyoffset, gridname=gridnameOut, geos_style=.false.) gridnameIn = gridname call MAPL_GeosNameNew(gridnameIn) mCFIO%regridder => regridder_manager%make_regridder(mCFIO%grid, mCFIO%output_grid, & & REGRID_METHOD_CONSERVE, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) else mCFIO%regridder => regridder_manager%make_regridder(mCFIO%grid, mCFIO%output_grid, & & REGRID_METHOD_BILINEAR, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) end if end if ! Create the CFIO grid and populate it !------------------------------------- allocate(CFIOGRID) CFIOGRID = ESMF_CFIOGridCreate(gName=trim(NAME)//"Grid", RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Horizontal grid info !--------------------- if (isGridRectilinear) then call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(CFIOGRID, LON=LONS1D(IMBEG:IMEND), LAT=LATS1D(JMBEG:JMEND), TM=TM, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else !ALT: new approach ! create 2DR8 shared memory coordinate arrays ! actually, check if the object is in a table, if YES, use it ! else create one and put it in the table ! fill them on node root ! pass them down call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(CFIOGRID, twoDimLat=.true., IM=IMO, JM=JMO, TM=TM, & LON2=LONS2D, LAT2=LATS2D, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if deallocate(LONS1D) deallocate(LATS1D) ! Vertical grid info !-------------------- mCFIO%Vinterp = .false. mCFIO%Vinterp = MCFIO%Vvar/="" VERTGRID: if(HAVE3D) THEN allocate(LEV(LM), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(ULEVELS)) then if (mCFIO%Vinterp .or. (size(ulevels) < LMG)) then LEV = ULEVELS else LEV = (/(L, L=1,size(ulevels))/) end if else if (HAVE_edge) then LEV = (/(L, L=0,LM-1)/) else if (HAVE_ungrd) then if (allocated(ungridded_coord)) then lev = ungridded_coord else lev = (/(L, L=1,LM)/) end if else LEV = (/(L, L=1,LM)/) end if allocate(mCFIO%levs(size(lev)),mcfio%unmodifiedLevs(size(lev)), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) mCFIO%levs = lev mCFIO%unmodifiedLevs = lev if (HAVE_ungrd) then call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, levUnit=ungridded_unit, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, standardName =ungridded_name, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, coordinate ='N/A', RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) mCFIO%levs = -mCFIO%levs else if(mCFIO%Vinterp) then if (mCFIO%Func=='log') then mCFIO%levs = log(lev* MCFIO%vscale) elseif(mCFIO%Func=='pow') then mCFIO%levs = (lev* MCFIO%vscale)**mCFIO%pow else mCFIO%levs = lev* MCFIO%vscale end if mCFIO%unmodifiedLevs=mCFIO%unmodifiedLevs*MCFIO%vscale if( trim(vunits).eq."" ) then call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELD,infoh,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'UNITS',units,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, levUnit=trim(units), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, levUnit=trim(vunits), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, standardName =trim(MCFIO%Vvar)//'_level', RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, coordinate =trim(MCFIO%Vvar), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else if (present(vunit) .and. trim(vunits) .ne. "") then call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, levUnit =trim(vunits), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, levUnit ='layer', RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, standardName ='model_layers', RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, coordinate ='eta', RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if if (associated(ulevels)) then call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, lev=ulevels, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, lev=abs(lev), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if deallocate(LEV) else call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, levUnit ='none', RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, standardName ='2d_fields', RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOGridSet(cfiogrid, coordinate ='N/A', RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if VERTGRID ! Create variable objects !------------------------ allocate(vars(Num2DVars+Num3dVars), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Disable range checking !----------------------- RANGE(2) = MAPL_UNDEF RANGE(1) = -MAPL_UNDEF K = 0 mCFIO%vartype = MAPL_ScalarField VARIABLES_2: do L=1,NumVars if(mCFIO%VarDims(L)<1) cycle K = K + 1 call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(BUNDLE, mCFIO%varName(L), field=FIELD, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELD,infoh,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'LONG_NAME',RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( isPresent ) then call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'LONG_NAME',LongName,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else LongName = mCFIO%VarName(L) endif isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'UNITS',RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( isPresent ) then call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'UNITS',Units,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else Units = 'unknown' end if isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'FIELD_TYPE',RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( isPresent ) then call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'FIELD_TYPE',Field_Type,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else Field_Type = MAPL_ScalarField end if mCFIO%vartype(L) = Field_Type VARS(K) = ESMF_CFIOVarInfoCreate(vName=trim(mCFIO%VarName(L)), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoSet(VARS(K), & vName = mCFIO%VarName(L), & vTitle = LongName, & grid = cfioGRID, & amiss = MAPL_Undef, & scaleFactor = 1., & addOffSet = 0., & standardName = LongName, & twoDimVar = MCFIO%VarDims(L)==2, & validRange = RANGE, & vUnits = UNITS, & RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (present(CHUNKSIZE)) then if (associated(CHUNKSIZE)) then call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoSet(VARS(K), & ChunkSize = ChunkSize, & rc = status ) end if end if end do VARIABLES_2 ! Get time info from the clock. Note the optional offset !------------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_ClockGet(CLOCK, name=clockname, CurrTime =TIME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(present(OFFSET)) then call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( OFFSET, S=noffset, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if( noffset /= 0 ) then LPERP = ( index( trim(clockname),'_PERPETUAL' ).ne.0 ) if( LPERP ) then call ESMF_ClockGetAlarm ( clock, alarmname='PERPETUAL', alarm=PERPETUAL, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if( ESMF_AlarmIsRinging(PERPETUAL) ) then call ESMF_TimeGet ( Time, YY = YY, & MM = MM, & DD = DD, & H = H , & M = M , & S = S, rc=status ) MM = MM + 1 call ESMF_TimeSet ( Time, YY = YY, & MM = MM, & DD = DD, & H = H , & M = M , & S = S, rc=status ) if( MAPL_AM_I_ROOT() ) write(6,"(a,2x,i4.4,'/',i2.2,'/',i2.2,2x,'Time: ',i2.2,':',i2.2,':',i2.2)") & & "Inside Create: ",YY,MM,DD,H,M,S endif endif endif TIME = TIME - OFFSET MCFIO%OFFSET = OFFSET else call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( MCFIO%OFFSET, S=0, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif call ESMF_TimeGet (TIME, timeString=StartTime, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Create CFIO object !------------------- MCFIO%cfio = ESMF_CFIOCreate(cfioObjName=trim(Name)) ! Set Internal MetaCode Writing interval. Default of 6 hours. If set to 0 ! it is reset to 6 hours.Currently CFIO and GFIO expect timeIncrement to be ! in HHMMSS format, this imposes severe limitations to the frequency of the output: ! no writes should be done less frequently than once every 4 days (99 hours) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (present(FREQUENCY)) then !_ASSERT(FREQUENCY <= 4*86400,'bad frequency') if (frequency == 0 ) then writeInterval = 21600 else writeInterval = FREQUENCY endif else writeInterval = 21600 end if hours = writeInterval/3600 writeInterval = writeInterval-3600*hours mins = writeInterval/60 secs = writeInterval-60*mins timeinc = 10000*hours + 100*mins + secs ! Set global attributes !---------------------- call ESMF_CFIOSet(MCFIO%CFIO, & varObjs = VARS, & grid = cfioGRID, & format = MCFIO%Format, & expid = MCFIO%ExpId, & TimeString = trim(StartTime), & timeInc = timeInc, & title = trim(Utitle), & source = Usource, & history = 'File written by MAPL_CFIO', & institution = Uinstitution, & convention = "COARDS", & contact = Ucontact, & references = "http://gmao.gsfc.nasa.gov", & comment = Ucomment, & prec = 0, & deflate = df, & RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Create AK/BKs ! ------------- if(HAVE3D) then call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(ESMFGRID,infoh,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,'ak',RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key='ak',size=CNT,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else CNT=0 endif if (CNT>0) then allocate ( ak(CNT), bk(CNT), stat=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key='ak',values=ak,rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOSet(MCFIO%cfio, attRealName='ak', attReal=ak ) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key='bk',values=bk,rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOSet(MCFIO%cfio, attRealName='bk', attReal=bk ) deallocate ( ak, bk ) end if endif ! All Done !--------- MCFIO%CREATED = .true. deallocate(hasUngrid) deallocate(vsize) deallocate(location) !@ call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoDestroy(vars, _RC) deallocate(vars) !ALT we should do this: call ESMF_CFIOGridDestroy(cfiogrid) deallocate(cfiogrid) deallocate(ungridded_names) deallocate(ungridded_units) if (allocated(ungridded_coord)) then deallocate(ungridded_coord) end if if (allocated(ungridded_coords)) then deallocate(ungridded_coords) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOCreateFromBundle subroutine MAPL_CFIOCreatewrite ( MCFIO, nsteps, RC ) type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO integer, optional, intent( IN) :: nsteps integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC type(ESMF_Time) :: CurrTime type(ESMF_Alarm) :: PERPETUAL character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: StartTime character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: ClockName logical :: LPERP integer :: YY,MM,DD,H,M,S integer :: noffset integer :: STATUS if(present(nsteps)) then call ESMF_CFIOSet(MCFIO%CFIO, nsteps=nsteps, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else call ESMF_CFIOSet(MCFIO%CFIO, nsteps=1, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif ! Get time info from the clock. Note the optional offset !------------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_ClockGet(mCFIO%CLOCK, name=clockname, CurrTime=CurrTime, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( mCFIO%OFFSET, S=noffset, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if( noffset /= 0 ) then LPERP = ( index( trim(clockname),'_PERPETUAL' ).ne.0 ) if( LPERP ) then call ESMF_ClockGetAlarm ( mCFIO%CLOCK, alarmName='PERPETUAL', alarm=PERPETUAL, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if( ESMF_AlarmIsRinging(PERPETUAL) ) then call ESMF_TimeGet ( CurrTime, YY = YY, & MM = MM, & DD = DD, & H = H , & M = M , & S = S, rc=status ) MM = MM + 1 call ESMF_TimeSet ( CurrTime, YY = YY, & MM = MM, & DD = DD, & H = H , & M = M , & S = S, rc=status ) endif endif endif CurrTime = CurrTime - mCFIO%OFFSET call ESMF_TimeGet (CurrTime, timeString=StartTime, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOSet(MCFIO%CFIO, TimeString=trim(StartTime), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOSet(MCFIO%CFIO, fName=trim(mCFIO%fName), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (MCFIO%JM == 6 * MCFIO%IM) then if (MCFIO%newFormat) then call ESMF_CFIOSet(MCFIO%CFIO, formatVersion=2.90, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) MCFIO%useFaceDim = .true. end if end if ! Create FILE from the root of the partition working on this bundle. !------------------------------------------------------------------ AMROOT: if (mCFIO%MYPE==mCFIO%RootRank) then call ESMF_CFIOFileCreate(MCFIO%CFIO, format=MCFIO%format, & expid=MCFIO%EXPID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! print *, ' Created CFIO File: ', trim(mCFIO%fName) end if AMROOT _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOCreateWrite subroutine MAPL_CFIOOpenWrite ( MCFIO, RC ) type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC integer :: STATUS ! Open the file for writing only at the root process !--------------------------------------------------- AMROOT: if (mCFIO%MYPE==mCFIO%RootRank) then call ESMF_CFIOFileOpen(MCFIO%CFIO, fmode=0, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! print *, ' Opened CFIO File: ', trim(mCFIO%fName) end if AMROOT _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOOpenWrite !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> ! The subroutine `MAPL_CFIOCreateFromState` ! creates a `MAPL_CFIO` object from a State. States are written by ! "serializing" all Fields in them, whether they are directly in ! the State or are contained within a hierarchy of embedded Bundles ! and States, into a single Bundle. ! ! The Method optionally returns a pointer to the serialized ESMF ! Bundle, but this is not needed for `MAPL_Write` ! operations. Otherwise arguments are the same as for ! CreateFromBundle. ! ! Its non-optional arguments associate a _NAME_, an ESMF _BUNDLE_, ! and a _CLOCK_ with the object. An ESMF TimeInterval ! _OFFSET_ is an optional argument that sets an offset between the ! time on the clock when eriting and the time stamp used for the data ! (defaults to no offset). ! ! The _format_ optional argument determines whether the write ! will use the linked self-describing format (SDF) library (HDF or ! netcdf) or write GrADS readable flat files. Currently only the SDF ! library option is supported. ! The remaining (optional) arguments are especialized and used ! primarily to support _MAPL_History_, or to provide documentation in ! the form of character strings that will be placed in corresponding ! attributes in the SDF file. !#### History !- 12Jun2007 Todling Added EXPID as opt argument ! subroutine MAPL_CFIOCreateFromState ( MCFIO, NAME, CLOCK, STATE, OFFSET, & OUTPUT_GRID, CHUNKSIZE, FREQUENCY, & LEVELS, DESCR, BUNDLE, & XYOFFSET, VCOORD, VUNIT, VSCALE, & SOURCE, INSTITUTION, COMMENT, CONTACT, & FORMAT, EXPID, DEFLATE, GC, ORDER, & NumCores, nbits, TM, Conservative, RC ) type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(OUT) :: MCFIO character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: NAME type(ESMF_State), intent(INout) :: STATE type(ESMF_Clock), intent(INOUT) :: CLOCK type(ESMF_FieldBundle), optional, pointer :: BUNDLE type(ESMF_TimeInterval), & optional, intent(INOUT):: OFFSET type (ESMF_Grid),optional, pointer :: OUTPUT_GRID integer, optional, pointer :: CHUNKSIZE(:) integer, optional, intent(IN) :: FREQUENCY real, optional, pointer :: LEVELS(:) character(LEN=*),optional, intent(IN) :: DESCR real, optional, intent(IN) :: VSCALE character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: VUNIT character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: VCOORD integer, optional, intent(IN) :: XYOFFSET character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: source character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: institution character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: comment character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: contact character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: format character(len=*),optional, intent(IN) :: EXPID integer, optional, intent(IN) :: DEFLATE type(ESMF_GridComp),optional,intent(IN) :: GC integer, optional, intent(IN) :: Order integer, optional, intent(IN) :: Nbits integer, optional, intent(IN) :: NumCores integer, optional, intent(IN) :: TM integer, optional, intent(IN) :: CONSERVATIVE integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC ! character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: Iam="MAPL_CFIOCreateFromState" integer :: STATUS ! Locals type(ESMF_FieldBundle), target :: tBUNDLE ! Create an empty bundle ! ---------------------- tBUNDLE = ESMF_FieldBundleCreate ( name=Iam, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Serialize the state ! ------------------- call ESMFL_BundleAddState ( tBUNDLE, STATE, rc=STATUS, VALIDATE=.true. ) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Create the mapl_CFIO object ! ---------------------- call MAPL_CFIOCreateFromBundle ( MCFIO, NAME, CLOCK, tBUNDLE, & OFFSET = OFFSET, & OUTPUT_GRID=OUTPUT_GRID, & CHUNKSIZE=CHUNKSIZE, & FREQUENCY=FREQUENCY, & LEVELS=LEVELS, & DESCR=DESCR, & XYOFFSET= XYOFFSET, & VCOORD = VCOORD, & VUNIT = VUNIT, & VSCALE = VSCALE, & SOURCE = SOURCE, & INSTITUTION = INSTITUTION, & COMMENT = COMMENT, & CONTACT = CONTACT, & FORMAT = FORMAT, & EXPID = EXPID, & DEFLATE = DEFLATE, & GC = GC, & ORDER = ORDER, & NumCores= NUMCORES, & nbits = NBITS, & TM = TM, & CONSERVATIVE=CONSERVATIVE, & RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( present(BUNDLE) ) then BUNDLE => tBUNDLE end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOCreateFromState !