!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) ! ! Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) ! ! MAPL Component ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! #include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" ! !> !### MODULE: `MAPL_SortMod` ! ! Author: GMAO SI-Team ! ! `MAPL_SortMod` -- A utility to sort integers ! ! `MAPL_Sort` is a utility to do a quicksort on integers. ! The general interface is: ! !```fortran ! subroutine MAPL_Sort(A[,B]) ! integer(kind=[4,8]), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) ! integer(kind=4), optional, intent(INOUT) :: B(size(A)) ! real (kind=[4,8]), optional, intent(INOUT) :: B(size(A)) ! ! subroutine MAPL_Sort(A[,DIM]) ! integer(kind=[4,8]), intent(INOUT) :: A(:,:) ! integer(kind=4), optional, intent(IN ) :: DIM ! ! subroutine MAPL_Sort(A,B[,DIM]) ! integer(kind=[4,8]), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) ! integer(kind=4), intent(INOUT) :: B(:,:) ! integer(kind=4), optional, intent(IN ) :: DIM !``` ! ! `MAPL_Sort` sorts the key (contained in a row or column of A) ! in ascending order and reorders the data in B or in non-key rows or columns of A ! in the same order; i.e., it does the same exchanges as were done ! to the key in sorting it. If, for example, on input B(:) contains the ordered integers ! from 1 to size(A), on output it will contain the positions of the elements of ! the sorted A in the unsorted A. In the last two signatures, DIM is the dimension ! of A or B being reordered. In the last signature, for example, DIM=1 corresponds ! to a B ordered as B(size(A),:), whereas DIM=2 corresponds to B(:,size(A)). ! The default is DIM=2. The quicksort is coded in C and does not appear here. ! module MAPL_SortMod use, intrinsic :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, only: REAL32, REAL64 use, intrinsic :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, only: INT32, INT64 use MAPL_ExceptionHandling implicit none private ! !PUBLIC ROUTINES: public MAPL_Sort !============================================================================= interface MAPL_Sort module procedure SORT1SS module procedure SORT1SR module procedure SORT1SD module procedure SORT1LS module procedure SORT1LR module procedure SORT1LD module procedure SORT2LS module procedure SORT2LR module procedure SORT2LD module procedure SORT2SS module procedure SORT2SR module procedure SORT2SD module procedure SORT2AS module procedure SORT2AL end interface MAPL_Sort interface subroutine qsorts(a, b, r, n) bind(C,name="QSORTS") use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: INT32 integer(kind=INT32), intent(inout) :: a(*) type(*), intent(inout) :: b(*) integer, value, intent(in) :: r integer, value, intent(in) :: n end subroutine qsorts subroutine qsortl(a, b, r, n) bind(C,name="QSORTL") use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: INT64 integer(kind=INT64), intent(inout) :: a(*) type(*), intent(inout) :: b(*) integer, value, intent(in) :: r integer, value, intent(in) :: n end subroutine qsortl end interface contains subroutine SORT1SS(A,B) integer(kind=INT32), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) integer(kind=INT32), optional, intent(INOUT) :: B(:) if(present(B)) then call QSORTS(A,B,size(A),1) else call QSORTS(A,A,size(A),0) endif end subroutine SORT1SS subroutine SORT1SR(A,B) integer(kind=INT32), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) real (kind=REAL32), intent(INOUT) :: B(:) call QSORTS(A,B,size(A),1) end subroutine SORT1SR subroutine SORT1SD(A,B) integer(kind=INT32), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) real (kind=REAL64), intent(INOUT) :: B(:) call QSORTS(A,B,size(A),2) end subroutine SORT1SD subroutine SORT1LS(A,B) integer(kind=INT64), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) integer(kind=INT32), optional, intent(INOUT) :: B(:) if(present(B)) then call QSORTL(A,B,size(A),1) else call QSORTL(A,A,size(A),0) endif end subroutine SORT1LS subroutine SORT1LR(A,B) integer(kind=INT64), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) real (kind=REAL32), intent(INOUT) :: B(:) call QSORTL(A,B,size(A),1) end subroutine SORT1LR subroutine SORT1LD(A,B) integer(kind=INT64), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) real (kind=REAL64), intent(INOUT) :: B(:) call QSORTL(A,B,size(A),2) end subroutine