Test_BaseAspect.pf Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~test_baseaspect.pf~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~test_baseaspect.pf Test_BaseAspect.pf sourcefile~mockaspect.f90 MockAspect.F90 sourcefile~test_baseaspect.pf->sourcefile~mockaspect.f90 sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 StateItemAspect.F90 sourcefile~test_baseaspect.pf->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~mockaspect.f90->sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90 sourcefile~extensionaction.f90 ExtensionAction.F90 sourcefile~mockaspect.f90->sourcefile~extensionaction.f90 sourcefile~nullaction.f90 NullAction.F90 sourcefile~mockaspect.f90->sourcefile~nullaction.f90 sourcefile~errorhandling.f90 ErrorHandling.F90 sourcefile~stateitemaspect.f90->sourcefile~errorhandling.f90 sourcefile~mapl_throw.f90 MAPL_Throw.F90 sourcefile~errorhandling.f90->sourcefile~mapl_throw.f90 sourcefile~extensionaction.f90->sourcefile~errorhandling.f90 sourcefile~nullaction.f90->sourcefile~errorhandling.f90 sourcefile~nullaction.f90->sourcefile~extensionaction.f90

Source Code

#include "MAPL_TestErr.h"

module Test_BaseAspect
   use MockAspect_mod
   use mapl3g_StateItemAspect
   use funit, expectation_shadow => expectation
   implicit none

   logical, parameter, private :: T = .true., F = .false.

   type :: Expectation
      ! input
      logical :: src_mirror, dst_mirror
      logical :: src_time_dependent, dst_time_dependent
      integer ::src_value, dst_value
      logical :: src_supports_conversion
      ! output
      logical :: can_connect_to, needs_extension_for
   end type Expectation

   type(Expectation), parameter :: EXPECTATIONS(*) = [ &
        !           M  M
        Expectation(F, F, F, F, 1, 1, F,    T, F), & ! simple matching values
        Expectation(F, F, F, F, 1, 2, F,    F, T), & ! needs extension but conversion not supported
        Expectation(F, F, F, F, 1, 2, T,    T, T), & ! needs extension and can supports conversion
        Expectation(F, T, F, F, 1, 1, F,    T, F), & ! import is mirror - always can connect
        Expectation(F, T, F, F, 1, 2, F,    T, F), &
        Expectation(T, F, F, F, 1, 1, F,    T, F), & ! export is mirror - always can connect (but ...)
        Expectation(T, F, F, F, 1, 2, F,    T, F), &

        Expectation(F, F, T, F, 1, 1, F,    F, T), & ! time dependent export - always needs extension even for exact match
        Expectation(F, F, T, F, 1, 2, F,    F, T), & 
        Expectation(F, F, T, F, 1, 1, T,    T, T), & ! time dependent export with conversion
        Expectation(F, F, T, F, 1, 2, T,    T, T), & 

        Expectation(F, F, F, T, 1, 1, F,    F, T), & ! time dependent import - always needs extension even for exact match
        Expectation(F, F, F, T, 1, 2, F,    F, T), & 
        Expectation(F, F, F, T, 1, 1, T,    T, T), & ! time dependent import with conversion
        Expectation(F, F, F, T, 1, 2, T,    T, T) & 



   subroutine test_can_connect_to()
      integer :: i
      character(4) :: buf
      type(Expectation) :: expect
      type(MockAspect) :: src, dst

      do i = 1, size(EXPECTATIONS)
         write(buf, '(i0)') i
         expect = EXPECTATIONS(i)
         src = MockAspect(expect%src_mirror, expect%src_time_dependent, expect%src_value, expect%src_supports_conversion)
         dst = MockAspect(expect%dst_mirror, expect%dst_time_dependent, expect%dst_value, .true.) ! last is unused
         @assert_that('case: '//trim(buf), src%can_connect_to(dst), is(expect%can_connect_to))
      end do
   end subroutine test_can_connect_to

   subroutine test_needs_extension_for()
      integer :: i
      character(4) :: buf
      type(Expectation) :: expect
      type(MockAspect) :: src, dst

      do i = 1, size(EXPECTATIONS)
         write(buf, '(i0)') i
         expect = EXPECTATIONS(i)
         src = MockAspect(expect%src_mirror, expect%src_time_dependent, expect%src_value, expect%src_supports_conversion)
         dst = MockAspect(expect%dst_mirror, expect%dst_time_dependent, expect%dst_value, .true.) ! last is unused
         @assert_that('case: '//trim(buf), src%needs_extension_for(dst), is(expect%needs_extension_for))
      end do
   end subroutine test_needs_extension_for
end module Test_BaseAspect