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> ! The subroutine `MAPL_CFIOWriteBundlePost` ! writes an ESMF Bundle to a File. Only the `MAPL_CFIO` object is ! a required argument as pointers to the actual data to be ! written is recorded in it during creation. ! ! *CLOCK, BUNDLE* can be used to override the choice ! made at creation, but this is of dubious value, particularly ! for *BUNDLE* since it must be excatly conformant with the ! creation *BUNDLE*. *NBITS* if the number of bits of ! the mantissa to retain. This is used to write files with degraded ! precision, which can then be compressed with standard utilities. ! The default is no degradation of precision. ! ! **A note about compression.** NetCDF-4, HDF-4 and HDF-5 all ! support transparent internal GZIP compression of the data being ! written. However, very little is gained by compressing float ! point fields from earth system models. Compression yields can ! be greatly increased by setting to zero bits in the mantissa of float ! numbers. On average 50\% compression can be achieved, while ! preserving a meaningful accuracy in the fields. Unlike ! classical CF compression by means of *scale_factor* and ! *add_offset* attributes, internal GZIP compression ! requires no special handling by the users of the data. In fact, ! they do not even need to know that the data is compressed! At this ! point, `MAPL_CFIO` does not activate this GZIP compression ! feature in the files being written, but the resulting precision ! degredaded files can be compressed offline with the HDF-4 ! *hrepack* utility. subroutine MAPL_CFIOWriteBundlePost( MCFIO, PrePost, RC ) ! type(MAPL_CFIO ), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: PrePost integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC integer :: status type(ESMF_FIELD) :: FIELD integer :: L, K, k0, LM integer :: NN real, pointer :: Ptr2(:,:), Ptr3(:,:,:) real, target, allocatable :: Ple3d(:,:,:) real, allocatable :: Pl3d(:,:,:) real, allocatable :: Ptrx(:,:,:) real, pointer :: layer(:,:),ps0(:,:) logical :: PrePost_ integer :: globalcount(3) type(ESMF_VM) :: vm ! --- _ASSERT(MCFIO%CREATED, 'MCFIO%CREATED is false') if (present(PrePost)) then PrePost_ = PrePost else PrePost_ = .true. end if ! Set centers and edges of interpolating field !---------------------------------------------- if(mCFIO%Vinterp) then call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(mCFIO%bundle, fieldName=mCFIO%Vvar, Field=Field, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) nullify (ptr3) call ESMF_FieldGet(Field, localDE=0, farrayPtr=Ptr3, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate( LAYER(size(Ptr3,1),size(Ptr3,2) ), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(mcfio%regridder)) then call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_GridGet(mcfio%grid,globalCellCountPerDim=globalCount,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_AllocNodeArray(ps0,[globalCount(1),globalCount(2)],rc=status) if(STATUS==MAPL_NoShm) allocate(ps0(globalCount(1),globalCount(2)),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_AllocNodeArray(mcfio%surfaceLayer,[mcfio%im,mcfio%jm],rc=status) if(STATUS==MAPL_NoShm) allocate(mcfio%surfaceLayer(mcfio%im,mcfio%jm),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if ! The Ptr3 interpolating variable is a zero-based (0-LM) edge variable !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if(lbound(PTR3,3)==0) then allocate( ple3D(size(Ptr3,1),size(Ptr3,2),size(Ptr3,3) ), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate( pl3D(size(Ptr3,1),size(Ptr3,2),size(Ptr3,3)-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (mCFIO%Func=='log') then ple3D = log(Ptr3) pl3D = log( 0.5*(Ptr3(:,:,1:)+Ptr3(:,:,0:ubound(Ptr3,3)-1)) ) elseif(mCFIO%Func=='pow') then ple3D = Ptr3**mCFIO%pow pl3D = ( 0.5*(Ptr3(:,:,1:)+Ptr3(:,:,0:ubound(Ptr3,3)-1)) )**mCFIO%pow else ple3D = Ptr3 pl3D = ( 0.5*(Ptr3(:,:,1:)+Ptr3(:,:,0:ubound(Ptr3,3)-1)) ) end if if (associated(mCFIO%regridder)) then mcfio%ascending = (ptr3(1,1,0)<ptr3(1,1,1)) call ArrayGather(ptr3(:,:,ubound(ptr3,3)),ps0,mcfio%grid,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) end if else ! The Ptr3 interpolating variable is a (1-LM) mid-layer variable !--------------------------------------------------------------- allocate( Ptrx(size(Ptr3,1),size(Ptr3,2),0:size(Ptr3,3) ), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate( ple3D(size(Ptr3,1),size(Ptr3,2),0:size(Ptr3,3) ), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate( pl3D(size(Ptr3,1),size(Ptr3,2), size(Ptr3,3) ), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) Ptrx(:,:,0 ) = 0.5*( 3* Ptr3(:,:,1) -Ptr3(:,:,2) ) Ptrx(:,:,1:size(Ptr3,3)-1) = 0.5*( Ptr3(:,:,2:size(Ptr3,3))+Ptr3(:,:,1:size(Ptr3,3)-1) ) Ptrx(:,:, size(Ptr3,3) ) = 0.5*( 3* Ptr3(:,:, size(Ptr3,3))-Ptr3(:,:, size(Ptr3,3)-1) ) if (mCFIO%Func=='log') then ple3D = log(Ptrx) pl3D = log( 0.5*(Ptrx(:,:,1:)+Ptrx(:,:,0:ubound(Ptrx,3)-1)) ) elseif(mCFIO%Func=='pow') then ple3D = Ptrx**mCFIO%pow pl3D = ( 0.5*(Ptrx(:,:,1:)+Ptrx(:,:,0:ubound(Ptrx,3)-1)) )**mCFIO%pow else ple3D = Ptrx pl3D = ( 0.5*(Ptrx(:,:,1:)+Ptrx(:,:,0:ubound(Ptrx,3)-1)) ) end if if (associated(mCFIO%regridder)) then mcfio%ascending = (ptrx(1,1,0)<ptrx(1,1,1)) call ArrayGather(ptrx(:,:,ubound(ptrx,3)),ps0,mcfio%grid,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) end if deallocate(Ptrx) end if if (associated(mCFIO%regridder)) then call MAPL_BcastShared(vm,data=ps0,N=globalCount(1)*globalCount(2),root=0,RootOnly=.false.,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) if (MAPL_AmNodeRoot .or. (.not. MAPL_ShmInitialized)) then call mCFIO%regridder%regrid(ps0,mcfio%surfaceLayer,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) end if if (MAPL_ShmInitialized) then call MAPL_DeAllocNodeArray(ps0,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) else deallocate(ps0) end if end if end if call MAPL_CFIOSetVectorPairs(mCFIO,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) ! Cycle through all variables posting receives. !---------------------------------------------- nn = 0 POSTRECV: do L=1, size(MCFIO%VarDims) if (mCFIO%VarDims(L)==2) then ! Rank == 2 LM = 1 elseif(MCFIO%VarDims(L)==3) then ! Rank == 3 LM = MCFIO%LM else LM = 0 endif do K=1,LM nn = nn + 1 call MAPL_CreateRequest(MCFIO%GRID, MCFIO%Krank(nn), MCFIO%reqs(nn), & tag=nn, RequestType=MAPL_IsGather, PrePost = PrePost_, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) enddo end do POSTRECV ! Cycle through all variables posting sends. !------------------------------------------- nn = 0 VARIABLES: do L=1, size(MCFIO%VarDims) call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(MCFIO%BUNDLE, MCFIO%VARNAME(L), FIELD=FIELD, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! We treat only fields with rank 2 (horizontal 2D) and ! rank 3 (first 2 dimension are horz, third is vert). !-------------------------------------------------------- RANK: if (MCFIO%VarDims(L)==2) then ! Rank == 2 nn = nn + 1 ptr2 =>null() call ESMF_FieldGet (FIELD, localDE=0, farrayPtr=PTR2, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_ArrayIGather (Ptr2, MCFIO%reqs(NN), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) elseif(MCFIO%VarDims(L)==3) then ! Rank == 3 ptr3 =>null() call ESMF_FieldGet (FIELD, localDE=0, farrayPtr=PTR3, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) K0 = lbound(PTR3,3) - 1 ! For each level, interpolate vertically and post gather !------------------------------------------------------- LAYERS: do K=1,MCFIO%LM VINTERP: if(mCFIO%Vinterp) then call VertInterp(LAYER, PTR3, MCFIO%LEVS(K), ple3d, pl3d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else if (MCFIO%LEVS(K)<0) then LAYER => PTR3(:,:,K+K0) else LAYER => PTR3(:,:,nint(MCFIO%LEVS(K))) end if VINTERP nn = nn + 1 call MAPL_ArrayIGather(LAYER, MCFIO%reqs(nn), rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) enddo LAYERS end if RANK end do VARIABLES ! if(mCFIO%myPE==mCFIO%Root) then ! print *, ' Posted to File: ', trim(mCFIO%fName) ! endif if(mCFIO%Vinterp) then deallocate( ple3D, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate( pl3D , stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate( Layer, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOWriteBundlePost subroutine MAPL_CFIOWriteBundleWait( MCFIO, CLOCK, RC ) type(MAPL_CFIO ), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO type(ESMF_CLOCK), intent(INOUT) :: CLOCK integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! Locals !------- integer :: status integer :: L, K, NN logical :: AmRoot, MyGlobal real, pointer :: Gptr2Out(:,: ) real, pointer :: PtrGlob (:,: ) integer :: counts(5) integer :: IM0,JM0,I,IP logical :: FixPole integer :: lm, nv logical :: transAlreadyDone type(Ptr2Arr), allocatable :: globPtrArr(:) type(Ptr2Arr) :: PtrTypeIn(2) type(Ptr2Arr) :: PtrTypeOut(2) _UNUSED_DUMMY(CLOCK) ! Space for global arrays is allocated everywhere, even if not used. !------------------------------------------------------------------ _ASSERT(MCFIO%CREATED, 'MCFIO%CREATED is false') ! Allocate global 2d and 3d arrays at the writing resolution ! Note that everybody allocated these. !----------------------------------------------------------- call MAPL_GridGet( MCFIO%GRID, globalCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IM0 = COUNTS(1) JM0 = COUNTS(2) !if(any(mCFIO%myPE==mCFIO%Krank)) then !allocate(Gptr3Out(Mcfio%IM, Mcfio%JM,1), stat=STATUS) !_VERIFY(STATUS) !Gptr2Out => Gptr3Out(:,:,1) !Gptr2Out(:,:) = 0.0 !end if nn = 0 AmRoot = mCFIO%myPE==MCFIO%RootRank allocate(globPtrArr(size(mCFIO%reqs)), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) COLCTVWAIT: do nn=1,size(mCFIO%reqs) ! Wait on request for slice nn !----------------------------- call MAPL_CollectiveWait(MCFIO%reqs(nn), DstArray=PtrGlob, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) globPtrArr(nn)%ptr => PtrGlob ! this is valid only if myGlobal is .true. end do COLCTVWAIT nn = 0 VARIABLES: do L=1,size(MCFIO%VarDims) FixPole = (MCFIO%VarType(L) == MAPL_VectorField) .and. & (JM0 == 6*IM0) .and. & (Mcfio%JM /= 6*mcfio%IM) RANK: if (MCFIO%VarDims(L)==2) then LM = 1 else if (MCFIO%VarDims(L)==3) then LM = MCFIO%lm else LM = 0 end if RANK LEVELS: do k=1,LM nn = nn + 1 MyGlobal = mCFIO%Krank(nn) == MCFIO%MYPE PtrGlob => globPtrArr(nn)%ptr ! Horizontal Interpolation and Shaving on PEs with global data ! ------------------------------------------------------------ if( MyGlobal ) then nv = mCFIO%pairList(nn) VECTORTEST: if (nv == 0) then ! scalar allocate( MCFIO%reqs(nn)%Trans_Array(Mcfio%IM, Mcfio%JM, 1), stat=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) Gptr2Out => MCFIO%reqs(nn)%Trans_Array(:,:,1) PtrTypeIn (1)%ptr => globPtrArr(nn)%ptr PtrTypeOut(1)%ptr => Gptr2Out call TransShaveAndSend(PtrTypeIn(1:1),PtrTypeOut(1:1),MCFIO%reqs(nn)%s_rqst,doTrans=.true.,IdxOut=1) _VERIFY(status) else if (nv > 0) then ! I am U part of vector if (associated(MCFIO%reqs(nn)%Trans_Array)) then _ASSERT(associated(MCFIO%reqs(nv)%Trans_Array), 'Trans_Array not associated') TransAlreadyDone = .true. else TransAlreadyDone = .false. allocate( MCFIO%reqs(nn)%Trans_Array(Mcfio%IM, Mcfio%JM, 1), stat=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate( MCFIO%reqs(nv)%Trans_Array(Mcfio%IM, Mcfio%JM, 1), stat=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif PtrTypeIn (1)%ptr => globPtrArr(nn)%ptr PtrTypeIn (2)%ptr => globPtrArr(nv)%ptr PtrTypeOut(1)%ptr => MCFIO%reqs(nn)%Trans_Array(:,:,1) PtrTypeOut(2)%ptr => MCFIO%reqs(nv)%Trans_Array(:,:,1) call TransShaveAndSend(PtrTypeIn(1:2),PtrTypeOut(1:2),MCFIO%reqs(nn)%s_rqst,doTrans=.not.TransAlreadyDone,IdxOut=1) _VERIFY(status) else ! I am V part of vector nv = abs(nv) if (associated(MCFIO%reqs(nn)%Trans_Array)) then _ASSERT(associated(MCFIO%reqs(nv)%Trans_Array), 'Trans_Array not associated') TransAlreadyDone = .true. else TransAlreadyDone = .false. allocate( MCFIO%reqs(nn)%Trans_Array(Mcfio%IM, Mcfio%JM, 1), stat=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate( MCFIO%reqs(nv)%Trans_Array(Mcfio%IM, Mcfio%JM, 1), stat=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif PtrTypeIn (1)%ptr => globPtrArr(nv)%ptr PtrTypeIn (2)%ptr => globPtrArr(nn)%ptr PtrTypeOut(1)%ptr => MCFIO%reqs(nv)%Trans_Array(:,:,1) PtrTypeOut(2)%ptr => MCFIO%reqs(nn)%Trans_Array(:,:,1) call TransShaveAndSend(PtrTypeIn(1:2),PtrTypeOut(1:2),MCFIO%reqs(nn)%s_rqst,doTrans=.not.TransAlreadyDone,IdxOut=2) _VERIFY(status) end if VECTORTEST endif end do LEVELS end do VARIABLES ! do nn=1,size(mCFIO%reqs) ! MyGlobal = MCFIO%Krank(nn) == MCFIO%MYPE ! if (myGlobal) then ! deallocate(globPtrArr(nn)%ptr) ! NULLIFY(globPtrArr(nn)%ptr) ! end if ! end do deallocate(globPtrArr) !if(AmRoot) then ! write(6,'(1X,"TransShaveAndSend: ",i6," Slices (",i3," Nodes, ",i2," CoresPerNode) to File: ",a)') & ! size(MCFIO%reqs),mCFIO%partsize/mCFIO%numcores,mCFIO%numcores,trim(mCFIO%fName) !endif !if (any(mCFIO%myPE==mCFIO%Krank)) then !deallocate(Gptr3Out, stat=STATUS) !_VERIFY(STATUS) !end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) contains subroutine TransShaveAndSend(PtrIn,PtrOut,request,doTrans,idxOut) type(Ptr2Arr) :: PtrIn(:) type(Ptr2Arr) :: PtrOut(:) integer :: request logical :: doTrans integer :: idxOut real, pointer :: Gin (:,:) real, pointer :: Gout(:,:) real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: uin, uout, vin, vout integer :: im, jm type(c_ptr) :: cptr if (size(PtrIn) == 1) then _ASSERT(idxOut ==1, 'idxOut /= 1') Gin => PtrIn(1)%ptr Gout => PtrOut(1)%ptr if (associated(mCFIO%regridder)) then if (mCFIO%regridConservative) then call mCFIO%regridder%regrid(Gin, Gout, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else call mCFIO%regridder%set_undef_value(MAPL_undef) call mCFIO%regridder%regrid(Gin, Gout, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) end if if (mcfio%vinterp .and. (lm .ne. 1) ) then if (mcfio%ascending) then where(mcfio%surfaceLayer<mcfio%unmodifiedLevs(k)) gout=MAPL_UNDEF else where(mcfio%surfaceLayer>mcfio%unmodifiedLevs(k)) gout=MAPL_UNDEF endif end if else _ASSERT( all(shape(gout)==shape(gin)), 'in-out shape mismatch') gout=gin end if ! if going from CS to LAT-LON pole winds are wrong, approximate fix below if (FixPole) then do i=1,mcfio%im ip = i+(mcfio%im/2) if (ip > mcfio%im) ip = ip - mcfio%im if ( (gout(i,mcfio%jm-1) == MAPL_UNDEF) .or. (gout(ip,mcfio%jm-1) == MAPL_UNDEF)) then gout(i,mcfio%jm) = MAPL_UNDEF else gout(i,mcfio%jm)=(gout(i,mcfio%jm-1)-gout(ip,mcfio%jm-1))/2.0 end if if ( (gout(i,2) == MAPL_UNDEF) .or. (gout(ip,2) == MAPL_UNDEF)) then gout(i,1) = MAPL_UNDEF else gout(i,1)=(gout(i,2)-gout(ip,2))/2.0 endif enddo endif deallocate(Gin) nullify (Gin) else _ASSERT(size(PtrIn) == 2, 'if not scalar, ptrIn must be 2-vector') _ASSERT(size(PtrOut) == 2, 'if not scalar, ptrOut must be 2-vector') Gout => PtrOut(idxOut)%ptr ! TLC: Probably do not need this conditional now that there are identity regridders if (doTrans) then _ASSERT(associated(mcfio%regridder), 'mcfio%regridder not associated') im = size(PtrIn(1)%ptr,1) jm = size(PtrIn(1)%ptr,2) ! MAT PGI cannot handle C_LOC call inside C_F_POINTER cptr = C_loc(PtrIn(1)%ptr(1,1)) call C_F_pointer (cptr, uin,[im,jm,1]) cptr = C_loc(PtrIn(2)%ptr(1,1)) call C_F_pointer (cptr, vin,[im,jm,1]) !@# allocate(uin(im,jm,1), vin(im,jm,1)) !@# uin(:,:,1) = PtrIn(1)%ptr !@# vin(:,:,1) = PtrIn(2)%ptr im = size(PtrOut(1)%ptr,1) jm = size(PtrOut(1)%ptr,2) cptr = C_loc(PtrOut(1)%ptr(1,1)) call C_F_pointer (cptr, uout,[im,jm,1]) cptr = C_loc(PtrOut(2)%ptr(1,1)) call C_F_pointer (cptr, vout,[im,jm,1]) !@# allocate(uout(im,jm,1), vout(im,jm,1)) call mCFIO%regridder%set_undef_value(MAPL_undef) call mCFIO%regridder%regrid(uin, vin, uout, vout, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) if (mcfio%vinterp .and. (lm .ne. 1) ) then if (mcfio%ascending) then where(mcfio%surfaceLayer<mcfio%unmodifiedLevs(k)) uout(:,:,1)=MAPL_UNDEF where(mcfio%surfaceLayer<mcfio%unmodifiedLevs(k)) vout(:,:,1)=MAPL_UNDEF else where(mcfio%surfaceLayer>mcfio%unmodifiedLevs(k)) uout(:,:,1)=MAPL_UNDEF where(mcfio%surfaceLayer>mcfio%unmodifiedLevs(k)) vout(:,:,1)=MAPL_UNDEF endif end if deallocate(PtrIn(1)%ptr) nullify(PtrIn(1)%ptr) deallocate(PtrIn(2)%ptr) nullify(PtrIn(2)%ptr) end if end if if(mCFIO%NBITS < 24) then call ESMF_CFIODownBit ( Gout, Gout, mCFIO%NBITS, undef=MAPL_undef, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call MPI_ISend(Gout, size(Gout), MPI_REAL, MCFIO%RootRank, & trans_tag, mCFIO%comm, request, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) return end subroutine TransShaveAndSend end subroutine MAPL_CFIOWriteBundleWait subroutine MAPL_CFIOWriteBundleWrite( MCFIO, CLOCK, RC ) type(MAPL_CFIO ), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO type(ESMF_CLOCK), intent(INOUT) :: CLOCK integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! Locals !------- integer :: status integer :: L, K, NN integer :: YY,MM,DD,H,M,S integer :: noffset logical :: AmRoot, MyGlobal, LPERP type(ESMF_TIME ) :: TIME type(ESMF_Alarm) :: PERPETUAL character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: DATE character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: ClockName real, pointer :: Gptr3Out(:,:,:) real, pointer :: Gptr2Out(:,: ) integer :: counts(5) integer :: IM0,JM0 integer :: nymd,nhms ! Space for global arrays is allocated everywhere, even if not used. !------------------------------------------------------------------ _ASSERT(MCFIO%CREATED, 'MCFIO%CREATED is false') ! Set the time at which we will be writing from the clock !