SORT1LD subroutine SORT2SS(A,B,DIM) integer(kind=INT32), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) integer(kind=INT32), intent(INOUT) :: B(:,:) integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: DIM integer :: uDIM, rc if(present(DIM)) then uDIM = DIM else uDIM = 2 end if _ASSERT(uDIM>0, 'uDim needs to be greater than 0') _ASSERT(uDIM<3, 'uDim needs to be less than 3') _ASSERT(size(A)==size(B,uDIM),'needs informative message') if(uDIM==1) then call QSORTS(A,B,size(A),-size(B,2)) else call QSORTS(A,B,size(A), size(B,1)) end if end subroutine SORT2SS subroutine SORT2SR(A,B,DIM) integer(kind=INT32), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) real (kind=REAL32), intent(INOUT) :: B(:,:) integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: DIM integer :: uDIM, rc if(present(DIM)) then uDIM = DIM else uDIM = 2 end if _ASSERT(uDIM>0, 'uDim needs to be greater than 0') _ASSERT(uDIM<3, 'uDim needs to be less than 3') _ASSERT(size(A)==size(B,uDIM),'needs informative message') if(uDIM==1) then call QSORTS(A,B,size(A),-size(B,2)) else call QSORTS(A,B,size(A), size(B,1)) end if end subroutine SORT2SR subroutine SORT2SD(A,B,DIM) integer(kind=INT32), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) real (kind=REAL64), intent(INOUT) :: B(:,:) integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: DIM integer :: uDIM, rc if(present(DIM)) then uDIM = DIM else uDIM = 2 end if _ASSERT(uDIM>0, 'uDim needs to be greater than 0') _ASSERT(uDIM<3, 'uDim needs to be less than 3') _ASSERT(size(A)==size(B,uDIM),'needs informative message') if(uDIM==1) then call QSORTS(A,B,size(A),-size(B,2)*2) else call QSORTS(A,B,size(A), size(B,1)*2) end if end subroutine SORT2SD subroutine SORT2LS(A,B,DIM) integer(kind=INT64), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) integer(kind=INT32), intent(INOUT) :: B(:,:) integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: DIM integer :: uDIM, rc if(present(DIM)) then uDIM = DIM else uDIM = 2 end if _ASSERT(uDIM>0, 'uDim needs to be greater than 0') _ASSERT(uDIM<3, 'uDim needs to be less than 3') _ASSERT(size(A)==size(B,uDIM),'needs informative message') if(uDIM==1) then call QSORTL(A,B,size(A),-size(B,2)) else call QSORTL(A,B,size(A), size(B,1)) end if end subroutine SORT2LS subroutine SORT2LR(A,B,DIM) integer(kind=INT64), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) real (kind=REAL32), intent(INOUT) :: B(:,:) integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: DIM integer :: uDIM, rc if(present(DIM)) then uDIM = DIM else uDIM = 2 end if _ASSERT(uDIM>0, 'uDim needs to be greater than 0') _ASSERT(uDIM<3, 'uDim needs to be less than 3') _ASSERT(size(A)==size(B,uDIM),'needs informative message') if(uDIM==1) then call QSORTL(A,B,size(A),-size(B,2)) else call QSORTL(A,B,size(A), size(B,1)) end if end subroutine SORT2LR subroutine SORT2LD(A,B,DIM) integer(kind=INT64), intent(INOUT) :: A(:) real (kind=REAL64), intent(INOUT) :: B(:,:) integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: DIM integer :: uDIM, rc if(present(DIM)) then uDIM = DIM else uDIM = 2 end if _ASSERT(uDIM>0, 'uDim needs to be greater than 0') _ASSERT(uDIM<3, 'uDim needs to be less than 3') _ASSERT(size(A)==size(B,uDIM),'needs informative message') if(uDIM==1) then call QSORTL(A,B,size(A),-size(B,2)*2) else call QSORTL(A,B,size(A), size(B,1)*2) end if end subroutine SORT2LD subroutine SORT2AS(B,DIM) integer(kind=INT32), intent(INOUT) :: B(:,:) integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: DIM integer :: uDIM, rc if(present(DIM)) then uDIM = DIM else uDIM = 2 end if _ASSERT(uDIM>0, 'uDim needs to be greater than 0') _ASSERT(uDIM<3, 'uDim needs to be less than 3') if(uDIM==1) then call QSORTS(B(:,1),B(:,2:),size(B,1),-(size(B,2)-1)) else call QSORTS(B(1,:),B(2:,:),size(B,2), (size(B,1)-1)) end if end subroutine SORT2AS subroutine SORT2AL(B,DIM) integer(kind=INT64), intent(INOUT) :: B(:,:) integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: DIM integer :: uDIM, rc if(present(DIM)) then uDIM = DIM else uDIM = 2 end if _ASSERT(uDIM>0, 'uDim needs to be greater than 0') _ASSERT(uDIM<3, 'uDim needs to be less than 3') if(uDIM==1) then call QSORTL(B(:,1),B(:,2:),size(B,1),-(size(B,2)-1)*2) else call QSORTL(B(1,:),B(2:,:),size(B,2), (size(B,1)-1)*2) end if end subroutine SORT2AL end module MAPL_SortMod