StateItemAspect.F90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~stateitemaspect.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 StateItemAspect.F90 sourcefile~errorhandling.f90 ErrorHandling.F90 sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90->sourcefile~errorhandling.f90 sourcefile~mapl_throw.f90 MAPL_Throw.F90 sourcefile~errorhandling.f90->sourcefile~mapl_throw.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~stateitemaspect.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 StateItemAspect.F90 sourcefile~aspectcollection.f90 AspectCollection.F90 sourcefile~aspectcollection.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~attributesaspect.f90 AttributesAspect.F90 sourcefile~attributesaspect.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~extensionfamily.f90 ExtensionFamily.F90 sourcefile~extensionfamily.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~fieldspec.f90 FieldSpec.F90 sourcefile~fieldspec.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~frequencyaspect.f90 FrequencyAspect.F90 sourcefile~frequencyaspect.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~geomaspect.f90 GeomAspect.F90 sourcefile~geomaspect.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~mockaspect.f90 MockAspect.F90 sourcefile~mockaspect.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~mockitemspec.f90 MockItemSpec.F90 sourcefile~mockitemspec.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~stateitemextension.f90 StateItemExtension.F90 sourcefile~stateitemextension.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~stateitemspec.f90 StateItemSpec.F90 sourcefile~stateitemspec.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90>sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~typekindaspect.f90 TypekindAspect.F90 sourcefile~typekindaspect.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~ungriddeddimsaspect.f90 UngriddedDimsAspect.F90 sourcefile~ungriddeddimsaspect.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~unitsaspect.f90 UnitsAspect.F90 sourcefile~unitsaspect.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~verticalgridaspect.f90 VerticalGridAspect.F90 sourcefile~verticalgridaspect.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~wildcardspec.f90 WildcardSpec.F90 sourcefile~wildcardspec.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90

Source Code

#include "MAPL_Generic.h"
! Table of allowed connections between (like) StateItemAspects
! simple  | simple  |   Y     |   if (.not. match)
! simple  | mirror  |   Y     |   never
! simple  | timedep |   Y     |   always^2
! mirror  | simple  |   ?^1   |   never
! mirror  | mirror  |   N     |   N/A
! mirror  | timedep |   ?^1,3 |   never
! timedep | simple  |   Y     |   always^2
! timedep | mirror  |   Y     |   never
! timedep | timedep |   Y     |   always^2
! Commments
! ^1: Cannot simultaneously mirror an export aspect to different
!     import aspects.  But would be useful for default values and
!     expressions (geom) Possibly becomes "not mirror" after first
!     connection, and subsequent ...
! ^2: Even if coincidental match at first.
! ^3: If we allow, then export must become time-dependent for
!     subsequent connections.  Otherwise, some other import might "agree" initially and
!     miss the need for a coupler in the general case.
! ^4: Neither SRC nor DST is permitted to be in INVALID status when
!     connecting.  However, a state item can still be connected so
!     long as the given invalid aspect is not in the coupling
!     order.

module mapl3g_StateItemAspect
   use mapl_ErrorHandling
   implicit none

   public :: StateItemAspect

   type, abstract :: StateItemAspect
      logical :: mirror = .false.
      logical :: time_dependent = .false.
      ! Subclass must define these
      procedure(I_matches), deferred :: matches
      procedure(I_make_action), deferred :: make_action
      procedure(I_supports_conversion_general), deferred :: supports_conversion_general
      procedure(I_supports_conversion_specific), deferred :: supports_conversion_specific
      generic :: supports_conversion => supports_conversion_general, supports_conversion_specific

      procedure, non_overridable :: can_connect_to
      procedure, non_overridable :: needs_extension_for

      procedure, non_overridable :: is_mirror
      procedure, non_overridable :: set_mirror
      procedure, non_overridable :: is_time_dependent
      procedure, non_overridable :: set_time_dependent
   end type StateItemAspect

   abstract interface

      logical function I_matches(src, dst) result(matches)
         import :: StateItemAspect
         class(StateItemAspect), intent(in) :: src, dst
      end function I_matches

      logical function I_supports_conversion_general(src) result(supports_conversion)
         import :: StateItemAspect
         class(StateItemAspect), intent(in) :: src
      end function I_supports_conversion_general

      logical function I_supports_conversion_specific(src, dst) result(supports_conversion)
         import :: StateItemAspect
         class(StateItemAspect), intent(in) :: src
         class(StateItemAspect), intent(in) :: dst
      end function I_supports_conversion_specific

      function I_make_action(src, dst, rc) result(action)
         use mapl3g_ExtensionAction
         import :: StateItemAspect
         class(ExtensionAction), allocatable :: action
         class(StateItemAspect), intent(in) :: src, dst
         integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc
      end function I_make_action

   end interface


   ! Two aspects cann connect if and only if:
   ! (1) Same subclass
   ! (2) At least one is not mirror
   ! (3) Exact match or supports conversion
   logical function can_connect_to(src, dst)
      class(StateItemAspect), intent(in) :: src, dst

      can_connect_to = same_type_as(src, dst) ! maybe extends type of?
      if (.not. can_connect_to) return

      associate (num_mirror => count([src%is_mirror(), dst%is_mirror()]))
        select case (num_mirror)
        case (0)
           if (either_is_time_dependent(src, dst)) then
              ! Must expect to convert to unknown aspect value in the future.
              can_connect_to = src%supports_conversion()
           end if
           can_connect_to = src%matches(dst)
           if (.not. can_connect_to) then
              can_connect_to = src%supports_conversion(dst)
           end if
        case (1)
           can_connect_to = .true.
        case (2)
           can_connect_to = .false. ! double mirror
        end select ! no need for default clause
      end associate

   end function can_connect_to

   logical function either_is_time_dependent(src, dst)
      class(StateItemAspect), intent(in) :: src, dst
      either_is_time_dependent = src%is_time_dependent() .or. dst%is_time_dependent()
   end function either_is_time_dependent

   logical function either_is_mirror(src, dst)
      class(StateItemAspect), intent(in) :: src, dst
      either_is_mirror = src%is_mirror() .or. dst%is_mirror()
   end function either_is_mirror

   ! Note that if src is mirror - we do not "extend"
   ! rather the src aspect is actually modified (elsewhere)
   ! to be the dst aspect.
   logical function needs_extension_for(src, dst)
      class(StateItemAspect), intent(in) :: src, dst

      if (either_is_mirror(src, dst)) then
         needs_extension_for = .false.
      end if

      if (either_is_time_dependent(src, dst)) then
         needs_extension_for = .true.
      end if

      ! Simple case
      needs_extension_for = .not. src%matches(dst)

   end function needs_extension_for

   logical function is_mirror(this)
      class(StateItemAspect), intent(in) :: this
      is_mirror = this%mirror
   end function is_mirror

   subroutine set_mirror(this, mirror)
      class(StateItemAspect), intent(inout) :: this
      logical, optional, intent(in) :: mirror
      if (present(mirror)) this%mirror = mirror
   end subroutine set_mirror

   logical function is_time_dependent(this)
      class(StateItemAspect), intent(in) :: this
      is_time_dependent = this%time_dependent
   end function is_time_dependent

   subroutine set_time_dependent(this, time_dependent)
      class(StateItemAspect), intent(inout) :: this
      logical, optional, intent(in) :: time_dependent
      if (present(time_dependent)) this%time_dependent = time_dependent
   end subroutine set_time_dependent

end module mapl3g_StateItemAspect