-------------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_ClockGet (CLOCK, name=ClockName, CurrTime =TIME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( MCFIO%OFFSET, S=noffset, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if( noffset /= 0 ) then LPERP = ( index( trim(clockname),'_PERPETUAL' ).ne.0 ) if( LPERP ) then call ESMF_ClockGetAlarm ( clock, alarmName='PERPETUAL', alarm=PERPETUAL, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if( ESMF_AlarmIsRinging(PERPETUAL) ) then call ESMF_TimeGet ( Time, YY = YY, & MM = MM, & DD = DD, & H = H , & M = M , & S = S, rc=status ) MM = MM + 1 call ESMF_TimeSet ( Time, YY = YY, & MM = MM, & DD = DD, & H = H , & M = M , & S = S, rc=status ) endif endif endif TIME = TIME - MCFIO%OFFSET call ESMF_TimeGet (TIME, timeString=DATE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Allocate global 2d and 3d arrays at the writing resolution ! Note that everybody allocated these. !----------------------------------------------------------- call MAPL_GridGet( MCFIO%GRID, globalCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IM0 = COUNTS(1) JM0 = COUNTS(2) if(any(mCFIO%myPE==mCFIO%Krank)) then allocate(Gptr3Out(Mcfio%IM, Mcfio%JM,1), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) Gptr2Out => Gptr3Out(:,:,1) Gptr2Out(:,:) = 0.0 end if AmRoot = mCFIO%myPE==mCFIO%rootRank ! Finally Do The Writes !______________________ nn = 0 VARIABLESW: do L=1,size(MCFIO%VarDims) RANKW: if (MCFIO%VarDims(L)==2) then nn = nn + 1 MyGlobal = mCFIO%Krank(nn) == MCFIO%MYPE ! Horizontal Interpolation and Shaving on PEs with global data ! ------------------------------------------------------------ IAMVARROOT: if(AmRoot) then Gptr2Out => Gptr3Out(:,:,1) call MPI_Recv(Gptr2Out,size(Gptr2Out),MPI_REAL, mCFIO%Krank(nn), & trans_tag, mCFIO%comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call StrToInt(date,nymd,nhms) call ESMF_CFIOVarWrite(MCFIO%CFIO, trim(MCFIO%VARNAME(L)), & Gptr2Out, timeString=DATE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if IAMVARROOT elseif (MCFIO%VarDims(L)==3) then ! Everyone waits, processes their layer, and sends it to root. ! Root write it out. !------------------------------------------------------------- LEVELSW: do k=1,MCFIO%lm nn = nn + 1 MyGlobal = MCFIO%Krank(nn) == MCFIO%MYPE IAMLEVROOT: if(AmRoot) then Gptr2Out => Gptr3Out(:,:,1) call MPI_Recv(Gptr2Out, size(Gptr2Out), MPI_REAL, mCFIO%Krank(nn), & trans_tag, mCFIO%comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call StrToInt(date,nymd,nhms) call ESMF_CFIOVarWrite(MCFIO%CFIO, trim(MCFIO%VARNAME(L)), & Gptr3Out, kbeg=K, kount=1, & timeString=DATE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if IAMLEVROOT end do LEVELSW endif RANKW end do VARIABLESW !if(AmRoot) then ! write(6,'(1X,"Wrote: ",i6," Slices (",i3," Nodes, ",i2," CoresPerNode) to File: ",a)') & ! size(MCFIO%reqs),mCFIO%partsize/mCFIO%numcores,mCFIO%numcores,trim(mCFIO%fName) !endif ! Clean-up !--------- nn = 0 VARIABLESC: do L=1,size(MCFIO%VarDims) RANKC: if (MCFIO%VarDims(L)==2) then nn = nn + 1 MyGlobal = mCFIO%Krank(nn) == MCFIO%MYPE if( MyGlobal ) then call MPI_Wait(MCFIO%reqs(nn)%s_rqst, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate( MCFIO%reqs(nn)%Trans_Array, stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) nullify( MCFIO%reqs(nn)%Trans_Array ) endif elseif (MCFIO%VarDims(L)==3) then LEVELSC: do k=1,MCFIO%lm nn = nn + 1 MyGlobal = MCFIO%Krank(nn) == MCFIO%MYPE if( MyGlobal ) then call MPI_Wait(MCFIO%reqs(nn)%s_rqst, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate( MCFIO%reqs(nn)%Trans_Array, stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) nullify( MCFIO%reqs(nn)%Trans_Array ) endif end do LEVELSC endif RANKC end do VARIABLESC ! if(AmRoot) then ! write(6,'(1X,"Cleaned: ",i6," Slices (",i3," Nodes, ",i2," CoresPerNode) to File: ",a)') & ! size(MCFIO%reqs),mCFIO%partsize/mCFIO%numcores,mCFIO%numcores,trim(mCFIO%fName) ! endif if (any(mCFIO%myPE==mCFIO%Krank)) then deallocate(Gptr3Out, stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOWriteBundleWrite !=========================================================================== !> ! The subroutine `MAPL_CFIOWriteBundle` ! writes an ESMF Bundle to a File. Only the `MAPL_CFIO` object is ! a required argument as pointers to the actual data to be ! written is recorded in it during creation. ! ! *CLOCK, BUNDLE* can be used to override the choice ! made at creation, but this is of dubious value, particularly ! for *BUNDLE* since it must be excatly conformant with the ! creation *BUNDLE*. *NBITS* if the number of bits of ! the mantissa to retain. This is used to write files with degraded ! precision, which can then be compressed with standard utilities. ! The default is no degradation of precision. ! ! **A note about compression.* NetCDF-4, HDF-4 and HDF-5 all ! support transparent internal GZIP compression of the data being ! written. However, very little is gained by compressing float ! point fields from earth system models. Compression yields can ! be greatly increased by setting to zero bits in the mantissa of float ! numbers. On average 50\% compression can be achieved, while ! preserving a meaningful accuracy in the fields. Unlike ! classical CF compression by means of *scale_factor* and ! *add_offset* attributes, internal GZIP compression ! requires no special handling by the users of the data. In fact, ! they do not even need to know that the data is compressed! At this ! point, `MAPL_CFIO` does not activate this GZIP compression ! feature in the files being written, but the resulting precision ! degredaded files can be compressed offline with the HDF-4 ! *hrepack* utility. subroutine MAPL_CFIOWriteBundle( MCFIO, CLOCK, Bundle, & VERBOSE, NBITS, created, RC ) ! type(MAPL_CFIO ), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO type(ESMF_CLOCK), optional, intent(INOUT) :: CLOCK type(ESMF_FIELDBUNDLE), optional, intent(INout) :: BUNDLE logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: VERBOSE integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: NBITS logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: created integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! integer :: status logical :: isCreated _UNUSED_DUMMY(VERBOSE) _ASSERT(present(CLOCK), 'CLOCK argument must be present') _ASSERT(present(BUNDLE), 'BUNDLE argument must be present') ! for backward compatibility !--------------------------- if(present(NBITS)) then mCFIO%Nbits = Nbits end if ! DSK fName is set in History during runtime, but the G5 tutorial does not, so we must set it here if (IACHAR(MCFIO%fName(1:1)) == 0) then call MAPL_CFIOSet( MCFIO, fName=MCFIO%Name, RC=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif if (present(created)) then isCreated=created else isCreated=.false. end if if (.not.isCreated) then call MAPL_CFIOCreateWrite ( MCFIO, RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call MAPL_CFIOWriteBundlePost( MCFIO, RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_CFIOWriteBundleWait( MCFIO, CLOCK, RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_CFIOWriteBundleWrite( MCFIO, CLOCK, RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOWriteBundle !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> ! The subroutine `MAPL_CFIOWriteState` ! serializes an ESMF state into a Bundle and writes it to a file. ! Only the `MAPL_CFIO` object is a required argument as pointers to ! the actual data to be written is recorded in it during creation. ! ! *CLOCK, BUNDLE* can be used to override the choice ! made at creation, but this is of dubious value, particularly ! for *BUNDLE* since it must be excatly conformant with the ! creation *BUNDLE*. *NBITS* if the number of bits of ! the mantissa to retain. This is used to write files with degraded ! precision, which can then be compressed with standard utilities. ! The default is no degradation of precision. ! ! **A note about compression.** NetCDF-4, HDF-4 and HDF-5 all ! support transparent internal GZIP compression of the data being ! written. However, very little is gained by compressing float ! point fields from earth system models. Compression yields can ! be greatly increased by setting to zero bits in the mantissa of float ! numbers. On average `50%` compression can be achieved, while ! preserving a meaningful accuracy in the fields. Unlike ! classical CF compression by means of *scale_factor* and ! *add_offset* attributes, internal GZIP compression ! requires no special handling by the users of the data. In fact, ! they do not even need to know that the data is compressed! At this ! point, `MAPL_CFIO` does not activate this GZIP compression ! feature in the files being written, but the resulting precision ! degredaded files can be compressed offline with the HDF-4 ! *hrepack* utility. ! subroutine MAPL_CFIOWriteState ( MCFIO, CLOCK, State, & VERBOSE, NBITS, RC ) ! type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO type(ESMF_State), intent(INout) :: STATE type(ESMF_CLOCK), intent(INOUT) :: CLOCK integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC logical, optional, intent( IN) :: VERBOSE integer, optional, intent( IN) :: NBITS ! character(len=*), parameter :: Iam="MAPL_CFIOWriteState" integer :: STATUS ! Locals type(ESMF_FieldBundle) :: tBUNDLE ! Get the appropriate bundle !--------------------------- !ALT if(present(STATE)) then tBUNDLE = ESMF_FieldBundleCreate ( name=Iam, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMFL_BundleAddState ( tBUNDLE, STATE, rc=STATUS, VALIDATE=.true. ) _VERIFY(STATUS) !ALT else !ALT tBUNDLE = MCFIO%BUNDLE !ALT end if ! Write the Bundle ! ---------------- call MAPL_CFIOWriteBundle ( MCFIO, CLOCK=CLOCK, BUNDLE=tBUNDLE, & VERBOSE=VERBOSE, NBITS=NBITS, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) !ALT if(present(STATE)) then call ESMF_FieldBundleDestroy ( tBUNDLE, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) !ALT endif ! All done ! -------- _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOWriteState !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> ! The subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadBundle` ! reads an ESMF Bundle from a file on a given time. The file is ! open, read from, and closed on exit. The arguments are: ! !- **FILETMPL** A GrADS-style file name template. In its simplest ! form is the full path name for the file to be read. However, it ! can contain the following tokens which will be expanded from ! the current time in {\em TIME}: ! - **%y4** 4 digits for year ! - **%m2** 2 digits for month, to expand to 01, 02, .., 12 ! - **%m3** 3 digits for month, to expand to jan, feb, mar, ..., dec ! - **%d2** 2 digits for day ! - **%h2** 2 digits for hour ! - **%n2** 2 digits for minutes ! Example: if FILETMPL = `'forecast.%y4-%m2-%d2_%h2z.nc4'`, and the clock ! says it is 18Z on 05 February 2007, the template will expand in the ! following file name: `'forecast.2007-02-05_18Z.nc4'` !- **TIME** The ESMF time to read from the file !- **BUNDLE** An ESMF Bundle to read the data in. When the Bundle is empty ! one field is added for each variable present in the input file, and the ! necessary memory allocated according to the ESMF grid present in the Bundle. !- **[NOREAD]** If .TRUE., no data is actually read into the Bundle. This is ! useful to define a Bundle with the same variables as presented in the ! file, which in turn can be used to created a `MAPL_CFIO` object for ! writing. !- **[RC]** Error return code; set to `ESMF_SUCCESS` if all is well. !- **[VERBOSE]** If .TRUE., prints progress messages to STDOUT; useful ! for debugging. !- **[FORCE_REGRID]** Obsolete; kept for backward compatibility but ! has no effect. !- **[TIME_IS_CYCLIC]** If .TRUE. it says that the input file is periodic ! in time. Useful for reading climatological files. For example, if the ! input file has 12 monthly means from January to December of 2001, setting ! this option to .TRUE. allows one to read this data for any other year. See ! note below regarding issues with reading monthly mean data. !- **[TIME_INTERP]** If .TRUE., the input file does not have to coincide with the ! actual times on file. In such cases, the data for the bracketing times are ! read and the data is properly interpolated in time. The input time, though, ! need to be within the range of times present on file ! (unless *TIME_IS_CYCLIC* is specified). !- **[ONLY_VARS]** A list of comma separated vafriables to be read from the ! file. By default, all variables are read from the file. This option allows ! one to read a subset of vafriables. Example: `ONLY_VARS='u,v,ps'`. ! ! **A note about storing monthly climatological data.** As per the CF ! conventions, month is not a well defined unit of time, as the time ! step is not constant throughout the year. When storing 12 months ! of climatological data one way around it is to use an average ! number of hours: use 732 or 730 hours depending on whether the year ! recorded in the file is a leap-year or not. ! !#### Design Issues ! The input argument *TIME* should be replaced with *CLOCK* ! for consistency with the rest of the API. One should also provide ! an interface involving the MAPL CFIO object. ! subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadBundle ( FILETMPL, TIME, BUNDLE, NOREAD, RC, & VERBOSE, FORCE_REGRID, ONLY_VARS, ONLY_LEVS, & TIME_IS_CYCLIC, TIME_INTERP, conservative, & voting, ignoreCase, doParallel, GSImode, getFrac, EXPID, collection_id ) ! character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: FILETMPL type(ESMF_TIME), intent(INout) :: TIME type(ESMF_FIELDBUNDLE), intent(INOUT) :: BUNDLE logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: NOREAD integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC logical, optional, intent(IN) :: VERBOSE logical, optional, intent(IN) :: FORCE_REGRID logical, optional, intent(IN) :: TIME_IS_CYCLIC logical, optional, intent(IN) :: TIME_INTERP logical, optional, intent(IN) :: conservative logical, optional, intent(IN) :: voting logical, optional, intent(IN) :: doParallel character(len=*), optional, intent(IN) :: ONLY_VARS real, optional, intent(IN) :: ONLY_LEVS(:) character(len=*), optional, intent(IN) :: EXPID logical, optional, intent(IN) :: ignoreCase logical, optional, intent(IN) :: GSImode integer, optional, intent(IN) :: getFrac integer, optional, intent(IN) :: collection_id ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: Iam="MAPL_CFIOReadBundle" integer :: STATUS ! Locals type(ESMF_CFIO), pointer :: CFIO type(ESMF_CFIOGrid), pointer :: CFIOGRID type(ESMF_GRID) :: ESMFGRID type(ESMF_FIELD) :: FIELD type(ESMF_ARRAY) :: ARRAY type(ESMF_VM) :: VM type(ESMF_INFO) :: infoh type(ESMF_CFIOVarInfo), pointer :: VARS(:) integer :: IM, JM, LM, ISTAR, JSTAR integer :: IM0, JM0 integer :: L1, L, K integer :: NumVars, nVars integer :: counts(5) integer :: dims(3) integer :: arrayRank logical :: IamRoot, twoD logical :: amOnFirstNode real, pointer :: PTR2 (:,:), PTR3 (:,:,:) real, pointer :: GPTR2bundle(:,:), GPTR3bundle(:,:,:) real, pointer :: GPTR2file (:,:), GPTR3file (:,:,:) character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: DATE character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: BundleVARNAME character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: CFIOVARNAME character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: LONG_NAME character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: UNITS real, pointer :: LONSfile(:), LATSfile(:) real, pointer :: LONSbundle(:) => NULL() real, pointer :: LATSbundle(:) => NULL() !(stassi,14feb2012)--character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: FILENAME !character(len=256) :: FILENAME character(len=1024) :: FILENAME integer :: nymd, nhms logical :: timeInterp=.false., VERB = .false., change_resolution, do_xshift, single_point, fcubed integer, allocatable :: gridToFieldMap(:) integer :: gridRank integer :: comm logical :: found character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: gridname logical :: RegridCnv logical :: Voting_, ldoFrac logical :: runParallel logical :: ignoreCase_ integer, pointer :: Krank(:) => null() logical :: myGlobal integer :: nn, CoresPerNode, myPet, nPet, numNodes logical :: selectedLevels real, pointer :: levsfile(:) => null() integer :: LM_FILE integer :: LL,klev integer, allocatable :: LEVIDX(:) type(ESMF_CFIOGrid) :: varsGrid real, parameter :: eps = 1.0e-4 ! tolerance to find "selected" levels logical :: kreverse integer :: i1w,inw,j1w,jnw logical :: gsiMode_ integer :: hw integer :: halowidth(3) class (AbstractRegridder), pointer :: regridder integer :: method type(CFIOCollection), pointer :: collection => null() logical :: time_is_cyclic_ logical :: cfioIsCreated ! --- _UNUSED_DUMMY(FORCE_REGRID) if ( present(VERBOSE) ) VERB = VERBOSE if ( present(TIME_INTERP) ) timeInterp = TIME_INTERP if (present(time_is_cyclic)) then time_is_cyclic_ = time_is_cyclic else time_is_cyclic_ = .false. end if if (present(conservative) ) then RegridCnv = conservative else RegridCnv = .false. end if if ( present(Voting) ) then Voting_ = Voting else Voting_ = .false. endif if ( present(getFrac) ) then ldoFrac = .true. else ldoFrac = .false. endif if ( present(ignoreCase) ) then ignoreCase_ = ignoreCase else ignoreCase_ = .false. end if if ( present(doParallel) ) then runParallel = doParallel else runParallel = .true. end if if (present(ONLY_LEVS)) then selectedLevels = .true. else selectedLevels = .false. end if if (present(GSImode)) then GSImode_=GSImode else GSImode_=.false. end if if (gsiMode_) then hw = 1 else hw = 0 end if haloWidth = (/HW,HW,0/) ! by default kreverse is false kreverse = .false. ! Transform ESMF time to string for use in CFIO !---------------------------------------------- call ESMF_TimeGet(TIME, timeString=DATE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call strToInt(DATE, nymd, nhms) call fill_grads_template ( filename, filetmpl, & experiment_id=EXPID, nymd=nymd, nhms=nhms, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (mapl_am_i_root()) write(*,'(a, ": Reading ", a, " at ", i8, " ", i6)') Iam, trim(filename), nymd, nhms cfioIsCreated = .false. if (present(collection_id)) then collection => collections%at(collection_id) cfio => collection%find(filename, _RC) else allocate(CFIO) cfio=ESMF_CFIOCreate(RC=status) _VERIFY(status) cfioIsCreated = .true. call ESMF_CFIOSet(CFIO, fName=trim(fileName), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOFileOpen (CFIO, FMODE=1, cyclic=TIME_IS_CYCLIC_, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if ! Get info from the bundle !------------------------- call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(VM, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldBundleGet (Bundle, FieldCount=NUMVARS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IamRoot = MAPL_AM_I_ROOT(VM) call ESMF_VMGet(VM, mpiCommunicator=comm, localPet=myPET, PETcount=nPet, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) amOnFirstNode = MAPL_ShmemAmOnFirstNode(comm=comm, RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) CoresPerNode = MAPL_CoresPerNodeGet(comm,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Get lat/lons of input bundle ! ---------------------------- call ESMF_FieldBundleGet (Bundle, Grid=ESMFGRID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call GridGetLatLons_ ( ESMFGRID, LONSbundle, LATSbundle, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Get info from the CFIO object !------------------------------ call ESMF_CFIOGet (CFIO, grid=CFIOGRID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOGridGet (CFIOGRID, IM=IM, JM=JM, KM=LM, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(selectedLevels) then LM_FILE = LM LM = size(ONLY_LEVS) _ASSERT(LM <= LM_FILE, 'LM > LM_FILE') end if call ESMF_CFIOGridGet (CFIOGRID, LON=LONSFILE, LAT=LATSFILE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(CFIOGRID) call ESMF_CFIOGet (CFIO,varObjs=VARS, nVars=nVars, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! If the bundle is empty, read entire varlist from file !------------------------------------------------------ if(NUMVARS==0) then call MAPL_GridGet(ESMFGRID, globalCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, & localCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet(ESMFGRID, name=gridname, rc=rc) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Assert compatibility of file and bundle !---------------------------------------- _ASSERT( LM==0 .or. counts(3) == 0 .or. LM==counts(3) .or. LM==(counts(3)+1), 'file and bundle are incompatible') ! Get lat/lons of input bundle ! ---------------------------- NUMVARS = nVars L1 = 0 do L=1,NUMVARS call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoGet(VARS(L),vname=CFIOVARNAME, vtitle=LONG_NAME, vunits=UNITS, twoDimVar=twoD, & & grid=varsGrid, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( present(ONLY_VARS) ) then if ( index(','//trim(ONLY_VARS) //',', & ','//trim(CFIOVARNAME)//',') < 1 ) cycle endif if (trim(CFIOVARNAME)=="lons" .or. trim(CFIOVARNAME)=="lats") cycle L1 = L1 + 1 BundleVarName = CFIOVARNAME if(twoD) then allocate(PTR2(1-HW:DIMS(1)+HW,1-HW:DIMS(2)+HW),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR2 = 0.0 call ESMF_GridGet(ESMFGRID, dimCount=gridRank, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(gridToFieldMap(gridRank), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(gridRank == 2) then gridToFieldMap(1) = 1 gridToFieldMap(2) = 2 else if (gridRank == 3) then gridToFieldMap(1) = 1 gridToFieldMap(2) = 2 gridToFieldMap(3) = 0 else _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end if FIELD = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid=ESMFGRID, & datacopyFlag = ESMF_DATACOPY_REFERENCE, & farrayPtr=PTR2, gridToFieldMap=gridToFieldMap, & name=BundleVARNAME, & totalLWidth=haloWidth(1:2), & totalUWidth=haloWidth(1:2), & rc = status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(gridToFieldMap) !ALT: for now we add only HorzOnly (no tiles) call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELD,infoh,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'LONG_NAME',LONG_NAME,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'UNITS',UNITS,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'DIMS',MAPL_DimsHorzOnly,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'VLOCATION',MAPL_VLocationNone,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else ! 3-d case call ESMF_CFIOGridGet (varsGrid, lev=levsfile, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (levsfile(1) > levsfile(lm)) kreverse = .true. if (selectedLevels) then if (.not. allocated(levidx)) then allocate(levidx(LM), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! build level index DO K = 1, LM found = .false. DO LL = 1, LM_FILE if (abs(LEVSFILE(LL) - ONLY_LEVS(K)) < eps) then LEVIDX(K) = LL found = .true. exit end if END DO _ASSERT(found, 'search failed') END DO end if end if deallocate(levsfile) nullify(levsfile) if (lm == counts(3)) then allocate(PTR3(1-HW:DIMS(1)+HW,1-HW:DIMS(2)+HW,LM),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else if (lm == (counts(3)+1)) then allocate(PTR3(1-HW:DIMS(1)+HW,1-HW:DIMS(2)+HW,0:LM-1),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif PTR3 = 0.0 FIELD = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid=ESMFGRID, & datacopyFlag = ESMF_DATACOPY_REFERENCE, & farrayPtr=PTR3, name=BundleVARNAME, & totalLWidth=haloWidth(1:2), & totalUWidth=haloWidth(1:2), & rc = status) _VERIFY(STATUS) !ALT: for now we add only HorzVert (no tiles) call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELD,infoh,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'LONG_NAME',LONG_NAME,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'UNITS',UNITS,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'DIMS',MAPL_DimsHorzVert,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (lm == counts(3)) then call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'VLOCATION',MAPL_VLocationCenter,RC=STATUS) else if (lm == (counts(3)+1)) then call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'VLOCATION',MAPL_VLocationEdge,RC=STATUS) end if _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call MAPL_FieldBundleAdd(BUNDLE, FIELD, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do NUMVARS = L1 ! could be less than on file if user chooses to else do L=1,NumVars call ESMF_FieldBundleGet (BUNDLE, L, FIELD, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldGet(FIELD,NAME=BundleVarName, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_GridGet(ESMFGRID, globalCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet(ESMFGRID, name=gridname, rc=rc) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Assert compatibility of file and bundle !---------------------------------------- _ASSERT( LM==0 .or. counts(3) == 0 .or. LM==counts(3) .or. lm == (counts(3)+1), 'incompatible file and bundle') found = .false. do K=1,size(VARS) call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoGet(VARS(K),vname=CFIOVARNAME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (ignoreCase_) then BUNDLEVARNAME = ESMF_UtilStringUpperCase(BUNDLEVARNAME,RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) CFIOVARNAME = ESMF_UtilStringUpperCase(CFIOVARNAME,RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if if(trim(BUNDLEVARNAME)==trim(CFIOVARNAME)) then found = .true. exit end if end do _ASSERT(found, 'search failed') call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoGet(VARS(K), twoDimVar=twoD, grid=varsGrid, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (.not. twoD) then call ESMF_CFIOGridGet (varsGrid, lev=levsfile, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (levsfile(1) > levsfile(lm)) kreverse = .true. end if if (selectedLevels) then if (.not. twoD) then ! 3-d case if (.not. allocated(levidx)) then allocate(levidx(LM), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! build level index DO K = 1, LM found = .false. DO LL = 1, LM_FILE if (abs(LEVSFILE(LL) - ONLY_LEVS(K)) < eps) then LEVIDX(K) = LL found = .true. exit end if END DO _ASSERT(found, 'search failed') END DO end if end if end if if (associated(levsfile)) then deallocate(levsfile) nullify(levsfile) end if end do end if if(present(NOREAD)) then if(NOREAD) goto 10 end if ! Do we have to run a transform? ! ------------------------------ IM0 = counts(1) JM0 = counts(2) if (IM /= IM0 .or. JM /= JM0) then change_resolution = .true. else change_resolution = .false. end if ! 180 Degree Shifting and Cubed Sphere ! ------------------------------------ ! ! In the earlier revisions of this subroutine there was an implicit assumption ! of the input data being on the lat-lon grid. Since there were two ! possibilities: Longitudinal origin at dateline, or at the Greewitch meridian, ! the code used to perform Longitudinal shifting, if needed, so that the ! output is "properly" oriented at dateline center. ! ! Out current strategy is to correct the input (from the file), if needed. ! We first check if the input is on the Cubed-Sphere grid. ! In this case no shifting is done. Otherwise we still assume that the ! input is on a lat-lon grid and if shifting is needed, ! it will be done prior to the optional MAPL_HorzTransformRun regridding. if ( JM == 6*IM ) then fcubed = .true. else fcubed = .false. end if do_xshift = .FALSE. ! Initialize: do not shift if ( IM0==1 .AND. JM0==1 ) then single_point = .TRUE. ! running SCM with single point grid change_resolution = .FALSE. ! does not make sense in SCM mode else single_point = .FALSE. ! Normal case, not SCM ! never shift if cubed if (.not.fcubed) do_xshift = abs(LONSfile(1)+180._REAL64) .GT. abs(LONSfile(2)-LONSfile(1)) end if if (change_resolution .and. RegridCnv) then runParallel = .false. ! override input, conservative regridding now done distributed if (Voting_) then method = REGRID_METHOD_VOTE elseif (ldofrac) then method = REGRID_METHOD_FRACTION else method = REGRID_METHOD_CONSERVE end if regridder => make_regridder(ESMFGRID, method, LONSfile, LATSfile, IM, JM, counts(3), runparallel, localTiles=.true., rc=status) _VERIFY(status) else if ( change_resolution .and. (.not.RegridCnv)) then method = REGRID_METHOD_BILINEAR regridder => make_regridder(ESMFGRID, method, LONSfile, LATSfile, IM, JM, counts(3), runparallel, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) end if call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Allocate space for global arrays. If non-conservative perform ! parallel transform distributed across levels ! If conservative do not parallelize over levels this is done ! distributed already so this parallel strategy will not work !------------------------------------------------------------ if (RegridCnv .and. change_resolution) then call MAPL_GRID_INTERIOR(ESMFGRID,I1w,INw,J1w,JNw) if(MAPL_ShmInitialized) then call MAPL_AllocNodeArray(Gptr2file,(/im,jm/),rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_AllocNodeArray(Gptr3file,(/im,jm,1/),rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else allocate(Gptr2file(im,jm),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(Gptr3file(im,jm,1),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif Allocate(Gptr2bundle(inw-i1w+1,jnw-j1w+1),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(Gptr3bundle(0,0,0), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (LM > 0) then allocate(krank(LM),stat=status) else allocate(krank(1) ,stat=status) end if krank = 0 else IM0 = counts(1) JM0 = counts(2) CoresPerNode = MAPL_CoresPerNodeGet(comm,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (LM > 0) then allocate(krank(LM),stat=status) else allocate(krank(1) ,stat=status) end if _VERIFY(STATUS) if (runParallel .and. (LM > 0) ) then numNodes = size(MAPL_NodeRankList) call MAPL_RoundRobinPEList(krank,numNodes,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else krank = 0 end if nn=count(krank==myPet) if (nn > 0) then allocate(Gptr2bundle(IM0,JM0 ), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(Gptr3bundle(IM0,JM0,nn), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(Gptr2file (IM ,JM ), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(Gptr3file (IM ,JM , 1), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else allocate(Gptr2bundle(0,0 ), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(Gptr3bundle(0,0,0), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(Gptr2file (0,0 ), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(Gptr3file (0,0,0), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if end if ! Special handling for single column case ! Pick out index into file grid for lats and lons of scm grid - ! Assume that scm grid counts lon from -180 to 180 and lat from -90 to 90 if(single_point) then if(LONSfile(1).lt.0.) then ! assume lons on file go from -180 to 180 ISTAR = 1 + (LONSbundle(1)+180.)/( 360./ IM ) else ! lons on file go from 0 to 360 if(LONSbundle(1).lt.0.) then ISTAR = 1 + (LONSbundle(1)+360.)/( 360./IM ) else ISTAR = 1 + LONSbundle(1)/( 360./IM ) endif endif ! assume lats on file go from -90 to 90 JSTAR = 1 + (LATSbundle(1)+90.)/( 180. / (JM-1) ) endif ! Read each variable !------------------- do L=1,NumVars call ESMF_FieldBundleGet (BUNDLE, L, FIELD, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldGet (FIELD, NAME=BundleVarName, array=ARRAY, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (ignoreCase_) call getVarNameIgnoreCase(BundleVarName,vars,RC=status) call ESMF_FieldGet(FIELD, Grid=ESMFGRID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_ArrayGet (array, rank=arrayRank, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( VERB .and. IamRoot ) & print *, Iam // ': Reading '//trim(BundleVARNAME)// & ' at ' // trim(date) select case (arrayRank) case (2) call ESMF_ArrayGet(Array, localDE=0, farrayPtr=PTR2, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! read the data on root if (IamRoot) then if ( timeInterp ) then call ESMF_CFIOVarReadT(CFIO, trim(BundleVARNAME), GPTR2file, & timeString=DATE, RC=STATUS) if (ldofrac) GPTR2file=GPTR2file-getfrac else call ESMF_CFIOVarRead (CFIO, trim(BundleVARNAME), GPTR2file, & timeString=DATE, RC=STATUS) if (ldofrac) GPTR2file=GPTR2file-getfrac endif _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( do_xshift ) then if ( VERB ) print *, Iam // & ': shifting input longitudes by 180 degrees' call shift180Lon2D_ ( Gptr2file, im, jm ) end if end if ! transform and scatter if (change_resolution) then if (RegridCnv) then call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_BcastShared(VM, Data=Gptr2file, N=im*jm, Root=0, RootOnly=.false., rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call regridder%regrid(Gptr2file, Gptr2bundle, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ptr2 = Gptr2bundle call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else if (IamRoot) then call regridder%set_undef_value(MAPL_undef) call regridder%regrid(Gptr2file, Gptr2bundle, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) if (GSImode_) call shift180Lon2D_ ( Gptr2bundle, im0, jm0 ) end if call ArrayScatter(PTR2, GPTR2bundle, ESMFGRID, hw=hw, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if else if ( single_point ) then Gptr2bundle(1,1) = Gptr2file(ISTAR,JSTAR) ptr2(1,1) = GPTR2bundle(1,1) ! single point SCM case else if (IamRoot) Gptr2bundle = Gptr2file call ArrayScatter(PTR2, GPTR2bundle, ESMFGRID, hw=hw, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if ! change resolution case(3) nn = 0 call ESMF_FieldGet(Field, localDE=0, farrayPtr=PTR3, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) nn=0 do k = 1, LM MyGlobal = Krank(k) == myPet call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (MyGlobal) then nn=nn+1 if (selectedLevels) then _ASSERT(allocated(levidx), 'levidx not allocated') klev = levidx(k) else klev = k end if if (kreverse) klev = lm - k + 1 if ( timeInterp ) then call ESMF_CFIOVarReadT(CFIO, trim(BundleVARNAME), GPTR3file, & kbeg=klev, kount=1, timeString=DATE, RC=STATUS) if (ldofrac) GPTR3file=GPTR3file-getfrac else call ESMF_CFIOVarRead (CFIO, trim(BundleVARNAME), GPTR3file, & kbeg=klev, kount=1, timeString=DATE, RC=STATUS) if (ldofrac) GPTR3file=GPTR3file-getfrac end if _VERIFY(STATUS) GPTR2file = GPTR3file(:,:,1) if ( do_xshift ) then call shift180Lon2D_ ( Gptr2file, im, jm ) end if end if if (change_resolution) then if (RegridCnv) then call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_BcastShared(VM, Data=Gptr2file, N=im*jm, Root=0, RootOnly=.false., rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call regridder%regrid(Gptr2file, Gptr2bundle, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) L1 = LBOUND(PTR3,3)-1 ptr3(:,:,K+L1) = Gptr2bundle call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else if (MyGlobal) then call regridder%set_undef_value(MAPL_undef) call regridder%regrid(Gptr2file, Gptr2bundle, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) if (GSImode_) call shift180Lon2D_ ( Gptr2bundle, im0, jm0 ) Gptr3bundle(:,:,nn)=Gptr2bundle end if end if else if ( single_point ) then Gptr3bundle(:,:,nn) = Gptr2file(ISTAR,JSTAR) else if (MyGlobal) Gptr3bundle(:,:,nn)=Gptr2file end if end do if (single_point) then ptr3(1,1,:) = Gptr3bundle(1,1,:) else if ( (.not.RegridCnv) .and. runParallel) then call MAPL_CollectiveScatter3D(esmfgrid,Gptr3bundle(:,:,:nn),ptr3,hw=hw,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else if ( (.not.RegridCnv) .and. (.not.RunParallel) ) then do K=1,LM L1 = LBOUND(PTR3,3)-1 call ArrayScatter(PTR3(:,:,K+L1), Gptr3bundle(:,:,K), ESMFGRID, hw=hw, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do end if if (GSImode_) call SwapV_(PTR3) end if end select end do deallocate(krank) deallocate(GPtr2bundle) deallocate(GPtr3bundle) if (RegridCnv .and. change_resolution) then ! make sure everyone is done before potentially releasing shared memory call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) DEALOC_(GPtr2file ) DEALOC_(GPtr3file ) else deallocate(Gptr2file) deallocate(Gptr3file) end if 10 continue ! always do this cleanup deallocate(LONSfile,LATSfile) deallocate(LONSbundle,LATSbundle) !@ call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoDestroy(vars, _RC) deallocate(VARS) if (selectedLevels) then if (allocated(levidx)) then deallocate(levidx) end if end if if (cfioIsCreated) then call ESMF_CFIODestroy(CFIO, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) CONTAINS subroutine shift180Lon2D_ ( c, im, jm ) integer, intent(in) :: im, jm real, intent(inout) :: c(im,jm) real :: cj(im) integer :: m(4), n(4), imh, j imh = nint(im/2.) m = [ 1, imh, 1+imh, im ] n = [ 1, im-imh, 1+im-imh, im ] do j = 1, jm cj(n(1):n(2)) = c(m(3):m(4),j) cj(n(3):n(4)) = c(m(1):m(2),j) c(:,j) = cj end do return end subroutine shift180Lon2D_ subroutine SwapV_(fld) implicit none real,intent(inout) :: fld(:,:,:) real,allocatable :: work(:,:,:) integer im, jm, km im = size(fld,1) jm = size(fld,2) km = size(fld,3) allocate (work(im,jm,km)) work = fld fld(:,:,km:1:-1) = work(:,:,1:km:+1) deallocate (work) end subroutine SwapV_ subroutine getVarNameIgnoreCase(vname,vars,rc) character(len=*), intent(inout) :: vname type(ESMF_CFIOVarInfo), pointer, intent(in) :: vars(:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status integer j character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: cfiovarname,tname,tcfioname tname = vname tname = ESMF_UtilStringUpperCase(tname,rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) do j=1,size(vars) call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoGet(vars(j),vname=cfiovarname,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) tcfioname = cfiovarname tcfioname = ESMF_UtilStringUpperCase(tcfioname,rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (trim(tname) == trim(tcfioname)) then vname = cfiovarname exit end if enddo _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine getVarNameIgnoreCase end subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadBundle !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> ! The subroutine `MAPL_CFIOReadState` ! serializes an ESMF state into a Bundle and reads its content from ! a file. The file is open, read from, and closed on exit. The ! arguments are: !- **FILETMPL** A GrADS-style file name template. In its simplest ! form is the full path name for the file to be read. However, it ! can contain the following tokens which will be expanded from ! the current time in *TIME*: ! - **%y4** 4 digits for year ! - **%m2** 2 digits for month, to expand to 01, 02, .., 12 ! - **%m3** 3 digits for month, to expand to jan, feb, mar, ..., dec ! - **%d2** 2 digits for day ! - **%h2** 2 digits for hour ! - **%n2** 2 digits for minutes ! Example: if FILETMPL = `'forecast.%y4-%m2-%d2_%h2z.nc4'`, and the clock ! says it is 18Z on 05 February 2007, the template will expand in the ! following file name: `'forecast.2007-02-05_18Z.nc4'` !- **TIME** The ESMF time to read from the file !- **STATE** An ESMF State to read the data in. Usually used in conjubction ! with ONLY_VARS. !- **[NOREAD]** If .TRUE., no data is actually read into the Bundle. This is ! useful to define a Bundle with the same variables as presented in the ! file, which in turn can be used to created a `MAPL_CFIO` object for ! writing. !- **[RC]** Error return code; set to `ESMF_SUCCESS` if all is well. !- **[VERBOSE]** If .TRUE., prints progress messages to STDOUT; useful ! for debugging. !- **[FORCE_REGRID]** Obsolete; kept for backward compatibility but ! has no effect. !- **[TIME_IS_CYCLIC]** If .TRUE. it says that the input file is periodic ! in time. Useful for reading climatological files. For example, if the ! input file has 12 monthly means from January to December of 2001, setting ! this option to .TRUE. allows one to read this data for any other year. See ! note below regarding issues with reading monthly mean data. !- **[TIME_INTERP]** If .TRUE., the input file does not have to coincide with the ! actual times on file. In such cases, the data for the bracketing times are ! read and the data is properly interpolated in time. The input time, though, ! need to be within the range of times present on file ! (unless *TIME_IS_CYCLIC* is specified). !- **[ONLY_VARS]** A list of comma separated vafriables to be read from the ! file. By default, all variables are read from the file. This option allows ! one to read a subset of vafriables. Example: `ONLY\_VARS='u,v,ps'`. ! !#### Design Issue ! The input argument *TIME* should be replaced with *CLOCK* ! for consistency with the rest of the API. One should also provide ! an interface involving the MAPL CFIO object. ! subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadState ( FILETMPL, TIME, STATE, NOREAD, RC, & VERBOSE, FORCE_REGRID, ONLY_VARS, & TIME_IS_CYCLIC, TIME_INTERP, & conservative, voting, ignoreCase, doParallel, getFrac ) ! character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: FILETMPL type(ESMF_TIME), intent(INout) :: TIME type(ESMF_STATE), intent(INOUT) :: STATE logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: NOREAD integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC logical, optional, intent( IN) :: VERBOSE logical, optional, intent(IN) :: FORCE_REGRID ! obsolete logical, optional, intent(IN) :: TIME_IS_CYCLIC logical, optional, intent(IN) :: TIME_INTERP logical, optional, intent(IN) :: conservative logical, optional, intent(IN) :: voting logical, optional, intent(IN) :: ignoreCase logical, optional, intent(IN) :: doParallel integer, optional, intent(IN) :: getFrac character(len=*), optional, intent(IN ) :: ONLY_VARS !! comma separated, no spaces character(len=*), parameter :: Iam="MAPL_CFIOReadState" integer :: STATUS ! Locals type(ESMF_FieldBundle) :: tBUNDLE ! ---- ! Create an empty bundle ! ---------------------- tBUNDLE = ESMF_FieldBundleCreate ( name=Iam, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Serialize the state ! ------------------- call ESMFL_BundleAddState ( tBUNDLE, STATE, rc=STATUS, VALIDATE=.true. ) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Read the Bundle ! --------------- call MAPL_CFIOReadBundle( FILETMPL, TIME, tBUNDLE, & NOREAD = NOREAD, & VERBOSE = VERBOSE, & FORCE_REGRID=FORCE_REGRID, & ONLY_VARS = ONLY_VARS, & TIME_IS_CYCLIC = TIME_IS_CYCLIC, & TIME_INTERP = TIME_INTERP, & conservative = conservative, & voting = voting, & ignoreCase = ignoreCase, & doParallel = doParallel, & getFrac = getFrac, & RC = STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! All done ! -------- call ESMF_FieldBundleDestroy ( tBUNDLE, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadState !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> ! The subroutine `MAPL_CFIOReadField` ! reads a variable from a file and stores it on an ESMF Field. ! The file is open, read from, and closed on exit. The ! arguments are: !- **VARN** The variable name. !- **FILETMPL** A GrADS-style file name template. In its simplest ! form is the full path name for the file to be read. However, it ! can contain the following tokens which will be expanded from ! the current time in *TIME*: ! - **%y4** 4 digits for year ! - **%m2** 2 digits for month, to expand to 01, 02, .., 12 ! - **%m3** 3 digits for month, to expand to jan, feb, mar, ..., dec ! - **%d2** 2 digits for day ! - **%h2** 2 digits for hour ! - **%n2** 2 digits for minutes ! Example: if FILETMPL = `'forecast.%y4-%m2-%d2_%h2z.nc4'`, and the clock ! says it is 18Z on 05 February 2007, the template will expand in the ! following file name: `forecast.2007-02-05_18Z.nc4'` !- **TIME** The ESMF time to read from the file !- **[RC]** Error return code; set to `ESMF_SUCCESS` if all is well. !- **[VERBOSE]** If .TRUE., prints progress messages to STDOUT; useful ! for debugging. !- **[FORCE_REGRID]** Obsolete; kept for backward compatibility but ! has no effect. !- **[TIME_IS_CYCLIC]** If .TRUE. it says that the input file is periodic ! in time. Useful for reading climatological files. For example, if the ! input file has 12 monthly means from January to December of 2001, setting ! this option to .TRUE. allows one to read this data for any other year. See ! note below regarding issues with reading monthly mean data. !- **[TIME_INTERP]** If .TRUE., the input file does not have to coincide with the ! actual times on file. In such cases, the data for the bracketing times are ! read and the data is properly interpolated in time. The input time, though, ! need to be within the range of times present on file ! (unless *TIME_IS_CYCLIC* is specified). !- **[ONLY_VARS]** A list of comma separated vafriables to be read from the ! file. By default, all variables are read from the file. This option allows ! one to read a subset of vafriables. Example: `ONLY\_VARS='u,v,ps'`. !#### Design Issues ! The input argument {\tt TIME} should be replaced with *CLOCK* ! for consistency with the rest of the API. The input *GRID* is not necessary ! as it can be found inside the field. One should also provide ! an interface involving the MAPL CFIO object. ! subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadField ( VARN, FILETMPL, TIME, FIELD, RC, & VERBOSE, FORCE_REGRID, TIME_IS_CYCLIC, & TIME_INTERP, & conservative , voting, ignoreCase, doParallel, getFrac) ! character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: VARN !! Variable name character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: FILETMPL !! File name type(ESMF_TIME), intent(INout) :: TIME type(ESMF_FIELD), intent(INout) :: FIELD integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC logical, optional, intent( IN) :: VERBOSE logical, optional, intent(IN) :: FORCE_REGRID logical, optional, intent(IN) :: TIME_IS_CYCLIC logical, optional, intent(IN) :: TIME_INTERP logical, optional, intent(IN) :: conservative logical, optional, intent(IN) :: voting logical, optional, intent(IN) :: ignoreCase logical, optional, intent(IN) :: doParallel integer, optional, intent(IN) :: getFrac ! character(len=*), parameter :: Iam="MAPL_CFIOReadField" integer :: STATUS type(ESMF_GRID) :: GRID ! Locals type(ESMF_FIELDBUNDLE) :: BUNDLE ! Create a temporary empty bundle ! ------------------------------- call ESMF_FieldGet(Field, grid=Grid, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) BUNDLE = ESMF_FieldBundleCreate ( name=Iam, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldBundleSet ( bundle, grid=GRID, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Add the input field to the bundle ! --------------------------------- call MAPL_FieldBundleAdd ( BUNDLE, FIELD, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Now, we read the variable into the bundle, which in turn will put ! the data inside the input array ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- call MAPL_CFIOReadBundle( FILETMPL, TIME, BUNDLE, & VERBOSE=VERBOSE, & FORCE_REGRID=FORCE_REGRID, & ONLY_VARS = trim(varn), & TIME_IS_CYCLIC=TIME_IS_CYCLIC, & TIME_INTERP=TIME_INTERP, & conservative=conservative, & voting = voting, ignoreCase = ignoreCase, & doParallel = doParallel, getFrac=getFrac, & RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Destroy temporary bundle; field data will be preserved ! ------------------------------------------------------ call ESMF_FieldBundleDestroy ( BUNDLE, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadField !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> ! The subroutine `MAPL_CFIOReadArray3D` ! reads a variable from a file and stores it on an 3D Fortrran array. ! The file is open, read from, and closed on exit. The ! arguments are: !- **VARN** The variable name. !- **FILETMPL** A GrADS-style file name template. In its simplest ! form is the full path name for the file to be read. However, it ! can contain the following tokens which will be expanded from ! the current time in *TIME*: ! - **%y4** 4 digits for year ! - **%m2** 2 digits for month, to expand to 01, 02, .., 12 ! - **%m3** 3 digits for month, to expand to jan, feb, mar, ..., dec ! - **%d2** 2 digits for day ! - **%h2** 2 digits for hour ! - **%n2** 2 digits for minutes ! Example: if FILETMPL = `'forecast.%y4-%m2-%d2_%h2z.nc4'`, and the clock ! says it is 18Z on 05 February 2007, the template will expand in the ! following file name: ``forecast.2007-02-05\_18Z.nc4'' !- **TIME** The ESMF time to read from the file !- **GRID** The ESMF grid associated with the Field. The data will be ! (horizontally) interpolated to this grid if necessary. !- **[RC]** Error return code; set to `ESMF_SUCCESS` if all is well. !- **[VERBOSE]}] If .TRUE., prints progress messages to STDOUT; useful ! for debugging. !- **[FORCE_REGRID]** Obsolete; kept for backward compatibility but ! has no effect. !- **[TIME_IS_CYCLIC]** If .TRUE. it says that the input file is periodic ! in time. Useful for reading climatological files. For example, if the ! input file has 12 monthly means from January to December of 2001, setting ! this option to .TRUE. allows one to read this data for any other year. See ! note below regarding issues with reading monthly mean data. !- **[TIME_INTERP]** If .TRUE., the input file does not have to coincide with the ! actual times on file. In such cases, the data for the bracketing times are ! read and the data is properly interpolated in time. The input time, though, ! need to be within the range of times present on file ! (unless *TIME_IS_CYCLIC* is specified). !- **[ONLY_VARS]** A list of comma separated vafriables to be read from the ! file. By default, all variables are read from the file. This option allows ! one to read a subset of vafriables. Example: `ONLY_VARS='u,v,ps'`. ! !#### Design Issues ! The input argument *TIME* should be replaced with *CLOCK* ! for consistency with the rest of the API. One should also ! provide an interface involving the MAPL CFIO object. ! subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadArray3D ( VARN, FILETMPL, TIME, GRID, farrayPtr, RC, & VERBOSE, FORCE_REGRID, TIME_IS_CYCLIC, & TIME_INTERP, conservative, voting, ignoreCase, doParallel, getFrac ) ! character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: VARN !! Variable name character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: FILETMPL !! File name type(ESMF_TIME), intent(INout) :: TIME type(ESMF_GRID), intent(IN ) :: GRID real, pointer :: farrayPtr(:,:,:) integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC logical, optional, intent( IN) :: VERBOSE logical, optional, intent(IN) :: FORCE_REGRID logical, optional, intent(IN) :: TIME_IS_CYCLIC logical, optional, intent(IN) :: TIME_INTERP logical, optional, intent(IN) :: conservative logical, optional, intent(IN) :: voting logical, optional, intent(IN) :: ignoreCase logical, optional, intent(IN) :: doParallel integer, optional, intent(IN) :: getFrac ! character(len=*), parameter :: Iam="MAPL_CFIOReadArray3D" integer :: STATUS type(ESMF_Field) :: FIELD real :: const = 0.0 integer :: ios, k ! ---- ! Special case: when filename is "/dev/null" it is assumed the user ! wants to set the variable to a constant ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- if ( FILETMPL(1:9) == '/dev/null' ) then ios = -1 k = index(FILETMPL,':') if ( k > 9 ) read(FILETMPL(k+1:),*,iostat=ios) const if ( ios /= 0 ) const = 0.0 if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) & print *, Iam // ': setting variable ' // trim(varn) // & ' to constant = ', const _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end if ! Create Field with input array ! ----------------------------- FIELD = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid=GRID, & datacopyFlag = ESMF_DATACOPY_REFERENCE, & farrayPtr=farrayPtr, name=trim(varn), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Read array data from file ! ------------------------- call MAPL_CFIOReadField ( VARN, FILETMPL, TIME, FIELD, & VERBOSE=VERBOSE, FORCE_REGRID=FORCE_REGRID, & TIME_IS_CYCLIC=TIME_IS_CYCLIC, & TIME_INTERP=TIME_INTERP, & conservative=conservative, & voting=voting, ignoreCase = ignoreCase, & doParallel = doParallel, getFrac=getFrac, & RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Destroy the ESMF array (data will be preserved since we own it) ! -------------------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_FieldDestroy ( FIELD, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadArray3D !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> ! The subroutine `MAPL_CFIOReadArray2D` ! reads a variable from a file and stores it on an 2D Fortrran array. ! The file is open, read from, and closed on exit. The ! arguments are: !- **VARN** The variable name. !- **FILETMPL** A GrADS-style file name template. In its simplest ! form is the full path name for the file to be read. However, it ! can contain the following tokens which will be expanded from ! the current time in *TIME*: ! - **%y4** 4 digits for year ! - **%m2** 2 digits for month, to expand to 01, 02, .., 12 ! - **%m3** 3 digits for month, to expand to jan, feb, mar, ..., dec ! - **%d2** 2 digits for day ! - **%h2** 2 digits for hour ! - **%n2** 2 digits for minutes ! Example: if FILETMPL = `'forecast.%y4-%m2-%d2_%h2z.nc4'`, and the clock ! says it is 18Z on 05 February 2007, the template will expand in the ! following file name: ``forecast.2007-02-05\_18Z.nc4'' !- **TIME** The ESMF time to read from the file !- **GRID** The ESMF grid associated with the Field. The data will be ! (horizontally) interpolated to this grid if necessary. !- **[RC]** Error return code; set to `ESMF_SUCCESS` if all is well. !- **[VERBOSE]}] If .TRUE., prints progress messages to STDOUT; useful ! for debugging. !- **[FORCE_REGRID]** Obsolete; kept for backward compatibility but ! has no effect. !- **[TIME_IS_CYCLIC]** If .TRUE. it says that the input file is periodic ! in time. Useful for reading climatological files. For example, if the ! input file has 12 monthly means from January to December of 2001, setting ! this option to .TRUE. allows one to read this data for any other year. See ! note below regarding issues with reading monthly mean data. !- **[TIME_INTERP]** If .TRUE., the input file does not have to coincide with the ! actual times on file. In such cases, the data for the bracketing times are ! read and the data is properly interpolated in time. The input time, though, ! need to be within the range of times present on file ! (unless *TIME_IS_CYCLIC* is specified). !- **[ONLY_VARS]** A list of comma separated vafriables to be read from the ! file. By default, all variables are read from the file. This option allows ! one to read a subset of vafriables. Example: `ONLY_VARS='u,v,ps'`. ! !#### Design Issues ! The input argument *TIME* should be replaced with *CLOCK* ! for consistency with the rest of the API. One should also ! provide an interface involving the MAPL CFIO object. ! subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadArray2D ( VARN, FILETMPL, TIME, GRID, farrayPtr, RC, & VERBOSE, FORCE_REGRID, TIME_IS_CYCLIC, & TIME_INTERP , conservative, voting, ignoreCase, doParallel, getFrac) ! character(len=*), intent(IN) :: VARN !! Variable name character(len=*), intent(IN) :: FILETMPL !! File name type(ESMF_TIME), intent(INout) :: TIME type(ESMF_GRID), intent(IN) :: GRID real, pointer :: farrayPtr(:,:) integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC logical, optional, intent(IN) :: VERBOSE logical, optional, intent(IN) :: FORCE_REGRID logical, optional, intent(IN) :: TIME_IS_CYCLIC logical, optional, intent(IN) :: TIME_INTERP logical, optional, intent(IN) :: conservative logical, optional, intent(IN) :: voting logical, optional, intent(IN) :: ignoreCase logical, optional, intent(IN) :: doParallel integer, optional, intent(IN) :: getFrac character(len=*), parameter :: Iam="MAPL_CFIOReadArray2D" integer :: STATUS type(ESMF_Field) :: FIELD real :: const = 0.0 integer :: ios, k integer, allocatable :: gridToFieldMap(:) integer :: gridRank ! ---- ! Special case: when filename is "/dev/null" it is assumed the user ! wants to set the variable to a constant ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- if ( FILETMPL(1:9) == '/dev/null' ) then ios = -1 k = index(FILETMPL,':') if ( k > 9 ) read(FILETMPL(k+1:),*,iostat=ios) const if ( ios /= 0 ) const = 0.0 if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) & print *, Iam // ': setting variable ' // trim(varn) // & ' to constant = ', const _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end if ! Create Field with input array ! ----------------------------- call ESMF_GridGet(GRID, dimCount=gridRank, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(gridToFieldMap(gridRank), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(gridRank == 2) then gridToFieldMap(1) = 1 gridToFieldMap(2) = 2 else if (gridRank == 3) then gridToFieldMap(1) = 1 gridToFieldMap(2) = 2 gridToFieldMap(3) = 0 else _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end if FIELD = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid=GRID, & datacopyFlag = ESMF_DATACOPY_REFERENCE, & farrayPtr=farrayPtr, name=trim(varn), gridToFieldMap=gridToFieldMap, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(gridToFieldMap) ! Read array data from file ! ------------------------- call MAPL_CFIOReadField ( VARN, FILETMPL, TIME, FIELD, & VERBOSE=VERBOSE, FORCE_REGRID=FORCE_REGRID, & TIME_INTERP=TIME_INTERP, & TIME_IS_CYCLIC=TIME_IS_CYCLIC, & conservative=conservative, & voting = voting, ignoreCase = ignoreCase, & doParallel = doParallel, getFrac=getFrac, & RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Destroy the ESMF array (data will be preserved since we own it) ! -------------------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_FieldDestroy ( FIELD, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadArray2D !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> ! The subroutine `MAPL_CFIODestroy` ! destroys a MAPL CFIO object. It closes any file associated with ! it and deallocates memory. ! subroutine MAPL_CFIODestroy( MCFIO, RC ) ! type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! integer :: status if(associated(MCFIO%Krank )) deallocate(MCFIO%Krank ) if(associated(MCFIO%reqs )) deallocate(MCFIO%reqs ) if(associated(MCFIO%varname )) deallocate(MCFIO%varname ) if(associated(MCFIO%vardims )) deallocate(MCFIO%vardims ) if(associated(MCFIO%Levs )) deallocate(MCFIO%Levs ) if(associated(MCFIO%vartype )) deallocate(MCFIO%vartype ) if(associated(MCFIO%needvar )) deallocate(MCFIO%needvar ) if(associated(MCFIO%pairList )) deallocate(MCFIO%pairList ) if(associated(MCFIO%buffer )) deallocate(MCFIO%buffer ) if(associated(MCFIO%varid )) deallocate(MCFIO%varid ) nullify(MCFIO%Krank ) nullify(MCFIO%reqs ) nullify(MCFIO%varname ) nullify(MCFIO%vardims ) nullify(MCFIO%Levs ) nullify(MCFIO%varid ) nullify(MCFIO%buffer ) if (MCFIO%Root > 0) then if (MCFIO%myPE == mCFIO%RootRank) then call ESMF_CFIOFileClose(MCFIO%CFIO,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if end if call ESMF_CFIODestroy(MCFIO%CFIO,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) MCFIO%created = .false. _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIODestroy !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> ! The subroutine `MAPL_CFIOClose` only closes the file in MAPL CFIO Object ! (not a full destroy). ! subroutine MAPL_CFIOClose( MCFIO, filename, RC ) ! type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO character(len=*), optional, intent(IN ) :: filename integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! integer :: status if (MCFIO%myPE == mCFIO%RootRank) then call ESMF_CFIOFileClose(MCFIO%CFIO,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (present(filename)) then close(99) open (99,file=trim(filename)//".done",form='formatted') close(99) end if end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOClose !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> ! The subroutine `MAPL_CFIOSet` sets the member variables of a MAPL CFIO Object. ! subroutine MAPL_CFIOSet( MCFIO, Root, Psize, fName, Krank, IOWorker, globalComm, newFormat, collectionID, fraction, RC ) ! type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: Root, Psize character(len=*), optional, intent(IN ) :: fName integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: Krank(:) integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: IOWorker integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: globalComm logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: newFormat integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: collectionID integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: fraction integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! if(present(Root)) then mCFIO%Root = Root endif if(present(Psize)) then mCFIO%Partsize = Psize endif if(present(fName)) then mCFIO%fName = fName endif if(present(Krank)) then mCFIO%Krank = Krank endif if(present(IOWorker)) then mCFIO%AsyncWorkRank = IOWorker end if if(present(globalComm)) then mCFIO%globalComm = globalComm end if if(present(newFormat)) then mCFIO%newFormat = newFormat end if if(present(collectionID)) then mCFIO%collection_ID = collectionID end if if(present(fraction)) then mCFIO%fraction = fraction end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOSet subroutine MAPL_CFIOSetKrank( MCFIO, RC ) type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC integer :: status call MAPL_RoundRobinPEList(MCFIO%Krank,MCFIO%PartSize,root=MCFIO%ROOT,firstRank=MCFIO%RootRank,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOSetKrank subroutine MAPL_CFIOGet(mcfio,RootRank,krank,collection_id,rc) type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RootRank integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: krank integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: collection_id integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC if (present(RootRank)) RootRank = MCFIO%RootRank if (present(Krank)) Krank=size(MCFIO%krank) if (present(collection_id)) collection_id=MCFIO%collection_id _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOGet !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> ! This is a candidate for ESMFL, here for dependency reasons ! subroutine GridGetLatLons_ ( grid, lons, lats, rc ) use MAPL_GetLatLonCoordMod implicit NONE type(ESMF_Grid) :: grid real, pointer :: lons(:), lats(:) integer, optional :: rc ! --- integer :: IM_WORLD, JM_WORLD, dims(3), STATUS ! ---- ! Get world dimensions ! -------------------- call MAPL_GridGet ( grid, globalCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IM_WORLD = dims(1) JM_WORLD = dims(2) ! Allocate memory for output if necessary ! --------------------------------------- if ( .not. associated(lons) ) then allocate(lons(IM_WORLD), stat=STATUS) else if(size(LONS,1) /= IM_WORLD) STATUS = 1 end if _VERIFY(status) if ( .not. associated(lats) ) then allocate(lats(JM_WORLD), stat=STATUS) else if(size(LATS,1) /= JM_WORLD) STATUS = 1 end if _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_GetLatLonCoord(grid,1,lons,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_GetLatLonCoord(grid,2,lats,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) lons = lons*(180._REAL64/MAPL_PI_R8) lats = lats*(180._REAL64/MAPL_PI_R8) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine GridGetLatLons_ !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ subroutine VertInterp(v2,v3,pp,ple_,pl_,rc) real, intent(OUT) :: v2(:,:) real, intent(IN ) :: v3(:,:,:) real, intent(IN ) :: pp real, target, intent(IN ) :: ple_(:,:,:) real, target, intent(IN ) :: pl_(:,:,:) integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: rc real, dimension(size(v2,1),size(v2,2)) :: al,PT,PB integer km, K, msn logical flip real ppx real, pointer :: plx(:,:,:),pl(:,:,:),ps(:,:) integer :: status if(size(v3,3)==size(ple_,3)) then pl => ple_ ps => ple_(:,:,ubound(ple_,3)) else pl => pl_ ps => null() endif km = size(pl,3) flip = pl(1,1,2) < pl(1,1,1) if(flip) then allocate(plx(size(pl,1),size(pl,2),size(pl,3)),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) plx = -pl ppx = -pp msn = -1 else plx => pl ppx = pp msn = 1 end if v2 = MAPL_UNDEF pb = plx(:,:,km) do k=km-1,1,-1 pt = plx(:,:,k) if(all(pb<ppx)) exit where(ppx>pt .and. ppx<=pb) al = (pb-ppx)/(pb-pt) where (v3(:,:,k) .eq. MAPL_UNDEF ) v2 = v3(:,:,k+1) where (v3(:,:,k+1) .eq. MAPL_UNDEF ) v2 = v3(:,:,k) where (v3(:,:,k) .ne. MAPL_UNDEF .and. v3(:,:,k+1) .ne. MAPL_UNDEF ) v2 = v3(:,:,k)*al + v3(:,:,k+1)*(1.0-al) end where end where pb = pt end do ! Extend Lowest Level Value to the Surface ! ---------------------------------------- if( associated(ps) ) then where( (ppx>plx(:,:,km).and.ppx<=ps*msn) ) v2 = v3(:,:,km) end where end if if(flip) then deallocate(plx,stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine VertInterp subroutine MAPL_GetCurrentFile(FileTmpl, Time, Filename, RC, EXPID) character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: filetmpl type(ESMF_Time), intent(INout) :: time character(len=*), intent( out) :: filename integer, optional, intent( out) :: rc character(len=*), optional, intent( in) :: EXPID integer :: status character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: DATE integer :: nymd integer :: nhms call ESMF_TimeGet(Time, timeString=DATE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call strToInt(DATE, nymd, nhms) call fill_grads_template ( Filename, FileTmpl,& experiment_id=EXPID, nymd=nymd, nhms=nhms, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_GetCurrentFile logical function MAPL_CFIOIsCreated(MCFIO) type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(IN) :: MCFIO MAPL_CFIOIsCreated = MCFIO%Created end function MAPL_CFIOIsCreated character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) function MAPL_CFIOGetFilename(MCFIO) type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(IN) :: MCFIO MAPL_CFIOGetFilename = MCFIO%fNAME end function MAPL_CFIOGetFilename subroutine MAPL_CFIOGetTimeString(mcfio,Clock,Date,rc) type(MAPL_CFIO ), intent(inout) :: MCFIO type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in ) :: Clock character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), intent(inout) :: Date integer, optional, intent(out ) :: rc integer :: status type(ESMF_Time) :: time integer :: YY,MM,DD,H,M,S integer :: noffset logical :: LPERP type(ESMF_Alarm) :: PERPETUAL character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: ClockName call ESMF_ClockGet (CLOCK, name=ClockName, CurrTime =TIME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( MCFIO%OFFSET, S=noffset, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if( noffset /= 0 ) then LPERP = ( index( trim(clockname),'_PERPETUAL' ).ne.0 ) if( LPERP ) then call ESMF_ClockGetAlarm ( clock, alarmName='PERPETUAL', alarm=PERPETUAL, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if( ESMF_AlarmIsRinging(PERPETUAL) ) then call ESMF_TimeGet ( Time, YY = YY, & MM = MM, & DD = DD, & H = H , & M = M , & S = S, rc=status ) MM = MM + 1 call ESMF_TimeSet ( Time, YY = YY, & MM = MM, & DD = DD, & H = H , & M = M , & S = S, rc=status ) endif endif endif TIME = TIME - MCFIO%OFFSET call ESMF_TimeGet (TIME, timeString=DATE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOGetTimeString !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> ! Returns Psize and Root, the size (in nodes) and root node ! of each node partition assigned to active collections. ! subroutine MAPL_CFIOPartition(Slices, NumColls, NumNodes, Writing, Psize,Root) integer, intent(IN ) :: NumColls !! number of nodes being dealt out to the partitions integer, intent(IN ) :: NumNodes !! total number of collection, !! some of which may be inactive integer, intent(IN ) :: Slices(NumColls) !! number of 2-D sections or slices in each collection. !! The number in inactive collections is ignored. logical, intent(IN ) :: Writing(NumColls) !! identifies active collection integer, intent(OUT) :: Psize(NumColls) integer, intent(OUT) :: Root(NumColls) integer :: MaxSlicesPerNode, n integer :: CurrNode, Len, SlicesInNode integer, dimension(NumColls) :: SortedSlices, CollNo ! Begin !------ ! Make sure all outputs are initialized. ! Needed only for inactive collections. !--------------------------------------- Psize = 0 Root = 1 ! Sort the collection sizes (# of slices) in ascending order. ! Also sort the collection index the same way, to fill the ! correct ones later. !------------------------------------------------------------ where(writing) SortedSlices = Slices elsewhere SortedSlices = 0 endwhere do n=1,NumColls CollNo(n) = n end do call MAPL_Sort(SortedSlices, CollNo) ! This is the maximum number of slices in a node if all slices ! were uniformly distributed without honoring collection and ! node boundaries. Since every collection boundary must also be ! a node boundary, this is a lower bound on MaxSlicesPerNode ! and is used as our initial guess. MaxSlicesPerNode = (sum(Slices,mask=Writing)-1)/NumNodes + 1 ! ALT: The above expression could be zero if ! NumNodes==1 and the sum over "writing" slices is 0 (i.e. no writing) MaxSlicesPerNode = max(MaxSlicesPerNode,1) ! make sure it is not 0 ! We try to distribute the slices in active collections as uniformly ! as possible. "Small" collections (<= MaxSlicesPerNode) are ! assigned to a single node, others span multiple nodes. ! Small collections are grouped in a node without ! exceeding MaxSlicesPerNode. Multi-node collections are ! not grouped in nodes. Since MaxSlicesPerNode is generally ! too small to fit all the collections, it is then increased,until ! all the active collections fit in the given nodes. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- do CurrNode = 1 SlicesInNode = 0 COLLECTIONS: do n=1,NumColls ACTIVE: if(Writing(CollNo(n))) then if(SortedSlices(n)<MaxSlicesPerNode) then ! A single-node collection SlicesInNode = SlicesInNode + SortedSlices(n) if(SlicesInNode > MaxSlicesPerNode) then ! Current Coll oveerfills node CurrNode = CurrNode + 1 SlicesInNode = SortedSlices(n) end if Psize(CollNo(n)) = 1 Root (CollNo(n)) = (CurrNode-1) + 1 else ! A multi-node collection Len = (SortedSlices(n)-1)/MaxSlicesPerNode + 1 Psize(CollNo(n)) = Len Root (CollNo(n)) = (CurrNode-1) + 1 CurrNode = CurrNode + len endif endif ACTIVE end do COLLECTIONS if(CurrNode<=NumNodes) exit MaxSlicesPerNode = MaxSlicesPerNode + 1 enddo return end subroutine MAPL_CFIOPartition subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadParallel_(bundlelist,filelist,time,blocksize,RegridMethod,gsiMode,timelist,rc) type(ESMF_FieldBundle), pointer, intent(inout) :: bundlelist(:) character(len=*), intent(in) :: filelist(:) type(ESMF_Time), intent(inout) ::time type(ESMF_Time), optional, intent(in) ::timelist(:) integer, optional, intent(in) :: blocksize integer, optional, intent(in) :: regridMethod logical, optional, intent(in) :: gsiMode integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status type(MAPL_CFIO), pointer :: cfio(:) type(IntegerVector) :: tindex integer :: blocksize_ type(IntegerVector) :: regridMethod_ integer, allocatable :: slices(:), psize(:), root(:),gslices(:) logical, allocatable :: reading(:) integer :: n,nn,n1,n2, nnodes, nfiles, hw,tdx,myregridmethod,nPet,maxSlices,scount character(len=ESMF_MAXPATHLEN) :: fname type(IntegerVectorIterator) :: time_iter type(IntegerVectorIterator) :: regrid_iter integer :: collection_id type(ESMF_CFIO), pointer :: pcfio type(CFIOCollection), pointer :: collection => null() type(ESMF_VM) :: vm allocate(cfio(size(filelist)),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) do n=1,size(filelist) cfio(n)%collection_id = MAPL_CFIOAddCollection(filelist(n)) cfio(n)%fname = filelist(n) collection => collections%at(cfio(n)%collection_id) pcfio => collection%find(cfio(n)%fname, _RC) if (present(timelist)) then call getTIndex(pcfio,timelist(n),nn,rc=status) else call getTIndex(pcfio,time,nn,rc=status) endif _VERIFY(status) call tindex%push_back(nn) enddo if (present(blocksize)) then blocksize_=blocksize else blocksize_=1 end if if (present(regridMethod)) then call regridMethod_%resize(size(filelist)) do n=1,size(filelist) call regridMethod_%set(n,RegridMethod) enddo else call regridMethod_%resize(size(filelist)) do n=1,size(filelist) call regridMethod_%set(n,REGRID_METHOD_BILINEAR) enddo end if call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call ESMF_VMGet(vm,petCount=nPet,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) nfiles = size(bundlelist) blocksize_ = min(nfiles,blocksize_) allocate(slices(blocksize_),psize(blocksize_),root(blocksize_),reading(blocksize_),gslices(nfiles),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) reading=.false. hw=0 if (present(gsiMode)) then cfio(:)%gsiMode=gsiMode if (gsiMode) hw=1 end if nnodes = size(MAPL_NodeRankList) n1=1 time_iter = tindex%begin() regrid_iter = RegridMethod_%begin() do n=1,nfiles fname = cfio(n)%fname myregridmethod = regrid_iter%get() collection_id = cfio(n)%collection_id call MAPL_CFIOCreateFromFile(cfio(n),bundlelist(n),regridmethod=myRegridMethod,hw=hw,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) if (mapl_am_i_root()) write(*,'(A,A)')'Parallel read file: ',trim(fname) call regrid_iter%next() gslices(n)=size(cfio(n)%krank) enddo maxSlices = maxval(gslices) maxSlices = max(maxSlices,nPet) do while(n1 <=nfiles) nn=0 scount=0 do n=n1,nfiles nn=nn+1 slices(nn) = size(cfio(n)%krank) scount=scount+slices(nn) reading(nn)=.true. if (nn == blocksize_) exit if (scount > maxSlices) then reading(nn)=.false. nn=nn-1 exit end if enddo n2=n1+nn-1 call MAPL_CFIOPartition(slices,blocksize_,nNodes,reading,psize,root) nn=0 do n=n1,n2 nn=nn+1 tdx = time_iter%get() call MAPL_CFIOSet(cfio(n),root=root(nn),psize=psize(nn),rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_CFIOReadBundleRead(cfio(n),tdx,hw=hw,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call time_iter%next() enddo do n=n1,n2 call MAPL_CFIOReadBundleWait(cfio(n),rc=status) _VERIFY(status) enddo n1=n2+1 enddo deallocate(slices,psize,root,reading,gslices,stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(cfio,stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadParallel_ subroutine MAPL_CFIOCreateFromFile(MCFIO,bundlein,RegridMethod,hw,only_vars,rc) type(MAPL_CFIO ), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO type(ESMF_FieldBundle), optional, intent(INOUT) :: BundleIn integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: RegridMethod integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: hw character(len=*), optional, intent(IN ) :: only_vars integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC type(ESMF_CFIOGrid), pointer :: CFIOGRID => null() type(ESMF_GRID) :: ESMFGRID type(ESMF_CFIOGrid) :: varsGrid type(ESMF_CFIOVarInfo), pointer :: VARS(:) => null() type(ESMF_VM) :: vm integer :: i,k,kv integer :: im,jm,lm,nvars,fvars,bvars,img,jmg,lt,num2dvars,num3dvars logical :: twoD,fillbundle character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: units,cfiovarname,long_name,bundlevarname,ctemp1,ctemp2 integer :: regridMethod_ integer, allocatable :: gridToFieldMap(:) integer :: hw_, gridrank, dims(3), counts(3), halowidth(3) real, pointer :: ptr2(:,:) real, pointer :: ptr3(:,:,:) type(ESMF_Field) :: field integer :: status logical :: found logical :: isPresent real, pointer :: lonsfile(:) => null() real, pointer :: latsfile(:) => null() real, pointer :: levsfile(:) => null() type(ESMF_CFIO), pointer :: cfiop type(CFIOCollection), pointer :: collection type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_VMGet(vm,localPet=mcfio%myPE,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) collection => collections%at(mcfio%collection_ID) cfiop => collection%find(mcfio%fname, _RC) call ESMF_CFIOGet (cfiop, grid=CFIOGRID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOGridGet (CFIOGRID, IM=IM, JM=JM, KM=LM, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOGridGet (CFIOGRID, LON=LONSFILE, LAT=LATSFILE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(CFIOGRID) call ESMF_CFIOGet (cfiop,varObjs=VARS, nVars=fVars, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (present(hw)) then hw_=hw else hw_=0 end if haloWidth = (/hw_,hw_,0/) mcfio%kreverse = .false. mcfio%xshift = .false. if (JM /= 6*IM) then mcfio%xshift = abs(LONSfile(1)+180._REAL64) .GT. abs(LONSfile(2)-LONSfile(1)) end if call ESMF_FieldbundleGet(bundlein,grid=esmfgrid,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_GridGet(esmfgrid, globalCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, & localCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) img=counts(1) jmg=counts(2) ! Get the number of variables we will be reading call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(bundlein,fieldCount=bvars,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) if (bvars>0) then fillbundle=.false. nvars=bvars else fillbundle=.true. nvars=0 do i=1,fVars if ( present(ONLY_VARS) ) then if ( index(','//trim(ONLY_VARS) //',', & ','//trim(CFIOVARNAME)//',') < 1 ) cycle endif nvars=nvars+1 end do end if allocate(MCFIO%VarDims(NVars), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(MCFIO%VarName(NVars), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(MCFIO%VarID(NVars), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (.not.fillbundle) then do i=1,nvars call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(bundlein,i,field,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call ESMF_FieldGet(field,name=bundlevarname,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) found=.false. do k=1,fvars call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoGet(VARS(K),vname=CFIOVARNAME,twoDimVar=twoD,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ctemp1 = ESMF_UtilStringLowerCase(cfiovarname,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ctemp2 = ESMF_UtilStringLowerCase(bundlevarname,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (trim(ctemp1)==trim(ctemp2)) then found=.true. kv=k exit endif enddo _ASSERT(found, 'search failed') mcfio%varname(i)=bundleVarName if (twoD) then mcfio%vardims(i)=2 else mcfio%vardims(i)=3 call ESMF_CFIOVarinfoGet(Vars(kv),grid=varsgrid,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOGridGet (varsGrid, lev=levsfile, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (levsfile(1) > levsfile(lm)) mcfio%kreverse = .true. end if status = nf90_inq_varid(cfiop%fid,cfiovarname,mcfio%varid(i)) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldGet(FIELD, Grid=ESMFGRID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_GridGet(ESMFGRID, globalCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT( LM==0 .or. counts(3) == 0 .or. LM==counts(3) .or. lm == (counts(3)+1), 'incompatible file and bundle' ) enddo else nVars=0 do i=1,fvars call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoGet(VARS(i),vname=CFIOVARNAME, vtitle=LONG_NAME, vunits=UNITS, twoDimVar=twoD, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( present(ONLY_VARS) ) then if ( index(','//trim(ONLY_VARS) //',', & ','//trim(CFIOVARNAME)//',') < 1 ) cycle endif nvars=nvars+1 MCFIO%VarName(nvars) = cfiovarname if (twoD) then MCFIO%VarDims(nvars) = 2 allocate(PTR2(1-hw_:DIMS(1)+hw_,1-hw_:DIMS(2)+hw_),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) PTR2 = 0.0 call ESMF_GridGet(esmfgrid, dimCount=gridRank, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(gridToFieldMap(gridRank), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(gridRank == 2) then gridToFieldMap(1) = 1 gridToFieldMap(2) = 2 else if (gridRank == 3) then gridToFieldMap(1) = 1 gridToFieldMap(2) = 2 gridToFieldMap(3) = 0 else _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end if FIELD = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid=esmfgrid, & datacopyFlag = ESMF_DATACOPY_REFERENCE, & farrayPtr=PTR2, gridToFieldMap=gridToFieldMap, & name=CFIOVARNAME, & totalLWidth=haloWidth(1:2), & totalUWidth=haloWidth(1:2), & rc = status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(gridToFieldMap) call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELD,infoh,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'LONG_NAME',LONG_NAME,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'UNITS',UNITS,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'DIMS',MAPL_DimsHorzOnly,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'VLOCATION',MAPL_VLocationNone,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else call ESMF_CFIOVarinfoGet(Vars(i),grid=varsgrid,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_CFIOGridGet (varsGrid, lev=levsfile, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (levsfile(1) > levsfile(lm)) mcfio%kreverse = .true. MCFIO%VarDims(nvars) = 3 if (lm == counts(3)) then allocate(PTR3(1-hw_:DIMS(1)+hw_,1-hw_:DIMS(2)+hw_,LM),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else if (lm == (counts(3)+1)) then allocate(PTR3(1-hw_:DIMS(1)+hw_,1-hw_:DIMS(2)+hw_,0:LM-1),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif PTR3 = 0.0 FIELD = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid=esmfgrid, & datacopyFlag = ESMF_DATACOPY_REFERENCE, & farrayPtr=PTR3, name=CFIOVARNAME, & totalLWidth=haloWidth(1:2), & totalUWidth=haloWidth(1:2), & rc = status) _VERIFY(STATUS) !ALT: for now we add only HorzVert (no tiles) call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(FIELD,infoh,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'LONG_NAME',LONG_NAME,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'UNITS',UNITS,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'DIMS',MAPL_DimsHorzVert,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (lm == counts(3)) then call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'VLOCATION',MAPL_VLocationCenter,RC=STATUS) else if (lm == (counts(3)+1)) then call ESMF_InfoSet(infoh,'VLOCATION',MAPL_VLocationEdge,RC=STATUS) end if _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call MAPL_FieldBundleAdd(bundlein,field,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) status = nf90_inq_varid(cfiop%fid,cfiovarname,mcfio%varid(i)) _VERIFY(STATUS) enddo end if ! Fill in MCFIO object mcfio%grid = esmfgrid mcfio%bundle = bundlein mcfio%im = im mcfio%jm = jm mcfio%lm = lm Num2DVars = count(MCFIO%VarDims==2) Num3DVars = count(MCFIO%VarDims==3) LT = Num2DVars + Num3DVars*LM allocate( MCFIO%reqs (LT),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate( MCFIO%Krank(LT),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) mcfio%krank = -1 allocate( MCFIO%pairList(LT),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (present(regridmethod)) then regridmethod_=regridmethod else regridmethod_=REGRID_METHOD_BILINEAR endif mcfio%regrid_type=-1 if ( (img /= im .or. jmg /= jm) .and. (regridMethod_ /= -1) ) then if (regridmethod_==REGRID_METHOD_VOTE .or. regridmethod_==REGRID_METHOD_CONSERVE .or. regridmethod_==REGRID_METHOD_FRACTION) then mcfio%regridConservative = .true. mcfio%regridder => make_regridder(esmfgrid,regridMethod_,lonsfile,latsfile,im,jm,counts(3),.false.,localTiles=.false.,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) else if (regridmethod_==REGRID_METHOD_BILINEAR) then mcfio%regridder => make_regridder(ESMFGRID, regridMethod_, LONSfile, LATSfile, IM, JM, counts(3), .false., rc=status) _VERIFY(status) end if mcfio%regrid_type=regridmethod_ end if !check for vector pairs, right now limit to 1 block character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: vectorlist(2) logical :: found integer :: j integer :: rotation,gridstagger,rotation1,rotation2,gridStagger1,gridStagger2 type(ESMF_Field) :: field1,field2 type(ESMF_Info) :: infoh allocate(mCFIO%needVar(size(mCFIO%varname)),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) mCFIO%needVar=0 call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(bundlein,infoh,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) isPresent = ESMF_InfoIsPresent(infoh,"VectorList:",rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,key="VectorList:",values=vectorlist,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) do i=1,size(mCFIO%varname) if (mCFIO%varname(i) == vectorList(1)) then found=.false. do j=1,size(mCFIO%varname) if (trim(mCFIO%varName(J)) == vectorlist(2)) then found = .true. exit end if end do _ASSERT(found, 'search failed') mCFIO%needvar(i)=j else if (mCFIO%varname(i) == vectorList(2)) then found=.false. do j=1,size(mCFIO%varname) if (trim(mCFIO%varName(J)) == vectorlist(1)) then found = .true. exit end if end do _ASSERT(found, 'search failed') mCFIO%needvar(i)=-j end if end do call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(MCFIO%BUNDLE, trim(vectorList(1)), field=FIELD1,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(MCFIO%BUNDLE, trim(vectorList(2)), field=FIELD2,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) mCFIO%doRotate=.false. call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(field1,infoh,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'ROTATION',rotation1,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'STAGGERING',gridStagger1,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGetFromHost(field2,infoh,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'ROTATION',rotation2,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_InfoGet(infoh,'STAGGERING',gridStagger2,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(rotation1==rotation2,'rotation does not match') _ASSERT(gridStagger1==gridStagger2,'stagger does not match') rotation=rotation1 gridStagger=gridStagger1 if (gridStagger == MAPL_AGrid) then if (rotation == MAPL_RotateLL) then mCFIO%doRotate = .false. else if (rotation == MAPL_RotateCube) then mCFIO%doRotate = .true. end if else if (gridStagger == MAPL_DGrid) then if (rotation /= MAPL_RotateCube) then _FAIL('must rotate LL') else mCFIO%doRotate = .false. end if else if (gridStagger == MAPL_CGrid) then if (rotation /= MAPL_RotateCube) then _FAIL('must rotate LL') else mCFIO%doRotate = .false. end if end if end if end block !@ call ESMF_CFIOVarInfoDestroy(vars, _RC) deallocate(vars) deallocate(LONSfile,LATSfile) if (associated(levsfile)) then deallocate(levsfile) nullify(levsfile) end if mCFIO%PartSize=-1 mCFIO%root=-1 _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOCreateFromFile subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadBundleRead(MCFIO,tindex,hw,rc) type(MAPL_CFIO ), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO integer, intent(INOUT) :: tindex integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: hw integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC integer :: status integer :: nn,l,k,klev,lm,nv,lb integer :: img,jmg,lt,hw_ integer :: counts(3) logical :: myGlobal, transAlreadyDone real, pointer :: ptr2(:,:) real, pointer :: ptr3(:,:,:) type(ESMF_Field) :: field type(ESMF_CFIO), pointer :: cfiop type(CFIOCollection), pointer :: collection type(Ptr2Arr), allocatable :: globPtrArr(:) type(Ptr2Arr) :: PtrTypeIn(2) type(Ptr2Arr) :: PtrTypeOut(2) integer, allocatable :: varids(:) logical, allocatable :: transDone(:) integer :: status1,status2 integer :: alloc_ra if (present(hw)) then hw_=hw else hw_=0 end if collection => collections%at(mcfio%collection_id) cfiop => collection%find(trim(mcfio%fname), _RC) call MAPL_GridGet( MCFIO%GRID, globalCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_RoundRobinPEList(MCFIO%Krank,MCFIO%PartSize,root=MCFIO%ROOT,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (mapL_am_i_root()) write(*,*)"CFIO Read Parallel Processing: ",trim(mcfio%fname) call MAPL_RoundRobinPEList(MCFIO%Krank,MCFIO%PartSize,root=MCFIO%ROOT,useFirstRank=.false.,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_CFIOSetVectorPairs(MCFIO,rc=status) _VERIFY(Status) img = COUNTS(1) jmg = COUNTS(2) lt = size(mcfio%reqs) allocate(mcfio%buffer(lt),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(globPtrArr(lt),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(varids(lt),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(transDone(lt),source=.false.,stat=status) _VERIFY(status) nn = 0 VARS1: do L=1,size(MCFIO%VarDims) call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(MCFIO%BUNDLE, trim(MCFIO%VARNAME(L)), field=FIELD, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) CREATE_REQ: if (MCFIO%VarDims(L)==2) then nn=nn+1 varids(nn)=mcfio%varid(L) call ESMF_FieldGet(Field,localDE=0, farrayPtr=PTR2, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_CreateRequest(MCFIO%GRID, MCFIO%Krank(nn), MCFIO%reqs(nn), & tag=nn, RequestType=MAPL_IsScatter, DstArray = ptr2 , prepost=.true., hw=hw_, RC=STATUS) else if (MCFIO%VarDims(L)==3) then call ESMF_FieldGet(Field,localDE=0, farrayPtr=PTR3, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) do k = 1,MCFIO%lm nn=nn+1 varids(nn)=mcfio%varid(L) lb=lbound(ptr3,3) call MAPL_CreateRequest(MCFIO%GRID, MCFIO%Krank(nn), MCFIO%reqs(nn), & tag=nn, RequestType=MAPL_IsScatter, DstArray = ptr3(:,:,lb+k-1), prepost=.true.,hw=hw_,RC=STATUS) end do end if CREATE_REQ end do VARS1 nn = 0 VARS2: do L=1,size(MCFIO%VarDims) if (MCFIO%VarDims(L)==2) then LM = 1 else if (MCFIO%VarDims(L)==3) then LM = MCFIO%lm else LM = 0 end if do k = 1,lm nn=nn+1 myGlobal = (mcfio%mype == mcfio%krank(nn)) if (mcfio%kreverse) then klev= mcfio%lm-k+1 else klev=k end if if (myGlobal) then nv = mCFIO%pairList(nn) alloc_ra = 0 VECTORTEST: if (nv ==0) then alloc_ra = 1 allocate(mcfio%reqs(nn)%read_array(mcfio%im,mcfio%jm),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) globPtrArr(nn)%ptr => mcfio%reqs(nn)%read_array ptrTypeIn(1)%ptr => globPtrArr(nn)%ptr allocate(mcfio%buffer(nn)%ptr(img,jmg),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ptrTypeOut(1)%ptr => mcfio%buffer(nn)%ptr if (lm == 1) then call readlevel(ptrtypein(1)%ptr,cfiop%fid,varids(nn),cfiop%formatVersion,mcfio%im,mcfio%jm,tindex,rc=status) else call readlevel(ptrtypein(1)%ptr,cfiop%fid,varids(nn),cfiop%formatVersion,mcfio%im,mcfio%jm,tindex,lev=klev,rc=status) end if _VERIFY(STATUS) if (mcfio%xshift) call shift180Lon2D_(ptrtypein(1)%ptr) call TransAndSave(mcfio,ptrTypein(1:1),ptrtypeout(1:1),mcfio%reqs(nn),.true.,1,hw,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) else if (nv > 0) then ! I am U part of vector if (transDone(nn)) then TransAlreadyDone = .true. transDone(nn) = .true. transDone(nv) = .true. else TransAlreadyDone = .false. alloc_ra = 2 allocate(MCFIO%reqs(nn)%read_array(mcfio%im,mcfio%jm),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(MCFIO%reqs(nv)%read_array(mcfio%im,mcfio%jm),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(mcfio%buffer(nn)%ptr(img,jmg),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(mcfio%buffer(nv)%ptr(img,jmg),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) end if globPtrArr(nn)%ptr => mcfio%reqs(nn)%read_array globPtrArr(nv)%ptr => mcfio%reqs(nv)%read_array ptrTypeIn(1)%ptr => globPtrArr(nn)%ptr ptrTypeIn(2)%ptr => globPtrArr(nv)%ptr ptrTypeOut(1)%ptr => mcfio%buffer(nn)%ptr ptrTypeOut(2)%ptr => mcfio%buffer(nv)%ptr if (.not.TransAlreadyDone) then if (lm == 1) then call readlevel(ptrtypein(1)%ptr,cfiop%fid,varids(nn),cfiop%formatVersion,mcfio%im,mcfio%jm,tindex,rc=status1) call readlevel(ptrtypein(2)%ptr,cfiop%fid,varids(nv),cfiop%formatVersion,mcfio%im,mcfio%jm,tindex,rc=status2) else call readlevel(ptrtypein(1)%ptr,cfiop%fid,varids(nn),cfiop%formatVersion,mcfio%im,mcfio%jm,tindex,lev=klev,rc=status1) call readlevel(ptrtypein(2)%ptr,cfiop%fid,varids(nv),cfiop%formatVersion,mcfio%im,mcfio%jm,tindex,lev=klev,rc=status2) end if _VERIFY(status1) _VERIFY(status2) if (mcfio%xshift) call shift180Lon2D_(ptrtypein(1)%ptr) if (mcfio%xshift) call shift180Lon2D_(ptrtypein(2)%ptr) end if call TransAndSave(mcfio,ptrTypein(1:2),ptrtypeout(1:2),mcfio%reqs(nn),.not.TransAlreadyDone,1,hw_,rc=status) else ! I am V part of vector nv = abs(nv) if (.not.transDone(nn)) then TransAlreadyDone = .true. transDone(nn)=.true. transDone(nv)=.true. else TransAlreadyDone = .false. alloc_ra = 2 allocate(MCFIO%reqs(nn)%read_array(mcfio%im,mcfio%jm),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(MCFIO%reqs(nv)%read_array(mcfio%im,mcfio%jm),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(mcfio%buffer(nn)%ptr(img,jmg),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(mcfio%buffer(nv)%ptr(img,jmg),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) end if globPtrArr(nn)%ptr => mcfio%reqs(nn)%read_array globPtrArr(nv)%ptr => mcfio%reqs(nv)%read_array ptrTypeIn(1)%ptr => globPtrArr(nv)%ptr ptrTypeIn(2)%ptr => globPtrArr(nn)%ptr ptrTypeOut(1)%ptr => mcfio%buffer(nv)%ptr ptrTypeOut(2)%ptr => mcfio%buffer(nn)%ptr if (.not.transAlreadyDone) then if (lm == 1) then call readlevel(ptrtypein(1)%ptr,cfiop%fid,varids(nv),cfiop%formatVersion,mcfio%im,mcfio%jm,tindex,rc=status1) call readlevel(ptrtypein(2)%ptr,cfiop%fid,varids(nn),cfiop%formatVersion,mcfio%im,mcfio%jm,tindex,rc=status2) else call readlevel(ptrtypein(1)%ptr,cfiop%fid,varids(nv),cfiop%formatVersion,mcfio%im,mcfio%jm,tindex,lev=klev,rc=status1) call readlevel(ptrtypein(2)%ptr,cfiop%fid,varids(nn),cfiop%formatVersion,mcfio%im,mcfio%jm,tindex,lev=klev,rc=status2) end if _VERIFY(status1) _VERIFY(status2) if (mcfio%xshift) call shift180Lon2D_(ptrtypein(1)%ptr) if (mcfio%xshift) call shift180Lon2D_(ptrtypein(2)%ptr) end if call TransAndSave(mcfio,ptrTypein(1:2),ptrtypeout(1:2),mcfio%reqs(nn),.not.TransAlreadyDone,2,hw_,rc=status) end if VECTORTEST if (alloc_ra > 0) then deallocate(mcfio%reqs(nn)%read_array,stat=status) _VERIFY(status) nullify(mcfio%reqs(nn)%read_array) if (alloc_ra > 1) then deallocate(mcfio%reqs(nv)%read_array) nullify(mcfio%reqs(nv)%read_array) end if end if end if end do end do VARS2 deallocate(varids,globptrarr,transDone) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) contains subroutine TransAndSave(mcfio,ptrin,ptrout,req,doTrans,idxOut,hw,rc) type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(inout) :: mcfio type(Ptr2Arr), intent(inout) :: PtrIn(:) type(Ptr2Arr), intent(inout) :: PtrOut(:) type(MAPL_CommRequest), intent(inout) :: req logical, intent(in) :: doTrans integer, intent(in) :: idxOut integer, intent(in) :: hw integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc __Iam__('TransAndSave') real, pointer :: gin(:,:) real , pointer :: gout(:,:) real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: uin, uout, vin, vout integer :: im, jm type(c_ptr) :: cptr if (size(ptrin)==1) then _ASSERT(idxOut ==1, 'input is scalar, output is not') Gin => PtrIn(1)%ptr Gout => PtrOut(1)%ptr if ( all(shape(gin) == shape(gout)) ) then gout = gin else _ASSERT(associated(mCFIO%regridder), 'mCFIO%regridder is not associated') if (mCFIO%regridConservative) then call mCFIO%regridder%regrid(gin, gout, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else call mCFIO%regridder%set_undef_value(MAPL_undef) call mCFIO%regridder%regrid(gin,gout,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if end if if (mcfio%gsiMode) call shift180Lon2D_(gout) else _ASSERT(size(PtrIn) == 2, 'input is neither a scalar nor a tangent (2d) vector') _ASSERT(size(PtrOut) == 2, 'input is a vector, but output is not') gout => PtrOut(idxOut)%ptr if (doTrans) then im = size(PtrIn(1)%ptr,1) jm = size(PtrIn(1)%ptr,2) cptr = C_loc(PtrIn(1)%ptr(1,1)) call C_F_pointer (cptr, uin,[im,jm,1]) cptr = C_loc(PtrIn(2)%ptr(1,1)) call C_F_pointer (cptr, vin,[im,jm,1]) im = size(PtrOut(1)%ptr,1) jm = size(PtrOut(1)%ptr,2) cptr = C_loc(PtrOut(1)%ptr(1,1)) call C_F_pointer (cptr, uout,[im,jm,1]) cptr = C_loc(PtrOut(2)%ptr(1,1)) call C_F_pointer (cptr, vout,[im,jm,1]) call mCFIO%regridder%set_undef_value(MAPL_undef) call mCFIO%regridder%regrid(uin, vin, uout, vout, rotate=mCFIO%doRotate, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) end if end if call MAPL_ArrayIScatter(gout,req,hw=hw,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end subroutine TransAndSave subroutine shift180Lon2D_ ( c ) real, intent(inout) :: c(:,:) real, allocatable :: cj(:) integer :: m(4), n(4), imh, j, im ,jm im = size(c,1) jm = size(c,2) allocate(cj(im)) imh = nint(im/2.) m = [ 1, imh, 1+imh, im ] n = [ 1, im-imh, 1+im-imh, im ] do j = 1, jm cj(n(1):n(2)) = c(m(3):m(4),j) cj(n(3):n(4)) = c(m(1):m(2),j) c(:,j) = cj end do deallocate(cj) return end subroutine shift180Lon2D_ subroutine readlevel(var_array,fid,varid,fformat,im,jm,tindex,lev,rc) real, pointer, intent(inout) :: var_array(:,:) integer, intent(in) :: fid integer, intent(in) :: varid real, intent(in) :: fformat integer, intent(in) :: im integer, intent(in) :: jm integer, intent(in) :: tindex integer, optional, intent(in) :: lev integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status if (present(lev)) then if (cfiop%formatVersion > 2.0) then status = nf90_get_var(fid,varid,var_array,start=(/1,1,1,lev,tindex/),count=(/im,jm/6,6,1,1/)) else status = nf90_get_var(fid,varid,var_array,start=(/1,1,lev,tindex/),count=(/im,jm,1,1/)) end if _VERIFY(STATUS) else if (cfiop%formatVersion > 2.0) then status = nf90_get_var(fid,varid,var_array,start=(/1,1,1,tindex/),count=(/im,jm/6,6,1/)) else status = nf90_get_var(fid,varid,var_array,start=(/1,1,tindex/),count=(/im,jm,1/)) end if _VERIFY(STATUS) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine readlevel end subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadBundleRead subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadBundleWait(MCFIO,rc) type(MAPL_CFIO ), intent(INOUT) :: MCFIO integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC integer :: nn,k,l logical :: myGlobal type(ESMF_Field) :: field real, pointer :: ptr3d(:,:,:) => null() integer :: status nn = 0 VARS: do L=1,size(MCFIO%VarDims) RANK: if (MCFIO%VarDims(L)==2) then nn=nn+1 myGlobal = (mcfio%mype == mcfio%krank(nn)) call MAPL_CollectiveWait(mcfio%reqs(nn),rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (myGlobal) then deallocate(mcfio%buffer(nn)%ptr) end if else if (MCFIO%VarDims(L)==3) then do k = 1,MCFIO%lm nn=nn+1 myGlobal = (mcfio%mype == mcfio%krank(nn)) call MAPL_CollectiveWait(mcfio%reqs(nn),rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (myGlobal) then deallocate(mcfio%buffer(nn)%ptr) !ALT these two have been cleaned earlier ! deallocate(mcfio%reqs(nn)%read_array) ! nullify(mcfio%reqs(nn)%read_array) end if end do if (mcfio%gsiMode) then call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(MCFIO%BUNDLE, trim(mcfio%varname(L)), field=FIELD, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldGet(field,0,farrayptr=ptr3d,rc=status) call SwapV_(ptr3d) end if end if RANK end do VARS _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) contains subroutine SwapV_(fld) implicit none real,intent(inout) :: fld(:,:,:) real,allocatable :: work(:,:,:) integer im, jm, km im = size(fld,1) jm = size(fld,2) km = size(fld,3) allocate (work(im,jm,km)) work = fld fld(:,:,km:1:-1) = work(:,:,1:km:+1) deallocate (work) end subroutine SwapV_ end subroutine MAPL_CFIOReadBundleWait subroutine MAPL_CFIOSetVectorPairs(MCFIO,rc) type(MAPL_CFIO), intent(inout) :: MCFIO integer, intent(out ) :: rc integer, allocatable :: varStart(:) integer :: l,lm,nn,nv,sgn,k,np integer :: status ! adjust if we have vector pairs allocate(varStart(size(MCFIO%VarDims)),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) nn=0 STARTVAR: do L=1, size(MCFIO%VarDims) if(mCFIO%VarDims(L)==2) then ! Rank == 2 LM = 1 elseif(MCFIO%VarDims(L)==3) then ! Rank == 3 LM = MCFIO%LM else LM = 0 endif if (L /= 0) then varStart(L) = nn + 1 nn = nn + LM end if end do STARTVAR nn=0 VECTPAIR: do L=1, size(MCFIO%VarDims) if(mCFIO%VarDims(L)==2) then ! Rank == 2 LM = 1 elseif(MCFIO%VarDims(L)==3) then ! Rank == 3 LM = MCFIO%LM else LM = 0 endif nv = mCFIO%needVar(L) if (nv > 0) then sgn=1 else sgn = -1 end if do K=1,LM nn = nn + 1 if (nv /= 0) then MCFIO%pairList(nn) = sgn*(varStart(abs(nv)) - 1 + k) else MCFIO%pairList(nn) = 0 end if enddo end do VECTPAIR deallocate(varStart) !Modify KRANK to make sure that for any pair, !all of its components are handled by the SAME processor do L=1,size(MCFIO%Krank) np = MCFIO%pairList(L) if (np > 0) then ! I am "U"; overwrite location of "V" mCFIO%Krank(abs(np)) = mCFIO%Krank(L) end if enddo _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CFIOSetVectorPairs subroutine get_latlon_from_factory(grid, lons, lats, rc) use MAPL_AbstractGridFactoryMod use MAPL_LatLonGridFactoryMod use MAPL_GridManagerMod use MAPL_Constants, only: MAPL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES type (ESMF_GRid), intent(in) :: grid real, intent(out) :: lons(:), lats(:) integer :: i integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status class (AbstractGridFactory), pointer :: factory factory => get_factory(grid, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) select type (factory) type is (LatLonGridFactory) lons = MAPL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES * factory%get_longitudes() lats = MAPL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES * factory%get_latitudes() class default do i=1,size(lons) lons(i)=i enddo do i=1,size(lats) lats(i)=i enddo end select end subroutine get_latlon_from_factory function make_regridder(esmfgrid, method, lons, lats, im,jm,lm, runparallel, LocalTiles, rc) result(regridder) use MAPL_AbstractGridFactoryMod use MAPL_AbstractRegridderMod use MAPL_GridManagerMod use MAPL_RegridderManagerMod class (AbstractRegridder), pointer :: regridder type (ESMF_Grid), intent(in) :: esmfgrid integer, intent(in) :: method real, intent(in) :: lons(:) ! degrees real, intent(in) :: lats(:) ! degrees integer, intent(in) :: im, jm, lm logical, intent(in) :: runparallel logical, optional, intent(in) :: LocalTiles integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status type (ESMF_Grid) :: grid type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: dist_grid type (ESMF_LocalArray) :: lon_array, lat_array integer, allocatable :: krank(:) type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout real, pointer :: lons_radians(:) real, pointer :: lats_radians(:) integer :: numNodes, k integer :: regrid_hints if (present(LocalTiles)) then if (localtiles) then regrid_hints=REGRID_HINT_LOCAL else regrid_hints=0 end if else regrid_hints=REGRID_HINT_LOCAL end if if (LM > 0) then allocate(krank(LM),stat=status) else allocate(krank(1) ,stat=status) end if _VERIFY(status) if (runParallel .and. (LM > 0) ) then numNodes = size(MAPL_NodeRankList) call MAPL_RoundRobinPEList(krank,numNodes,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else krank = 0 end if allocate(lons_radians(size(lons))) allocate(lats_radians(size(lats))) lons_radians = MAPL_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS_R8 * lons lats_radians = MAPL_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS_R8 * lats lon_array = ESMF_LocalArrayCreate(lons_radians, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) lat_array = ESMF_LocalArrayCreate(lats_radians, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) layout = ESMF_DELayoutCreate(petMap=krank, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) dist_grid = ESMF_DistGridCreate([1,1,1],[IM,JM,LM], & & deBlockList=reshape([([[1,1,k],[IM,JM,k]],k=1,LM)],[3,2,LM]), & & deLayout = layout, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) grid = grid_manager%make_grid('LatLon', dist_grid, lon_array, lat_array, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call ESMF_DistGridDestroy(dist_grid, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) deallocate(lons_radians, lats_radians) call ESMF_LocalArrayDestroy(lon_array) _VERIFY(status) call ESMF_LocalArrayDestroy(lat_array) _VERIFY(status) if (method == REGRID_METHOD_CONSERVE .or. method == REGRID_METHOD_VOTE .or. & method == REGRID_METHOD_FRACTION) then regridder => regridder_manager%make_regridder(grid, ESMFGRID, & & method, hints=regrid_hints, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) else regridder => regridder_manager%make_regridder(grid, ESMFGRID, & & method, hints=regrid_hints, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end function make_regridder function MAPL_CFIOAddCollection(template) result(id) character(len=*), intent(in) :: template integer :: n logical :: found type (CFIOCollectionVectorIterator) :: iter type (CFIOCollection), pointer :: collection type (CFIOCollection) :: c integer :: id iter = collections%begin() n = 1 ! Is it a new collection? found = .false. do while (iter /= collections%end()) collection => iter%get() if (template == collection%template) then found = .true. exit end if n = n + 1 call iter%next() end do if (.not. found) then c = new_CFIOCollection(template) call collections%push_back(c) end if id = n end function MAPL_CFIOAddCollection subroutine GetTIndex(cfio,time,tindex,rc) type(ESMF_CFIO) :: cfio type(ESMF_Time) :: time integer :: tindex integer, optional, intent(out ) :: rc integer(ESMF_KIND_I4) :: iyr,imm,idd,ihr,imn,isc integer :: i,status integer(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: iCurrInterval integer :: nhmsB, nymdB integer :: begDate, begTime integer(ESMF_KIND_I8),allocatable :: tSeriesInt(:) type(ESMF_TIME) :: ctime tindex=-1 allocate(tSeriesInt(cfio%tSteps)) call getDateTimeVec(cfio%fid,begDate,begTime,tSeriesInt,_RC) do i=1,cfio%tSteps iCurrInterval = tSeriesInt(i) call GetDate ( begDate, begTime, iCurrInterval, nymdB, nhmsB, status ) call MAPL_UnpackTime(nymdB,iyr,imm,idd) call MAPL_UnpackTime(nhmsB,ihr,imn,isc) call ESMF_TimeSet(ctime, yy=iyr, mm=imm, dd=idd, h=ihr, m=imn, s=isc,_RC) if (ctime == time) tindex =i enddo deallocate(tSeriesInt) _ASSERT(tindex/=-1, 'tindex should not be -1') _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine GetTIndex end module MAPL_CFIOMod